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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 8, 2012 10:00pm-11:15pm EDT

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woli xl eti debt. the vaccines are not missile the antivaccine but there's a lot of emotion which what is witte prce a ranae resoces inthe state's. but i would like to see happen more actiism on the part of nsers causthe ae pe tt ritwn o ftg cnume su idon this book is to kind of hold the feet to the fire. at iouldieo o u rey ssicu yo mrmi ndh talking with me. it's been a great pleasure
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discussing these issues on the program. i would be lad to fllow-up on g: k fo avn tibo. i yehi o.
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thnkou having me. i love to hang out at this store. i am a customer more than an auor. it is appropriate to with the weather.
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with "season of the witch" th ity with th same sense of the city's toughness, mysterydh ggtosr waa tough irish catholic town. very traditional.the first waves had the rie plu trenot eye n co ou btyic.
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pshrthemws theginninof the culture war it was actually a civil it. it benfrnc ecme a 0s cettkh ca dy w born howln e does have a happy ending. with the help of a mayor who was not beloved she was straitlaced. butcl mnoinstein.
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d abfgrehtth with temple, the ssc and it -- assassination of mayor osconi nrv pe dtfor b e team that mirrors that eccentric coach and lead dietboghi tyetwihest r vry t it gigan litind o
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ol ast gin '7 the ity could have slipped into the abyss. co a ndeur. bese fth inn adip who add a medicalct city ad at that int* they did not know if they were taking fections outy
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of a ag f they were our children as part of this did f the sysco family thatwh we eete and in their dying-- san francisco took em. one ofh eypl wus d t avuncthood o mel blhmenwhen they were not treating the runaways.
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the st. mary's hospital ose o a oversed the other $500? then there were hundreds of thangeregple hen weorlk third world countries.oporho tough a town ts is. and to becomthbont cl igh ang . frheted ends sr
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when janisplina and e or. eraine wat end their reading a section of the book tha eysese tohnes fromenigbod vii s ad. was the good earth, and. who has heard of this? that is great. it was in news to me.
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not th stereotypical hippies. on, no te.eye tue d run they start businesses. a caechanics nehoeti d catre mmyhnres neighborhoods ha is the great r. ndatic cinut by l'6haru coe to stand their
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ground to help lean up the neighborhood. ul ot ve -aoritu. is i chapter 17. >> that hate to as a war zone by the time robert carthy fou hisay he swse he was a unner's mate. it was the toehold apocalypse now experience. mccarthy lt a number and i killed people. when mccarthy returned he
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was stioned on treasure island and tried to fake mental illness. imenh id sde alwattin it felt good to have begun. those trees -- treasure island's hl ofsr is ome oe co waters on christmas eve he went to the ppie haven. he wa notloi sex soasan wene . a eredgr r thhenter
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thvy ld m thacof en lca naturally 20 yards past mccarthy heardla th aithho. the kid was shot in the five. cad hern interacion ews go l the. bhe a swarm of people were caught up in christmas eve singing and dancing. they had long flowing hair. althoughe tried to ide
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ey asy. fo ht s in mccarthy's spent the night in a dilapidated house. anri onih couin t et ra i a o man he looked like so or. i justanted to uh he a the enormous ind ovort stdi. howp he qursthod
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h,. he thought he stepped into the dream. the victorian was beautifully kept with the curtains and within lok tw f roie mylatters of food food, mashed potatoes, the room had people peoplof all j stoer heunho e earth, man was part of the second wave. the commune was founded in 1968 from i six thate seg frmn d ase
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wog hestio of is ml group but it did grew until loathsome network of half a dozen housesadthe an sh e le in many ways they were tougher. they were life hardened men d osr a nas o knewhow t iv eyleemes ch ced a thernot pusher. they knew they hadiolent predator good eartmade
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wely known they would fight to defend its turf. at first when mewnt st tosret tit by0 ghoo im w he when and eed. the commune decided the jockeys across the street d to llthlce wsno on ey closed down the nearbyai one day a group from the mrssi phe nkie a vit goarixt nd tle heenleti
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amheghoot e rhet. dohesretna running over coffee and members. they let the dealer know what they thought. minutes laterhereune wi a g. atl udo oved r er gat atghtat him. he freaked out. they knew they had backu us wasei air force wassai on theoof with the rifle. i was ready to sho if necessary. i knew how to use e. not long aftwards rico moved out.
