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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  October 21, 2012 1:15am-2:00am EDT

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and convinced they do well because they love us. thus was born in the book 50 things liberals love to hate. i hope you enjoy it. >> thanks for coming out tonight. my name is chris this is brian weir founders of the canada party. we wrote a book.
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i will go a quick introduction. we're here from vancouver and brian is a candidate to give the system speech. will read some chapters in may due q&a then you can make noise and by us beers. [laughter] we are from vancouver. we started to realize b-1 to to get into political humor with short films in comedy and journalism but we do have television and canada. so we were watching the conventions but over the past two years everyone announcing the candidacy for the presidency of the united states we have seen york can it is and frankly they scare the shipped out of us. so we were running candidate to be the president.
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not brian, the canadian government but the people we love our big brother. we are here to help. we did a campaign video in january. it went by role. with media tv it -- to be around the world so we took off with another couple of videos three weeks later we had a deal and this is what we wrote. "america, but better" the canada party manifesto" your continental bff. that is us. the beautiful face of canadair representing 33 million brothers and sisters up to the north that want to see return to the great country used to be and will be in the future.
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[applause] >> canada up. canada. [laughter] i cannot even get back going in canada. [laughter] someone came north to pick a fight 200 years ago canada apologized for being invaded and we have been fast friends ever since. your strong and popular the country that everyone aspires to be but lately use stopped playing with the team. use started to put on some weight and became the country that people fear but do not respect. we were dragged down with you. 200 years later the paper thin border does loopholes
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and so we do the only thing we can we want america to elect us to be a next president. [laughter] we are not perfect. our prime minister makes dick cheney look like human rights dictator. messrs. rights is so apocalyptic which gives us part of the book the revelation that is why we will turnaround and in greater sells. probably ask yourself why is canada qualified to lead? not only is it colder said the 80 it is fresher but we are ameritech, jr. is a little brother that is idolize to. we have grown together, laughed, cried,
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ov er eat at thanksgiving and together we create the weakest be years in the known universe. [laughter] we want to offer america a chance to kick back. less good your meals to give you time to keogh and reevaluate your place for the we still love you. it is not an invasion. it is intervention. we are aware of america is lost it all candidates have to be united states born but we respect the right of content partners so we are citizens by proxy. pass made that. [laughter] to the highest bidder. we present americans with our idea for america which
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is "america, but better." we will immediately tackle the big issues. sexual education in schools require to a knowledge there is actually sects and the politicians and scandals have to play themselves in the made-for-tv movie. we will require fast-food mascots to be tied to the product they are selling. wheat are excited to unveil unveil -- we believe one day couple did get married 320 gets divorced. las vegas you'll be the guest city in america up.
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like drugs and cigarettes each new piece of legislation must discuss side effects and reflect actual content. the patriot act will be renamed fuck you thomas jefferson. [laughter] also named how to hate people that are better than you. the metric system 10 times better. to peel back the layers of america with american exceptional was somehow to make other countries come out of the box. we have practical solutions how to review the sexual tension, a crime and punishment and crime again. recreated simple multiple choice questionnaire to help american children determine their value to reinvigorate the is folk to we have embedded ed drinking game with rock the boat.
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most of you a thinking fuck you you communist hockey lover. [laughter] i should tell you because we run this open transparency that is not as as you think. [laughter] really want to raise american up. not teardown. you need an honest president c.d.s you look fat in those fans. america you need jobs. that is a big issue. we will turn could turn turn -- turn job creation is to give them seven days. we will close guantanamo bay move the prisoners to the arctic where they can be legalese no boarded.
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[laughter] corporations are still evil but if they cannot provide a burst of it than they will be legally obligated to care for your lawn. we want to legalize the green, tax and use that for stocks and she dose then buy back america from china. [applause] it is clear your sonat -- shortest path to true democracy is number. don't just check the box for your millionaire but consider a country truly deserve. canada together we can make an new america. [applause] >> i hence the man. of the average canadian. the average them altogether this is to be got. a lot of very women in
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canada. i will read a short section 3.2 from the irony of being aaronic in a poster on a gauge. this is from the citizens united decision. stop putting your politicians on layaway start to buy them outright. a quick fact. thank you c-span for covering this. you are awesome. more programming like this a little less on foreign relations bullshit. [laughter] i can of fact is exxon and wal-mart are now the largest people in the united states. but the average american is catching up.
