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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 22, 2012 11:15pm-12:00am EDT

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the united states are in a gated communities and these are communities that are incredibly segmented from each other, they eric demographic, homogeneous and not just in terms of ethnic background but wealth and a traditional type and education and religious orientation and those are not places you get a lot of the entrepreneurship. those are not places we get a lot of the outward looking. the media, the trends in the social media and in the way that we digest information as consumers as opposed to citizens like the filter bubbles a wonderful issue increasingly facebook doesn't ask us to say something important because they want us to like it so they can give us more stuff that we like and they will show that first. that does not -- we may have friends are black and hispanic but we tend to orient toward those that have the same world view that we do. we do much more of that. and so, i think one of the most dangerous trends in the united
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states over the long term is that we are deepening the segmentation of the orientations that we have in our political and social preferences and clearly our politics in washington reflect that. i don't know how. it's an interesting observation. but absolutely the diversification of the ethnic composition in the united states as a mitigating factor. >> welcome this is really been an interesting conversation and i feel very lucky to have had a chance to talk with you and all the other knowledgeable people here. i don't have a copy of the real cover of the book right here, but every nation for itself i believe there are books in the back. by a book, ask him to sign it and in fact buy lots of his other books, too because we may not have them here but i think
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it's not too hard to find them. so, thanks very much for coming to the asia society and thanks to all of you. [applause] >> you're watching book tv on c-span2. 40 hours of nonfiction authors and books every weekend. ceramica book tv sits down with marji ross, president of regnery publishing and susan weinberg to preview forthcoming titles and discuss the publishing world from the text of america the trade industry at the jacob javits convention center in new york city. this is about 40 minutes. >> you are watching book tv on c-span2, and we are on location in new york city for bookexpo america which is a publishing
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industry annual convention held at the javits convention center and here on the book tv said we are pleased to be joined by two publishers, susan weinberg is the publisher of public affairs, and marji ross as president of regnery publishing. we wanted to talk about some of the books that they have coming up this season. suzanne weinberg, if we could start with don bartlett and jean steele's new book. >> the the trail of the american dream is a book is written by probably the premier team of investigative reporters in america today and barlett and stelle as they are known have among them to pulitzer prizes owls was national magazine awards, and they even have an award named after them that is given out in journalism today. they worked first of the philadelphia inquirer and then "time" magazine and now "vanity fair." they have been tracing the story since the 1980's, and they take
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the drumbeat of the economic news hearing, jobs, incomes, pensions, and they give you the context to put that news in so you don't see these stories as isolated events. you see them in the context of this happened in the economy and to the middle class over a long a period of time and you get the cumulative effect of the policy decisions of things congress has done of things companies have done and have been allowed to do. so, you really read the news and think about the elections both lighting on the local and national level in a different way and you see the full story and the picture that they paint. there's one in the chapter on the retirement there's a particularly jerry is to phase when they put an actuarial who said, an actuary in who said, you know, if the operations side of the business were run
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according to the same law as the pension funds, people would go to jail. and we get to talking about what has happened to the tensions in america and how the 401k was supplementing the retirement. do you know the median value of the 401k nellis $17,000? and at the end of the book defrays that really struck me and it basically said we really have to support our greatest asset because without a middle class there really is no america. >> when is the book being published? >> in the middle of the summer. it will be out at the beginning of august before each of the political conventions. >> marji ross is the betrayal by barlett and stelle a book that regnery will publish? >> it might well be in terms of this question that people have about where the country is
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going, whether or not the middle class can continue to exist. i think that is an issue that crosses party lines and the solution to that problem may be quite different whether you are asking somebody from the right or the left, but i think the problem is pretty generally accepted in terms of whether or not people have the opportunity to move up with a they have the opportunity to improve their lives, their future coming into the future for their children and their grandchildren and those are issues that, you know, frankly the tea party spent a lot of time talking about so from that vantage point i think this question of the american dream and the middle class is one that's important to everyone and probably pretty important to the upcoming election. >> regnery has the number-one book right now. the amateur, ed klein. >> we are very excited. he wrote a terrific book and a very insightful. a lot of shocking new
