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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 28, 2012 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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the president wants to kill innocent people, then i think they are saying so be it. this is something we have to do to make sure there isn't an attack against us and especially during an election year. i think it comes with this idea that there still is a military solution and let's recognize that a lot of people in this administration came from the last administration. there isn't that much of a transformation from the bush administration to the obama administration when it comes to the military and when it comes to the cia. in fact there's just been a little rearranging of the titles. so it's the same mindset and some of the same exact people and it's a reflection of an inability to have a military solution in afghanistan even with boots on the ground. some people say that this administration's way of dealing
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with the war is a whack-a-mole policies, they whack them in afghanistan and then they go to yemen and whack them there and now they are talking about having drones in africa. i think what is implied in your question is an somebody going to stop at some point and say this doesn't make any sense? on the other hand it keeps the military complex going and as long as americans continue to allow it to happen, it will keep happening. >> since a soldier has a duty to refuse illegal orders, could you talk about the legalities that are being broken for the soldier? personally i am concerned about our education process and why people are willing to kill innocent people? they don't seem to have the mentality to say no. >> there are a number of people who are conscientious objectors from the wars in iraq and afghanistan.
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there are wonderful groups like iraq vets against the war and the afghan vets against the war who are standing up and speaking out an even -- just like what happened around vietnam. if we had a draft there would be a huge movement against these wars and it probably would have ended already but when you only have less than 1% of the population that sees the direct effect of the war, and of course we are all affected in terms of the financial situation, but the small number of people that are directly involved in the war, it makes it harder to build up this kind of peace movement. so i don't know. i think it's going to take a lot more work, a lot more effort and that wars don't end easily.
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we need our allies on the inside. we need people in the military who are speaking out, who want to speak out, who are afraid to speak out. we need people as they leave the military, and bring the men because their voices are oftentimes seen as very legitimate voices in this discussion. there are people from the obama administration who have spoken out against these drone programs and we should get them out on the speaking circuit. i find it absolutely disgusting that people from george bush to dick cheney and condoleezza rice and rumsfeld and the latest one being colin powell, make so much money from writing their memoirs and i am scraping together five assists do a speaking tour and they are getting thousands of dollars for one talk in millions of dollars for their books. there propagating the lies that
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they propagated in office and no one is held them accountable. code pink, my, meyer cassation, we have been telling people so so-and-so is speaking at this place. go there and take some handcuffs and try to arrest them in the name of the citizens burke l. a pot go when you have no accountability for the sins of the passive administration you have no accountability for the sins of this administration. >> here is what comes to mind. sometimes we talk about what they are doing, meaning the government, the military and i think it keeps coming back to what we are doing. and this expression about a coach and you are like a coach. a good coach will say well, well we are behind. we might as well sit down. a good coach talks to the team in much of what you are at been
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doing is talking to the team. it is we the people that have to do it and i will end by saying because everything you say goes right back to that simple bumper sticker, you know, when we ask about the church leader or any other leader, if the people lead, the leaders will follow. so it really is about going back to the people and specifically to the peace movement. you are right, we need an infusion of energy and deeper insight and our inclusion to really do the work that we need to do. so i am in love with you. [applause] >> the love goes both ways. as i travel, i must say i am so inspired by this community. this community has shown me how you can integrate the issues of the local economy and what kind of local economy you want to see
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with the global picture and say, that is not what we want to see is the drone killing. the bad and the good, the local and global, the occupy movement and the peace movement and you really are a model for us around the country. so thank you for bringing it back to that and to the other expression of we are the ones we have been waiting for. you are the ones that i have been waiting for. thank you. [applause] from the 19th annual eagle forum collegians leadership summit, john fund discusses his book "who's counting?" how fraudsters and bureaucrats put your vote at risk. this is about half an hour., an >> i wrote this book for onetill
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reason, an event that may havera happened when you were very young but still resonates with a lot of americans and that is the bush v. gore recount in florida in 2000.ed t for 47 days we didn't know who the president-elect would be. we had court cases. we have demonstrations.e we had charges back-and-forth that made even the mud wrestling on cable television today lookad tame. it was a mess. in in the end the supreme court had to intervene. i don't agree that it was a 5-4 both. i think was a 7-2 vote that must -- florida was miscounting that it was a 5-4 vote and a lot of americans never thought thatd election was legitimate. b and i thinkad it damaged the buh presidency and i think the bad feelings that have come from. that resonate with us today. this november each political party will have 10,000 lawyers monitoring there election.
