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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  September 20, 2012 11:00pm-2:00am EDT

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>> would get a response. >> first of all, maybe she told richard the reason he's not working is because we have the slots and regulatory text search indeed in business and individuals are beefing up to $3.4 trillion on the backs of our hard working citizens. that is something people will have to pay for. as the national federation of independent businesses or policies would raise -- insert comic at 700,000 jobs come 17,000 in massachusetts. you're hearing that i don't want to raise taxes. guilty as charged. i'm going to protect the pocket book some loss of everybody listening. >> ms. warren. >> i want to be clear about the tax number of the senator has come up with. they just not real and he just made up these numbers. but what i do know now that the senator has sprayed the question
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of taxes is that the senator has voted to let taxes go up on hard-working families. you know, about two or three weeks ago there was a bill in the united states senate. and what it would do is extend tax cuts for 98% of the families here in massachusetts and 97% of small businesses. and senator brown voted no. now why did he vote no? because they weren't enough tax breaks for the top 2% and the top 3%. for me this is just an example of whose side you stand on. are you holding out? are you hanging in there for the top 2%? are eager to fight for working people. >> excuse me. with all due respect, you're misrepresenting my record. and the only person in this race he was hurt in the middle class wants to raise taxes as professor warren. she would not have supported president obama's compromise bill that not only kept taxes low for everybody for the last
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two years, but also take care of an employment benefits. she would not have supported that because the fee increases -- sorry, the fact we didn't tax more a high income earners. so she would've been about taxing one taxpayer middle-class people. this is about 700,000 jobs. i did make those numbers up, but 3.4 trillion are all things you have said. he won another million in social security. small business come in 9 billion. we could go on. >> i'm sorry, but these are made-up numbers, senator brown. here's that matters. we know how senator brown voted and he isn't talking about the bill that he voted on that will permit taxes to go up for 98% of families in the commonwealth and 99% of small businesses. here's the important point, john. just last friday senator brown went on the radio and when asked of it comes down to it and the question is extend tax breaks or
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taxes to go up for 98% of families or vote no and let them go was because there aren't enough at the top 2%. how would you vote? senator brown said let me make this crystal clear. i will vote to let taxes go up for everyone. now i want to say, i'll make it crystal clear. i will not vote to increase taxes on working families. not ever. >> a brief final word among the fun. >> this is an important issue so i appreciate the opportunity. what she refers to miss the fact that we are to have each a mammoth amount of tax revenue in washington right now. when she's talking about raising taxes and the fact i'm not going to raise them, though small and medium-sized addresses, said s. corporations and others to pastor ordinary in cannes and are considered the so-called wealthy, i'm going to fight for every taxpayer.
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once again, your criticism is i'm not going to raise taxes and that's accurate. >> i would give you a brief moment. >> at what to be clear about senator brown has just said. he will disband the top 2% in top 3% so that they don't have to go back to the tax rates of the clinton years and he will hold the other 90% of families hostage. if there is not tax breaks for those at the top companies is no tax breaks for anyone. that would cost american families $2.1 trillion. we can't do that to hard-working middle-class, working class families. we can't do that for small businesses. >> i want to move on if i may. >> area briefly. >> professor warren's tax policies and reproach of the greatest threat to free enterprise. the nfib said tax policies to cut 700,000 jobs, 17,000 in massachusetts. independent groups within a support of of a file.
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i'm going to protect the hard-working men and women, job creators can the people the middle to make creating jobs and protecting interests. >> so i think the point here is a chamber of commerce has attacked about my particular proposals. but i talk about here is how scott brown has already voted and also talking about what he said in his own voice last week he wanted to make crystal clear. and that is coming he would let taxes go up for 90% of families in order to protect tax breaks for the top 2%. >> withstand economic policy. it can come you can return to this topic since the debate wears on. bless you. this coming new years day may not be a happy one if nothing is done to steer us away from the so-called fiscal class, which includes mandatory budget cuts that could cost massachusetts close to 40,000 jobs in defense
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related industries alone. u2 have argued quite a bit over tax policy, including just now. i don't think anyone argues tax policy allowed will forestall the skies. correct me if i'm wrong. i'm sure you will. what other specific ideas you have for voting this economic care clinics >> obviously i collect tax to get in. we have expiring tax cuts in place for 12 years now. we also have sequestration. we have a lot of the debt ceiling coming up. just a complete lack of regulatory and uncertainty. as many things it can do. obviously we should do it by now. we should have been working on these things. the last month and a half we should be working on this right now, stepping back from sequestration, look at ways to reform the tax code, but in how we do military spending. the waste, fraud and abuse in the can a corporate tax code and reducing corporate tax rates to
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make us more competitive. we have the highest corporate tax rate in the industrialized world if we can't continue to spend and spend our way out of this. the difference between me and professor warren richey wants to raise taxes. she can or can step back, but everything we have in every thing the nfib reflecting on her comments on 3.4 trillion estate taxes. in addition, the nfib is 700,000 jobs have been lost for the chamber of commerce come the greatest threat enterprise or the bottom line and thing that's most important, the only way we're going to get this done is to work together in a truly bipartisan manner. i'm the only one in this room right now who's going to be doing that. being the second-most bipartisan senate are right now. i've been doing it since i got there. >> ideas for avoiding the cliff. >> this is a really important time for us. we do have to avoid the cliff, but it's going to take a balanced approach.
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this is where we see a big difference between senator brown and myself. i believe we need believe we need to make hats. we need to make cuts in agriculture subsidies. which may cuts in our defense budget, targeted cats. we need to end the war in afghanistan that's $2 billion a week. when he took a fraud and abuse out of the system. but we also need to ask others to pay their fair share. so for example, we should not be subsidizing big oil. senator brown voted to protect billions of dollars in subsidies for big oil companies. they made $137 billion in profits last year. i believe billionaire should pay taxes of this at the same rate their secretaries do. senator brown voted against that and senator brown has said he will permit the taxes to rise for 90% of the families here in the commonwealth of massachusetts. 97% of small businesses, unless there are tax breaks for those at the very top. so here's how i see this.
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this is really about taking balanced approach. it's a serious problem and expect to get serious about it. if were not willing to do both, then it's just more of the same. more gridlock in washington in more danger for our economy and must evolve for for families. >> thank you, rebuttal. >> we have a thing in massachusetts, an opportunity for people who want to pay their fair share and actually pay more than their fair share to check a box. professor warren was always taken as the first approach raising taxes, placing blame, raising taxes. she had an opportunity to check another box and i was to pay more in massachusetts income tax and she chose not to do that. it's usually the ones who are yelling the loudest about pain or, that being said with regard to oil companies, i'm no friend to big oil. on the fringe of.
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i'm not sure if you've been to the pond scum of the $4 a gallon to about $70 to fill up the chart. if you want to talk about subsidies and loopholes and deductions commodes have a conversation. i've are devoted to close the ethanol subject. the key is to do it together in a bipartisan manner. >> rebuttal. >> this is again how senator brown has are devoted. as the oil industry, the big $537 in profits last year and senator brown voted their taxpayers would continue to subsidize them to the tune of billions of dollars a year. i just think that's wrong and i wouldn't do that. same sort of thing on the busted rule. billionaires are paying that tax rates lower than their secretaries. i think that's just wrong. senator brown says it's okay with him and he protects every one of those loopholes for the billionaires any slant to the taxes go up for families. this is serious. this is how the senator has
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voted. and it's not in the interest of working families here in massachusetts, not in the interests of small businesses. i went to washington to do better than that. >> response. >> john, she fails to point out that the oil votes and energy producers are rejected in a bipartisan manner. both democrats and republicans rejected this approach is because they recognize in the middle of the three inaccurate recession at the high cost of energy right now, people pay more at the pump, more than double. we also imagine this winter when he paid a oil bill, it will be skyrocketing. so to do something right now change the policy in the middle of the three recession, it's not the proper approach. if you want a comprehensive discussion, let's do it right now. i've are devoted to close the ethanol subsidy. to say that the first answer every time she suggested raising
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taxes. >> response. >> i'm concerned how the senator has voted. he has voted to billions of dollars of your tax money should go to the oil industry. they're already making big profits. that's not where taxpayer money should go. this is really about how were going to solve and giving breaks to those at the tops, to those making billions of dollars in profit. that is not how we get this economy started again. this is a real difference between the senator. this is about whose side to stand on. he's made it clear he stands a subsidies for the oil companies and breaks for the billionaires. he stands for the top folks getting special deals. welfare for work and and small businesses. >> final thoughts. >> john, there's one person is not going to raise taxes and criticism that i don't want to take more and more tax money come associate or business owner and put it in a piggy bank and
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give it to professor warren to bring to washington to spend. if there is a spending problem russian in d.c. i see it each and every day we raise hundreds of billions of dollars of your tax money. you heard about the doctor in texas. $300 million of medicare fraud. you want to talk about energy policy, that should be a discussion we can have because wind, solar, geothermal, we need in all of the above approach. not a none of the above approach were professor warren looks as solar and wind as the solution. we are in an energy crisis and people are paying so much at the pump and so much this winter to change the policy and start finger-pointing at us versus them, have been have-nots. we need to work out together, john. >> ms. warren. >> we have to be clear but was involved in economic proposals. senator brown and i both submitted our economic proposals to "the boston globe." "the boston globe" gave the two independent, economic analysts.
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what they discovered was that my approach, which is balanced a 67% more effective a cut in the dataset and senator brown's approach. we can't get there the way that senator brown suggests. we just can't do this by cutting more. what is really saying is protect breaks for those right at the very top and then leave it to working families to pick up the pieces. we can't do that here in massachusetts. we can't do that here in america. >> thinking of the scum that we have to take one. 10 seconds each, go ahead. >> let's give it up and met the professor wants a cutter and fiscal conservative. i'm trying to protect pocketbooks and wallets. only one person wants to spend your hard-earned money and that is professor warren. >> i'm looking at those committed to an independent economic analysis. it shows and 67% more effective at cutting the deficit to five? i think we really have to get serious and that means a balanced approach.
