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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  August 9, 2012 12:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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thank you for your kind attention and now i would like to bring up our testing which panel is one at a time. will begin with tsa administrator assistant administrator robert bray, and then follow with associate administered causes, and then liz shaver, followed by mr. carey davis, in that order. bob, thank you very much for being with us here today. >> good morning. i'd like to thank the great introduction by captain fred eissler and the invitation from everyone at alpa to speak to you today and join the forum as we continue to build our relationship between tsa and alpa. today i'll talk about risk-based security and affair -- federal air marshal service but some of the layers of security that tsa used to detect deterrence to be terrorism. as the assistant administrator of the office of law enforcement, i joined his band a
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distinguished guests to discuss a topic that is a primary importance to all of us to aviation and risk-based security. tsa under the direction of administrator john pistole recognizes the importance of risk-based security. in the aviation domain and has taken several steps to implement new programs supporting risk-based security, and to continue our progress towards our efforts of being a leading counterterrorism organization of the federal government. i'll talk a little bit about the history of the federal air more service but i think it will give as good context from where we were and what are today. it was started in 1962 through a series of hijacking the first agents were sworn in by attorney general robert kennedy. in 1962. from 1962 until september 11, 2001, they had a roller coaster budget cycle, roller coaster
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history of the number of people that were working for the. on september 11, 2001 there was only a handful of federal air marshals and the only flu international missions. obviously, all that has changed since then. since the tragic events of september 11, 2001. and now we are a large robust organization. but now like most federal agencies we face budget challenges. in order to meet those challenges, about a year ago we started work with an organization, within all of tsa, to look at our standing at headquarters and across the nation within the federal air marshal service at headquarters we've gone from from five operational divisions to three. and now we're starting to look at where our field offices are and how their staff. that's part of the process you all know probably better than i do in the 10 years since 9/11, the aviation industry has changed significantly with how
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you fly, where you fly, and what you fly. and we need to change also so we're in the process of looking at that. federal air marshal service also involved in many other aspects of aviation security with our primary mission always being a flying fams, working on europe. but our efforts and programs extend throughout the transportation to me. federal air marshals are a risk-based in flight law enforcement presence offering a flexible law enforcement response to merging threats with the unmatched capability for deployment anywhere in the transportation domain. the federal air marshal service has always been utilizing a risk-based concept that assesses risk as a function of consequence, vulnerability, and intelligence. we recognize that not all flights are created equal. every u.s. carrier flight is categorized based on the risk of
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that flight. like other security components, the federal air marshal service must utilize our limited resources in an effective and efficient manner. and, therefore, we concentrate coverage on the highest risk flight. you all know this is about 25,000 commercial flights. it is seasonal. it varies and then we also focus on those flights international flights, to have a risk matrix for all the flights. in order to utilize a risk-based model that is intelligence driven, one of the essential elements of that is the information that we gather. on current threats and the intelligence environment throughout the world. the federal air marshal service information coordination section works with tsa office of intelligence and analysis and other federal agencies. we have personnel assigned in many different federal agencies here in washington, d.c. that focus on intelligence. we gather that information, then use that information to build
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our risk-based mission schedule system. a very large part of our information coordination section in our information role is our transportation security operations center here in northern virginia. that's a 24/7 operations center. it was my first job was in the federal air marshal service. in the tsop which is what we call the center, we have people working there 24/7 from other federal agencies that we have a joint effort to prevent people from the faa, department of defense, many other agencies that coordinate the gathering of intelligence that affect the entire transportation domain. and the essential element of that is to gather the information and then push it back out to all of our airports, all of our 450 domestic airports, and also our stakeholders so that we know have another incident like 9/11 that occurs. we've instant awareness on
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events that occur in the entire transportation domain now. that's the responsibility of the operations center. another element that we have as far as our information coordination that every day that tsa has seen a leadership team gets a briefing from the tsoc on events that occurred previously. so we take all that information and we use that to guide us through our strategies, through our event planning and through our responses. another important aspect of the federal air marshal service is the federal flight deck officer program. the ffdo program plays an important role, a very important role in this agency could have commercial aviation passengers, and cargo aircraft, its thousand pounds to a function basis
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participate in this program. ffdo are the last line of defense, and complement the holistic risk-based approach that tsa abuses in providing a ran presence throughout the aviation department. 's for those of you in the oddest today who chose to participate in this program, i want to express my sincere gratitude to you for your dedication and service to our country. the ffdo program is also facing a rapidly changing budget. i don't know what the numbers are going to be, to what some possibilities the budget will decline now, hopefully that has been resolved and we will be up to grow the program next year. that's still not fully resolved so we will work on that. another program we have to deter terrorists, a program to -- we have layered of security throughout the airport. we have the fams, the ffdo, our
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intelligence, our environmental awareness, our domain awareness. we were working the airport to keep the evildoers as we call them outside of the airport. so it's not just working therefore, look at the physical parameters and that the we work closely with the idea on these to make recommendations on how we can improve airport security. another program we have is manpads awareness program to a space of all the work. we've done a lot of work with heathrow airport in the united kingdom, learnt a lot from them and now we have a very robust assessment if we do at domestic airports and the invitation of some foreign airports recovered to do that to raise awareness for the locals have responsibly for secured at the airports and possible areas where they should have concerns. another program we have, the physical response program, the fiber program. that's an essential element for us because we look at them when you study terrorism and to look at what happened on 9/11, or the
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train bombings in london or madrid, or even the mumbai incident can you look at the number of pre-operations available done by the terrorists themselves to conduct and pick their targets. so the vipr program is a random intelligence driven program to put visible and covert personnel into the transportation domain to detect and deter and defeat these terrorists. i think it's important to understand the global reach of terrorism. when you look at mumbai, and we study all these terrorism events, the people, the americans come a david headley who participated in the pre-operations surveillance for that attack in mumbai. as i said the vipr program uses a risk-based deployment model and essentially works with the state and local law enforcement officers that also have responsibility for securing the transportation domain. they are positioned to the to identify threats and mitigate threats.
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vipr teams are mobile and can relocate rapidly to respond to specific credible intelligence. these are some other risk-based intelligence driven programs we use to prevent to detect, deter and prevent terrorism. i'm sure my esteemed colleague, doug hofsass, we'll talk about others. but at this time i'd be remiss if i did not think each and every one of you in the audience today who directly support the security efforts within the aviation and transportation domain. each of us, every one of us as a result of our specific role is responsible for the safety and security of the traveling public. we must work together, and without your assistance and support everyone in tsa and the federal air marshal service hit are dedicated to their mission could not be successful. we are in this fight together, and it is my promise to you that it will remain that way.
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thank you for the invitation today. please stay safe. [applause] >> good morning, everyone. it's great to be here with our friends with alpa again, and my personal thanks to captain eissler for inviting me. we've continued to enjoy the opportunity to move the working relationship with alpa to a strategic partnership. i often get asked the question of what's the difference between the two. and the difference between the two is strategic partnership is different than a working relationship when you share the same vision and the same goal, but you also have an understanding and you're able to embrace each other's limitations as organizations. so over the last couple of years we have really enjoyed the opportunity to move that working relationship towards a strategic partnership, and where continued
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to commit to that effort as captain eissler talked about, for those of you who were here yesterday to hear administrator john pistole, tsa has been talking about the transformation away from a one size fits all security model and really moving towards a risk-based intelligence driven security model. so i thought i would talk through today is a couple specifics about what that really means to you. some of the programs that you are becoming more familiar with, tsa precheck sort of dhs trusted traveler program been connected, no crew member, and then a couple of other additional initiatives i'd like to get awareness of outside the airport to me. let's talk first a little bit about the philosophy of what risk-based security is. so in a world of limited resources, to ever be a risk-based security is really about the most effective security and the most efficient way. so what that means with the development of programs,
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policies and plans is everything that we are doing should do three things. does it improve security? does a great deficiencies in the system? and doesn't reduce the burden on operators? if the initiatives we're working on today under the risk-based security construct don't do one of those three things then we are not doing something right. as we talked to some the initiatives like precheck and known crewmember, international inbound air cargo screening, you will see that the policy programs and plans aligned with those three priorities. talk first about known crewmember. this is a great success story in partnership, to do with our friends at alpa, also with airlines for america. as captain eissler talked a few moments ago, back in 2008 we started with three locations under the crevasse construct. we have grown that program significantly past the pilot phase. and now are sitting with 18 locations here in the month of august this year and will be at 31 locations by november 1.
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part of the present behind known crewmember to take a look from a crust -- trust standpoint. based on additional security measures that ground checks, intelligence reporting, security threat assessments here to have populations in the screening environment that we can move away from a one size fits all and do more of a risk-based security so that we don't do as much physical security at the airport because of all the prescreening and security validation that we have before the individual arrives to the airport. the first population that comes to mind is those men and women that are trusted to fight our commercial aircraft to do the partnership with alpa we are committed to the known program. i'm sure you have enjoyed the experience. as i talked about from three priorities, improving security, creating efficiencies and reducing the burden on operators, we are doing all three of those through the known crewmember program. the way we are harnessing the
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power of the cass system and verifying their departure, the eligibility, the photo and the currency of the crewmember processing through the checkpoint is a little -- level of security with input from the old process through the checkpoint. as indicated we will be in 31 locations by november 1. those 31 locations represent most of the largest airports and the largest domicile area in the country. we will be working with alpa and a for a as we push towards next year to look at additional locations in 2013. but we are also said about our opportunity to include flight attendant to commit seen the announcement on that and the last couple of weeks in a partnership with alpa, afn others in the flight attendant coalition. we are excited about bringing uniform flight attendants into the known crewmember program as a. that what you believe issue or early next year. unstoppable but now about precheck, tsa precheck. for those of you who have been traveling off cup instead arbitron for the purchased ticket process, you may seem
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information about tsa precheck. tsa precheck is tsa's first big step, our first initiative in really trying to get away from a one size fits all security process at the checkpoint itself for the regular traveler. we are currently today at 21 locations across the country, our 20s location was a booth at our 21st location was actually earlier this week in indianapolis. we are on track to the 35 locations, 35 of the nation's largest airports and travel markets i the end of the calendar year. what you preach it is, this is a process in which customers are able to voluntarily become eligible for tsa precheck which is an advanced type of security screening so that when you get to the airport you are afforded the opportunity of expedited screening. that expedited screening includes dedicated lane when we validate the eligibility for precheck through the encoding on the boarding pass. the experience that those
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travelers receive enables them to leave their shoes on, their belt on in most cases, and you're able to keep your liquids and electronics in your back. for the folks at just tsa precheck today, very strong positive feedback from customers as they use the. as we talk about security, we always talk about improving security, creating efficiencies in the system and reducing the burden on operators. one of the things we're trying to explain that it is the amount of security that we can do from a voluntary standpoint. if passengers are willing to share information about themselves before they travel, we are doing that to the eligible frequent flyer programs now. we're also doing that for the u.s. citizen members, cbp is trusted traveler programs like global entry, nexus and sentry. if people are want to sell -- share information about themselves, go through the process of becoming a trusted traveler program hold, we should be able to levels -- leverage that the risk prescreened
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process so that when they get to the airport when not doing as many physical screening things at the would have ended regular screening process. so we're excited about the continued partnership with the airlines, with cbp. we are looking at some additional populations for 2013 to continue to expand the program. we are very excited about the opportunity this will give us at the checkpoint long-term from an efficiency standpoint to reprogram some of our staff, equipment and procedures toward some of the locations that perhaps we want to look more for dangerous and deadly types of things. i mentioned that we're going to be at 35 locations by the end of the calendar year. that is through a partnership with five major u.s. airlines. that's american, delta, united, u.s. airways and alaska airlines. we are looking for 2013 to have at least two additional carriers join the program. so as we talk about risk-based security, we are talking about money going from the one size
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fits all. we've talked about precheck. we've talked about known crewmember. again, these are ways to get populations of people that we have higher trust and confidence with because of information that they have volunteered or information that we have on file already out of the regular screening process and put into an expedited security process because of the amount of verification and validation that's been done a frightening to some other programs, other initiatives we've taken underway as part of a risk-based security construct, we've made modifications for the summer for children under 12 screening related procedural changes to facilitate children under age at checkpoint also made modifications for adults over 75. again, screen modifications at the checkpoint. all of this type together as we head towards 2013, we want to be able to start to intersect the risk-based security initiatives so we are able to generate back some of the efficiencies in the system. i'll talk briefly about
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international air cargo because we seem to talk a lot about things at the airport because they're more visible. the coordination and collaboration with a4a, u.s. airlines, our friends at cbp. one of the things we been looking at for some time is a way to take the risk-based security model into the international air cargo environment. much like we're doing with tsa precheck on our ability to know about shippers, to know about packages and 12 levels of trust with those who do business regularly with cbp and with the carriers, we're looking at a concert for international inbound cargo that the shippers who volunteer information about themselves, to participate in cbp's programs, who share information regularly that have accounts in good standing of weird when to use different measures with those shipping partners and those forwarders than we would for someone perhaps shipping personal goods. and so the construct of improving security, creating efficiencies and reducing the
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burden on operators cascades over into some of the other programs. will be talk about later on in the panel. i just want to paint a picture for you that regardless of the motive transportation that tsa is part of with or regardless of the population, whether it is a package, process or a person, our ability to get information about things in advance in a voluntary compliance action to allow us to make good intelligence driven risk-based decisions before the screening process begins, that's really the target for us to be a more efficient and effective and efficient security agency. so i thank you for your time. i will stand by it in for questions. thank you very much. [applause] >> good morning. my name is liz this shaver and i work for airlines for american cargo services. we're a trade associate that represents u.s. carriers. we carry about 90% of the u.s.
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cargo and passenger traffic in the world today. i should a presentation coming up here shortly. there we go. so i'd like to take just a couple of minutes as for us to talk about the role of air cargo today. although only 1% of the weight of cargo is carried by aircraft, it represents 35% of the value of shipments that are transported. air cargo is key to export competitiveness. $424 billion worth of goods left the u.s. by air last you. that's over 100 times the value per kilo of that which left by ocean. and one often overlooked aspect of cargo is to support provided to passenger carriers. in 2011 which is the year when the profitability of u.s. carriers fell to 0.2% from 2.2% the previous year, 21% of passenger airline revenue came from cargo. without cargo in the picture, passenger carriers would be facing significant increased economic pressure, most likely
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to result in higher fares and reduced route offerings. looking at the types of products that travel by air. it's the high value goods. it's perishables, the flowers that you buy for your mom on mother's day and your wife on valentine's day, the strawberries that you can get in your grocery store in december, the wild alaskan salmon, live animals, emergency parts for repair, and medical equipment, pharmaceutical and life human organs for transport. air cargo plays a key goal in just in time for just six providing 24 to seventh access to markets. that's compared to approximately 20 the three-day transit time by ship. turning to security, specifically, as has are even mentioned by several of my colleagues up here, we've made significant progress the last decade in securing the air cargo chain. access control, background
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vetting contesting whooshing no trade parties from unknown, improved screening and technology and especially for cargo expanding oversight of u.s. supply chain through programs such as tsa's regulation of interest air carriers no door industry as freight forwarders. tsa's certified cargo screening facility program, which allow screening to take place earlier in the supply chain prior to arrival at the airport, and as was already mentioned customs and border protection's custom trade partnership against terrorism, which certifies the import chains of trusted trade parties. but our resources are not infinite and so today we are seeing the move as was mentioned, one size fits all prescriptive approaches to more risk-based outcomes focused, intelligent approaches, ones that are able to respond more quickly to emerging threats and that are sufficiently flexible to allow them to be implemented operationally in an efficient manner.
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i would like to talk specifically about one of those images that's already been mentioned, air cargo advanced screen. it provides improvement to security and has done so extreme it officially by utilizing existing systems and existing processes in the industry. this slide describes existing system of today. mandated by the 2002 trade act, all air carriers are required to report the details of shipments that the transport to the united states via the air automated manifest system. this data must deliver to the system for hours at minimum prior to aircraft arrival in the u.s. and its fit into the automated targeting system which performs a risk analysis of the shipment based on three key factors. one is no derogatory information about the data that is being transmitted which involved shipper information, can find information and shipment information itself. second is developing threat streams to a third is something
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the ability of the system to crunch huge amounts of international trade data to be able to identify anonymous shipments and i they are tagged can be importing kerry must hold the shipment that the arrival port for inspection by cbp. but, of course, the human incident in 2010 pointed to the fact that getting this information for hours prior to aircraft arrival in the u.s. was not early enough, that we wanted to get it preloaded at this point was made both by tsa and cbp to the u.s. department, sorry, the u.s. senate homeland security committee, and testament in 2010 shortly after the human incident. industry and government begin working together to figure out a way to get this predeparture data. basically what has been that is an extra step has been coupled on tuesday front. carpet it is delivered as early as possible into the system.
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before it is none which flight it will travel on an often before which even airline it is traffic on. the targeting system run its announces and shivers that require additional screening due to their characteristics or additional data are tagged. cbp and tsa work with the party he was in possession of the shipment in order to clear that all before loading onto a u.s. bound flight. one of the beauties of acas is as i'm sure you are all aware there's continue dialogue and industry about which security measures should apply to passenger aircraft versus which she could measures should apply to all cargo aircraft. that debate is always ongoing, but acas cuts across all of that debate and eliminates the question. it applies to every should that travels into the u.s. although it's a voluntary pilot program right now we expected to be mandatory within a year or two. and so all cargo regardless of what type of aircraft, will be screened in this fashion.
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shifting gears to look at acas in a bigger picture. we are primarily interested in securing the global supply chain. for two main reasons. first, american crews, passengers, cargo and physical assets aren't just found a flight that arrived in or depart from the u.s. they are found on flights throughout the world. it's great we've secured our flights from frankfort to chicago but we prefer that all of our flights be secured, including your connecting flight from dubai to frankfort. achieving that requires that we're able to extend robust security standard beyond that last point of departure, robust standard such as those at transportation security administration has. second, the supply chain is a chain. air carriers are linked in the chamber they're not the only link. we are one of the most compliant links of the chain. we certainly value regulatory complaint and assuring the safety of aircraft but that doesn't mean there aren't other
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trustworthy partners in the supply chain that we can leverage to push our robust security standards even further out into the world of beyond that last flight into the u.s. in fact, for air carriers we would prefer that we secure the shipments prior to the even arriving at the first airport on the porch or. the surest way to keep suspicious packages off an aircraft is to make sure they don't even get into the airport warehouse in the first place. sorry, this is a rogue slide. we are skipping a. how acas fits into the global supply chain picture despite allowing the leverage of enhancing screening based on this advanced data. the ideal world is the earliest possible point in the supply chain, data is delivered to acas and into the automated targeting system by the parties to have the best knowledge of the shipping date which will be the shivers, the freight forwarders and potentially the importers. ..
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one thing that has been noted multiple times is that it's been in game changer in the way it has been implemented. air carriers are transmitting data acas. august 29,109,000 to wonder 12
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shipments of undergone pre-departure screenings and all of this has been accomplished with no regulatory mandate. all participation is completely voluntary. when aacs began in 2010 no one knew how successful it would be and how many participants of the tract because it had been designed to work with existing operational process ease of carriers it's not burdensome for the carriers to implement and it makes it attractive therefore for them to participate and get the huge security benefits that it provides for the aircraft. at the heart of aacs's success is it things outside the box. it's willing to try various options for different business models to see which works best vienna experimentation and empirical evidence. and to a remarkable degree, all parties have come to the table in aacs with very few preconceived notion of how things should be and putting everything on the table for open discussion and testing. we think it is an ideal model for security development in the
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future. industry should be engaged at the very beginning stages and learn to leverage our multiple expertise to ensure that regulators have a full understanding of the full picture of what they are attempting to regulate and to ensure that operational a workable systems are implemented that trade partners will be happy to employment as opposed to resisting. we've got to work together to use all of our smarts to leverage our resources and get maximum creativity in order to defeat those who would do less harm the evildoers that we have been talking about today. >> looking at the big picture and how we are doing at is tremendous progress to be the starting from the very beginning of the slide, in this report is a duty to participation in the minus 13 initiative has shown how this industry engagement doesn't just benefit the industry also benefits the regulators and the results in positive security of the crowd comes putting in place structures to make sure this industry government co creation
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takes place on a regular basis can help us in the future. in the middle of the slide, great progress has been made within the government to ensure the customs authorities and security authorities are working together to harmonize their programs when they go out to industry and individual governments are also working more closely with each other to align their security requirements to ensure that their lowest enough that they can mutually recognize each other's programs and that the international level standards studying bodies of icao and the world customs organization are also now working closely to harmonize their security program and are even planning on issuing a harmonized guidance to the countries on how to implement a customs slash security program that doesn't have overlapping requirements and functions efficiently. and on that positive note i would like to thank you for your attention and especially thanks for the invitation and alpa for the chance to speak today. [applause]
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good morning. i'd like to thank the captain for having us here today and the presentation started. u.s. customs and border protection was created with the creation and the department of homeland security by emerging u.s. customs service, u.s., the inspections division of the immigration and naturalization service and the border division of the u.s. department of the agriculture. this has created an agency that has a multifaceted role and all of these roles are based almost wholly on a lawyer approach and strategy to securing the border. our primary mission is to prevent terrorists in the weapons from entering the united states. while facilitating legitimate trade and travel and the entry
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of legitimate travelers in the united states. this is obviously to sides of the coin. it's a very difficult task. one is impossible without working with our partners at tsa and other agencies which i will explain in a moment. there are 60,000 cbp employees. we have three operational divisions, our air and marine division covers of the sky and what more can you say about that than a group of pilots. border patrol agents protect the u.s. between the ports of entry and cbp officers work at the ports of entry themselves. today i'm going to focus on what cbp officers are doing because they are the officers you will encounter when you enter the united states and they are also the officers looking beyond the united states to see what is coming before it gets on board your aircraft.
