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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 15, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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she was a philopher. i know there are some ople apioeryy she wn't she il nenced economic and political faults. my background is in writing about wall street, and in particular the underside of wall street. at mitrestrand was the 2008 financial crisis i was writing an article on -- actually it wasn't alan greenspan that was timoy ane tiyghns the new ok fed, rifs al greenspan. alan greenspan was one of his mentors and one of his closest associates. and in the course of my research for that article, i found a photographo enspan bi
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col cicdrs in 1974. this was in the oval office, and standing right there was ayn rand, and it ealfasced c nvr ly thought that ayn rand was quite the central to our political belief system but as i began to carry out research i began to anhwimtar is in a number of areas and the area that interested me the most rewned 2008i started to look into the financial crisis in rticular i was trying t oo cr, diepo were coming you know, sort of the actors, the main actors in the financial crisis why did they believe as they did, you
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know, i had always written as a rt of the point in the two an hr streetn versus america and agreed on wall street and that's always been something of theata reported on for a good years for businesseek n portfolio. i was very interested to find out, you know, what s the ideology. there is an ideology behind the eeand e sh sarpling in 2008 which has been with us to the current day. and that brings me back to this photograph of greenspan and ayn rand appearing in the book. i think what i would like to do is media read from perhaps the trctto k which i
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get into a little bit how i got involved in rand and in partular the greenspan connection which also deal wi in e book. warn9ad inalsi was relevant. the shock had worn off but little else. the whole contra villans was in full swing as researching the artie 1 timothy gethner recently secretary i found an old photograph i thought might be a good llustrationof he pee. ed mt t o fmeai ra sealgeenspan posing in the white house with gerald ford and other people. the photo was taken in september 1994 when greenspan had been sworn into the first governmentost chairman of the council of economic advisers to a standing next togensn was i' heon the book jacket younger but no less furious and always with a short haircut.
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her televised appearances she spoke with an accent and was always precise form in hewords carefully as if hadwriten aynd a iurom yesterday. i never had any reason to write about her. in my many years as a reporter covering wall street, mostly of underside, she was always on someone else's et. pocspiph nted an intersecn far right politics. my focus was agreed coming and hurt inside fought had no relevancy it was wrong for a ng time. looking athephtogph into dot ili i r t t very deeply, about the why of it all. the moral component of the behavior to which we had open exposed. why did legitimate, he essentially honest finance years, tradersndces ue neaqisn relessf consequences to
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others. what motivated the regulators and government officials who were better than usual aowutrulry captureat sometimes thrown in to explain the government connection with theseexplanations didn't see maddock what. i saw a pattern of behavior the actions nce the main actors in afonad supremelyssal efficient midwesterners who was this suppose zabriskie were of merrill lynch. to the public, thanks to his well oiled publicity machine, he was famed e brain the human tohema nwo the 35,000-dollar commode they bought for his office until a shareholder objected. i sought in john paul hedge fund
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nager collaborated with goldman sachs designing toprmoge aswa devastating for the goldma clients. paulson was a brilliant man who could see the financia system racing towards oppressiveness li oth hedunmer as paulsonlace his bets and kept silence cashing in his chips when the system really collapsed. talking with paulson, i came way with the impression that he had devoted his lie to al conanvr er of money. the goldman sachs deal was the culmination of the sing-minded quest. what made these two accomplishments so selfish, but made these accomplishments s ish, osea al lngpu spiritedness so thirsty for the
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reebok, these two men and many others personify the philosophy, whether it was explicitly adopted or implicit f not imptahatteris at lten to it. this was reflected in the belief continually promulgated by greenspan at the fed, but the markets were supreme and a kind of fit thetate. sy awencn tde towardslf mes csiderable enthusiasm by the regulators and congress and all the administrations as a sizable portio of the media. at first i developed a theory this was ahodgepodge of beliefs i quoted market supremy b it s brouget eenpotophm hso h philosopher. ayn rand had been there all along and i never noticed. this book is my attempt to correct that overght. my purpose in writing this book was not to tell e story ofndif t
