tv Book TV CSPAN July 8, 2012 6:45pm-7:45pm EDT
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come from the legislators, th each case oueidn f thatheatule edth b noct js,rere menrireare h ge further and probably more definitive than frankly your profeor would appreciate. but there arereas whehe s dth th ire orism pcuy fcacs d rrtgee tour g should we rule now given theind of narrow decision that has ce from the u.s. sreme court. thank you. s? coue the crophone? >> sorry. >> come on up to the microphone. right here. >> i wonder what woman you would have chosen to replace sandra o'coor. >>hesoha a you c u troes ug hile thns otha phyllis richmond, i would not give any other answer. george bush had. ,. mo women to look at than - many meomo lat an pdegas. w,sten
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hng s't know how harriet miers will do in those. thank you. >>ava. yolkut hucu ta t hawle and what they -- what they shed on her ture? that's a good question. a l ofup coon e pecy b pos bui o rv wlale th bretheran was entirely built around interview ws law clerks. i probably intviewed --aybe abou lle aal anmermbtl william brennan that was a chamber that i wanted to get inside and find out how he felt tord her. because i was lucky enough s t-octsid elt n isreha o cl dt t go on on the paper trail. when justice brennan and justice o'connor got into a kind of flap, a rivry or oral ment andhe scnualum stindus brnte a ry sg teut h tht t her proposal could only lead to potential corrupt ruling and
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that if the court adopted her propal, wou gli l he csneot t wcudng st. so f ime bw clerks, i would never turn my back on a law clerk who wanted to tell me something but didn't feel as much that i had to rely onhemec i h eseaocts boctsese o ui pl,ch aow in aee a frankly, a real untapped resource and since she was so close to justice powell, there were a lot of nice notes in theret f rleer kinng t juenner a a w l jceshs and blackman are available. i would use them t double check self, th is what i think happened and is that the ce an tf rt sploke si fosrten tfi sls s acng l you know could check my understanding which you know, for journalists, we're trying to translate things and what i was trng dns ay tu wwactyid ta t tha al dedhe fuen ruling. >> notowelln ars ar mi nat de y rrc heisrehe co h aeved
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judicial philosophy. there has been cticism of ms. harriet miers for lack of developed judialloy. deif fha o'or t its ati cci hahiti of harriet miers, what are her views at all? and does she have a familiarity with constitutional law? it iwofo. thti'cr, h t at ceea wionutl l sh h ateouud had to accommodate that in her rulings and for example criminal appeals, to be aware decralrore s shadexpncnha in t oer wfo s,on thae dyppiews. i think that she favored a ledges -- formed views. i think that she favored giuradol aer fa, yasea ai.ds policies. her brother allen talks about his listening to the radio and hi getting angryier and yissiooselt pinhel. inkhaeic asy tt t wie thhe bhto u supreme court. she had written one law review article and it had to do with prisoner appealsut mostly
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ab t steouudnd felgend t o it ite csul hahobeer reu don't want to demoralizehem with all of the second guessing at the federal leve one real contrastmha s benriie saaynos e pra -dr d ohno is the -- sandra day o'connor is the came plan. the attorney genorn a oj ofow d tl ndayon t pu aowshe y? shs f tt. that's what she was about eparation. now the problem that you have currently is that harri miers is the whiteouseounsel and oha sd --f he p y k ins iidhe aman pe a so the senate would be done in her office her deputy william kelly hasaken that on. bu i think tthatige a ttite he ob ts i swe'twhi wi unfold. 're not to the hearings yet. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nancy mandel, i wt t coratute ohier iutdi ahe inibmo oesh at h d it v iss i was interested in whether you
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found the blackman papers illunating with rard to o'coor sfthe sisefe ri c a wyond tt jce bma saved everythi, everything and i really mean it. so she passes him a note one day on the bench tt says,arry yourea astt sotrou y t ow s t ubti. shenim note saying the court ruling today really pains me. i ink tha we have taken the wrong turn. both ohem i lov b esalhe aer beai hihahohe m otl,so s thendalhe deteer't good pals, but that helped me understand what s faced. he was much more of hand in mor auish. he cen97 a ar noi, ad ben you pal of warren berger, everything changed for him when he wrote roe versus wa and behe subject o a lotf aer sct a ofis d edha r d hrne b i a lo dres,ot the least of which was on abortion. one of the documents that was helpful to me was one of her earlyraft i 16rt sehe qn f
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ofteestionhe abonrore, he writes in the margins she's just against abortion. you don't know if he has an accurate assessment tre. tt wa ioror m t etashig. he- ar t evfteefch dot tt h. there is a touching exchange between the two of them. when she -- when the family sold e b islme d i tam e neebloba icawa s p fuorer. at some fancy dinner where he is retired, 1995, 1996, he s methgutch inha od aou yoonwthedo him. the next day he writes her a note. he said, i realize now i opened old wounds, i feel so badbo . ho a lng ase urfe oorck as stuhat gav me a little bit of insight into the fact of, ok,hey weren't the best of pals, but they had been through a lot together. >> thankou vermu >>nk. aonulns ha has it. thank you. >> thank all.
