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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  August 4, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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of what transpired works along those sides. .. >> thank you. [applause] >> phyllis schlafly received hew ba in st. louis where she worked her way through college on the night shift. she then received a master's degree from harvard university.' after the age of 50, she went to law school and received her law degree from washington university in st. louis. she founded eagle forum in 1972a to encourage the grassroots to
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be politically active.he she led the ten-year battle to successfully defeat the ratification of the so-called equal rights amendment. phyllis schlafly is the author of 20 books on such diverse topics as politics, national defense, the courts, feminismal and even a phonics textbook for children called "first reader."d her newest book, just released this month, is "no higher power: obama's war on religious freedom." please welcome phyllis schlafly. [cheers and applause] >> thank you very much, ann, and good morning, students. there are a lot of good books about obama, different aspects of his career, but there wasn't one on a very important issue, and that's why i wrote this one, "no higher power: obama's war oe religious freedom."
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on october 31st, 2008, barackam. obama said we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states.enta fewll americans realized how radical that was and what kind of transformation he planned. his goal is not merely to spread the wealth as he told joe theus plumber, his goal is to transform america from one nation under god as we proudly proclaim in our pledge of allegiance to a totally secular country where we're allowed to recognize no higher power than the federal government, especially the executive branche when obama moved into the white house, the groundwork for this campaign of secularism had already been laid by dozens of d lawsuits filed by the aclu and various atheist organizations, potentialing supremacist judges
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to use the first amendment to tear down all crosses or monuments and pictures of thef ten commandments that areme visible to the public and to cut offe the microphones of public school students thanking god in their valedictory speeches and to forbid school kids to sing christmas carols. at obama's campaign stops, his liberal friends chanted that he is "the one we've been waiting for." as soon as he moved into the white house, obama began his long series of words and actions toon secularize our country. he's trying to make the u.s. a totally secular m the goal was predictable when he was campaign anything san francisco before -- campaigning in san francisco before he was here arefo obama's insulting wos about religious people in the unitedey states. he said, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion orto antipathy to people who are notr like them, who are anti-immigrant or anti-trade as a way to explain their
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frustrations. obama looks down on religious people. obama has a record of hostility to religion that we have never before seen in the any american president. one of his first executive orders in january 2009 was to reverse the practice of the bush administration and start giving taxpayer money to organizationsg that perform abortions in other countries. i in february 2009 he announcedtr the elimination of conscience protections that allowed pro-life doctors and nurses in federally-funded hospitals to opt out of performing abortionsr in april 2009 obama delivered a speech at georgetown university only after his staff had pressured the catholic collegeis to cover up the monogram for thl name of jesus that was always displayed above the podium.laye the next thing we noticed was that when president obama
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recites the declaration of independence, he changes the dec wording. when he quotes the great. declaration, he censors out the word "creator." we all know that the declaration proclaims we are endowed by oure creator with certain unalienable rights, and again and again obama omits the word "creator." obama has done this so often o that it cannot be a slip of thee tongue or a glitch of the teleprompter. it's deliberate.el he's changing the words of the declaration of independence to remove every mention of god fron every aspect of our public lives. obama canceled the traditional white house event honoring the national day of prayer saying hh would pray only in private. in a november 2010 speech, obama pretended to quote the national motto which is: in god we trust. i guess he couldn't bring himself to say god, so hems
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mistakenly said our official motto is e e pluribus unum. i when obama gave the traditional presidentialness that -- presidential thanksgiving day address, he again eliminated "god." the u.s. constitution makes it t prime duty of the president toac take care that the law to be faithfully executed, and we all saw obama at his inauguration swear an oath to uphold the laws of the united states. but apparently obama thinks he can pick and choose which laws to enforce and which he can overturn. in february 2011 obama instructed his justice department not to defend the federal defense of marriage act known as doma which waskn overwhelmingly passed byow a bipartisan congress but is now under attack in the federal courts by the homosexual
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activists trying to get supremacist judges to declare it unconstitutional.o d in september 2011 obama, who was determined to defy the federal defense of marriage act, orderew the pentagon to authorize thens performance of same-sex marriage ceremonies on military bases, thus violating not only the federal law, but also the traditional first amendment rights that have always been a accorded to military chaplains. barack obama must think that his title of commander in chief enables him to banish religion from the u.s. in july 2011 obama's departmento of veterans affairs banned anyam mention of jesus christ during the burials at houston national cemetery.ou hundreds of demonstrators turned out on independence day to protest and to support a lawsuit against that ban. after that the ban was lifted.
