tv Book TV CSPAN July 8, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT
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e isuralan 20en sitl, k, wd t modern men are much more likely to say something like, we hold these truths to be probable enough for pragmatists that we were a wineng tegomehowed ift t y. wth there is any tth t this idea, that people really are naturally equal and that natural rights, there is such a thing as a law quonhohin elywe are endow qiolhe he quon nhe cotion actually framed in light of the declaration , what the lessons are to be learned from the history of th a sje to kerica and all tho y.
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>>orti obo ecisoefrs otherits visited by our local content vehicles go to crisf obrg / local content to. niraer tht herent s o t ee at e wen's natnal republican club in new york city for about an hour. ant thx s cnn syic rad program the monica crowley show. shalso has been a regular panelist on the madonna and a shd afoig riar non from 1990 until his death in 1994 and broke two
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st sellers about her experiences xon ndix winter. she also has written for the new yorker, the "wall street journal", the los aes times fon tihe hp lectured at yale university, columbia university and mit ol t mteeges wee al y dr. monica. in a recent interview on her new bookhat t bepust guto gmenwarors
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ba onay president obama is redistributing everything that ou wh, a oica great, j li oull peur borders, and our very exceptional as an. monica is one of the most brillitnd said the youn moly a. aievesaroey the great american patriarch. now, it is my pleasure to introduce to all ofou [ala >>nk. well, what an introduction. i think i have to take you with
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me everywhere i go. thank yo vyuch forha wery a v ne oou. thn,nk sucor in t d held atll oyou came out tonight. i know how busy everybody's lives a. the fact the took some time out tonight to cebrate myewk thrl m. le srtitheit myook which, as you know, is called what the bleep just happened. worngit fheoohethat my origil of o. as 5 sdes and i thought better of it. i said, you know, going to go on keed bill o'reilly and shawn c premng sayik cwl's n ,sh oba
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thawat elesal numbers. the fact that she has amazon one, two, three, and fr. maybe ihould have stu wh whis a t wn l teonev, last summer i went out to dinr here in new york city with one ofy best friends. iereingat weeduthe st couer enma and we started going through this long list of lefti insanity iestio us a sial einri wnging in i sector, not just the american economy, but american life. and he must spend a gd 30
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boci e ohnej g rno fthg uf oma t smaller things from although with barack obama there are no small things. but things that we even forgot nur on he. the face cal dne' 113, and i have it in the book. he said hillary clinton out to disclose that formally -- formerly top-sect highly thaf athneti. noxhe.stg, it is and by the end, about 30 minutes into it a kind of pushed back from my plate and said to her, whathe bepustdly i udmo wd. ecse tbo mily tv show i decided to use
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the word bleeped and allow all of youo supply your own qu eveou sn d nd sl t t i iomeb le o'reilly say what the bleep just happened everybodyind of giggles, but it is a serious, serious question. i think it's a question ichaeeginthal ohen rsth nccr h ait bottom out of the financi sector and then it spread into a broader economic crisis and then saeega asident obama was eleed piofbsutro this administration. so wn i say what the bleep just happened, there is so muh wh b hapd into theueio
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otr d in t 's 1s. some of you grew up in this ticket as well or early relator. th mas, t oimis idi ur hpy, d- there were things that -- yes, problematic in the culture and so want, but the overallarrative, the story of he iurytivnd upbt. willoudohaer you wanted to do. this comes cheap would not stop u from dreaming and doing whatever you want to do. grew wseof sm er dnyayn pog randthe eernc over the last couple of years
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has been a grand sense oftism heen i l rt orsofhat end tery sense of america exceptional some. what the bleep just happens to america. whatapne to o radn wchms t g sttha h h d er lwoeeks sompoint i have to put my manuscript to bed and allow harpercollins to publish it, but i could keep writing for a long me fei t h ev aro i p a 6 pip which i had to get down to a readable size so i would not put all of you to sleep. the reason it was so long to begin with bses i was ths otbo