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ta nal is at has been in the history and reported in the financial crisis in cory comission. the early biograies. it's all hitory now. the failure of the regulaon an tleptali dot t neatflwenia issn reformed but the retrenchment, rebuttal, denial, led by jamie dimond, the outspoken chief excutive jpmorgan chase, wall street struck back against the very id of reining in its compsa anuran s it feetasi rgrf e societal risk. little before was enacteand at was passed into was evali u chhns, blaming bankers for the things they had done was to be condemned. greenspan went on to the
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talk-show circuit. the days of old are doing that regulation was in the answ. there was all of the spirit thug al itheirf lahost nto greenspan in that photograph almost four decades ago. aynayn rand, a triumphant in the politicsf reaction. rand has experienced an extraordinary revival sine the itatuglr heound th erica. and she is winning. she is money because she isn't considered to be important. she is dismissed by the opinion as a fringe character a cultist and n xrmit. engaged and rebutted, yet she was -- she is an extremist but she matters because her extremism is no longer from the french. her followers call her a phosoer oar the greatest
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writers and her novel atlas shrugged, the greatest novel ever written. they were morally repuant and va aheniha e a hsoeral r that her audiology as a philosophy in this book i utilize the term to deny it i think i'm one of the minimizes the considerable influce. what iindisputable is that she was nelis laywright a ener hich was to advance the cause of the most radical form of the free-market laissez-faire capitalism. she aed herself a radical for capitasm. ayn nd, caiisredo gomead force. she advanced the system police that trained the moral values of
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e western civiliation upside down. that was good, the immoral was laudatory command laudato shli i niidli d sete ti of society that benefited groups of people which she condemned as the evil of collectivism. every man wa an island in the besl puing'sverse of her das. onl-tt the only form of existence. to be selfless was evil. she used that term very often. she periodically into the political scene from the 1930's to the 1980s andwsafn of tinotnanhr sin mlily inconsistent. she opposed entry into world war ii in support of israel and opposed the vietnam and felt dwight d. eisenhower was soft on communism. she dorsed barry goldwater and cad hstnrnald regn ecuse he
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e opposed racism and civil rights act of 1964. she believed that big business was a persecuted minority, but did not speak out when big business discriminated against the realmie di e towchebln she despised hippies and the draft. she was an elitist who at adored mickey spillane. she was a fierce advocate of dividualismand the heroes were idientcict elinoaep ession when her final and grand novel at less shrugged was critically secured she called the philosophy that she invented objective is some. herd disciples and the object of this worldwould be aih wi s talo and the bruzual are alike. the relatives would be thrown out the house. marriage all these would be optional just as they were for
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rand and her private life. government would be redud to three uc tar ict plead urts. income taxes would end and so with everything the taxes paid for. today her vision of radical capitali has never been more popular. she is the godmother to the tea party andhe hilsophical ball workhaandsbd ts tocsety dc the life and she was the leader of the cold, and a militant atheist, a supporter of abortion and an opponent of the anti-drg laws. she could be abysmally ignorant of basic ftsnd yyp nt ha nyaf t american psyche yet her books showed will insight into the lives of ordinary americans. her most prominent critic was not a bleeding heart liberal but the leader of the conrve meil fukey .. al wo pale by the
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objection of christian morality that he assigned the communist whitaker chambers to write a scathing review of atlas shrugged for the "national reew." quote, since a great many of s diesi ut a tis h does, many inclined to take her at her word, said chambers. in fact, he said, her vision was hateful and a positive. for any page of atlas shrugged, chambers said, a voice can be d pifu nss ag gs chamber go. "washington post" said in the review without this shrugged this is a conflict easily to hate both sides. it howls of its readers years anbeats themin the head o secu itstnt nthen r f said "the new york times" book review critic gramm hicks. despite a scathing reviews come atlas shrugged sold in the millions and remains a best
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seer to thsday s eslecwa i ev inkso something like a half a million copies. hugely successful book. the two major novels are phonetically different. the fountainhead, the 1943 novel that made her ascces s chte es oesn't even like money. that is something you will hear about from objective tsts. howard that is played by kerry cooper in the movie didn't like. atlas shrugged on the other a bled18s re cuon i o regulation, no controls, no government capilism. the he goes are ostentatiously rich. the economics in the industry wa lacing. foinhead.hwreedie its name was alan greenspan.
