tv Book TV CSPAN August 12, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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declaration of independence, constitution and america will continue to play a leading role on the world stage a virtue of our commitment to those principles. >> for more information on this another list, visit >> phyllis schlafly next talking about her book, "no higher power: obama's war on religious freedom." this half hour presentation was part of the recent diesel power in washington. [applause] >> phyllis schlafly received hee ba where she worked her wayor ah through college on theer night shift with 30 of 50 caliber ammunition. she then received a master's phe grief from harvard university. after the age of 50 she went toe law school and received her law degree from washington university in st. louis.
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she founded evil four in theourt 1972 to encourage the grassroots active. andcally she led the 10 year battle to successfully defeat the ratification of trahe so-calledl equal rights amendment.nuc phyllis schlafly is the author s of 20 books on such diverse topics such as politics,s, ,ationalnational defense, the ct defense even the text book for children. the newest book released this month is no higher power, obama's wore on religious freedom. please welcome phyllis schlafly. [applause] >> thank you very much, and gofd morninose there are a lot of gof 2d books about obama. different aspects of his career, but there was not one on a very important issue. that is why i wrote this one, no higher pteser.
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obam. they s more on the religious freedom. on october 31st 2008 clorack obam. they s said five days away from fundamentally transforming the united states. in 1w americans realize htes radical the was and what kind of transformation he planned. his goal was not religious spread the wealth. his goal is to transform america from one nation under god as we prou thiny procl im in our pledge of allegiance to a totally se dolar country where we are allowed to recognize no higher power than the federal goveousment, especverally the executive branch. when obama moved into the white house the campaign of secularism had alreing thy been l id dtesn by dozens of lawsuits filed by the aclu and various o. weannot byations petitioning s a
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to use the first amendment to tear dtesn all crosses and monuments were pic%rres of the ten commandments that are visible to the p-vlic and to cut off the microphones of public-school students' thinking got inas he md thed int white house obama began his long series of words and actions to se dolarize oamer country, tryig to make the u.s. it totally secular nation. the gamental was predictable whe was campaigidenng in san francio before he was elected. obam. they s worments about religious people in the uidented states. he said, they get better, cling to guns or religion or antipattb to people who are not like them, who are anti-immigrant or anti
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tring the as a way to explain tr frustrations. reverse the practice of the bush administration and start giving taxpayer money to o. weannot byations that perform abortions in other countries. in february 2009 he announced the elimicesstion of connd tiou- conscience protection is a lot pro-let doctors and nurses and in 1derally funded hoswill ta so opt out of performing abortions. in april 2009 obama delivered a speech at geo. weettesn uidenversity only after his staff had pressured the catholi. weacollege to cd ther up the mon ameram foe name of jesus that was always displayed above the pthe wium.
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the nllyt thing we noticed was that when president obama recesses the declaration of independence he changes the latrding. when he quotes the great declaration he centers out the late f creator. we all know that the declaration programs of we are endtesed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. again and again, when obama resents this line he amimentst e lat ch created. obama has done this so often that it cannot be a slip of the time or glitch of the teleprompter. it is deliberate. changing the worments as the ded oaration of independence as part of his determination to remove everything religious and every determicesstion of god frm life. he canceled the traditional white house event honoring the national day of prayer saying he would pray only in private. in a nd thember 2010 speecbovalm pretended to "the u.s. national model which is in gthe w we tus.
