tv Book TV CSPAN August 27, 2012 1:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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remains focused on the grand prize building his ships. >> watched the entire booktv interview profiles several of a first-class passengers aboard the titanic which sank in the north atlantic 100 years ago on april 16th. his book gilded lives fatal voyage shows a close adviser to president william taft and john jacob astor and silent film actress dorothy gibson. this is about an hour and a half. [applause] thank you. it's a thrill for me to be here in this historic building a and in this historic room all of which have direct connections to
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my story to the book in fact. while working on the book and the titanic buckson for short to long for over 25 years now, there are times, you know, i feel almost everything can be connected to the titanic and we will play little mind games, 6 degrees of the titanic. but you don't need 6 degrees to be connected to this building and to charles kim who built this building. so, but i will get to all of that in due time. but i do want to say how delighted i am to see such a nice turn out because after last week's anniversary associated media coverage i thought nobody would ever want to hear another word about the titanic. so, all this week i've had lots of people talking. so i am delighted. by the way, how much time do we have? to we have an hour?
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okay. if they start shifting in their seats then i will know and i've taken my jacket off. i am determined to amortize it and use it as many times as possible. the book is called "gilded lives, fatal voyage," and i thought i would just tell you a little bit about my history with of the titanic and how i can to the book because one thing just leads to another, and that is what led me to this book. over the past ten days or so i have done countless interviews and one of the countless questions is for you always interested in the titanic? where does this come from? people think it is slightly odd, not as it used to be. there are some friends here that are titanic buffs and i can remember a time i think i knew or knew of just about every titanic buff in north america but not everybody with a camera knows everybody becomes a titanic and i have an eight year
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old boys in that in school and correct me on the disposition of the transferred bond heads on the titanic. but to answer the question when does it start i have to go back to scotland because when i was 6-years-old we emigrated to canada on a liner, and before we left on the liner we went down to london. in those days there were no planes, so if you emigrated to north american people thought you were never coming back. so my parents took us to london and this is my two brothers and me getting attacked by pigeons. i am the one in the middle that is afraid of the kitchen. my brothers or much bolder but then we went out to liverpool and got on the cp line and was a brand new ship on the fourth crossing, something like that, in 1956, and my brothers and i,
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my sister was too young, our father had come over earlier and we got into all kind of trouble on that ship. we got everywhere down to the engine room, and our mother was continually beside herself. it was bad enough to have to immigrate to a new country, but to have these boy is going everywhere. many years later i was able to use some of that in the unlawful but scholastic asked me to write about a comedian boy on the titanic. jack is his friend and he was a real boy and they get into all kinds of trouble just as we did many years ago. then my next experience in the titanic is 1i was about 12 and my brother and i saw the film and night to remember. and for many people this was the titanic moment. certainly for the founding of
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the titanic historical society and i think everything that happened last week can probably be traced back. he really revives interest in the titanic in the 1950's and we were all corrected by that film and after it was over we have a competitive how we would have survived. he was sure she could climb onto an iceberg and he would be fine. no, i will build a raft. i don't remember what life ury was, but years later when i met walter i told him this story and he smiled very kindly and indulgently the story that he hadn't heard at least a million times for. then when i was an editor working for a toronto firm come naturally i was the director by the my at robert ballard and he said he was going to find the titanic and there was a lawyer representing him.
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he wouldn't believe it or not having a lot of luck and interesting people in 1984 when this was going on the titanic there was always somebody there was going to find it was like a lot ness monster or big foot or no was arc somebody was mounting in opposition. raising money from publishing to filmmakers to go and do this, and then they never quite found it. the year before this had been jacked who had done this and everybody had to put out a book or film called beyond reach our search for the titanic which is a hard sell. the big publishers were not jumping up and down for this, he and i said to my partner you know, i've always loved the titanic. i think it is worth finding to meet this guy.
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he had charisma coming out. it he was clearly bound to be a star in some fashion or another so he said if you find the titanic we would love to do your book and then the next year he went out with a team and in july of 1985 on the french began surveying using a sledge and the second one is primitive by today's standards it was an all camera slide they called dope on a row. but what they did is they essentially take the position of the titanic boats picked. that wasn't necessarily accurate and they threw a square are rounded and then started doing what they called mowing the
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lawn. so they would drag the sled across the ocean bottom and then turned around and come back and do it again and again. when you mow the lawn if you turn sharply you miss us thought and that could be the titanic. so through july they covered much of the search area and saw nothing but miles and miles of mud. then in august but team took over and the mode of alana for all of august, and they found nothing so by labor day as labor day drew near he's getting a little desperate so he decides to try a hail mary solution to take big wide sweeps across the area because as he says having searched for the ships were to
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cut the length of the titanic i was looking for something a mile long because when the sink da silva freakin' artifacts and so on so there's often a trail that can be as much as a mile long so if i take big sweeps over this area, maybe i will get lucky. sunday night of labor day weekend they had to go on the next day and about 1:30 in the morning, they had gone off watch and was very depressed and went back to his cabin and went to bed. then all of a sudden on the monitor this came into view. they haven't seen anything like that in two months of searching and they knew it wasn't something that he made lean on the ocean floor. so he flipped open a book on the olympic and titanic and found this picture.
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and indeed he said this is one of the titanic boilers and these were giant furnaces and to which kohl was shoveled day and night by the men called stokers often named the black gang because they were covered in kohl defended boil the water that made this team that turned different colors. it's just like a kettle that blows the lid off when the water boils. the was the steam pressure in a highly simplified way that made the titanic go. they went further and found the shattered whole of the titanic. right then and there there were trend is removed the 1500 people went up on deck and a work of the champagne and plastic cups
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to celebrate their achievement and recall labor day monday. that's cool. it's just very stupid gindin para sing i don't know what to say but this was the last moment for quite awhile it to the papers. all over the world is just huge. the american team of course were given complete credit and they were extremely upset about this french pride of being with this so my partner and the lawyer that got us into this spent many days waiting in the admiral's office to try to patch things up but it never happened.
