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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 9, 2012 1:00am-1:25am EDT

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whs neteintng neus ri t expose what you see as people i don't know how you would collect that they were being dupeby the bigfo ni atoio pete ..
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glalmahaig t
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this was the e energy and climate task force. thse e t tn of not only the reality but the end urgency to do something of fossil fuel emissions. of for the decades wecudese li e st00arat bu cnu ornmo
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d o oil fuels, tarzan's common deep ocean drilling, fracki it guante ewi grhinthh col. sofei not to say the consequences will not me felt oner. throngaoilk s,ah eme wbaro. enc 2 france. three standard deviations out of the normal. those events are now occurring over 10% of the land area. with a normalci
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lywud enab%. de tigavbee already. the effects will be much larger. coyouchientically s evly chart the increase how the atmosphere changed? >> yes. we began to measure co2 ecy th50he ermirentt frhascths le andca e le ario
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19. wa0 s miion and 18 hundreds began to increase as we ed me l oil d ga isnri rapidly now 390 parts per million. >> host: how does that affect human being to trap the heat radiation from the earth.rmy t composition been constant the planet will radiate to space just as ch energy as it receives. but the gases trap some of goutcom al pti
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of the planet has warmed up 1.5 degrees fahrenheit ai s.5es pl it ne balance. more coming in and going out byixeta l to. m hal as much warming ine i sed thans hers inla period when it
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was 1 degree warmer even as warm as it was uring the plioceneh hba abfe i n w v e et takes time for the ice sheets t disintegrate but we wl stt po >>t:fr su in you became quite low loan with a a global warming you have been talkinabouthisor a couple of dedeior? thrsjopes 81li tfie
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zind oe astotstify in front of congress. i did so. it got a lot of attention d i eiz red oon dcdfr testimon is plywood ett thnn mmatthdi evhnera frien me eto.i r ghr] also michael oppenheimer. 15 years i did not do any interviews or testify. but with the climate task
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force nd the bushes administration. dowahien to say that i understood but did not make it clear. i oghowr a ieicppr at t htwaim so wrote the book. >> host: was that 60th irthday meeting a life ge noticitoeo. icks yupd e shon th lan n they did not
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want to repercussions. so i had to ask for a presath eit oatg tal e.lid die. the next year david's son, he died in the nt year. hi ahr'etg i sa in g i gave a alk and it did get attention. that led to the white house contacting nasa headquarters and telling them they did not appreciate what i was
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saying. mefokioe %t rnt teeyosew rules i informed "the new york times" what was happening thrsrics pkaa trm heia but more the attempt to silence me that the was the change your. hat ishat led to writing itsofi t. mmat tht ulit fichr he wh
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ges i don't remember making that statement. unta cecetficults tr ar i tried to put science in each chapter. buit sge uc plehoi pe oec rea . i difficultgth ic orad books that include complex science. >> host: is there agreement, wt kind of scientists are you? >> guest: i don't know what you mean p was
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trned i ial lnta,stromy a scientist one experiment went to the mess and then another to jupiter. nntheat0s i ga o n h'imbee urs er. it changes before our eyes. so i have e a cmatiet. oss e ra ret t isof ist beer g: almi itgeing warmer.
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but that maybe more neutral and the climate chaos we've will cause ti entryand buosfe o h iyuwe policy mark -- maker which would you dvocate? >> guest: the policies needed are simple. bu ntlloe don't pay their cost cbut are subsidized between $500 billion per year worldwide. they d't have to pay for the health eectsauseby ch. oimr
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insie ht llfrheopa s at the port of entry. or at the mie. wh wgtmete that1%ther-tasoe h moydvidend that could be distributed electronically to the bank account. inivhcde t reeseyte tho miosfu e alorins to develop improved energy efficiency and end of the energy's fidel produce
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carbon dioxide. >> host: what is your current position at nasa? >guest: at the goddrd ste spci n ty e n te and the planets but now principally the earth's climate and both undersndingciate inippoecamizeets >> host: what was it like on tco a political football? >>uestit inot meg jot n itesia dt to py.e
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scbt touhe implications for energy use or policies that politicians ist ovntnect in the way that e en at nlenin washington and other capitals. unfortunately politians are short sghtednd oy ttitoh -ripc. >>ost: yo predecessors to talk about these issues? >> carl say again was a great person to make this to the public is unfortunate his life was shorter than it
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could have been. of the sci ae k co eem that the effects of the burning in the atmosphere to seven so wntri ill e chs se the in 10 years? host: ourim lty, what will wes g l. if oe at ad cn idt eaboxts
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uscrd in usoreteeat waves and droughts. but because the atmosphere is warmer it olds more water vapor. ougti o tr fs.100 year floods occurring more often. these changeshe r sastr. sw wile expansion of the arid regions. one of the effects is the hadley's circulation the rising motion in the tropics that causes the subtropics to generally be dry.
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thdianre. we see increased to heat waves and fires th burn hoer som of th re tor i ascsey t or four over the last half a century because of the increased obal warming. >> host: if keogh w ac houlate ge g: le. fo freion
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w countriescould reduce emissions. geany and britainbcuse ree ad andu msio cause east germany was incorporated and their technology was 50 year old. li on a trssio increase. ee a sample on best price on carbon emissions. th could stimulate the economy. if given to the puic to make the changn
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oussueiss. we don't want the government deciding the new technology and what it should be. theyill solr a ansi t dnork that may be part of the solution but let the market decide. copeet mt ee but hr a tecn. osha yea cbi g: am just doing search working with
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students. >> host: we are talking with james hansen author of "storms of my grandchildren" director of nasa got third institute for space studies. why based in newyr unsibi eet raly good people and a small laboratory we are very active. publishing th o fur peer etier . c-2.kt


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