tv Book TV CSPAN September 8, 2012 8:45pm-10:00pm EDT
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really rough character. he was also an inspiring leader it turns out. he was only in his late 30s. he was the man who declared war on al qaeda. his closest american contact in this war was travis patriquin and patriquin told anybody who would listen, he is the key to ramadi. nothing will work without him. he is the center of gravity for us and maybe he can change everything. this might be the way out of iraq for us. turns out largely what patriquin wanted it to because he proved to be very effective in fighting al qaeda and try to begin to flip from pro-al qaeda to the coalition side. in my book there are few scenes of patriquin in action. one of them was patriquin first
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met him. he shows up with a mustache and he speaks arabic slang, iraqi arabic and his first meeting face-to-face at what part of iraq are you from, the north or the south? patriquin as he often did would say something like no i'm from chicago. i am an american and many iraqis were befuddled by that because he thought he might've been an iraqi left as a child and done over and came back with a funny western accident. they met and quickly became very close allies through this struggle. >> you can watch this and other programs on line of >> you dinesh d'sousa presents his thoughts on what a second term for the obama administration would look like. the author contends that the president's policies would greatly reduce america's global force.
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it's about one hour, 10. [applause] >> thank you. please sit down. i am excited and thrilled to be here with barack obama in this election year. i think we are dealing with one of the most mysterious and odd figures ever to occupy the oval office. a few days ago, i received a phonecall. i didn't recognize the area code and a phonecall was actually from kenya and i answered it and it was actually george obama, the president's half brother.
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he is the youngest son of barack obama senior, and he said dinesh, i am calling because my 2-year-old son is in the hospital. he has a serious chest condition and i wonder if you are willing to help me. i said are you at the hospital, george? he said yes and i said hand the phone over to the nurse. so he did and the nurse confirmed that george's son was sick with a chest infection. so i told george that would send him $1000 by western union but before i hung up the phone i said george, isn't there anybody else you can ask? why are you calling me? [laughter] and he said, no. he said dinesh and this was the line the kind of killed me, you are like a brother to me. now, i thought to myself, here is a young man who who is the
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half-brother of the president of the united states, barack obama. he is not only a multimillionaire but he is the most powerful man in the world. and yet his half brother can't call him in a time of need, and the same half brother is living in a six times 10 hut slum dog millionaire style in nairobi. he has to walk through sewage tickets to the nearest street, so this is the guy living not just in poverty but you would have to say in third world poverty. so what's going on here like there is a simple explanation, that barack obama is a hypocrite. he has made the idea that we have obligations to our fellow man the centerpiece of his re-election campaign. one of his favorite lines which he recently uttered at the national prayer breakfast is, we
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are our brother's keeper. in my film, 2016, by the way the film is coming to michigan. you should just look at our web site, 2016 the [applause] but in the film i asked george. i say george, obama says we are our brothers keeper. you are his brother. what has he done to keep you? and quite revealingly george said, go ask him. so hypocrisy seems to be the natural explanation and by the way george is not an isolated case. barack obama has been and, obama's sister not including his immediate family. this is his closest living relative and as we speak she is selling coal on the streets of a small village in kenya. she has no teeth and wants to
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get dentures but doesn't have the money. obama hasn't contributed a penny to help her either. in 2006 obama winds to his hometown where his father grew up at the local school there and they were so excited they were coming they renamed the school of barack obama school. obama toured the school with all kinds of celebrities and the prime minister of kenya and obama said i'm going to help the school. i'm going to provide books and facilities. you don't have sanitation and you don't have proper water supplies. i'm going to look out for you. since then the school has send multiple requests and letters and reminders with absolutely no help forthcoming from obama. once again the simple explanation is we are just dealing with a guy who doesn't live by his own standards, but i want to suggest there is actually a deeper mystery than that. something else is going on in here we get to the heart of the
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ideological mystery of barack obama. who is this guy collects interestingly both on the left and the right, there is an effort to stick obama into american history. oh he is a civil rights guy, oh he is a martin luther king guy, he is a progressive. and even among conservatives you get kind of the same thing. an effort to shoehorn obama into some idea of american history. i want to argue that that attempt very often ignores obama's own history, his own story. one of the most striking aspects of the film is we actually use obama's own voice. i kind of got the idea for the found when i was surfing on amazon and i noticed that obama had read his own book and audio book. quite a striking book because when you listen to obama, for example, he does multiple accents. he does a lot, he does it is he does white indie desmond and he