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information. he conducted more than 200 person interviews and surprising information and people that supported barack obama in 2008 given him money and contribute it to his campaign and work hard to get him elected and believe very much in the promise of hope and change and the things that he said on the campaign trail, and what he found was a surprisingly common man repeated theme among the people he talked to which was like him, like him, agree with him, don't agree with him, the common thread was that he was in over his head. this was a job was too big for him that he wasn't prepared for and that his personality and combined with his experience or lack thereof added up to a pretty disastrous first term and
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the miniature one of our common threads in our office was talking about comparing obama to other presidents and a lot of people said ronald reagan was the great communicator and bill clinton was the natural and he said barack obama way to the committee will go down in history as the amateur. estimate when i look at the upcoming titles from regnery, is it fair to say they are all antiobama books? >> it is fair to say that they are all arguing that he does not deserve to be reelected for one reason or another from talking about a variety of different issues. i think the would be definitely fair to say. >> when you look at the betrayal of the american dream by public affairs and the amateur by regnery, do you hope your book's
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influence public opinion and public policy susan weinberg? >> we talked about our books being part of the national conversation. but i think when marji said the the trail of the american dream is not just coming you know, republican and democratic i think that is very true, and that but doesn't argue for the particular candidate it argues for people to see the context, see the issues and really get involved and think about what is going on in a more informed way. and that's why i said i think that they would hope we would affect elections not just the presidential but all of the different levels because people were making policies on all kinds of levels that affect people's lives. and again a lot of ways it's interesting our books and up complementing rather than contradicting in that a lot of the public affairs raises issues and doesn't necessarily take the partisan point of view and
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doesn't advocate as much as try to educate and inform and it's certainly true that for regnery are much more likely to get position to be written by ian author who may be very well known by the audience but also is pretty passionate about his or her point of view. and in the and i think the combination can be really beneficial. no matter what you believe a hearing someone that is passionate about their point of view and then supplementing that as well with someone who is an expert in a particular policy area and may be able to provide a lot of information come a lot of data and a lot of -- telling you to get your own mind. so let's move of policy for a minute and this is a new title coming out by public affairs. susan weinberg, what were you thinking? [laughter] >> you know, this is a book of what i call serious fun, and a center of the a word. the first 60 years we've done
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quite a few books with jeff and he dillinger west professor at uc-berkeley. he's a former chair at the american heritage dictionary and he's done a lot of commentary on radio, "new york times," other papers and so he has been a cultural observer for quite a few years and he has written some books like talking blight that were more politically informed. and this book is really a social history of vulgarity. the rise of the word. what does it mean about us, wha@ does it say about us and you might have said that cat. we think that jayvee's calenture holden caulfield and we think about phonies. well, when you think about this book, which was introduced to the american culture by norman mailer in the naked and the dead in 1948 and he picked it up as a term the g.i.s were using in europe and people are first of all surprised that it's that
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recent from its prevalence has grown from that recent time and there is no question that it has certain kinds of meetings and connotations in our personal lives, our cultural lives, and in our political lives and i don't want to try to get into each of his arguments and that i'm going to say read the book for that but it's really a lot of fun and quite delicious and it starts with, you know, norman mailer and ends by the joking. >> susan weinberg, did you pick the title of that book or did he? >> he picked the title, and he very, very deliberately chose not to use the word in the title, and he has a great piece at the end of his introduction on why he did that. >> regnery marji ross, phyllis schlafly has a new book out. it's been a quitter excited about this because phyllis
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hasn't been a new book since barack obama has been in office. and yet of course she's an icon of the conservative movement. she is our hero to men and women on the right and was very passionate about doing it but talking about the shutdown or the war if you will one religious freedom. everything from obamacare requiring churches to pay for abortions or contraception to what we can do in military cemeteries to what cemetery chaplin's can do. this whole question of the intersection of the federal government and religion, and her argument along with her co-author is that the federal government is exercising an overreach. they are trying to intrude into the areas that religious institutions but also individuals should be allowed to choose, and it's not so much a question about the war on the church as a war on religious freedom.