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>> candidates commit thank you people take a break, have a sip of water and relax when we continue will talk about what are the most important votes in the u.s. senator has to take when the massachusetts senate debate continues in a moment. stay with us. >> welcome back to the massachusetts senate debate that wbz studios in boston. many viewers, mr. browncommonness cornbread and at cbs asking questions about abortion rights. i would like to expand on that issue in this way and yoko first-tier, ms. warren. the current supreme court is one of the oldest in the past century in terms of the average age of justices and it's entirely likely that whoever wins this election will be voting on the confirmation of
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hopeful nominees to the court. would you ever vote for a supreme court nominee who opposed the abortion rights guarantee of roe v. wade and which you ever apply to any other litmus test of a judicial nominee? 90 seconds, please. >> i would not and i don't regard it as a litmus test. the way i see this is roe v. wade has settled law. women should count on us. and i'm very concerned about how senator brown has already voted. when a lena kagan came up, she was approached by men who have been solicitor general of the united states, america's top lawyer. and when she was nominated to the united states supreme court, i was really surprised and senator brown voted against there. this really made the race for control of the senate and the supreme court. and they very well hang in the balance.
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>> thank you. mr. brown, 90 seconds. >> thank you. and so they didn't vote for your boss. i know you adjust its kagan were very close. that test is a jeb has to a secret judicial character, has to have a good temperament and actually has to have some corporate more judicial experience. i was one of the reasons i did not vote for justice kagan. i wish her well. i hope she proves us wrong. that being said, when it comes to a question of protecting women's rights, i've been fighting for women's rights since i was six years old, since i had to battle but my mom was abused by one of my stepfathers. i've been fighting as a teenager in the same way, so i've been fighting for women for a long, long time. i will make sure that somebody's going to try and the judges that they are have made it clear they will try to change roe v. wade. listen, we are both pro-choice. i'm a moderate pro-choice republican. working on the violence against women act, allowing women in
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combat if women are in the military i want to make sure it to get the coverage they deserve. so we agree on those issues and i'm glad for it. >> once again, i think it's important to talk about the senator's records. senator brown has taken some good dose. absolutely. the senator brown has also voted against equal pay for equal work your senator brown has jumped out there and cosponsored a bill to potentially block insurance coverage for birth control. senator brown as someone who voted in this only chance against a pro-choice women. senator brown has been endorsed by not only dashes and enjoys by antichoice groups and i don't quite understand this. i guess the way i see this is the women in massachusetts deserve a senator they can count on that some of the time, but a senator they can count on all the time. >> thank you.
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you should stop scaring women, professor because i've been fighting for women since i was six years old as i said in the things you refer to, listen to my fight for the rights of catholics i'm not going to put women against church and faith. i want to have people that have contraception. i have a house full of women. my wife and two daughters and have been fighting for that since i was just a rat and senator. i'll continue to make should they have care and coverage, but i'm not going to put women against the church and state. at the same position as senator kennedy and providing a conscious exemption that allows catholics in particular, churches, hospitals, health care facilities to have the ability to not provide certain care coverage is. >> well, first, i didn't hear senator brown but if it is against equal pay for equal work. but let's talk about -- >> were out of time. >> let's talk about the blunt amendment that senator brown was a cosponsor.
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it was another religious freedom question. and protected catholic institutions. what this is really about is the bill itself as that any insurance company or any employer can rate any vague, moral objection to covering any presentment services, including birth control. this is really an open invitation to say to employers of any stripe, to say to insurance companies, you cannot go birth control coverage for women. that is what the blunt amendment said and senator brown not only voted for it, he was a cosponsor. he got out there about for it. >> once again, professor, you have to stop scaring women. that's not true and that's an incorrect characterization. it protects people of faith it is the same thing senator kennedy fought to protect people of faith within a conscious exemption. we did it in massachusetts.
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in our health care bill, we actually protect women, allow them to get care and coverage they deserve. and we also protected those hospitals that want to practice those days. i'm in a have to come back on the fair pay for women. i have a house full of women, john and you know them. of course i want them to get fair pay. but in the national federation federation -- in the u.s. chamber of commerce agreed, they read it yet, both on bill. i'm not going to give in or the christmas for the plaintiffs lawyers to go into businesses and make sure that they overregulate businesses and kill jobs. so i agree with the globe. >> this is equal pay for equal work and senator brown voted against it. but on the blunt amendment, let's be clear about the language in the amendment. it doesn't say or talk about a religious exemption. attacks without any vague, moral objection in this employers and
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insurance companies. i don't think that is what senator kennedy 54 and i think it's inappropriate for senator brown to characterize senator kennedy's work in that way. senator kennedy got out there and fought for women's access to a full range of health care services. and that is what i want to do as well. >> john, listen. we're both pro-choice and support roe v. wade and she's wrong. i want to make sure catholics are not pitted against a period number two, on the women's race in terms of fair pay, we are already on the books. it was a better commotion something about it supported asserting a fact. we are to have causes of action that anyone who feels they are discriminated against can bring causes of action. that being said when "the boston globe" in chamber of commerce say right yet, the wrong bill, i agree. we can do it better. have him allow plaintiffs lawyers to go into businesses
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and take more of their hard-earned money. >> i want to move on. >> senator brown can say all he wants, but he is noted. he voted against equal pay for equal work. he was a cosponsor of the blunt amendment. he cannot back off and how started. women need something they can depend on. not some other time, but all the time. >> let's have onto the next question. again, crucial vote that any senator cast. under what circumstances would you vote to authorize american military intervention in the affairs of another country and as our involvement in afghanistan fit your criteria or not? 90 seconds. >> john, thank you for the question. i'm a colonel still serving 32 years, working in the pentagon and something i think about on a daily basis have an opportunity to be an armed services. homeland and veteran and these are things i think about on a regular basis. obviously when we send men and women to wear that's the biggest
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decision of the toughest decision of any president can make. i support a president obama obviously in a search in afghanistan and i support his withdraw. a question of the day because it's giving an amazing opportunity to pick us off one by one and that's not appropriate. anytime we send people off to war, we need to make sure a few things are in play. that our national interests are at stake here but have been most recently in libya and other countries and that's happening in every end, there's a lot of trouble throughout the world and we need to make sure whatever we do, that were involved in the process. but the president comes to congress, lays out what the grammar case. we have a full understanding a survivor to win and make sure we go forward into a together to unify this country because were in trouble. a lot of things happening overseas that are unsettling right now. i know i'm running out of time.
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>> criteria for military intervention in afghanistan. >> thank you, john. this is a question personal for me. all through my rather served in the military. my oldest brother was career military, 288 combat missions in vietnam. i know what families do when someone is deployed overseas. it's really tough on everyone. our military is just amazing. very strong, resourceful, get anything done we asked them to do. but that means we have to be careful when we asked them. we estimate interests are anywhere around the globe, when we see direct threats, when we have a plan -- not only a plan to invade, but for how we'll take it forward and a plan for how it is are going to say. we've got to hope the whole plan. i do want to put him unplug because of the approach used by secretary clinton. she's advanced the idea of using smart power so we use defense, development, diplomacy. we saw the tools in the toolbox. it is the best way to keep our
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country safe. i support president obama. i want him to stay on as commander-in-chief and i support secretary clinton how she's helped us around the world. >> thank you river battle. >> persona to thank your brothers for service. it's really amazing. i love to have an opportunity to speak about it i'm so please convey thoughts to me. when you talk about this issue, however, we can't have a nuanced approach and that's the key. professor warren has said we should have a nuanced approach at a something iran doesn't understand. he's obviously trying harder line and that's a good game because radar biggest challenge over the former friend, israel is iran and making sure they don't get a nuclear weapon. i'm proud even today and tomorrow work on another resolution to draw the line in the sand. we are to get the sanctions bills. i was a cosponsor of that. and after to destabilize currency and a central bank.
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we need to do more, we need to do with our allies and we need to do a very current very quick read. >> quick response. >> with iran is very clear, we cannot have a nuclear iran. i think president obama has done a really first-rate job of getting out there come using the tools in the toolbox, working with other countries to bring relief to the sanctions against her rant, but also making it clear he's taken nothing off the table. that's the way to go into negotiations. that's the best way to work with our ally, israel and make sure we're protecting israel. but i want to say this, i am still working to a president obama be the commander-in-chief, mitt romney. >> thank you. i agree again. it's amazing. i think secretary clinton is doing a great job. i've told her that and she's a bright star that administration. i appreciate all your hardware, especially with what's happening
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in libya and throughout the region. that being said, israel is our greatest ally and one of our strongest in the world. i'd encourage the president to meet with the prime minister to make sure they can communicate because i can tell you i visited israel. the amount of stress that country is under, there's nobody in the united states can a senator curt senator lieberman and i and other folks are making a top priority to make sure iran does not get nuclear weapons. we cannot have a nuanced approach is professor warren has said in the past and that's another big difference. >> response, please. >> israel has an unbroken friendship with israel. we have a special relationship with israel. israel's safety and survival in the united states is of utmost importance to us. it is important because we need an ally in that region that is democratic and rule of law. will recognize the risk israel faces. it's been a bipartisan approach.
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it is work through democratic and republican administration, not something that should be politicized. but was this really about is who you think should be a commander-in-chief? and other supporting president obama. i want to see him stay as commander-in-chief. i want to continue to work with them. >> i'm going to move onto next question and you'll start here. academic researchers the u.s. has more than 100,000 janitors with college degrees and 16,000-degree holding parking lot attendants. evidence, some say, that not everyone should be going to cost the conventional colleges. do you agree or disagree and butter ideas for hire at reform do you have? >> well, let's start with this part of it. that is that when we see people who have college diplomas, who have jobs that don't require diplomas, sometimes that's because we have an economy that is not yet strong that were not
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producing enough growth. this is in part because we haven't been making investments in our future. ..
