tv Book TV CSPAN July 21, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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to be impaired 27 is that the message you would give? >> that is said take home. those not functioning the way they should be do not let them go on indefinitely. >> host: this has been fascinating. it should be a must read. you shine a light and it is worthwhile. "dosed" if the medication generation grows up"
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to ensure you have the availability to ricocheted those ideas on your campus at school then at college whenever one you decide on attending. do like the chris rock video? the cameras did not catch it. he tried to smash it. he was conveniently standing behind two bodyguards one said let's throw down right now in addition to other expletives. he is 100 pounds skinny. seriously? you want to fight? definitely a skinnier than i a expected.
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there are two things. one is a gut churning thought. next season dancing with the stars would feature janet napolitano. [laughter] you have no taste. i'm just joking. but for another four years i am dead serious. the country cannot handle it. he has done more than his marxist. with the first in 41 it has
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from your parents and grandparents. youth unemployment? you almost double the national average looking at teen-age unemployment unemployment, summer employment only 30 percent are employed. employers say it is too expensive with the economy that is supposed to be recovering is too expensive to hire people. the obama presidency has been a disaster. he is less popular than a sexually transmitted disease [laughter] but use say no chance.
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and then not with this record left creates -- relies on a secret ally in to get into the oval office boosted him into stardom with the biggest industry in america. you hear of the super pac many wall street and lobbying but the left is silent about the biggest group which is hollywood. they could sell the individual on the big screen but also make the fund-raiser like george clooney hosted $50 million just from one evening. barack obama hopes hollywood has the same effect as 2008.
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hollywood has the allegiance two barack obama. jeffrey katzenberg of the dreamworks animation ceo said i have a dependency on barack obama. we must fight for him so he can fight for us. hollywood is dependent on barack obama. that is how he launched into stardom. going back to a little-known story and individual five fed name of david geffen. part owner of dreamworks. along with bill clinton, they were tied to.
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a man crashed on each other when david was in washington d.c. he would spend time in the lincoln bedroom. when bill clinton was in california he would crash there. but then he refused to grant it apart -- a pardon to a radical in the american indian movement. serving consecutive life sentences aiding and abetting the execution-style murders of two fbi agents for about nothing excites the left more than cop killers. the left still has their
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posters if there is a rally but had to say after a search for a true blue and he found that person been at barack obama. that's why he organized star-studded fund-raisers while, appeared on the couch of both pro winfrey, ellen degeneres, exclusives to "rolling stone" concerts' with "rolling stone" dave matthews. it paid off in dividends that he was granted exclusive access to the warehouse. there he is an by his side
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is michelle obama ready to pounce on any non organic items. [laughter] this is that the first state department dinner for the prime minister of india there he wears his sweet ass interbred. [laughter] barack obama is committed to hollywood? they will try a not to have another four years. when i say muzzle hollywood not like the left but to lead a person and come to their own conclusion, i want to analyze the public stance tuesday live by the senate of policies and hypocrisy?
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what this start with meg ryan. that is not her. jon bon jovi. he is appointed to the white house council on community solutions whatever the hell that means. [laughter] he is not just a rocker from the '80s. he is a beef farmer. [laughter] in the state of new jersey a few are classified as a farmer you can write off 98 percent of your property taxes. bond jovi is so committed to the reelection of barack obama he was flying on an air force one performing exclusively to a crowd he is one of the people that they
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are not paying their fair share and goes out of his way he is not a musician a beef farmer does anybody want to take a guess some achieve pays dollar figure? want thousand dollars? no, no, no. he pays $104 of property taxes. he pays more to highlight his hair than he does of property taxes that says the rich are not paying their
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fair share. he decries into the local paper to say which people should not get tax cuts. said you cannot have the american civilization it will eat away at the heart and soul and spirit. his new track jack a wall trades growing fact while the working man it is growing thin. he is entitled to them. bruce springsteen is also a farmer in the state of new jersey. he can also write off 98% of his property taxes for go
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for those who say they are even some reading. but then he goes ahead to take the exploited step of the arcane the poll to classify himself not as a musician but as a farmer. then rehab barbara streisand. she is committed to the cause of global warming. those with the emergency fund. that we can take baby steps to ward off the catastrophe that is climate change. don't run the dishwasher to
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help the environment but in barbara streisand spends $22,000 per year with watering her lawn and request 120 baths highest towels when entering eighth production sized studio to clean the 55 it semitrailers. she is the carbon dioxide wrecking ball. [laughter] for us to keep up with heard sasquatch sized carbon footprint 3-1/2 to spray aerosol cans in the air all day long. the left only follows from al gore who's tennessee home use is 20 times the amount
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of electricity than the wal-mart it that he harps about the indirect. harrison ford. he is getting his chest wax. why. [laughter] i love indiana jones. why is he getting it waxed? he wanted to bring awareness to climate change for youtube commercial. why does this bring awareness? i don't know. [laughter] but it made sense to harrison ford at the time. it turns out while he gets the chest while axed his
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brother owns seven airplanes parked outside and has stated on the record he often flies up the coast for a cheeseburger. [laughter] you want to lecture the rest of us about the environment? for a cheeseburger. pollution pending. lot of liberals do not believe the hype and to read the mountains of data that come out to make of mockery look at the behavior if the years was really on the precipice of disaster would
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actress eight-- actresses be it across the globe or use movie studios to sucker punch the earth? no. would say i will alter my life style as soon as they alter there's. that would be cool to own seven jets. next we have the spike lee. a huge supporter he held a fund-raiser of the upper east side bring a and close to million dollars. spike lee is a horrible human being with racial animosity dripping all over him. it is interesting barack obama would break bread with him because he talks about
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mean spirit did talk radio is and the political culture has become. back in 2008 he said obama's triumph was a chance to move beyond a master clinton. they say mr. clinton was a good to us and hired us. they have to understand it is a new day. he also says clarence timons-- clarence thomas thinks like whites there is a difference between having a black skin and black thinking he is accusing cuba gooding, jr. and acting 1/8 servile way to sellout in hollywood.