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i guess you could not bring himself to say god, so he mistakenly said oamer officveral motto is e p movralist and. when he gave the traditional addressee again failed to mention gthe w. it's of it was not god. the u.s. constitution makes it a prance duty of the president to iake care that the law be faithfully executed. we all saw ocloma at his inouseguration swear an oath to uphold the laws of the united states. counparently ocloma thinks thate can pick and choose which laws to enforce and which he can d ther%rous. in febustary 2011 ocloma instructed his justice department not to defend the in 1deral defense of marriage at known as, which was overwhelmingly passed by a ppepartisan conmentstess but iss
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under attack in the federal court by the homosexual activist trralng to guess a promises judges to declare it unconstitutional. in september 2011 ocloma, who is deteor ained to dawy a federal offense of marriage act ordered the pentagon to authorize the pelicormance of same-sex mawas e ceremonies on military bases, thus violating not oy oy the in 1deral ll w, but, a3 ao the traditional first american right that has ae oays been accorded o military chapl ins. barack obama must think that his ties -- title of commander in chief and it was some to ban legend -- religion. obama's department of veterans micfairs banned any mention of jesus christ during the burials at houston natiocessl cemetery. hundrements of demonstrators tad out on independent state to protist and support a ll wsuit
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ag inst the pen. in september 2011 the u.s. aor y issued guidelines for walter reed hospital that read no religious items such as bibles and reading materveral are alltd to be given away or used during a visit. the hoswill tal rescinded that policy oy oy acesster congressmn steve king reported to the house of ration steveh ing s id, this order means you cannot bring in a bible and read from and when you allsit your son and a veterans' hospital. it means a priest coming to allsit a veteran on his deathbd could not offer the last right. this is outrageous. well, the walter reed hoswill tl officials were embarrassed, and they did cancel their policy. in a ft complaints from atheist the -- the air force removed 11 were
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for gun from the l ameo of the rapid tempo of his office. also removed the mob wri toen in latin which means doing gthe w's work with other people's money. the new logo says d ng miracles with other people's monnot o. in february 2012 the u.s. army warned catholic chapl ins not to reing th from an letter opposine obama administration's mandate that all ecinloyers, inc movding religious hoswill ta3 a schof 23 a and colleges must pay for abortion ndugs, contracation sterilnot byations' for their employees most people found it shocking that an oe fer could be issued telling chaplains that they cannot say to members of their tesn f ith damering a religious service. obama has been trying to lamentd the federal courts with anti religious judges. his first appointment to the in 1deral judicverary was david
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hamilton. alas, he is typical. he worked for acorn and for indian. they s ad ou. he wash nostat for blocking progress life and pro decency law. even the lawt-leaning americage3 bar association called him not qualified. inr,clom5 when hamilton was a in 1deral district court judge e banned at the prayer used in the indiana l ameoisla%rre that mentioned muesus ciliist. he ordered the indiana legislature to rawrain from using ciliist's name or title or any denomination appeal. however, at the same time hami nduon s ilea it is permissbamale for the legislature to use the word allah. fortunately that decision was d ther%roused. however, president obama then promoted dhen id hamilton to a liin 1time muudgeship on the ua.
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court of appeals for the seventh circtlt. in 1deral muudge michael r. dane is another aclu type judicial appointments made by president obama. he must take the cpeae for havig the most extraordinary exalted notion of his ostat pteser. suggested in court, the ten commandments, center down to six amendmenel in oe fer to mpeae e posting of the commandments legal under the first amendment. obam. they s most outrageous a toack on religious liberty is his executive order in obamacare that the reqtlrements by -- that think to icinose that the requirements wiley their religion. twenves%iiliee new ll wsuits hhe been filed in 14 states challenging the obamacare mandate on their religious liberty a. weument. these lawsuits involve 50 plaintiffs inc movding protestat
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schools serving inner-city children and chewas aies pro alg care for the asuitsed and neglected. if these lawsuits are not suquiessfervin all those institutions will have to close their doors. through. >> guest: and ed the barack obama is trying to force religious yerrship to be private only behind closed doors. he is willing for you to worshiwill ng inside your churc. that is why he does not talk about religious liberty he talks only about freedom of worct ge , which means inside the church or maybe a synagogue but not have any ciliistian symdr3 a sdooh as the cross or a prayer in any public place. obama's regulation in oclomacare ct tess htes far he wanel to te this new policy that there is no
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higher pteser than the federal noveousment. churches have traditionally enjoyed a religious exemption from and won a lot, but ocloma once this exemption to apply only to what goes on inside chamerches but not to aas of te many institutions built and managed by people of faith, such as hoswill ta3 a, schof 23 a, colleges, and various charitable institutions. obama wanel those o. weannot byations to be bound by his secular rules . a prime example of his hostilivs to religion is the supreme court case called hose out that taylor evangelical lutheran cholc bovad ervin hool verses ee fec. the church had fired one of its ministers in its cha. wee schof 2yn ct e sued to get a muob back. with the help of obama's lawyers this case get up to the u.s. supreme court.
