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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 8, 2012 1:00pm-1:25pm EDT

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touookma thdde i g t rel t rest of us as we go into this next time frame, whether it's four more years of barack obama or the we lookack to this time as obe pt hry thou >>nk fav m pao kteres was reportedded at columbia's university law library. >> now on thescreen is professor james han zen o lu uer a a 'se justlk ou orf anld" professor hanson, what were you doing on your 60th birthday?
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that w when i met with vi president eneix bimesnhee nitod ti ridvre to talk about global climate change and it was the energy and climate task force, which i gic cnesebeeth cle geisd gy s - ano to convince them of not the only the reality of climate change but the urgency of doing something about foil fuel isoncau i wodheted thxtwad eco prve ma atot o er than the climate than the 10,000 years. that what civilization has adapted to te shreline ad e at e buatadoctig ur med reos elnofvyt w can find, tar sands, tracking deep ocean drilling, this guarantees that we aroi o ssoucrear grhin an t atatsuth col. icigog to have enormous consequences. that's not to say the consequences are not going to be felt sooner than that. 're gigtos gnanimefs. e tde e es sro alken0it d lahoma there was an
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extreme heat wave an drought summer long the year before in moscow in 2003 in france e well regm ev. thstrdeiouf thol. e kinds of events in the summer are now occurring over about 10% of the land area. ll, th nalcle ehtu y l cdnlworh te oa%pce and area. we're seeing things begin to happen already. but in the lives of our children and grandchildren,hefe wie hlarer ifiy, nour n ohtta was used heavily for cars et can you chart an increase in howour atmosphere changed? we wea ae prellyth10 d b to make measurements at the south pole. from ice cores where we have the bubble of airthatretapped as w e c ap a wesahaifpor to 19s. co2 which was about 2/800 parts her million in the 1800 began to increase as weegan bun
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mo d re dl ga anbyth 190t 315 parts per medical. it's increasing more rapidly. it's about 9 rr io hs intoft >>may frhe as rsiv at is add gases that trap the heat radiation from the earth. normally, when themhe sgensctath pll die s much energy as it receives from the sun. if you add these gases, it traps some of the heat adiation. it lke t banken pl. epltistpoly gyan aer more energy going in than coming out. the planet gets warmer. that's what i happening. it's wrmed up by/tfa grelyo ovana s a eesfnh ddon comeur that the planet is out of nergy balance because of these gases. there's morenergy coming than g 's oaeby th of t. almsu warming in the pipeli which is going to occur over coming decades.
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even if we stopped increasing whe'oingspngt pl se t b wr anw past interglacial period 1,0300 ya. evf asr att e, wsets er about 80 feet higher. it was a different planet. it takes time for the ocean to wa up and for the ice eet toesin t ibsti c thil nt o geondue generations. >> professor hanson you've became quite well known n the 2000s for your tlksn ob rminandueaoic fi ae m yo n inu is sur u ocs io r >> a the first major paper that i wrote was in 1981 which as published in the scice magane. wrrton hefr paoferktib wa l e e itor m it q a o nt i ast testify to congress in the 1980s and did so, antotquitabitf atioen
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i deat t wa t. ieed dsen eedfr my testimony in 188 and' 89, i was going to get out of thepublic aspe of isnncmuteh me thar h siis wo e aleryot mmat steve ?ieder was a friend of mine. he suggested i refer the media to him. he was happy to do that. d aeso. bu- te r no tien leonr ts. but after these experiences with the climate task force in e bushdnistration deed douiniltge ge i ed dnayrchen to say understand whawas happening. he didn't make it clear. i thought i could makee vry reyrreaan wrscifap wit. ed ta do thlied success and that's why i decided to writ book. >> was that 60th birthday eti-cer yu n atince w'tnhe-f decided to give public talks. i gave one which was supposed to
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be given in washinton, but the organization that was going to onso wn20af mo be ct ey deathdn -- that i had ask my old pooras nantangtak ioit ie k rf seim audience. but the next year, david kegs h dedex areoasdmeoga tai henot gu mt american geophysical union. at san francisco atnnual talk. that talk did getatio e a fe e d ldt twhho coti nsaheadquarter and telling them they didn't appreciate what i was saying. so then nasa i pr ktrfytan prt f a t di anteey had posed some new rules and pose it operated far few weeks i then fod "the nework mehat s ppg, toraa emthetion
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spnghemia but it was more that attempt to silence me which really was the anger, ad sh evalea wina . i d s ft to mcat my be easy yes for some people than me. i thought i can write better than i speak, and so ii i dede w tbok. yenednertt fi pisost whth caof science? >> the first chapter i don't frankly remember making that statement. buthe aifuls doygethpic untasce and i try hard to do that, i try it to put a little bit of sentence in each. for many pp ir ilteaor h coeecade. th, pe re le r it. it is difficult these days to get the pulishing d ok atnudoex ie >> dr. hanson. is there a grievance, first of all, what kind of scientist are