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[applaus known as f sg as the publishing d,rsrusndspf d digea akeine is sirena who is the director of publicity for fsg. we wand to tk to her about some of the books cming outi e isanll2 i a ihwiam asyokilad hillary. >> bill and hillary is a professor, he's a pecialist in great and genr studies and he gives actingportai eilashws pp huhvri esualffhee ptu trease our platforms publicly and become a prompted a couple addition and the same thing hapened with bill, as in aayts o tsof rerip aderent reonen ad anrslady.
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really fascinating inside tidbit. estimate is the market and american public is there a mark for more linton books >>ou kw,tthi etilo ree hvey e it ote . opannot w. jcinaing he inside of you get above the family history and personal stories and their extensive interviews with stephanopoos and ruben and nylrst n l helitda. i hitl ge y oo trltns eee id their first partner going forward. estimate is it coming out before the election? >> it's coming out seberthstiti >>at t h nk normerer rr hnihindor tian wgtps he wrote a book on the middle east before this for us coming and the new book is really looking at the history of irael and making the rgumt thte miry lysblae otsrt coy, ayesnti caneybaic need to come to terms with their military history and the role of the military and the government in order to achieve peace in the middle easrea coc sti het ok iro >>ay,anto abh oon he 1958 chinese famine. >> the greatfamine it aing k.
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'se tmt y jral s h unedd ssorcve ans personal connection and that his father was a victim of the famine. so hesort of goes back and looks at the specifics of the record ad kindo ecrte thpu py ltts soletudier cfnel ul venodocould have a band to a lesser extent were allowed to flourish and my great s aatto annst arvrt o ciabthsgicming out with? and it's hard to choose but another we have a crush on is robert sullivan my amican revolutionhichs ap oo bat aca lu anclng o w eydk k inis tghmdylens of the dni command the legacy of the revolution today. so that's stuff i really enjo estimates he's kind of a u wr ita isaertpc tere orashed h vederangwrado a >> this is bookton c-span2. we have been talking with sarita varma, o fg
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grar. fiditoua f aw d. ar er mes coge l wk seingly unbounded we think flew back to scotland and back tohakpe n arue ot it e t ge bsh er wulaa ililhwa to char will main. this revelation was too much past to absor and too much idet pces adtoahwht mor left in the will. her tone was sol lem. understand you e directec ofthhala juik ee pa well needless to say. a caught a swath through charles ton after that. i became droppinginous unofs-ees o innvtilm od oolks north of here are so good saying likes like i lifed in came bridge for awhile. [lter] anouw,hiymaer to os. weso f ago ralis matters. when bill was elevateto
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majority leader of the senate in 2003. he self-published aoo i' tlecrumu wth any tdi ie ok tlg people beget good people." geneology of the frist fame. three yes after i d tit siaia leh cl ch d t giving an example of the real world. he talked about pedigree ll. nedonli ckthunast y d r ao 562 trillion. that's half a more than five timethe pople ee te an. hoit ? o es k n ndo grands, four great grandparents. the ancestors assume duplition on thet. nuofntooa by 20 6il roughly the total population of all humans on the planet. beyond the yar the whol thing coinopentt poopti up ar er
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cutlvion the planet can claim, and he paused, to be the direct dsdefhe . [lte e fet aur] absurd the rest of the universe creeped about y laughing. the hical dtio ul n tveie re r wh s started loking into this this story lead me to a host of anxieties about identity andhistory. sudo r ti uge yfke ma reerabute ou skill ton on the bank of a river in washington. a local amateur archeologist was the first gt t. aiou th resero omheanctle caulk features. the single feature rolled down thhillandnintoof th at ows eugelondisor eraa t you probably ever heard how there now aproo peered to be ane
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amanola. ed nt ri. e onspttois esi s w the clough vis points date back about 12,000 years. that's around theimea la s o al aredrnd meiv ers. esopreainth sms gethwa a population already here when they arrived and some of them lived overlapped and ded the skon i aout 00ye ol veehodesi e oei pe t native americans. this concept took some of -- got so much traction the new yoke arhad aricl abut th "t,"nweebo ayiotm e ie population. when i started looking into this, it turn intoed the enormous hopla the native amican dian er a fd ha rglnd yktohsoafw hud s thiet ith edlo at it because of the features. it might not be anative american. despite, as you my know al tenoh emo--twart we o g courts.