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you're freedom as the founders intended to practice what you want and to have religion not be excluded from the public square but to be part of the public dialogue as we are talking a part of the national discourse and there's nothing wrong with religious beliefs being a part of the public square as long as everyone is allowed to practice what they want. so it's a question of religious freedom and tolerance that she's concerned about, and this is a book that we think is another hot topic for this election. it's something a lot of people on the right are concerned about, and so that's why we are rushing out and this book is coming also this summer at the end of july. so it's called know how your power, the theme being that the federal government sometimes feels there is no higher power than the federal government rather than looking to the higher power. >> marji ross, phyllis schlafly bricker hipaa each year or two back. will she be going on the tour?
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>> she is as feisty as ever. she definitely will be going on tour. she has a weekly radio show. she has a daily radio spot that is heard all over 200 radio stations. she does a weekly column, so she is still very active but absolutely is excited about going on tv to promote this book because it is so important and something she feels is important to the future of the country. >> we interviewed her in new york city a short interview with a preview of her new book. >> the good girls revolt on the women of "newsweek" change the workplace is a fantastic story kind of a bit of recovered history from the early 1970's and the first thing i'd love to tell people is that is indeed lynn povich on the cover. not an actress from that minute. >> she mentioned peter osnos, the founder of public affairs said what is the artichoke doing on your head. [laughter]
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>> we just love the photo. they were showing photos from the book and i saw that picture and i like that's the cover. i'm like she has to be on the cover of her book. it's the cover. it's a total of her at her first job as a secretary in the year let "newsweek." and in some ways, this is the story of the peniel some of the world. who felt themselves in the workplace in the 60's, trying to find their footing, hit a lot of discrimination, and the women at "newsweek" they were confined to certain positions. they couldn't beat writers, they couldn't be editors, and there was a moment when "newsweek" was known for its coverage of cause, eliot, katherine graham or big people in that world, and they found that in that organization that took such pride in covering those events, why were they feeling so much discrimination and at the same time "newsweek"
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"newsweek" produced a cover story women and result. cities media savvy women who were getting together decided that the only way to change the discrimination was to confront "newsweek," use the discrimination suit and they filed the same i think the same data that cover story came out. so we had two sides of the story right there. one of the things that prompted them is that the cover story realized had to be written by a woman but they didn't use one of their incite people to do it. they said they are not ready for a cover story and they hired a freelance journalist and they didn't feel any of their people were ready because they hadn't and so this story was there was a lot of women involved. they are all in the book as everything is reported. putting the book to get started a few years ago she was taking a lot of the material home and
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came to be a recognized as archival material. the college wanted its material, and she thought well, you know, i'm finally getting around to doing this. i need to get some context so she started to write an narrative and in order to read the narrative she started to get in touch with people, and that led to talking to more people and really putting the story together for the new generation. at the same time, she found that there were some women currently at "newsweek" who in their own way hadn't known about the sood and were rediscovering it because of some of their concerns about the culture and the way they were being treated so it also has the issue of how much has changed, has seen a change, and what is going on now with younger women in the workforce? >> it's fascinating to see these back-to-back we have to win under very smart, very outspoken and role models for a lot of women who are out there starting out in their career. i sure they were probably not