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on another occasion and other members known only by their astrological nickme began to rough up his myo iruily it t a a he could handle himself when he was kicked outat 16. we chased hm onhekep hien m elut asea hor dead. good earth became less they'll w to in the neighborhoodorh k. ctee un itidotneor atneor h hakeldr
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eyt des th you.g [applause] th is your hry artuh gh lle t n particularly the neighborhood residents. is fascinating mandated played an important role of our history. i had some money thoughts when we were talking. the free clinics played
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touch otball. >> h nter] ths oy gh ad squad which year sokcl ik ay. go team go. [laughter] >> you have told the tr aur] helbwaci r ene ng knd ou bs
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foatheduim we won the game. everybody smoked a joint. [laughter] wihed hmthe wait was. thokngckma mo. we used to have this building for the rehabilitation center. weteeiarct feinstein was u board and has been a champion anybody rembers it. and its says the mine nehborhood 52 yearsadm
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is to share with you 19he eghr a llaz ud] cotsl.e ultn anl he leie frhee na wtoy volunteers.
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en wh sd daca nt. gh and i worked during the day a liinllhe clinic at night. and i told everybodyta ulme this could be the opportunity for a donaon. i am a vunte docr dyckny's you ult t
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ffcewehe enr st then next day. naudible] he wn gh adadm license pulled up. he was masquerading as a doctor. back and a ae roem kesi mal question. this is very serious. and he started to run down
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[ltehallway. rwn tad in 1967 you have 100 people after you. aseut h nd [inaudible] at is my story. [applause]sd naudle taeyo he yboresmeb s
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thwave orgeousm around. blond young man. mo their thearly toe . olford asaolh te outer mission. i made $5,000 per year and i was glad to live in this neighborhood. it was mixed with working-class folks and i
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felt as a single woman i a in reaun carnn ydy i had a family. the family i ended up wih was thegat de acss ee. ie t ave done a lot ofthings but nothing has me moe credit. [laughter] especiallymy kid who a waviergei wadierth wobeylep
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my life partner of 40 years is ovehere. i was supposed to hve me himn isel iaoo nd because then tee ic sta ad neca. l dipoe leg i got a blood test and was very ill with hepatitis within six weeks. assets and i could n pick up the telephone to make a
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call. peletlwi uca gnsiy th meals per day for people to si up to take care o me. cadl mofosmeato i had food and linens anged and people helped me to the bathroom. all of thosetisat ly o from family. st in and when
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they came home from the grocery store -- that's jerry arcia. [laughter] whentheya eup edoen hnd hnh od ou hwonvr here who. i need that so badly." and they just looked. aney ae ps
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bee harebe st or pot and probably would have gone away at that e rmn. the mark's were a real problem in the neighborhood. if for no reason at all tre whrehlian of etp oe [ausy story. >>nky. >> d wpe f ti mo, and eveyone was there.
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so when i arrived here i think my fst thanksgivingas spent mystisseovn a bay, and then what was just in the middle and it was glorus. coming from london where we ee gaig nte rdepos month. what really struck me was the inclusiveness ad if you met one wa er 3 hs tn o .
