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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 2, 2012 1:00am-2:00am EDT

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are typically overlooked by some of the larger commercial presses. we look for books that highlight arguments about what akel reform most notably in the last two years are book the new jim crow has done just that. 20 weeks on the bestseller list as of this week for a 20th anniversary and we were founded in 1992 by the famous editor of and beyond books so our history is very much providing an alternative viewpoint. we are celebrating this year with studs terkel on the bestseller list 20 weeks and an incredible moment for us as a publisher. >> tell us one more book you're excited about coming out this fall. >> well, the shadow girls by handing. henning is a swedish police
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procedural list who'd recently gained great fame and notoriety in the west. we introduced him to american readers with a long series of books, and his most recent book the shadow girls has been translated and we are introducing it in the fall. it is a wonderful work of literary fiction but we have been with henning for so long that it's great to bring out his latest book and celebrated as well. ..
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>> good to see you. which are in columbus, ohio. the house james -- james thurber liv dan and compared with mark twain. a humorous but a master of the short form.
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very well known for his cartoons and his career at the yorker called one of the great writers. like to move through the house to tell the stories we know as the father of three boys had a lot to put up with. they always had two or three dogs. this is where he would retire to put himself in isolation. repellent great to quote he was a politician ever a striking man but he himself writes a chapter about people who have an impact.
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it certainly tells you about charles thurber. he was plagued by the mechanical and the manufacturer that takes more ground. doors, lines, the detachable would not attach adjustable would not adjust. he was forever trying to on lonesome thing with the key to something else. charles was quite a man and she was a fisher they're a very famous it -- famous family and fu stories for you to understand how what works. in the kitchen mom used to
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bake brownie is. they had a dog who like to bite people. she had a cavalier attitude she just major she knew they were so o the boys could give chocolate and brownies every christmas. she had a sister who did not like dogs and they did not like her either. but they had a great plan to go get some dog food they had two or three at the time. the sisters said i am so busy will you feed the dogs? she said just put a plate at
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the top of the stairs. no problem. you can imagine. he writes with wonderful humor. they burst out she grabbed room and chased them out from under the windows, under the bet and it was chaotic. at the end as charles rights , i hope you're satisfied and james writes, she was. wind another story as remove upstairs. of banister just like this. charros was sitting in the parlor in a serious way and his mom in a negligee stood in a banister and proclaimed
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they let me out of the attic. port charles live with her happily all of these years. although when they were visiting in washington his brother wanted to play. of those two his wisdom he had his back to his brother and turned up the wrong time and had his i put out to. he had a glass eye so the other i went bad and the last four or five years of his life he was legally blind.
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there is a pitcher you may not see too well but him to see. his life at ohio state was interesting. he had trouble and was not good at baseball with no depth perception. their 49 did not graduate. when he was in connecticut ross was the editor it solidified him as a writer most short pieces were published and the cartoons
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got rave reviews. then have a real cartoonist came in and said how can you turn down my work? he said no, no, no. third ranked artists. they have a plan working relationship. you wrote to a play called the male animal that was made into a movie. if you are a strong buy van he is not fond the the football program. because he never refers to the university by name.
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and walter this picture here. because it was put to into a movie. he would daydream he was saving the world. james thurber stayed in this room. this is one piece that belonged to him as a young reporter with my life and hard times. and there was a flood here 1913 and was very serious. it caused a lot of problems. but that is when thurber talked about the panic
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people 5 miles away running down the street yelling we will die. james thurber is a local boy so that brought people to restore the house not only is it now open for tour, we have a right to an academy academy, a camp programs, so as a writer he was given a chance to make it the center for great riding. -- writing.
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>> both parties to go off of ohio. going back and forth with control. there was a period they literally did. it is a big state with a lot of electoral college votes and is one of about a dozen states that is competitive. so you put together the big prize with the competitiveness and that means governor romney had a bus tour a couple weeks ago and president obama and, last week. we will see more campaign ads that most people will see. columbus, had the highest
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degree of political advertising. it was june. both candidates will court this area. war in harbored sympathizers but these counties to the south call the military district you did not get paid were given land. it was part of the west. they carried with them their culture and background. but they were sympathetic to that culture.