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that being said, in addition to the zero and just love that she has from harvard, in addition to the housing and other perks, no wonder costs are high. i filed a bill that would allow for transparency at colleges and universities to make sure that we although we are paying one write that check. that also being said, that is why was happy to keep student loans low professor warrants
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first action, an initial comment mullets raise taxes on small business owners to the tune of 6 billion. i chose to draw lines in the sand. we did that. we passed a bill that did not raise taxes on small business owners, saving them 6 billion to be invested, and that is another difference. the first thing every single time is to raise taxes, and that is the number one criticism she has of me, that i don't want to raise taxes. >> you know, my first teaching job, i made $18,070. this is about public university. i pay $50 per semester at a community college in order to get my diploma.
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how could you do that? because back that america was investing in its kids, and it was investing in public education emigrating a budget is for everyone. i feel like i live the american dream. talks about raising interest rates on student loans. you know, and how it would have been paid for, closing a loophole used by millionaires and billionaires. this was another small business tax. this was keeping interest rates low for students by closing a loophole, and senator brown out there protecting every loophole for the big guys said, no. >> does get a response. >> once again because he is misrepresenting a vote and not telling you the truth. this is a direct tax, $6 billion on the backs of our sub as corporations, small business owners. if you're a small-business owner , the closing of the loophole was to take more of
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your money, put it in her piggy banks as she could take to washington. we drew a line in the sand and put that through by tweaking. no additional taught -- cost to taxpayers. repast insurance for five years for those folks are having to live in flood zones and put out a bipartisan bill to create jobs. 3-fresh one. >> senator brown is right. he did draw a line in the sand. , big loophole. he said to me it is more important to protect a loophole that it is to help our kids. that is what it came down to. there had to be some other way to pay for it because this goes back to the same basic question. whose side the you stand on. when we looked at the votes,
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senator brown is always standing over with the millionaires, the billionaires', the big companies, the big oil companies say i want to protect special breaks for them and that it fall or average falls on the rest of working families. >> this is important. you're misrepresenting. corporations that are not millionaires and billionaires, and when you talk about whose side you're on, i am on the taxpayers side. you had a choice, and you chose to side with one of the biggest corporations in the united states. when you work to prohibit people who got at asbestos poisoning? i hope they're all watching, she hoped travelers deny benefits for asbestos poisoning. over 200 but the thousand dollars in an effort to project a corporations. only one person in this debate right now who is protecting corporations, a jazz history of it.
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>> i've been working for families, people who have been injured by big corporations. i have been doing that for years and years and years. that is why i want to go to washington, to fight for working families. fight for small businesses. i'm not a professional politician. the. >> she had a choice and did not fight for the small person. the corporations paid you to a good part of $5,000, give or take. you the night, you through your efforts in the night people who had asbestos poisoning benefits. and so talking about fighting followed guy, you made its choice and fought for the biggest corporation, the biggest insurance company in our country >> it's just not true. the boston globe has looked at this, written about it, and it's all clear.
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we have been there, and not in this because i am a professional politician. >> you have to ask the asbestos victims. she did not give her money. people who were poisoned, she stuck up for travelers. you made that choice. and but you brought that up. >> is very much about whose side you're on. the facts speak for themselves. have been out there for working people. senator brown does not want to have to talk. >> about to move on to what will finally -- be our final question. you'll start to. here is one fund amelie. cbs boston. do you believe climate change is real? if so, to the federal government be doing about it? >> i absolutely believe climate changes real, and they're is a combination between man-made and natural.
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part of the biggest things begin do is give an energy policy. what, solar, geothermal, conservation. a true of the above approach. in favor of wind and solar. against the keystone pipeline which will help create -- all you you get guys to us is denying union and non-union jobs making sure we get more of our energy of the world market to stabilize costs. then when is the last time we printed the nuclear facility to make sure we could have that same energy? i could go on and on. right now the role is off eckersley a balancing role. you cannot just have one or this or that. she's in favor of the team lines and greatest treasure. i like president -- senator kennedy before me. that's the right. those repairs are going to pay a tremendous amount more, and that
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is not right. >> senator brown is about a balanced approach. he is of great playing field. our clean energy industry that works in massachusetts has to fight against the oil subsidies. that is what tells the playing field. the senator has helped tilted for the oil companies. that works against clean energy. keystone pipeline will not produce as many jobs as if we invested that same money in clean energy. that is where you produce real jobs and where massachusetts has a real advantage. i just want to stop on this warm because i think it is really important. the senator has been going around the country talking to people saying he has to contribute to the campaign because it may be fully control the senate. he's right. this may be for the control the senate.
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what that would mean is the republicans take over the senate . becomes a person who would be hit in charge of the committees that oversee the in burma to protection agency. a man who has called global warming us hope. in fact, that is the title of his book. a man like that should not be in charge of the environment or protectionism see overseeing their work. i just understand how we could talk rough going in that direction? running against jim in half. that created reducers. that's true of the umbrella approach which you don't do. we need to step back from our dependence on foreign oil.
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we cannot continue to get people to money that want to kill us. i believe we can do it together, and i'm going to make sure that if we are right to look at the so-called energy producers, we need to sit down in a room and abide by some manner and find a way to do it so that it is dragging past several people at the pump. >> senator brown is for rigging the playing field. every time billions of dollars go to the oil company makes it harder the start but the energy. this really maybe the race for control of the united states senate. it is not just about senator brown. this is about the vote of all of the republicans. jim and off, the center, a person who would have supervision over the environmental protection agency. he says global warming is a hoax, and that is what would
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happen. as recently named as the most bipartisan senate other. >> placing blame and raising taxes. the founder of the radical protest movement and the person is said, he did not build this up their own. did your goods to market. that lack of trying to sort together, 44 percent, every member of our delegation is headed% and above. >> were coming toward the end. >> this is about the two societies stand on.
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subsidizing the oil industry, billionaires'. taxes can go up on middle-class families. at the end of the day this race may be for control of the senate senator brown of our -- cannot have it both ways. out there raising money for republican seller of the country saying, if you give me money and i when it means the republicans into control. >> i'm afraid we are of time. thank you very much. don't forget to watch for a complete wrapup and reaction to this debate. thank you for joining us. so for it to go to the polls and vote on election day november 6th. thanks for watching. >> in two weeks the first of the presidential debates live on c-span, c-span radio and watch in the gauge. tonight next and romney campaign
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in milwaukee fall by the congressional black caucus but never write the laws and voting rights. another chance to watch the massachusetts senate debate. >> democratic congressman jim mcdermott, tax increases and spending cuts scheduled to take event next year. scholarships the medical students and that these four students and underserved areas. republican congressman joe gergen takes your calls on campaign 2012 energy policy in the fast and furious operation. washington journal live with that today's headlines and calls every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern. >> when i first came down to washington i did not know what an idea did. might experience as prosecutor,
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we occasionally would run into the law enforcement arms, they would be our agents. i was doing mortgage fraud cases . and i was dealing with the inspector general, a very good law enforcement agents, but i did not know the big picture of what the ig was doing. when i get the job, starting with those meetings and there the next bullet years i found that the inspector general ig unfortunately although they are supposed to have these fears what start sitting in for waste, fraud commanded use have really become more are often just like any other governmental agency, number one concern is, things about the budget cannot to preserve the budget. there are very worried about theft clashing with management. very worried about too much interaction with congress. it was a very much a goal of long get along type of attitude
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here. i kept hearing over and over that there were three types of different ideas. a lap dog who would curl up in the lap of management, and that was discouraged. a watchdog which was in between. and i think ultimately when i was going through the confirmation process was sold by the senator, head of the finance committee, and needed to be edging toward god. >> working to uncover fraud and abuse of the $700 billion tart bailout program. more from his book sunday night at a clock on that c-span q&a. >> campaigning for her husband that a woman's form in milwaukee call wisconsin. this is about half an hour.
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phew. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. isn't it great to be on this campus? i am a proud mother of five freshmen students here on campus, and when i get a chance to see my son or talk to him, i am most appreciated. thank you. thank you for coming out. we are asked all the time why we do we do. why do we spend so much time and energy trying to make his sons and a better place? he is the reason that we do will we do. we want wisconsin and america to be a better place for our son and our grandchildren. you know scott and i have the honor to sit with the romney family at the convention.
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it was great to see ms. romney with their children and grandchildren. they are such a wonderful family . we could see they wanted exactly what we wanted, better america for our children. and five sons with 18 grandchildren who understand responsibility, hard work, and unconditional love. placing primary importance on her role as a wife, mother, and grandmother. as the first lady of massachusetts, she worked to focus attention on the challenges facing at risk youth and continues to be interested in that today. well serving on the board seat founded the space and action program that joins inner-city boston churches with at risk youth in the community.
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she is a strong believer that faith based and community organizations can reap some of our communities better than government. [applause] in 1988 mrs. romney was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. for those of you who know, the words that come to mind our courage, inspiration, and if governor romney often states, a rock. [applause] so severe that some days she could not get out of bed. she was determined to conquer her ellis. when mitt romney ran the olympics and was given the honor of chairing -- carrying the torch, but her five sons and husband united behind her and fanned the flames with an error.
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the strength and passion to overcome any obstacle, and that is an inspiration tochis. as the first lady of the united states he will continue to raise awareness for ms and feel passionate about restoring a culture of hope for all in need. she will continue to inspire all of us. please join me in all coming the next first lady of the net states, and romney. [applause] >> you know what i think? at think that we can carry. [applause]
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before i start this is another sober moment in our history. september 11th is a difficult anniversary for our country, and this year our prayers are with those americans and families whose lives are lost in libya and particularly today, a navy seal his family has on spiegel challenges a bearing this privy a man. so if you would all join me and pause for just a moment for all the brave americans who proved that every day freedom is not free. thank you. [applause]
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>> just like we came together 11 years ago in the face of great challenges, our country is coming together during this, the most critical election of our lifetime. you know, today i've got the honor of actually having a few woman behind me that i know from massachusetts. i want you to be aware, as governor, a half of this cabinet and senior staff for woman. some of them are here right now. [applause] in fact, made, when he was governor, was ranked as number one every year for having women -- for having more women in his senior staff. eleven in this illustration or at the heart of the economic turnaround in massachusetts. his chief of staff was a woman.