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and typically after the 9/11 attacks then commissioner of the u.s. customs service start today has layered approach toward the vision for an approach starting with the maritime environment called container security initiative. this was a very successful program where we started placing cbp officers not seaports of backstedt that have a container ships coming in the united states. the strategy was successful enough and it evolved into both the passenger and not the express consignment arena through programs such as the immigration advisory program and the acas program that was just described. we used these in addition to the other items of intelligence gathering such as the advanced passenger information system where the flight manifests are transmitted to us electronically and we take the data and place them into various databases that
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allow us to more efficiently target and cut down the numbers of people we have to inspect so we go from 100% inspection of all passengers and cargo back to a more risk-based targeted approach. this allows us to focus our efforts on the true people who are at a much higher risk for being an evildoer. we work with a multitude of agencies, federal, local and state. i've listed some help here for you. tsa is a major partner. we work directly with them at airports but also in the cargo arena. we have to structures for both passenger and cargo both of which use the earlier approach where we have information and officers outside the united states starting the process and it was mentioned the customer to a purge against terrorism. this is a trade based approach
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or the trade partners and shippers and exporters carriers voluntarily partner with us and create the specialists to be the point of shipping and manufacturing and beyond. the tissue where the grain has grown to have it shipped to the united states and we look out how the security features, which shipped, what routes the trucks take before they actually get to the ship so we know where the aircraft, so we know what is getting on the mode of conveyance is one thing to become going to be safe before it gets in the air. we do this with international partners of well. again we will go through the systems we use in the layered approach the advanced information system as a cornerstone it's how we know it is getting on the plan, when they get on the plan the electronic system for travel is
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our way of knowing who is going to board the aircraft for non-u.s. citizens who are coming in the united states to talk about passengers that are not u.s. citizens that either traviesa or do not. there are certain countries that can come to the united states in a status with no visa or prior application. we didn't know who these people were before they got on board the aircraft and we had no way of getting them. we do now have a we of vetting them before they even put their flight. the immigration advisory programmer we take the officers and place them in the foreign airports and they work directly with our counterparts to help screen the flights that we gain
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and other various databases and transnet that information to the partners for action on that site. model ports initiative, this allows us to have a more welcoming environment, and facilitate the entry of passengers in the united states. we have preclearance locations throughout canada, ireland, preclearance is, quite an old program since the 1950's and it's very effective on the canadian partners we are happy with. interestingly enough after the crisis with iran back in the 70's congress came to customs or to immigration, excuse me, and said who are all the students in the united states? we said we don't know. so, starting in the 70's we started recording this information, and after 9/11, obviously we had to come up with a better mode of keeping track of it and the student exchange
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system was created and it's been very effective and all the other side is facilitating a legitimate to enter the united states much more effective manner. global entry which i will speak to in just a moment from a u.s. visitor immigrant status allows us to match up the applicants as the same person who applied for the visa so it cuts down the amount of fraud we see on the borders and a u.s. visit. so, we partner with many different organizations in order to affect these programs. and again, the idea is we know who's getting on board the aircraft before they get on. we know what is going on the aircraft before it is loaded. this allows us to effectively stop the bad guys while dissenting the entry of legitimate travelers and cargo. again, vetting people and things before they are on the aircraft that is the goal. we have to have continual
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vigilance. this never stops. it's a 24/7 operation and worldwide. the idea is to focus our enforcement efforts. you saw a lot of numbers as far as more than 20,000 cdp officers we still have to focus our efforts on where we can be most effective. i put the picture in my presentation. this is the christmas the incident in detroit on the delta aircraft. those are cdp officers first responders taking him off that incident is what started as looking at before things get on the aircraft the completely change the way we looked at security. now we will speak to global intrigue. global entry is a program we devised in order to facilitate known and trusted travelers. it's in 27 locations, ten preclearance sites. we now have 378,000 travelers enrolled. that number is probably low as
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we have a lot of people enrolling every day. the benefits to it you get kiosk processing at most major airports in the united states now. this means you don't actually have to stand in line and wait for cdp processing. reduced wheat time for screening, membership in the global entry allows you sort of pre-check program at selected airports. it also gives the option enrollment in the department of state traveler enrollment program. it's really easy to join and it allows the main thing is a loss for the secure footing if applicants. we do continual vetting process on the global gentry members. so if there is a change in the risk status, they are referred for secondary inspection. when they come through. so it's not a one-shot deal. we continually that the names. to enroll it's very simple. you start a process online by going to the global or cbp.
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you register at the system, apply. the fee is $100 for a term and then on approval for the electronic system will be given an approval and asked to schedule an appointment of the global center which is at most major airports the coast of the global gentry. generally lasts about 20 minutes and you are a member of global gentry. the issue of global entry card when you don't need it when you present your passport and will recognize that you are a global entry member. global entry is open to all u.s. citizens, lawful residents. as of right now dutch citizens and the mexican nationals, a canadian citizen residents can use global entry through membership in the next program, but the foreign members right now the dutch, koreans and mexicans have to be members in their host countries programs we have dual fighting systems sewagude secure vetting on each
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member. as you can see, there are more reasons why someone might be ineligible than the nationalities that are eligible. i won't go through all of them for the sake of time, but there are obvious reasons why one might become ineligible and less than obvious reasons, but obviously we need setting on every circuit not just the criminal issues, administrative issues but for trusted traveler purposes so that we know who you are. you can use it at most major airports in the united states. we just added ghana and guilaume as well so it is fairly widespread. we are expanding those airports every day. i want to think all of you for your time, and happy to take any questions. thank you. [applause] i'd like to thank the panelists very much for such outstanding thought-provoking insights and
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presentations. right now i'd like to open up the floor to some questions. >> i'm the captain of fedex and go through this pretty much all over the world. this is for the hofsass. what do you see as the biggest challenge in that? >> is this on? >> it is curious to i'm sorry what will did uzi? >> the pc world. politically correct. there is an awful lot of pushback and i would like to know what your thoughts are on that. >> so, you know, one of the principles of the program has been as we started out in 2012 giving folks the opportunity to
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voluntarily submit information about themselves and volunteer information about themselves to the u.s. government before traveling. even the discussion about international inbound aerts cargo is a similar discussion because you have in the non-regulated environment industry leaning forward with shippers to verify and validated for mission ahead of time. the purpose of our program is about if we have populations that are already vetted and trusted or we have members of the travelling public that want to volunteer information about themselves or perhaps become a member of one of the trust traveler programs, the base of our program is about the low risk traveler who had nothing to hide who isn't on a terrorist watch list says i am willing to submit to additional funding. as they look at more aspects to the program in 2013, we've identified frankly additional populations beyond what we have
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today that we think would be great candidates for the tsa free check and other programs. if you look at what we did with known the crewmember it's a similar contract. if you think about all of the vetting and a delegation that we have one uniform crewmembers who are active, that is a lot of prescreening and good security work that's done to validate who those people are, that the jury in good standing, that they are not on any list and their status is tracked much like the cbp program continue alisa if there is a change in status we have that. our programs are about individuals who are willing to share information about themselves with the government so they can receive an expedited screening process, which then in turn helps us because we can reprogram some of those resources at a higher risk target for individuals. >> thanks for the question. >> good morning. this is a question also for mr. speed to be in the past, tsa this approach aviation security
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implemented and combined responsive law office of security operations, intelligence and transportation sector network management, which is involved in the current office of security policy in the industry engagement. you've recently been named to the is as yet ms. reeder for the risk-based security. can you explain how oioso integrate their efforts with respect to developing and implementing tsa's risk-based approach? >> i talked about the agency's transformation efforts for those of you that heard john pistole, this was an agency wide transformation. it goes across all of our operational and support elements. we are together as a senior leadership team finding a way to run a more efficient and more effective security agency. part of the talks to the process as we develop procedures, programs, plans, even
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acquisitions are the decisions we're making and are the programs and policies the we are implementing going after those three founding principles i talked out. does it improve security, does it create efficiency in the system and does it reduce the burden on operators of the travelling public? that is sort of the tenants of all laws of the senior leadership team will focus on as we bring proposals to the table, or as we work as a team on decisions. the role of the risk-based security office is really about leading a unified effort across the agency for that transformation. those individuals who are working on public policy, those individuals and operations, those procuring and installing technologies but also law enforcement. many of our support components or all the implement terse and the operators of that design and the design is if we do policies, programs, operations and procurement with the mindset of increasing security, creating efficiencies in the system and reducing the burden on operators
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of the travelling public, that is actually going to be the transformation of tsa come away from a one size fits all security agency to the counterintelligence risk mitigating agency. >> thank you. >> on the regional safety coordinator for the air line pilots association. question for the group. flight crew members and the cockpit and cabin provide the last line of defense against terrorist activities in our aircraft. during a recurrent training, little information regarding current specific events in our own fleet are passed along to us for discussion. such information, in my opinion, would further enhance our ability to detect normal situations and abnormal passenger behavior. what can be done to increase the amount of information given to
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us regarding current specific threats encountered in our own aircraft fleets clacks. >> we have been working hard to come from that issue. part of the way we do it is with ffdo group we publish all we can. obviously there is an issue with publishing classified information verses on classified or official but i think that we have been bringing up some of the ceos, the director of security into the tsa for the regular intelligence briefings. and then when we have an actual eve and we have a whole different process that we work with when back to the tsoc that is a security related event that we think is of national consequence. we have a method for broadcasting of all the planes and air so we have worked hard to try to confront the issue.
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some of the challenges with regard to the level of information that we have passed, but we have the reasons that we do work hard to get it out to everyone. but in the various methods that we have established we are always working hard to try to improve those methods. >> anybody else, anything to add? thank you. >> the national council. my question has to do with sams triet canada was of the scheduling process for sams are scheduled and how complex of a program that is because the reason i ask this is lately i have been seeing fams as an aircraft last minute causing an oversaturation and first class and that is becoming very obvious when engaged in calling people of to the gate and trying to make it not obvious that we have additional people in first
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class to read what was a time people are starting to take them on if we have the federal marshals and aircraft. >> well, you changed in the last several years as he alluded to we've changed the process for the federal land marshals. what you refer to is what we all suffer with is that we have a very what we think is a very complex and a good scheduling program, but we are also subject to the same vagaries that you have with regard to the weather, delayed flights, short connections that are unforeseen. we always try to build an ample connection time for the flights. but as we all know, sometimes that doesn't work for a variety of reasons. but, the basic foundation that we have for our scheduling program, we have had several different external agencies look at that to see how we can improve it. we think we have a good program. but the foundation is we are subject to the same issues most people are with regard to whether that causes that much of a delay as you're talking about.
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i think when you have instances that regard abnormalities, we try to work with the carriers and liaison to try to fix that but that should be an exception to the rule generally. >> you might if i call upon the risk-based idea how are the special defense looked at and scheduled? sometimes they are pretty common and honestly sometimes how far does risk-based going to this idea of the special event for the scheduling purposes? >> it is complex. we are partner agencies with regard to scheduling the special events whether it is the national level event of recall national social security that there is a whole government structure to look at the risk involved in that event and what resources are put to that event so we do work again very closely with whether it is the fbi or the partners in the intelligence in the senior leadership team but as a coordinated effort to look at the special events and
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the level of risk and resources of its planned out the special events are not surprising to us so we are able to plan for that. so i think that there is a great deal of forethought put into the level of resources not just the federal air marshal service. >> thank you for a much. >> good morning. air safety coordinator for canada. i would like to congratulate all of the agencies and members on the panel for the program they do have in place right now and expanding them to make it easier for the traveling public to access your plans both in the u.s. and canada included. but i would like to mask on the previous forums and some other venues and we still do not have any sort of a cross border cooperation with respect to the
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crew members were canadian carriers flying in the u.s. supports or into canadian airports as far as the solar system's or known crewmember were any of these things. what is the status of that within your word as asian? i guess that is struck with the latest six directed mostly at mr. hofsass was in the organization and coordinating the cross border type of operation that we could all use and reduce your workload even more? >> that's a great question, and it is something that we are working on. i will tell you that for this year certainly known crewmember will continue to be a domestic program with u.s. carriers. pilots and flight attendants of course will be users of the system of u.s. carriers. as you look at partnerships, we will talk about canada for the simple since you brought up. there's some great initiatives
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underway across the border right now particularly with the checked baggage screening and the other pre-clearance programs the partnership with cbp on our side and the canadian customs the things we are doing with nexus if that comes under the global entry umbrella we are making a fair amount of progress, a good amount of progress this year on starting to look at how those programs harmonize and the similarities between the programs. we have done some preliminary conversations with industry in some of our foreign partners as we look towards 2013 about compatible comparable levels of security for the cruise, for employees. one of the things we will be looking at in 2013 is probably a process that will allow us to look and share each other's security programs to see if there is a way to begin to tie some of the systems together. but what i would say from the last year is things are starting to look promising in that direction because of some of the partnerships and information sharing we've had on some of the passenger programs.
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so it is on the radar. it certainly won't be 2012, but i think there is probably an opportunity in 13 to at least put a process together to harmonize the standards. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> good morning, captain hall, i'm the director of, alpa security committee and i'd like to direct my question to ms. shaver with regards to cargo. as you are no doubt aware, there are some brand new icao standards and recommended practices that are coming down the stream with regards to cargo screening. there are three main highlights the we are going to see. first of all we are going to see a new definition for what constitutes the high risk cargo. we are also going to see the cargo and mail are going to be
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treated equally. most important is the differentiation between the cargo ship on cargo aircraft and cargo ship on passenger aircraft. in other words they are basically we to have to meet the same design standard. and my question is basically i know that many states are closer than others worldwide into fleeting these new standards and recommended practices. my question is how close is the united states system to be able to meet these new sarps in the 12 to 18 months or however long it will take icao to rescue the process. and what will need to be done in order to meet these new standards? thank you. >> thanks for the question. can you hear me? >> yes. >> so, we are looking forward to seeing what comes out of icao and the next few months, particularly with the meeting for september and the high-level security conference coming up to
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see exactly what happens with those papers and proposals that have been developed over the past few months. we are pleased and the definition of the high risk cargo primarily because the focus on the risk-based screening. we believe it is not the most effective and efficient use of resources to devote the same amount of screening to all of the cardoso being able to really identify what is high risk and having a global standard for that i think is a critical first step in the efficacy of the risk-based program. for the u.s. particular stance, i'm afraid that we are not engaged in how shall i say intense conversations with the regulators so that question i would unfortunately have to deflect. >> we are working on a. [laughter] astana on that note i think we are out of time and it jury much
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think the audience for your interest in questions and i also think we are extremely fortunate to have had the participation of our subject matter experts today in our discussion on the need for each of the application of intelligence driven risk-based measures and aviation security. please join me in thanking him bob, doug, liz, and carey. [applause] this concludes the discussion. thanks for your interest in this very current aviation security topic. to those that interested, copies of alpa's white paper on risk-based security are at the alpa table. in the exhibit area. thank you so much. appreciate it. >> starting shortly we will have more live coverage of the airline pilots association safety conference
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condoleezza rice and former president bill clinton are two of the expected speakers
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we will go back to live coverage of the air line pilots association's 50 conference starting in just a few moments. earlier today we spoke with a reporter looking at the latest between former governor mitt romney and senate majority leader harry reid on governor romney's's taxes. >> as the debate continues about to fill in the blanks with daniel straus, a senior staff writer with the hill. mr. strauss, take us back to august 2nd and how all this began with harry reid. we heard him on the floor. but what's the motivation here? >> guest: it's to keep the tax issue front and center, and you know, keep the americans, the american people focus on mitt romney's tax records. democrats feel like this is a
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winning topics that they can take that he's out of touch with your average american because he was someone who doesn't pay very heavy taxes and is interested in giving a tax breaks to the wealthy at the cost of the middle class. it is especially keen because president obama has decided that a big part of his reelection platform will be taxes portray an to the republicans as against giving tax breaks to the middle class voters and giving tax breaks to the wealthy. as the book about mitt romney's pushback to harry reid, put up or shut up if you've got the information put it out. how come that hasn't happened yet? >> guest: it might be because he doesn't have a push. either way, he could be bluffing or not, but either way, right now we're at the advantage because it keeps the discussion
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on the taxes or excuse me, mitt romney's taxes and he is obviously trying to move the conversation away from that to something else. maybe harry reid is just making this up so they can talk about this at all. either way though, it's still. >> host: has been the reaction on the hill. we know they were going out at about the time harry reid settled. but how has the majority leader col week reacted and then take us over to the republican side to those that are supporting mitt romney. >> on the democrat side a lot of things are behind freed. as far as i know there hasn't been any democrats who said that he is blocking or shouldn't be playing this sort of hardball definitely was real and and that
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romney should release his tax returns. on the republican side has been equally harsh and equally strong, strongly stated. republicans said he is just bluffing and his longing and that he really shouldn't be playing the sort of game and he's just trying to deflect from other topics related to the presidential election. where does this go then? is there a next move? on either side how does this play out for the rest of the race? >> guest: it's hard to say. you know, it could -- he could sooner or later be so troublesome for romney that he does release his tax returns which probably showed that he has paid some taxes i have no
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doubt that he has paid no taxes over ten years. or just continuously is adamant about releasing the tax returns for the purpose of that we are talking about for reid though, i don't see more happening on his side to the others. there is no way they approve one way or the other that the resources is what he says he is and knows a lot about the taxes he's paid. >> host: daniel straus is a staff writer for the help. thanks a lot for the background. i do not envy the drowsy harmony of the republican party. they squelched debate, we
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welcome that. they deny the differences. we bridge them. they are uniform, we are united. [applause] the choice is this year not just between two different personalities or between two political parties. they are between two different visions of the future fundamentally different ways of governing. the government of pessimism, fear and the limits for hours of hope, confidence and growth. [applause] >> we are selling george
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washington's personal copy of the action of congress. we will start the bigot ladies and gentlemen at $1,300,000. 1,000,300. 1,000,400. 1,000,600 -- >> as it has been said, in the worst of times great people must do the best and let us do it.
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>> more live coverage of the air line pilots association safety conference. right now a discussion addressing pilot fatigue and how different planes caused pilot fatigue. [applause] >> since alpa was formed in 1931, our mantra has been scheduled with safety, and there is nothing more essential to ensuring the safe operation than alert, well rested crew. over the past five decades everything about aviation has changed. schedules have gotten tighter, airplanes have gotten more complex and airline pilots are working more and harder than ever. but over that same time period, they're have been only modest regulatory changes to address flight and duty time requirements. everything changed last year. thanks to intense pressure by alpa and other groups, the faa issued final rules that
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substantially changed flight duty and rest regulations by introducing new science based regulations applicable to passenger carrying operations. these new regulations become effective in january, 2014. while f.a.r. part 117 represents a significant improvement in airline scheduling, it still falls short because it carves out the cargo pilots. even in this era of unprecedented airline safety, one level of safety remains a goal, and not yet a reality. our next panel will talk about what the new rules mean to the airlines and how they will use a science based approach in implementing fatigue risk management systems and programs. moderating the session as captain don wykoff, the chairman of the flight and duty time committee. he is no stranger to the pile that advocacy worldwide. in addition to his alpa roskam don serves as president of the international federation of airline pilots associations.