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attora lve o read it up and would go in the book. and i'go, no, i forgot about that. before i knew what i was over 60 pesatmhi ra anet he sthr tpetocotu. again, just looked at what he's done over the last two weeks. his move on illegal immigration, a vlation of theitut viio tul,m a ci t ularapi hi w seen as bowing to enforce and whicones won't. that is not a constitutional republic. anheaseekna repli ece pvioct cotenal, another bit of constitutional abuse. so you can't even keep up with
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all the madness that has come out of the semester should. am wasapnehpe to itn,t en ocotapneto e ital rockets path of economic growth in america that has always been so famous. yes, even when the thwo brtndat mpyt wm cke d oang b. it's not the case this time. why? what the bleep just happened? tront nat oheacf t rt h eamd mh nation on earth. 100% debt to gdp ratio right now in the united states.cieded i edteme
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t aut? so as ient about writing the book, it occurred to me -- and ronnie touched on this because is is one of the essential gu. srtte iho , oma stti i a socialist. in fact, i have a section in the book called the skinny socialist is a big fat liar. heda,no cutost eaoo title yes. tommy what part of that is inaccurate. he is skinny. the secret burgen is when che is lngut hs ye h hiedhe op d a d o. prime example, i will cut the deficit in half and my first term. we all know how that turned out.
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he iuner io aual evyhe heeic asun between 13 and $17 trillion annual deficit. five chilean addedo the national deb jt the ars inof tsay. yest tio t tialebt for t first 216 years of the republic that's how much debt we crude. from georgeahington thr fst t bundnma5 lin blof . so as i was developing the central arguments f t buck it ourred to me tt he i heomhoh g th lu d tt
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wa he by attacking the four core pillars of the u.s. economy. the industrial basehe lhene se.aheea osheourrsha hee u.s. economy. they are all interrelated to everything else. and from kaywun he very allyndibel ntut tingown elercatherlt hee-etncs pism ain them as a ssive redistribution schemes he has been more successful in some areas than others. codo ty th e. ha tnk it's gss coti hoo t s say. but he went about it in a systematic way. any oercaprent this way.
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eiinrcs o emme bauor ay president, any politician really unemployment and high unemployment rate is the most politically toxic element you can fe. aut ofor,he tire ecoalrs, thit eight, nine, 10 percent unemployment never broke a sweat. rgery doesn't practice what eve elec. muskrswh. y snticurl d abohloen? why is seen not particularly worried about anemic economic growth. ise answer is,hiss w h thshaeetut aito bl'ry t
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week, i was watching the book, he said, well, his economic policies have failed. iaid, y toor aca the election. t w a ffin hin o om aolely and absolutely these redistributive or socialist policies, whether you nt to call it, have faile. but to himhis hs ad cc c --heooke a me t among the modern democratic party. i wanted to delineate between what w areealingith her myheratirt u uith,arru k. is not your father's our grandfathers' democratic party. this is a completely differt ball of wax. rifhaalheo haddhe
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. rid, gnnk in b ohoon daone great work interesting it back to woodrow wilson, franklin roosevelt and, yes, there were progressiv. ofayswer slists and t ftineab dsn e mte atru t. ovhe pty until 1968. and in 68, in my opinion, the prtiicin hphmecarat ie teat tooksaker deat pty. the takeover. and what you see is a lot of kreaatcknc rm, did hitz. ee leave the democratic party because the
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kooks have taken in over. and will broken for them was their opposition to the vietnam inllald esiv reemo, thaar pncip. the kooks didn't want to hear it. it took over the party. and from that point theytarted nonangookp f pr erdal j rr dy c ner win. the only time the democrats did not put up a kook they won. bill clinton. heas kky itherays, wa aelelaitr mocr w pis he was a political animal. he wanted to win and thrive in fice more than anything else, so he was willing to compromise. ad ohe demra c icow e iba's
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ic bauth a n whheoc p up a kook actually want. tt would not give up. and so the continued to put up to look after coop and continued to lose because we urge.ti tunet iaf isonnd barack obama. a young hip by rial cool bk ookedfkh t ors w a t bul gn, auyho th srone, they finally had their savior. they knew it. anhe was, as i call him in the sohe ghe bssg and won election in 2008, he went to town. and they understood they only