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his lieutenant governor was a woman. together these women on stage and those other woman were women that helped men to change the environment for business and put the economy and job creation on a growth path. [applause] so, i'm going to introduce a few of those woman that are here with us on states today. his secretary of business and technology, rene ross. [applause] she works to create jobs during the administration. his secretary of consumer affairs and business organization. her job was to go to all regulations, slowing down business start-ups and growth.
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[applause] i think we need a little bit of this in washington. his secretary of environmental affairs. [applause] she knew our mission was to figure out how to protect the environment but restructure the regulation slowing down new business start-ups hamas and she did this by shifting key business startup approvals to zero approvals. [applause] another woman i will introduce i knew very well because she worked with me at the olympics she also joined with the team
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and made sure all the promises made during his campaign ad or follow through with. so the bottom line is having these women here, all of these woman in the audience. to know that he put women in key positions to help create job growth, cut regulation, red tape, make energy affordable, and turn around the economy. [applause] >> one of those wonderful business leaders was make woodman. i would also -- i cannot say enough about wisconsin and being
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thrilled to have paul ryan and his wife as part of our team. [applause] unfortunately janet is under the weather, but i saw her sister-in-law who made an appearance. so we are so thrilled to have someone like paul ryan on our team. he is so great. and he is bringing a warning bell. we appreciate the ballot he is running because he is making all of us aware that we are approaching a fizzle cliff, that we have economic problems in this nation that have to be addressed and have to be solved, and we are so grateful for a man
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that has the courage to my intelligence, integrity. we love paul ryan. [applause] i am going to know how fine until you a story. my fun job is to tell people about things that you may not know about. everyone knows he has been a successful businessman. everyone knows that he has a big family. i don't know if you have noticed, but the balloon drop to my grand children go lost in the berlin. there was a plexiglas cover. there were diving, like dolphins citing. our advanced the there would be another balloon drop, and there were truly going to be buried in the balloons. they did not mind. that was their favorite part of
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the convention. there was a story told of the convention that i would like to retell. the ability to let you know what kind of a person that he is in heavy is a person that cares. we know that he, by having woman with us today, that he cares about women and making it the economy good for women and he cares that this -- these past four years have been the most difficult on woman. do you know that more women have become unemployed in the men in the last four years? to you also know that more women have fallen into poverty in the last four years? so i know that we need to have women out there understand the person that cares, will work harder than anyone, be there,
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and he also will not fail. [applause] said to show you the kind of character that i've seen in this man that had been married to for a tour -- 43 years i will reach hillis' story. a did not know that this was happening. friends from our past, firemen in massachusetts when we were married. i remember how old one of my sons was because these of -- he was learning how the talk. my son was too. i will tell you that now my son is a doctor. i think it is no surprise that when he was just kidding a perception of the world around him, he was involved in things that made him see that we care
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for one another and take care of one another. ..
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by tim a very large box of fireworks. and big fireworks or david when he got out of the hospital, which david did by the way. and his tv remembers it so fondly because they said it his favorite paris from the heavy hardiness they had an train for this boy. and another they say, david new that mitt was going to harvard by school and he told mitt that he wanted to have a well. how can you imagine a 14-year-old boy probably doesn't have many possessions, but he was concerned about what he would leave his favorite rifle, his skateboard, some of his art materials. and so in the is that pretty yellow legal pad with him and he
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and david sat down together and they read out davisville. in another visit, david was planning his funeral. and this is where it really gets me. he said to mitt, i know who i want to speak in my eulogy. mitt, i want you to speak to my funeral. and mitt did. and how amazing is that comment that this is to me how we measure a person, how we care for one another. mac i was grateful for pat into nebraska to come to a convention until the story because they were tired of hearing stories
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about a man that only cares about profit. we know what mitt cares about. mitt cares about people. [applause] so here we are using a very significant moment in our history. we have a very important election coming out. i was at harper bush a few months ago she was very outspoken and frank what she is a to be. as she said something interesting. she said when she was introducing me that this is the most port and election of lifetime. i thought, is that amazing? is 863087 years old. she's lived a long time. she's been made to a president and her son was president. and i thought wow, this is the
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most important election of a lifetime and it is. it is so important. you guys did it. you do the hard work in wisconsin. you've got scott walker. [cheers and applause] and i know we can do it again because we've got to make sure that paul ryan and mitt romney win in november. [cheers and applause] shana levin is optimistic. without this country. we love everything about the opportunity and promise it has given us all. we are so grateful for all of those sacrificed before a set of come here for hope, for opportunity as my ancestors did. my grandfather, a welsh coal miner would be stunned to know
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that his granddaughter would be standing here. he came in a very bad time, 1929, chess was not a nickel in his pocket. and yet, my father is a 15-year-old boy went to work, went to work her in high school, got a good degree, worked hard and he built his own business. [applause] mitt is running to make sure that all of those streamers, all of this people working so hard will note that the next generation, the promise of america will always be there for him. sippers of this country. without that it's given for all of us have what it will give to our children if we continue to fight and keep america but it's always been, the hope of the
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earth. god bless america. thank you all very much. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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>> my pleasure to introduce the chair of the congressional black caucus, representing missouri's fifth congressional district, congressman emanuel cleaver this i can't. [applause]
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the night good morning. we appreciate your presence and participation in this opening of the annual legislative conference. i may just say we hope all of you will refer to what we are doing as the annual legislative conference. this is not -- you're not coming to the cbc or to the cbc weekend that was suggested. this is a party and we hope you will see it as what it is and what we intended this to be. and that is an opportunity for you to participate in some fabulous and well thought out or items as well as brain trust. our foundation staff has worked all year to put on these events.
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since 2011, the american public voting public has come under attack. we never would have predicted in the 1970s or in the 1980s than in the year 2011 we would be fighting an attempt to suppress or discourage minority voting power. we should have understood it because in 2008, african-american and latino turnout was the highest ever. and for the first time -- [applause] for the first time in u.s. history, african-american voter
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turnout equaled by voter turnout. percentage wise. not in numbers, the percentage wise. and we were down and thoughtless if we did not understand that what a response to that. we did not predict what happened. and so it's been estimated that the block the vote at various could cost about 5 million black votes across the country. and that could jeopardize the election which ever way you to go. [laughter] this is a foundation. we take no political asides. i am for whoever wants to win.
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[laughter] nevertheless, we've had 176 restrictive bills regarding voting laws proposed in 41 states. now understand that we cannot even find an instance of voter fraud in the last 20 something years come in the justice department has investigated like to. so why do other than what it mentioned earlier would there be such another to deter a minority voting power. so we see this as old as both numerous and dangerous and think about photo i.d. i was born and raised in texas and when i started looking into the family background, the cleaver family background, i was
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fortunate enough to have my great, great grandfathers with me until i was out of college. on the cleaver's side, the males tend to live a long time, most of them get right up to or past 100. i'll probably get hit by a trip. [laughter] my great grandpa, the reverend noah albert cleaver live to be 103. mai two employee sat on his knee on his 100 birthday. my great grandpa preached, worked in the community and in 103 years, never voted because he refused to pay the texas poll tax. it was only $1.50, but $1.50 is
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a lot of money. even if you have it, it's the principle. in 1879, we are constitutionally regarded as three fifths human, slightly above it. and so when the 15th amendment was passed, we didn't come out much better. the law was, unless your grandfather voted, you had to take a literacy test. and of course no grandfather of a black person had ever voted. so all black people in texas and many southern states had to take a test. and the test that has irritated me the most in alabama literacy test and you can find these tests. it's amazing. i was going to do is make you angry. so don't do it if you're trying to be nice to your spouse or some thing. [laughter] you have to do it on the train or something.
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it says before you can vote, you must recite the constitution. and of course nobody is going to be able to recite the constitution, said they rendered it to be too illiterate to go. and so, that is why i come so angry at anyafrican-american refuses to vote. they are not worth the color if they don't go. they had to give us the color back. [applause] the african-american credentials need to be snatched if they don't vote. that is an insult to the ancestors and people who brought us to where we are right now. third the no black caucus but for the black men and women who fought and died, and that we might have an opportunity to gather here in washington.
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there'd be 42 members of the congressional black caucus. and so, we are launching on the 25th this month,, national voter registration day all over the country, at least in the areas where we have a black member of congress. we will have a rally at the election boards admin in three selected cities, kansas city would be one of them. we'll have huge concerts with the top entertainers come african-american entertainers. if you register to vote, you come in paris. if you're not registered, you can come register at the door and then coming for you. if you haven't had a change of address card you can show up anyway and still anyway and still coming you. we've got to do everything we can to get people energized and understanding what is being done to us. you know, if people understood what was being done and still
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chose not to though, i understand they have some mental problems. but if there are nowhere, but maybe that's our fault. and so we've got to leave from washington, going back home come explaining to people what's going on. and so i appreciate the opportunity that she's come here from all over the country. hopefully you will leave with the voter guide toolkit this you can take back to your home districts and understand this voter i.d. law is intended to have some consequences. my father is 90 years old. he turned 90 on july 16th. he is just as alert as anybody here and he writes a bicycle about three miles to her three times a week and he's not tired. he said phenomenon he calls his girlfriend and they sit around and talk. [laughter] but for the fact that my daddy
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on the cleaver said of my family, the men live a long time to maintain their mental dexterity, my father wouldn't be able to vote because he would never trevor's license. and if you don't have an idea in the state of texas, is $21, $21. and so we need to be pure energized and in some ways angry at the audacity that people have been trained to keep us from the polls. and they're not going to stop us. people been trying to stop us in this country for more than 400 years and we haven't stopped yet. this isn't the time to even think about stopping. so let me now introduce one of my classmates, the person that i came to congress with. and when i first met her, i knew she was going to be somebody special. she was already somebody
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special, but she was going to be even special her. and lo and behold, very quickly she began to move up in the democratic caucus. and then eventually she caught the eye of the president of the united states who asked her to become the first member of the house of representatives to serve in a congressional seat and also chair the democratic national committee. my good friend and the person who has been leading us to this point, debbie wasserman schultz from the 20th district of florida. [applause] >> thank you so much. thank you so much, good morning. thank you so much, chairman cleaver. really, can i ask you to give a round of applause to my friends that are later, emanuel cleaver. such an incredible leader and spokesperson for civil rights and civil liberties.