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greenspan was her lyer like a light. sincerely 1950's. he was a member of the inner circle, the collective and they met every weekend served as we woulal writgr ad t ugcpt d tasfounding boy for her ideas. as the integrated over the years, shredded by purges and defections, he never abandoned her, never doubted her evn as others did no matthow erratic du t16d17 ranw sed by mainstream intellectuals and academia. her reputation wasn't bad pity it was toxic. 1972, william f. o'neill, the ilosophy professor the erty of uthe fo a uoroone e sesris, said that writing about ayn rand was a treacherous undertaken most itellectual circles she was either totally ignored or simply dismissed out of hand. and those that take her seriously enough to examine he
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thlvdngityqulyies association. rand had few friends, even on the far right her fbi file discloses that jay edgar hoover on the of fais rebuffed a request for an appotmt i 9tdiscu nsfierl lilblhiwell t w sto this day. standing in the oval office on but late summer day in 1974 with greenspan next to her she was still isolated, still an extremist, and had never soften her view. buthanks to nsse ws pogtheesnt un es e d a te white house two years later when another chalcolite prime minister of australia pages it. she really street from her apartment to new yorkcity emeing occasionally to give lectures during thefinalrs shbem trl oa flar h ighon a housecoat. the contrast of ayn rand's
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import and influence today cannot be more dramatic. she is the bar one of the conservative media and a mighty force on the internetsmall oups of oplerete s nwler message boards and even a dating service. rand is the new benjamin franklin. her saying's trumpeted by the rit a humorless will rogers shd'dikep an inspiration for leading political fiures her followers meet regularly throughout the country. and her novels once shunned by acemia are now touting the colleges and higscoolshks tosoibyl pprsayra institute found it after her death to perpetuate a legacy. ayn rand doesn't need the ari. her rules were on the bed stand of the baby boom before it was foded ju as seinvved he ra a et o
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llnroninay collegian. her novels became the postwar american clich universal teenage reading experience like a catcher. the advertising executive is a reflection ofthe t ' onat p oe l c in the 1960's when she was a french figure and the other is taking place with considerableimpact today. in 1975, stanle marcus, chairm ids le rpe run oc ison who among the business community today, he asked, would seriously propose that congress would repeal the child labor law? or the sherman antitru act. he feder resrv at the cueshaa? wenmpensation or social security or minimum wage? or medicare or civil rights legislation.
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all of us today, he said, recognized such leglan is an had srnrtete mav en true in 1975, but not today. the credit or blame lies squarely with ayn rand. so i just read a bt from the flooof the book and in age, nw if you look at all of the political figures out there, the one who i think is widely believed to have had the greatest influence of all if you could cite a single person with gomee90tst influence on as cma fthe federal reserve but only did he set monetary policy, he was also a regulator and an advocate of deregulation. i think it's fair to say that he was te leading advoce of on thiieti ok sw en
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never really changed his stripes. he was an acolyte of a rand in the 1950's he was a member of the inner ircle and i don't have tim to read it i don't thinkhat get hofr20ee he appeared before henry waxman's committee, and he said that there was a flaw in the mind set. i was terribly surprised that we have all the poble i thog tjuhe -iesoanr nt business would be sufficient to prevent the abuses from happening and i was terribly shocked when that happened, and in actuality he did saythat, but i thnk that if you brin alo ermm axw that time as well a the statements that he made before the committee, you fnd that in fact greenspan never really apologized and never really
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pudied. that is i thinwhat was more of a icles, d act later on in his testimony before the financial crisis inquiry commission, he did what they cal on wall street may be que. he didn't know. he was asked about hiscomments foaxs'omiin aeliev dt esidas really talking about something else. i wasn't repudiating my world view. so, it's reallyi think amazing and, you know, i think a certain extent the number one advocate of rand vis, yo yene really strayed from her views in any substtial way. actually would have the gall to make this widely publicized ha da. in 2008, ndvr there is a quote that i have in