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and spike lee has gone after clint eastwood. he said his two movies flights of our fathers and letters from the iwo jima did not have enough black people. it was racist. it turns out the movie was about the soldiers that raised the flag. none of them were black. the second movie was told from the perspective of the japanese soldiers. none of those were black. [laughter] not only is spike lee a racist but also a dumb ass. [laughter] [applause]
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we should be thankful his racism has matured. 20 years ago he told the london guardian newspaper after visiting south africa wanted to pick up a gun and start shooting whites. the early 90's. matt damon. his movies are awesome. major hypocrite. he says he is committed to the code of nonviolence and peace-loving progressivism. i look at the violence in the script before i accepted the deal.
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my do not want it to be gratuitous because i do believe that has an effect on people's behavior. i have turned down movies because of that. matt damon turning down movies because of ireland's? [laughter] his movies or the orgy of violence. movies would sock without violence. he says i have martial arts training and firearms trading but i don't like guns but i am committed to peace. this is how he advertises his movies with the rifle pointed at your face of five. >> his disdain and lust for dirty money begins. in fairness he had no
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chance. he was influenced by academia and hollywood the two reservoirs of the proxy and and this side of the anthony wiener twitter account alec baldwin. father of the year. he would leave the a voicemail on his 11 year-old daughter's voice mail calling her their rotten little pig it within the meltdown he wrote to a book a promise to ourselves a journey through fatherhood and a divorce. he wrote a book on fatherhood? the pom -- that hypocrisy comes into play with the
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wall street bailout. we were debating whether to give while st. $800 billion but he cited with the attitudes of many conservatives. he told a huffington posted you give them the billion make them issue stock in return for our investment. make them sell a stake in the company banks, insurance firms, only give them money to the small local banks. do not give them the money. make them sell us a piece of the action. it turns out he becomes a pitchman for capital plan which received 3.5 billion
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dollars of wall street bailouts. he justified the partnership to say i am doing a series of commercials for capital one and they were so great to setup the source for people will contribute and they will match for the americans for the arts. it is okay for him to work with capital one as long as they give the tax dollar money away to some say the some crap program. he demonstrated what said loving lefty he is by going to twitter to call senator jim inhoffe and oil horror and he should retire to a
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solar powered gay bar. i don't think that exist. [laughter] i could be wrong. maybe that is what we have to wheel forward to. tell liberals tell us to express our sexuality? march on the campus or on the streets. rather than and talk about gay-rights if he was truly tolerant he would offer him his first homosexual experience. [laughter] are rihanna having 10, the darling of the left. she pulls off what many
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thought not possible and sold the "huffington post" at $315 million and got $100 million out of the deal the 9,000 bloggers six years working for her for free? they got nothing. zero. the full amount was of flow fashion one said we made in the post and we are being abandoned. another disgruntled sucker said he regrets her publishing $25,000 worth of content and then a real slap in the face he said she not only sold hearse sold but her demise of exploitation
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that when she sold the "huffington post" to a a well she made the left and base so of said i did not know to shove her or give her the high five. but she knows a lot about corporate greed and robocalls p.i.g.s. at the trough. the litany of sins is of theft and treachery and agreed, agreed, agreed you have the priestess of a pig's ms. having 10 and denouncing corporate empires as she builds her own. it turns out arianna
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huffington belongs to the new age colt's out in california this pronounced messiah and she swears allegiance to some man named john roger who's the embodiment of a figure higher than jesus christ coming down to earth every 25,000 years she swears allegiance to him with the new age colt that most people don't know that arianna huffington the progressivity publisher is part of a colt and is a priest us. than we have michael moore.