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i'm proud to be here to join my colleagues on the congressional black caucus in all fields for the 42nd annual cbc have legislative conference. representing communities in south florida, and particularly focused on voting rights and ensuring we protect the most fundamental right we all have as american citizens, the right to vote. and while i am not wearing the dnc chair had today, i would be remiss if i didn't knowledge is a person charged with obama to be the democratic national committee barack obama to do finish line this november, and especially interested in any effort to press or deny voting rights if they know you all are, too. it is really shocking we need voting rights in 2012, but we press on. chairman cleaver, thank you so much for your friendship and for your leadership and for all that you do for the african-american community and all americans share the congressional black caucus. to my sister friend back there,
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congressman gwen moore and the man who assisted back, andre carson, congratulations to both of you and your co-chairmanship of the legislative conference. the program the two view of the together a together so standing in and look forward to participating in many workshops and events. a number of my colleagues are here today. watt, mercia statue i hear rumors about opportunities and glad to hear that. excellent choice. the great john lewis and charlie rangel, it's a privilege to serve the public view. 47 days -- 47 days until americans go to the polls. there is so much work to be done on so many friends in and of this conference will help us focus and drive legislative efforts over the next year, bush should also use information to help inform others about the issues at stake in this election. i know i don't need to tell anyone of this term, but the defense of civil liberties to
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fight to eradicate discrimination is not something relegated to the history books, is that? it's an ongoing struggle, one that one that each generation must fight anew. we sat together in struggle and have a steadfast commitment to protecting fundamental right to vote for all americans regardless of their party or political beliefs. that is because we know voting rights are at the core of our democracy. the french trade strengthens society and provides fertile ground for liberty to flourish. but must not allow those who seek to consolidate power and put a thumb on the scales of the democratic process to succeed. but mustering vigilant in efforts to ensure all eligible americans have opportunity for voices to be heard in ballots counted so we continue to move our country forward. i'm sure you are aware of recent depression if it's in my home state of florida and across the country. in the past two years facing a new organized assault on voting rights that may not seem as obvious as the overt efforts to disenfranchise eligible voters.
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in 2007 alone, more than 30 state legislators introduce legislation were passed last making it harder to go, not easier. the research of flash short and early voting windows, limited to election day registration and made it more difficult for poll workers to do jobs. it's no coincidence here. we know this restrictive laws affect all voters, but we also got a fall disproportionately on certain communities, especially african-american voters. we also know the history of american voting rights, access to the franchise has never remained stagnant. as he moved forward or falling backward. the legacy of our generation's history is up to us to determine. and i am heartened despite recent throat blocks in some states, the momentum has turned a chorus or enforcing the nation state, federal and constitutional protections to voting rights. recently my home state of florida, a federal judge permits or any restrictions on community voter registration jobs like
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those connected by teachers or the league of women voters. another panel of judges that restrictions on early voting but disproportionately affect minority voters and refused to plea here in the five florida counties subject to section five of the voting rights act. there'll be a court decision probably today that will further address those concerns. just two weeks ago, federal judges held a photo i.d. like texas, one of the strictest in the nation also violates the voting rights act democratic demand is have your springs that fall disproportionately on poor and minority voters. two weeks ago a federal judge out in favor of obama for america to commit dnc and ohio party granted an injunction restoring early voting in ohio on saturday, sunday and monday before election. right now we consider this site in the sixth circuit court of appeals. thank you. we will continue to fight all across the land. just two days ago the pennsylvania supreme court took
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action to questions 90 states photo i.d. law. the court set aside i pulled in a lot and told to make certain the new lab results and no voter disenfranchisement, none. that case continues and so will we. we will continue to fight. thank you, thank you. we will continue to fight in congress, too. i'm proud to be a member steny hoyer's work could rights group and a personal cosponsor of congressman john lewis' voter empowerment act of 2012, which i'm sure you're above this morning. we're all working together to make progress in reserve and have votes counted. we need to make sure the public remains informed and vigilant and that is that this morning's panel is all about. ..
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>> good morning, brothers and sisters. but we wanted thank the chairman knew we heard from this morning for his tireless lead within the congress and within the congressional black caucus as our chairman. we also want to thank our good friend and sister, my classmate,
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represented did debbie wasserman schulz who you have to probe. i can't tell you that there is no way the start a town hall meeting, the 42nd annual legislative conference without asking our elders permission to speak. we have on the stage with us today one of the founding members of the congressional black caucus to bless this a fair and to bring as greetings. ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters. please welcome representative charles rangel from the 15th district of new york. >> thank you, my good friends. thank you so very, very much.
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you may notice that when speakers come out here to speak normally they come out alone and i read or review. they told me in the back that i have one minute to speak to you. so with all of my 82 years i looked at both of them startled to learn what they just smiled and said to mike a one-out. i had no idea that they were prepared to do all we get the apollo. in new york, an amateur hour. people over time, they just read you off states. but quite frankly, as always, i am just so overwhelmed and excited about how far we've come
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. when i get to the congress in 190071i was met by charles state from detroit michigan, a man that had so much vision in recognizing that not only were our roots from africa, but africa had to be a player on the world scene. he mentored me, and together with of the members that were there under my predecessor, the late and they break adam clayton powell, we, four of us, became the congressional black caucus. we did not get together just because we were men and women of color. we get together because we recognize that we were coming together with a vision of strength, our votes that something. we wanted to tell everybody, no matter where they left that whether or not they had a member
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of color it did not matter because we took the responsibility of this big for them wherever there were. can you imagine it to the years the 13 crew of 26 iraq another ten years, 42. forty-three. now the congressional black caucus is the largest carcass that we have in the house of representatives. >> among our members of. >> with all of the struggles that we suffered in the civil rights movement, all of them marching and praying and dying that people had done for us,
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please, don't any of the walkaway not realizing that this struggle continues, and the same type of mentality that would rush to prevent us from voting yesterday exists today with the same motivation to stop us from voting. so with all of the pride, dignity, and feelings that we have asked to where we have been and where we are today, please call me to and everyone of you, walk away believing that this is just the beginning for you, your children, and your children's children. [applause] >> my name is charlie.
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you know, this is the 42nd annual legislative conference, and i want to welcome you to the national town hall meeting. as co-chair of this year's annual legislative conference, it has been an honor and quite frankly a thrill to work with my giant, and i mean that figure to the ins literally to my congressman colleague andre carson of indiana. not only this national town hall meeting, but all of the issues that will be discussed here and throughout the conference are very near and dear to the hearts of the congressional black caucus. i know that they are concerned that you in the larger carrier did he have as low. and it is our wish that you will
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take the information, the handouts, the very speakers that we have and gather this information together and take it back to your community. it cannot be said enough that we need your help to get this crucial work done. the one you all to be like dance you know, aunts, multiple times their weight in work. you looked at attendee the land and think, what can they do. our river, the old african and each that together the events each the elephant. [applause] >> thank you, congresswoman. it has been an honor to serve with u.s. kutcher for this year's sales the.