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the boo. it's actually from brandon, who was one of her leading acolytes. instcot.e ary anb brandon said it seems obvious if werespect the reality was the ultimate object of this virtue it wasn't one we practiced insistently and was inevitable thaone day reality would present a ll for ec inatert otd pnt a the economic agony that we are currently suffering under is still a large extent the bill it i think we are al pang , kseymcha intae s qio >> thank you very much. i guess i got invoe i
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an t atioha srt uy dwn around and had the institutes but i'm interested if you want to bring it up to date now that paul ryan is probably the biggest onenow ene, d hecnedhi all of plan for the budget had to refuse her the very day because the catholic bishops went up yolao like ayn randsayin and what we want to do and it was always her contradiction that that unselfishness wsth ctissme t olmontaot e but if you don't care about poverty issues coming and i'm
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wondering what you know about what paul ryan is up to. is he still pushing te same plan, andtetanpu. sl wth politicians do is many of them love her tremendously, ad grand polis win paul ryan is a superb example. ul ryan appeared at a alry of te at styh abin the book. and he gave a glowing endorsement of ayn rad. well, the recently -- he was occasionally quoted and i quote him in the bok from the comments that he made its rad.i veal sai that. i'm not an acolyte, whatever. it's the society h a keeper of his comment and they played and i actually wrote a article on that and so did a lot ofh
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op. it's like that quote i just read from brandon. the tendency -- what was the wo he used, the tendencyt ulteec some he just lied about. but you know, the reaon he did whoi.rnt a iundersnd eesn me an just a few endorse ayn rand quite the way that he did in such a growing when you kind of our endorsing a philosopher who h wa t twhh p people the fundantal did
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judaeo-christian opposed to altar was and she felt that altruism was evil contrary to what people are ag. they had to disavow her. >> thanks for speaking with us today. you mentioned in a photograph with geald ford swearing-in and ayn rad swearing and alan greespbut that w actll r col om seai id be chairman of the federal reserve until 1987 which is after -- >> that's right. >> can you look at comparing the actual actions of mr. greenspan once he came the chairmanof the feral servto hda ynder ju associating historical with her because she had no opportunity to distance herself from him when she was the top regulator according to you. >> in the book i do get into grpad htwe o
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chapters devoted. the crucial thing with greenspan -er necessary he wasn't 100% of the time he was heavy central-bank but as a regulator at the crucial times, he was always out there pushing theroe of guon whes o opponent of regulation in or out of the government most iluential, the most vivid example of his -- grensn as an oonof lias enopd la derivatives. he combined with author leavitt's and other egulators
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actually came downwho was the head ofthe urat commsionhihe at impose regulations on the overcome triggered a dispute over-the-counter differ this had been regulated if the had come under the regulatory scheme. it's clear a think we might have had a finanal crisis it wouldn't have beenquite as bd as itclys haour g here tonight -- the confusion about alan greenspan i see them as two separate ople that come fro completely different live. so i think of greensn as aonint ow a av cule p od m a rise, so i think he changed. i think alan greenspan, something changed somewhere along the lines in hislife. heokt oh r
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interviews that have read her philosophy and i guess if i was to write a book about h i would compare it to actually the law of attraction, the secrets, ou secular really don't have religion and want to be more spiritual start from the point of view that we are selish lawyer and that's how we are created by design and actually po her nn atheistic a believe and once you become a whole person as her words are no different than the new age teacher said day that tell you basically - >> i think you raise avey goo t. e edte a anganng. when he became a murder of the collective scum he really had no major believes, no major economic beliefs. he was sort of an empty slate and he became a convinced