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captain wykoff petraeus too thank you, john. appreciate it. well, good afternoon. it's a pleasure to be with you and chuck, thanks for the opportunity to join the forum. i think it's probably appropriate we talk about pilot fatigue in the coveted after lunch spot, so it's good to have you back from lunch and ready to join us here. you know, as pilots we like to talk in code, and actually we use quite a few numerous acronyms if you will. it's just part of our culture. however, when acronyms are similar, there can be confusion and often even misunderstanding. to some degree, that is what has happened with frmp, fatigue risk management plans, and also with frms, fatigue risk management systems. these acronyms are similar but they complied two different programs although there was addressed to pilot fatigue. i have on several occasions
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heard pilots describing the frmp at the airline, but calling it an frms. so if you're not confused enough yet, we are going to help you work through because today we are going to discuss the differences between the two programs and provide some detail about frmp since carriers are required to have a program in effect, while frms is out on the horizon. frmp as mandated by law and every part 121 air carrier, domestic, flag and cargo, has an frmp. as you will soon hear, and frmp as required by the airline safety and faa extension act of 2010, which was signed into law august 1st, 2010. the frmp is an air carrier generated plan that outlines their policies and procedures for reducing the potential effects of day-to-day flight crew member fatigue and improving the flight crew member alertness. the plans are submitted for
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review and approval upon approval the carrier is issued and a 317 which requires the plan be updated every 24 months. each carrier's frmp stuart to their operation, so these plans, while having the same essential elements are different and administered differently. while frmp is manager a, frms is an optional citigroup litigation tool that is designed to be used with specific flights, parings, possibly even full monthly or quarterly schedules, and it's part of the new part 117 flight time rule. frms is a data driven scientifically based process that allows for continuous monitoring of fatigue related safety risks. frms has greater requirements than frmp, and one of these additional requirements is to gather information from pilots so it can be scientifically validated and applied to the
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specific paring for example. our panelists today will inform us about the elements of an essential frmp, how it is approved and implemented, how it is updated, how it is administered and how pilots can utilize the program. he will also hear about some key differences between frms and frmp as well. so, let's get started with the introductions of our panelists. first of would like to introduce mr. dale roberts. dale is an aviation safety inspectors, and he is the individual at the faa responsible for improving and monitoring frmp. some of the most likely remember dale. he was captain and former chairman and jim and i airlines. so they'll definitely understands both the issue of fatigue and also from the pilot viewpoint. next to dale is dr. thomas nesthus research psychologist at the medical institute in oklahoma city. and at the end of the table before you is captain jim manie,
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pilot fatigue director delta airlines to implement and administer the frmp at delta. we are going to have time at the end of this particular module for some questions. after the presentation, and actually, i would encourage you not to be shy, but we have ever really had that problem with a pilot audience. your questions and the questions we can bring forward for the panel are an integral part of this portion of today's program. so, let's get started first and actually kind of tag team presentations and we will start off with dale roberts and tom nesthus. dale, tom? >> good afternoon and thanks for the invitation an opportunity to speak with you as regard to the risk management plans. okay. the frmp initiated h.r. 5900, which then became public wall 11116 specifically public law
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111 to 16 section 212b, bea. and it requires all part 121 carriers regardless of whether its passenger carrying more carter of a staff aide fatigued risk-management plan, the carrier is required to comply with that fatigue risk management plan and required at a minimum to update every 24 calendar months, and again they must comply with the faa approved fatigue risk-management plan. the background on this, we issued faa notice the 900 bought 103 that was on august 12th, 2010. and then we issued were actually introduced the fatigue risk management plan 310013.
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and then all of the guidance for the development of the fatigue risk management plan was sound in 10017, and 10017 was basically a checklist of developed for the carrier to follow when they developed their fatigue risk management plan. it also provides them with guidance, but it also eventually becomes their compliance statement. so, it makes it easier as far as the inspections are concerned. the objectives of the fatigue risk management plans are mitigated day-to-day flight crew member fatigue within, and this is important, within a regulatory structure. it's also requires a fatigue education and awareness training program, because obviously if we don't know what fatigue is, we don't know the sometimes, we don't know that we are actually encountering fatigue. its purpose is to improve
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alertness and also reduce flight crew member performance issues or errors. we also develop, implement fatigue risk-management policies, procedures and processes with in the air carrier's operation. and over all, the fatigue risk management plan must have a means by which to evaluate the effectiveness. i want to leave off the first couple of elements here and deal will take over a few more and i will take over some of the remaining elements. let's go ahead with a commitment. am i component of every frmp as
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for the abolishment of the senior level management that there is a concerted commitment to manage and navigate the fatigue during the day to day operations. the latter is required and serves as the means to achieve the corporate bi and among all of the employees directly responsible for the safety of flight issues, and of course this involves the flight crew members, the statures from individuals involved in the scheduling of the flight crew members, and if it was involved in operational controls, and any employee providing management and oversight of those areas. so, the top one here is to incorporate a letter from the director of operations level management, acknowledging the commitment to managing the fatigue to improve the flight crew alertness. it's important that the authors be members of the senior level
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management. the need to increase not only the words, but institute of reaction when necessary to emphasize shared responsibility among all of the participants and to commit to an ongoing highly visible and involved program. again, we talk about safety culture. it's important to establish and incorporate this within the carriers policy. there needs to be a clear definition of both of those terms and a definition of the actions that are required in both cases. find the symptoms are often irrelevant to identifying and when things are not working properly, and obviously there is an ongoing enhancement program with any new program like this.
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established and in corporate and open communications policy for reporting the fatigue related issues. this is critical. you need to have a communications channel that goes up and down and across as well to implement a policy. a clear expectations need to be developed. transparency is very critical. no hidden agenda from anybody in this process. and of course defining the purpose is critical too to moving forward with this establish and incorporate the fatigue system it has to be visible, has to be simple. it serves as an early-warning system where the reports come in. it may indicate that something needs to be looked into carefully and may be adjusted. that is to delineate the outcomes. corporate policy should define how an event will be evaluated
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for the potential velte involvement as well as a defined overview of the pathology for conducting a detailed recalls analysis. you want to get to the bottom line to understand what's going on where fatigue is entering the pictures and to determine what outcome measures need to be made. it has to be science based on the the first participation. it's across in the outcomes need to be relevant. things need to change. the corporate policy should provide for protection of privacy and methods to protect the employee from adverse actions that would discourage the ports of fatigue. the air carrier will employ of the process for reviewing the reports and actions taken to the flight group fatigue exposure. it's important to incentivize
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this reporting requirement. if you don't take away -- if you don't take away the distance to disclose the new or losing data to read data is important here. it needs to be confidential. it needs to be visible, and the corrective actions definitely need to be invisible. and the evaluation of outcomes is important in order to make sure that things are in fact being adjusted, and the system is improved. the frmp schogol, policies and procedures as the next element. the frmp scope defined the objectives of the management plan while the policies and procedures should be proactive, responsive four respectively. the policy is an initiative this unproductive objectives and the procedure of the method for or
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means by which the objective will be met using all of the available resources to the carrier. policies and procedures along with the education and the awareness program drive the frmp and serve as a means to the overall outcome of the frmp. so, each element of the frmp needs to be clearly defined. it needs to be simply stated, and it needs to be visible to everybody in the operation. the scope and objectives of the air carriers frmp are written as minimum standards. there is no reason why you can't go beyond and raise the bar. this is a safety oriented issue, and it is important it be respected as such. and of course you need to ensure that the metrics really all.
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eventually he will discover things that will adjust. you need to make adjustments and the metrics will improve. need to identify the kind of operations 10017 outlines these as the kind of operations as supplemental and the types of operations might reverse is de cargo versus passenger. another school policy procedure in corporate policies and procedures to mitigate and manage the effect of fatigue and improve the flight crew alertness you need to specify the actions, raises visibility celebrity is aware of what is going on and track the evaluation process, and of
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course this is an ongoing approach to improvement so it needs to be monitored and all you read it periodically. define safety objectives and expectations to the air carrier. if you don't know the criteria for success is how do you know if you've met it. you need to express those success criteria carefully. you need data that's what defines things. actions and out comes need to be based and of course you eventually establish the best practices and there is no reason why after learning and adjusting you can raise the vara again. i'm going to turn this over. dale? >> one of the requirements for the statute and when i see statued i'm talking about public law 111116, section 212 come is
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the air carrier is to provide the current flight path deutsch a time limitations the they are observing. it would be -- it can be as simple as that they are in compliance with 121 sob parts que rs or in some case of three sub parts. or they could put in their collective bargaining agreement our service limitations if they so choose. the carrier must also define its rest scheme should be consistent order is required to be consistent with limitations to enable fatigue mitigation strategies designed to improve alertness and reduce performance errors. it's applicable to all kinds and types of operations conducted by the carrier.
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and the carrier should consider a rest period required to mitigate the effect of fatigue for schedule versus on schedule operations, domestic international, day versus night operations in a multiple of time zones. ..
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>> what do you do, what do you do when you have a rejected takeoff? what policy do you follow? and they say well, we go to the dom policy. what do you do when you defer an item that is different in accordance to the approved but? follow the procedure and the jill him. spent very good. what you do when you're tired? and if they of the i blank look. and i say okay, your carrier has a process in place called a fatigue risk management plans. so we go through, we talk about these things. talk about what we do, what does your risk fatigue management plans a is for you being fatigued and you reporting that fatigue? because it's important that flight crew members understand that that is data is collected for the carrier, and the carrier should use that data to improve
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the effectiveness of that fmrp. so again, how important is it to have a fatigue reporting policy? it's very important. what data can be derived from fatigue reports, we had one particular carrier that instituted their fatigue risk management plans, and within one month they called and said we just had 60 fatigue reports. and i said yeah. and they said that we did the route cause analysis for our frmp, and we found out that 44 of those 60 fatigue reports pointed back to one schedule. i said okay, tell me what happened next. and they said that they went ahead and looked at it and found that first it was a today scheduled, the first it was 15 hour day. the second day was 14 and a half hour, with a nine hour and one
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minute overnight. so we can already see the problem. so what did you do to fix that? and he said they went back in, reworked the schedule, found out that they dropped the first round-trip on the first day, and the last round-trip and was able to ball the rest out to nine hours 45 minute. i said how many more fatigue reports have had on that? they said no. you are fatigue risk management plans work as indicate. that's what it is supposed to do. okay go what the idf i don't have fatigue reports to i get this question a lot. if you don't have fatigue reports, for me it's almost like every bell and whistle went off. because you should have fatigue reports. it's okay to have fatigue reports. it's just that when you don't have fatigue reports, or you have excessive amounts of
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fatigue reports, that's where we start to get very concerned. should i ever fear reporting of fatigue event? absolutely not. you should never ever fear that. they carrier obviously they have their fatigue risk management plan and the procedures that are in place, and the company has, in fact, signed up that there would be no retaliation. so again, you should not fear anything about fatigue reports. and what is the faa involvement? i get this question a lot, too. we don't want you guys looking at our stuff. and i have to laugh because i explain to them that the fatigue risk management plan is developed by the carrier. what the statute says, the statute speaks directly to the carrier and says that you shall have fatigue risk management plan. you shall comply with that fatigue risk management plan. and it's really a relationship
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between the carrier and flight crew members, and that's just like a lot of other safety programs. so, we get involved when we need to get involved, but as far as the frmp, the day-to-day operation of the frmp, our job is to make sure that you have complied to the statute. they carrier has complied to the statute. -- statute. so we don't get involved per se in the reporting of fatigue events. fatigue reporting policy has two ovens, has to just culture and safety culture. without a just culture you have no safety culture. because the people have to not worry about being singled out or pointed out for reporting of fatigue event. what's the difference between the two? again, the just culture paves the way and the safety culture
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builds your safety to the carrier. the reporting, the fatigue reporting policy develop and implement every porting system that encourages reporting of fatigue related events as part of the overall frmp. the reporting system from its flight crimmins and of employers to subject -- report subject of fatigue, and he means by which flight crew members can request for relief from duties because of chronic fatigue. those of you that have read part 117 under fitness for duty, 117, section -- 117-five, which takes flight crew member reports being fatigued, certificate holder is required to remove that individual from their duties. and, obviously, get the rest necessary before they come back
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to fatigue reports contain valuable data, especially when you couple the information about the conditions that contributed to the fatigue as well as the work scheduled for the week prior to the report. we encourage the certificate holders, when they develop their fatigue report, the look back at least 70 a -- 72 hours to try to figure out what is going on. and again, the report provides a lot of data sources that can be used by the kerry to evaluate the effectiveness of the frmp and develop appropriate strategies. our fatigue reports that been? absolutely not. does flight crew, does the report represent a week frmp? no. it doesn't. because there's other things that we have to look at besides
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the fatigue report. as long as i don't have any fatigue reports, our frmp is functioning perfectly? that's absolutely incorrect. candy data collected from the fatigue report identify other cause and factors other than fatigue? absolutely. there's a lot of information that can be gained from that. >> fatigue education and awareness training program, this is really the foundation of an frmp. everybody needs to be educated on the particulars. it provides employees with the level of education necessary to understand the effects of fatigue relative to the safety of flight. that last portion of that, while it is important role to the safety of flight, we all experienced fatigue but we all have our own objectives, subjective perceptions of fatigue. but when you apply it to safety
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of flight issues, there may be some slight differences and some things that you might need to know. it's really a foundation for the department of an frmp policy. and the procedures days on the knowledge gained through the program. as data is collected and analyzed, the elements of education and awareness program will serve as useful tools in developing, shipping policies and procedures. this is an evolutionary process, and everything is adjusted based on the data you collect. review of, included in the educational and awareness training programs, you need to include a review of the faa flight time/duty time rest and regulations. and awareness of the frmp program itself employees need to know. and this includes the fatigue related policies and procedures as well as the responsibility of management and employees, to
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mitigate and manage the effects of fatigue in improved flight crew member flight deck awareness. based on materials that are offered in abc 120 -- 100. there's a lot of information about fatigue and the basics of fatigue including fundamentals. the causes and awareness of fatigue, the effects of operating through multiple time zones, the effects of fatigue relative to the performance, fatigue countermeasures and prevention of medication, very important. the follow on with the list, the influence of lifestyle including nutrition, exercise, family life. it's very important to be educating individuals -- it's a complex equation and it will a lot of influences that contribute to fatigue. familiarity with sleep disorders
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is something that is very common these days, or at least the awareness of this is becoming more common and successful diagnosis and treatment is very, very important to receive the effects when treatment is not successful. the effect of fatigue as result of commuting. pilot responsibility and assuring adequate rest, operation procedures, follow when one suspects the fatigue in oneself or others. and corporate lessons learned regarding the effects of fatigue and mitigation initiatives relative to the air carrier's operations. and also been to use a methodology that continually assesses the effectiveness of the training program. it will evolve as you learn more and more about it. okay, the next element is the fatigue incident reporting process.
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this is to be used when a carrier encounters an incident, accident or pilot deviation with dick is suspected or could be a cause or contribute factor. the kerry carries fatigue incident reporting process should outline have any carrier will handle the incident, and accidents, and what will happen with regards, when fatigue has been suspected of entering into this equation. should also provide a clear path as to how the air carrier will collect and act upon the data received from these reports. remember, science-based, database. you need to collect these reports and process them carefully. the data is really key to resource to determine the root cause and analysis of a fatigue occurs. the output from this data collection will be vital in evaluating the overall effectiveness of the frmp.
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it helps drive changes to the existing policies and procedures. it also a change to flight, duty, and best teams, as well as driving the education program, as was mentioned previously. dale will be talking about the system of monitoring. >> okay, the frmp also must have system for monitoring flight crew member of fatigue. items that we are looking at are going to be schedules ading up to the fatigue, event, actions that the employee took as far as getting rest. subjective and objective evidence of fatigue, environmental conditions that may have contributed to the fatigue event. relevant health or medical conditions, and communications prior to and during the event.
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corporate policy should define how the event is evaluating, for potential fatigue involvement as well as defining the methodology used for conducting a detailed root cause analysis. and also it should incorporate operational procedures to follow when one identifies or suspects fatigue in oneself or in others. the frmp also requires that the armies of which to evaluate its performance. carrier must develop an element a systematic process for evaluating the effectiveness of the eric carries frmp, development and implement the use of methodology that continue assesses the effectiveness of the frmp, and developing an intimate a process for determining the need to making changes for the frmp, as appropriate, when it is determined that the frmp policies and procedures are no longer effective in managing that fatigue events.
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when you evaluate the frmp performance for review and if i were the frmp policies and procedures for its effectiveness, to process in place for determining the need for an image to the eric carries frmp, policy and procedures for amending the frmp, and should have multiple methods for evaluating the frmp's effectiveness and performance. some of those items are going to be data sources, which would include fatigue reports, crew surveys, methods for monitoring fatigue, fatigue incident reports, delayed report usage, training reports and program, sorry, result in scheduling issues. another means is to use
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scheduling buffers. the use of reserve members, because that's kind of a tell tale when there's when you start saying large usage of reserve flight crew members. it is potential that you may have some fatigue issues there. look at the number of days off. the asap reports and reviews and other fatigue studies. okay, in summary, we're going to talk about the frmp versus an frms. the frmp again is required by each department 121 air carrier. functions within the regulatory structure. it's applied to daily operations. it's an active system, reactive system and a responsive system. and is continually evaluated for effectiveness.
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now, we will talk briefly about the frms. the frms, the authority for the frms was found in 117, section 117 at seven. it is an optional fatigue mitigation approach. the frms, unlike the frmp, operates outside of the regulatory structure. were as we talked about earlier, the frmp operates within the regulatory structure. unlike the frmp, the frms is used for a specific application. and i've give you a couple of examples. air carrier found that they needed a longer flight duty period so they apply the frms to that. they may want to exceed it by three or four hours. they are going to have to go out
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and collect data. they will have to analyze that data, and the faa will have to evaluate that data along with the air carrier development procedures. that's the absolute bare minimum. because we need to validate that their alternative method of compliance is as safe, if not safer, than the current world. -- current rule. again, that's one of the big differences between the frms, again, is an optional approach, whereas the frmp is a required by each air carrier. it is an active system, a proactive system. it's responsive, predictive, driven by data uses modeling requires validation and the application is continuously evaluated for effectiveness. and that's it. >> all right.
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thanks, dale. appreciate. as you can see, and your presentation, as you can see an frmp is a fairly detailed product that is now required by the air carriers, and really kind of redoing through you see, you know, the flow-through, the outline of the specific pieces of who needs to be involved, how it gets setup, how do you report, how do you educate an elegy to a wide variety of things, and what do you do with the data come in terms of an frmp. we can talk all about moore and the questions and answers on how it relates to an frms. but now that you have an idea of what is required of the air carriers, let's take a look at what, how an operator within to implement, set up and implement and administer on a daily basis and frmp. and to do that for a site like to turn the floor over to captain jim mangie from delta to
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describe how his and some other plans are put together in the industry. >> thanks, done. good afternoon, everybody. i'm honored to be here with you today. we listened to my colleagues at fa talk to us about all the theory and the structure behind frmp, and then little bit on frms. and as tom said, i'd like to share a little bit about once those things and it too is as a care, and some one like me is responsible for compliance and implementation, but these things look like in real life. they told us both of these terms, frmp and frms. similar but different. when somebody like me gets a hold of these, the first thing i ask is now what? well, the guidance came out in the form of an info, which is fairly standard in this day and age. for those of us in the airline
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world that are in the compliance arena, we know that info means you better do this or else. but this time it was a little bit different. folks at faa helped us out and gave us something that we as pilots and operators are very used to dealing with, and that's checklists. and they were very clear in communicating to us what actually needs to be in this creature for us to be able to comply with it. and what that ended up doing for us as an operator was, made his realize that we already do quite a bit, number one. and number two, it helps us focus our efforts to where the faa really thought they need to be focused. so as a good pilot, and so it is looking to not have to do anymore than ever have to hear, the first editors look and say what do we already do?