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does women and i've realized here is obama telling his own story. so i got the idea of teaming up with a hollywood guy and i was lucky to find gerald wolin. this is kind of a positive conservative and hollywood, long-time partner of stephen spielberg, to produce twister and jurassic park book, schindler's list. so this film is not like a tv documentary. it's more like out of africa. at shot in hawaii, chicago, new york, london, and india, indonesia and it raises the curtain on barack obama, on who this guy is and what his underlying compass is. where does he actually wants to take america? the puzzle of obama is we have had to try to understand him in conventional democratic
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categories. for example obama, will block and restrict and regulate oil drilling in america and say well yeah he is kind of an environmentalist. he is kind of another al gore. he is worried that in gore's words, the earth has a fever, global warming. but then when we watch obama little more closely we realize that's not really write because while obama is blocking oil drilling in america, he is promoting it in other countries. through the import-export bank he gives billions of dollars of money to brazil, to columbia and mexico to drill for oil, so then you have a deeper mystery. why is obama for oil drilling over there but not overhear? what is really going on? when we turn to taxes and debt we find kind of the same thing.
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obama seems to be spending money promiscuously, racking up the national debt. by the way the highest bush deficit in one year was under $500 billion in bush was a big spender. the lowest obama deficit is a trillion dollars. so obama has added $5 trillion to the national debt. presumably in the next four years if he is reelected he will add 5 trillion more. and that his wind in america would be $20 trillion in debt, $20 billion in debt. 1/2 of that debt added by one man so from george washington to george w. bush, $10 billion. under obama in eight years, 10 more. the danger is america wouldn't just be facing -- america would be facing collapse. again it's one thing for a rich
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country to spend irresponsibly but at a certain point any responsible person can see that you're reaching the point where someone is going to come and take away your car and your furniture in your tv in your house. why would you be spending in that way even when you are approaching that point? what possible logic could that have? when you look on the international scene, you see some extremely troubling developments that are equally mysterious. obama says we have to prevent genocide and uses force against libya. the number of people killed by gadhafi at that point was about 250. meanwhile over at period of many months, tens of thousands of people have been killed in syria and obama absolutely refuses to use force. what explains why he intervenes over here but not over there? obama has been very active in egypt in pushing mubarak out of
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power. not only that, but now there's a power struggle going on with the military, and the muslim brotherhood, the obama administration is intervening on the side of the muslim brotherhood. obama has warned the egyptian military, you better turn over power to the muslim brotherhood or we are going to cut off military aid. so obama can say i am a champion of democracy. these people were freely elected and get a year earlier, in 2009 when there were massive demonstrations, bigger than in tahrir square, in iran, calling for democracy, the end of the free election, obama flatly refuse to support the democrats. he said we have got to stay out of this. there's this big debate going on in iraq. we will let them settle it and it was settled with the mullahs basically beating up the protesters and that was that. again, why is obama intervening
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here but not there? as far as i can tell, no explanation. so here, it's not enough just to look at the things he is doing. you kind of have to dig and a little bit and see why he is doing it. what is the underlying single standard that can unravel obama's apparent double standard? i think we get a clue from this when we actually look at obama's past. obama's dream is quite clearly not the american dream, at least not of the founders. it's not even martin luther king's dream. the theme of the film and actually at my new book which is called obama's america, obama's dream is that dream from his father. that is the title of obama's autobiography. but his father, who grew up in kenya, who was a third world guy, was an anti-american guy
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who was by his own claim a socialist, he was also you might say an anti-colonialist, his father was also absent for most of obama's life. what i didn't realize when i first started writing about this was the enormous impact of obama's mother. obama's mother is presented by it obama as kind of the all-american girl but she was actually quite a radical. she was a sort of 60 girls -- 60's girl before the 60's and she wanted to marry a third world anti-american guy. he divorced her and she went for another third world anti-american guy and she found one again, and indignation guy named low lows sapporo. even in the absence of the father, the mother cultivated in young obama this reference for the --
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she said her father is a missing figure. he is a hebrew -- hero, compared to whom to mandela or gandhi, great freedom fighter and reality barack obama was not that perky was either philandering for driving drunk and killed a man and a drunk driving accidents of this was not the real barack obama senior but this was the idea cultivated in obama's mind. especially when obama got a little older and he realize that his dad was not like that. his sister told him, why are you revering this great data powers? he actually was not the guy you think he was. ..