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obctiv test wua inofto ti tinfcte e several essays for her book. actually it is a collection, he wrote essays for the objective best newslter, and whichwere isbyndd e bscanh pressing the thoughts of rand which were published in a book called capitism the unknown idea which is in print today and is a very biger requested the psas that he wrote for capitalism and the unknown idea be removed from that anthology were that in his memoir speaking about his evolutionas --n hif h em ae sort of vaguely disavows his
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views and it's been a more of a hint but he eveiowed nyst ey i orpeor themselves than capitalism, the unknown ideas. he was opposed to any form of regulation, he wasn't even opposed to the building codes. he felt that builing codes, you reti umi- n'at h ut ti veinrofbu i believe that regulation under - the basis of capitalism i think is the word he used but i don't have it in front of me. ink o regulations ought you will see is that people felt the free market was sufficient. the free market could pant
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ildi c aow t haee rket when you haven't had a strict building codes the building's collapse, people die in fires. the free market has been proven as incapableo gatg itt n'rk that way. >> could you speculate on two things. what what ayn rand have fought about ron paul, and what woud [lte adam smith oughus >> welcome there is no question that she would have despised ron paul. i don't now about the second e. i try to answer thefirst one. she would, o noi hazardous in ayn rand much less
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adam smith that he would have despised on paul for the simple reason that she despised all libertarians. any peop tpruld pot wssmar shouthey were giving her rossin she was against them vehemently against libertarians, and she wasalso against the john birch society. you either had to be under her wing -- y have to agree with he opetlyeeest anngdoh inms of your politics. and she didn't endorse reagan. she was against ronald reagan because -- she would have disliked ron paul because among abn.,ulposgs, likro vfely so all she would have hated ron paul. >> [inaudible] >> i think she would have just -- she would have dislike anybody asociated with n paul iean
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e wt. which not named after ayn rand come his name as randall. that is a genuine religion. his name isrn >>y toar o he ways. was that personal or philosophical? >> it was personal. ayn rand had 100% personal all the wood was represented differently at the time. shd ffairitntael doericldpu d her archaeological call her air of a matt of fact between 1952 and 1968. there was a ig split in the randmovement punand e 19ff and on through the 60's and nathaniel brandt wanted to
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break off and she didn't take kindly tothat. thwatviemdbuiy. eago and even the objective is movement acknowledges. so even though she takes all kinds of accusations against him, the accusations it wa a rsdipe etck ott om nahani braed about how the objective test. >> [inaudible] >> what's go [ind] >>be ay esycog d bamvy ceful author comer writing self-help books. he got involved in. but there is a role in the objective is movement that he has to come back he appears on panels right now. 's in0,t he just
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left the movement. contrary to her wises she put a curse on his head. contrary to her wishes she became a vy suessful >> i wonder if you might say a little bit more about ayn rand and i think you described her as being the godfather of t tea party movement. uld youtell old more on your thinki about tha ayrnd -- i guess about the tea party is that it's very disorganized. but there are several main oups, and as i escribedin be craamwths publicity about the tea party rallies meaning delete key party rallies you would see this line who is john galt been a character from atlas shrugged.
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but what i ound my reporting is that ayn rand had been an impoant infuence on the lybeo he e ar planng and man by the name of mark who was the head of one of the major tea party groups. he's a very, very big ayn rand of theonata, and ayn rand was an influence on other al membs ofhe pry yo see this not just in their adoption of her point of what you not only of her beliefs but crucial parts of her belief system. you see this in the positions that he party has taken. novr ad ies. you don't see the tea party members pushing all that much on abortion or gay marriage. it's not the main thing. the main thing is capitalism and to alrg ti fli think.