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and the states just south of us and there was a lot of activity the governor ohio declared martial law to rein in the confederate sympathies. but if politicians would be successful statewide but on the northern side the union army took many leading officers from ohio. then they came back to ohio so it became the republican
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party organization. particularly in the northern part of a ohio. you as a politician and why they have to appeal to both groups. you could also appeal to the whole country and those for many decades come from ohio. because they could compete in the state with sympathizers of both sides of the great divide, value the seas s. grant the head of the army came back and
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got to into politics as a loyal republican. william perry harris then was a soldier here in ohio born in virginia. all three states claimed him but he was successful because he could adapt to the midwest. going into the 20th century with william howard taft, president of the united states, as cincinnati was a southern town and trade was with the south and home of the underground railroad. they can get at of kentucky
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and were safe and could be disbursed partying was from marion ohio, william mckinley elected president sell a bunch of ohio wins. james garfield you have presidents who came during this period after the civil war up through the 1920's pulling presidents from other parts of the country that tend to be more moderate. not ideologues that is still true statewide. attendance the to be more
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pragmatic and light -- less ideological. if you try to compete in the general election in helps to swing to the middle. but ohio generally is the average state. almost every demographic group is well represented here. catholic, fundamentalist, ma instream, protestants, ethnic groups. the only one is maybe the hispanics. some places as a significant concentration. they do not amount to two
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much but demographically almost as if you want to test a consumer product you have every slice that you want. it is also a big cities day. >> do foresee ohio being an important state always 40 elections? >> in the foreseeable future. it is not growing as fast as other states. we lost two congressional we lost two congressional seats with the most recent reapportionment. that will probably continue to happen. the sun belt tend to be growing although the
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recession has hurt them. as long as we are significant in the electoral college, and compatible -- competitive we will be the battleground. both candidates have to win ohio said they will go at it. and be here all lot. >> we are here at the
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creighton special collection room with the manuscript library from the ohio state university collections department and the research library. i am here to talk about the art collections and to give a sense what we have by violating a few examples of what i like. some more ran down. first, my white whale. probably with my very biased opinion with the most beautiful items. it is an example of early 13th century transitional bible.
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prior to that many did not look at all like we think of them today. larger volumes and pages. he would likely have the bible and the multi volume said. put the early century with cultural changes were happening. the horn be is a result of that. with the early 13th century you had the emergence of universities and the friars and with the rise the bible became the centrally the court textbook.
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something that is standard or why it is possible when we don't have the mechanical reproduction. so dearly 13th century they develop new waves within you have ordering and ordering of the book starting with genesis and ending with apocalypse. certainly other facets start to fall. look at this. you can see the roman numerals. this is the outline the has been assigned other surveys medieval period so these
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numbers start to fall out of fashion and it is free chapter and reorganized. we can see an example happening. they are the old traditional numbers. we can see they have been kriet -- crosstalk. -- crossed out to. this chapter has been crossed out with a revision and the old traditional chapter gives way to the 13th century style of ordering. eventually it is the same when we look at the bible today. it is extremely sick of a camper go between 1210 and
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1220 it survived intact the third 1981 it was tragically sold auction and broken apart immediate the. the sort distributed for tax purposes and sold off piece by piece. then it ohio state team in possession of 150 of those leaves and over the last few years it has become an obsession to tried to piece together as many pieces as possible. we're sitting at 181 the use of a 440. these two are our newest editions. we acquired this in april
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and so we need to reconstruct the bible but because the different changes we see working in the manuscript constitute the missing link in. the fundamental step of the evolution from the early medieval period as an extremely important witness i would encourage anyone to please get in touch with ohio state. a late 14th century copy and this is a legendary. three zinn we show it to you
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today is because of this little guy right here. an original medieval ballpark. still bounded to the original binding with tears in overboard and i don't have the exact senses but a an extremely low number of that still survived and most of those to not a cyst they're not bound. but this is based significant fact but also it is rare.
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books lucky at the layout could be pretty hard to read. the color is operating also serve as punctuation. so medieval readers help to get them through however the whole process of reading a book. >> i will show you how networks. the other is like any normal modern or bound book it to is printed with a string but there are four columns.
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>> they notice and it spends on the back. we will drop this and stop it right there. >> sera the fourth apollo. we have to steps. page opening and call a marker. this is extremely fragile but this is a news and would allow you to move the bookmark up and down the string to not only mark the page 10 column but the exact
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position. a very creative way people developed to help move through their tax to. this is probably a their wrist we have and it is a very popular feature of the late 14th century manuscript. martin luther considered the father of the modern protestant church. the history of the paris possible terms, they hammered on the wittenberg. it starts but they do not like his challenge of authority and also the
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system of indulgent -- indulgence for people could buy forgiveness for their sins. there was a good day participate in many ground with catholic authorities and then 1520 luther bes for their sins. there was a good day participate in many ground with catholic authorities and then 1520 luther began the final breaking with the roman catholic church and the protestant movement. ohio state has the reformation collection consists over 600 titles their rear perching close to 700. every aspect of the german reformation ohio is extremely lucky of the early german protestant movement.