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agree on a lot of things, on a lot of politics. i think they would agree that it's very, very healthy for young women to see that women of the former generation had the strength and the courage to stand up for what they believe even though they might have been two different things come and that's something that young women need to do, too. there's not one answer or one point of view for women anymore than there is for men and seeing these women both speaking out is i think it's very healthy thing. we are talking to women publishers here. what is the publishing world like for women. have you faced with lynn povich is talking about in her book? you are both at the top of your company's right now. marji ross? >> i am happy to say that i have not faced that even at the very beginning of my career i always felt that if i was the hardest working person in the room and did my job well i had the
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opportunity to advance. and it's a place to work and every job i had coming it's funny because a lot of people do ask me you are the head of a conservative publishing house. surely conservatives don't believe that women should be. i think the proof is in the pudding clearly if you are confident and passionate and believe and that you can do it. >> i haven't felt in the book publishing part of the industry that women have had a lot of opportunities when and where to fix it is a publishing house is breaking the glass ceiling getting top jobs one of the differences is are you in an industry that has some of that for that house culture which just naturally puts women in a degraded and may be tougher word but you know, sidelines them from the culture, the corporate
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culture and i think some parts of journalism to have that kind of, you know, frat house culture. there are sometimes i read some of the stories in journalism and made me think about some of the women in the financial firms that have sued for discrimination. and again, it is about a culture of a certain kind of bravado and it's glorified and that always creates a difficult environment for the women. >> welcome to another woman author. >> kate is a vice president at young america's foundation which owns the ranch. she also used to be -- she's very young. she was formerly the party chairman of the republican party in the state of virginia. very accomplished, very outspoken. she is a favorite on fox news and is on hannity and o'reilly and fox and friends regularly and she is very articulate in her defense of conservative values, conservative beliefs. she's a mother with four kids
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come and this is her first book. we finally convinced her it's time to write a book and this book is called the device of president. it's coming out in the tender right after theconvention, and it really contrasts the promise of hope and change. the promise that barack obama and his campaign made in 2008 about kind of uniting the company and bringing people together and getting beyond these partisan factors, contrasting that promise and his promises with what has actually happened coming and how we probably have more class warfare and more tractors and more divisiveness and more partisanship and polarization than ever before. and how that has come to be and the role that he has played and his administration has played in sort of dividing the country and hitting the 1% against the occupied wall street against the tea party movement and how that has worked against moving forward and solving some of the
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big problems we face. >> getting on author on fox news those that sell books? >> it sells a lot of books that have our authors on c-span. i will tell you that. we love our authors on c-span because those are booklover's that are watching the show and really dedicated people, dedicated lifelong learners and probably those are the two most important tv appearances the authors can make. the of irving is talk radio sells books. conservative talk radio is a very powerful driver of books because i think our authors did a little bit longer time on the air to explain their book is about and engage with the audience, and so that is our trifecta if you will. we have perfect media plan. fox news, c-span and talk radio. >> suzanne weinberg, where de placer authors? >> i have to get a plug to c-span2. >> i tell people in the
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publishing industry all the time i think when you get that interview on c-span like you said, you get people book tv they're looking for books. nonfiction they're looking for nonfiction books and they are looking to be informed and the segments rotate which is a strength for us. sometimes what just happened? npr shows are fantastic for us, and many different ones. there's all different kinds and they work very well and the other thing that i would say is when somebody on the internet, in the internet world of the blogosphere with an influential platform takes up on your book and starts talking about, that's great, too bad because then it can get picked up and reused in a lot of positive ways. if you see that start to happen in addition to your more traditional publicity out let's that's the winner. >> publishers always used to talk about word of mouth.