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because i was in music i looked at the list in the back and was grngloted to see that youhd just another shou out one of the chapters in the book deals with xm radio and use and francisco in many ways was th itllpegeer ahe uderground youth culture. there was a secret society. there was music. the ssage that we all needed to hear to kee in touch with whad eotr f a idliowup tsubs hadit ight and hear that music and was longwinded
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wraps the deejaysere doing, no els. pe ie rntw e anrhoof samford cisco who participated i have to say in hefttko bine ae i the eighth era. thank you. [applause] whsointethit sty. ts mynt >> any other questions? >>hat ppen t tod h oe?
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>>ata they had a strict part of te revenue, but they had a strict policy dealing with hard drugs, and ter a fewa, o arco i e a eaee thhe icsot gniroab whether it had characterized but there was a hard or soft drug and philly and tragically they thrmag ta.s a ou ne cedotten e rop. eyhad to beef up their security because it was kind of a hard on and around and they fell preyto the sort ofd thouslpthm d bifun tem because they're all online.
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itas eb ath alo thd a l, buou awa eos au were. it's really great. >>pld r a mi a oh pe erts uro unben ut ed w influential in the politics that led a massacre and to having a potici murd t hepltia wrg k hwe kinds of things you tried to think about making it accessible to the rest of the country that might not be familiar with how much crazinesshere was in san francisco but so ming em rsanw grt t ugt h
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parts and that is the engine and but as i call the first part in the 60's starting with of the summer of love and then tear her which is the middle sectn in e w srnis oealo ro. the lberation army and the kidnapping of patty, jim jones and the peles temple andow thbe srue eio e au al mpseearont city nd the than double the assassination of the mayor. one thing after the next ciam ta iid rlites cd ro hnee th an openness to the new to change to experimentation. i think they are deeply embedded in the city and now that we
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e ownivar t lure ri e oe tri esg trgt o. dsonsras id obama's embraced of gay marriage that shows how relevant these values still are so i'm very proud of the city. tnehk its a borat fodimaanhd rr ammnt century, a livable minimum wage, universal health care, which clulieitadthre alhealwrogo here first and san francisco, and now the rest of the country fox news is grappling with them so i would say right on, san ancio. iwan to give an anecdote to
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your comment. we es horizons, a chinese grl who was going to bring to the united statesctuay t i ended up thfijo ihnd in mead lnlady they were like the gradfather of the neighborhood and so they had ver t ns or ate ndtherol [ltee ania one of their relatives were disappointed becse i wasn't when itthem s an
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cithaiou t ty f? gh >> so glad we have so many wonderful friends from the ting. waeiyo te ke liaison between bold and the new that were sort of heroic? es icty oo bosaouulngy francisco legendary character the crusade lawyewho gre up buje althsh aicl d n nde me lito the news.
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he starts as a sort of necnd more a character with his beautifuwife ad i tell his therivlvntof t muder case fr trsfedi ouof hxtmab it turned out that he was running iraq tobump o eld men d stlitei wito mrecen francisco then he goes on to become a lawyer that defense the leader when the fbi and the federal government and he cod r weinf ged rlns g an wgoto tee eh wan ct leader and the great champion of civil rights he runs for president on the progressive party ticket in 1952. the fbi goes after him wh th isn hetxd s
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geicateass esugh irish kids. he got 11 and lives in this neighborhood rather and his otptice th on nhims ae f ur ahea saano. gin a hot fix by janis joplin of heroin d nearly overdosed by the way and left to become the dea of san faciti o trell lfava. e ieaaerre y er thanlife. anhehestofwant to addta stard ashbury's legal organization and they ran out f
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ale tg bin ee neighborhood. >> he was the godfather for a whole generation of lawyers like brian and michael and alsoton evheeyubeent [di next. plusconnecttat aoh t erofisco eaap ath
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feedn he book. michael has been a long time for talk river when back to the first gloryds,n we se gi >> think we have time for a st tou fwy fw h 's cma at the ashford clinic, and terrance organized t freedom rs i lde anngk andhas the first time that i got the idea ofegregated health care mis ilie brow.