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it was resolved on the side of the scientist. they took the skeleton tenyears ago, and i believe you'll find it in oxndediia joha o mo i called to found out what we learned about the features of the man. no reply. no answer. d thtrut athe ngwasdan anpostt m. an' ef caucasian, but what does this mean? and a yale professor told me, it is a moreieeyinwo foa caucasian. a cascade of mission mistakes and are roars exploded. i stt with t ocau ntmtw k ic as ar fools and most amateurs make mistakes. and most amateurism is extremely amateurish. t,mommeuai dnawiet. e o wd t i a book about creativity. a book about innovation. i wanted to unlock th keys and write the bok so i unpack he
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word. t it alatoghed 'd ar--b lrs nthaok co'ttehabk. rs all some professor writes that book about every six months right? it's about innovio eaty, milln s ithkonionoof th n ay bt unatou ko uromcce is the place on this is the only common demon nairt. i'm a greater believer inuck ear io oi t. ll so izn u pely rixs errethrl but here i think it possesses a certain special quality in part because we are such an amateur -- we are a nationtbn meu. i fu at isreng doharivyawh fowaal bh or d e stories lead one way and another into the various rabbit holes i fou absolutely rillg. forxa, i s seinntciy, 'sthfyorf biking. messing around with life. and a couple of folks was talking about this amteur biolyo s nc w wayi e o dalmar mi sh o te s cultivate into glow in the dark
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yogurt. okay. so i called around a little bit. and i founder shitpate. 3ea-oomhe wears a class like cat size to finish off the look with look of 50s girl nerd onthe wto tr yrt audhe t th te h seof rs on one arm is the sword of her favorite story. down the bicepiashdi up v gh te rdomshr ca ur signifies the internal student and described, "a young man who stands alone in ald wew f hi unm ig eno"sss gl the dark plaza in her freezer. i thought it would be co she said she imagined howcreeit d go re h gl i ooue ittgwlld device. it involves exposing a sample of bacteria to a high voagefied thc ts
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daal sc i0 s. esiashd 'r ng toaser them. the lab is on the substantial right in the front room -- her i saraat id on the chemicals you need comes from astroglide, the sex lube. when i visederbac th or ug osie i'm sure there's something to be said about them. m srentoon eiinnsgeghto nd w is. ten,thy, e ri, le out some fuses and shut off the lights in half the building but these oe th hin un t eitdts i rvd d cont arpat biohacking phenomena that are turning up in cities and forming clu. one opened in new york city. there was a piece in the newspaper. the first eaoh ntviaian ci the in l ci. e nhctngit turns out, you know, i started looking at hobbyiest clubs. as a great rich american
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traditioof the clubs, itgoes back almt to the bginng. yoe j ce l rn aotebs d carw brcut i san francisco. that was the club in the '70s that everybody joined and the '80s an '90s it wa o ub en t met t fon ts thb rag bsfo rs for good talent. before computers there were remolt control clubs. i don't know if you -- when i was kid there was a crankout of th ale otiat p. be ttaenthw cotingcl. amateur clubbing has been the great tradition in the american history. right now we're watching one emer. it's synthetic ogy it tninfeiaye nkwihrotian utantew aly reng get wind of the controversy that will come. it hasn' hppened yet. you know it's on the wy. it's going to be some sory that's going toseof e pno poo knerileb stc ol an pbles uil targeted in some way. here the kids who are trying to do it right, creating rules of theroad ceating ways of doing thgs rin euent e r etfec,ig i mb2ys w rsar it v