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if there any regularities or any sloppiness or any fraud, you cas bet that this will go to court. we came only a few thousand votes away from john kerry challenging the ohio electionhae resultsat in 2004 and that could've launched the same process all over walter ds ean burnham, the deanf american political scientists say we have a sloppy selection system of any industrialized democracy. e time to take remedial steps will the election to minimize the sloppiness, incompetents, and from. from has distorted history in american life. it just like to be decent and animals college students. and live in new jersey, one of the most corrupt political machines ever. the men there for 40 years. what it @booktv? because of its wooden ones.
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in 1935 be honest about association, the do that is another day some 245 princeton, students to one of the election. the beat of five of them within the or the arrival. several others went to the mayor's office to protest. will you fellows go back, but if he ever get knocked cold will be your own bed of black. they explained it involved animal spirits. until the layoff, but it was a pretty dull election. the jersey journal, where with the did give? some of them were looked upon the police station. somewhere stickum corners. the only way is with the militia . in truth the little bit, but
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they're still places in this country, texas, alabama, chicago , philadelphia win election from israel, the threat is ever-present, and to give you an exhibit will in philadelphia and many other citizens and more registered voters than there are adults over the age of 18 according to the u.s. census. because of a clue. what to me to put this will, there's simple steps. have they photo id to present at the polls and clean up absentee balloting. absentee ballots of the to a choice because you can register, applied for a ballot, then, and in many cases never have to present himself.
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kansas has been very good form. often require the you have a legitimate excuse to ask for an absentee ballot. they should make an effort to vote on election day. the few votes to early you have people voting before the last debate stiffeners. in addition, when you apply you have to give them the last four digits of his social security number, and that has reduced from dramatically. we are told this is the other suppression. we're told this is a return to the jim crow laws. well, frankly 80 percent of americans support the total idea pools. the thomas is a high percentage for any issue, even high and
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another that your humble pie because people are estranged and some people. chieftains of hispanics and african-americans support photo id. in fact, rasmussen asked, they believe and for a is a serious issue? 63 percent of whites said yes and 64 percent of african-americans said gm's. african americans in some places live where a machine controls the political left that the live under. frankly it allows the crime rates to skyrocket. the biggest victim of flow from is minority reformers and veterinarians were political machines control the destiny in the can't fight city of. the mayor of detroit who until recently was serving in public
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housing after conviction for crimes, he won his second term in part because of a flood of fraudulent ballots. the city clerk cluster job after that. abilene were asking for another florist, a town we could extend free finlandia's to anyone. i believe it's a small number. in time this issue comes before the court the people the kind of fund 10% of people like eddies. it's a very small, tiny number. melson of in indiana and georgia , turnout has gone up with a minority in the overall turnout not just in the 2008 obama election but the midterm election.
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if there are people out there in light of a bloody let's cut the one. you can't participate in the mainstream american life of a melody. travel, check into tell, cash a check, antar government building, rent a video. he can hardly do anything. instead the critics rather than try to help people get ideas simply yell racism further exacerbating the racial political tensions. chris dodd who crafted a bipartisan lecturer -- reform bill after the florida miltown was quoted as saying the goal of american law should be to make it easy to vote and hard to achieve. we are americans. we can do both.
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to civil rights. one is the right to never be prevented or intimidated from voting. we had a history in many states. poll tax, literacy test, bizarre registration hours. we passed the civil rights law to prevent that. the second city right not to have your vote canceled up by someone who is an illegal alien, and died, voting twice, or someone who does not even exist. that to file its your sole rights. we can do both. now, an obstacle to this is to reference the previous speaker on fast and furious, the eric holder justice department. they claim there is no voter fraud america.