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they went out to the side and they made the first ever dhaka and on the titanic and at the front of his us submarine what he called the swimming eyeball to read its darker and culture ever darker and colder and then our lives and he radios up and says yes you are near the site. there in front of him is a wall of steel rising from the ocean floor it was a science-fiction movie. this by the way is a painting you couldn't photograph anything quite that large down there with
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no light. he's a genius we discovered so he depicted as highly accurately. he also said it looks like the titanic is weeping. he said they look like rust sickles and it's now a word in the dictionary. so he then flew up and landed where the house used to be on the bridge and he shined his light. there are other organizers so the ships and the deck had been eaten but the motor is still there and hear the formats had fallen over where the house was coming and jason jr if you can see was looking at the crow's-nest and is trying and the bridge telephone was there as well which he shot an iceberg
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right ahead 100 years ago on saturday night. he then went backward. sorry, no. this shows you the bridge as it was and the compasses and so forth on april 14th, 1912. again this is all depicted by the excellent more work. he did landed right by where the grand staircase used to be. as to over the grand case and jack and rose standing beside the beautiful clock on the mahogany. that's gone although they sent them down into the staircase and you can still see on the tiller the traces of the beautiful mahogany carvings on the other and one of the light fixtures was still hanging from the
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ceiling. in fact several of them were coming and is brought in from this one. but then that is how it all looks in april of 1912. the plot on the wall honor and glory and he's depicted this by 5,000 injuries in tuxedos and the women in the evening gowns going down for dinner this woman is wearing a gown by lucille gorman, the world's foremost military air who was on board of the titanic and i will tell you more about her in a moment. two years working with the story into a lot of people resulted in this book publishers have told us that it is a magazine article. they said well, you know, the national geographic article on this with basically cover it.
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but for 30 years the night to remember dominated the best-seller list. we publish if i think in the 14th century simultaneously and is built over a million and have copies so the was a huge success. then i thought i'm done with the titanic. i knew i wanted to do a children's book, so why did that and then i thought well, i'm done. at frankfurt the next year all of these international publishers that is very nice. can't exactly find the ship. >> but the titanic, i think everyone likes the titanic. so, i thought well, i love working with ken. what if i got him to do for the next year or two to do nothing but paint the titanic and all of its many guises, said he did and we did this book, titanic an
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illustrated history which is still a very beautiful book and it proves to be a favorite book of this man, james cameron, who is a canadian film maker you might have heard of. she makes little home movies like avatar. any way he bought the book by the caseload shield that and said this is the inspiration for my movie, that and romeo and juliet. the book inspired his movie but, you know, now i feel justified. at any rate, she bought it up by the caseload and gave it to hollywood studios and said we can reproduce these paintings and if you know the book they are directly inspired by the campaigns he became the consultants for the film and also walter lord and we played a
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small role. during the filming when everybody was saying it was going to be the biggest turkey of all times. ken was there and telling me all about it, and then one of the producers said jim once the actress to beating the actual food on the set. i said okay. all i will have the menus and we actually have some chefs working on reproducing their recipes for the magazine piece. but that could be a book i thought to myself because just like reactors we react and like to cook the food and i think this past weekend there were a million titanic dinners. but because cameron was
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interested in having recipes for the film, then we saw some advanced cuts of the film and realized that it wasn't, that this was meant to be stupendous. why should everybody else to get an edge of this. of course the film came out and not in 3-d and surpassed avatar as the treaty version has made it once again the stratosphere of popular culture. so the relative of a titanic survivor had sent me a story with a passenger had written through the eyes of the teddy bear the family that survived and don't need a charming children book. i wrote the text for a large cut away book and i know from talking in school that kids have a million questions about the
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titanic collided a q&a book, one for every sort of the titanic. after the movie came out, james cameron also couldn't get away from the titanic. he said he made the movies and he could die on the titanic. so he decided to make his first three the film a documentary and he went back with equipment far superior to anything anybody else had had and went right down and had a tiny robot to get deep into tiny places inside the ship and took what i think are still some of the most astonishing pictures. now i got this lovely photograph chabad the lights are bright, the first class reception room. now it is the olympic of course which is the near identical sister ship but as a glass page image and you could almost step into that picture but the camera is a next to the passengers for the key and after dinner and with the orchestra plays the of drinks there in this beautiful
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room and the planters all-around come and james cameron got right down in and you can see the pillars still standing very similar, you can see the fish scale pattern and the light fixture still there and other pages of the book you can see planter's still standing and he shined the light in the stained-glass window and there was a very eerie sensation. he found more and we did more books and then fought i would write full time and i'd written about a dozen children's books and i'd always loved the paintings of a man named john sergeant who all of you know because she did the murals on the top and in boston he's a fixture of the family from here are originally from new england. i'd always loved his work, and i always wondered about this
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popular painting of the little girls in the victorian garden were the real. so i thought someday when i have the time i would like to research that and of course the first thing i learned i went up to the village of broadway, and the painting at first was begun in this house on the village green which still looks much as it did and my nephew and i went up and not on the door and said we are from canada, and we heard that there is a painting done in the garden perhaps we could come in and in an u.n. english likely they said sure, come on in. i then got to know the whole village and started an art festival two years ago. if you had this art colony in 1885, 86 of henry james, you name it and i said if this is america you would have an art