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have a vy ief window of portunity to ghi t dirirs bon the nurasi01 going to happen in 2010. they moved in with all deliberate speed and a first two years when they had this big majorities in congss. thco falngpay d sreg. they are screaming for economic growth. help us. we are dng out here. home foreclosures. i'm losing my house. o , usncic hig usl. dot wt's in to it and give it to me. no sign whether you put in front of me, and so they did. and nearly a trillion dollars, t act wllrafe anato t
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rns sto uon from being hemorrhaged, laying off government workers. that is what the stilus was ou abinctet t tld roa a trillion dollars that went into infrastructure, roads and bridges, 6%. 6 peen e o i ain, e rnaylls soheyoha but through a trillion dollars. like us said, because it was a political act and not an economic act of course it didn't do athing for the eno id s f t an fhe. no smuted nut rn,hiasxaly point. so then once they do that in the first five weeks or so, six weeks they washheir hands of
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it. i'll work onhe ne g t l t slu atio hh e. again, t american people screaming for jobs, really suffering, home foreclosures, no economic growth khisouryff c fhe nons ea c tas b az aut this is to my seat learned people scratching their heads going, i don't understand. he spent all of this tim on alar d g you lktisry citnt, ve rsiney lown ea c, this socialized health care. why? because of the government controls health care the government ctrols youhe iay bk, inr e yto
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govenonols you. that's why they did that first. that's why they sndo much time on it. heeehendtria wthtoloe ev gng toet rbo $23 billion from the auto bailout. write it off. you're never going to see money again. dhehey trou net iti through the kooks senate because enough of the kooks came from coal producing states like west , whaonitiod put a block on a. godons,ouis smalusinesses, large businesses, businesses of every size with every imaginable regulation you can imagine from farm dtouaiop
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ha oas iadncstutnal. and then, of course, the war on fossil fuels which he has taken full force a used t bp th aas pxt hedche tove m prf this economy and the point always was to wrap the redistributionist tentacles around those plars sanglemy, le a te t enipurha spirit, put it in the hands of the government, essentially a command ecomy. and he has been able to have enormous success in doing tt. wha cu te t h bn restbu the wealth your home.
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he's scheme is much more profound and much larger in al. iea a autis f wetli otrhdake over the presidency in egypt and the parliament and egypt. i remember being on the mend laughlin group day one last year when mubarak was per hemenrede anemberayf ts thing goes down the moslem brotherhood is stepping in like that. and eleanor clift and some th shi gsc. its. e iorain the muslim brotherhood, a sworn enemy of the united states, a sworn enemy of the state of israel, has been waiting 80 years this month, i sda a y af a
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eynoin bit. backbandhe kks. ey have been waiting decades for this moment to remake every aspect of the u.s. economy, and blt d iagedtrbinotust rh,th that makes america great. our economic energy, our potical strength, our mility werorrs l wk th ialti ie ecxale at on talking about. and illegal immigration, yes, we talk about how it will help him amney,ti ohe w toknow, pass the omindeatot thg ecs but if you want to relieve dilute american exceptional isn't you open up
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the borders and flood the zone. thatha haseen ng ze. ab dut vs cenan ember when he wassked about american exception was in and said, well, yeah, sure. by the way, he said this abrd. exptl t waen ari isliinti cena a t w eekeld re not t way an american president should be answering that question. yet he came out of aer timen ric up h iolicr k halho was one of the nation's most promine communists in the 1950's. he studi under him from the soeep inhia little b.
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eot tdea a sd rade and that america should be taken down and not sure to work and in the world, and he intended to do boasdot. pe a mo ocsteld nipoc he bookea means. i use it as shorthand for a government directive redistribution is an. he has g authis s th w er n oer t tatsseliberate. it has been driving me crazy when i see smart people say gosh golly, younow, i don't get it. i d't uer hon miite rubca 't t t the center. i don't get it. not a big mystery here, guys. it has nevereen a big mystery.