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the clinical want to poll taxes. eric holder himself said that. they are suing any state that they can sing their voter i.d. lot is unconstitutional even and has been up held by the supreme court. so where are we with the lyrical the justice department? a complete stall. well, this is no accident. the president of the united states got his start with these issues. his first major political challenge chicago for barack obama was with a group called project vote, a voter registration effort that registered 135,000 people and illinois in '91 and '92. project vote was allied with and an affiliate of the acorn. how many of you have ever heard of acorn? the most notoriously corrupt the registration effort ever in
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american history. it 2008 it's estimated their registered 1 million people. we will still debating whether a majority of those for fraudulent or not. as you know, because of some videos that came out recently regarding, shall we say, the other scandals they ultimately dissolved and had to declare bankruptcy. many of its members have reform in and out during the registration again. i call that a court under the mismanagement. acorn is back. but acorn day barack obama his political birth. he did such a good job running that the registration program that acorn made him their top trainer in chicago. in 1993, the first law that the democratic congress elected with bill clinton passed along was the motor voter law would set anyone in the country can register by filling a post card and it created severe restrictions on cleaning up of the rules, making sure that the
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rules are accurate. the republican governor of illinois challenge that law as an unfunded mandate. acorn hired a lawyer to challenge that in federal court. the lawyer they hired was poor,. barack obama won that case. it became the law of the land. forced upon states. they could not clean up the rolls for many years. barack obama, acorn's lawyer, is now the president of the united states. how interested he think he is in making sure that his friends don't resort to old bat habits and old patterns of behavior? apparently not at all if you judge by the actions of the air called the justice department's. in conclusion, i don't want to go through 2010. we live in perilous times, both in foreign policy and domestic. the last thing this country needs is another dispute about who won the 2012 election.
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the last thing we need is for this country to be driven a par with allegations of by the corruption or incompetence in which we don't know who the present electives for weeks and when the president is sworn in, half the country is angry and bitter and perhaps is not even see that person as a legitimate. we can clean up the selection process, even starting now just by observing what goes on in the election, making sure election officials are doing their job, by making sure they know someone is watching for voter fraud. activist groups. they're recruiting a to a billion people to observe the election process. we can make the election more honest. voter fraud is a law like shoplifting. if you simply put up signs and cameras and to a few basic common sense things 20- 20-30-40 percent of shoplifting goes away a because people will take a risk. a small risk deters a lot of people. the same thing with voter fraud. for too long it has been the
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perfect crime. well, let's make sure they can't let's make it easy to vote and hard to cheat. thank you. [applause] >> any questions? >> hello. the bynum from florida. given their rick scott has been battling the justice department turned to get lists of people who have moved out of state. >> and non-citizens. >> and i just wanted to can get a sense for what is the body is going with try to clean up the voter rolls and florida? id think he's going to improve the voters some in florida? >> well, i have reported a lot of the florida situation. florida election officials say we don't have the budget to be investigators. if you register to vote, clammy are a citizen, there's no way to prevent another not.
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you can vote. but when nbc affiliate in one city, fort myers florida, one out of florida's 70-odd counties did an investigation. here is what they did. they went to the list of people and for buyers who had been called for jury duty and said i can't do it jury duty because and not a citizen. then they went to the voter registration list and discovered over 100 people and that one county and said they were not citizens for jury duty but or registered and some of them were even voting and had for years. we finally caught some people. now, some people may have tried to get out of jury duty, but that is a small number. most of these people are talking, and those who are are saying, i made a mistake. i did not know. somebody told me i could register and vote begins on in the process of getting my citizenship a couple of years a month on the one. this is a potential problem. we do know the florida's voter
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registration rolls are rife with errors and outdated. the department of homeland security is under an obligation federal law to share with the state's their citizenship records. they have the most complete records of all. for months that just part refused to look for a have those records citing privacy reasons. i'm sorry. it's not someone's private business select people not be able to know whether you're a citizen are not. you're either in this country legally or illegally. we have a right to know that. so florida went ahead and started eating the best records they had, the dmv driver's license records, and i'm sure there were a couple of mistakes, but the wanted to get people's attention. sure enough up obama administration finally relented and said it could have the records. it's like pulling teeth. they just ignore the law. and as floridian made some
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public relations mistakes, yes. they are not trying to deny the vote to anyone. they're trying to make sure the election is honest and has the confidence of the voters. the supreme court has said unanimously regarding an arizona id case, if people don't believe the elections are honest it will lose confidence in the process. voter turnout will go down, and our democracy will be undermined it is a fact of over 40 percent of americans are not confident that their ballots are counted fully or accurately. that is dangerous for democracy, especially since so many other nations counterbalance far better and more effectively and honestly that some of our states to. mexico, was just had an election, being a perfect example. a national id card. the election process is clear, transparent. frankly, no one questioned it after it happened. >> hi. >> asking why so many americans
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don't vote. what you think that is? >> well, i would turn around the question. if you had a choice between everyone voting, even if they knew nothing about the issues of the candid it's and cared nothing but the issues of the candidates and people voting 60, 70 percent of them, which is traditionally our number, but they did know something about the election are the candid it's , which would prefer? >> the latter. >> i hope so. you know, there are some people who sincerely believe this track and out of a democracy is that as many people as possible votes even in some cases if they know nothing or even if it doesn't mean anything. i disagree. i believe we have an informed electorate and to strive for an even more informed electorate. the bottom line is, we are not a country that finds people if they don't vote like belgium or austria.