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he said something and 2,008 the day agreed with. he was at the film festival in washington there was a little-known program as the budget buster those that give direct subsidies. why should our tax dollars produce hollywood movies? it shouldn't. michael moore took the exact same tone. user large multinational corporations. we're already broke. giving free money to a bunch of millionaires? i totally agree.
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flash forward 2010 then his pro socialism documentary capitalism a low story that grossed 17 million worldwide he requested and approved to get $1 million of that cash he condemned to years earlier. he got permission from michigan citizens to produce capitalism that grossed with 17 million the it is our duty he is the author of debt and -- duck and talk. what makes this egregious
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this not what it says the failings. but the allied jake of the obama agenda. with those that he seeks to put on the rest of us. i don't care if first springsteen wrote off 90 8%. i would do the same thing. i don't care arianna huffington is hard-nosed or harris then floored owns seven jumbo jets and flies up the coast for the cheeseburger. i a don't care. might it -- that matt damon is in violent movies. go ahead. keep going. but please don't advocate
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heavy-handed government taxes to squash what you used to catapult yourself into stardom. that is what we have to bring to the table. we have to be missionaries for i am glad you are here. i would never be at an event like this. take the information. there is more dirty little secrets in the book. i encourage you to get it. but the fact you are here from a variety of speakers to put together notes and books for you to do something with it one of my
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favorite passages of scripture is you should be doers of what you here. to vandalize those of don't be ashamed or apologetic. when people hear conservative ideas a it sounds fresh and provocative. those other eager to hear about. i can speak with authority on that subject that is why i said you have one of bonn me.
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but i started the young america's foundation conference brought the speeders to my call bit -- campus and that is how i got started. hidden not have to be involved in movements full-time. seven a to be an apologetic about the 80 is most people want to be led by statesmen or leaders in. if we have liberals hurting them then racy ed disaster that might occur. so they sat back letting obama's steamroll. this time i say we do this steamroll because it is our
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future. therefore it is our fight. thank you. [applause] questions? hello. i am from california. i agree a liberal influence in hollywood is a big supporter of the obama and a threat to with the next election. quickly and example from ronald reagan when he fought communism he was encouraged to enter through the back
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door but he walked straight through the front door. how do we walk through the front door to combat that threat to? >> use that opportunity that is before you. it is no surprise you are here at the end america foundation that saved the reagan ranch. he was very bold with his pronouncement and was not shy of his ideas. he started off upham as a democrat but more and more started to when advance conservative ideas and then they sponsored a radio show
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by ronald reagan and the fact a great example how pop culture is so influential in society. those that think they change the law of the country. retainage society to influence coulter. that is why i encourage stay in california and become part of the crew don't put down in america foundation on your resume budget become a musician. tens of policy think tanks i think we have the best on our side but we lack to go out to make those ideas
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relevant to our generation. the principles don't change but those manners do. you don't have to be a conservative. and now to use the platform whenever it may turn out to be to advance conservative idea is. figure out how to influence your peers in a manner relevant to them. [applause] >> there is the small circle in hollywood people who were again affiliation with these types of things. well we have these guys we
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have a few somebody who was like to work in the industry to overcome the challenges, who do believe are the top filmmakers who are truly conservative to do their right to think? >> i cannot out to them publicly. and some say they're not card-carrying members but the career is established. the movement that is not so of secret called the friends of abraham lincoln that get together on a monthly basis
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some just dart out like yourself. we can get in touch afterwards but the bias is real. people who work at mtv are conservatives but they would never say so because of fear of retribution. there is said growing movement. they may not identify as conservatives but how hollywood is so aloof that is why tom hanks' can say obama is so great he expanded the expectations. what world do live-in? a expanded for the worse.
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sign me up. because hollywood is the emotional. they have to play the other people every day of their lives. they are emotional. that is way they are attracted to liberalism. is nothing more than eight temper tantrum with a political label. they time with their rational discussion you want to reform medicare or social security? mathematically these programs grow broke.