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festival. now they do and i put on the play based on the story. but the first thing i found out when i started to get really interested in this project was that the garden was painted in was owned by this man, francis david, and my first thought was no because i knew that frank had died on the titanic. so i felt like al pacino and godfather three. i went to the smithsonian archives of american art and other places that had papers and discovered that he was an extraordinary interesting life, and in fact i sometimes think of him as the gilded age because whenever things are happening in the gilded age, he was there. the gilded age was claimed, the
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term was coined by mark twain in his first novel of satire on the greed and corruption that underlay america's post civil war boom. it was bracketed by world war i or the civil war on the one hand and world war i on the other and here is frank who is a drummer boy in the civil war. he was born not far from here and grew up in the bridgewater's the son of doctor went to harvard sure he is as a young man 1865 to 69, then went abroad to study art. here he is with his cronies and this is a painting in his room. then after he left he lives the life she traveled all around and went to the middle east and went all over europe and then lived for the winter in venice with
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this man, charles warren solder. it's true from this remarkable cache of letters that he sent to charles stoddard that they were much more than just friends and in fact he's probably responsible for the most unabashedly homoerotic letters that have survived from the 19th century, said he was a remarkable man in every way. and when he leaves him she is harassed and planes for him to come back to bridgewater and there she moans about the provincialism of being back and away from the brahimi and lives and so on but it's a hugely interesting insight into the life of the 19th century that you don't usually get. nonetheless, four years after he leaves, he is still writing letters trying to hook up with charlie but he mary's in paris,
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and she was the sister of his best friend at harvard, and quite a beautiful but headstrong woman. and mark twain, the two pillars of the gilded age or the witnesses of the wedding in 1879 come and then by 1885, they had settled in this village of prada by and the photograph. and of course, henry james shows up and puts broadway on a map. by the presence of one of his proteges john sargent sergeant was getting over the scandal in paris and he painted the woman and it caused a huge scandal and of course the sergeant came to
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broadway with the man who painted the mural in this room in the broadway circle. everyone seems to have had a man crushed. he was extremely charming and the sergeant called him a delightful original genius. there were paddling that when the sergeant dived into the water and hit his head and daddy said let's go to broadway and weakens the with our friend and that some of the broadway scene and the painting of the carnation lilly can to being. he didn't spend much time with lilly unafraid. he laughter and broadway to raise the children and he went off to do exciting things one of which was to become the director of the decorations for the chicago world's fair in 1893 and in fact he was the man who made the city white.
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have people read the double in the white city? that starts with frank on the titanic and was his idea. they're desperate. they were up against a terribly tight deadline and they were covered with plaster and frank came up with the idea of painting the whole place white and he even invented a spray painting with a gas pipe and a compressor, so he was a remarkable. he also painted murals and was involved in the presenting of the biggest display of american art and culture ever seen anywhere in italy and showcasing of american art at the chicago world's fair led to the idea of an american academy in rome which paris was in the center of the art world, rome was because they were thought to be what all artists should emulate and all countries, spain, had academy is there. with america coming of age was
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time that america had an academy and of course the project was spearheaded by charles, the man who was the architect who designed the building that we are all sitting in this beautiful renaissance. and of course the big money man of the ages as you know was morgan, that's the man you went to when you have a project. so, he had breakfast with him i think it was 1890 -- 1898 at his ground stone on madison avenue in new york and he got more than he bargained for. he agreed to put up some money for the american academy, but he also said he wanted a library built next door. he told mckim just give me a gem and most people agree though morgan library still stands as one of new york's architectural and you can see the similarity in style to this building certainly. and then if you look again,
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there is another mckim building a top of the hill that is the american academy in rome which was eventually built. but in 1912, frank had gone to rome to deal he had become the master mckim's death had become the director of 50 -- of the american academy. he was a very tired man because he spent a month in rome dealing with administrative problems and headaches and also spent the last ten days paying her course to jpmorgan, never an easy man. they stood together on the hill where the building now stands. was a sight. looking at the plans and talking to the press, and i'm sure morgan was pleased to hear that mckim was going to be boarding his newest ship in a couple of days. morgan himself had planned to be on board one of the sweets but
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he decided to go instead with his mistress. but i begin the book -- there was one part of the job that he was pretty keen on on the site still owned by the american academy, the 16th central cardinal's president and his wife, lily, had become an interior decorator had great plans for it and she hoped to be reunited with her husband there with a serene twilight of their old age, but that wasn't to be. before lilley showed up, frank was staying with archie with whom he had been in washington with for the last few years. now archibald to me is one of the most fascinating people the was ever on the titanic. he was a 47-year-old bachelor. ..
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he is sitting as fat as every. remembered as the fattest president from the huge bathtub. he used to take daily walking walking with archie. this is secretary of state. but this the one secret service man, that all that accompanied the president in those days, that all i'm going to say at secret service men at the moment. [laughter] but this, of course, ask a shot on the titanic taken by francis browne, and of course, the photograph there are few paragraph actually taken on the tennessee. frank is waiting for the titanic to arrive. he has taken a six-hour train trip from paris to get it on the second stop. he left before little arrived and got to see embassy and see
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his brother in england and bored the titanic. frank was planning to dine with him for the first night and was waiting for the ship to come across. here is archie standing on the deck of the titanic talking with two other men. we don't now who they are in the father brown photograph. i have a good print of it. great dmens ireland. if gets fussy if you zoom in. it looks like he gained weight. it looks like he's wearing his military uniforms. he loves to wear uniforms. he's with two men. the one man is looking back at the camera. we don't know who they are. it certainly looks to me like they're looking at the book or looking at something that could be a passenger list, could be anything, but i wonder if this could possibly be george and harry wagner. he is showing the famous copy of the bacon essay.