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described by commentary magazine as a professor of terror, at harvard law school brazilian socialist socialist, this is the guy who calls for russia, china in the and brazil to hang up on the united states. the premier gold is to bring america down one so they need to team up to pull down america he was too radical for them so they threw him out now he is back at harvard where he fits in. [laughter] then obama's hitched up with a domestic terrorist and
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jeremiah wright, mr. cod dam america himself. the people who obama's sought as a surrogate father from chapter and first of the anti-colonial ideology. what was the ideology? the key to understanding anti-colonialism is the product of theft. how owed to the rich countries become rich? why do people live better in britain, germany and america rather than the by india or the jakarta? the west innovated and took their stuff. although the view was not burned not of initiative but basically the results of piracy.
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in 19650 barack obama sr. roach an article which is a country do with the rich at the top? one solution is a high tax rate. theoretically nothing can stop the government from taxing 100% of it come. anyone familiar with economics would say why would anybody proposed that? but it makes sense with the anti-colonial idea. if you stole my furniture what is the tax rate for you? one hundred%. if it is appropriated then there is nothing wrong with the government to take a back.
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passport now to obama's comments. you did not build that. not you. society created the wealth. you skim off the top. it does not belong to you. so the government can seize the contents. it was not yours to begin with so all of the conservative arguments of incentive do not matter. how do you deal with the use? not incentives. you punish them and take away their gains the second part is the idea is that america, and american power, is bad for the world. america is not a source for freedom but exploitation. if you look up good tool
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movement, they are linked. domestically expanding the power of the state at home. international lease shrinking or contacting the power. it is a scissors motion and reducing america's power in the world. why will lead obama's support oil-drilling abroad but not here? i don't think obamacare is. he does not know. he is attempting global energy redistribution. trying to make sure the colonized countries have more energy to grow faster and putting the fence around the colonize are.
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why is he promiscuously spending money as if the deficit did not matter? the reason he is doing it i believe is he is using debt to as a way to settle america's colonial that. the ada is america owes the world. big time. trillions of dollars. he knows even democrats would not vote for that much giveaway but if our children and grandchildren are saddled with trillions of dollars of debt to then it is owed by the kuwaitis, the saudis, chinese, it is a form of global redistribution. and now consider the arabs bring. wide is obama and to appear
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at -- interfere here but not their? cut off be in libya and mubarak in egypt have been kicked out. other dictators are in place. assad is holding power in syria and those in iran. what do they have in common? their allied with the united states. gaddafi is the thugged but 2002 he was relatively well-behaved a thugged. [laughter] doing business with america, helping terrace, paying reparations for the lockerbie bombing. mubarak was the closest ally. assad is our deadly end of the leader of the hezbollah and close ally of by ran. july have the temerity to
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suggest that obama tries to destroy the country? here is what he is trying to do. trying to reduce america's footprint in the middle east because he thinks we have been stepping on the world. how? by undermining america's allies, and allowing our enemies to gain strength. obama has done nothing significant to protect iran from getting a nuclear bomb. when a bomb came to power america have 5,000 warheads now we're at 1500 and the pentagon takes us down at 300. then he says he dreams of a world free of nuclear weapons.
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but here is a problem. china is modernizing its arsenal. so was pakistan, north korea, our man tries to get a nuclear bomb. while he articulates the dream the only country that he can reduce our his own. why? to level the nuclear playing field. essentially slashing america's arsenal to end the era of american superiority where america is globally dominant. he tries to restore the world before colonialism. in the year 1500 there were powers china, india, arab islam, civilizations of the americas, it was able to bipolar world.