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>> i'm needed. >> i'm meeting for the bottom of my heart. you're from the midwest commander looking gorgeous and canary yellow. france, it is an honor to be here for this morning's panel. you know, my home state of indiana was the first of many to enact a better idea of us, and republican legislatures passed one of the strictest loss requiring voters to present a government is huge photo id in order to have their vote counted they claim that this law was necessary because it would address rampant voter fraud. in truth the state of indiana has never convicted anyone of another person nation. will we do know is that this law makes it harder for certain
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populaces about, including the elderly, young people, and african-americans. it is alarming that we have a responsibility to get the word out. a notice telling cordoba in the greece to the texas you can present to a gun license about, what is to ignite the is insufficient. there is a problem. now, with this in mind, i'm very pleased that we have a spectacular body of distinguished panelists, scholars, and political strategists who will drive more deeply into these issues, but we must go forward from this conference, inspired and motivated to show up and show out in this year's election. [applause] so before we get to our esteemed moderator, activist to
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managed-care, the foundation has a brief video we was like to share. >> my name is catherine had since clarke ally and this is my mother. my mother is 92. and this is the story of all the trials that she went through in order to get a photo id in order to vote in the state of wisconsin, when this act was passed about the vote id, what is that? i don't have to worry. i got a wisconsin id, social security number, my recesses. that is all i need. so then she tells about all this
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it was shocking to me. she has been voting for a least 60 years in the state of wisconsin. he has even been a poll worker. so very, very upsetting to her and to me to find out after of the simon all this time she has been voting and that she has to have something extra in order to go into which she has been doing before. we began our journey in terms of getting the photo id. right after thanksgiving, 2011. and so my mother and i were conducting business and decide to go to the dmv and get our fight the. so we got there. now, my mother had an expired driver's license that was not good because it was too old. she had a photo id from the agency that would now work. so the only way this she could get a photo id must have a
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certified birth certificate from the state of mississippi where she was born. now, i knew it was going to be a problem because i had tried to get a certified birth certificate from the state of mississippi a few years prior, and it cost me $2,000. corrected certified birth certificate. so many errors, they tell me that i would have to go to court , hire an attorney in the state of mississippi in order to do that. so with attorney fees and court costs it was to grant. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our moderator, cnn commentator, most of our world black enterprise, and the columbia professor of education, dr. lamonts hill. [applause]
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>> good morning, everybody. welcome to our discussion on post racial america. the y'all ain't heard. seriously. this is an important conversation that we are going to have about voted discrimination, the loss, and how it constitutes the new form, 21st century form of racial discrimination. a lot of conversation going on about what these other ids me. remittance they want to give democrats the another. i think they want to be mined -- non-partisan and objective. before they come out, i'll tell you something. this is not anything to be objective about. this is a clear case of racial discrimination. what is going on right now is important. this election will be decided by the steps of issues. republicans don't win by a
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genius. they don't win because they're making a compelling argument. it all when because they convince the people that their plan, at least for the 47 percent of us, is good. what they do is win by a margin of poor people that don't vote. they win by a margin of probable that don't vote. it would buy the march of black people that did not vote. even though in 2008 barack obama's was able to register heal the generation of voters come he was able to galvanize a new wave of people who entered the polls and make different decisions about their future, education, health care. even though all of that happened they have managed somehow to convince us that for the sake of preventing voter fraud they need to restrict our access to the polls. they tell us that is voter fraud. you know what the odds are voter fraud occurring? it's like one in that trillion. you have a better chance of being struck by lightning in
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front of the house that you one of publishers clearing house. the odds are so slim, and you think, it's what we have to do today, have a conversation, an analysis, an action plan. will we will do is all three of those things, talks with the issues, where this comes from because it is not new, and it will talk to what to do between now and november so that we do not lose this election. we can lose the election, but we can never lose the vote. i will say that again. we can lose the election, will weaken others that up because the vote is a reflection of our citizenship. the vote is a signpost of how far we have come as a nation, the votes was cosigned in 1965, there was coesite, written in the blood of our grandmothers and grandfathers and great grandmothers and great grandfathers and all the black folks in the struggle to make us
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full human beings. even if the world is that kill it -- fully convinced of that fact to miami. you are. we are. we'll have a group of people with all political parties to the different generations to my ideas who are all committed to protecting our interests, our vote to let our country. before i introduce the panel will like to thank the service employees international union. they are our sponsors. particularly now want to thank valerie young -- valerie blog who is the edge a national executive vice president. jerry had since who is the executive vice president. they both sponsor the town hall and the sci you has been committed to building a fair economy, providing workers a voice of the job by need for equality insuring that all people work with the did the. it is so important for organizations to exist. give them one more round of
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applause please. i know you did not come to hear me talk. it's not time to bring on the panel. first up is representative martian fudge. there you go. next up, of course, another legend, representative john lewis. [applause] we also have representative mel watts. next up, one of my favorite
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people, ms. dunn of brazil. [applause] next up, some of you might have heard of this gentleman. he will be on the tv screen. brenda brenda l. sharpton. and i want to give a special thank-you because he was able to of fill in for us on short notice lesson to come i told them he will be moderating. those three key civil-rights morgan -- organization national rights now works, he did not know that money came out and i apologize, but we thank him for
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being here. give him a round of applause. i said this would be a diverse panel. why y'all laughing? we have conservatives. we went through the whole cdc and found republicans, both of them. first up, ms. chrysolite. [applause] and we have mr. ron christie. once again, i want to thank you all. one of the things i said to the audience was, this battle over voter i.d., access to the poll is the most clear case of racial discrimination that we have in
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the 21st century, and that is my promise. you may disagree, but i want to start there. let me start with you. you have been around this country. particularly in the key states for this happened. what do you see going on? >> a great honor to be part of this distinguished panel and to be part of the congressional black caucus legislative weekend over the last 12 months we have seen more than 180 restrictive voter i.d. loss introduced in state legislative halls all throughout the country. just to let you know the impact these laws will have, 17 states have passed restrictive laws, 17 states have the potential to impact the 2012 presidential election. these account for 289 torre votes, 80 percent of the electoral vote that is needed in
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order to win the presidency. let me say this. when you change the rules that is called cheating. there is no place in our country and democracy to put all of this burden before the american people, eligible citizens to show up at the voting booth this fall and have them produce multiple forms of id because i know my other distinguished panelists can add to this. in 2000 when i managed campaigns, the campaign that we won and lost on the same day, my own sister who at the time lived in florida have to produce not one, not to, but three forms of voter i.d. just to get a provisional ballot. i have told everybody, not just my family, but all throughout this country the regardless of what they tell you, the voter identification, your driver's license, i want to urge everyone to show up with pretty much
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everything that you can produce. driver's license, birth certificate, anything. in your utility payments because this fall we will see hurdles we have not seen since 1965. this is something that should bother all of us. martin luther king in 1967. one of the best sermons that he ever gave. give us the balance of the weekend to fill the legislative hall so that we can feel in our judicial branches with net revenu serve with mercy and act justly. this fall unfortunately we are proud to have a hard time in some of the state's getting the ballot eligible so that they can cast their vote for the presidency and other elected positions. >> absolutely. bring that utility bill. even if you ain't heated. pink, yellow, it don't matter.
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>> reverend sharpton. we understand that the laws are changing. the question also is, does it constitute racial discrimination? why is this racial? >> first of all, there is discrimination because at any number of studies, but i will quote the pew group, talked about the disproportionate impact that it has on african-americans and latinos. three things that i think we need to be clear on because as well we have been doing, a tour, we have been with the congresswoman in ohio and that 11 states on voter i.d. with the naacp and urban league. we are not against identification. they're trying to act like you have to have id to do anything. we are saying, have the same might be this year that you had when reagan ran, clinton ran, but schramm. people need to be clear.
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you're not talking about against aideed, with the new restrictive butter of the because they're trying to sell. that is all we're doing. there has been no fraud. the justice department has established. so this is a solution looking for a problem that the problem with it for a solution. this proportion that impact of last. black and latino, elderly. and mantle be in orlando florida. reverend, i'm 85 years old. i live 27 miles from where you have to go get the restrictive city. i do not try because i am too old. i don't have a passport because i'm not going anywhere. so the duty would cost $27 the transport to go when. that is a poll tax. we cannot have a position with fixed income with a can i get
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the idea and therefore the vote is denied. the institute, it will cause contention of 5 million votes. if you look at congressman wants states where everyone by hello number of votes in north carolina, 200,008, 14,000 in virginia. saving of 100,000 votes could turn this election. secondly, when you look at the congressman, they, the price to those, i think we need to have a two-pronged strategy. we have to fight to chase a loss, all we need to do everything we need to devote this year so where we cannot turn around like ohio and pennsylvania and michigan, we can still vote because if they could take no right to vote and stand appearance and get beaten
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by john lewis of those they william, them what excuse to we have that we cannot give a couple of ideas and go to the polls? we cannot be that lazy. we cannot do we have to do this november. as much as we are of raised we need to have a strategy that we are there to mccourt to be proactive and deal with it. lastly and that you put me on this side is a what the conservatives. i am trying to conserve the voting rights act. i am trying to conserve -- i'm trying to conserve the civil rights act. the radicals of those that are trying to have a radical departure from what made this country great. we are trying to insert the country. others are trying to turn the country back, and we are not going back.
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>> we are going to let the conservative members of the panel of bin. i was just teasing. very grateful to have them on the panel. a nonpartisan event, non-partisan carcass designed to, but the issues and answers rather than engage in the kind of bitter partisanship that has undermined progress. the rev. mentioned the law. i want to acknowledge some of the lawmakers of we have in the room. representative emmanuel cleaver. andre carson. give them a warm welcome. and also, kyl kilpatrick is also in the room. i would like to go to the three lawmakers that are on the panel. part of what this has become is an abstract argument. a kind of ideological argument were people were entirely clear. so what i would like to talk
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about is what kind of issues are voters in your district dealing with right now with regard to voting? >> seniority. >> seniority. >> first of all, the issue of any willing to vote, it will to participate in a democratic process should not be a partisan issue. the right to vote, the right to participate, as i said before, it's precious. almost sacred. people died for this right. people stood. another time in our history people had to pass a test.
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it the number of jellybeans and a jar, the number of black lawyers and black doctors, college professors, teachers, ministers, lawyers were told that they could not reach a run on of. we thought we'd solve that issue with the voting rights act of 1965. why now during this election year we must fight this issue all over again. some people said, probably talk about the past. because to me if we fail to remember the past we will repeat the history. we don't want to go back. we want to go forward, and that is why we must do. so it's not just -- a lot of people think it happened in alabama, mississippi, georgia, north carolina, south carolina. what is calling on them pennsylvania. it's a shame, and i disagree.
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it is an affront to the voting rights act of 1965 and to the democratic process. we cannot and must not allow it to happen on our watch. now, reverend al will tell you that if we allow what is about to happen in pennsylvania to happen maybe 700 or 900,000 people would be denied the right to cast a ballot. we cannot let that happen. the only thing that did during this to my give a little blood for the right to vote. i tell you. some of my friends and colleagues to my three young men that i knew gave their very
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lives. and for us, black or white or latino or asian-american or native american, to be silent and not make noise, and that's fine a few days. someone else will march to these places, the board of elections, and we are growing to dramatize the issue once again all across america where we have african-american mayors of congress. we're going to, and we must. >> that's right. [applause] >> congressman, what is going on in your district in particular that voters are facing in serving with the regard to this issue? >> state of ohio which everyone knows, ground zero for was going
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got his country. a secretary of state u.s. and everything possible to restrict our ability to vote. taken away voting which we have the primary, taken away longer hours to much we have the prairie this year. created so many issues that we have taken to court in basically one most. what people need to understand is that we cannot get our vote out, this election could change significantly. our battle not only is to educate people on what they need to vote, but more importantly what they have to get out and vote. we can make sure that people are educated. it is unaware issue. we dealt force our state legislature to do away with a variety. in no higher you can use your utility bill. you can use your driver's license or any other form of light the.
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our bigger problem is that in particular african americans have historically voted on the weekend. so they took away weekend voting . churches on sunday would bring buses to the polls, especially the weekend before the election, so they took away some of the voting. we got it back to weekend before the election, but let me make clear why this is a major problem. 25 percent of african-americans have no photo id. according to the burn center, african-americans have driver's license and half the rate of whites. only 22% of black men aged 18-24 have a valid karzai since. you think of this is of a big deal. this is a big deal. not only of minority voters us ledger to possess a id, but they're also more likely than white voters to be selective last friday.
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so when people say that this does not affect the african-american population, something is amiss in their thinking. when you look at the laws across this country, unless is like -- take texas. in the state of texas you can use a hunting license as an official form of writing about, what you cannot use your student id. the you know who they want to vote no they don't. if there clear that across this country there right it easier. there is not a problem. if there is for the process is absentee. people don't go to the polls and try to pretend to be some they're not. so what to did not change? absentee because that is the way most people vote. >> of the one thing that could cause front.