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he was a book collector. after the death he dedicated the library in memory of i had book collection. i like to think, it's a pure fancy that perhaps archie knew george and harry widener. maybe they're looking at the famous copy of the essays. it's a little bit of fancy on my part. at any rate, after reading a lot within archie wrote the letters almost every day for his mother. when she died to his sister-in-law. he intended them to be published. he knew he was writing a pis larry diary of his white house years and the washington. they are an amazing read. she is -- he full of cleverness. i thought, i could do a dual biography of archie and frank. i researched them both, and i thought, well, it's the titanic,
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stupid. we remember them because they issue on the titanic. why not do them as the protagonist and add ore interesting characters. most books about the titanic in the foreground it's about did the rivets pop and what campments were breached. and until now there hadn't been so much about the people. i thought, let's -- and everyone said, well, it's perfect of the guild today. so i thought, let's move the people in to the foreground and really talk about it at the micro-- i remember a picture i had seen in working on ballard's book. a greek god ease lying on the ocean floor. and it was one of the most striking things ever seen on the ocean floor. of course, it had been misidentified by two titanic historians but ken said no, that's wrong. it was a statute. there's ken and bob and i.
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i took the picture. we spent days in the basement of the lab spooling through miles of footage and getting bob when we found anything exciting. but ken said, it's from the first class lounge. it's a statute out of the art of versailles. it was gilded, of course, it was made of a cheap alloy. it stood on the marble in the first class lounge. it was the most glamorous book on board. they took tea, had a library, it was the social center. when the ship sank it fell on to the ocean floor. it was gilded on the ocean floor, with the water and organizism eaten away i it left the cheap alloy.
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it's a great way to begin the book. what better than the formally gilded statute. i start chapter one again to be a little bit different most books start in southhampton. if i'm talking about the glamorous people, you know, the best microcaw schism boarded at here is bert. they've been on the continue innocent for the season it it was time to go to new port or somewhere like that. they were returning home too many nights and too many grand hotels. so the a train from paris after six hours pulled on to the pier behind the grimy little station. because the titanic and the sister were too big to dock there. of course, when they arrived they discovered the titanic is going to be late.
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and the reason for that, of course, is leaving there the titanic was so huge that water displacement had caused two other liners moored out of the pier to a snap the steel mooring and one smaller liner the "new york" almost collided with the titanic. active a dramatic leaving. people thought it was a bad omen. quick work by the pilot caused it to fly by the "new york" by inches. by the time they got everything straight end out the titanic was delayed it was late arrived there. also waiting on the pier was the wealthiest passenger the world's wealthiest men john jacob astor and their wife, and the party, and the and the kitty. they knew the kitty's name from
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the picture had been in the newspaper all over the newspaper the summer before because the fact that 48-year-old john jacob astor wanted to marry then 17-year-old madeline had caused an enormous scandal. no minister would marry them. the media feasted on the details until he found somebody that would marry them at the knew port cottage but they received a cool reception from astor's social set. so gone abroad in january for awhile and were coming home on the titanic with madeline several months pregnant. also waiting at the port was this woman, lucille one of the world's most elegant woman. in fact one of the world's most chicest woman.
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clay tell me didn't happen until the '20s. she was divorced with no money. she began sewing clothes out of the desperation. he married a scottish man. new york she was having trouble with the lease, so closet moe had come along, they had taken the quickest boat, the nearest boat they could book. it happened to be the tank. this is one of the fashion shows at the lou sill lady gordon's london show. she knew that women liked. why should they look like wax dummies. how about putting a stage in the salon and groomed the working class girls and gave them fancy names and made them in to stars in their own rights and put on the shows with organize strays
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and everything else. she called them the differences. the newspapers dubbed them lady luck with her stuck. she invetted the world's fashion show. she had a room called the rose room. it was hung with pink. and it was victoria's secret. she sold lingerie and made it nice for nice women to wear naughty knickers. she made it respectable and made a lot of money doing that. she also championed the tea gone, the tea gown were the most em blaymatic of all gowns. they were worn at tea time. a time of day when men visited the miss stresses. they were designed without corp. sets. i'll let you figure out the
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rest. they didn't have many difficult buttons and things. this is a label from the salon in paris she opened up about eight months before she boarded the titanic. and of course, the french fashion world had their noses about a mile in the air at the notion of not just an english person but an english woman daring to tackle the capital of the world's fashion. daring to open up in paris. they were prepared for her to fair miserable. but she stunned them all. and even french "vogue" had said we're not used to anything good coming out of england. we are sure that the remarkingble innovation will be copied by everyone here before long. and i always think what a remarkable success that was. particularly for a girl who was once known as just plain lucy sort land who grew up in this
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house around the corner from where i grew up in what was then the backwoods ontario village of wealth ontario. and the house still stands. and i used to walk by it every day. our house wasn't as grand as this, but i was never in it until two weeks ago when the new owners gave me a tour and they restored it lovingly to the way it was. and it was in this house, in this really small town that lucille and her sister grew up. they are at the wedding with the cousin in the middle. eel nor grew up to become the scandalous eleanor glin the first novel was banned in boston. it was where the term comes from. you see her with a tiger skin
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posing on the tiger skin. the key destruction takes on. would you like to sin with eleanor glin on a tiger skin. or ear with her on some other fur. the two girls from wealth rocked the world. the one invited sexy underwear, the other one invited the river. they never looked back once they got out of wealth. this is back when they were growing up. this is the main street. this is the father, the grandfather, i should say -- the father had died that's why they lived with the grant parts. he was the first imagine industry. magistrate. had raised in a french convent and had french relatives once a year the grandfather would saddle up the wagon and go down