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without a single superpower like america. i believe obama wants us to go back. one of the powerful things of the film "2016" it shows obama's agenda and his own words and links him to his actions and what the likely next move will be in the key areas. ultimately you can understand where he is going we have not even see the real obama. we will see him the second term. he has to maintain constituencies but in the second term he can come out of the closet and be himself. so we're facing the
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interesting challenge. does america want to go this way? he is not traditional. if you went to clinton or john kerry or o gore is a good to be number one? they would say yes. of course. from obama it would be perfectly fine to be number 18 or number 64. just a normal country like the men decrease or somalia at the dining table of nations. that is his goal in my view. he fundamentally looks at america through globalize. he tries to write the ship of the world they he has seen as rahm & s columbus set out from the european now americus superiority that he would like to see that and. can you imagine if one man could do that in eight
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years? sure, america would be a lot for, weaker, cease to be a special country the passport would have no great worth and currency is not special. americans would despise obama's. but at that point* he would not care. because he will lead the cheap almost single-handedly with nobody could do before. november could bring down the roman empire. people talk about ending the british empire it took to destructive world wars. in 2016 as a bombing cleans out the office the matter his reputation if he can achieve his goal fuel ultimately be vindicated by his small place that says well done faithful servant. thank you very much.
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will he try to do as ex-president to further the dreams of his father? >> what would obama look to do in the second term? it was the bold there a but not enough to prove for disprove the theory if it was able to look at the full four years to look forward. if i were obama trying to achieve the footprint footprint, holiday do it?
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i would be focused on the problems of the state of israel. in my view it is a little colonial power. and they are seen as freedom fighters. why obama is wrongly perceived he is not that he seems word lisa but that it. but the reason he's supports this to push out the occupier. how do i remove the state of israel? israel sits on muslim land.
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you have to give it back. so i outlined how it can do that. there is egypt, iran and saudi arabia and iran has been in radical muslims but it is unsuccessful so for 25 years it was just iran and now egypt is on its way and that leaves one country, saudi arabia. i would demand the royal family put itself on the ballot. you have to be democrats. >> it is obvious to would
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win the election then they control the tripod of the three significant country is gonna we move closer to a prospect of the united states of islam the unification of the middle east under a single power after 500 years as a global power. i am not while they conjecturing but things that up already happened to and the logical next up. >> >> when will "2016" be available on the bd? [laughter] before the election? >> right now it is in 130 theaters. it is doing very well. part of the top 10 films of america.
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[applause] it will ramp up we hope to be rare by the time of air late day surely september as americans began to poke is. it will remain through september or october then we will have one month to do the bd, who box-office and other formats, television, the dvd will be in the last four weeks leading up to the election. >> >> wonderful speech. what is sending his collared -- college records that they are sealed and why does he have a selective service card from connecticut when he never lived there?
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what do think his relationship is to the biblical antichrist? [laughter] >> there tends to be at this this on the birth third controversy but interestingly he took the s.a.t. to get into college but the score is unknown at columbia his grades and gpa are unknown and the road of the sis but the contents are unknown. he took the law school but his else that score is the unknown. the "new york times" wanted to interview people that nouveau obama as a student people who roomed with him or the janitor, they could
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not find a single person alive who knew obama. and he flatly refused to provide an permission. recently one girl is named as they did him good girlfriend but the story is not match then he said i had a lot of girlfriends which is interesting because no journalist has ever interviewed any of them. this is the man with many black goals in his biography. this is the result when we were en itani shia's, hawaii, people who were related to the obama's, young obama and ast when we last interviewed? they sent we never have. no one has been down here. this is the big story in
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america and truly not being covered with the mainstream press. it is of little bit of the scandal and the liberal media was tough on quentin but there is another factor here but when incriminating information services to squelch it and discredit those who bring it out to. that issue a preview of what to expect as the film goes national. >> each of us knows people that would not come here that could not have a logical discussion of this whole seminar. each of us will probably go see the movie. i will. [applause]
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day think those who refuse to talk about it will go to the movie? >> khashoggi you get the independent% to the theater? and maybe a little paradoxical independence don't see political documentaries matter how well made. to make it succeed is for conservatives it to go to it. because of the film is a massive success the liberals will start screaming. when they start screaming, a couple days ago i was on pierce morgan. he had a very constipated book on his face for a whole
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half-hour. [laughter] but he was sputtering. his basic question is you cannot possibly say that. you cannot believe that. liberal indignation is written into the marketing strategy. [laughter] [applause] but when it dependence here that anybody talks about this, there is a hub of let me see the film that is i you get the independent voter into the film. even with like-minded friends it is important for those who don't make it did for the film to do well in order to generate the debate and their reach we need to have. >> what baffles me as much as we do know, based upon your research, how can the
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liberals keep all of this out of the mainstream press? rank conservatives don't mention anything about the birth called rich we have every reason to believe he did not attend occidental. there must be tremendous money like george soros that has spent sponsoring obama like the chosen one to save the world he has got no way with what was impossible a few years ago. >> yes. with george soros and obama you have to read years better firing in the same direction.