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onulstinuible] cas, w t me stories and he was an incredible story teller. he wasn't good that financed. would driaet maic a ae ay. [ltey il. >> i just want to say when david called me to be interviewed about the book, i think can be anaraom i h ami ththeater and i lived with
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mitchell, and david taott d ouomd owsad - toe that clear. >> i used to go down and hand inyltt eterttothe prostutes d aste a rseey would poke holes in all of the condoms a was a more rare moment in thesn wa ks singh at
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>>aue] n tabohe ec [inaudible] >> i think it all comes to head. the cops were the bastion of te aneroof griefaasc police work the dead on some of the cases i read about a the zebra case thefinally cracked thass rcedwy tis on the veg uts e' o htte police department has to answer
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for all of these tensions come together and start to boilover during mayorsc'snu po dntbra idae pmi h poonof iknas the chief he brings in the house side reformerand then all hll breaks l ers gring ath reatin atpito j ot ifacischero of the organizer of the prostitutes she had goo frien and clients among some francisco e e nne tti h an ld niosibyte cops and wanted to get as quickly as she could. so twth iofe wive th orbcu
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onntooe e itawit drtnt in those daysnd they ere fighting it tooth and ail, so we o ar madonia. bee oue amt f e dsee n be blst ha st. ignatius, and he was seen as a traitor by many of the kids, sturdte profheer with who >> [inaudible]
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isrt of ustredi atptedaot mm bsegtem bemrt w er anhe can tothe hague and wa embraced by people here. when he was in pain, he was obviously on the brink of a co outispe wor nae ana r je t mylo tar spread by hyper nationalistic patriotic types of the right wing. for the most part think they are glamorous and tn inhi mmy tec t wa ece tey du pobs e e r nanoewa ngof hem, not their families, th patriotic types, it was san francisco that took them out to their heart and took t ccta here,en.
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and the ash tree clinic with its own judgenpr t prms h .j decided that they needed to fund wherever the vets went, and that is when the clinic got its fir government funding. i reca bei or here in a ocndthe oven cicarond ivme gi emnendres vietnam vet that has a very rich ou t itamor a long time whocame vice e ra over here.
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i can see it right now. thap ol hin hdsaat t 9waan pter and i came down because they were beating the crap out of this kid ani came down and then the s.arted swapping me wh ngt e t bu s aco trm about how smith got beat up and they don't even beat up a wartime, so he had this kind rajus tamhetblhmt int adcnl o vroleaty well. >> thank you everyone for oming toght. cor dalwih ig a rn
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d cnue erona the signing table. >> thank you very much for coming. [applause] of didtho n ound r noman, it n. former u.s. senator and misery first lady jean carnahan is next from jefferson city missouri. she talksabout life inside te ve'ssif lyhebo i al ull. >> the mansion has been here since 1871, when it was built to replace the old blundell was in such aae. torinthfmi m iiss bmth had five chdren and there were so many wonderful things to do in ths spacious
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mansion. e blze o tweng nd topf ho ers llrn ba a ing to the capitol and said to the center that he was with go on to the senate, have to go back and spenth l e lea oy or ftgse e em,nan w probably about nine of the time had a little tool set that he had got him for his birthday. so he did some experimenting on thnit twrture so whenht co'tfgr tithey discovered that he had taken his salles to the legs of the shares. so the kids hav layo mgi tho has f gchen s el gho an i
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never had any encounter with the ghost but i'm interested in there was one man working in the attic one day and as he left fr th idersnte ti thguard looked at him and said but he doesn't have a daughter. and of course to have heard pagioth agt storiesatwell. rnthnt a h ds o inese parties again and the people were laughing on the staircase so perhaps those were the ghosts returning. >> wha aboutr emoryta ree? we ilia haylls r festival sponsored by the disney foundation, and we put on a wonderfushow for the chilen foveyedwwe tasa
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sacr ath thwecled the spectacular during halloween and an h soouhen would ode iondylwayh been helpful in education programs and they would enjoy hearing about the things that happenedn the mansion and acthm er an ls ar f stes wd t hifo e druttl kthtaisf the mansion and expand the hospitality. those are the things i think any first lady would like to do and we tried verymc t o oe url o swep o ilshsbe a history unfolding over time so