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the hill to the deep hoe dirty little wealth and pick up a huge barrel, and take it back to the house. the girls would shiver with anticipation. it was called the welcome barrel. it was last year's fashion send by the french relatives. so the barrel would be pried open and out would come silk dresses with bustles and hats and wigs and gloves and fabric that lou sill would get to use the scraps for her doll's cloalts. think with that at her feet in 1911 what a sweet try yum that was for a girl from a barrel of old clothes from france when was the biggest drill of the childhood. here she is not on the titanic another liner two years later in the signature black with the pearl earrings quite a formidable woman. by then they had not seen the
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titanic. they boarded the ore boat anyway and head to the harbor and wait for the titanic there and several passengers described the scene on the no maddic including this woman margaret to bin browne who is about to begin on a voyage that would, of course, earn her a place in legend as the unthinkable molly brown. he was never called in her lifetime. she was never known as molly in her lifetime. it was a label on the denver writer who wrote a massive biography after her death. she wrote an account what was it was like the cold grays a fear. i spend a chapter looking at the microcause imon board as they wait for the titanic to arrive. of course, it arrives, you know, as the sun was going down. here the painting of the boat
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alongside. the titanic. it is the only white star ship in existence. you see the museum in belfast. this was restored besides it. i was on it when it was a restaurant boat. the top level had been transformed in to one of the japanese restaurants they juggle the knives and it was totally ruined. i was disappointed and i thought, maybe they have washroom, i went downstairs and there was the lounge, you know, with white paneling and carving gar lands on the wall the way it was. that part hadn't changed. i'm longing to see it in ireland. so any rating with by the time they got on board the titanic people were at dinner for the late arriving passenger it must have seemed like they were late comers to a party and frank millet joined archie and clarence moore on the third companion at dinner that night. the next morning, francis
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browne, the man that took the photographs aye been showing you the young candidate for the priest hood was up early. he was getting off in queens town, the third stop in ireland. he was anxious to record everything he could. he took a picture of the first sunrise over the irish sea. at that time before or after breakfast passengers were writing letters because mail had to be dropped at queens town in the harbor. people say how can they send letters from the titanic they dropped them when they anchored off. and the archives broadway disliferred frank's letter the letter he certainly that morning from the titanic. it is a i have vealing letter. i spent a whole chapter. he's writing to his friend another artist and famous garden designer who was a neighbor of his and they were part of the
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original broadway colony. very old france. he describes the tennessee. he talks about the on nix use american. it's revealing of a lot of things. fascinating letter. but also he writes about the queer lot of people on the titanic. he doesn't mean queer in the modern sense. there seems to be a lot of our people as well. what if is he talking about our people. sister evident frank had a gay past. were there gay people on the tank? i have a chapter on that. as frank is writing about the queer lot of people, the man who had quite unintentionally made homosexuality illegal in england was also writing his last letter. wt sted was the most famous journalist in the world, the man
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who really invetted investigative journalist and one of his last letters, which he was scribbling away to meet the deadline he describes the titanic as a splendid huge baseball lon. everyone knew what it meant. a city of sin and wickedness. whatever he meant by the titanic being sinful and wicked. in 1885 in support of reforming the criminal law amendment act to raise the age of consent and get rid of underage prostitution which was a huge problem in london. he set out on a journalist campaign he called the maten tribute of modern baseball lon. he hired salvation army girls to post as prostitutions, you know, and he bought a girl 13 for a
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pounds to prove it could be done. went to prison eventually for doing so even though it was a tested case. anyway, when the maiden tribute article hit the london streets wh smith, the biggest news distributer refused to carry them. said the articles were pornographic. there were rites in the street as people grabbed the copies from the paper. they never seen frank sexual content in print ever. it can caused a sen sogs and huge outrage and so before you know it, the criminal law amendment is rocketing the way through parliament. nicknamed stead law. and stead law about to be signed one parliamenttarian shouldn't we do the same for men who have sex with men. oh. all right. good idea. so they put it in the law and criminalized homosexuality in england until 1957.
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steady never intended this. but ten years later, stead's law set oscar wild to prison for two years and lead to the early death because of the cruelty of hard labor. steady was one of wild's few defenders he said everyone gment there would be a surprising to other prisons. so and he met oscar before he died and said i hope you understand i was never one of the asal i can'ts. but again one thing can lead to another. we're on the titanic now. it's the first day. the titanic stopped off ireland and headed out across the open sea and everyone is having a wonderful time. the sea is like glass. the organize stray plays. the ship is new and great. everyone is having a wonderful time. they are receiving ice berg
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warnings. it is not unusual. the practice is to sail at full speed until it was sided and negotiate around it. wonderful meals in the dining in the restaurant nicknamed the ritz restaurant. another person from my neck of the woods grew up in a town from not far where i grew up. he joined the british army and had no money and become a steward this is the first voyage on the white star. without knowing it, he was related a distant cousin on b deck. so a real downstairs upstairs story. somebody decided to make the turkish bath one of the show piece amendment i amenity. they decorated it with guilding and fancy stuff. people thought you could lose weight in a turkish bath. one of the popular things you did there was a machine you sat on gilded with brass scales and
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it printed out a ticket of your weight. if you lost five pounds job u go back for another 11 course meal in the dining saloon. perhaps you follow it by a dip in the salt water swimming bath what was a real novelty on a ship. some of the german ships had it, and they let water in every day. they heated it. tanks heated the salt water, it wasn't freezing cold when you wept for the dip. i by sunday everybody had relaxed looking forward to be in new york on wednesday. one of the biggest excitements every day was the bedding pool. i did real research and i think i'm the only person who explains how the bedding pool actually works. that was a bit of excitement because they posted the times the ship was doing it. it was better doing on the days than the sister ship. there was a a hope they would