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i don't think they're a part of each other. one is part dead european disdain and new barbaric country on top of the world and soros has the familiar european condescension toward america. obama's comes from a different shore, it is third world baked into the anti-colonial atmosphere. also and europe but it is based on the gilts but third-world is based on rage. they are actually a different emotion. said ship's moving in a different direction.
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is not his success is he has a secret weapon. that he can offer a white america at ticket of absolution. >> not simply by virtue of being african-american president but a special kind of african-american president, not jesse jackson, owlish sharpton, obama allows people to feel good about supporting him. big about chris matthews i debated him. to borneo chief of staff but yet talking about obama he
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becomes absurdly fm in it, thrills running down his leg. [laughter] he embarrasses himself and his family and viewers. why? [laughter] nothing to do with the obama. chris matthews is basking in his own wonderful but -- wonderful this patting himself on the back that i chris matthews and so morally admirable i can vote for him. there is the incredible power you see in the mainstream media that is morally important for obama's to succeed. that is why you have this media support. >> as an extension i thought the had a constitution to make it possible to become
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president let alone keep his job. tussaud's executive orders of congress not standing up but it could not be permissible and congress has been unable to block it. >> i want to move on and. >> you talk about obama using debt to reduce to be a wealthy. i am wondering reading about literature and gas and the federal reserve you envision to use the tool of hyperinflation of the
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middle-class and the dollar. >> and those who just want to print money and the value what is out there now. but my new book i was thinking if obama has the policies not only to hurt the rich but a lot of ordinary americans, if you start to printing money poured people are likely to have dollar bills so why a would they do this? the middle-class and the poor i not -- are not poor by world standards. we talk about the 1% and
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99%. my office is just outside of occupier wall street. they feel like 99% but they think of america. to apply a global standard even poor americans are wealthy by world standards. from the anti-colonial point to view, even you should pay. very often have to reassess to the rhetoric obama does not realize it will not help the economy. he is not trying to help the economy. [laughter] and in the mullahs and ayn rand it will not inspire them to do the same.
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>> i believe he knows that. he is not trying to motivate them. as conservatives we think obama tries to do x but he does why. he is not getting results of what he intends, he contends the results see is getting caught up. >> afternoon. not to put you on the spot but i like to donate $60 to donate and -- jaffray your $1,000. time he decides to ask for money so they can take care of it. [applause] >> george is doing okay.
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with your permission i will buy tickets to the phnom and give them to people who may not be able to go. [applause] >> if obama is given a second term what changes in his cabinet do you see happening to help him achieve his goals godspeed. >> obama has had to be cautious with the first term partly because he was new and had to figure out how to operate and to maneuver and started with clinton people. he realized they were trying to block him because they are traditional democrats. if you look at bob woodward
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he says again and again with the iraq and afghanistan afghanistan, bush would have pulled us out as well. that was always the intention. it is the peculiar way he operates. obama will say we will open secret negotiations with the taliban we're trying to find good taliban but yet to they cannot surface but yet to obama people are doing business with them. his approaches proposed by the defense department, hillary clinton and the key people around him. the reason why he is said by dollar is not true he has an predefined the foreign policy, he shrunk our footprint, he has achieved
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more in one term than any democrat since fdr from his point* of view. from our point* to view rethink he is foolish. by his own standard aunt sees spectacularly. he will do more in the second term. >> i recently turned to you through what so great about christianity and christopher hill chance. will you be continuing with that or is this a transition with the unstable future? >> request gen is about to i am the president of king's college that is a christian college. i write about politics, i am secular writer but i have
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been taking on and the new atheist around the country debating them on campus. christopher hichens was the most formidable opponent. he died a few months ago. i still do a few of those per year. it keeps us thinking about the big questions. but my intention over the next few months as is on obama. i did not realize i did not address to the question of all bob as the index christ. just like a most edo at a nudist colony. i do not know where to begin with that one. [laughter] >> they give for coming
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today. you made a comment of the possibility in eight years a single person and destroying america. i agree. if obama -- reagan was a great communicator obama will be the destroyer. it is harder to build a business they and destroy it. but you made a comment when obama's cleans out his desk desk, i think he hates our constitution that he will do away with term limits? >> i think he subscribes to the ideology of a very different america.