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you say how you do that? how do you create word of mouth? and really the internet has provided probably the best way, the best new way certainly and the best predictable way to generate the kind of word of mouth that gets people talking. >> yeah, but predictable because the one word i can never use on social media and the internet is predictable. >> that's interesting but it's true. it's predictable that if it happens the sales will follow. >> to any authors ever appear on npr? >> they do, and that can be very powerful platform. you people listening to npr from chris the political spectrum, so for one thing there is the conservatives and liberals listening to npr. i listen to npr sometimes. i like a lot of those shows. i really like a lot of the shows on npr. weekend and a daytime, so i think our market of listening then of course i don't believe
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our books only sell to conservatives. i think there are a lot of people who are independent and even on the left who are interested in what our authors have to say. very interested and concerned about the issues we talk about and that is a place for them to find out about our books. >> why did you ask me if our authors appear on fox news? [laughter] >> is this a book that he would promote to fox news? >> yes and i would permit this but everywhere and one of the great things about the book is we are not only because the reputation a lot of media outlets, you know, know that and admire them and it's been a few years since the of the book so we get a lot of interest. but one thing that fuels' heartening that this book is we are also getting interests throughout the country. getting interest from local markets we don't always hear from. this is clearly not just a beltway book. this is a book that is hitting all different kinds of markets. >> another new book coming out
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by public affairs. john jenkins. partisan. >> this is a biography of chief justice william rehnquist. but it is truly a biography of the man bill rehnquist and not simply his time on the supreme court as large a part of his life as that was. john jenkins interviewed burnquist this was in the 1980's for "the new york times" magazine, and he did a piece that ran and got a lot of attention, and i think he said he was frugal with his media interviews and mostly are not the times he published his book and often referred to that piece that john did as the reason he may have decided to keep it down on the media interviews. but john jenkins captured something about rehnquist, and he didn't let go of the story and the desire to tell the whole story, and he, you know, he didn't make it easy for anyone to write a biography. he didn't leave a memoir, she
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didn't organize his papers in a way that would have just been go here and spend your time with the papers. he had to go to a lot of different places to find the material to talk to people, and he's talked to a lot of people but he is very much as interested in who was bill rehnquist, who was he as a young man and a goldwater republican in his time in arizona. what brought him to washington? how did he get to the fort? what did he do in the court before he became the chief justice? and then his career as the most overtly conservative chief justice and this idea that he brought a certain partisanship to the port which may reflect a certain passion in his point of view but is also seen by some people as really politicizing the court in a way that the current court started withxx88 rehnquist and his long outsider point of view and his dissent and then his ascent in the court i think is also a picture of how
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the court is developed. when people get in the presidential election they can get very what does it matter, you know, this will happen anyway. the big money is in control. why should i vote and i did the last argument you can use for people that are getting cynical or getting, you know, it doesn't matter about why we should vote in the presidential election is to remind them that the president selects the justices of the supreme court and the hour lifetime appointments. >> i'm sorry, you were going to say something. >> i was going to say that wouldn't be our title. [laughter] >> is this a book that you would pick up? would you read this book? >> i might read the book. but i would object to the title and the reason i would object to the title is because i think if you are going to do a full biography of some one, it should be called chief justice or, you know, the chief. >> this is one of those great point of view titles that you
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want so much. estimate exactly. it is a point of view title, and i think that is the important thing. this is a biography with a particular point of view, and probably not the one that we would embrace or agree with. but that is the great thing about a book publishing is that there are hundreds and thousands of new titles out every year and people have a wide variety to read a wide variety of things and i take to books that take the opposite point of view. >> i agree some people were voting with their feet when they buy these books. i also agree there are people that are looking to understand things more deeply, and i believe that every author in these categories truly wants to affect people and effect how they think and have some influence and do their work with that passion in mind.