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citizens united people are corporations. much ado about the decision summarized what you'd expect to find in the trial 10 heston fell. a complicated position but citizens united of businesses to stop putting politician on layaway and star purchasing them out right from bet bath and beyond. the side effect of turning 30 million businesses and to people overnight is the 10 percent increase of the population already reeling from high unemployment. who will care for the new humans? is small business has the legal protection given to doors? can abercrombie and fitch
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get married? to defense target from the nra? if not met in the current infrastructure we have to reduce the actual number two at require an official part to become corporations. according to the henderson family we have already begun a program to help mrs. henderson transition her household. this is the memo to the members of the henderson family from mom. night of the current financial situation it is my duty to inform you we will downsize the family to remain competitive. we regard each and every one of view is a valuable member of the organization but we're unable to retain a full staff in the troubled
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economic climate. jenny, will issue them best of luck to find a middle child position to find unique qualifications. the rest of us have to make sacrifices effective immediately be institute of freeze on allowances bonuses for good grades and perks such as lunchbox putting. travel expenses as trips to the mall will be reviewed. other expenses such as $20 for mowing the lawn will be outsourced to the baxter children who have a minimal decline of quality. rebecca is and infant she will receive special cutting your meat for you tax. then there is no marmite. casual saturday's is the underwriter on a day to cut clothing expenses. the annual family vacation is in the playroom that will be close the rest of the
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year and the swing set is pay-to-play and a christmas present will be shared. until the situation improves each child can have no more than two minutes per prayer. in addition november members may have any further contact with a local bob. this has nothing to do with downsizing. it is incumbent to bring the spirit of the measures curb wastefulness and it occur at efficiency bravura not tired doing -- during that time you could so wallets. think of show and tell to acquire. daddy won the longer use a dry credit-card to buy a executives president's -- presents that are not money. and this will not -- spare
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us but consequence to have daddy number four. we're certain everyone will work as a team to return the hunters and household to their previous state of fiscal stability. if you have any idea the boxes in the kitchen. thank you very much. [applause] rear opened for questions. c-span has the roving microphone. let the guy hit you in the face and we will answer your question. don't be shy. quickly in beijing. when they sang children are our future. you are the children. this is the future. >> somebody does not like the rules. some account is canada
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justify its relationship with great britain? the last time i checked you are still tied to them. >> islam. everybody wants their parents to die. be honest. if you get old enough to amend the relationship. we share the same on. -- mother. hot to rethink u.s. big brother or little brother both of the constitution's are based on magnet card up. one day you will wake up to say i am just like my parents. >> very comprehensive. [laughter] and i school was voted most
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likely to be comprehensive. >> we have an oil problem but how does one attics oil help another attics get over its problem? >> let us reiterate that after reassume the presidency we will then turn it around to make it ourselves in mike will fix a couple of these but short-term logistically there is a great demand here we have a vast supply there. in the short-term not as the fifth year solution the five-year. was just give it to you. remember energy security that is talked about, is your best ally but not according to president obama
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which is like mom. the fed is an issue you have to spend the money overseas to secure oil if we turn on the tap that is not necessary then you can downsize. if that is really the line we are the solution. >> we're working on a plan for cars to run on maple syrup. we do continue to build oil pipelines but will run maple syrup threat. if there is this bill that animals will be tasty. [laughter] >> as president is can the plan on importing their health care system to america of? >> we would make a few changes.
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it is not fair after some much struggle to come down to start a whole new health care plan. immediately we will institute dental care for hockey players. after that with your the veterans administration and we will declare all veterans class warfare eligible for care. [laughter] >> data and a why you have trouble with this. >> are you offering us of the year? or raising your hand? >> didn't you lose all of your strategic maple syrup? >> we do have the maple stands which is a great idea to look at dirt. i can run a car on back.
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small bits of sap have drained into the soil so we will get it out. we thought it was a couples where miles to get one leader. [laughter] we will get back tap baby tap. [laughter] >> you're the guy with a microphone. you can ask questions. do have an opinion? [laughter] that is today's media for you. thank you. >> present us with an issue. what do want us to change? >> you are the future. >> would u.s tried to
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restart it? >> that is the appropriate metaphor. there are more than 10,000 end gun deaths and roughly 200 and canada. [laughter] we tried to arm our citizens. there is a little too much responsible gun ownership. it is one gun per person we just don't know how to use them and correctly. it reminds me of george carlin january 3rd people have not been killed with john driving. we do need to try height day's charter. we do have a chapter on gun rights it is not
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anti-constitutional to regulate bullets. that is the balance but we do have a chapter on the gun rights for guns november americans. we decided the was time to give the guns constitutional rights. we do have the 10 point* bill of gun rights. a two-pronged approach. bubble barrel approach. [laughter] >> as president do planters knowledge re-education issue or ignore it like everyone else? >> we do not ignore it. we have written about it. >> we have a very obvious plan. education is clearly an
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issue. we want to make good with cuba. it is long overdue with the unincorporated territory and they ranked second and in all literacy behind georgette. eastern european georgia. [laughter] irony. we will use the the part of education to cuba and at the same time we're shutting down guantanamo to become a resort for teachers you actually get a couple weeks stay there with beautiful beaches and if you work at nis art school in manhattan you can fly over and take a
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peek. proportional to your sacrifice. cuba is the envy of the world with education. they have an amazing policy school lunch program, a free education, a 25 kid limit, the highest medical education export doctors all over the world. the highest dr. ratio. there is a lot to offer down there. candidate has a great relationship with cuba but with the boycott we think it is ironic united states is obsess to get israel and palestine to have peace but they cannot find in the middle caribbean.