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in september 2011 the u.s. army issued guidelines for walter.s reed hospital that read: toal religious items such as bibles and r reading materials ares allowed to be given away or used during a visit. the hospital rescinded that policy only after congressman steve king reportednd it to the house of representatives. steve king said, this order o means you cannot bring in a bible and read from it when youn visit your son in the veterans hospital. it means a priest coming to visit a veteran on his death bet could not offer the last rites. this is outrageous. well, the walter reed hospital officials were embarrassed, ande they did cancel that in february 2012 responding to complaints from atheists, the air force removed the latin word for god "dei" from the logo of the rapid capabilities office
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and also removed the motto written in latin which means doing god's work with otherti people's money. the new logo says: doing miracles with other people's l money. in february 2012 the u.s. army warned catholic chaplains not ts read from an archbishop's letter opposing the obama administration's mandate that all employers, including religious hospitals, schools and colleges, must pay for abortiony drugs, contraceptives and sterilizations for their employees. most people found it shocking that an order could be issuedt telling chaplains that they oe cannot say to members of theirha own faith during a religioustesn service. obama has been trying to load the federal courts withg anti-religious judges. his first appointment to the federal judiciary was david hamilton, and alas, he is
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typical. he had worked for acorn and for indiana's aclu. he was known for blocking pro-life and pro-decency laws. even the left-leaning american bar association called him not qualified.led in 2005 when hamilton was a federal district court judge, he banned a prayer used in the p indiana legislature that mentioned jesus christ, and he ordered the indiana legislature to refrain from using christ'sle name or title or any denominational appeal. however, at the same time hamilton said, it is permissible for the legislature to use the word "allah."word fortunately, that decision was overturned on appeal. however, president obama then promoted david hamilton to a lifetime judgeship on the u.s.nt court of appeals for the seventh circuit. federal judge michael urbanski
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is another judicial appointment made by president obama.he urbanski must take the cake forr having the most extraordinary, exalted notion of his own power. youurbanski suggested in the con that the ten commandments be censored down to six commandments in order to make te the posting legal under the first commandment. obama's most outrageous attack on religious liberty is his executive order in obamacareba that thema requirements -- thato impose that the requirements violate their twenty-three new lawsuits have been filed in 14 states challenging the obamacare mandate on the religious liberty these lawsuits involve 50 plaintiffs including protestanti and catholic colleges, religious schools serving inner city
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children and charities providinr care for the abused and neglected. if be these lawsuits are not successful, all those institutions will have to close their doors. through speeches and executive branch regulations, barack obama isthro trying to force religious worship to be private only, behind closed doors. d he's willing for you to worship inside your church.hiwi that's why he doesn't talk abous religious liberty. he talks only about freedom ofas worship which means inside your church. or maybe a synagogue. but not have any christian symbols such as the cross or say a prayer in any public place. obama's regulation in obamacare shows how far he wants to take this new policy, that there is no higher power than the federal government. churches have traditionallyment
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enjoyed a religious exemption from employment loss, but obama wants this exemption to apply only to what goes on insiden churches, but not to any of the many institutions built and managed by people of faith such as hospitals, schools, colleges and various charitable institutions. obama wants those organizations to be bound by his secular a prime example of his hostility to religion is the supreme court case called hosanna-tabor evangelical lutheran church and school v. eeoc. the church had fired one of its minister teachers in its church school, and she sued to get her job back. with the help of obama's lawyers, this case got up to the u.s. supreme court. obama's lawyer made the
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astonishing argument that the federal government could forcet the lutheran church to rehire this woman in their school, their own school. obama's argument was so ludicrous that it january 2012 the supreme court justices voted 9-0 against the obama position. it was so over the top that even elena kagan voted against it.cae nearly every american president, starting with george washingtonn spoke publicly about their religious faith including a lot of the presidents i don't eveno like. [laughter] but they are all dead, and there are plenty of those. our founding fathers who wrote the first amendment would beou shocked at how barack obama ise trying to redefine the firsts amendment.e in 1814 francis scott key wrote the "the star stengeledine, banner -- spangled banner."