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user all written by martin luther. addressed to the termination but it will become as the years come by basically what this doctor dictates is no personal relationship need not be mediated by priest. to take their own salvation into their hands. on the the blood inactivity it was probably losers most antagonistic this was october 152080 attacks the
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structure to pay particular attention with the eucharist and perhaps this is the first printed occurrence of attention with the eucharist and perhaps this is the first printed occurrence of looser calling the pope the anti-christ. there is no going back. then to on the freedom of the christian taxed, we see luther same the peso christian does not believe in god because he is compiled or a free and willing pursuit of charity
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because you love it -- of god, not because you are compelled to love god. >> these three men got together and went out for coffee. 10 months after the war on afghanistan had begun. there was a lot of reports of the civilian casualties forgo these three were very upset and talking about what they could do to enact revenge. or send a message. so they throw the adr about
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the hoover dam and christopher thought that was a good idea and the third men who was a somali immigrants said to shoot up a shopping mall. this meeting which was a good idea and the third men who was a somali immigrants said to shoot up a shopping mall. this meeting which was casual to toss out idea christopher thought that was a good idea and the third men who was a somali immigrants said to shoot up a shopping mall. this meeting which was casual to toss out ideas became extremely significant. the following year they came across the one who had been in columbus five 1/6 years by then. authorities came across his name with another immigrant from baltimore and associated with khalid sheikh muhammed the architect of 9/11.
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then they came across with caris to check out the brooklyn bridge it turns out he visited afghanistan and had been -- bad to the terrorism training camps and met osama bin laden and the fbi was very interested in him. ferris was questioned march 2003. he mentioned a conversation they had and the idea to shoot up some shopping mall. and also the name of christopher came up. even to the in the slowdown in effect with three were
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arrested and a charge. and also would terrorism related crimes he pleaded guilty in may in virginia of 2003. the radio was he had a lot to offer the government and could maybe get a reduction in his sentence. but his case leaked and the government was forced to publicize the conviction and then ferris loss a bargaining chip meanwhile the government was very interested in that somali immigrant. he had a family and they were tracking him and more concerned about the shopping mall threat. somebody made a throw a
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comment and we announced to them government agents spent weeks searching every mall in columbus at med -- midnight with search dogs, the s.w.a.t. teams looking for anything. maybe a bomb. there is something comical that there could be bombs sitting in village uraeus shopping malls but the government to could not take anything for granted. the one throwaway remark would to the investigations in the meantime there was a debate can we arrest him?
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we don't have a warrant. there is a big legal fight the decision was made to a rest ari the day after thanksgiving lonesome immigration charges then ultimately after questioning nonstop three-- here acknowledged the conversation at the coffee shop and was charged. he was on his way to morning prayers and his family did not see him for another six lengths and was not charged another eight months but there was another case pending. with third one in the trio grow up in worthington, a suburb that is older than
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columbus and a small number of african-americans but group and a close family going to ohio state he converted to islam in became radicalized that is when there was concern about the atrocities the soviets were carrying out. he changed his name and went to afghanistan. muslims from around the world to join the fight and became radicalized and ultimately returned to columbus marrying a pakistani woman and changed his name again to christopher paul. the assumption was he wanted a more american name to distract people from who he
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might be. he stayed in close contact with terrorist cells in germany. he did travel to germany and crossed paths with people who had direct contact with the 9/11 hijackers. he had nothing to do with it but was in the circle. then he was living a quiet life but still involved with the radical notions and people. the fbi took a long time but all three word charged with material support prosecutions. the terrorism law was beefed up after 9/11. this has been used widely to urging support to terrorist.
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but it does not mean that you did anything but provided aid and money it even yourself in the cause. christopher paul you would consider a passionate ideological% he did not fight the prosecution at all. they refused to testify or offer any information to help them. the somali receive delight sentence. he is scheduled to be released summer 2012. but he is not a u.s. citizen.
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and somali is not a functioning government. it is unclear if he can even be deported. ferris was never tried. he went back and forth but then struck a deal to plead guilty to two of the charges in exchange for continued cooperation. year agreed. there is a full transcript but only later he got cold feet when the face became public he was not worth anything to the government any more. than there was a long court battle he tried to have the conviction thrown out. he lost whenever level.