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e has never made a mysteryf heanhaelves in favook t r srp every once in awhile a member of the organized crime syndicate known as the far left will blow out the tru lhanen ms 2 a heai i i luly t, e no doubt that the american people overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected sohe ct. ett,ut t g armecane who elected this man did not want to see it or refuse to see it, even tosay. se so t p,lli eim m suboomaslaooes
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yed o tmecan willingness to bieve the best. certainly about their president. he has used that. brliyssed it a leraged it , wheus th lay out against obama. by the way, i put together the enre obama domesti policy record with the entire foigpoli rord ton yeea h idcessonce evti,asng. i read about egypt, the muslim brotherhood, whyresident oba iselrang tod t slthod t ergynd lgeart ohees leas is is a man who helped to overthrow not one, but to solid ameran allies, marak and khaddafi.
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ab.erri heleers? blu. tas ofmost solid allies, produg enormous amounts of intelligence opinibyauslimroerhood de met. ou, o ens hetetar like ron, he has nothing to say about the revolt by the iranian people against that terrorist regime in 2009. moevmiorf sup,o eche s tappe in syria, although now guess what, the muslim brotherhood is preparing to take over. teout oiowds c pp. coro weeree
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ama secretaryf state clinton began to move on syria. maybe take a lite military action tay h rknie yesnse ths that we have so romanticized in the west will take over. glorious rebels of the muslim sya.ya aatn. eid e yove rd oo tind thy the president is more than thrilled with that outcome. in fact, he had to top moslem brotherhood guys to the white isins sr t ks noo, n i don't know about you, but one of the things i wanted to get across in this book was a sense about american optimismhat we laew y. the
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cae mus sk sndir. i am sick and tired of having our run this country down while they run up the debto the point ere we arengo b so clee llbl to ojmecan r he i' s d of despair and watching all of you, watching my friends, watching my fellow americans be depressed and downtrodden and so iay hl nwill n geracga at iotha w a aut re a. it the american peop about. we don't packet in and say oh fu lted. a goe, you it g f a w now it's gone. oh, well.
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e chinese will dominate now. that's just the way it rolls. we aret. wee bee nbeon ngec our ptl n, because we are kind and generous people, because we're not just a great power, we are a goo powere nt s, a ace gin sen he b which is with the subtitle gets too, the happy warrior said to the great american comeback because i opmi a h autnish on aote o anotoiout w ta'te it a haveer cng it. i read in the book that is often consider conventional wisdom that the founding fathers gav us tee bnche gnm, e,t,od
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lp a tudia soot hel wh but i argue that actually the founding fathers gave us four branches of government. fo --tiracoing to be up to thoubres. olss, esnt up to quesns tilajy 1 mariormal americans who did not get media coverage, warrant out, just hard-working people who form hrtnd oisn in b i t c. cit gil also known as the o-party, but i is on the same
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own. ongrsionacne blwe. control the house lobster republicans. 2012, wisconsin, governor scott walker holds o to hi seat.e] whpievs stewh psivi was founded, wisconsin, and a place where government sector unions were founded. the arin lere in reng a rnd rect of omad dibu i ata is in. final point on this. noesreeato do thiss warrior ti aonatbee i and deling pitueeanas ident. i remember being in my fifth grade and sixth grade and watching him on tv and thinking, yeah