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congress made in god we trust our national motto, and it's onn all your money. it's time for the american people to realize how fundamental is the transformation that obama isndam trying to bring about in america. and this is our year to bring it to an end. [applause] [inaudible conversations] >> hi, i'm janeny, i'm from the university of virginia. i notice in a lot of myty o christian friends a real apathyi when it comes to politicalri issues. do you think that this issue could be something that motivates the church to get bace involved in politics, and if so, how do we articulate it in order to get them excited?s >> well, that's why i wrote it.n [laughter] i thought there aren't any good book about obama showing his
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scandals and how he's taking usg into european-style socialism and many other thingses he's doing wrong -- things he's doing wrong such as violating a lot of our laws. but nobody had written about this one, so i have a co-author, george knew meyer, who collaborated on this book, did a lot of the research for it, and i hope it is something that will make the religious people realize we've got our future at stake. get with it.e o and, you know, i have seen polls that 50% of the evangelicals are among the nonvoters.he e and we need them this year. get your friends to get outee there and be sure they get registeredded and vote. uh-huh. >> ms. schlafly, how do you keep going at 87 years old? [laughter] ori you probably are more relevant and more important today than
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when you first started in 972. how -- 1972. how do you do it?cho >> well, i, i think this great,s wonderful country that the lordc has blessed us with need peoplet from the grassroots in our self-governing country to be with it. i have enjoyed politics as my hobby all my life. i've been fortunate in a lot ofy ways, and my husband was very supportive of everything i did. all my six children were healthy, and it's, well, it's -- i guess i enjoyed the contest oe it. and, of course, we had a big victory. it is fun to win. [laughter] you don't always win, you don'td always win. you have some losses. but this is one we have to win. but i can tell you it is very exhilarating to win.
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[inaudible conversations] >> [inaudible] georgetown university. i was wondering if there was ang way that we could get all therio information that you just gave to us in a bulleted format so that we can make that more relevant -- >> to get it where? >> in a bulleted format or maybe just a transcript of -- >> well, it's not a hong book. [laughter] it's not a long book. [applause] t just published -- it's just published, it's out this week. we rushed to get it out before the election. and i don't know this, i think, will t be on c-span. maybe you can get copies of >> well, thank you very much.n >> what i do is tell people more facts and fewer words than anything in print. so i've given you the executive summary this morning. >> all right, thank you. >> garrett van decamp, stanford, university.
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a few years ago there was talk about government funding for faith-based organizations that provide social services. some suggested that such government funding should be banned while others suggested that we should fund all faith-based charities such as those from jewish and islamic faiths as well as other, you know, standard secular organizations. what is your view on government funding and, i guess, tax relief for faith-based organizations? >> well, i'm not a fan of government funding for faith-based organizations. i have followed the actions of the catholic charities, for example, which gets a great deac of taxpayers' money, and i think they're mostly supportive of obama, and a lot of the things i don't like. i think most of the catholics who contributed to it think it's just going to help poor people and feed poor people. but that's not it. it's going to organizations likh
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acorn and other activist, left-wing organizations. and then there is the danger that if, if you give government money to faith-basediv organizations, they're going too have to comply with certain rules. now, that's certainly true with this new government mandate, and that should be a tremendous alert to any of the religious-based organizations. many denominations maintain schools, of course, the catholic hospital network is just tremendous in this country. and the idea that they have to abandon their religious beliefs in order to function as a hospital or school is just simply unacceptable.e, and yet obama is trying to put out the notion that there is no higher power than the federaloti government. and he offered what he called an accommodation which was really
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giving him a year to violate -- defer punishing you andng punishing them means financial death for the organization. i will tell you that we, many catholics were very shocked m several years ago when notre dame invited obama to be their commencement speaker. it was a big flap. well, i read the brief they filed against this obama mandate on schools and colleges, and itf is a brilliant brief. it is worth reading. it's, i think it's about, i don't know, 50, 75 pages. and it sets it out one afters another. and religious freedom in this country has got to mean that m christian schools and colleges and hospitals do not have to violate their religious beliefs inot order to provide insurance, healthio insurance to their
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employees. >> thank you, phyllis, for everything you do.hae um, i have a lot of christianoto friends that they just don't want to be involved in politics, you know? they just see it as a dirty thing, there's so much fightingd or whatever and a headache, and they just don't want to get involved. and so i was wondering if you have any advice for us how we can, um, engage some of the more apathetic christians, some ofe s the people that just don't see the importance of taking actionm and being involved. >> with -- well, that's a good l question as i point to the high percentage of evangelicals whof don't and i hope anybody here who's evangelical will get all your friends to in eagle forum we have done a pretty good job of getting a lo of religious people of alleo denominations to cooperate in