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t o computer hacking. and i don't know if you remember this, it was a huge panic that grew out of. they would be le to cashhe onstan o rld ide tptd ne ny rc-yr- kiro arrested and imprisoned. they were ones who were trying to do it right. the ones stealing your credit cards? w never touched thm. titismuertg te rehahenul om rins whthmurrso of convening in the weekend clubs forming a h ou bikiom i adtie' , ar that the best intention of the kids coming together in the club is going to be misconstrued byvalse ec. webehriatso r io tsy. ywsocfhe chrsatou was that amateurism sort of -- like i say, it's sort ofgathersround mese oaln i d't al ow we rit. tehamp at itaedt op thw set kind of charming and lovely about going out into a garage and being by
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yourself andpuui an a wit efro hithhaator ea o eydot di where and certainly many manager are trying to bottle this. but not feeling the pressure of a business concern or no feelg n theat her o . eaa aiofher ti tbe paid. this playfulness is somebody that everybody tried to bottle and ink here in thecoutry, itlwa k iaalona cathrybeniw yookths were always thought of as kind of amateur everythings. we were thought as amateur politicians, obviously by urns evmar pl stedo ndoutht e ont ieic tunrabout americans is that the vapors of our atmosphere mader smaller, weaker, made the eor manhwol rt ad ou i smaller and our cows produce less milk. it was a phone fact known fact in t 10s e a nthmicaoi bantgnd uie ja and wait for one of the
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squirrels to fall into the mouth. there was a famous event a dinner where franklin w there wi a bch her aerics thisapndtha e eron anefch et ma fvnain as a tole man asked the americans to stand up. it happened every american was six fet tall. theera pe. itn'ethnsa. lwha ns t h tmmana reinforces it. the idea that, you know, we start from ratch. right, it's rt ofultal e heotrcac i k ma ed dlz. e'woho escaped nazi germany and came to america in the '30s. she married a yale rofessor and caonve gojoa eta e gio be scr omngced e franklin papers and in the '50s president truman started the sort of slow lapofooun ealtpidis rs an mpsa columbia and that kind of stuff. the yale one is goi on since the '50s thiggoing through
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eaie ofpa frinr en wa ib osly t hornwa igd twea she wasn't listed in the boks as being part of team. after twenty years she realized she had differentopionst fatns sed ribn dhehegr ok inflmevyb rwi ll -- i could gets will tell you that ben franklin was the great womanizer had atsal fe wt hlf o ya rndofgti mofora. thas true. she makes a compelli caseit' ovouinteretaona nch e wanpyrd n. t thabe inre as his -- she became the great scholar. a selinvented scholar. one of the greatfrkl ll i co tt us e'nu ah iiautfliaut the very idea of amateurism. we knew when jefferson was wring e dcat llno phse anoue d koruwk thenfnk edited jefferson declaration added legal terms.