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>> i think there is a differce between the messenger and the message. the thing is itemse mee is coming to a message still has broad appeal and you can pick certain things you like or don't like and i just wondered from your perspective enm ishr eaowmo not and it takes many forms maybe people are also spending and to their own use. but we ae talking out her, so she has her- sheherlf tt os s hseimt wa'sppening. >> there's no question about that. as matter-of-fact, one of the things i didn't interview them and by the name of oliver stone, the famous actor who is very far
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ft, tthlft. rnehave reg on ayn rand. oliver stone at one point was going to o a an adaptation of the fountainhead because the fountainhead, the rights are still ith warner oter so onhe t9 athmaa e gary cooper which i personally like but citical reception was next. they sll have the rights and he was going to do anoter reme ofutad e naapters of a get into the way that he was going to manipulate the founinhead and it's kind of interesting because he was going to turnur rour om a very selfish man into aelfls dialhterte opominhe t he described it as kind of interesting.
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my point is this -- my point is i think there are elements to nd philosophy that triet will delete the appealing that i personally like. i like her novel which i point out in the book. i thought hey were readable. they are not great works of literature but neither is herman for that matewhica g sllhe tbutht books were not that bad pipit i didn't agree obviously with will lot of what shehad to say that there were elements of her philosophy like the individual if d tevhihehe hadai there cmly -- if you don't agree that within 100% if you agree with 30% of what she says, you can take away certain things from he books that are positive and that ourlfafrmi
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i mm teo tuutldo mmd that people sort of read it selectively and try not to swallow what she says whole and try to do what oliver stone did tour bf emd sort o u a not let her take over your belief system which is unfortunately what i think a lot of young people do when they read her books and that is why i think it is unfortunate th her books are taught in high school. i think you have to be i de yovebeev college to be able to really properly appreciate rand. to answerour question i think there are definitely positive aspects. [die is no question. bur microphone. >> in your opinion as the single most inconsistent aspect of the
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objection was some -- about wyoe ost, to me i see inconsistency les and her philosophy than the actons rd erself thg exale o t ocsurity and medicare, she was an opponent of medicare. she is opposed to medicare going back to long before medicare was enacted. she wa opposed and the newsletter articles during the kennedy adinistratin when fld wat waunr t oon and was finally enacted in 1965, but she felt medicare would destroy the medical profession and that it would insulate doctorre .
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w happened? when she qualified for medicare and she needed medicare and her husband needed medicare, the signed up or it. and they signed up for social security which i canundetand toetne de aocsety use into it. but medicare it wasn't quite the same thing although there might have been some deductions that she peaden to medicare. she just took advantage of this program that she described as an s h w tk so inconsistencies. >> you talk a little bit about how when you were interewing the tea party leaders, you found out something about rand struck asa model. their prvtee >> that's actually a very good question because it wasn't just that he party leaders but was
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other people like pamla dillard who was a nb poth sed ground zero mosque. pamela dillard, mark miller and some of the other team party leaders -- she's not that he party leader. the devote a learexpt bhedne sort of common denominator which is that rand appeared to them on the deep psychological level for instance pamela dillinger s a sort of a rebellious young lay wa leave home and her parents wouldn't pay for work of education unless she stayed at home so she left, and supported herself and she was introduced atand ouhatie n nduidh ebca
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it resonated with her -- rand in addition to, you know, the politics and in addition to the economics and everything that i think a lot of people object to induoddskiuas i ar upf mrsipng your own family. that appeal to a much to pamela geller because she can with a family there was kind of controlling and you see characters in the box rtularly in atshu erse tai characters like this family of leeches -- honest to god reading foatboowotly i th s a character like anybody else. th's the kind of thing that appeals to people i think and i n't think that it's
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appreciatedhta" speaks to people's self-esteem psychological issues and about four fifer while you don't really have any more but for a while touring the 50's and 60's psanis aylost a branch of ers a brief period of the psychology you don't hear much become much about y marketables really self-esteem and she appealed to people's lfeesvy a thn t ihedf in ht gets people wimbledon rand. >> the gentleman there. >> did you see the atlas do yo heve oie thatcnnnd iho phlph a c tin like the