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in the late 19th century there was a debate between the british prime minister and his opponent about the issue of empire. they said what makes this great is we are a world power and have the largest economy in the world. we matter. and gladstone said no. he said i am for little england. we should give up the empire and go back to the small plots of land, a 10 the two are vegetable garden and the content that way. it took two world wars to bring down the british
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empire. but overtime obama believes been a little america, a smaller economy, a smaller american role and he says this and directly, we are 5% of the robes population but we use 25% of the world's resources. energy, oil. he says we are consuming beyond our share. he wants us to each 5% of the world's food and eat 5% -- and whereby% of the close. it is not ratio but it is global reparations. that is a realizable goal in on the eight years. we have only been a superpower for 20 years.
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this era could come to an end by 2016 and quite honestly if it does, obama has nothing left to do. he will have achieved his goal that that is his goal. >> what your thoughts why obama authorize military action that ultimately killed loathsome a bin laden? was a political or other considerations? >> in the "audacity of hope", obama's makes an observation about bin laden "he is no ho chi minh. ". think about that. he is saying to liberals ho chi minh was a good guy.
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and nationalist, freedom fighter, pushing the french and americans out of the number crow a summit bin laden is not a freedom fighter because he is not defending his own country against occupation by joining with gangsters to knock down our buildings. so there is the important distinction of. the islamic jihad-- fighting our freedom fighters they should be given constitutional rights and treated like u.s. of this sense. but osama bin laden, the al qaeda guys are gangsters come international criminals, was then the sheriff. there is no making sense
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when the also deals with them with the occupied territories. >> i am at a returning veteran from my fifth deployment from afghanistan. [applause] >> thank you. also with the drawdown of forces worldwide deerfield he wants to dismantle the u.s. military? >> one obama's is asked about the military and cuts, he says we cannot afford it.
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obama's suggest we are in a crisis and cannot afford military spending but he does not feel that way about other spending. he lets every other division grow. it gives you a sense of his priorities. if you want to slash nuclear weapons you can bet you have to increase conventional weapons. china could put 80 or 100 million on the battlefield. we cannot. we rely on that type of force from a chinese invasion on tae weigh in -- tae one. conventional forces are costlier. but with disregard coming he slashes the military and
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also to medically drawing down on nuclear forces. i think obama's strategy is the opposite of ronald reagan. peace through weakness. [laughter] and if reagan deserves credit for the dissolution of the soviet empire maybe obama's will get historical credits to produce the united states of islam. >> i have heard rumblings if things are not looking good for reelection he will the impose martial law. and if he does get reelected what can we do to stop him from bringing us down? >> i will not speculate. i think we have plenty to go
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on with what he is doing. with what he has done and infer what the next ups might be. if reelected, those of us who believe fed different dream. i am an immigrant. i believe in the american dream. imf third world guy who has embraced america. all bombing it is an american born guy who embraces the third world ideology. while it is true it is easier to poll of thence down than build the up, there is enormous resilience in the american people they say they were so dumb they go to for him in the first place becky did
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not to close at -- disclosed who he was. people said it is the simple getting on beyond its racial past. it would be great to have a president that looks like obama and he knew that and could use the hidden power. but four years later, and now we do know him. so now it is not in his hands but in the hands of the american people. >> i am an alumnus of the king's college. they care for what you're doing for the college and this nation. how can we help our families
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and friends think bright. [laughter] and what they can do to make sure we keep the country as their grandparents did. >> how do we get people to think part of these issues? sometimes i talk to christians do this. they will appeal to the bible. wait. thank. 50 years ago america was a christian and culture of our judeo-christian and appeal to the ten commandments. everyone agreed the bible is authoritative. but now it is largely a secular culture.