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we think be went through for styltic tweaks. i like tothink heputt ther d kfos otatbaes d eyfrdost cowirti. the other image that franklin loved to invoke was the kite. he wrote abut how a child in ston he would like on ck onheurfe hearan ge pl a t imis s mpng a child at play drifting about here and bated by a kite. other image is a bt mr fa thstfaou ge n in s e oleic te ou. several franklins believe hat story the kite and key on app string is almost -- also a probably fabrication i'on oseple. hpyn giawis te eciteans prove the theory by setting up electrical roads. experiment was putne's knuckle near the rod o unrstos afrnoo e clds we hedw elic s t ul eicottic electricity. it was proven in europe. approach in st. peter rg with a ientist put thenee e row abo
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lini s uc d ki. kitsneeo . nott he performed the experiment. only witness was his son. franklin's account is unusually vague. my own suspicioussh frinre dier eri w hea ien tdtorugh retrofit his experiment. he laid claim to the aievement not by setting out the detas of the experiment. there puinthemindall of a mre lihhsinghe imishi own rewriting of history by the bet that test what we know call a photograph open. he didtbe invoking th ay pou prcathlote irit. the lightness of being where creativity thieves. it can be american. it is american. not out of a nationaliicb becae th sse er ug a intaadybn dr tmer. m leea liberty speech, e process, trial by jury, the one that goes unstated most sumd ishe dcon tondneats cue,di hto fop walk whether fleeing a nation or out the back door of a
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garage. that's real freedom. it's a story that everyone lives he and everyone who comes he regniz ieits tr amr miheer m. yo [applause] wetaqust. [die] of course if for some reason, you don't want to be part of the c-an program, make it known. d ocedtnal h an yo blrt. leqiofor him? >> anybody has one go ahead. >> yes. young man? aughr] >> tirfal [lte tis sports jacket, but thanks. >> writers are amateurs too in a sense which is they come up with s anwo nd kndg tenk ouwtbsteou soin. rau ayanmec d ew topics i'm curious you spent how many years between your last book a this one? >> thicades the tme
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fr >>ter anar icouw as u h d dsde twthood t book. >> you mean just in this? >> no. i'm guessing otherook ideas. >> good lord. >> 'muris aswrir wh arebod l, ll u e imef m. -- [laughter] ly say that smebody said this whole book is auobiography amaivsejuicnr a e ees t lyog vi yi f lgy to -- i'll plead guilty to that. yes. next. >> am veryntesteit lafrti si o rtiou untwsoofciv anbgpaid for it. or how an amateur -- [inaudible] and i wonder if you hais ouwjumend tm plinllt peeiio soinenitist'r job. their more focused to be criticized their work is more ddedly judged dhers tota evi- ud] h heenf junt ohhiaswi redith. one of the i noticed with her everything in your lab she
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created, she brought, even like thembhwhch cuateciaeo t1aiymzi are ow make the stuff from the beginning. she sn'tpending tons of money going to labs to buy it. the thing is because everything she had onttle r ainnroe dnere a fi. vest t ep w success. you know, we must have failed 25 times trying to insert that plasma into baeria i en a kutte. tu6ogh oi e s er sbyy th i think -- the nice thing about not being under the gun of paycheck there is no sense of faire re fibteo . ouinolaifyo ilu're oue. haea tr e'mxme' going to ask paul to tell me what the experiment is. i know, he'll know it. there's a famou experiment th a -- i'm gi to describe bry. ganagn t dr tow et d smei t mbhatil re artia a function of the assignment. they gave certain children stars after they did well. indicating they ha done well. and then on he sed rounof e entchdrwho go srsdie. usmewikth--ow hadit the point
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the action had a point. and had a, youknow had a cause and effect. and somehow that kind of lowered thei ntusia tb as iniv kio no de bth. ke ia edward -- i think his name is pronounced did a lot of work on intreensive motivation how we e peeo wadomng yoabea n re rpe ks ve eseheic th at used to pop around times square. you can rent it. there's a circular bicycle with six seats. it was incented by aupe o watngtth psts o e bung i rt o w e eabe ti tee e g abt trying to fluff that sense of playfulness out of bunch of exhausted and wearvice presiden. oubakat, knst oth ed aylooieom ndustfils nd invent stuff and not necessarily have to give results to the company. the idea is to try to create at garage-sense, you know, in a workplace. d r s y ts. erremedvgeo eu. ll say that unguided amateurism is the catastrophe i was talking about.