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d'owh rht. andhe a i gup high-school and college, i understood why he was rig. nobody respects and admires idean t h a ce ee i brtdobland on oesside t re served 30 years ago. what we need to do now is take fohe 2 ce of conservatismnd amerilepded lo ohetarbama did this in 2008. this is how he was able to smash the clinton brand and supplies the reublica hondngi jif
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ambiguous enough that everybody kind of supplied their own meaning to it. a lot of us thought, oh, good. open chae will bd orh. fit brei ain. hope and change was his way of great optimism to his fight. to his ideology well kw i sk iogyt i stng cut it a hpyrior for his cause. he can no longer do that this time. his record is so badt h is in t r src bee aserne 'soi b cplely 0 rciv this gives gore romney and it gives all of us a huge opening to be the hpy wors
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d'teran,ap rrrsel ari wo sinndhat s is we will do with this mission as tough as it's going to be. ooutnggon ouf after decades of socialism, it's wrenching. it's going to be wnching here, isostthe iy he happy warri th oerey tap a ertas mission with joy in our hearts and confidence in america and in our journey to ticker bk. anyo ppe]
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'me gno ar.vyoo ais i've got to know a couple of them, and they are really smart people. but even if you arerounded byma pple you're kd yo nul tin. vern ry ilan uet whe speaks, he speaks relf fast. and sometimes i want to say to him, slow down, governor. you're talking s quickly, wch omngft t to il oseoutr r halo isin mfa thiou. he is incredibly brilliant which, by the way, is a huge asset. of course you want tprest to thoond otntnoroey fus. robert, they tried to paint
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reagan is a doofus, george w. bush , sarah palin, dan qyl 's t tca d thno's nrubau ruthnydy e either, but governor romney is someone who is so furious and tone and style and intellect in mission they can do that holeustihes isolal kler. he is not john mccn, god love him, and i respect mccain. ge h. bhbob dole, and he's not oves ta, d al t theeyunng the sort of old tired campaigns. they ran 20th century mcasyigns. aidunrabaantho
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rneotfeo that and all. there is no bigger political killer on the scene than barack obama. you he to send aolitic pol coranh llg y, gery heant.ife if he contends th presidency, and he will run and do everything he can to win this office. oba.s not afraid of barack 's afm. ng teally co oaniz sending buses -- [applause] yes. sendinbuses now ulece omand gate eyoavlr axd, tay ting of community organizing. this sort of master of modern day astroturf.
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he didn't know what to do. ydro uphett useo ihe iraccs ey'tw t ey. team romney is getting really good at i his ability to take out the other side in debate, if you wahreouatf athi a mas hesnaknyru es a ter seo aninn a. so i am all lot more optimistic this time about the candid in his abilities a ticketohe otr sihawast te. >> a powerful role model. you really tell electeds to coerveoma t yoh.ay.
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>> this is my question that i have been thinking about all afternoon. that's why i wrote it down. pog to siand,utli kihe her there. apparently according to the muslim btherhood, very active and very powerful at theiest soano wyo ghbohi yhi thaaw will become popular in this country? have a foothold. and how are we going to warn america about this? there aeo myd nd fnkohi emeon. robert spencer these are really people doing heroic workhi
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suect us ie eusroerod oer gornme and into our society. remember, there are a couple of different forms. we often think of the obvious one and the uent and edte one hs tiont ths da hboah . that iso-- wdeng spread to what is called the stealth jihad, and that is the musl brotherhood and other islamist organathat g deinre i s reounotheytart altering your constitution, your loss, the very fabric of your society. they have done it to great effect in westn europe. don'tno a heny to eop eari, g fnc, ooksik you're arabia.