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it turns out we do a whole bunch. and so did most other carriers in the industry. we've got a working agreement. we have a flight operations manual. with sars. we have safety doctors. we've got sms. there's a lot of things out there that are already in existence that are out there providing the types of medications that are already in motion. we take all the source documents, and those of us in asia chosen different ways to do this. for instance, this one is my friends at fedex. they took all those things that they already did, analyze the gaps that they have and it took all that information and put it in a self-contained publication. basically one stop shop to take a look and gather the information from all those documents, put it in one document and make it public for everyone to see. at my airline we decided that we were, wanted to be a little more elegant, and we chose, there
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were a lot of different documents involved in putting this plan together. so we put them all together on a web-based document with links to all the source documents. so as all of you know from the time that we spend on computers, to these blue areas there are links. as you will see in there, there's all kind of different pieces of information. so as an example, the way that you get to this thing, in the way a life that we get to this we commit it with our pilots at delta via flight operations website. there's a lot of information on this website. search down on their end this is a flight operations policy and procedure. quick further into it and we go in and i say this one is too high. you need to go down to clicks more and you see the fatigue risk management plan. it will take you back to that
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document i showed you earlier. if you look up in the table of contents, as an example, say for instance, i want to go in and take a look at what my airline does for flight into did period limitation to that section five in the menu. i'm going to go to go to click on that link and it's going to take me to section five. and as you can see in the a lot of different things that we use as flight duty period limitation. you'll notice very sections of the fm ours are a few other documents. i want to go further into that to take this example of little bit further, and i want to see what else. i know the sars are eligible would've to have in my airline as far as contractual limitations, don't have any for instance, duty period limitation. i go down there and i can see it takes me to section 12, our sisters and my contract. i click on the and takes me to
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the working agreement. and i look an effort to for good limitation and it takes me to a duty table. it tells me what exactly my duty limitations are. one of these in your i want to elaborate on all of it more that dale and tom both mentioned earlier is there's a question out there as far as on the line, how do i call the key? does my company have a policy? the answer is yes. everybody's company has a policy or else they wouldn't have an improved frmp. yes, every carrier has an established policy on what to do, how to call in fatigue and what happens when you do that. the next step that my colleagues at faa mentioned is frms. this is kind of a new animal here. we are inventing the wheel together around the world
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actually, and so once again is the compliance sleep and fatigue person. i look at frms and i try to figure out what's next. and the first thing you're going to identify it as he did of operations that you do need to go outside a flight duty limitations for which some carries two and centers don't. mind being a large international trade that has a lot of diverse operations, yes, we have a lot of things that the prescriptive regulations need to be a little bit more expanded for us to be able to continue on with some things. can we fix the screen so we can flip the slide, please? thank you. okay, so we talk about frms. once again, what am i supposed to do? there's some guidance out there. the one on the left is what dale
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talked about earlier. part 117, a little bit of 121 in their but also you will notice that same info on the right hand side, which was the frmp infocom and the reside put that on out there is because the frmp got us off to a very, very good start to putting an frms to go to that i could help us identify what we do already, but it helped us get our thoughts and everything organized, and helped us put our fatigue management more towards a systemic approach rather than just a rant approach like we did before we were organized. >> but then there's more types that they put on tuesday they put out an advisory circular here at faa that gives us some basics about their thoughts on frms and some background behind it, and soon, i hope, we will have an appendix to this advisory circle even gives us more information that helps us move forward.
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but when you start digging into it further there's a lot more guidance out there even. the document on the left is an implementation guide that was produced jointly by iata, icao and ifalpa and the international arena because frms is a hot topic internationally as was he in the u.s. and that provides a very detailed guidance material, written more at the international language on how to get one of these things started and moving. so the document on the right is in draft form. those of us that are a4a member carries decided kit little more specific and put a u.s. stand on to the international document, make it a little more understandable for those of us who haven't worked a lot in the international arena, and summarize things down, make it a little more understandable. that's in draft form right now but we will have that done soon. when you go into that international implementation guide, it gives us a nice
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diagram. it's a great example of just step-by-step what it takes to actually law one of these fatigue risk management systems. we find that when we look through that, there's a lot of things we already do once again. there's a checklist back from the frmp. we know we all redo that because we have an approved program from the faa. but we already have other things we do. talked about earlier. they working agreement. that provide a tremendous amount of fatigue mitigation in most of our carriers as well as an operations manual that has company policy in the that provides even more fatigue mitigation. some places we might even have other things. we might have existing agreements as far as the one they're on the top left is mike carey we use for data collection. or we might have operations that we have, that we've done some research and data gathering and
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reports on that will help us move ahead in the future. so there's a lot we already have. what else are we going to have to do? well, this is an example. this is a picture of the output of a bio mathematical fatigue prediction model, just one of many that are available. modeling of some of these operations as dale talked about will be something that we'll all have to take a look at to try to get an idea where we are going to be at drake these operations. we're going to have to go out and gather some data. subjective and objective data. the device on the left is just a cell phone but it's programmed with reaction time testing that helps gather performance data at different phases of flight. on the right there, there's a paper, and the device is called -- basically measures motion and would help our scientist friends were able to tell whether we are
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actually sleeping or awake at different periods, either during flights or after flights. that defies spits out a result that looks like this, that we need a lot of scientific help -- it looks like something your kids drew. scientists can help us make sense of all these things come and tell us where our sleep is and where we get it and where we don't. all those, all that information will get put together and i call this a safety case. i'm not sure what we'll end up calling them in the future but we take all that data, all the mitigating things that we do, all the things that we collect, and we put all that together into a safety case that focuses on that operation that we want to do to be able to take it to dale and tom and to be able to prove to them, using data and operational experience, that what we wanted to outside a prescriptive regulations is indeed a safe operation. but one of the things we do know is there is more to come. thank you for your attention.
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[applause] >> dale, tom and jim, thanks for the presentations because i think it gets as took a spot to understand what the programs are about, and some differences, not all the differences with frms but i think when you start to see a some of these programs go together. and we now have some time, right around a little less than half an hour or so for some questions from you in the audience but i have a few here to getting started but if anybody is approaching the microphone and offer that up first. it looks like the gentleman right over here. yes, sir. >> good afternoon. my name is craig moffett. i'm the executive board president of idt local 357. which represents all the pilots of republic airways holdings. which comprises of republic airlines, shuttle america airlines, frontier airlines and
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former alpa midwest pilots are currently i am a first officer at republic airlines. captain wykoff, you said don't be shy, so i won't. i have two questions. for the panel. but before ask that you of like tiki just a very brief background -- we have a situation at our airlines where we assign is very prevalent to the pilots, and there's also a corporate attendance policy which is separate from the collective bargain agreement that we have that basically what do you call in sick, unavailable, for reasons other than sickness, or literally a no-show because you have an accident, you a crew these occurrences. and after eight, disciplinary
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things up to and including termination can happen. so that's the background to my two questions that i have. we do have an frmp program in effect as you mention. we all do. but what's happened lately, the last several months is out airline management, once a crew member does colin fatigue, and the pilots provide the data to show you that, but what happens is there's been a trend of our pilots having to, once they call in fatigue, with the company started to do is dead had been to their next assignment or the next base to the imposition, if you will, or what happens afterwards. we don't feel that's the intent of the rule and if you're tired you need to go to bed. and all it's doing is setting you up for another fatigue call down the road because in reality
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three hours later when you get to where you're going, you're even more tired than you were if you get the rest, it's a. so my question given that, my first question is, what is, what do we do as pilots to raise that awareness in terms of faa involvement? is there anything we can do beyond trying to explain this to our manager, where you would say, you would come in i guess, mr. roberts, that would be a question directed towards you and your colleague there, but is there anything we can do from a regulatory nature that would raise that awareness to the faa? >> okay. if you believehat there is noncompliant issue with regard to fatigue risk management plan, you should be working with your pli, and codenamed with them. and also you can contact me as well.
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poi should more than likely contact me as well. >> thank you. and then my second question, which will be much shorter, is another scenario, one more specific. our reserve pilots are a sign preserve from 3 a.m.-3 p.m., treat. that's what they have in their schedule. trending as of late is to get the phone call at 3 a.m. or shortly there after and told you're being put back into rest, and all, by the way, now we have an assignment for you at three in the afternoon, or just before three. that carries on into the night. again, we feel that that was something that needs to be addressed because guys are ready, pilots are ready to go at 3:00 in the morning for reserve assignment, and find they're flying at night. i just want to know what your reaction to that is as well.
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>> well, actually, and i know this doesn't help right now, because the rule is not effective until january of 2014, but that specific issue is actually answered in the new rule. and with part 117, this is the first time we've ever regulated reserved. and i think we captured a lot of stuff. and by the way, while we are here talking about this, i'd like to say one thing about these two guys right here. we have been working together for long time, trying to get this rule through. and these guys are very, very dedicated, both gm and don both are very, very dedicated in combating fatigue. but again, the question, to your
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question, the current rule really doesn't address that per se, but as a part 117 does. >> so maybe it would be helpful if we can make a little statement and dale can kind of jump in and say because what you really have here is you have a bridge of time between where you are today and your current situation. because the systems have just never been regulated in that manner, but clearly under faa 117 implement will. so my view, dale can correctly to 1100%, that's what the frmp is here for right now, is to help you bridge into that as well. it is a responsibly to make the fatigue off when it's required. and that data needs to be collected and used inside the frmp and hopefully can affect some change in that particular scenario you're talking about.
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>> captain rich sansone, piedmont airlines. working with this safety programs not only at piedmont but also with safety information analysis programs across all of alpa. and that makes a lover of safety data, safety reporting your both through asap and similar programs, and very interested in the frmp. however, i have a couple questions and then perhaps based on your responses perhaps ask a favor of you. if you're familiar maybe yesterday with some of the conversations of peggy gilliland -- gillikin, some of our safety programs on -- don't have direct pilots involvement. as i was like, does the panel feel that direct line pilot participation in the review of fatigue reports is desirable? or even expected. because many of our carriers
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right now will use management pilots and people from the scheduling department and safety departments, and they are the ones who are reviewing the reports and making decisions. and what they're looking for pretty much seems to be one of two options. was at behavior the reason for the lack of rest issues are causing the fatigue event? or was it a company operational issue? and so what do you think about how, why should the composition be of these type of review groups? >> i think that's a great question. i might even expand it a little bit because it will go in there. so really, there's really a couple layers to this. what is, and help me out, make sure i encapsulated as quickly, what's the pilots involvement in this entire program, broadly? and then is it a desire aspect, the interest from both a writer for an operator's perspective to
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have pilots involvement in the actual fatigue reporting review, is that a fair statement? >> that's correct. >> let me start with dale and tom and then i will move to jim for prospective. >> i personally believe that there should be pilots involvement in the fatigue report. because you want that side of the information. and especially when you get into frms, because once you get into frms you're going to have and i commend, efsa, fatigue safety action group, that will, the pilots will, in fact, be made up as part of that group, along with in flight personnel and other personnel as well. which will help mold not only mold that but also be used resolving fatigue reports. >> jim, how about from and
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operators review? >> we definitely value pilots involvement in all these processes. the challenge has been for us to make sure that the pilots involvement is also an educated pilot at home but it's not just anybody but its people that we have the opportunity to bring an end to get you burned with us, all of back rent and the signs and things like that but yes absolutely it's very important pilot involved in all of the fatigue issues. >> any follow-up? >> yes. thank you very much. i do appreciate that. the unfortunate reality is though across, there's a significant disparity across different airlines and air carriers and how to implement this type of review process. so, i'm definitely, from the faa's perspective, that that's what they might expect, or we certainly hope for. would that be correct, dale? >> i think that's, yeah, heard
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it correctly but i think it's the expectation is. it sounds like it comes back to if it's not being implemented correctly then -- >> how do we move to make that a reality? is there some sort of policy statements or something that we can get? this is were i'm moving towards the favorite part, because a number of these airlines, they are pushing back. they don't see it, they are afraid, just an association them that they'll be there to defend the pilot. that's never been, you know, our goal. to give them the understanding of what's happening on the line because unfortunately i have a high respect for flight department management in many areas, direct operational life experience, that's recent, you know, is not present. how'd you think we can move to make that happen, working together to make that happen? and i mean between us and your office. >> dale?
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>> application might be difficult but it is, one of the slides i spoke to actually does talk about corporate policy defining how events are going to be managed and evaluated. it talks about a science-based methodology with the first participation. and open communicate nation as well as outcome based actions. i think it's very critical that those policy provisions are applied to this. and it should be part of the corporate policy. >> dale? >> i'd like to say one other thing, too. i do all a lot of audits into fatigue risk management plans, all the updates when they coming. and it's kind of interesting from my seat, because i'm able to look at a fatigue risk management plan, the very first one again for a4a carrier, and then you see that change in the
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policies and procedures and that frmp, and as you go from one revision to the next revision, that you see that the carrier has got it, they understand what that thing is and how to apply it. there's pilots involvement, well, all employee groups involvement, and they end up having a very strong frmp. and that's what we're looking for. that's the objective. but it's something new. it's something new, and, obviously, with something new this going to be a lot of change that is involved. and the biggest, i think your biggest tool that you have in the toolbox is education. in getting out and talking to the carriers, meeting with them, talking about your issues are. >> so, just with the time
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remaining, i think we can take a few of those off but i think with the basis of why this is encouraging dialogue, it's a relationship and most important communication, realize there's a place to call also come and see how there's a path forward to best implement the plan. i think about at all the transparent his evidence is very important i hear that out of your comments. now it's a matter of moving forward as these things have been implemented. >> thank you very much. >> you have lived up to the billing. we are not being shy. i love. we will keep pressing through. come to this site. >> captain berlin pinnacle. the gentleman from republic mentioned it earlier but i wanted to ask specifically, our care, i can't tell you where our frmp document is, or if we have one. and i know the manuals pretty well. but i can tell you we have an
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attendance policy. the attendance policy prescribes two things that are of concern to myself and to the nec. one of which states that after four occurrences, that immigrants can be a fatigue report or a sick call or a missed trip or anything he don't show for flight for whatever reason. that gets since to the chief for display review. it also prescribes under certain circumstances fatigue reports are rejected, are automatically transferred to be a sick call. i just got in e-mail this morning for a pilot they called in fatigue on his fourth stand up overnight. and it was immediately rejected. so my question is, i'm a true believer in what you are saying, and i like the way the direction is going. however, our policies such as this, a tennessee policies prescribed one size fits all to quote an earlier group, methodology. is that legal?
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is that consistent with the principles of the frmp? >> first off, the statute says that the air carrier shall comply with its faa accepted frmp. my suggestion to you is that you come if you feel that there are issues with regard to the frmp and compliance, that you contact your peel at and work with the p1 on issues. he will in turn call me, or you could call me directly. if you have any questions about that. and they will find out exactly what's going on. but the carrier is required to comply with that. spent that's not a future requirement.
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that's right now. >> oh, yes. absolutely. they are required to, once they get issued, they are required to estimate effect there's a statement in a 317 which states that a fatigue risk management plan shall be available to all flight crew members from dispatches, schedules, persons holding operational control and management, those areas. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm kristen brown. i'm a first officer and also the gatekeeper. hopefully quick questions but i just have a few. you mention in one of your slides that corporate policy must provide for protection of privacy and that is to protect employees from adverse reactions that would discourage reporting. so could you consider that, you need a nonpunitive program or policy? >> so let me expand a question
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of what it because i like where you're going with this one. i think it really is, it really is this. someone tell me what just culture is, right? so why don't i ask dale and tom to give us their view, and then i think we'll move down to and operators of you, what some of the issues surrounding it. >> just culture is very simply that you've established a culture where you don't have to fear going in and sitting down and talking to the company about any type of safety issue. it's not strictly fatigue alone but it can be any safety issue that is associated with that. and in the event of a fatigue event, that individual should be able to go in and talk to the company and say, this is what happened, we think it's maybe a attributable to the schedule, or whatever the circumstances.
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the company will in turn followed their processes and arrived at a cost. because again, without the just culture you don't have the safety culture. >> did not answer the question? the basic part. jim? >> basic the. i want to know if you choose the actual word nonpunitive as well. >> well, to be very, very blunt with you, when i originally developed for guidance, it gets a nonpunitive, but, unfortunately, the law doesn't allow me to do that. and so, because i didn't have the authority and the statutory requirement. >> jim, how about an operator's view on that? >> i agree with everything that dale said here, and that dawn said earlier. we as a company have a responsibility to be open, to
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gathering that information and not only gather it but taking it and analyzing it, and doing something with it. that being said, we have to be very careful on when you talk about nonpunitive, because sometimes as by its we mix up punitive with a. and punitive and they are two different things. i will give you an example. when a fatigue, when a pilot fatigue out of a trip in my airline, we feel like that we have constructed all of the trips within the fa ours and within a working agreement, and we've provided enough buffering and the schedule and time off and opportunity and everything else for the most part, we could every once in a while, but we provide enough opportunity for all of us as biased to be able to prepare ourselves properly to go out the flight gig we're scheduled for that day. now, when some recalls in fatigue, that major system
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broke. and neat as a management pilot, i have a duty of care to go in and to find out what broke. and that means that maybe i need to talk to you as a pilot, that fatigue out and find what happened. that's not punitive. that's fixing the problem. and the mighty situations in certain airlines were a pilot fatigue's out and they don't get paid. that's not punitive do. those are all company policy things that need to be taken care of in due time and those all happen at different airlines. we have to be very careful to try to keep the industrial out of the safety and operational issues. and it gets tough sometimes. >> does your airline pay pilots when they call in fatigue? >> it depends. >> that's fair. spent i will help with as. i've called in fatigue twice and i have been paid twice. >> fair enough. well, that was my next question was defenses are losing pay
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nonpunitive or more of an industrial? that was more towards the faa because i assumed the latter, but i guess, do you consider losing pay nonpunitive or punitive i should say? >> i don't consider a situation that the pay for a certain situation been paid or not it is punitive. we are very careful at my company to try to keep that. punitive is a very defined term to its very definite action that is taken against an individual for doing something. that's, when individual legitimate calls in fatigue is inappropriate. >> i guess i am throwing the nonpunitive word in there but is protected employ from adverse reactions that would discourage reporting. do you feel like losing pay does that? >> it's a challenge to the issue picked it different is the
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challenge because of the pay implications. and because people are concerned about pay, as they should be as i am as well, sometimes we don't necessarily get the desired actions that we would like to have. it is a tough issue to work through. >> just to jump in and help out, where you're going is, whether you view it as punitive or nonpunitive, if we really break it down, and dale and i've talked about this several times, well, we all discussed it a lot in the rulemaking committee, is this basic notion of, it's not a matter of if it's punitive or nonpunitive. when it comes to that side it's just that the regulations really talk about are you fit for duty at the time. there's a lot of things that go in. at the end of the they would probably look at a fitness for good issue, if it's really kind of gross, if you will, there's probably plenty of blame to run red. i think we are depending on the company is how to handle it. but at the end of the day,
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another statement for dale to evaluate, if you think about what the regular wants, they want pilots that arrested and fit for duty when it is pushback time. if we don't have that, something needs to change it and not because the difference just like the difference in hourly pay rates and work rules. how do you handle that inside your company? for these guys to evaluate it, that's a fair statement. it's very difficult because what it ultimately does is it can mask a problem. because if the path of least resistance is just a call into, i don't know whether it was fatigue related or not. i think that will always be a factor for us moving forward. it may be one of the difficult pace is moving for because there's all the different contracts and industrial applications that are overlying fundamental safety peace that we are trying to get to. >> and i would just like to add one thing. we have to have the authority to
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act. and while we have the authority to act, specifically if we don't have the authority to say that, about a pay issue, then we really can't get involved in it. >> no, i was more curious of your personal opinion. thank you very much. >> thanks, it was good to actually pose a question i was going to ask if the crowd was too bashful, so i'd appreciate it. but do not. i don't have time for one more. >> thanks, captain wykoff. being a delta airlines but i appreciate the work is done at our airline and i back up what captain wykoff system if fatigue call happens, i know out underlined we know that we will be handled well and taken care. cyprus should your efforts inside of our flight operations structure. my question is, as a 767, crew rest facilities factor into a
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fatigue equation. and is their studies being done or discussions on the type of crew rest facilities? you go to a restaurant and people don't like to be seated next to the kitchen or the bathroom. but yet in some airplanes that's what we're supposed to get our rest, rather than a downstairs bunk area. is there a fatigue study being a look at, long all times, whether they're in a tight one facility or a type three facility? >> there's one major study that we of all here in the last couple of years that's really helped us get started but it's really the only significant science that is out there right now, steve. we've got different carriers are doing different data collection efforts right now at the individual carriers. that's helping us gather data on those particular rest facilities on those particular airplanes. but no there's not one right now that she's universally look at the quality of facilities, or to update the one that we use, the
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study we use for f.a.r. 117. >> thanks, steve. so we've come to the end of the time and as you can see there was a lot more interest in the entire topic. so what i would really encourage each of you to do is, i think that you find the greatest path of success and kind of closing a center back over to chuck in the next minute or so is i would really encourage you to have a dialogue. i would really encourage you to develop the relationships, not only with your operational part, whether it be somebody in the pathogroup, if you're a flight operations leader, or if you are one of the pilots doing a lot of great union work after. get to know not only are flight operations personnel, that are managing these in implementing, administrating daily, but also get to know the regulator that is involved. because wit with a three if yout said that interim, i think you will find, and it's been proven successful in many of our other programs, that when all the
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stakeholders are together we can get things done and you can burn through a lot of the differences, and overall, make the system less fatiguing, understand each other's problems and come to good solutions. are really encourage you to do that. i appreciate your interest you with a panel. i'd like to thank dale, tom and jim for joining us. and hope to have a very good remainder of the form. i'd like to turn it back over to chuck at this time. thank you very much. [applause] >> okay. very, very could. thank you painless. thank you, don. it's 2:30 p.m. and time for final break of the conference. this issue last opportunity to head over to the exhibitors area to check out their booths. if you haven't been by, stop by and thank them for supporting us. their insistence means a lot to us to special thanks to engineer arresting systems corporation and zodiac aerospace. we will be back promptly at 3:00.