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>> the one thing that nobody says, and i will say lastly to you, we realize that something is important when people tried a ticket from los. people never tried take anything that is unimportant. understand, if they try to limit our ability to shape our futures and writer of history, we cannot let them do it. thank you. >> and new york going to get to me at some point. i am anxious to hear your friends at the far right in their response. >> so why. >> i just do want to talk about north carolina. north carolina illustrates why this is so critically important, the vote and to rebuild for.
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we have a democratic of want. we have a governor who vetoed the voter ride the law. that has made all the difference in north carolina because we still have will we have of the books for a years ago. so we are not dealing with that. i am anxious to hear the response and i no you're going to throw it to the next. i am going to set the stage for you. when i think of voting rights in addition to job those, i think of all of those long lines that i saw in south africa. people standing in line, not a
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single registration was required the whole idea of requiring people to register to votes in my estimation has always been undemocratic. [applause] cal on, now. we are not talking about presenting addie's. these are people who were standing in line, have never registered to vote.
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>> said yes. >> i would. i would. in this state of technology we are not being required to register, in this to the devoted we can track people. if we can find someone and pakistan we can figure out whether somebody is eligible to vote without them having to march down with saddam utility bill. [applause]
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>> is in want people to think that you were saying you didn't want any kind of tracking system . >> can i intervene? i every with my colleague and friend from north carolina. it is so important, and i think everyone should understand, as far back as 1963, at the march on washington a waste of hit 1963, 50 years ago we came up to the slogan, one person, one of omaha. that was the slogan that was the cry for young people. the only qualification for being able to vote should be age and residence, nothing more and
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nothing less, and we are going backward. in a democratic society we should open up the process and let people come and and not try to keep people out. that is where we should go. [applause] that is the conservative principle we just stated. >> i'm going to go to the experts on that. in this particular order for this round of questions. i will make sure you jump in at the top of the of a one. you have been hearing all this. the first question for me is, is there any distinction to the idea that this is a clue the rationalized set of policies that are being implemented? >> thank you, first, for the invitation and opportunity to interact. at this is a very, very important discussion that we need to have.
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when i listen and as a student of history and now a lawyer i recognize if it were not for the efforts of many brave pioneers we would not be sitting here today having this discussion. [applause] as a lawyer and as a student of history when you ask the question, i go back and give you a few years to think about. 2005, president jimmy carter and james baker shared a vision. one of the key recommendations these to illinois was that we must have a federal voter identification card was to ensure the integrity of the ballot box in the electoral process . i move for three years letter to the year 2008. in 2008 the united states supreme court took up this very
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issue of, is a discriminatory have of a variety? does it marginalize people who are less well off and are of color and does it meet constitutional muster? this was a 6-3 opinion that those written by the hard-core right winger john paul stevens, and i say that this -- facetiously, of course. they said that it was constitutional, legal, and proper for indiana to institute a voter i.d. system. it was proper that a republican legislature had decided to enact this and that, while democrats have complained and said this was an overly partisan method, the supreme court also said that that is part of the electoral process and why citizens made
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those decisions. so what i would come up with, 2012, this very year. earlier this year of the richmond times dispatch issued an editorial which said to my would like microcircuit medium rare. in that particular editorial they noted that they had strong opposition to the voter i.d. loss of virginia going through the legislature. not that there were racist and were going to a disproportionately impact people of color. the issue that editorial because they said that virginia did have a problem. there were ten balance, convicted felons found to have voted illegally in also in april of this year in a statewide report they found 50 people in virginia who voted illegally. so the richmond times dispatch said this was not a problem in
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search of a solution or of solution in terms of a problem to the answer to a problem. we are all equal under the color of law. these voter i.d. laws are designed specifically to allow people to have the confidence and integrity in the ballot box. so i do not think this says a regionalization. >> i would like to, if i may. >> please, let him respond. your answer. i would like you to sort of -- want to push this forward a little bit. when you record the data fewer black people have access to the polls. hal is that not on its face a rationalized policy. >> i want to backtrack and go to david nobody has mentioned. i grew out knowing that my
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parents sat at lunch counters. my mom tells me these stories and they resonate with the busy maybe the woman i am, the fearless woman to have a different opinion and said he wrote for you and say that i don't think martin luther king fought for us to be in the year 2012 and be told that blacks can't. i remember my mother telling me when she was a little girl she had to get to a series of beach and had to sit on this side and watch the white people sunday to watch the white people enjoy the beauty of the ocean and son was she and her family did together blankets to have a canopy to protect themselves and there. i remember my father talked to me about the medical college of virginia and being the only black to interrogate -- integrated central glass. he held his white colleagues
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said the. this did not to for my father. he continued, pressed on and became a great interest still practicing today. when we were little my parents built their dream home in richmond, virginia. a subdivision where they thought there would have access to a country club. i was in grade school and my parents were told they cannot -- their kids could not swim at the pool, play tennis because we were black. they sued the country club. the one. did it now when so that we could swim in the pool with the white people. they want to teach their children to fight for what is right. that experience that i had growing up, being told that in the face of the adversity i could achieve, this does not jive with voter i.d. loss.
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folks, here are the facts. voter i.d. laws are not jim-crow because they apply to all of us. i want to go back to the burn center stats that respectively congressman but highlighted. 89 percent of americans have proper id. whose fault is it that 25 percent of americans will not or cannot get an idea? in 2008 when the supreme court ruled on indiana's voter i.d. lot they found it to be constitutional and to my guess what, after the laws were passed minority participation in the electoral process increased by 40 percent. in georgia in 2010 when the republicans were experiencing a surge, guess what, more black voters turned out by 40%.
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latino and hispanic voter turnout increased by 140%. and american university in the university of delaware have "found none of the vote friday loss have deterred people from the polls i find it hard to believe, and i'm tired of being talked down to as a black woman and told what i can add to. our message needs to be, what is wrong with the 11%? in the ticket with the game and get an idea to vote. voter fraud does occur. we know tight races, they can be won by 312 votes. 170 have been found to be fraudulent, and those individuals have been convicted. sixty-six of those votes are now being -- crimes are being
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brought. that was a vote that minnesota seat senatorial seats, that was about that decided obamacare. so far does occur ended matters. if we checked ids, which we don't primarily unless we have voter i.d. loss, we would know the kind of fraud. >> i have three members of congress and the civil rights leader ought to jump out of the shares. [laughter] >> and i will be very brief. >> we have to move this along. >> i don't know that anyone said that we can't do something. the question is, why shouldn't we. >> why shouldn't we? >> why shouldn't we? >> i let you speak. please. no one here is saying we can't. all of us have overcome
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something in our lives. that is that the issue. we fought a battle for equality and justice. if we are standing up for not our children and grandchildren. >> i'll give you a chance to get back. dignified. >> whose fault it is that people don't have ids. my grandmother is birth certificate, it is in the bible. these young people that live in cities like new york and philadelphia do not even drive. why did they needed driver's license? they take public transportation. a lot of them don't have jobs. disabled people don't have jobs. we have to look at who has been singled out in this process. students, poor people, the elderly, the disabled, people who historically vote democratic. predetermined. >> let me get to this.
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first of all, we can have different opinions. we can have different facts. the fact -- >> where were my fax different? >> said did not interrupt you one time. >> let everyone responding gates indiana to my the supreme court ruled was not the same ideal, that we are dealing with in pennsylvania and in other states you're acting as though one case is a uniform id law as congresswoman fred said, we have state-by-state different laws. texas has one, pennsylvania another. if, in fact, has run christie said, they had the national federal like the law you could say that. we are talking about different
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states have laws, and we should not act as though the supreme court ruling said that as a case in point, fact is a texas federal court just said it is discriminatory, the ideal was a put in 2012. that is one. that is a fact. that is the fact. secondly, when we talk about people that were foreigners voting, that has nothing to do with people that are american-born, ideal laws saying that someone fraudulently voted. id laws would not protect that. you are mixing apples and oranges. thirdly, why doesn't a 11% have their idea and why cannot we kiss them? why change the rules of the game in the fifth inning? nobody, nobody, when you change the state laws, mostly early
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this year in late last year, the game was already on for the selection. we are not talking about changing something later. we are talking about now. people cannot vote now that could have voted in the last election, and many did. that is changing the game. don't blame people for not being prepared for a game that you change the rules. for having a tough round fight, you change it to in a graphite, you have shaved off four rounds. don't tell me why we are not prepared. or did you change the game. [applause] >> i know. >> we have a questions. reverend, says you want to deal with facts. i did bring a couple. 2011, only two states have
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restrictions. a quadruple. now up to 41 states. the problem is proof of citizenship. in addition to having the idea you have to show other purpose citizenship, and those laws are changing state by state. only one state to my knowledge. virginia has issued through identification to residents who do not have all of the other forms of id that are required to give eighth thought the driver's license permit. in my home state of louisiana you have to show up with all of the proof of citizenship. has anyone ever refer came katrina or what happens? i mean, i don't even want to give chapter and verse because i would have a pity party. the fact is, you have to not only show up at all these prefer citizenships but you have to shop with $39.50.
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here's the problem with 11 percent of the american people, 25 million citizens without proof of identification. many of them did not have the resources or, as the rev. and others mentioned, someone who can drive them to the local dmv in order to get those proper forms of id. >> dr. >> one thing. i promise to give you a chance to respond. we have waiting for a very long time. we have people joining us in six cities. austin, chicago, atlanta, and new york. pretty cool. another round of applause. give them some love. [applause] and each of them -- well, three of them have a question. they have been watching with joy at this exchange.