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i think that is ridiculous. if you don't want to vote, that's your right. as far as i'm concerned, you can still complain but not as much because it decided not to be part of the process. bottom line, people should vote, but people should also be informed. voting is a right that cause with responsibilities, including there's a possibility to know something about what to voting about. we don't prevent people, but i don't think we should go to extraordinary efforts to encourage them to vote if they know nothing. >> which to you think is more prevalent in voter fraud? illegal immigrants voting or residents of chicago area's largest cemeteries? >> well, i believe that illegal aliens voting is a potential problem, but, perhaps, not the biggest problem. let's face it, if you are an illegal alien you probably want to avoid contact with any government agency. they also don't know how easy it is to do it. it's child's play to vote if you
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are not eligible to vote. but i think most of them stay awake. certainly in a close election, if someone is does the picking go to places were illegal aliens her date. you have all seen in front of walmart. you could come in theory, scoop them up and taken to a polling place and encourage them to vote. in wisconsin a few years ago the convicted apart at teapot park avenue eris. his going to homeless people and saying, if he job and his van and go vote because you can register and vote the same date, will give you cigarettes. for a candidate who is anti tobacco i thought that was really rich. cemeteries in chicago, there is an old joke. to election workers going to the cemetery taking down names so that people can vote the next day. the need a name and all that. one of the election workers for the machine kicks over a
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tombstone. his friend gets very mad at him and says, now, don't you do that. those people as just as much a right to participate as you and i do. i disagree. no representation without respiration. the answer is, in chicago they still vote the more sophisticated way. a former city took to chicago, the number two man in the daley machine was convicted of, shall we say, kraft. he got out and i interviewed in. how early on to discover this? we will come here is what happened. this is how it happens. i was in college and had a summer job with the city. it was a good paying job. every summer it was renewed. one summer there was a vote coming out. i voted absentee. there was one guy i've really, really hated. the next summer did not show up,
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did not given notice. i went to the local captain and said where's my summer job. he said, you know you're supposed to vote if you want to work for the machine. i voted. yes, we know. you're supposed to vote a straight ticket. >> i voted the straight ticket. >> but you forgot one. how did you know that? we have ways of knowing. they opened the ballot and to track of who voted for whom, and if you did not vote the right way you did not get the job. that is the chicago way. the president, need not remind you, from chicago and was an active part in the daley machine yes. >> brand in the quarters. what are your thoughts about the original lan3 >> brand in the quarters. what are your thoughts about the original land requirements and the constitution and talks about returning to that? >> i'm sorry, the original? >> the land requirement to vote. >> in the united states constitution. >> wasn't that in there? >> can you send it to me?
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some states have property laws. some states have laws that said you had to own property. >> okay. state constitutions. >> well, you refer efforts into several friends in the u.s. constitution. was addition deal havnst >> had made at the question wire you asking jack. >> i know it may not be the united states constitution. >> of course we have evolved beyond that. we also has slavery sanctions at the top of the american revolution. it was a blot on our record. a double even property >> iuirements and adult refer to restricting the franchise and the basis of race or sector gender. we have evolved as a society to society. >> as just a question about voter fraud and waste to help out. public. ♪ and w for those of us who had safety.


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