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obam. they s lawyer made the astonishing document that the in 1deral gd thernment could foe the lutheran church to rehire its -- this woman in their ervin hool. obam. they s a. weument was so ludicrous that in january towards 12 the supreme court unastices voted 9-0 a foinst the opposition. it was so over-the-top that even in aas case unforioing in s id. nearly every american president, starting with george washington, ind ouding a lot of that presidenel i don't even like. our founding fathers who wrote the first amendment wourio be ct id and d at how barack obama is trying to redefine the first amenaent. in 1814 francis sco toh not o wrote the star spangled banner and included the line, this the
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armada in gthe w is oamer tusts. congress made in god we trust our natiowe tl mthe wel, and itn all of your monnot o. it's time for the american people to realize htes scndamental the transformation the obama is trying to bring about in america. [applause] rde over there. rde hyperion and from the university of virginia. i noticed in a lot of my christveran friends and real apathy when it comes to political issues do you think that this courio be something that motivates the church to get back involved in politics? ing w so, htes do we articulatet in order to get some excitement? rde tha18s wus
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a lot of other good books. showing the scandals and how he is tpeaing this into european-svesle s idveralism and many other things is doing wrong , s dh as violating a lot of oamer loss. nobody had risen about this one. have a co author he matameres n, ng book. a lot of the research for it. i hempe it is something that ng ma and their religious people realize we have our future at stpeaer to get with ire youh now, i have seen polls that 50 percent of the evangelicals are among the nonvoters. we need in this year. could your friends to get out there and be samere they get r ameoister and vote. >> how are you keep going? at 87 yronrs oriod boou are proy
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more relevant and icinortant to take them when you for started incho972. how dod boou do it? rde well, i think this great, wonderful country the lord has blessed us with, pe feple from e 'tassroots, are self-governing country to be with it. i hhen e enjors.ed politics as y hobby of my life. i have been fortunate in a lot of ways. my husclond is very saneportivef everything added. my six children were healthy. it is -- welation its.- i guessi enunaty the contest of it. of course, we had our big allctory. it is fun to win, andd boou donc always win. you don't always win. you hhen e some losses. this is one that we hhen e to w. i can tell you, it is very exhilarating to win.
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it. rde ge fe. wevera state university. i was wondering if there is any way that we courio get all the infoamerication that you just ge to us so that we can make them more relevant. rde the format or maybe just a - >> well, it's not a long book. [laughter] it's muust thats.- iel up this week. we rushed to get it out before the electioity this, i thie st, will be on c-span. maybe you can get copies of that what i do is tell pe feple more facel and your words than anything in print. i hhen e givend boou the exe[ate summary this morning. >> thank you.
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>> stanford universitriod a f,d boronrs a no there was tal c3 about government funding first phase based organizations that prd thide s idveral ser allces. some suggested that such a government funding should be clonned while others sriod that we should find all faith based charities such as those myom the mu,ish and islamic f ciths as well as other standard secular organizations. what isd boour view on gd ther t ? >> well, not a fan of gd ther et scnding for f ith based organizations. i have followed the actions of the catholic charities, for the of taxpayer money. i thie st they are mostly supportive of ocloma and a lot f the things that i don't like. i thie st most of the cassocks t contributed to it think this is going to help poor people and trront pof 2r pe fepler to
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that's not ire it's going to organizations like a corn and other activisel left-wing o. wean youations. and then there is the danger that if you -- ifd boou give noveousment monnot o to a f ith based organizations they will have to comply with certain ustles. that is certainy wit tuste withs new government mandate, and that usteourio be a tremendous ales o any of the religious based organizations. many denominations m int in ervin hools. the catholic hospital network is just tremendous in this country. the idea that they hhen e to i andon their religious beliefs in order to function as a hosvital or ervin hool is to sey lec muust simply unacceptable. yet obama is trying to put up the notion that there is no i power than the federal
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government. he offered what he called an heaco it. giving him a year. to for punishing yous.- and to i buusteing them mronns finl deficit organizations. i will tell you that we, many catholics are very shocked several years ago. not to then invited obama. i rrond a bria i pitch filed ions inst this ocloma mandate on schools and colleges, and it is yers theh rronding. i think it is about -- i don't know -- 50, 75 pages. it sets it unewone a ber another and religious freedom in this country has got to me that christveran ervin hools and cols and hospitals do not have to violate their religious belief