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beat the record. they were not the fastest ships. but there is evidence they were trying to beat the record of the olympics. so sunday night, of course, the famous widener dinner party took place hosted by george and eleanor widener. her she is in the famous pearls an insured for a quarter of million dollars. it was real money then. in honor of captain she inviteddage archie. there was philadelphia main line friend, the carters, he was the vice president of the pennsylvania railroad, his wife was a celebrated beauty. but she was troubled. she had been in swits land getting treatment for nerves and nerves being nervous meant that you had some mental issues. but she an archie butt according to a letter she president after
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it that reproduce in the book. they bonded. she described to the president later it was as if they met in a past life. never before had people come in to contact. he said i was like his mother. age archie was nervous and troubled. fearful upcoming election campaign. he didn't have the stamina to go through with it. it was a monument us dinner. everyone testified that captain smith left the table by 8:45 and that agrees with the second officer's testimony because smith game on the bridge at about that time. they looked through the baa -- they spotted the ice. smith had ordered that the bridge be dark end so they could see better this they said if anything is in the slightest doubt. let me know. they remarking it was a pity the
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sea would be calm. there was no waves to see the bergs or moon to see the bergs. they were going at the fastest speed they had gone. of course ab you know famous look out fred fleet sited a huge shape up ahead rang the bell, called the phone. iceberg ahead. murdoch had seen it. went charging in and gave the command to turn the wheel, fleet in the ceo slowly turn. and they passed the iceberg. this was a grinding jar on the star board side, which of course, was the titanic they toll blow. if it hit it straight on it might have survived. but by scraping along the side, they managed to breach more than four compartments. the first four were saled and water tied beyond they were not. the first men were the stokers
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in boiler room got a blast of water and charged through the water tight door. the ship was divided in 16 water-tight compartments. it only went up to the bottom decking. thomas an descries many books say captain called andrew. it seemed clear that andrew was already down below finding out what happened. he saw in the mail room, mail floating and knew it was serious. the cap has an hour to an hour and a half at best. it got two hours and 40 minutes. i think largely due to the efforts of the heroics stokers who stayed down below and kept the lights own and did much to keep the ship from sinking more quickly than it actually did. the order for lifeboats was given after midnight and here you see people going up the grand staircase with the life belts over the dressing gowns
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and over the fur coats. and of course, arthur was from around the corner, again from me, he had big house on the street which was millionaire's row and a huge estate on the lake north of the city. he ran in to another canadian. one of the bachelor trio. thompson said the order is for life belts and boats. you tell hugo ross, it was another member of the bachelor trio. he had come down in jipt and had to be carried on the titanic on a stretcher. he said, it'll take more than an iceberg to get me out of my bed. and that was a last that was heard of hue go -- hugo ross. ..
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wrote an account of the titanic they wished themselves to see oblivious to the danger, and it wasn't until they walked out of the room that they saw the sloping, people on lifeboats and how serious this was. they began firing rockets a little bit down alcohol and on about and of course they had mean mant delete command only one thing they wouldn't be firing rockets if it weren't serious that they did hear the band playing and the orchestra
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and turns verger fighting across so it didn't really seem all the serious. as you know there was a shift in nearby. very likely the california. they could see the ship was shot down an ice, and the men on watch, the radio man had tried to warn of the titanic that had been told to keep out and shut up. said he had gone to bed. most of them had gone to bed. the captain was told that there was fire and said the signal room it's a very long story i want to get into it all but be that as it may they never came to the rescue. there may have been more. there may have been as many as 20 but they didn't come to the rescue in 1500 people died. everybody knew the ship was shrinking to the dhaka sinking and they went off heavily
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filled. by 2 a.m. the propellers were rising out of the water and score some men are still not panicked they think they can swim for it. henry m. olson was seen taking off his socks and shoes. he thought he could swim for it. so did charles from winnipeg, captain of the hockey team. his sister for years had visions of her brother in the water and of course these are people that are believed to have some room for it. their bodies were never recovered. we now know that figure is exercise in freezing water only increases the effect of title fear mia and you actually die more quickly. at about 2:15 the water went crashing through the glass dome over the grand staircase. the titanic as we know broke into which means the third and fourth bottle. there had been new recreations of how it broke in to and three
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places and the mapping done recently over the brief was showing more sequence which i won't go into. but 28 men and that's coming to this overturned collapsible 17-year-old the senior surviving officer and of course archibald gracie that wrote one of the best accounts of the titanic and then died after the disaster. the real hero of the story i think one of the heroes is of course the captain which was many miles away but he responded immediately as soon as he got the message. he still has his head funds on and he raced into action and he said of hospitals on board and made hot drinks and did everything to get ready and raced through the night posted all around the bell of the ship
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dodging icebergs at dawn only to see the lifeboats bobbing on the rising flout. they described as a ship of sorrow since almost everybody had lost someone on the ship and it's clear that many of the people were suffering from what we now call ptsd. but lucille unfortunately couldn't hold her case or anyone else very much. she decided it would be nice to have a reunion of her lifeboat. she'd been on the lifeboat that could have held 40 but held only 12. and she wanted to pose for pictures and everybody signed their lifeboats as a souvenir. in the lifeboat her husband promised each of the men of fiber to replace and they handed out a promissory notes to the men and this later became the biggest scandal in england following the titanic because