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thank you. ..
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library of congress has a new exhibit called books that shaped america. 88 books were selected by the library for their influence on america and american culture. here's a brief interview about the exhibit and how you can join in on an on-line chat about the library list and what books you think should be included. >> we actually call it books that shaped america as opposed to the other words we consider it like changed america because we feel that books slowly have an impact on american society. so many books have had such a profound influence on american culture and society and indeed
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the very essence of what america is. the earliest book is actually ben franklin's book on electricity, and of course thomas paine's book that really kind of sparked or shaped the american revolution. novels are a critical part of american culture. many of them identified who we were becoming or the aspirations we had at the nation. others told about experiences that we had uniquely as americans. we also thought that it was very important to look at nonfiction books that either were self-help or kind of book barriers of different kinds. we look at many books that are innovative but kind of showed america as an innovative country that used books and stories to inspire going in the frontier and that could be literally or intellectual.
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>> if you would like to prosecute a man online discussion with robert schaeffer, library at the library of congress, one that we will then iran booktv, we'd like to hear from you. e-mail less at book >> we will love more from the air line pilots association safety conference when they resume at about 3 p.m. with a look at the impact of the drones on the aviation industry. right now though a panel from this morning on the question of whether increasing automation and aviation is eroding manual pilot skills. >> okay. welcome back. checking your programs you'll see the next topic deals with aviation automation and technology. we hear of alpa have examined the subject of renovating the cockpits and aircraft automation in today's high-performance aircraft for the past several years because it is always relevant when discussing the need for efficient flight
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operations, workload management or such racial awareness. but where we draw the line between utilizing systems to gain safety and operational improvements that potential over reliance on technology and automation. how we treat our pilots to make efficient use of automation and yet maintain the ability to maintain necessary manual flying skills. our next panel will talk about some of the new technology the benefactors are integrating into our new aircraft and will examine how these advances impact the average pilot. moderating this panel is united airlines captain dave m l1cl0 kenney who is alpa's director luft training programs. he will introduce this distinguished panel. dave. >> thank you come captain hogeman for the opportunity to moderate a panel on automation and technology and aviation. the commercial system as we know is the safest transportation system in the world and the rate
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is the lowest that it has ever been. this impressive record as to many factors, including the aircraft design and come aircraft reliability, the automated assistance, the pilots, the pilot training, the air-traffic control procedures and numerous safety enhancements over the years. the role of the pilot has changed over the years and will continue to revolve as nextgen is the fault. in this complex operational air traffic system that we have while still maintaining the airmanship skills that we've had to have from the beginning. and pilots also mitigated operational risks in all areas in which they are involved. in fact our aviation system relies on the mitigation. a complete thousands of flights daily, effectively, efficiently and get our passengers safely where they need to be based on the contribution of our
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professional pilots and for the deals of this complex system. in the future automation is going to continue to play a role as we've all to words nextgen. to enable the new system to function with increased utilization and control, automations evolving in the pile that task as i mentioned are going to change. this will place new demands on a system that is all for the under pressure. the components are themselves a potential new source of air and risk this is especially true if the automatic system and to sign is not the stuff doesn't use human factors principles during the design phase. while the ultimate responsibility of flying the airplane remains with the pilots, we have learned of the crews are not all adequately trained to handle these automated systems especially in high demand situations.
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most operators recognize that the use of automated systems may not always reduce the workload, but in fact may actually increase it and lead to error. so when an automated system fails, it's relied on the human pilots to intercede and resolve the issues. it is therefore a central the pilots are always kept in the loop and guidelines are used in the development and to paraphrase the director of the aviation program amy pritchett, automation cannot handle the complexities of the next generation error projection system without humans at the center has been trouble components and still maintain our current level of safety. advances in technology and automatic systems must be viewed in the context of the approach as i mentioned earlier where the human is at the center of that system. those defective automatic design places emphasis on human
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capabilities as well as their limitations. automation needs to allow the pilots the chance to handle short-term and short notice changes necessary to accommodate the factors that underline such as when the weather changes, air traffic control or just a great performance in the partial system failures. we still must be able to take control of the aircraft and land safely on the ground. the systems must be clear to the message and the information they provide to the pilots. the pilots need to know the status of the aircraft at all times and be able to predict what the system is doing so they can anticipate changes that need to be made. today's panel of experts will discuss this development of increased use of automation in today's airplanes, and we are going to look at the last 25
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years including some of the lessons learned. they will discuss where the automation is today and how it will affect us and nextgen. to begin the panel, i will have to of our manufacturers who will provide automatic systems how affected their design and what they envision for the future. following them, dr. woods will discuss the complexity and new techniques to monitor this aviation system that we call that and look at the overall system resilience. our session will conclude with the pilot perspective from dr. reidemar providing a polis perspective on the philosophies and policies of automation. so i would like to introduce the panel right now. saddam speaking first will be captain mike carriker to my left is the chief pilot for new airplane development for boeing. next to him as captain terry lutz, the experimental test pilot for airbus and the former
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alpa member. dr. david words next to terry is the professor at the ohio state university, and at the end is dr. helena reidemar the director of human factors for alpa. so, mike. >> thanks. the last time i started at the sea convention was 2002. it's fascinating to think of the differences between the concept of the presentations in that day and that we listened to for the past couple of days. i don't think anybody in 2002 or read about cargo security. interesting times. as dave says, where are we going? sometimes you have to know where you are doing because where have you been? it's an interesting concept. it's very difficult in this day and age with so many players involved in all these conversations. we were just discussing airplane capabilities where the airplane
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is not the limiting factor but the infrastructure that holds it is may be the limiting factor. how many flu in the 1970's? may be on at 27 if you are still flying today. so, what were the most often questions asked in 1970 in the flight deck? okay. how many of you folks are still flying of airplanes today? why do. the airplane on a flight tomorrow is a non-capable airplane so i have to remember not to file all of these. what is the author questioned? was that for us? what is plan are we flying today? at boeing we only fly about five calls lines if they don't hear the word a boeing and on some details as airplane it doesn't compute in my head. and can i get a cup of coffee.
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so what are the questions most often in 2012? how do you spell that six? [laughter] we just took the 787 to the airshow and we got clear to the six and that and we were mad researching the jets and finally we asked the british comptroller can you just spell that for me because i can't figure out. was that for us? we must not have made much improvement. did the flight attendant of here so i can use the laugh. nobody thought we would never have to call another person to sit in the flight deck to use the laboratory and secure the laboratory. and can i get a cup of coffee? so why did these questions change? what in the history of aviation the last 25 years but has stood the test of time? would have and we changed? we have added obviously lots of things. why did we add it? that's always the question. is that a precursor, is that a flight data recorder why do we
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subtract anything? i.t. cui subject something. we subtracted basic pilot skills. this saturday i should go for the b25 type reading and it takes five fingers to start the engines but we don't want anybody to have to watch the color of the plane to adjust the mixture it's not a very good idea. very interesting question. can we track efficiencies versus complexities. we can always make things more complex but are we better? are we better. when allen was the president of the boeing company this was the original 20 people that made the 787 program. we were sitting around this meeting in his office and he said your mission to the team is to make a safe and efficient global air transportation system
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be a key participant in a safe and efficient global air transportation system. our collective mission from the designers to the controllers to the security people and maintenance people would operate the airplane has never changed. it is about safety. if we ever lose a theory we don't have a safe flight we are all out of business. no matter how wonderful service is. and as david said eloquently and better than i can say we are actually very good at it. i ran through the statistics of the provision in 1990 and we are better in the requirements of the safety analysis of 1990 as the rates go up. so it's actually better than what we hope to do. but we know we have to keep doing better because the future is out there. when today's asked me when you want to come talk about this, this was the first set of impressions that i have. why don't you talk about the
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future of aviation and technology and what are you going to do and i drew a big blank. i kept thinking airplane changes in the last 40 years does anybody have a 727? the 737 autopilot heading out in the track that is all they have. the flight director wasn't coupled through the autopilot. they distributed cautioning warning systems and the panel and the system's control and you could legitimately draw the system. the 7878 aaa 300 of a flight guidance would hit the 787 from hitting the with toga but then we will provide you left right guidance once you get airborne
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we will provide you indication of deviation from the past and excessive deviation from the toga. blight character is integrated in the system. although throttle is full time. fomc navigation system if it has to come a gps is accuracy. it's unbelievable 15 years ago. the systems we use in their plan now use differential to sweeten the answer. the of a start on the engines, although start on the engines are there to protect the engine, not to ease the pilot workload. technically in the 787, if both engines failed, it's not in your procedure because it is different. in a 787 f. both engines failed, you hate heavy select and sit there because the autopilot stays engaged on the raft and the engine is going to although
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really. close luft flight control systems for the immediate compensation is my favorite part of it. automated systems controls and if you ever look on the inside of a 787 or triple seven and using the view that what was really in the airplane you are dreaming. you are flat dreaming. it's in the concept that we are a system. the whole thing is a system that the people in the pilot and the year plan makes a system. why did we change safety. cost to operate, cost to build come and meet regulatory requirements. the customer wants it. there's probably more in there and in the last 1i have to deal with all the time they think it's really cool. so all those people that want their ipad holder installed come skip it. [laughter] we have an indebted infrastructure. 5,000 of the 737 are the
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numbers. 15 per your plan, $30,000 estimated cost for training. do some public math. to point to $5 billion in capital invested into the flight crews around the world. boeing said we think we are going to -- the airline servicing is going to require 460,000 more pilots in the next 20 years. as far as i can figure out, that exceeds the capacity of the training system. so, unless you know of a really killer application, the competitive river terrace to the 787 of the door, get the trouble seven of the door to the 77 max out the door and into the customers' hands. thanks. there was one other thing. this is the most game changing piece of equipment in the flight. fathead the ability to get the 121 information published on this is going to radically
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change the way we get information in and out of the flight deck and it will make it to begin receiving earlier plan that really will bring all airplanes in world wide service as being a note on the net and the will be one of the fundamental changes we will have to deal with in the flight deck. thanks. [applause] >> thank you for that wonderful perspective, and we agree the information management that we are all dealing with today is almost an overload of information and the flight deck and we are going to have to figure out how to use that and what to use and what not to use. next i would like to introduce terry and let him give the airbus perspective how he thinks automation. thank you. >> good morning everyone. it's a pleasure for me to be here. it's a pleasure for me to be able to give back something to
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this industry that helped me so much in my career and helped elevate me to the place i am now at airbus as an experimental test. what i'd like to talk about a little bit today is integrating technology was piloting to get a slightly different perspective than mike presented but you'll see some similarities along the way as well if you look at airline operations in 1965 to get it was really the end of the reason for getting engineer era. there were still some d.c. six airplanes in the service as long as the super constellation. the first aircraft were in service 77 in the dc-9 soon to follow at a later the 747 in 1970 at that time there were no computers, satellites, no ims approaches and the navigation as manly flown to review precision approaches and for long-range
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operations for the communications coverage and information on a global basis. the role of the pilot in 196588, navigate, communicate with the help of a flight engineer to manage the systems. the flying cast was essentially an extensive manual skill set and the mental skill set required was focused mainly on instrument flying. it required of the pie with a solid knowledge of the atmosphere and weather basic care dynamics and infield capability when i say to the but what i'm discussing there is on the given run, on a given way can i get off this runway with the required performance both from the standpoint and an accelerated stop standpoint and can land on that runway given the weather conditions, from the conditions and link where i want to turn off etc so those basic
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required skill sets more of the atmosphere and weather the dynamics and airfield capabilities and with the pilot really needs to know in 1965. let's have a look today and see what skills are required. airline operations in 2012 but trouble 27 were the five airplanes and they've been in service now for almost 20 years. almost all the airplanes flying today have a glass cockpits with ldc displays and routine over water operations are conducted now with twin-engine planes to and we are beginning to see and of course in the introduction of the 787 and later the a 350 primary stricter limits are being made of carbon fiber to save weight and increase performance. computers, lots of computers we have gps with augmentation, fm gcc integrate everything so you can have extremely accurate navigation and we've augmented
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gps can fly approach as to almost every airport as long enough to the minimums. for communications one of the things i was lacking in those early days you couldn't communicate on a long-range basis but now they have a drm load commit and said, has the data so we have tremendous long range from indications and in addition to that, we have a lot of other products produced by satellites, airplanes themselves can back to the ground stations so you have excellent global weather capability today. the pilot's role how does it change. they're now largely automated. but piatt still has to do the basic a feeding task. and the new task has been required of the pilot and that is to manage the overall mission
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systems today have been largely automated and those of you who are on the 727 million head emanuel pressurization system you are very thankful that modern airplanes not automated pressurization systems the manage mission means is the pilot now we have to really consider everything going on with this particular flight in terms of once you are airborne with their plan to the navigation's and the portion of the communications but what you want to do is manage the flight to get it to the position you want either in space for example or on the runway at a specific time for your company said the airplane can get to the gate and turnaround the new passengers and on to the next edition the late king to the to destinations. if you look at the flying cast in 2012 you realize that there is still a manual skill set required and he has a skill set which is extensively mental which is also required but what
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remains on changed the atmosphere and the weather had changed basic aerodynamics haven't changed and airfield capabilities in terms of what you can do with that airplane on that runway has not changed. i want to give you the examples of how technology has interfaced come has changed the piatt interface and those examples are what are happening with flight controls and what's happening with engine controls. if you look at the boeing 727 altoprev controller which is the best manual autopilot controller that i've ever flown there were to win the one controller that fits your hand very nicely to read it had excellent asia my forced displacement and read capabilities and pitch what you had is a petri command and the bank angle hold if you look at today's controllers and the 50 are your plan whether it to be the sites to controller that we
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used in our airplane or the manual controls on the boeing 787 we have to in the one controller excellent h. am i for the forced displacement and right capabilities and you find that it's basically the lead to hold and rolled great command and the bank and will hold so you can do the controllers and their plan as either super autopilot controllers or you can view them as pile that controllers where the airplane itself as compensating for all of the undesirable motions for the dutch rule and the short motion and the controlled spiral which will allow you to fly a very precise bank angle. what about the engine controls we have in today's airplanes? this is a picture of the hydro mechanical engine control. actually had difficulty finding one on the internet. this is from eight garate 331
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aaa propeller engine. it's a highly optimized mechanical control but it's very complex, so the high parts counter. difficult to maintain, extensive to overhaul as a very long mechanical mechanism from the cockpit out to the engine, and even when it is rigged to the best of the mechanics of devotees there is a frost split that you have to compensate for when you were flying the airplane to be of one last thing is the hydro mechanical field control, you probably didn't have over temperature protection for the engine itself. let's look at today. you have excellent engine control without exceeding the engine limits. you have an optimized controller that will extend the engine life near and dear to the pilot to make sure those engines are going to run for a very long time to read it has an internal power generating capability within the engine itself with a cease all alternator that will cover in case the engine loses total electrical power from its
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generator source of the airplane itself. but i think what is the key is there is no longer in a direct mechanical linkage so that you can have perfectly matched crossed lovers and you might call it a thrust by wire system. so, when you think about this technology changes and how they have affected the pile wet, you may not have ever thought about it that way as technology changes the pilot's role and how we interface with the airplane is the traditional knowledge base of the pie with being overlooked. what about the weather about basic aerodynamics and the runway environment we overlooking all of those pilots -- that knowledge that the pilot needs in the process of improving technology in the pilot's role. is the training environment adapting to the technology integration and focusing on the extensive mental skill set that the pilot needs in today's airline operation. and finally as a thought
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provoking, our mandatory training requirements outdated considering the technology improvements and the changing nature of pilots. we can have an airplane today where you can take off at maximum growth rate, have an engine failure and continue to rotate at takeoff and the airplane will maintain its setting and allow you to climb out and operate your procedures after that. it's not the same as the airplanes we flew in 1965. this training need to adapt to those new technology improvements. thank you. [applause] that panel from earlier today. back live now to the airline pilots association safety conference. as the discussion on the unmanned aerial vehicles or drones on aviation.
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>> [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]
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[inaudible conversations] ladies and gentlemen please come in and take your seat. make sure all electronic devices are turned off. thank you.
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again we are bringing live coverage of the air line pilots association safety conference a discussion coming up on the impact of unmanned aerial vehicles or drones on aviation. we also have remarks from the faa administrator the will be at 4 p.m.. >> welcome back. we've talked a lot about new technology initiatives this week. this last panel is going to be a doozy. our industry is continually changing the technological lead chances. often we find ourselves trying to determine whether we have a solution for a problem, or whether we have a solution looking for a problem. unmanned aerial systems, or uas
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at captivate address on television as we follow america's war on terrorism overseas. now we are seeing expanded security in growing commercial law applications for these systems and they're some components of, as aircraft that have no pilot at the controls and remotely piloted aircraft that are flown from the ground locations here domestically. it doesn't take a lot of imagination to consider the potential benefits of remotely piloted aircraft and law enforcement border patrol, processing or of their application. there's one problem. soon these aircraft may be operating at the national space systems mixing with the general aviation, corporate aviation and the aircraft that we fly to read or the system's really ready for prime time? for the next hour we will examine some of the new technology of the new aircraft and the ramifications of sharing our crowded airspace with them. moderating this panel captain bill de groh of american eagle co-chairs alpa's operation and design group. i am also very proud to report
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that bill is alpa's 2011 iset award winner and will be honored with other award winners tonight at tonight's banquet. please join me in a round of applause for bill. [applause] thank you, captain. and good afternoon. this past february, congress passed the faa modernization reform act of 2012. this act requires the development of a comprehensive plan to safely integrate unmanned aerial systems or uas into the national space system, or nss. will it affect my operations? haleh avoid hitting these aircraft? how will they avoid hitting me? will they be a new threat to safety or just another aircraft in the system?