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the causes that we've worked for. starting with defeating the equal rights amendment, but are many others. i think we're the ones who havet really made the republican party pro-life by a fight at the republican national convention every four years.very and there are many other tasks we've taken off.nd some people are even gives us credit for defeating the laws of sea treaty right now because we do believe in american sovereignty. so that's one way. but this book, tell them you're going to lose your religious liberty if obama's reelected. i think it's -- he really meant it when he said he wanted tohe fundamentally transform ouri country. that's pretty redefining the first amendment. and you surely are aware of the many lawsuits that have been filed by the aclu and the atheists to take down thees
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crosses, some in california can. those two big crosses in california that the lawsuits have gone on for years. and how they're trying to get rid of the ten commandments. we participated in financing a project to hang the tented commandments on the walls of ale the public schools in kentucky a number of years ago. the court threw that out. i've got one of those copies in my office, but they wouldn't let 'em in this school. and you're needed to get your religious friends to be, to realize the future of our country depends on people like you participating in political action.part help some candidate get elected. make sure you vote against the wrong one. and if you're not enthusiastic about the other guy, some peoplt
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object to voting what they say is the lesser of two evils, i just, iy just remind them e somebody's going to be elected to those offices, and jesus is not on the ballot. [laughter] [applause] yes. >> thank you, ms. schlafly, for having me here. to i'm one of your travel scholars, i know i've thanked you before. >> talk a little closer to your mic. >> thank you, ms. schlafly, for having me here.ele i'm one of your travel scholars. i've thanked you before, but i wanted to thank you again.- o my question -- i have a statement first. you know, as christians we're called to, you know, when we sew an opportunity to do good youppr said that we're supposed to do it and so i would ask you the question, you know, especiallyi with what's at stake, um, at s
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this election, um, would it be considered, you know, immoral not to go out and vote to defend our faith and defend our religious liberty? >> well, i encourage everybody to vote and change the and administration that we have at the present time, but i -- oh, i'm not going to judge the - morality. you've got your own relationshit with god.un i'm not interfering with that.hp but i do think it's very important, and i want to get w everybodyit out to vote.o we need everyone. wan and i think john fund gave us a very important presentationsent today.. counting the ballots is just as important as casting the ballots. and we don't know, we may have a lot of vote fraud in this election. and the trouble is a lot of people don't see it. nobody's going to steal ballots in my precinct. the kind of precinct i live in,
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that isn't where they do their stealing. it's in other areas where they already have a heavy democratic majority, and they just jack it up to near unanimous. and we do need the men to go there. there's just a lot of areas i know about that i can't send my girls into. so we need the men to do it. it may be dangerous, they might beat you up. [laughter] it's been known to happen. uh -- but i hope you can encourage and make them -- there's so many big issues. i think the dependency on government and one of obama's hopes to make more and more people dependent on government, that's what he's been doing. we've got 47% of the american
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people now who are getting all or part of their living expenses from the taxpayers. and that's, that's terrible.n e i grew up during the great depression. we didn't have any of theses handouts. gre we grew up to be the greatestn. and it's making people dependent on government. how many of you have seen thatit little slide show, "the life of julia"? you ought to see it. it was put on by the obamahow people. this was not created by peoplej that don't like obama. and it shows the whole life of she starts out dependent on thel government when she's going to pre-k, and then she goes through, and the government's helping all the schools and colleges along the way, and then she has a baby. no sign of a husband.f a the government's helping, takin care of her, and finally shethe ends up on social security and o medicare at the end. and the whole life is made med possible by the government.e that's not the kind of countrye we want.
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and you look at, look at europe. we don't want to be like europe. and we don't want any of these u.n. treaties because we don'tw need any, any foreign experts meeting in geneva or belgium or any place else to tell us what tot do.nev we believe in freedom. and the first -- as i say, i think every president we've ever had including all the ones i don't like spoke publicly about their faith and belief in god. and asking god's blessing. and god bless america and the pledge of allegiance, one nation under god. and we don't want anybody taking that away from us. you know, there have been lawsuits even against the pledge of allegiance. they have not succeeded with those yet, but who knows? if one of the greatest powers of the president is the power to appoint judges. if obama


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