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book? >> there are several problems with that movie. first, it was criticized he most and i have to agree it wasn't a particularly wl-me e. en rand acolytes that what role they were making a movie about the atlas shrugged were not happy with the performances for the prduction values that were notll that great but the otr prlem a w art of i r itasypr. as f part of the novel so it had a problem of production values and instead of being this -- the 190s st tmoito esdndet this scooter now will but with the timeframe of the movie and it just wasn't that well-me. the production values were not that great. so why would sayhat
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ab the movie, the main test of the movies wouldn't make people rad rand. and i would say the answer as no. ngt ovieis g t keepe randan just wasn't a very good movie. >> just one quick follow-up. you said self-esteem >> saste-hpb and especially compad to what is happening now if you look at the government now is it still dysfunctional so you think-
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>> good question. >>t's en a h t dererv tawhe h when things get a bit rowdy do you think what alan greenspan did was more self-interest by keeping interest rtes lowtoie m h tywsti o around the year 2000 because he wanted to get one more a point that is the chairman of the federal reserveby eping the tisterestingne theory. that's possible. what you are suggesting as possible. one of the reasons that greenspan isn't popular among some people is because the actions on interest res. mareani f the iting
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prpeveiitr rates but his actions on regulations which i've gone into earlier but i think what you're saying isn't entirely possible. was just a very politically say person and self esertion might have en pa o t oue es >> if not, thanks again for having me. [applause] >>yoaseres a good side sprout at the jacob javits convention center bookexpo america the annual book
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publishing industry's convention in new york city, and one of the publhereprentave he isheuieyrse ctfte press. we want to ask about some of the books that are coming out this fall. let's start with former congressmen mickey edwards has a book coming out. mickey edwards is a good okmaad oof as institute at princeton and harvard and he's taking a look it basically how the political process has been be aco tolerance, andrtisanship he has a lot of steps he wants henkldring
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independent counsel and also kind of waiting to fix it. >> he was a congressman in the 80'snd early 90's and he ha quaeeee i hbet ce and harvard and he's a senior officer at the aspeninstitute. >> susan jacoby is the author value to a lot o te vwers d ha be ne k ra ee times. he actually ran for president and had a huge popace tc up. fatwandth stand was pushing completely secular agenda.
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his campaign was stopped short ofrltn hura a >> they would be freethinkers and it was a character in that book and she was so fascinat by the story that she decided to and thatis aotei right now. >> wanted to ask about an author i'm not familiar with but a lot of the viewers would be. >> hs aniceted ison mv ok he's one of the nobel laureate prizewinners for nonfiction and playwrights and this is book where he really wants to take a look at sort of the popular by yes nd the sort of global pe t bofheappe whe e'faus book written
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several decades ago reharsivd ss book in the sort of western class africa. kepras th ndeatiofr humanitarian aid as the heir of the condensation. he not un h nttoseoug r luitatco with it. >> that is one of the things that is ieresting about the book. it's also impossible f the westerners to understand arica. it's notas a demonic cotinent.
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ontiit ven thverydea of the nation states as opposed to tribal states is a very westernconcept and has a lot of misunderstandings that we have about africa. so it is a book that doesn't rest easy with all of ou is thageeaf em i m it is about that. >> do you know where he lives and where he will e touring in the u.s.? >> that's complicated he actually has an unpublishedad hsabg sety onen when he travels, so in the meantime devotees had a lot of interest from major think tanks and the letters. we try to do some thins with serityut iope wlls heonemor erasoin d it again. spent on donatich, how many
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books a year does yale university publish? argue a money-makingventure, are you associated with the university? >> we are completely wne by 32liolpuheme o me independent publisher. we publish it for different areas. we have an art list that is composed of a couple hundred books, and tha is books that we produce. we alsdistributed and coblisngot2 nci emetropolitan in chicago, london, and a coup dozen others and that is a wonderful thing. the list we have close books that are writy leh tinllal caay tefo leience. we have the academic and print which is purely research driven. so a hundred.
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>>a alepent blr, hure ge tasuple of years? the books, etc.. islamic it's interesing. i think that for the last several years. >> gh ok i itms be steady. the others are text and driven books as e-book and print boks iniv design of those books and the pure object of mass. those haven't gone at all. it is an interesting print from themedia. thsed ofe leeoebsss settlement. is that something that you fo


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