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the newspapers reported that the millionaires, the lord and lady is both had been arranged for their own private though to but not rescue any of the drowning and they brought the crewmen to keep quiet about it and the newspapers were filled with the story and 40,000 people clogged lower manhattan waiting for the arrival of the rescue ship but only 712 survivors from the more than 2200 who had been on board. lucille and her husband got back to england she decided when they stepped off the list azania every newspaper kiosk had a billboard saying read about the titanic to drowning and it ruined her husband's life. they voluntarily agreed to appear before the british inquiry to try to clear their name and they were exonerated, but as she said, a great deal of the mud stuck to his boat and it ruined. she said i didn't mind for
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myself. she claimed that actually helped her business of the notoriety helped her business but poor cosmo was ruined for life. as they were steaming into new york the ships from halifax for scheming to the site of the marquee. three injured bodies were recovered and 119 were buried at sea. they came to halifax and a horse-drawn hearse is pulled up to take the bodies to the converted temporary morgue. 150 people who couldn't afford to be shipped home and families couldn't afford still had the day in halifax. the most moving as that of the unknown child which always have flowers and balloons and things on it and recently they did dna testing and found that this was a 19 month old baby that was found floating at the site. the man actually paid for the
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burial and for the head stone to be erected and we found out two years ago when he was. the baby was 19 months old sydney lesley good win of the family. all seven of them died they were in third class to viagra. none of them survived. but the family relations can to the re-dedication of the monument in halifax and said leave it as an unknown child. we don't need to put the name on a monument. and in the recently given to the halifax museum of the atlantic sidney good when's beebee shoes. the policeman had actually taken them and later donated them to the museum and helped identify the baby but they are very poignant memento and when i look at them they reminded me of the most poignant moment i had during the research as the deeps
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of marchant. we were endlessly looking at the footage. he could have done it all day. every bit of rusted metal was enthralling to him and i would say i think we've got enough pictures for the buck. no, no. there's always more. so we've done this endlessly. then one day when i just about had it, we can across this picture and others like it, shoes clearly where the bodies were under water organisms and bones and bodies and close but they were repelled by the tanning of the letter so this to me the titanic was indeed recently i was visiting my mother in that same town. we grew up to fergus a town just north and found the grave of thompson the man that went to one of the three musketeers from winnipeg and found a plaque on the grave and he was one of the
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last body is found. he was in another submerged lifeboat wearing his life jacket. was on the after the titanic had some that the vote was recovered by the oceanic and was buried at sea but the family put a plaque on his great. i also visited frank's grave in east bridgewater where he was buried and he had stones from broadway while the others you can see. in the village and in washington they erected a monument he was moved by laws outside of the white house they erected a fountain in memory of -- archie butt and there was a lunch date with the inscription in latin about his death on the titanic.
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so, i think we are all reminded of the scale of the tragedy of that attack. -- the titanic. that is how many people died that night just over a century ago. when walter finally wrote we have the bouck ready and walter delivered his introduction for the book the discovery of the titanic i asked what is the meaning of the titanic and he said the titanic and of his the pattern of tragedy in our own lives from initial everything is fine to then growing awareness it can't be wrong to the final and we all go through this in our lives and we see it reenacted on the titanic over and over again and the tragedy is in part about the titanic story. >> thanking very much for your
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attention. [applause] >> i realize i have gone way over my time. well as long as nobody is trying to flee and will come look at the books have you don't have to buy one that come and look at it. if you have any questions -- >> [inaudible] for the passengers to immigrants or were there also monnet immigrants and is it true that most of the 1500's that died or passengers that attract way down? >> well yes, there were far more third class passengers had died there were significant numbers of men who died from all classis, but certainly that is part of the reason gordon almost set off a class war and was running very high because so many more third class passengers
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had died per capita. i have the numbers in the book with the ratios are and i sure you've seen them in the newspapers and all that. and yes, the gate between third class and the other class was closed for much of the night. they were eventually opened. they were open to let third class women up on deck and then eventually they were late on opened to the third class men as well. so, they're in the district to the fact as the old songs as they kept them down below where they were the first to go there is truth to that but the story is a little more later and nuanced them just that. you see third passengers were when they arrived in new york they were expected and there is evidence they had more so it was a part of the quarantine not to excuse it in any way but they have suffered much, much more
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than any of the other classis. yes? >> across the street in the white house in latvia -- >> it used to be called the president's park. it's right outside the south lawn, and it used to be a roadway. it was a blade and in a book i have a picture of it in 1913, but then now it's got barriers because of my 11 -- 9/11 but you can look in ballan and c. michelle obama's bet vegetable garden and it says nothing about the titanic. and nobody knows who archie butt and frank were, so people -- the park ranger horses drink at the fountain but other than that, nobody knows what it's there for. >> why was this man so busy
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transmitting didn't he receive and read the news about the icebergs? >> receiving messages all day many of them had been posted to the bridge and he was the lead person whose testimony we have to go on the last message from california wasn't posted on the bridge. we only have his word to go on ad. we don't know for sure but there is certainly the story that when the californians gave us the message that they were stopped and trout in ice, jack the senior tacked back and said keep out on him working he made contact with new fenland and the relay station for wireless and he had all kind of passenger messages. the room at the time was by that company that invented wireless
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and wasn't a part of the shift navigation they were supposed to transmit messages to the bridge into the mostly debt. but according to him, that key message that they were just about to enter never got to the bridge. >> on the harvard university to our dedicated the stipulations as to the university protocol. vanilla ice cream and kept it serious fabric can never be moved and the teaching swimming to all professions. >> i heard the story and i don't know. i mean, i think it is beautiful. the boss that i showed you that is in the library -- >> i enjoyed your speech.
