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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 8, 2012 1:45pm-2:00pm EDT

1:45 pm
es outipagnion -- ofcce ess.r ine do scientists rest on the laurels ter awhile. >> i guess ater rests o i in inouepnt at foundational all that strong foundation. i think one of the thing that probably the public recognizes least about ie is talegor fahathkis h b or t ct a data, we realize they're the most mailable least reliable part of the operation. whatever you find d ll y otrritu
1:46 pm
aireidxt generation of scientist with the next generation of tools. it's been in the past 400 years or 14 generations. it's what we d inle el eon ourhscience and nature magazines are very important for scientist to get puished and but if you were going recommend to your sunts readho,ouemm norinlaieb t yeg t will happen is graduates come rhing into the lab with this week's nature which ha as great set of xteent.ents i case wht 'lttpr. etpr wrote the experiment and of them.
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the real place to go often for ignorance, forgigani s psh in qtyer lein pa otdal have asked certain questions. they didn't have the testimonying or tools developed in the last n or fifteen years. they're right be rvid. eg ncy pein e lerrema o it's often science questions drive technology and technology then goes ahead an drives scnce. stntn be a e aontesce bese mb ai cells, professor, what is another fact that we knew that is changed. >> a bunch ofthse. at pe reaoon
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ta m. wek at one of the best known facts is not a fact there is te so called taste. coe delygh ho stpllith'sa ngsityor and that you taste the sweet things with the tip of your tongue and sweet and sour sounds thesis. ur ianiofa anre b german physiology whi was picked up by a well known psycholost nyeat oero rgat e i fact if it was a complete fact. a well studied fact.
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it was mistranslation. it stood the test of time. alr. ifte,f,ee eag >> so many things do. maybe not the original form. , i mean, certai newton with cnuo .toi. ilbrinungn's of adf. but they've beenvise i significantly by einstein and many scientists nce him. the cge esheysthe re ih to ue there's stilltrue within that regime. what changed in the way is the regime we've expande now neon fratrs eeo lg
1:50 pm
enentralnear the speed of light. we have to invoke ion seen. the gspaeee adedeiterli rw e e rp orflhe time. albert ion seen stood up. wt su o t. ggmies me at % unfortunately he doesn't know that. seems to be important. he with stood theef me 'sy an. ha yras cle e>cl iaira it's a great treasure to teach in a place like columbia university.
1:51 pm
they let youroll students in x s 0n t ve baonfint iw dosttsivice. i was being a diligent teacher ving them 25 lectures a year in neuroscienc cell and mola aoscience. the textbook weighs 7.5 pounds which is twice the weight of a normal human brain. that cane rg i tnkt udt e uren kaut 'sr. the way we keep track is build up a lot of facts and stick them in books. it's not true. we don' w uch ou he n ata onnoaeon abthrendn soaye fig mrou things.
1:52 pm
noe.ed to teach them the it t a le y setosih course meets once a week. it's seminar course. i invite members of the faculty or other scientists whoare vitingout yorkho ec wht nro noe quon h, t ho eisegor what's the nature -- nature and disoifer i are channel. they do a marvelous job. these are casesyn nc >> ho are the scientist that you use in t course? >> in the book, i include four
1:53 pm
ctto c up tereo beontwrh,oof thia sen e iana reece who studies comiewb e'nemelswork with cognizant. my mirrors and dolphins. i should be honest and tell you she's my wife as well. tht rk wt rvus hhl tefis who work in physics to compare those. i highlight a couple of uroscientist who worn oure hryslseysels it happened because one cls
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we had one teacher who got ill and couldn't make it. my wife said, why dobt you fill . tew skeani' rhecls. dwoed ll d tscri ft i ugi' b hontabout it. i'll use myself as can history rese?w important is moey to t ow or on stth ememana fuas ule mu y anutnt research. wherwe want to put it. basic research v. applied research and how to make it work out. hnofe ortpoo g s stt hevee onithod couldn't to support it. even though we don't know what we're going ge out of. my favorite power bone is coming from one of our foug eren fralinh h eno ri
1:55 pm
weresof balloon flights. human beings lifted off the ce of the earth for the first time. d another spectator at the park said to trackfkl thisifbu anynetdash us aneorb th altl tough. he's right. what use is a newborn baby. we don't know. vin em tusfu ncachir theo biological science department at columbia university. this is his book ignorancehow itdrivesai the is se soed hioly.combiadu. >> we'd like to hear from you.
1:56 pm
tweet us your feedback re offnit kt ju dthaor nall and antislavery constitutional tradition talking about his book. tuadw of t bk ttiathw ging the subtitle. i think we thought that maybe that mislead about what it was about. a lot of people assumedhat the laws of god measthinle ne. adnitharaw isi tadion in western followsly there are moral rinciples people can find out reasono rother oa.e
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nete statements that we're familiar with that invokes the idea of natural law is the declaration of indepeents. when y get atbeginnt eawierd he ri a tse life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. the ws of nature and nate's god. and that's the emphasis on natural w. inestot ommr rn, dtdnd gomeyo ve m dee hevme at certain points. the argument in a specifically about the constitution, it's about the arguments involving whether not the constut adn aerpr tigsg i was antislavery and in the ease sense. and frederick douglas,the
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faus former slave and nstiasth sse th epvi c vet. slavery they were the scaffolding to get the construction of the document. and so go back to some of the arguments and abraham lincoln others whoaininha ersunstwa ra todlathe natural rights. it later turns into the constitution. and that's relevant the declaration is relevant t how we interpret he sti tharnt t cotu sd clioipetsh as ab han ham lincoln said it was the apple of gold in the frame of silver. ov peeled anon e'c p
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s e constitution is a frame of silver. 's the written not to conceal or destroy the apple. to gve it pride of place. wasth gnt weeterdt cotu igh t uadausrenna sides. proor ntislavery. a few different clauses. corise thatodsl he vi e sa eugelanth tion so peoe interpreted those provision as a a anticipating a time when slavely would not appear. it doesn't appear in the constitution. refs sesar. cu txofre sl w the founrs meant to put it on a course or ultimate distinction. overs look at the pro


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