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you? >> well, i don't know whatd ofenouea s a pcs try, a mathematics. i was initially a planetary science. i had an experiment that went to nus and anotherth t te ennin tete 19 ib fusmy he h'le. i realized our planet is more interesting because it's changing before our eings, and it's going to eciio o ibom cmcist e general agreement among climate scieist about the issue of global warming nd is global warming the st trm inr w? e glwainis rent m, t pns geg me raa are changing the atmospheric comp composition. it might be a little more neutl than e climate ao wia ur anon n n all the -- if we continue to burn all the fossil fuels. >> if you were a policy maker what polici wold you ca ais pn tolese is sm. thobistt il l e hest er t 're not really cheapest. they're cheapest only because
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they don't pay their cost to society. in fact there's subsidized to a nefo$biodar a rwoid d h ayorhe nfts of air and water pollution that are causedy the mining and the burning of thse fuels. and they don't have t ay for costflimateng wha eshlddoi a ady cine e fo f. icu ecomh fossil fuel companies at the domestic mine or the port of entry. isrith y1 epuic p ba erhoobrh erinitthr fossil fuel use will t more in the monthly divind which could be distributely electronically to bank account or it ca th ld hoea cee thpulity makeecnsthe future the vehicleshey buy, the houses they buy, the locations they live. it would provide aen foem t miimi sl u. u v itior busstodlor en eie and energy that don't produce carbon dioxide. >> what's your current position at as >>h e d
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sutuorpatesn w c wdoit whre spblf? w e do research on climate and on planets, but now princilly, the ar imanthnta e atcgeta rran erdihe ims eo n to minimize the effects of climb change. what was it like for for you personally to bcome kind of a poticaloba lltototh en bt'soin ca l th di think it's essential that we do get involved in connecting th ts l t wa t e po. cawh fshf jcot so sce d yhare e implications of this for energy use and for policies then the politicians wl nnect it te wy ats st nvnt an trea tmes u ueofese instry in washington and other capitals. unfortunately, that's litiansend ort dendopegh atio tl g ct y o ad tu generations. >> professor hanson, who are someof your predecessors in
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talking about these issues and sharing your point ofw? ela enwod e aa rs e t re t l it's unfortunate that his life was shorter than it could have been. eciisdakli w ng c2 measurements that proved what the impact of fossil fuel burning is on the mospre. i we cnt ye in tamasi fu ecrat'r us da t eme concrete changes that you foresee in ten or twenty years? >> changes in the climates? >> or changes, ys te st ieimh w e? >>l,webnn is ftg im nend we're beginning to see more extremes of the water cycle because as we add carbon dioxide to the moret boeaboeemf ther lecse atinperel cause more extreme heat waves and droughts on the one hand. but on te oer hand ecause the mosere rmet homowa p. theawnu i g tme or trev.
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we get heavier floods we get 100 year floods occurring more often than once every huned the. th ngf wer rercampan wawlyins d oklahoma. we're going see an expansion of e i d d aid res. e heecob rmisexnsoft overturning circulation called the hadly circulation, the rising motion in the tropic and the subsidence which caw th stticoerery th nd letge wa. thectsth un ss, the mediterranean region in the northern hemisphere. for example, we see these increased heat waves andes h hor. hrhfruean arovb t r e sreased by a factor of three or four in the united states over the last half century. andt' t auft crd al rm >>kto en enacted how would it have changed our current trajectory? >> very little.
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kyoto -trth fsste whresiveytl reduction in fossil fuel use. a w countries were able to reduce their emiionsgeny anbrin an bc te osoa e thouasintor anrele u it. rmany used the emission because east germany was incooperated and their technology was 50 years oldn eyse d otthaes rytlrectai ct ny countries emissions actually increases what we actually need is a simple, honest uay rsi onbo iss. tn, t ul stimulate the economy. if the money is given to the public so they wold have the where withll a rifylthecod asutfosiel ss ovhe xtvedades. , but we don't want the government deciding what the new chgy shoul e. thil pkmengi laannsid e. wel,t. n' work.
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solar panels may be pt of the solution. let the market placemak cis. ou sr iss ga vae. thwie nyh ng that compete with that. lethe marketplace make the decisions. >> what do you teach here at columbia? >> i'm not teaching a th me m s di rrcorg thtntndo >>vebn ki h es onho this book "storms of my grandchildren" who is director of the nasa goddard substitute for space studies. wh as n rk,by y t'egpltod se. e lu ivty -ere ble to get really good people and it's a small laboratory but verypoettive. we pbh o teverah fpaspesntp . hiibkt s every weekend booktv offers 48 hours of programming focused on non-ctio authorses and bok wtc an to bo h teev eg dnisi o lae bringing you authors and brothers who are also written books, visit and search college ries. in the upper leftorne t h ofuaner
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spirv. >> homb university. we're joined by dr. richard best who teaches at the uniersity. he's the author of "arin force" nrsinnaal setybbor rt lkabyooo veyo k. >>reprund boston. got a ph.d. in government. talk taught a year in harvard. went to washington worked in the tefinstio in elncun d recht te brngbsteor co t columbia. i've been a consult assistant in the intelligence community have basically done research on military affairs andtial seri >> rothste cotehawatcrc e. cot. wt thw >> the mid 1970s. it was result of scandals about abes in theintelligence community and it ead toar inveigatnsbot hou and ete thna me r torhnd veatirlya the intelligence agencies and all the activities. so it was a maor undertaking and it lead to revealing more formion b nlie the ili icbere >> atf
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