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it's a connection to thepast and w seehatecfmily cotihasttdwav thhaeetmth legislators have wanted to tear down and came within vote so it was able to be saved but then lar hrkha b cer hr. ittoso ft ot aufulrestoration's of the victorian mansion anywhere in thunited states, so i'm gad that we have and hink people see e alueit en see prvihendm e the children. >> what madeou decide to write a book about the mansion itself and the families that li pe tme to te ardtsels
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ultl tseeycul lke d ve a story to tell and i realize that no one had written that story complety that included the whasoin hm.hertadie bouhtalttehe bthurou o be 430 somepages with a lot of research, but it was a work of love. it took me five years,n tiof y f.l n re trip to jefferson missouri with local cable partner media come, we spoke to local author clarence hol ty rn t ak ha g vening. here in california in the primary tomorrow people have a
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rare and no doubt please an opportunity to vote their taxe no r. tmund osoni' lend i a absolute flat bn how much property tax they can show to homeowners. it is thought to be as much a astb xpnsi stl rn a i aith rt a.
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txbills if you don't pay them thegoveren nneihepoe th mee. unforgiving of the tax bill. historical the prperty-tax that local government services have been plnt edioviininded to a whole fooahecaal or ias and
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what is most upsetting to people payar uaot heest em when there is a real-estate dedeh aebo aer he past usbt n worth $250,000 is dig e. e benefit goesout -- of been reassessment goes up the property taxes skyrocket beuse property values skyrocke
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u caa il e neoagly rising property valus are a good thing except paying yourxtn per ps e . paht ll cause propty values go up. >> has anyone ever tried to fight to the a? part of the community movements throughout california fuelled by people not able toa hel ple tanun they
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can accumulate mney and it wod be x e ththltoy. people in the working-class neighborhood who are thei ilogrlyt n ot y ey are organized, homeowners. btied and protested to get tax reduioinitiativethe ni gance mersa vrl
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ne elyhoers but the wealthy have a the akidvantag nnonn iding political power. the kind that ordinar a peopleon't have. tovt icveed anwid ehto have of her middle-class community involved. their houses are going up by
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5 million. business were hit wi taxes. to thse land owning physicists busns ln nesi togto he vent as well asthe homeowners with leadership. opeeerst leshosn
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pad for those who cld ot bybile y. fall t protest movement. ata very high a tax rate tax relief is targeted to the wealthy even though it may start by a wire gras roots movement with concerns
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of ordinary middle-class people. geg n te me-spoetdtely opoa not have the same backing. they did gome relie the biggest slice of / esbuss wed tndy.liias h
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proposition 13. public edution has deteriorated. mmyle s te ut ucnasse top of the country. they fall down and are now at the bottom. wt hts aomin lage mi oecond and people underserved. it is a tragedy you could haveliminated the property tax for homeowners. if it was only ht
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liiaotst tl he pe n-a they need police and fire mois not there for the small homeowners wh are ing . it causes h v re. e thish me. lamatycal
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gains tax reduction not only goes to 1%a heryry ben govenment who really theoohe aisli ripolen y. beel relieve we toe rich. those folk the government is ar. state, local evebodys maeas blaidti.
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wio h g ag the money is there. yo shastry complicated. ofseivd government and policy but it is important to the overall threyi to theiving. li.dle-class standard er hsa lithe to make sure on housing, health care, interest rates, that
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it gets a fair shake. more people are falling out th re aodle-class. lati. list n place and i faint the middle-class will rlly raise itself up rougthe licy i nasdtat eye fal compromise of excepting the nempgnan, buemof


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