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currently u.s. air operations are either restricted to the segregated airspace or accommodated by a procedure to separate them from other aircraft in the nss. at present, there are no faa standards for certification of unmanned aircraft, their pilots or the operators to employ them. alpa is involved with rule making activities the working towards such standards. operations are currently approved by the faa under a sick to get an authorization or issuance of an experimenter certificate to read what is the scope of unmanned aircraft? how can a small aircraft affect? weld, uas aircraft can range in size from something smaller than and our sere plan to in aircraft wing many thousands of pounds. the global hockley is about
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25,000 pounds. the commercial stations can range from a standard handhelds irc controller to a ground station contained in a large trader office and in corporate in the pilot station and perhaps other supporting positions and personnel to read these unmanned aircraft can be operated within line of sight or beyond the horizon through satellite communications. who will fly these unmanned aircraft? it's stifel's position the persons controlling the unmanned aircraft the pilots and operators. our view is that to be granted equal access to the nss, the pilot in command may be licensed and trained to do so. it's important that all pilots share a common understanding of background to fully appreciate the safety implications of their operation and other users and nss. in addition, the licensing of the uas pilots and standards for the unmanned aircraft save command are not only for the well-being of passengers and crew already flying in the nss, but also for the general public reside under the nss and expect a high level of safety of flight
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operations that are being conducted over their businesses and homes. uas pilot in command responsibilities reason to question such as the accountability and the private and the vehicle are located in different countries. or in the event of lost link of the aircraft is operated on the preprogrammed half. in addition to these questions from the industry and the regulators are working to overcome unique technical difficulties as well. in man the aviation it's expected that pilots can avoid traffic and other hazards. however, when the aircraft do not have a set of eyes on board, how is this to be achieved? a new concept is introduced called sense and avoid an attempt to close the gap. it's not simply a matter of equipping uas transponders' and existing traffic collision avoidance systems. uas must be compatible with the aircraft but also remain safely separated from all air-traffic. a bspn may offer solutions to
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this issue. but meanwhile say separation remains a significant challenge. this points to another challenge the industry is facing, that of lost link and spoofing. there's been a number of uas accidents and incidents to the interruption of command communications from the ground station to the ua to be losing this ability to control the you a while it is interactive the commercial and private aircraft operations needs to be avoided to improve the reliability design as well as on board programming that results in the safe and compatible and predictable performance during periods of normal operation. security measures must be included to protect the ua for hijacking, corruption of navigation signals or unauthorized access to the control station. although the aircraft design and operation group is focused on the technical aspects of introducing uas into the nss there is another question on many pilots -: is my job as an airline pilot in jeopardy? ken the technology that comes out of the uas be used to
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replace the on board a pilot for the cargo passenger operations? the technical answer is not yet. the technology is still being developed. can technology alone allow for the complete removal of one or more pilots? not likely for human factors, economic and technical reasons. however, some aircraft manufacturers have entertained the idea of a single pilot error airline. uas is coming to the air space near you. alpa is committed to ensuring the integration of uas into the nss and sharing of our airspace is done as safely as possible. to help better understand where uas is in these challenges and what we might expect going forward, the group assembled this panel. with me today are mr. richard prosek, faa, asec integration office. mr. paul mcduffee, is as yet of government relations strategy.
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colonel de groh, our liaison to the faa. and captain turnoff, the representative to all things uas treen you will find their biographies in your program. each of these gentlemen will present some remarks and i will open up the floor for questions. so, i would like to start with mr. prosek to walk us through the parts of the reauthorization act including uas and what it means for the uas integration. mr. prosek. >> thanks, bill. indeed, it is a pleasure to be here this afternoon to talk to you about -- i'm trying to figure not if we can get the slides out.
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step back just a little bit to the it's really a pleasure to be here this afternoon to speak to you about this topic of unmanned aircraft systems, and this is a topic that i actually have had the pleasure of working very closely with all of my fellow panel members here over the last few years, and we could probably go on for ten or more hours, and would be very difficult but i will try to get a couple of quick remarks in here and look forward to your questions afterwards. what i would like to speak to in the few minutes that i have allotted here is just kind of a macroview of what the faa has with respect to the unmanned aircraft systems. as bill indicated, i will speak real briefly about the reauthorization act, and then finally, wrap up with a few of the things we have underway to
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comply with the provisions of that act. i know many of you are international and are aware of how things are in other countries. we do have a jury could luxury here in the united states of having a house within a single agency our air navigation service provider and the form of our air traffic organization and the regulator in the form of our aviation safety organization. but just having them house within the same agency, we found was just not enough because the integration come seat integration of the unmanned aircraft systems really is crosscutting coming and we need every close alliance of these entities. so recently the agency has stood up, and we are in the process of the reorganization effort to put together the young man aircraft systems integration office, and we are now under a single focus executive as the point person for the unmanned aircraft.
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mr. jim williams. mr. williams was not able to be here today but he sends his best and his support and this message of safety for you. the vision from our office is kind of a trilateral entity with basically focus on the safe, efficient and timely integration of the unmanned aircraft system into our national airspace system. as you can imagine, there is just a little bit of a yin and yang conflict and some of these goals. we could perhaps find a way of someone wanted to fly a global hot from kennedy airport and fly to o'hare and land on the left. we could find a way to do that safely. what would come at the extent of the efficiency of our national airspace system. so, our big focus here is to try to concentrate or find that sweet spot balance of these three entities. but the overarching trump card
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is that safety one, which is basically our mantra at the faa is to ensure that we protect the safety as we integrate new technology, as we have done over many different iterations of technology over the years. some of the macroviews here. why do we use as opposed to bill's, et of terri hail, we use the term uas with unmanned aircraft systems, and we felt strongly enough about this that in five years ago, in 2007, we published an item in the federal register that basically had two main stipulations in there, that an unmanned aircraft system one of the components was indeed an aircraft, and that as an aircraft, it was flown with utilizing a pilot in command. and so those are the two tendons that we stated five years ago, and that is still our mantra and
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basically we do all of our work with that in mind. turning to our legislation initiatives. on the 30th of december, the national defense authorization act was passed primarily for the department of defense. but if there was a mandate for the secretary of transportation to stand up to the sixth test sites for uas. i believe the speculation probably is that someone on the hill thought that perhaps after the 23 extensions of the reauthorization bill that perhaps the essay was not ever going to get the reauthorization bill. but lo and behold, about six weeks later on valentine's day, president obama signed into law the faa modernization and reform act of 2012, which also included provisions for the six uas test sites and nearly verbatim
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language. along with that, the language stand about 16 pages of legislation. and in that language, there were six different parts highlighted here, probably the big one that the test sites were back in there and then the country inns of plan that bill spoke about earlier. here's a few of our steps and actions that we are taking on that road to the integration of unmanned aircraft systems and tuzee nas in 2015. one of the things i will point out that it's often miss spoken in the press is the language does not say for integration of uas. it says save integration, and it sounds like a small sticking point, but it actually is a pretty germane and significant factor. some of the items that we are using right now in our approach to try to organize for this
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effort involves a few products, and these products are all being developed in concert with one another and folding themselves into a whole, and alpa is represented in the product. the first products i've listed of here, the faa nas road map that is being developed by mr. williams office and the dfa a's concept of operations which is being produced by the faa mextgem office three we have an aviation will meet in committee that we stood up last june. alpa has a very vocal and active participation, in fact our alpa member shares one of the workers on that aviation rulemaking committee. we have received a recommendation on most of these
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products from the arc that we are now in the process of folding into the final products which will be delivered by the end of september. and these two products will be two of the four elements that go into the comprehensive plan that bill spoke of, and the responsibility for that plan has been placed on the joint planning and development office, which essentially is comprised of all the nextgem partners, not just the faa but the dod, nasa, the department of homeland security, department of commerce and others. so, alpa has a voice and has been very key in helping us that these products together, and we are very happy to have that supported those recommendations. finally, this is just a real quick synopsis of some of the measures that we are taking to make this integration a reality
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and probably the two items i would like to stress on there is we are doing this in an organized and structured fashion using the comprehensive plan and supporting documents for going into that plan but are probably the most important thing is the second bullet there. we to get very seriously. the safety not only in the efficiency of the national airspace system but also the protection of the person and property on the ground underneath the nest so i would like to leave you that basic thought that we are very energized and trying to enable the new technology but we certainly want to make sure that safety is integrated into the process that each step of the way. i certainly thank you for your attention and i want to call to your mind once just to reinforce it is our intent to integrate uas into the national space system in a way that is safe,
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efficient and timely and i look forward to your questions. thank you. [applause] >> with the complexities involved it looks like a pretty big job is a well thought out plan. generally new technology is not developed for new technology sake. it's usually the need and market identified to the allied ask mr. mcduffee to come up and provide his views on the near-term and long-term market for uas and some hurdles that must be overcome. >> thank you, captain, and on behalf of our family and our parent company, i want to thank alpa for the opportunity to have a dialogue with you a little bit about the kinds of things that
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we face that the uas manufacturer. if you don't know, our parent company boeing and the company i work for our manufacturers of the u.s. systems the products of the company produced have been supporting our dod customers and the warfighter and fever now for almost ten years of over 700,000 hours of people experience in a number of places around the world. we are at a point now where things are changing we're looking at the emergence of the commercial market, a civil market, and as such, you know, need to review exactly how we are going to enter that market and how we are going to shake ourselves for the future. it's pretty clear to us that the market does exist. as the dod experience has proven, uas has tremendous capabilities to it many of which are now being realized by the civilian market places outside of the dod market.
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they appear to have outpaced the regulatory environment. and as a result of that, there are a number of misconceptions about what uas are and not. so it has been the tasking of the industry of late to begin the process during the realistic shaping of that market so that the expectations the public have about our capabilities are are in fact realistic. so i wanted to share with you some of those concerns that we have, and hopefully open up a dialogue about it going forward. one of the things that we face every day is the misconception that uas are an inexpensive alternative to the manned aircraft type of deployment. at this point in time, nothing could be further from the truth. until routine acess to aerospace and routine d regular use of uas occur, we are looking at a situation where the
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economics may not be what everyone anticipates. we are still competing with a manned aircraft world. in spite of our name, unmanned aircraft systems are not truly unmanned. there is a sizable humans of print associated with the operation of the vehicles of all different sizes, shapes and capabilities. we also have pilots, ground support, and that was coming to paris, trainers, pilat operators, and those who actually mine the data that the systems collect. all of that adds to cost of the operation of the vehicles which in most cases today does not make us overly competitive with a man the environment. we hope to change that. we expect to change that. as the certification requirements become better defined, and you heard rick mentioned earlier that faa is working very aggressively to achieve that goal once those requirements are defined and coalesced, it will be easier for
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us in the industry to do better planning and in terms of our investment strategies on developing new technologies and refining existing technologies. all of that will ultimately reduce cost of operation and hopefully will be able to be more competitive than we are today. we are working that issue for certain. one of the other areas that we -- and of course this isn't news to anyone in this remind sure -- if you watch tv or read the newspaper, you know we are regularly in the news with a number of public perception issues relative to potential of an increased use of systems primarily as a result of the faa modernization reform act that rick mentioned. no one in this industry expects we are going to week of september 1st, 2015 and find the sky dark with unmanned aircraft systems. that is just not reality.
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the reform act will do in 2015 is gives us a baseline, something to build from. a road map so to speak that we can make those proper investments and move the technology forward so that at some point in time, the use of unmanned systems will become much more commonplace. along with that come from an obstacle perspective one of the major concerns we have, and it's a legitimate concern, is the public perception of what uas will do relative to privacy. there are some, both inside and outside the industry that believe that privacy law have been overshadowed by technology and the review is needed so that there could be a better accommodation for the capabilities of technology even beyond the amana systems. so as an industry, we understand that. we appreciate that and we will work collectively with of the community to make sure that unmanned systems, when properly applied, they are done so
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responsibly and in accordance with all law. to that end, the industry has gathered together through the association of unmanned vehicle systems international and publish what we are calling a code of conduct. this is an interim checklist of sorts that provides guidance to the industry and end-users of uas. in terms of how they will conduct themselves. and it is built on basically three principles. safety being number one, professionalism the number to command respect being number three. safety obviously is that cannot and most paramount concern. we want to make sure we operate with the stake holders and others in the national airspace as safe as possible so everything we do is centered around the from the professionalism standpoint and obviously we recognize the fact we are operating aircraft. they are bred to be operated by train pilots, individuals who understand how mediation works and how they can effectively integrate into the national
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aerospace environment. and of course respect, we do respect the privacy concerns and the lawful use of the system's going forward. this is not a u.s. domestic problem alone. this is a global issue. there are probably over a thousand men factors of the systems globally right now. we are looking at an industry that is potentially in the billions of dollars annually on the of the full integration of the systems on a world scale. but it's going to take some time. most of the systems have been borne through the efforts in the department of defense. specifically to run the u.s. most were products controlled by export control and that is limiting some of the opportunity we have from a global perspective. all being worked on we expect changes in that going forward as these things become operative in much more commonplace. so how are we going to get there? this is quite be an incremental process. we use the term crawl, walk, run
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quite frequently in a lot of our work that we do at the faa from the rulemakings effort. this is going to be an evolutionary process, not a revolutionary process. we are going to start operating systems where it makes sense to operate them. we are not going to push the envelope beyond or capability. we are going to understand and appreciate exactly where it is and apply it where appropriate. we have to maintain an open dialogue. these kind of sessions are extremely critical to us. we have to get the message out. we have to get the perception not only of the rest of us in this industry but of the public, those who are ultimately going to benefit from the use of the unmanned systems to better understand what our capabilities are. the only way this winter have been through an open and aggressive dialogue. uas has to be actively involved in the future. the nextgen development is very, very critical to the future for us. some of us in the industry believe that solving many of the
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uas problems ultimately present a tremendous foundation for the overall development of nextgen. if you solve all of the issues relative to cents and avoid and automation and autonomy, all of these are very important elements in the entire speed team discussion, so we believe uas does possess a very critical piece to the overall nextgen package as it goes forward, so we will stay actively involved in that along with you of course. ..
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over the next few years, again once we get throughout the major hurdles, when looking at something that is going to contribute to the betterment of mankind. so again, you thank you for the opportunity to be here today and look forward to answering your questions. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, paul. it is nice to hear a discussion about a stepwise approach to the integration of any system. you certainly don't want overset bounds of technology and end up having to back out over safety issues. so thanks for the period certainly the dod does the hyatt percentage of remotely piloted aircraft as well as manned operations so now we hear from colonel king who will present his views on ues operations and how they differ from and
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operations. >> banks. i may have spoken with some of you at lunch not long ago. we talked about how we trained to operate. i want to share with you a little beyond the training us to what it actually feels like relook site or how they work basically. so it's kind of our introduction programs. if they want to share what were flying. if you look at the far side of the screen, press the vast majority of the dod system. we have a lot of small aircraft under 55 pounds, some under 20 and that's the vast majority of the systems were operating. as they get larger they get more expensive and we get less of them. the group for infanticide are the one you see a lot in the news about. those are the ones doing the lists were overseas and that is
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kind of what i want to focus -- when i talk about in my background in my experience. those are the systems that operate or potentially can operate in the vast majority of the airspace that you all operate. i'm not going to suggest that we share it, but those are the systems we train our operators. the small side, group wanted to have a very limited training program, but that lemonade i don't need an adequate. they're very focused on essentially the dfr operation. it's very constrained. one to two to three miles around the area. so while they get airspace at typical stuff, mostly focus on how to recover all those kinds of things that she focus on. the tdk sun typical airspace
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training and a small aircraft. the larger systems quite frankly go through essentially the same program as most of the air force graduates who go through. they essentially get a 40 hour program within a manned aircraft. they go do so and come back and essentially another 200 hours or so a within a simulator, but they go through the same curriculum at are brand-new pilots go through as they go through air force undergraduate program. so essentially the program before they go off and do that. so they graduate with essentially an instrument rating as i was when i went through manned flight school, they graduate recently of the same training and experience to do that from the unmanned side and they go up and focus on systems. what i want talk to that today is kind of what it looks like that is running, yes. this is an nt nine. this is what grownups look like. you can see them going off in
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the back. if i were to take anyone of you off, september amnesty can't picture him in the throttle, you'd be taxed, just like every other planning your entire career. lose the ball to the koran as we go. we look forward. we do have people outside helping us monitor if necessary, such as the crew chiefs there. when we come back, they operate almost identically to a manned aircraft platform in that sense. inside we go to all of our pre-cockpit checks of the stuff you're familiar with. we have all the same speech, everything has to go through in the airplane gets airborne. beyond that we go through essentially the same stuff everyone else would run through other than just a little bit detached from the aircraft. this is what the inside looks
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like. you saw a picture earlier. pilots on the left, center operators on the right maintain the camera. the pilot needs to see something. you seem not to look with the outside references look like, but you can see what the pilot looks through, that's where he sees the crew chief as well as all the stuff. the light show for the lines show up just a soulless night as they do in the daytime. in fact, sometimes better in the camera. that's what the pilot is looking on essentially we will pull up a few of the airfield to scuttle the taxes they got there. the plane moves around so we can see where we are. we can take directions the same as everything else. you see there the picture getting ready to go. once you get airborne, kind of utter pattern looks like we change fee is not a smaller view or bigger view of the local area were flying in. the green line you see as the root of flight to put the
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autopilot on, the plane would fly down the green line. i can be that insight is necessary. to design the entire route of flight. the red lineup they are at the airplane were to go last link he gives consummate date as to where it's going to go. if in fact amount last link i would build a transmit that data to somebody else. it's on its way to preplanned point were all aware that an altitude and then press on from there. if i'm flying around the pattern during touching those who pull up an overlay and you can see that we still see ground references to the camera, but primarily looking up at the screen. i missed one. there was one more. we can do an instrument approach and basically pulled the same map that expands a little bit to get a longer longer time on final. we bring up what looks like an
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ils and within the map we have all their altitudes plan that they are. if you look at an approach would basically replicate on top of the screen. so the numbers are right they are for a single spot to look in the checklist of them obviously out died for all the standard stuff. within the ground control station, that is one of the benefits that i found flying uas when i would fly a mission in cosco all the information is given about four hours before i walked out to my airplane and i saw had for the day. once we get going, we have it all instantly. you seal the blue screens essentially connected to either internet -- secure internet, secure high site internet if we need it and we can chat back and forth.
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as well as some of the folks on the ground to include an aircraft actually have that capability we can chat back and forth. we have a radio in the aircraft and everything else. as i can construction site knowledge then we can move the airplane to all of the group four and five systems. the nose camera essentially during the mission will go down so i'm almost always looking at the bottom of my airplane, but it surprised me a picture of a time so i've altitude, airspeed and altitude for the aircraft. the nice part about the blue screens that there's a warning or whether change or anything else can we always have a favorable instantly. have to get at them making up for information and typically get over radio about where that is to point at the radar, instantaneous weather shut to avoid traffic and everything else. he saw the one side that said the confliction tool.
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obviously a big issue we have in the aircraft. we been able to do with the systems connected is to pick those are onscreen. so what if you look in that center screen, a big hope of the world we flying an undeniable skill in and out. this is a small piece of that, but within all of our systems we have together, we have connected the data feed and we can display each of them. in fact, sitting in the air force base cometh the aircraft is in afghanistan and many to know for to know for and what was going on another part of the book, i can go back in still see those because it's just the data feed displayed for us on the set. this is not a sensitive word system. this is not i can go anywhere kind of system, but it does help us get to a situation where the rest of our aircraft are. we can do some significant the
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confliction between ourselves as we use the system to manufacture our mission set and mission process. we are trying to take some information forwarded eventually, but that's a process we are working on and there's not a sense of what system quite yet. so that's really what were doing. i look forward to taking your questions. flying uas is an exciting career field quite frankly. i've done it for seven years there've been days when he felt like a battle just looking to the screen and talking to folks on the radio. we have the same capabilities on-demand platform and some go further than that. as it forward to taking questions. thank you. [applause] >> thanks, colonel king. the more they are the same come the more they're different.