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>> i agree. i think you're absolutely right and sometimes i have to remind my authors not to be so interested in converting people from the other side that they forget to talk to the base. >> point of view titles is this a point of view title? >> that is a point of view title and i wouldn't call it a biography of barack obama. i don't want to imply that at all. this is a book by david limbaugh who is a multiple best-selling author for regnery. his last book crimes against liberty was a number one bestseller and we have high hopes for the sequel to do as well. it's just coming out this week. and it talks about david limbaugh's analysis of barack obama as the president of the united states. and his opinion from his point of view that the president has worked to destroy the fabric of
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the country and a lot of institutions and a lot of values that conservatives and frankly all americans hold dear. >> a lot of these biggar antipresident obama books if that is fair to say. do the each contain different information? are there similarities between the books? >> yes and yes. they definitely contain different information partly because each author will take his own point of view and also uncovered different things. but we also are very careful to make sure that we are not repeating ourselves that we are not singing the same thing over and over and we may be addressing different issues from a different groups of issues or different segments of our marketplace. so, phyllis schlafly's booknotes higher power is going to be primarily or at least first off something of interest to the social conservatives. it talks about religious freedom and religious tolerance, whereas
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the device of president like kate meekly much more to folks that are concerned about things like the disappearance of the middle class and the fight between the tea party and the occupied wall street, whether or not, you know, being an executive with capital is a great qualify as the ceo or whether it is to disqualify her as president. so maybe folks are more interested in the economy. but, each one tries to take a different facet of this question. who is barack obama. what is his leadership style and what has he done, what is his track record for the past four years and what does that mean about your decision for whether or not he should be reelected? >> for out of the five books you brought us to preview have president obama's picture on the front. the names are all in big print. i wanted to ask about that.
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and susan weinberg, i wanted to ask about this title. was it important that people saw barlett and stelle as the authors of this book? >> absolutely. the book that we attribute in the best seller line america and what went wrong that put barlett stelle on the national map. it was 1992 they were reporters in the philadelphia inquirer and they were doing a series of what had happened to the middle class since 1980 which would be since president ronald reagan, and they were really reporting and investigating the questions that haven't been looked into y systematic way in the same way. it took america by storm and was collected quickly into a book. the book came out. it was a number one bestseller and people still remember the book. and the beginning of a -- as the beginning of a kind of maybe
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reaganomics wasn't true and the middle class losing ground has only become more serious since that time, and they felt with this election coming in needed to be more revisited and updated and they had written stories all in that time on this. but again, the bigger picture, the context, what has happened since 1980 to the middle class. >> i want to ask about pictures of the front of the book. >> the pictures of course are meant to be emotional. we are trying to in those two seconds that someone is browsing through the bookstore grab their attention and say i need to take a look at that because that speaks to me. and it really is a way that we hope to sort of capture the theme of the book and build rapport with our own market place and saying yes. that's what i think, too. that is what i think of him as well. or i always wondered if that were true. i'd better take a look at this book and see if what i suspected was true really is true. >> can i ask a question?
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you have any books about why mitt romney should be president? >> we don't. we don't have any romney looks on our list. perhaps like rehnquist he has been pretty good about keeping his entourage close-knit, and frankly at this point, we are talking about a track record as opposed to a candidate. so, that is probably the difference, too. it's been a lot of this is what has happened in the past four years. islamic and that is a good question for both of you. there has been a book about mitt romney in the "boston globe" and i'm blanking on the name right now. estimate to people i think did the book. >> in our shock we often say it's easier to publish books on the outside looking in the and when you were on the inside looking out. and in terms of the list, we have usually great success when
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there is someone from the other side in the white house. people i think it's because people are more passionate and feel more motivated frankly to vote, to read and to buy a book. when they feel like they have something to argue with and something to complain about and something that they are worried about and that drives people i think more than the good i am in favor of this. >> i think if people look at a book and say this is a positive book about mitt romney. good. i think a lot of people say but i don't need to buy the book. i know i think that. so good. i'm done. look at the cover, happy it's out and i not necessarily going to buy the book. >> so from a business perspective president obama of being reelected would be good for you? [laughter] >> we do often say that regnery would is bad for the company -- country is good for business. [laughter] >> susan weinberg, have you