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also serving a 20 year sentence in colorado some of his inmates are like robert hansen and the unabomber. they're pretty good examples of what the betterment was trying to do after 9/11. they were under enormous pressure to make sure nothing happened again. a a existed before 9/11 the prosecution points out the government felt it had to go after every lead a matter how minor in the end. some thought it was a stretch to go after ari
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after issue being offered about the shopping mall but it shows a complete change to investigating and prosecuting. >> host: we will no longer start from the terrorist explosion we are now to prevent those types of things. clearly that is what you saw. going after people who had not done anything violent. they wanted to stop something from happening.
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one of the first vein this is illustrate this was a story that happened to unfold in ohio. is to replace it and it just happened it was the ohio. >> white is the library museum named after billy ireland? hiro for the columbus dispatch from 1898 until his death in 1935 so he spent 37 years. at the cartoon library
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however mesh -- mission is to make available cartoon art includes graphic novels, editorial cartoons, comic strips and comic books. what i have here are the pages from billy ireland every sunday. you can see his style like up popples in this piano over here master of gentle sarcasm and as you see here
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once to find people for sneezing in public. how do you stop that? so here you see his pride to save them magnolia trees are more beautiful than the cherry trees. this is at the end of 1918 hoping that is the peaceful year. and it is the beleaguered father hoping it will be a peaceful and quiet little girl. these are some of the editorial cartoons and the
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"pittsburgh courier." it is great to see the examples of satire. u.s. very loyal to lyndon b. johnson. and why it was important. and the first african-american to be admitted into the university of mississippi. even a retired general tried. uncle sam shows protecting him and he gave the boy ase
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ase bank on the bottom for not allowing him to go to the university. political cartoons depend on comment imagery. and was a cartoonist 3256 and the only female cartoonists in the country. with dead donkey as a democrat party and they are pulling the party into different directions. the takes of physical
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feature to exaggerate. using the analogy socialism is like a lie yen getting detailed clipped with their reflection on world war ii but what the average person and thought about the issues of the day. the open 100 years there the primary sources from any given place in time >> homicide rate since rule were to is the answer best to this question to you
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believe the public officials are on this? wind answered yes we don't kill each other and when we say no but it has been extraordinarily high blic offics are on this? wind answered yes we don't kill each other and when we say no but it has been extraordinarily high for over one century our homicide rate was between four times our 10 times are more. we had a0 times are more. we had a pretty high rate. put foremost of the 20th century was around between nine or 10. towns like a small number.
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but will supply that buy life expectancy. said each year you have that chance. and multiplied at and if we could maintain the rate is a roughly 160 children born today would be murdered the statistics go white/non-white 160 white males or 110 non white females and 127 -- one at the 27 non-white males. now the homicide rate is lower than it was through
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the early 1990's but still talking about one up of every 200 children would be murdered. we look at the united states probably had the lowest homicide rate and factoring in emergency care and emergency medicine it was an extraordinarily low rate. there are periods when they are very low. monday are most likely to commit murder it was not like that in the past.
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they were among the least homicidal. something changed in the early 20th century became more likely to kill. doesn't mean they're less likely to be murdered compared to other americans but not the perpetrators but the victims. african-american had a low homicide rate against themselves their less likely to kill each other than the whites.
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it is not the particular group are murders but how that changes over time is what we try to figure out. beginning in the 1840's and '50's when the country fell apart and we're beginning to see is whether they get into a dead leave bar fight feelings of believes associated with government. associated with government. we have a failure of nation-building. in during reconstruction and
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easily 100,000 murders coming out of that devastating event. with that average breaking down they don't have that sense of a hollow feeling for the national religious group the murder rate can skyrocket some of the places with the borderland but that is when we were kicked out but up until the end the homicide rate was lower up and tell that to the country was working pretty well. during the nixon administrations that is when the rates were highest.
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when did they peak? 1980 with the accumulated danger over affirmative action. the humiliation of the hostage proactively that a lingered. and the white murder rate was the highest. and then ronald reagan comes then it it plummets. just like roosevelt said we will move in another direction. people start to trust him to say government cares. the homicide rate dropped rapidly for all americans.
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uc it under reagan also. it has to do with how people feel about the person. list corollary i found with the murder rate and this is strange the percentage of new counties named after national heroes. george washington, jefferson wins the number is low it dropped in the 1840's and 50's people thought we run not a nation anymore and deeply divided. the murder rate went up. also the colonial period. with the glorious revolution of the 1680s that increase trust in


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