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if you make arguments about a marriage it will not be enough to quote from the book of the kiss you have to have a different language to get through to people who don't share your assumptions it is true with modern america conservatism. it was once the native language. but because of dramatic chefs the link wages unfamiliar and strikes people as baseball talk so it is important if you reach out to to find a language that does not rely on a cliche. actually he may be against economic freedom but what
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kind are we talking about that we want to a dance? those that we anders stand one way we help people faint is with the american founding is a place to start. >> that is a nice segue. when i hear obama or hard-core erred democrats speak they have their own sense of righteousness, a true sense of justice. have of course, etched a principles and our country has come so far that even the biblical values it is
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easier for me to talk to someone in the secular world and a pastor of a church. did you comment on the role of pastors and the church of america? if we just had unity we could take back the country. [applause] >> i do think the pastor of today it is in bet difficult position because they study the bible at divinities school. but yet to our people who were engineers, the scientist and they read about the articles so they are disconnected from the exposure of astrophysics but
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also economics. to create short structures to address the ways the issues relate to otherwise you could call it christians on sunday and the rest of the people the rest of the week. but i don't think this election is about the honorable debate. he is not a traditional liberal. you are a big your liberal to reduce to be more but he wants to realize america. that is a different agenda complete the.
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form the it challenges obama event african-americans fake we don't argue the point* that you follow it to your in hawaii, indonesia, pakistan kenya this is not the segregationist south he has had a very different history. why doesn't obama's seem to care about the poor? is very professorial he does not connect with ordinary emotional issues. he does not seem to care
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about the poor because he doesn't. so you deal with a new kind of guy. there is no question they will say why do you do this? i was on c-span and they said readout judge people love their father. ronald reagan's father was an alcoholic. i said but rather a break and did not write a book called "dreams from my father." [laughter] aba than made his multi-cultural list of common history, past of this story, the centerpiece of
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whom he is. he never once said i did crazy things but i am over that now. it was by ted kennedy moment. no. today he says go read my book. it is in there. he claims his past and we say examine how multi a cultural it really is. into say here is a funny name multi-cultural guy he used to blow up bridges and has called for the destruction of israel to put to a story together. that is why people are responding to the film because it has not been told because it needs to be told.
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thank you very much. [applause] >> my history of financial institutions for example, 1811 misstated new york created a new securities law which, i mean corporate law, allows anybody to set up a corporation with minimal restrictions. you used to have to go to the legislature to get special permission. and created limited liability. if you invested of the
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country -- company that was accused of wrongdoing comment that it could never go after your assets. before that people were afraid to invest so a may day family business. the law changed everything. a friend of david moss avis sense of pleasure those that loved to gamble to find out if your number came up. with limited liability it became fun. people have to enjoy life so be designed things that give you that feeling. it has been the source of innovation because it looks
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like they play a game but karl marx said we should shut it down. but after years of experimentation maybe we have to let people indulge. i want to talk about the future and the hideous that i talk about. and then move more into the wild future. tomorrow, obama has said he will sign good jobs act. that is a little misleading.
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is called jump-start business start-ups. it is called jobs. [laughter] but this jobs act was created response to a request from internet website providers to wanted to create a crowd when dain website for entrepreneurs. thank you tried to sell your business, you can put up on the website two sayre looking for money but investors all over the world can send money and you could start a business.
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it sounds wild but endorsed by many people. it is as wild as wikipedia in the beginning. before it started i said i will open the on-line encyclopedia and anybody in the world could add to it it, the first reaction would be that is a dumb idea. [laughter] but we learn how people can work together. what congress has done there is a lot of cheats and people will steal money from someone. so you have to document your and come and those up through 40,000 economic pledge more than 2 percent of your and come. it is
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