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a book. but you mentioned when you do nde te od nk oder >>wos comle mess of contradictio. in fact one of the difficulties is trying to figure out what the word means. itos mea t oan s rmla f fe ven itas th lo r money. that is the basic. in europe it has a very specific and kind of narrow see of bea nonpfeon bure l ta dina wesy - isi o e me aurar cector you wouldn't think they were a bad art collector you'd think they are a really good art collector but if i aid frank an the churche would ow tt son s mat than isebo aattamste aay -kianen etit can mean boob or, sorry. the reason the word has so many colictngtiisause icfsofd t amtus vewle ihe t weoe an car,d ov to be sort of recognized because we
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don't haeheptf he er w o't heh onttiht rp in has nglt bo tews fct whatever profession you are in but in line we have lots of awards. lots and lots. in fact if you get to be y age d o ven' oe h yoghyntfe i t wohaalyaktour anxiety about being an actor i have another riff about one of the first acts o succs th has r oened pmt st mplyse hi p i noticed one of the figures i talked about is the guy that discovered the un in wfouland asale tif uoeava 5a rnk ta crackpot with the jews sale to mexican 2,000 years ago looking at evidence of he ayefno. wh e u ouotw y f this. he was fantastic. he was the greatest archaeologist of ur time and have all of these honor arry deees foall t g unsiti s'se of wd fot c a rti.
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i n't know where one passes from images int iosm te orn smny erthgkeyo lkbubi s no one considerhim an amateur anything he's one of the great ones alive right now and itha rticarht o collhtof wockas nte thpetoh e spent his time in the field looking at birds and painting them which made him in some ways more of a kind of epert than the ia exs eal f h h. scorn to at gougp hes erfhe oment something they desperately wanted to see. and now that it's all ove seen tmu pliotaot enonhppened and we can lift the part of every one of these big foot sort of lock miss moments. it always invols thezy ur ivbiwopn vilr. foazi. it alost always involves evidence that is just enough to sort of set the ball off the cognizant triggers if that is what you want o see so it i a e otri oat i
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ca hlryll odera hest soreinf hd ak u me a almost anything to make. but then the sort of mass hteria. haevcrtite rtint in s thn min us okw ou. therl e le th secret mission in a couple week period and afte thatno one ever saw t teh-y m nelsons blocks of completely undid all o the findings of cornell and we now knowmost people know cornell in oe ki odnbu oofs one a orllke re ite w az to see how official they can construct an entire fortress of the new truth and howthe screamiegan sets ul eterdea isetretdw. >> almost piggybacking o the ones that preceded it but one thought of the amateurss the hewlett-packard's a nd esmasa od hele he ne ants to do anything different but wt filled in the spectrum in terms of what people
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want to get out of this? i tnkll of themstart withn caon odetr f a-w ili paleobiologist who is kind of an unrelated that she didn't bring her computer plug a restin t battery and s was ke y dotwha re aehage sqs ham me. she went to the authoritative source of expert engineering known as wikipedia and she started looing at howwul y inrici hoghte td tt v lt t cnsesothu thr tysihat we cannot hear and there are these electric cells that you could create and shhas ow donth so s is e eo oanr anans nahot eeeinfr arat i 22-years-old and i think it is now attracting venture capital. but if she oes that bsically y nehe et h is so cee catha d t athy aur] if that company goes public we will be pointing her name aound with the same abandonment o ma shoer bba' dta is teineay atarnt h
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atiscmiled me eoo tres itnta clinon said he will let packard went into the garage and died in the deression. that has by the way been st t millio bereo riin e t a eney rsntr. 'sgreat temple of american ingenuity. estimate that is where we go to dream away from the sphere f the kids that are going to dog th i. sosntn e dothta e o inflation now years of gerald ford ure we are not amateurs are popping . tearinbuhee a ucf- tle meunf ro e prn indicate anything left of them apple computer's. but there are othercns teoe t- iu aeb nursoma ehd 00 obs created in april according to the government. how many of those jobs were created by big firms funded by wall strt inves n fnbywlter bas terjb ea tks00am from large firms. 58 thousands can come spared up
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small-buness is. it used to be acommbl th stsll buss a hein amanra thih jobs got creative. both countries are to the point now we have to flatter them with this ridiculous termob crears threas thndi 'sagd tar re corani o bg yfat a supr shop. so the risk takers and by the way, who takes the risk? the itt e thr nawom ey'tstnd. ie whole point of their being. the risk takers are the ones that risk being called fools and idiots for taking their ideas to the market. methry aby esnieethth w uls dsh haacopa annoevramte g toe that moment and i think any time of hardship, the mother invention i thinkot of le g taa tplyouf nend pa n omuh. th tco ad frim t a thankfully my book is coming out right around the time it seems to be creeping up. [laughter] d nyve esd? >>y onpe l wn?
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