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looked into doing a mitt romney look at all? >> we have looked at a couple things. we certainly looked at the "boston globe" book. there was an option for that. but the book i think has done a lot to inform people in the early part of the year about the full biography. we have looked at some other things, too that have come up. but i think there is a lot changing the way the political information is disseminated now. and in each case, we felt like the story is going to be superseded in the cycle too quickly for a book to be of value or we see people now doing short books rather than waiting and doing a single long your book. >> the instant book. what do you think of those? >> i think they are an interesting addition to the mix and tactically we have to think of this could be done better than we might not want to do a full-length print book at the time which will take longer. so i think it is going to be very interesting looking back on this whole cycle run up the
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intense election part and then pos to see how the different types of media played a different role. the one thing, the one constant in our business and both of our businesses is that everything is changing. estimate that is absolutely true and i think the interesting thing about these e-book is that contrasting their value and their role in terms of informing people versus the role as part of a business. because i think the business equation remains to be answered in terms of if you are going to invest the money at the time to create because you still have to invest a considerable amount of time, money and promotion to make an ebook work how you justify that with this much lower price of an instant many book versus a full-blown buck off? and so, i think publishers are going to have to figure out how one of those instant many books ultimately can lead to the
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purchase of a full-blown book rather than simply try to make a business friend on the sense and many books because they provide a -- they fill this gap of this instant information and as susan said, things are changing so fast particularly during this segment of an election year, presidential election year to get it's really hard to keep up and get ahead of it in terms of putting off a full-blown book. although we try to do that quite often, and we probably are faster than most because we have to be. but i think these instant he books we figured out how they can work in terms of providing information and helping people analyze what's going on. i don't think publishers have yet figured out how they work in terms of the business. >> just about every media outlet now i was noticing -- of course they've always had strong political blogs -- but everyone who didn't has added one for the presidential year. so, again, you have to look at where we really adding value,
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where and i truly doing something people can't get elsewhere? >> yes. >> so will you be doing any of the instant he books? i know crounse is looking at this, politico does it, susan and then marji -- >> topics have come up. we haven't found the right one yet, time and place and loved one altogether kind of thing. but it's certainly part of the media landscape and part of the readers are looking at, so of course we're looking at it, too. >> what we have done in a couple cases is released books as he looks only. and our thought was rather than going through the whole cycle of selling and all the technical things that the readers don't care about, but in terms of bookselling you have to have a pretty long lead time before you get a book on the shelf in a bookstore there's been a couple of instances where we have had a book that is very topical, very timely. we said you know we are going to put this out as an e-book to get it out in the marketplace much faster. we were able to edit those books
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quickly but getting them through the sales cycle to get a physical book on the shelf it still takes, you know, several months. swedes released a couple books just as ebooks and thought, you know, they are single issue books and things that are very dedicated part of the marketplace. one was obamacare, and one was on energy policy by newt gingrich who is a comprehensive on the american energy policy. but he was in the middle of a campaign. and he didn't have time or ability to do a full book and neither did we, but we thought if this is an important part of the election discussion so we released a book called to 50 judd alan and was just a single issue. >> did it make any money? >> it's just out now we just released last month so it's actually doing pretty well. >> a couple years ago at the show at the bookexpo america, you, public affairs put together
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an ebook. >> yes. it was a demonstration of how you could publish a book in 48 hours. and there's just so much happening with the technology and distribution, and what's going on. and everyone knows including booksellers that we'll have to be able to react very quickly. and i think there are some publishers, booksellers no sometimes we have to know we are doing something because it's free timely and very fast. we publish the book form of the fcc inquiry report, and we -- the was literally publishing overnight. and there was a lot of new techniques used. i think another technique we talked about, people talked of using the ebook as a prelude to a possible print book. we talked about releasing the piece of a book as the ebook format or the short e-book format to gain interest. so, this new media environment takes us and our bookselling partners a lot of ways to reach people. and the end, that is what we are
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all about. we care about our authors and books and we really want to reach people and what they have to say. >> we are out of time. marji ross is the president of regnery publishing. susan weinberg is the publisher of publicaffairs. you are watching book tv on c-span2. ..


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