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i want you to jump in as requested. >> a ph.d. candidate at texas a&m university. my question is for ms. right. thank you. okay. >> go ahead. >> okay. so the recent federal court decision in texas blocked a law requiring voters to show the eveready and was ruled that it imposed strict and unforgiving burdens on minority voters. prior to this ruling a gun owner would be able to use the lessons to vote, but i would not be a will to use my students that the my question or questions, do you think that this ruling will provide equal opportunity for minority voters to mexicans, if
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it was upheld, would it be fair that they got there would be able to use his id, i would not be able to use my? >> it is a good question, and read in the rhythm of all we're talking enough to muscle and let you will read gauge. >> let me address this, and it is an excellent question. this is something we will agree with. the indiana supreme court case paved the way to allow states to cross their own voter i.d. loss. i have a lot of problems with the city taxes. it is true that they have convicted 50 people of voter fraud. texas of like many other states require you to come in and pay a certain amount of money to receive this id. that is wrong. it should be free if the state will require you to have it. secondly, the state of texas also has put a system in place that the photo id office is only
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open from nine to five or nine to six and not the weekends. that has a disproportionate impact and makes it difficult for people to get the idea. that is wrong. they should have a mobile id system. third, many of the states where they say there is no one who will agree. we cannot prevent what has been harmed. they did have a gentleman have proved that he would have to drive three hours in one direction to go to an office and could not take off job. so the statute as written and apply it is discriminatory against lower-income people, and i don't agree with that. >> really fast. this is part. >> round of applause. >> i'll agree with him. >> i legree. >> jump on end. at our responses just a little shorter to accommodate the
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people. >> we agree. we agree. >> there might be more. >> we will take what we can get. thank you. ..
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>> let me finish. >> you are right we have multiple forms but it is the type of id. >> that is what i am saying. you have to have good government issued photo
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id, passport. >> laila of medicare and medicaid as acceptable forms of boater id. >> if we had a national voter id small but we don't now the states have the right for going back to rancher to and comments, the last of my looked the supreme court is the lot of demand. when texas takes their case to the supreme court, they will look at indiana by a majority of six/three i believe for president. >> but the state decided in the indiana case it was constitutional for them to establish. >> correct. indiana.
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you just misrepresented what i said. >> the supreme court is well lot of the land. >> everybody. >> bay will look at the indiana case as a precedent. [laughter] >> also read print, 30 states had voter id on the books before barack obama became president. >> that is not true. [applause] >> all the time out. >> you will agree before we leave here. you have 30 seconds. 302nd.
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so iq were trying to assert your point*. >> i am done. >> you are wrong. [laughter] the supreme court decision in indiana did not say it is nondiscriminatory. it cannot have the supreme court decision to say it is constitutional. >> that is not what i said. >> i will give you 30 seconds. >> with that decision has nothing to do with what we're doing now. >> you can have your 30 seconds back.
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>> the supreme court sets president for other cases. so texas and florida it if they appeal i am sure we will have these voter id laws they will look at the indiana case as president. that does not mean indiana applies to all the other states. that is not what i said. >> you have been away 18 very patiently. >> we spent an enormous amount of time on voter id that is a big issue. the other boat -- issue is early voting. before we leave here we need
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to know all of the changes made over the last few months so every american is prepared to go to the polls with the knowledge and information they need to hopefully have their ballots counted. >> just to make a distinction because we've heard about identification. the last time i checked there was no constitutional right to drive a car. to go to a nightclub. to do the things that you talk about. there is a basic democratic right to two vote. [applause] you have put it together and
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this the point* in my opinion. >> there is a question coming up. >> i am from chicago where a member of the asian american and center for according to the u.s. census bureau 32% of asian americans are limited english proficient and have trouble communicating in english. so the voter id is difficult to get. in 2006 but blackrock is working at the hispanic caucus help to pass the reauthorization of the voting rights act. limiting two english only
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was the concern and congressman louis was instrumental to defeat the efforts. thank you. [applause] through coalition building, the congressional black caucus has done good work. in what way can the african american community work with others to increase access especially with limited english ability? >> i will respond because i wanted to agree. with the reauthorization of the voting rights act. he was off the charts to advocate for this equality and it gave us the credibility we needed to
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drive home house important this was. we address the english-language in the voting rights act by requiring voting jurisdictions to print balance in different languages. that is the basic provision. as opportunities present themselves they can call less not only african-americans, hispanics african-americans, hispanics , elderly, the people who have challenges complying with the identification law, getting to the poll because we think of voting is such a basic part of our
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democracy, it is critical. we need to clear out the obstacles, not put them in the way. >> for the historical perspective but also the question, i think back into the victories of the civil-rights movement. think of 1965 there were poor white people who benefited. second language learners. and so leading the charge so livid are getting access.
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howl and essential is that? >> i have been sitting here thinking and contemplating that we have this discussion that we fight from the same battle may be another generation of 50 years ago. maybe 150 years ago abraham lincoln did freed the slaves but the civil-rights movement helped to free a nation. [applause]
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that is how the loathsome bourse of the black caucus we're not just fighting alone. i have been trying to be really nonviolent today. [laughter] really. [laughter] we to believe one people, one family, one house. to say over and over maybe our poor fathers and mothers came to the land on different ships but we're in this same vote now. is not just african-american but asian-americans but latinos native americans and white people must learn they
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are in the same vote to. they give us voter id and end early voting. whatever it takes we have to get out and vote like we have never before. we have to do it. >> just to change gears once we get people to the polls, whether they voting for? the issues? struggles, and the law to see enacted or changed in november? what does the future look like? >> what are we voting for?
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>> first they need to realize it affects every part of our life. the educational system, the air you breathe, the quality of food they eat and goebbels everything we do. why would we not want to have input to on decisions of our daily life? >> summit elderly say why a vote to? it does not make a difference. if you want somebody else to make decisions for you, then don't do it. but you or your mother or father or children are grandchildren then you need to be a part of the process.
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somebody we'll fill a void and it will not be somebody who cares about you. >> what are we voting for? >> she is absolutely right. it doesn't matter republican and democrat or independent you will exercise your constitutional right to elect the leaders that best represent you at state local federal government. people say it does not make good difference. yes it does to ensure the people the regardless of their skin have that right but who will represent you? the selection more than any it is critical everyone goes
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out that your neighbors and friends and you can take them with you. >> it is well lightning ground. >> i was going to agree. >> reverend sharpton it was easy but the blacks voted in record numbers. now with high hopes. four years later i doubt one days report card but where the challenges to go to the polls? >> we have to start from where we were.
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four years ago we were on the brink of the economic disaster. four years ago we were dealing with the country engaged in two wars. draining this country. four years ago we had no health care for millions of americans. our community had disproportionate number of people with pre-existing conditions. four years later out of iraq come on the industry was saved, we have a health care plan with pre-existing conditions. we could turn around a ship going over the cliff. it has not come back to dock but it is headed away from
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the cliff. [applause] the question is do we become angry and disappointed? when david people drive us over the cliff or those who take us back off and are headed in the right direction where we need to go. and we were caught up in history in 2008 wanting to make the first president of color. it was historic. but talk about eliminating the affordable health care act, pre-existing conditions, children with asthma, jobs, voting rights
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rights, it is personal. they are trying to take from us personal things. i think the president has done a good job. defensively at one them to bring me back to the brink. [applause] >> we have a question of the panel. >> i come from the great state of wisconsin we currently have the voter id losses from two separate accords as a result of a couple of lawsuits. i am very happy to me to mr. christie in person.
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both you and ms. wright have stipulated you don't think this is racial. do you see this as a problem of class? the right to vote does not stipulate you have to be middle-class. but if you are homeless with no electric bill or address for my granddaughter who will be 18 and does not have the bill to present, but i did not have that i.d. it is required under wisconsin law. i was that 47%.
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i did not have a bank account. if you live in rural america, elderly, or in a class without a car and 27 miles away from the dmv or in milwaukee when the only one is open, i and stand. i have lived in my home 20 years but if you move every three months because your ebitda did you have a right to vote. >> your question is this a class question? >> i will shut up. i promise. if t election commission
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says main of voter registration card i receive it but a five evicted i would not receive that card but still have right to vote so what about disenfranchising people of all callers? [applause] >> you raised critical questions for it is easy for us to say you have the means are the opportunity but many states do have to address specifically who might have to travel a long distance or those who move frequently
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who has a restriction to vote. i will not say all states that have voter id requirements are equally applied. but i absolutely agree if there is a disproportionate the fact to economic status and absolutely need to make sure that this not go into a situation where people are disenfranchised. [applause] >> i did read homeless and extenuating circumstances. in pennsylvania and gentlemen said he has been homeless for a number of years but takes pride to carry his social security card and birth certificate. it can "maxim" with the world he wants to be a part of again.
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some of the voter id laws have affidavits and extenuating circumstances to say i am no i am and adelstein the affidavit. people who have not had a home should not be disenfranchised prime-1 to add one more thing some states also offered free transportation. >> we will move on. in terms of moving the conversation for word what can we do to make sure people have access?
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of what people to hear it entertaining speakers but not a what to do when they leave the room. >> everyone must confirm voting status. do not wake up in the morning to say let me check and see if i have the proper identification and find it appalling state. in some states they're still trying to purge people. mayor hancock told me they tried to purge people who did not vote 2010. i would say educate yourself need to have the 3par program right now confirming the registration and the status. confirm your polling site.
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call somebody and ask them to do the same. this year has 48 states making minor changes we need to go prepared to know the name is on the voter registration and if they give you a provisional ballot please make sure it will be counted. a view our students this time to request your absentee ballot. they have changed those rules. you may have to come up with an excuse. i am traveling. i am at school. the rules have changed overnight. >> we have another question
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from another group. >> good morning. my name is richard i am a city council man and part of the political action committee with them some members are seated here today. in relationship to the voter id laws debbie wasserman torrents stated the law was passed but then appealed and sent to the supreme court. it kicked it back to the commonwealth to say we have problems and we want you to take another look and judge again. what can we do is a group
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and the nation? and the second part is what federal support and we get the polls to ensure compliance of voter rights? >> >> we will get short answers. >> rebranded sharpton stage reverend sharpton you have been working hard on this issue. what are things that can be done? >> everybody should check their voting status and every mass gathering to push it to regard this if we
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agree degree the maximize turnout so while we fight laws we don't lose the voters. second, we need to organize their are groups now that will be at the polls to make sure they're not who to the extreme and used in a way that is not cited. last, it is very important the justice department has contested some especially those under the voting rights act of 65.


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