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>> [inaudible] >> different pronunciations. we think you are renouncing it wrong. [laughter] >> i would ask you my favorite book -- what they call a read. absolutely fascinating. i want to get an idea of what kind of material you briefed and went through to create entire conversations to give such of account of the dinner parties and the costumes etc. which brought the story home and with your detailed knowledge of the characters on board the ship could there be any particle for the character? >> well, people say that between the love affair between the third class boy and fourth class
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girl. sure. there are quite a number of independent minded women on the titanic. of course it was far too old to be, but she had a romance with a very hand some school dressed. she was in her 50s and he was in his 40's, and so not quite so dramatic, but they call each other but to and she later wrote about it in a very romantic way. so there were indeed a number of shipboard romances. there was an english suffrage named edith who had taken part in the demonstrations with the famous suffrage leader in england. so, collectively i think that you could come up with a spunky independent-minded woman on the titanic. no one precisely like that come in and of course the likelihood
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of a boy from third class. but it is a movie. without the romance would you all have gone? know. >> one of the smokestacks fell over that someone had gone up to the top on that area. >> they were trying to free them. >> perhaps that is one of the reasons the smokestacks fell when they did. >> i don't think there is any evidence they could have ever cut those. they did hang on to them. i believe they were trying to free the collapse. but the overturned boat that i showed you was one of the two with canvas sides of restored upside down. they were desperately trying to cut the lashing but i've never
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heard that they did anything to stay nor could they have. when the ship broke into coming and did it all one people in the water and not it seems john jacob astor as has often been claimed. yes. anyone else? >> it would be a disaster in what is a night to remember. >> well, to give james cameron his view i think the way of the ship looks is astonishing. it's recreated the look of the ship with fighting i've not seen the 3g version but certainly the way that it looks, the way the room looks, she had the ultimate stickler, so it looked
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absolutely astonishing. of course it is a movie there are lots of inaccuracies in that but then there's the waterless version. i'm very fond of a right to remember. there is beautiful cinematography in the night to remember and when i look at it again they had some of the actual themes in the light to remember perhaps as a kind of omage. comparing the two which is more accurate, i suppose night to remember is more of a documentary style but doesn't have quite the invented character as everyone in night to remember is intended to be a genuine character. so i guess in terms of accuracy it is the more accurate of the two. but each have their marriage, and i have a soft spot for the cameron movie. it's interested so many people in the titanic and i am willing to forgive it.
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and the fellows that made the ministry the land-based for lack of accuracy i didn't see a whole series but as filled with inaccuracies and how the accused cameron of being an accurate, i don't know. it's hilarious. they have a free on board standing like a welch choir singing at the top of their lungs. >> i like that character. >> i told the story alfred brush was the boy that began 16 on april 14th, got his long pants and said i am a man, so she didn't go with frankie and his mother when they got into the lifeboat he was only naim but it's the collapsible and he got
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in leader. yes. >> she is a person as interest also. >> sure. well, you know, i had to limit it. but people say that it was the man escaped. it was his name by the newspapers and he did step into the light said he did become the captain of the disaster. but, you know, to me he is a hard man to like. he wasn't a very likable person, and there are certainly testimony's she was urging the captain to, you know, the faster and get there ahead. he was quoted as saying get into new york on tuesday and the testimony by a passenger that over heard this so there is evidence to encourage the shift to go faster.
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>> he retired and his wife said it ruined the titanic. she was even more scapegoating. i have some sympathy for cosmo but not so much. we all have our favorites. yes? >> first of all, i loved your presentation manager delivery. thanking. >> my question is are there any -- is there any recording of remorse for good deeds by people who may have felt guilty because they didn't leave enough room or should not have a state? >> yes. i mean, there was a huge number more than an average number among the survivors although none of them seem to have had
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anything to do with the titanic. but, there was a lot of ptsd. the man i mentioned that wrote one of the better accounts called the truth about the titanic by before it published in 1913. and according to his wife, she would call out in his sleep get to them in the boat. get them all into the boat and that is a very dramatic story. the tragedies that happened afterwards. they had only one son and he was killed in a car accident after they all survived the titanic. the family of montreal took the one-year-old baby into a lifeboat and the family believes she never told of the mother because she ran around with her 2-year-old daughter looking for the baby and when they realized
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the life both had gone and the father's body was recovered but never the mother or the 2-year-old and we found the head of the ocean's floor and we took it to rochester and said this all would only have belonged to a wealthy girl, the only one to die was two-year-old loranne allyson so we speculate could have belonged to loranne. but then trevor the 1-year-old brother those raised by the aunt and uncle. so, i mean, the ironies and the tragedies -- wilson has written quite a good book called shadows of the titanic that people have said is complementary to mind she goes into more detail about what happened to the people after the titanic. it's all about the after lives of some of the people. i didn't even talk about dorothy
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gibson, the prettiest girl, she had a whole incredible career after the titanic. in light of her story, and i have a few friends here they are people that study the passenger lists say they've never found a passenger list quite like the titanic. you could say welcome any ship, the mauritania would have had a similar group of interesting people because the people that travel by liner that the people but study these things tell me they've never found a passenger list quite as equal as the titanic. one passenger said it was a collection of beautiful women and lucey gordon said was a wonderful world of velte on pleasure. all these coincidences and a gathering of people that happened. we don't believe in fate or premonition or any of that, and yet all of these very curious things came together on that
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might 100 years ago, and i think it is quite fascinating to these days. is connected in a thing happen to the crew of the captain for their action in helping the folks on the titanic? >> yeah. he was censured by the british inquiry and i think the only person who was. and he lost his post with the lion that he worked for and he ended up having hot ash or chemicals and then the book came out and he became notorious all over again and a mounted a huge campaign to restore the reputation and his son tried to do so after his death but he got him at 61 or 62. today there is a whole band of titanic buffs who defend vociferously the captain lord and if you say anything about the california he will get nasty. so i didn't go into the controversy very much because i didn't want to deal with all of
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the crazy words and if that isn't what it was about. there's been countless books written about both sides of the california controversy and people really defend him and feel that he has been made a scapegoat. i don't think you can get around the fact that he never woke up even as a radio operator to find out what is going on and so forth. don't stick them on me. another question. ..
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