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in oe fer to pro allde insamera, health insurance to their employees. >> thae std boou for everythingy do. i hhen e a lot of christian friends. they just dons c want to be involved in politics. they see it as a dirty thing. so much fighting or whenever and thnot o muust don't want to get involved. i was wondering ifd boou hhen e ad allce, htes we can engionse e of the more apathetic christians, some of the pe feple that muust dons c see the importance of taking action, and being involved. ate t welation that is a gof 2d question. the high percentage oflicals whd i hempe aas drdy here who as evangelicals, get all your friends to vote. in either form we hhen e done a pretves gof 2d job of getting at of religious people of all
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denomiwe ttions to cof 2perate h the ce. there are many others. i thie st the republican parves. the r hoyeelican national convention every four years. have tpeaen. some people are even given his credit for the law of the sron trronves rig i ntes bece. employee and american sovereignty. saitaeryah is only. haset this bof 2k, it will loser religious liberty. he really meant it when he s id he wanted to funs,mentaly wit transform our country. that's pretty fundamental. redefi bung the first amendment. many losses that have been filed
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by the aclu in the atf's to tpee down the crosses. those two big crosses in califoousvera that the lo msuits hhen e none on for years and nw they're trying to get rid of the ten commandments. we participated in financing a project to hang the ten co it.enel on walr t. the cous the tnot t, that out. one of those copies in my office, but there wourio not let them in schof 2l. you are needed to get your religious france said realize the futamere of oamer country depends on people like you participating in political heation. he cr some can visit get electe. make sure you vote against the wrong one.
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sured boout of e not enthusiastt the other guy, some people object to voting what they say is the lesser of tyer e allr t. i, ust remind them, somebody is going to be elected from those offices. us sus is not on the ballot. [applause] >> thank you. ha allng me herer to i'm one of the traveling economists. >> chocolate is closer to your mi and . ate t thae std boou for bnt tnge for having me here. i am one of your troyeeles dollars. that thae std boou for coming. and my question -- or i have a statement first. you know, as cnot tistians,d bou know, we are called to when we see and the opporols buves to o nothe w that we are skedposed o it. especially in the interest of dezatnding our f ith. i wourio askd boou the question,
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you know, especially with what gs at sta and at this electio, yerervind it be considered, you know, immoral not to go out to dezatnd oamer f ith and da iend our religious liberty. >> i am encouraging everybody to vote and change the e, mmi bustration that we hhen t the present time. but i've -- i'm not going to unadge the moralitriod you hhen e your own relationship with god. i'm not interzatring with thae o i do thie st it is very id foor. i want to get everyone out to vote. we need everyoner to i thie st that, ohn give us a vy important presentation today. .. a lot of people don't see it.
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nobody is going to steal ballots in that precinct. that isn't where they do the stealing. it's other areas where they heard he has a democratic majority and they just jack it up to near unanimous. we do need the men to go there. there's just a lot of areas i know about that i can't send my gross and two. so we need the man to do it. that may be dangerous. they made each u.s. it's been known to happen. but i hope you can encourage. ad there's so many big issues. i think the dependency on government and one of obama'se f hopes is to make more and more e
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pendent govnmen he's people 47% of the american people are getting out there that in expenses from the taxpayers. and that's terrible. i grew up during the great depression. we didn't have any handouts to recruit to be to be the greatest generation. it's making people dependent on government. how many of you have seen that slideshow, the life of julia? due out to see it. it was put on by the obama people. it shows the whole life of julia. she starts at dependent on the government which is going to pre-k and then she goes through in the government is helping all the schools and colleges along the way and then she has a baby. no sign of a house than. the government is hoping, taking care of her and then she ends up on social security and medicare on the end. enter a whole life is made
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possible by the government. that is not the kind of country we want. look at europe. we don't want to be like europe and we don't want any of these u.n. treaties because we don't need any foreign export in geneva or belgium or anyplace else to tell us what to do. we believe in freedom. the first, as i say, i think every president we've ever had, including the ones i don't like spoke publicly about their faith and belief in god and asking god's blessing and the blessing of america and one nation under god. and we don't want anybody taking that away from us. you know, there've been lawsuits against even the pledge of allegiance. they have not succeeded with those yet, but who knows if one of the greatest powers of
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