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it no longer looks like western europe. sovereign countries between the its td the influx of eyookeen th teren uni states. the muslim brotherhood, you're absolutely right, as i mentioned, to top representatives were invited into thehite house. id nithk id bd hecd b tkehiis r ng r islamist groups bringing the man the fbi, the cia, the white house. so the infiltration has been goonoruiwh we arent'sng bbl tnd torut pic ecess. one of the huge reasons we are in this mess is because president bush and president obama, for slightly different reasons, but the political lo.l oct tos
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ths a aos . we need a president. we need leaders here who can identify who is the enemy, who is the threat, how are w going bi oeiy omat. thitu,ew . president, is the muslim brotherhood a threat to the united states? the muslim brotherhood is a sworn enemy o the united the isot otabo th oa or m tie . tch tdo ept. ounc vncin will be out the window. you better packing bags and istains for y. now because this h tst td. dn't awerely. ouehe muslim brotherhood is a direct threat to the united
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states. my view of governor romney, a effort andalouis ve o e of htits o t y rht we just have to -- look, he's going to be aired gazillion times better than barack obama anyway in a million different ways, but we have toe tha ce hes a he to ot o tslishat teden snyay. we see it here in new york city with the best cnter-terrorism department apart fro the fbi and the cia yoe gupsheyoue lisry tth try attack it. so we need leaders in this country. thankod for police commissioner ray kelly in ne york to vested up to them. [applaus n wt ihat
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edntrom tow aai pic ecs a dny desire to protect and preserve the united states because this is a threat. this is a threat. our constitution isot bledr. 'sny. videheor cry rumsfd,ho rngs, as then that same question over and over again. is this a threat of religiously based threat that is cing in under the radareeki to is citn or neth cea . eyugwi don't think that the enemy doesn't know it. so we need a president to m instincts thatnes ston xcle thhy. shrgh >> hi.
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>> hi. this president has privatid our society aroie la an tng u he a il xu. a gem and who i remember when he campaigned, where in this together was the slogan. he was not afraid to do certain maye lira, o rha s pgr which he was fine the criticized. do you think the governor romney can bring this together? how would he do it? i alrhn dha vofapoas snt tiresidency dividing us. along class lines and race lines, gender lines, the war on di.s kookseethe namaid i detqu eathn r t ort ast
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rendered. when it comesovnor arnsaeshemf ti meatat ,robably not. is see exactly the right man and exactlthe right moment given ieadohio hic melowwere ow horers celou,f incredible professional and personal integrity, a brilliant guy, as i mentioned before. amiccamek baue inis seorof pte s hhoxc r o-tm se as a turnaround artist. what more could we need at this moment? we need a turnaround artist.
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compared to barack obama w i a t t prite hee rro sei a spy behind enemy lines. that is what he thinks of the private sector. order to turn it arod yo needomebwhasiv crd ref saof ve trc ceer, ihi rney inether. it's tough when you have a mainstream media that is so invested in the other side and riid aheanitin promoting the in t rey neorothichews doctor a tape last week of the republican presidential nominee to make him lk bad so they c all laugh atim dg. i d tne tt
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tsmyar a bea political killer, he does not much care. and i also think he's got this centerig natn rey to im ok au >>st aha do you think of the justice department's? secondlyhathiter i cib. y ti rne >> the friday. at the guest disgusting the way this justice department has used that. as a weapon. ao e th t g bahede or t principles or policies. they can only get elected went dead bodies of voting, when the black panthers are stioned
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tstio tea elinlectocet they have to do everything possible to engage in voter fraud, including this ridiculou and outrageous political use of the juste department's. desi morsoe,isisg yoant to enter and barack obama event or if you want to enter a justice department of and at which the black attorney general is speakingo ow de theost sdrt our replic, the t sacred part of our democracy, voting is open to such widespreadraud makes me hechk emut sk. ere ro b ey tryg to do this
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nationwide, cracking down on voter fraud. what our government will not do under thisegime we neeto do t m qstns. >> who would be your selection for vp? number two, with the health care 6:y tion fromhat sou atathee gotot whe t >> the me answer the first one first. vice-presidenti think governor romney mee-- needs me. theds a lasnettle - etig seriously, i think it is -- what do i know, but ihink it's probably down to mark arubia, nato aaroloho
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d w na. fitibowo weeks ago. his book came out this and a mine did. this was like the week befe. so he said, monica,'m soap eet sa. ndstnd 'somnhe s o yos is. this is a disaster for me. he said, i, i think you're -- at hed ic ihit nctually s urk htatl at t i mhaee funny. i said, well, i don't know about that, senator, but what i do know is that someday you're going to be president of the i'te gng bte ene on t 'souynic,cova,ia hansen,
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