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they are the different end of the st. peter's interesting similarities they are. max davis capped in chernoff will talk about training certification and a sensitive void on the technical aspects of uis. so with that, captain chernoff. >> thank you, bill. thank you, colonel king. he follows the green light. good afternoon, everybody thank you for coming. whether unmanned aircraft are integrated into the mass, the responsibility for safety remains the same come even though the task and details of operations are different. the news is full of stories about your own. you hear about it on tv come to see it in the newspapers and magazines, internet and hear terms like unmanned aerial vehicle, remotely piloted aircraft, predator drone in the
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light. much of the news to the virtues and victories of faraway war zones, but the report does this suggest thousand will be sharing skies with airliner symptoms in. the public and media mainly are concerned about privacy and the potential use by terrorists and taxpayer costs. pilots comeau also concerned about terrorism and security for hostile takeover also expressed concern about jobs. on a jobs and new careers will likely come along with i'm in civil aviation, airline safety is as great as it is because of the people in human fat is engineered into airline flying double not be replaced by robots or remote cockpits. the main concerns of pilots or safety in they fall into four main areas. unmanned aircraft must comply with rules of the air. in order to have equal access to airports and airspace, there must be a pilot in command who has the authority and responsibility just as any other
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pac does. that pilot must be accountable to have the aircraft with rules or visual flight rules. for many use of unmanned aircraft are atypical, control of the flight and altitude are essential. the skies are plenty crowded and there must be a means to find the correct altitude to determine legal disability, and maintain required cloud clearance and required ground tends. this is not a simple matter and systems that support this or are more complex than a typical light aircraft. think about the installation in your aircraft and then consider removing it to another location. in unmanned aircraft may be constrained to certain airspace boundaries or classes. the details of how this is accomplished can be quite complex. an unmanned aircraft must comply with atc clearance and instructions in a timely manner. how does this accomplish my remote control is different than in your cart that, but in all
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cases, there is some sort of auto pipe input. communications are likewise complex as they might need to be relayed from the location where the aircraft is actually flying to the pilot and some detached control station. remote pilot training and certification needs to be developed. the ratings, limitations endorsements for the ues certificate will address unique aspects compared with other certificates. almost remote presence today have come at the traditional plain background, many of the skills and choose learned must be a man to fly a stationary. the tax, guys, maneuvers that have long been used to train pilots for the aircraft in situations of the day. the systems of even the most basic remotely controlled aircraft are vastly different and difficult trainers as our skills a must be learned and mastered. but i'm exporter recreational fliers, unmanned aviation is in
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furtherance of a business or commercial activity in the soul turning his focused on professional standards and skills. the next generation of remote pilots will likely gain the training of skills from the start with these kind of systems. must carry training hours a maneuvers need to be established invalidated with the exception of simple rcu makes visual control, auburn will flying involves instrumentation command and segregation and autopilots. pilot certification will need to include the competent youth minister at reading. when i was learning to fly, we started with simple systems and instruments in progress to more advanced aircraft. training was based on this typical progression. today, both private aircraft in airliners are much more advanced. in unmanned aviation committee pilot at startup of advanced systems and displays in the training qualification must take that into account regardless of the level of sophistication
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amalgamation aircraft to use advanced instrumentation navigation and controls. they are not amateur sport planes and other toy for novice. neither of these aircraft which finer airspace today has civil certification. what they are built to high standards, they were not ordered, designed, tested or certified to meet any civil airworthiness standards, nor will they be. many popular airliners today these advanced fly by wire technology, but even the simplest rc model plane is both fly by wire and remote control. although these two aircraft are similar in size, weight and performance, the passenger plane in civil certification regulation and uses avionics that meet tso's. all controls above cables and connections within the aircraft.
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even a simple radio transponder in a uis must be living to a separate card. this makes it neither simple nor cheap. it's like being on procedures are part of the civil certification process. something is a shortcut to modify a certified civil aircraft such as a caravan or an optionally piloted aircraft. but the details of every normal to abnormal and emergency procedure for a certified aircraft assumes there's a paddock behind the windscreen. all of these procedures would have to be redesigned to consider remote operations. having irmo pit increases rather than decreases complexity. in order to share airspace, unmanned aircraft must maintain state separation from other traffic what atc may shoulders some responsibility in some
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airspace under instrument flight rules, pilots routinely do this on the ground or what atc says collision avoidance is the responsibility of all pilots all of the time. a technical solution to do both of these tasks has yet to be accomplished for unmanned aviation. however it is done, and must provide unmanned aircraft safety 100% of the time. whatever quickness on board the aircraft, and must be compatible with the systems used on other aircraft in atc to manage separation and provide collision avoidance. in other words, unmanned aircraft must be seen by others that they may be avoided. encoding transponder's comment a dsp and wi-fi technologies from installing unmanned aircraft provided for this. p. cast will not fill the bill aboard an unmanned vehicle. time delays, response times come
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aircraft performance or possibility link interaction or could this as a solution. first true sense, the unborn sensors must protect all intruders, not just those with who transponders. so separation might involve lateral rather than vertical solutions and must not be subject to controlling availability or response delay via the remote control. you hear a lot these days about an alternative to an airborne system. well, it sounds and attractive, it still involves using sometimes fickle control links and relay at the human response, it really is a dedicated, high-resolution surveillance radar system that can provide simple intruder further allowing ual flight operations in a particular area without creating activity airfares and can provide some level of conflict resolution for the remote pilot.
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it might be useful in testing and validating a coalition combat can never be a substitute for one. alpa and affiliates have equal access requiring the responsibility of an appropriately trained and qualified professional remote pilot. there are many details yet to be developed and resolved during certification and control stations, links, remote pilots and commercial operators. current off-the-shelf hardware and software were not designed or certified for use in the systems and their many additional details to adapt them. some new concepts such as optionally piloted aircraft are ground-based might be useful to develop and validate your equipment, but they are not a substitute for shortcut solution. the amount of time already elapsed in brain for several certified routine operations is frustrated many proponents are
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not the case and has resulted in lobbying and political pressure. committee deadlines and legislative mandates have been the obvious response, but there can be no shortcut to safety and we have responsibility to our pilot membership into the public we serve to hold fast to the high standards of dnc get the details right. everything matters. thank you very much for your attention. [applause] >> thank you, alice. at this point in time, we will take some questions. so if you would make your way to the form mike, state your name and organization and we'll get started. >> thank you very much, bill. i am from the european association can they do in 1999. what i invested it in all of the presentations were a rather good
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good -- thank you fairness for all the information you gave us, but i missed the security part of it. we can talk about cyberthreats. i think everybody knows you can hack into the systems, but what i found more interesting is that taking over the control center, the military control centers in the bunker. but when we introduced several unmanned air systems, as soon as this is taken over, it can fly everywhere and it is very hard to get in to that caught that of a flying aircraft that we are now creating an area that is easier to take over in a cot to do this just a trailer for commands or controls and nor building better make it a bit scary, especially if i see the command-and-control center of the military, where you can see all the military aircraft flying around. are we not create high state
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that were just trying to get out of the civil aviation and putting air marshals then and now we get systems -- >> is the question to ask maybe i can move back and say, ask maybe rick is there some day regarding security in a plan for a security element in the comprehensive plan that the faa is going to develop that the faa is going to develop that the faa is going to develop that the faa is going to develop all at. one has to point out very a jointly is the actual security of the controls tatian from which the aircraft is being manipulated in the second aspect of that is the security at the control link that perhaps someone could even need to get to the control station itself by spoofing can use in electronic signals to take control of the
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aircraft. so that is the second facet of that. so both of these are very important aspects that we are looking into. we have different entities. we have dr cca special committee to a three, one of the four subgroups they are is working on the command-and-control aspects with the communications. also, there is a very large -- nasa has funding for $150 million for uas researcher of the next five years and one of the aspects they are lucky not as the security of the communications and trying to build the standard that a spoof or could not take control and we are working use in a wide variety of international organizations as well as cooperation in the international
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avionic -- da ko organization in montréal, the euro kite, european counterpart to the rt ca. so for the security of the links, we've got a lot of work going on there and certainly security of the actual control station itself also looms very large in two very good concerns that we are very much interested in trying to make sure that either intentionally or unintentionally which are not problems and not regard. >> do you think that it will be solved within five years that we are looking into implementing? >> i think we've got an awful lot of very large brains working on this, not just within the agency, but across industry and
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governmental partners, but all of these entities will find solutions in the path forward. >> thank you. they think just about onto that committee security and cyberthreat all factor into the safety aspect and it was mentioned that it's a safe integration of these vehicles in the airspace. so i think after the u. t. test, everyone's variable focus on that issue comes up with puts a laser light on the problem. thank you. >> re: during? matthew kramer with american airwaves. my question was for the panel, when i get an airplane, i know i'm an airplane or in a chad. giovanni morale hazards associated -- it's not my problem, i'm going to go drink a cup of coffee. has that been an issue with the airplanes that had been to this?
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>> actually, quite the opposite to that. when i was an instructor pilot, one of the challenges we went through as we try to reinvent her training program was to ensure we kept the responsibility factor involved in the training program. there was a lot of folks the money to take us in basic aviation concepts and dies. you can't do all that's involved in this aircraft because they are protected from to not elect chronically and you don't have it use he would normally have to do that, so that would be a bad name. but there is another basic aviation stuff we teach people. the experience from an emergency can we take them three stimulator and we step it up at that up as they go through the
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training to put that same style of pressure on folks to the point where it's really just like you're sitting in it. i've actually been around a guy that just lost an airplane through no fault of his own and he was devastated for about three days, we had to sit them down because he was the same mindset i just lost an airplane that are sitting in the origin data or just came back today. one of the most harrowing experiences i've ever had was trying to land an aircraft. weird when they came back with them all function. i was literally walking on ground control with a handshake and i've ever had that experience can even train to be in the t. 38 and you can't see outside, other than over here. it's very much a personal experience, trained to fly the aircraft. the more and more unified, more and more you get involved with what it does what it can accomplish, it becomes every bit as -- every bit as personal as
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flying an unmanned aircraft. >> thank you, colonel kane. it looks like we're going to be a time come us want to thank our panelists for taking the time to make these presentations and you can expect more work in the future. so thanks very much. [applause] ..
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>> still crowded. i like that. so, right now if i am pleased to introduce the honorable acting administrator of the federal aviation administration. since joining the faa in tiny towns, his demonstrated professionalism, leadership and expertise he also is a very impressive background in transportation and public service including leaving large international organizations. for these reasons, and on behalf of all airline pilots association members, i have urged the senate to confirm him
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as the next faa administrator. we believe that the agency needs a steady long-term leadership that he can provide so we are pleased the senate started that process and we would encourage them to expedite its completion. he assumed his current role as the faa in december 2011 and is responsible for the safety and efficiency of the largest aerospace system in the world. he oversees a $15.9 billion budget and more than 47,000 employees. he also oversees the fda's multibillion-dollar nextgen air traffic control modernization program at the height it states shifts from ground-based radar to the state of the art satellite technology. mr. huerta is an experienced transportation official who has
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held key positions across the country. his reputation for managing complex transportation challenges led him to the international stage when mr. huerta was tapped as the managing director of the 2002 olympic winter games in salt lake city. he was instrumental in the planning and construction of a variety of olympic transportation facilities as well as the development of the highly successful travel demand management system that ensured the transportation system operated safely and efficiently. before joining the faa he held senior positions at affiliated computer services from 2002 to 2009. rising to the position as president of the transportation solutions group, and from 1993 to 1998, he held senior
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positions in the u.s. transportation department in washington, d.c., serving under secretary fred retek and rodney slater. he served as the executive director of the florida san francisco 1989 to 1993. he also served as the commissioner of new york city's department of ports international trade and commerce of 1986 to 1989. ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm a welcome to the f aa acting administrator michael huerta. [applause] >> good afternoon, and thank you for the opportunity to be here today. and to share with you my thoughts about aviation safety and on the future of the federal aviation administration. you know, i really appreciate the opportunity to speak with
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alpa at various forms and we have done a couple throughout the year and i can't tell you how much i char addition to the co-chairs relationship and the support that alpa has for me and for the faa. working together on safety issues and a pro-active way, it really makes a significant difference. in the future of aviation is very, very dependent on this sort of collaboration. you know, john f. kennedy put it very eloquently when he said -- he made a comment like this: for time in the world do not stand still. change is a law of life, and those who look only to the past to the present are certain to miss the future. this is especially true again in aviation. it's always been a very spirited, a very forward
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thinking and very innovative industry. kennedy's statement could not be more applicable than it is today. we are in the midst of a change that i would characterize as a revolutionary change. you've heard from many today about new developments in safety and airline crew health, fatigue management, and most recently unmanned aircraft systems. another fundamental change that is occurring in the aviation now is the nextgen transportation system. it's a major technological transformation which will increase our efficiency and safety, reduce delays and fuel consumption. and as you can imagine, it is an incredibly complex transition but we are making headway. we also continue to see rapid technological transformation in today's aircraft, and to maintain peace with these changes, our training must keep pilots up to speed with new and
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sophisticated technology. it must also stress the fundamental aspects of flying. despite the sophistication of aircraft, we are focused on providing pilots with more and better training on how to do things like recognize and recover from aircraft upsets. we will be able to do this, in fact we are able to do this today with the flight simulators we have today, and training supports and propels this revolution that we are seeing an aviation. new training is conducted as the pilots are actually on flight rather than highly controlled scenarios. we've seen recently that the factor as recent accidents and we can't lose sight of the importance of training on the core aspects such as crew management and recovery and others that might occur since the change or loss in automation
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systems. we believe the scenario based training will enhance safety for the kind of emergencies that happened very, very rarely what we want pilots to have sufficient knowledge, experience and confidence so they can appropriately handle any situation. ultimately, it is the pilots today that must be the system managers of the aircraft. and we also want the crew to be well rested. as you know, to support this week completed the flight and duty time rule late last year. we'll all hold the responsibility of combating fatigue in the cockpit. the new rule provides pilots and have time to get needed rest based on different operations, long haul or short-haul dador might. the passenger operations but as you know we were not able to apply it to all cargo operations. however, all cargo operators are encouraged to comply with the
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new regulations and secretary ray lahood and i consistently and constantly promote this option to them. i also want to recognize that some operators are addressing the issue of rest for the pilots and some innovative things there. unmanned aircraft systems are also changing the face of aviation and the system's offer unique operations on a multitude of different efforts. however, they must be integrated into our air space with the highest degree of safety. let's leap into the concerns in depreciating different points of view is the first step ushering in new technology and successfully integrated into the national airspace system. in a sense building new technology is one thing some might say it's very complicated and simpler than thewin challenge you have of bringing new technology into the system, and that is building human
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consensus on a path forward for aviation system, which is equally important. they aren't good to do anything that compromises safety when it comes to the integration of unmanned aircraft into the national airspace system, and in order to do that what we need is good, solid data. earlier this spring, we asked for public input on establishing six test sites for several unmanned aircraft systems. we have a lot of comments, 200 plus comments, to within ticker -- webinars. we are evaluating all this information and we expect to ask for specific proposals to manage the test sites jury soon. we are also studying the training requirements, operator experience and uses of air space all in the context of how we integrate them into the national airspace system.
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this year we established within dfa the uas integration office which is in our safety organization. the purpose of doing this is to offer one-stop shopping for matters related to settle and public use of all unmanned aircraft issues and systems and the systems that operate within the u.s. airspace. the office is responsible for developing a comprehensive plan to renovate unmanned aircraft systems to most of which operational and certification requirements. and it will also oversee and coordinate research and development on the amana systems. as you can imagine the office has a lot of work underway already. earlier this week, they're has been a conference on the unmanned aircraft systems taking place in las vegas. understand that there were 8,000 people who have registered and were attendance in the conference and said that is indicative of the amount of attention that this area is getting. the staff is working on the
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world to integrate small uas into our international airspace. they are working on the solicitation proposals for the six test sites coming and just recently the faa received the first application for the type certificate for a commercial unmanned aircraft. overall that the faa, safety remains our cornerstone. it's our primary focus and its our foundation. we have the biggest and we have the safest aviation system in the world, and we want to make it even safer and smarter. and we must continue to serve as a model for other aviation authorities all around the world. we are moving from a system of accident investigation and forensic studies to be proactive analysis of data. this helps us understand what might happen in order to make changes to address safety risks that might exist anywhere in the system. we want operators to establish
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safety management systems. this proactively help improve safety for every one. at the faa we are already using sms and our air traffic organizations and was extended to other areas of the agency. this is all in the context of the tight budgets. we all know these are lean financial plans and we accept the funding will remain flat for the foreseeable future the fiscal year 2013 budget request is for $15.2 billion. and we see this as a sound investment in support of our mission. what allowed us to maintain appropriate levels of staffing for the air traffic control, for aviation safety as well as for research and development but the capitol investment in both the airport infrastructure and faa facilities and equipment. the success of all these programs and goals of course rests on our work force of today and in a future in the arrests
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on the effective collaboration between government and industry. between the faa, with alpa and other industry groups. what about the faa itself? i've heard from many of you what is my vision for the agency in the transformational times? the thing that first comes to mind is that we must embrace the fundamental technological challenge that is unfolding before our eyes. nextgen is truly a revolutionary change and move sastre mediation technology the was first developed in the 1950's to that of the future, and that's one program. there are many others to end the technology that is developing in the aircraft, the technology that supports how we manage our businesses from all of that is continuing to evolve at a very rapid rate. second, i want to promote a shared responsibility for safety
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oversight. both industry and government are responsible for ensuring safety measures are fully met. it's not one party is responsibility or the other. we can't do it together if we don't do it together and we can't do it without the active persecution of one another. third we will face major changes within the faa and our work force in the coming years. a little more than 40% of the faa employees will be eligible to retire starting in 2014. so for us, succession planning remains a crucial aspect of our focus as an agency, and we must realize we will begin to lose a vast amount of corporate knowledge in the coming years. what we need to do this in part that knowledge to today's emerging leaders and experts to
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ensure we have a successful agency in the 21st century. but at the same time, we need to capture the innovation and of the creativity of the number members shining the work force and to embrace innovation and figure out how we can continue to operate more and more efficiently. we must move forward full force and in tandem with one another, with government and industry. it's not just the faa but it's also other government agencies and all aspects of industry from airlines to association groups to unions. what we need to do is to embrace the opportunity that we have before us to make long-lasting changes together. when i think about the technology and where we stand in power industry is evolving and the generational change the we are going through as an agency, i really and truly believe that we are at a critical point in
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aviation. decisions we will make in the coming few years are going to shape what aviation is going to look like for decades ahead so think again for inviting me to speak with you today. i look forward to our continued collaboration in the years ahead. thank you. [applause] the administrator still has a few minutes for questions if you have a question that he would approach the microphone there would be great. anyone. >> watching the stila printer the answers are not can't. [laughter] ask away. >> i want to thank you again for all the support and i'm looking forward to your confirmation.
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[applause] thank you, captain and administrator we are honored that you trying to study and look forward to your confirmation in the senate so that we can move back from the title. ladies and gentlemen, that concludes the business portion of the 58 faa safety forum. the past two days before the number of presentations from some of the world's leading experts on aviation safety, security and human factors. senior regulators and government officials in the united states and canada have briefed us on the regulatory climate. i've learned a lot this week and i hope you have as well. in less than 90 minutes from our awards reception begins generously sponsored by airbus. the recession runs until 7:00 and we will head to the
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international ballroom for the banquet. our dinner speakers known to you all as the honorable former member of congress, former u.s. secretary of commerce and more importantly former u.s. secretary of transportation. after mr. menendez address we will honor the highlights the went above and beyond in the past year. thanks to you all for your purchase a patient as we get to our generous sponsor including the value of association. special thanks to some kaiser to the cover sennheiser. i look forward to seeing with airbus reception on the terrace. before you leave remember to fill out the blue, and form place them in the baskets of the back of the room and leave them on the registration table. we appreciate your input and will help make next year's for even better. we stand adjourned. thank you. [applause]
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about her agency's efforts to combat problems with lead in children's toys and against companies that sell powerful magnets called buckey balls if swallowed they can cause organ damage. >> i see a number of familiar faces here in the audience, faces of people who cover the consumer product safety commission regularly had so glad to see members of the media who are covering commission for the first time. since this is the news makers for some let me start with a breaking news from the cpsc. about 1.3 million general electric dishwashers are being recalled because of a fire hazard.