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they put together proposals to curb the growth of medicare to have a sustainable. they published commercials of the paul ryan look-alike pushing a grandmother over a cliff. how can you have a rational conversation? the discussion is the emotional outburst. we have to temper our message or have that communications through emotional appeal. they're usually logical thinking people but we have to be that way. we have to have a healthy balance. [applause] >> why would coulda millionaires 12 barack obama
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if they tax hit them to death? with the exception of jon bon jovi. >> it is work. it is hard work to put together a movie and sell it but why would they align themselves with liberals to tax the hell out of them? they higher accountants to exploit the tax code so they don't pay the same tax as the rest of america. they will pay lower than what it will be. they have smart people and smart accountants they want to keep their money just as we do. michael moore says how do that have farm subsidies
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from michigan? then he asks for $1 million. they can talk one thing then do something different because the mediatek gets away with it. just like chris rock calls the tea party mes -- reese's. nobody asks for evidence. many disagree with barack obama is direction producing everyone is a racist? really? they want the exclusivity. that is why we ask the question that the media will not. [applause] >> i am from arlington virginia.
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of the few conservatives it seems a liberal media makes them out to be a jerk and people automatically was sent to what they have to say and assume they are jerks and racist. what can we do to make them appear differently? >> get over the fact they will make you out to have a temper tantrum. during the debate to increase the debt ceiling howl broke do we want to be? there are some republicans who said are republicans negative sheila jackson lee
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and democrats who have obstructed anti-slavery for civil rights bill. if not for the republican from illinois rallying 27 republicans to overcome a filibuster of the 1964 civil rights bill from al gore sr. and robert byrd who was a klansman we would not have that bill today. if democrats did not overturn an 1875 would have a proud history to stand up for race relations new should be on the tip of our town. they have not heard it. to get a public-school education where america is the big bad country but yet
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to never looked at it as a beacon of freedom. no country has done more than the history of the plan it. don't be afraid then talk to your peers. [applause] >> and the chairmen of my high-school in ohio. we have seen how hollywood has an immense presence over society although you reveal mana iras so hypocritical. how do we get to influence over immediate to promote to individual freedoms that hollywood has over the media and a society today?
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>> a great question. ronald reagan did not have fox news alert conservative talk radio or twitter. we have the ability to bring to light stories the media refuses to cover. a couple people under the age of 25 bring down a corned that we can fact check mainstream media to make dumb mockery of their coverage on youtube. less people are paying attention to what is being said on "60 minutes." one is the last time you watched that? i cannot remember.
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my parents through a watch it but we certainly pay attention to alternative media. i think we can force the mainstream media into coverage. chris rock called as racist and he attacked my camera woman not only like fed tried to report but it was un tmz and a variety of celebrity blogs individuals i could never get why chris rock is a moron. but in essence i am a big fan of chris rock rags to riches but if we use that
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information to force the media of the true stories and that is the case. [applause] >> i am from michigan. in light of chris rock have you plan the ambush so you don't get seriously injured? view lourdes investigating a big athlete higher due in two and at and protect yourself? >> i am not afraid of what the lefties can do. but the reality is maybe you never know.
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who knows? people i may confront in the future may turn violent. you cannot plan for that but you can execute but it decides that it is spur of the moment and be on guard. if it does turn violent then that looks bad on them what is liberalism? >> up political temper tantrum? >> a temper tantrum with a political stamp. [applause] >> i am from new jersey. many people are turned away from politics and don't care.
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had to get people interested? >> excellent question. the fact you're at a summer conference with the alternative sources of information listening to speakers you're not the typical student. appears to be more interested in to retain all day and be funny. jon stewart is so successful he as a comedian first but he presents information in the informative manner -- manner before the hard truth he provides the
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anesthetic her. then with the scalpel you know, the area. have a jovial attitude. i am happy of the opportunities afforded to me. i would say prevent -- presented those ideas in a provocative yet funny way. don't model conservative "new york times" our national review because you'll lose your audience. be provocative but sell the message. that is how movies can capture. that movie socked but the trailer looked so good.
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it is marketing britney and students with the message then you go ahead with the hard truth there would not consider other wise going in. [applause] >> i appreciate being at the america foundation conference. please pick up "hollywood hypocrites" but because you are a why af student seven ways to make the liberals cry like a little girl. go to jason and sign up to get your free e-book. you have more ammunition as you go back to your high-school campus. enjoy the rest of your time
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here. [applause] schaumburg center for research in black culture beginning with a discussion on african-american publishing followed by a panel on education. after that authors to get the 2012 presidential election and our coverage of with a panel discussing the emancipation proclamation which was issued on january 1st, 1853. now a discussion on african-american publishing from the harlem book fair.
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- max rodriguez founder of the harlem book fair. this is our 14th year. thank you so much for joining us. our theme this year is enlightenment through literacy and with that simply means is that as we get access to information, we can use that information to increase, to enhance the quality of our lives. our family lives, our children's lives and the lives of our communities. the life of america frankly because don't we contribute every day in the things that we do and in this basis that we hold and the work that we hold and the families that we take care of? access to information is critical especially now the digital technology just sort of
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