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this is a very important recall. there's been 15 reports of heating elements in this washer failing causing seven fires, three of which caused extensive property damage. fortunately, they're have been no injuries but we need consumers to respond to this recall right away. the recalls involve well-known models like the jeal profile, hot plate and other models that were sold between march, 2006 to april 2009. my message to consumers is stop using these this washers immediately and disconnect the power supply to the year net. consumers will have a choice of a free and home repair or they can get a rebate towards a new dishwasher. the cpsc staff is hearing the rumors of the front row and they can get you more details and will be sharing more details of the end of the forum. there is another news item i would like to mention before i
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get to the main topic of today's forum. even though i am charged with running a federal regulatory agency, i don't believe the of the problems that we come and face are best solved by regulations. one such area is concussions in sports particularly football. she shared with me she was a part of the washington beat us because the six divas, i'd like to hear of the work we've been doing at the cpsc that led to the nfl commissioner roger goodell and me joining forces at a football safeties and last weekend in cleveland. because of some impact for reporting by "the new york times," my staff and i set out to see what contributions the cpsc can take towards reducing the risk of concussions and head injuries in football especially at the youth level. we have been working in strong
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cooperative fashions muffle the major football organizations from the nsl down to the major precondition murres and our sister agency, the cdc. this joint effort has been bearing fruit in a number of ways. for the long term we will be working to focus on and accelerate brain injury and helmand research efforts. we need to know how the concussions can be prevented. but we hope this will lead to a better understanding of the specific causes of concussions as well as the role and limitations of helmets preventing these often devastating injuries. even without those answers yet, we know enough to say that there is no sure thing as a concussion proof, it. the science just isn't there but it doesn't mean the research can't point the way to save your products. we are doing more than just pushing on the research side. we feel an urgency for immediate
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safety results. one of those is now visible on the back of many football helmets for sale. i was very pleased earlier this year when most of the major thomas manufacturers agreed to my request that the place in a sense on the back of a helmet a born on date. this is the date the helmet was born. and they don't use any later date on the back of the, that tells people in a very visible manner it's time to recondition or dispose of my own inquiry shows for to many children are charlie to the quickly wearing helmets are not properly cared for and combined with their young age should be taken out or -- combined with the age of the helmet, excuse me, should be taken out of service. at this point, even in the absence of hard science or a known injury to number, i am very uncomfortable with using poorly maintained often older helmets for children. based on everything we've learned, i believe it is very
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unlikely that the older fully maintained football helmet manages the different types of force from tackles in play on the football fields as well as the new properly maintained model suits and until we know more on the scientific front, i see no downside to an approach that leads to less energy and possible, to the brain. this simple yet informative labels is a clear reminder for parents, coaches and players that helmet's not only require care and maintenance but they also just don't last forever. these labels are a great step forward in the name of safety but they do not address the fact that too many kids are still using poorly maintained helmets. this concern brought my staff and me to the door of the leadership of the national football league. who better to lead a national football safety effort than the leaders of the sport itself. we presented our deep concerns to them about the state of health especially the youth level as well as they meet the
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need for an acceleration of the safety culture change in sport and by seeking culture i mean models like keep your head out of the game and safer ways of tackling that doesn't involve the head. these discussions which also ended up and putting other football related organizations that we have brought to the table resulted in an unprecedented public collaboration. the core element is a program designed to assist economically disadvantaged programs to trade out older who leading helmets for new helmets but here's the key. it was one of my absolute requirements no program would receive its new helmets without going through a robust education effort aimed at accelerating vital safety culture change. nfl commissioner roger goodell and i kicked off this if the initiative with more than 100 youth football players in akron and how you this past weekend just hours before the pro football hall of fame induction
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ceremony. while newer properly maintained elements are important, the game changer is learning how to play the game and use those, it's properly. smarter play a safer play. parents, coaches and players will be smarter about the game and kids will be playing seaver because of the historic collaboration. now i'd like to focus on the theme of today's forum and that is the consumer product safety and perfect generally referred to as the cpsc in 2008. it is a landmark piece of legislation that would sign into law in 2008 president bush and revitalize the cpsc. next tuesday will mark the anniversary being in effect and i want to talk about how the child safety law has dramatically changed and improved the u.s. marketplace. let's start with a few names you may recall.
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jarnell brown and bobby server these are children who died too soon as a result of solomon jewelry but contained a very high level of lead, swallowing powerful magnets that had fallen out of children's toys and being entrapped in crevice and play areas there were deadly. these are products made in china but they are made with steve internals materials and they didn't have a safe design. they were not made to meet the best safety standards. they were not properly tested. they were not caught have in part and they were not recall on time to prevent a tragedy. simply put, the global product safety system in 2007 and 2008 didn't protect the safety of children. and congress stepped in to change the system by passing the most comprehensive consumer product safety legislation in decades. the passage by congress of the
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cpsia end of the cpsc's the implementation of the law in the recent years created of the strongest product safety systems in the world. to explain how we create a stronger safety system in net and safety system, often referred to the consumer product safety protection triangle. there's three points of the triangle. the first is education prevention, standards and rules and enforcement. i want to start with the new standards and rules the cpsc mandated to advance product safety. since 2008 we have approved 41 final rules and nearly 100 notices to injury all of which were congressional the mandated. when you consider that the agency has restored the average three and a half years and sometimes longer you can come to understand the staff has been working overtime at a furious pace to complete the rules mandated by the cpsia.
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here are some of the rules we have created. krebs, the united states now has the strongest crib's standard in the world. please yards we have worked with the aspm to create a standard we can enforce which removes the hazard that strangled danny for heuvel lal was created that critical of the mandatory standards for durable nursery equipment to be a stronger lead limits. we are now at 100 parts per million lead limits for content and children's products. this is one of the strongest lead and the lowest levels of limits in the world. finally, congress permanently banned three and three editors. the law required us to create a chronic hazard advisory panel to look at those three temporarily band and make recommendations if others should be banned.
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and finally it is a chemical that is in plastic to make it more pliable. so you'll find these violates in children's toys and other products. at 963 was once a voluntary rule elongated by the s. trademark. it's now between standard thanks to the cpsia and the action by the consumer product safety commission. we now have a federal 20 standard that we can enforce. tracking labels. all products must have tracking labels so we can track ought at the supply chain the raw materials and will that child's product was manufactured. we now have independent for third-party testing is required of domestic manufacturers and importers for of children's products. before a product of a child can be sold in the united states, it has to be tested by an independent third-party letter free. parents of children who were killed by products that were defective for the interests wish
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these rules were in place years ago and penance for once on shore of the safety of the marketplace now have greater confidence that stronger standards and independent testing are in place for children's products. i am proud to say that the majority of the cpsia rules have now been an elongated and reflect. the only remaining major rules to be completed under the cpsia orval nurse recommit to read in the years leading up to the passage of the cpsia there were numerous incidences of injury and death instance happens in small children and defective product like cribs and other products. as a result the congress put in the final version called section 104 which requires mandatory safety standards for all infant and toddler products. when i assumed the chairmanship of the commission in the summer of 2009 there were no mandatory safety standards for any of
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these products come and since then i've moved to implement this mandate as quickly as possible. we have completed rules on krebs, bath seats, walkers, a toddler beds, bedrails for children and play yards. in the works of this year are the standards for the bassinets and cradles, strollers and infant carriers. these are standards that once in place will save even more lives. now i want to turn to another part of a triangle on the consumer product safety, and that part is called enforcement. from day one, when i became the chairman, i said that i would be a fair but firm enforcer of the law. companies that comply reported instances on interest to the agency in a timely manner as required by law and worked cooperatively with the agency and the product needs to be recalled are treated fairly in to the country fairly by the agency. the majority of industries and companies the we deal with have studied the the requirements of the cpsia.
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well informed about the standards for which the product must comply and want to comply with a lot and they want to keep their customers save. the overwhelming majority want the consumers to be safe. when companies import place with amounts of lead or choking hazards we have systems in place that catch and hold them accountable. when companies knowingly sell products that present a substantial product hazard and cause injury, we are going to hold them accountable for failing to tell us in a timely manner as required by the law. we are working to become more proactive with our enforcement activities in recent years. one of the best examples of this approach is our court surveillance program. the best way to protect american consumers is to make sure that fi related products never enter the united states. the cpsc strengthen our of 40 --
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i mean the cpsia strengthened our authority of the ports. we work hand in hand with the customs and border protection and we were the first agency to have a memorandum of agreement with them howling us to have data live on the products before the container even came into the port so that we know ahead of time what is in a container. the cpsc is a very small agency only about 550 people, but we have 20 full-time staff located at 15 major u.s. ports along with 33 employees to support the mission to analysis. now i want to tell you that there are over 300 u.s. ports to can see we are spread thin however because the relationship customs and border protection and because the fact they are well as the streaming live video of information before the ports entered the harbor we are able to pinpoint and identify products before they even reach the shores. we are currently testing a pilot
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program called the risk assessment methodology targeting system which will allow was more effectively target in the dirt shipments of consumer products. now we are working to find the proper balance between the flow of commerce and of tanning dangerous consumer products. we've stopped products with excessive lead that was flammable, toys with small parts command noncompliant farm work and mattresses. we now make public the names of foreign manufacturers and importers of violated product that we see every quarter so we can give this to the chinese, we can get this to the european speeded is public the companies that have sent these products to the united states. so during 2011, the cpsc office of surveillance screened nearly 10,000 product support. we collected almost 1800 samples and found more than 1100 violations of safety standards.
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as a result the staff was able to stop with 4.5 million units of products from entering the united states. the most stuff products our children's products for violations related to lift limits. flammability and small parts which could present a choking hazard. here are some of our success stories as an example. our investigators in detroit targeted and examined the toys. there were numerous violations and the shipment. two months later a second shipment from the very same importer was targeted and examined, and it too was found to contain two ways that were seized. investigators in san francisco targeted and examine the shipment of pierre friars. the hair dryers received by the cpsc because they didn't have the required shop protection system. let your hair dryer that big black thing is the protection system. another a sample is the cpsc
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investigators identified the ship and cigarette lighters from a company that has the proper people were on trial as required by law so we have the paper work. the shipment was turned back and was exported from the united states because the leaders did not comply. when the investigators are standing shoulder to shoulder with the customs and border protection and we work to prevent the products from ever reaching the store shelves and our goal is never to have these products in the hands of consumers. another example of how we have been collected for to law enforcement activities can be seen in our efforts to address cagney and in children's products. cadmium was in many of the stories generated by the media, and we were determined to not let cadmium in children's products become the next lead which led to the passage of the cpsia when we learned of the cadmium and children's products.
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we warned the asian regulators and manufacturers in a compound speech from me in january of 2010. the chinese government works with us and the send out a directive to the chinese manufacturers weeks later using similar language as i was learning of the manufacturers to not substitute cadmium for lead and children's products. we conducted five major recalls of metal jewelry due to high levels of cadmium in 2010. we did not have any recalls in 2011 or in 2012 so far. and we caught and we have turned back shipments in jewelry because of excess of cadmium. we conducted a nationwide jewelry sweep. our agents went through, and we are investigators we did a jewelry sweep of big and small retail stores in 2011. that's a part of our general compliance program. there were 711 pieces of jewelry screened using our analyzer.
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it is x-ray fluorescent and it's a small hand-held instrument and you can put it up against jewelry or any other item and see all of the metal that is contained in that article and a little you other it is in violation or not of the limits. normally a handful of pieces of jewelry have a level of cadmium out of the 711 that we screamed. those pieces were not children's products. they were adult products either old inventory or the staff by about the remaining inventory in the store to get them off the market. the cpsia triet of lummis on cadmium and other toxic metals. we recognize the limits were needed in other toxic metal in children's jewelry and also inside of twins. we've worked cooperatively with the jewelry azeris trade association, a toy industry
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association and which writes the standards to craft the child protective standards and children's jewelry and toys. so our pro-active approach has been a team effort across multiple divisions in the agency and its work. cadmium didn't become another lead. the final part of my enforcement of a lot to talk about are the civil penalties. when the congress passed the cpsia, the increased the amount of penalties we could use as find. it went to $100,000 per violation come up to a maximum of $15 million total. penalties are a deterrent and typically imposed well after the recall was in effect. we work to protect the consumer first and then to hold the company accountable afterwards. two weeks ago burlington could shed three agreed to pay $1.5 million fine for failing to
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report a dangerous drawstrings and children's outer wear like sweat shirts and what these hoodies. you can't put drawstrings and children's clothing. they've sold the garments after they had been recalled. the penalty is the highest cpsc has ever assessed for violations including children's outer wear with drawstrings which the industry made as a voluntary standard. other noble penalties in the fiscal year include a $1.3 million penalty against spin master for failing to report what dots in the news in 2007, and it was widely discussed when congress passed the consumer product safety in perfect, and this was a hazardous substance and spin master paid $1.3 million as the sign for that. henry border he agreed to pay $1.1 million for failing to report children's toy dart guns involved in multiple fatalities.
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another risk for that action that has been in the news lately is the administrative complaints with the staff filed against magnets. the complaints followed the statutory process outlined for us in section 11 to follow and make a determination that a product presents a substantial product hazard. in addition, the staff said the commissioners and me a briefing package yesterday recommending that the agency start rulemaking on their rare earth magnets to address safety concerns with all rare earth magnetic products. so later this afternoon the staff will present the findings and recommendations to the commission and you can watch the briefing live starting at 3 p.m., and by the way, when i came to the commission, we did not provide this service to anyone. our meetings were held, the briefings are public about our commission meetings were not,
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and so i made all of those public and you can watch us delivery these rules, but especially today since it is timely listen to the staff recommendations on recommending that we have a rule on the rare earth magnet. the final putt on the consumer protection triangle was education and outreach. when i first came to the commission and met with members of industry who came in from day after day to meet the new chairman of the consumer product safety commission, i was told uniformly by the manufacturers and other members of the industry please come finished a rule making under the cpsia. we have a responsibility to them to be predictable, and the industry said we want these rules now. we want predictability so that we can plan, and we want to know what rules we are going to have to follow. to implement the cpsia, i believe it was to work with
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effective agencies. i thought it was so important that we had outreach and we provided information about large companies, small companies could have information on how to comply with all of our rules and statutes, so i created the office of education, global of rich and small business ombudsman and through this office we have written our online content so that our rules are now in plain english so anyone can understand them. we've conducted eight webinars and we've reached 87,000 small and medium-sized businesses. small businesses like the handmade toys people do not have lawyers. the are not a big corporate organization. they needed us to help understand the rules and understand what they had and didn't have to do under the cpsia. we are going to our first safety academy and we would ask for counterparts of beijing to
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participate. it is not unusual to have teleconferences and work in beijing. we send our people age and over to china to do seminars for manufacturers. and on this international front, we conducted 43 industry sessions totalling over 18,000 chinese manufacturing professionals. also we conducted a 27 sessions for the chinese government to read this approach is in keeping with my philosophy of taking safety to the source. the sources manufacturers and the source in many of our products is in china. we believe that you can build safety into the products and you can design the product safely and if you follow the rules, you can have products that comply with all the cpsia and our other rules whether your manufacturing inside of the united states or outside of the united states. now another key element of the mandate that has helped advance consumer education is the
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creator of safer products public database on the incident reports. congress created this would face when they passed the cpsia. and i believe that it was the biggest open government project in my tenure so far. went live in 2011, and it is a valuable data base to consumers for industry, for media and the cpsc. consumers can use involving a product they own or their thinking of buying. they can also use it to feingold a report of harm or potential harm to the government for a product that they have purchased. we screen all of our reports three we read them and share them with the main manufacturer that manufacturers have a dedicated confidential port redican registered. we send the information to them and they have a chance to tell us that the claim is materially inaccurate. they can claim that the information is confidential and
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should not be posted because it's confidential business information and they have a chance to post their report alongside the person that entered the report on the cd we are getting close to having to doesn't incident reports some of the reports have contributed to the product recalls and other reports in good company response is explaining why they believe the product is safe. we are even using the site to give manufacturers and retailers and easier online portal to report hazardous products to the agency. i believed is doing the job of informing consumers and a way that is in powering them and tell us about their experience with the product. i also believe the site is having to make the cpsc be more accessible to the public and it lets the sunshine in on our operations. we will continue to work to integrate the data from the sea
4:50 pm and the data warehouse and the other systems of the fecund connect the dots faster when we are seeing in emerging hazard i know what you will check out this website and that you'll use it frequently. another idea that has come up to increase public awareness of who we are and what we do at the cpsc is the creation of our new logo as we near the 40 anniversary of the consumer product safety act, we felt that it was time to establish a new logo that is being displayed for the first time today. we've been working so hard during my tenure as chairman to make a fuss been on a more modern and access access all to the public. we've been considered dating and confusing to read people would look and wonder what does that have deutsch consumer-products safety so we developed a new symbol for our agency. the new cpsc logo reflects the unique brand. reflects the global aspect of
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our mission, the mission to be the global leader in the product safety. the code in the logo is quite unique and as you can see it and there. it represents the technological advancement of the agency and the interactive window for consumers to link to the web site and receive more safety information. the qr code can be used by consumers to link into videos, publications and online resources. i'm excited about the new logo and i hope it will help consumers get to know the cpsc and what we do. so, in closing, i believe that because of the consumer product safety and perfect and all of the accomplishments i can say with confidence the state of product safety is strong and to borrowing quote from the industry, it is built to last. i believe we have the cpsc are making a strong contribution to the product safety around the world. i'm using our strength not just for short-term gain but to create a sustainable product
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safety system a system that is built to last regardless of who is chairman or in charge of congress. it is a system that is built to last for compliance with the stringent safety testing requirements established by the cpsia. it's built to last week creating new regulatory approach that strives for injury prevention rather than reacting to injury. the system built to last for future generations so they will thank us for what we've done so far. again i want to thank the national press club for providing me the chance to speak to you this morning as we celebrate four years after the passage of the cpsia and my three years as chairman of the commission so i will be happy to answer any questions you may have. >> who's got a question? >> can you elaborate [inaudible]
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>> the pledge your rule was written by the industry and it worked so that it closes in a way that didn't strangle. the way the play yard collapsed the child and other children, too caught in their head in there so if you can see the play yard it collapses in a different way so that the strangulation hazard is removed and there are other things like strength and durability that the play yards address. >> can you elaborate on your agreement? does it come from other research? >> the research is being
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conducted by academics, with other organizations, and my staff we read "the new york times" article and we saw some information -- there were television shows so we said we really need to get ahead of this and see what we can do to expedite the research and see if we can have a concussion free helmet. after my stuff went out my own personal stuff and my own friends went out and interviewed people and met with, for example, researchers at virginia tech's who were doing extensive work. they came back and said the scientists are telling us that we do not have a concussion proved to helmet that could be manufactured so then we started thinking about education. and my staff and by knew that there were a lot of these football league's but rather with a very old helmets. we learned that after ten years or even sooner they need to be
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reconditioned so we just started talking. everyone involved in football and my staff went to the nfl and said would you like to participate? there are so many youth leagues wearing these old helmets and they said yes we will do a pilot project and they and other members contributed funds and gave it to the usa foot wall which is a nonprofit organization and they bought the helmets. it's when the in that area and in the new york city area, the san francisco area and the gulf states, they can apply and saladdin application and asked to be a part of this initiative, but the coaches have to agree to take an education course so that they can teach the players out to play. as they say keep your head out
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of the game, how to play more safely and how to avoid concussions by changing the culture of football so you don't buy it in there with your head, you don't do anything that puts your head in danger so that's what the football -- the national football league is one of the contributors to the fund that the usa football will be administering. >> [inaudible] whether that was some kind of standard especially for youth football helmets? >> what we did is to the manufacturers to put on the back of the house met a seal that says this what was manufactured on this date. we call it the born on date and should be reconditioned at this stage. the was never even now there. people didn't know what was the shelf life of the helmet or the placing life of a helmet.
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so that brand new to have that marking. we are continuing to follow the major research being done on football helmets. if at a time the science supports that the helmet can be concussion prove we certainly will work to get the voluntary standards committee to adopt it. but right now, what we are seeing is there wasn't a standard that could completely prevent a concussion, and there were older helmets of their particularly with a football leagues that were being used without ever being reconditioned. and so, the cushioning inside of them was just gone. and so we also have a brochure that we are going to provide you that gives you the cdc and the cpsc worked with usa football and we have a brochure that tells parents about how to change the culture of football and also coaches. in short, this is just a pilot
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project. we would like to see how it goes and expanded throughout the united states. we would like for all children to be in a safe home at. >> i have a question. >> sure. >> for the moms that work at home sewing adorable little baby things i want to talk about what resources they have to make sure that their goods are compliant and their livelihoods can continue even as the standards get stricter. >> thank you. that is a great question to bed and one that has, followed the and perfect and implementation knew that there was one of the hard things congress dealt with. you have major corporations making children's products, and then you have, like you said, the small business, the mom-and-pop handmade toys alliance is what they were called. so what congress does pass amendments to the cpsia and secure a small batch manufacturer which meant your
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sales were million dollars a year or less and you only made 7500 of a product or less, then you could sign up and register the consumer product safety commission and you can qualify for a small match manufacture meaning you don't have to test your products. you still have to comply. you still have to have the 100 parts per million or no more than 90 parts per million lead paint. you have to comply but you don't have to do the rigorous testing. some, many of them are working in consortium where they can get their products tested, or they are buying compliant component parts. if you are going to make a toy train, then you ago by a thing of paint that already met the standard. you wouldn't then have to test. so if you were going to make things with lead in them, you would have to see that those steps -- dewitt try to do without the lead or see that it didn't contain over 100 parts per milli


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