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how can you not have kris -- piece in the middle caribbean? that is basically a hour plan to move the department of education to cuba to have good giant island resort where people want to become teachers. to bring america back from math and english and science skills. >> that is good? [laughter] >> to be perfectly honest we needed friends in warm place is. we need the beach that is not florida. that is why we maintain that relationship. >> we don't eat food. the fact we and just substances like pesticides and chemicals how do address the fact americans don't eat
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food? >> we recognize american grocers store is hardly the difference between of fish, fish sticks, and the stick. [laughter] we do have a plan. >> everybody knows, you young people know the postal service is said dying breed. we want to repurchase them instead of delivering mail they deliver fresh produce to your door every day and can collect your leftover organic waste to turn into recycling to put that back into the site go. local farmers and even natwest the end. to get people to exercise
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come instead of delivering the food to your door they will drive down the street so everyone can run out to get the exercise and grab your vegetables. then only will this balance the lead to a large unconstrained from the youtube category. [laughter] >> when do we get to weed? [laughter] >> i am concerned about the debt with china. talk about the two dose solution could do expound on that? >> the question and? >> nawaz talking about the
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china debt and then did she go to cycle that back. >> our second shortest chapters entitled we'd sweet suite week. it is very short. this is the plan. write this down or by the down book. seriously america seriously. we will legalize it, attacks it used the profit to buy eight chelios and by a it back for dynamic and reuse of ruled that works well for minors it is only the gateway to middle-aged and back pain. drug cartels will lose the primary source of funding
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and inner-city violence will fall dramatically. billions of dollars wasted will be redirected to rehabilitation programs and prevention programs. those orajel will be given their lives back. are robbing convenience stores in running ponzi schemes to bilk, a result of their mortgages? no. relaxing, being creative and this piece of tastes like it was and tossed and baked in the solar flare. what restocking about again? >> the pot hence beach. >> visit as confusing with attacks laws as your football rule? >> cocky. [laughter] riyal hockey has our solution it is already not
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as complicated. the issues are so extremely complicated. that is the politicians even if they don't believe they don't they do it all themselves. humility is the greatest rate to pass on the genetic ability we don't know everything we're said descends the people in a community of nations. we're not economize. but we will get some from all different corners to hash out the most practical
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plan verses serving our purpose. it is a cop out answer but it is an honest answer which is the first when you have never gotten. >> refreshing? any changes you'd like to see? >> the president is tough on whistleblowing after saying he would be transparent. where do you stand? >> whistle-blowers will be given up three pancake breakfast prahl of the maple syrup you can eat. canadian bacon. we will be served by the elected officials. >> if pallone well they can referee the hockey game. thank you for your time.
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we are supposed to have of bookseller here. we're happy to sign the book to accept free drinks and chat with you. go to "america, but better".com with their campaign videos and links to our posters as well as our schedule. ways to buy books from your independent bookstore as well as the support page. we do not have the super pac because we are canadian. this is all out of pocket we also have swag to go to our page on cafe press. please spread the word. we appreciate you listening
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to us. by us of the year if you must. and you must. thank you for your time. [applause] >> a willow less than two months before the election as we enter the last few months this is on the election gets going. whether the great untold stories not obama vs romney but obama vs. karl rove. he has been behind the scenes the whole time. he has put together over $1 billion to be spent in the last two months.
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you will not see it in york but in the battleground states. he is keen of the super pac. when you put together his money with mitt romney and the rnc and total of 1.8 billion dollars. in perspective mccain had 375 million. this is a factor of five. it will start to come out now. what does he do? how does the operate? what does he do? i talked to a couple of sources they say there is the dark and terrible beauty about what he does. another source told me the caa could learn a lot from
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karl rove. the way he has deniability with all of the operations he is very visible with 70 percent name recognition. up there with just 10 bieber. but go back over history with the things starting to unfold he has deniability one mobile after another. the story became interesting because most people thought karl rove was finished in 2008 when the bush presidency came to an end. he was forced out 2007. the prime target of the two biggest scandals with valerie plame and united
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states attorney scandal. bush left the white house with 22 percent approval, the lowest in history even ed rollins said his brand was tainted fervor nobody would want to work with karl rove. fact is he was back working within weeks. it became evident to me one year after obama's took office three things happened. first coming from the united states supreme court no person that i can think of has benefited more from the supreme court then call growth. 2000 was bush vs. gore putting him in the white
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house. number two. 2010, citizens united decision that opened the floodgates for unlimited courage additions from secret sources with no transparency that is unprecedented in history. second, win if michael steele running the republican party could not raise a dime. it came early 2010 there was a revelation and moss angeles that the rnc had been entertaining donors at a lesbian bondage theme strip club. that did not work too well. this scarecrow wrote his opening so in april he had a
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lunch and at his house co-host did by ed gillespie and they had two dozen the poll over coming away with tens of millions of dollars. that alone gave them four times as much money as the entire republican party. karl rove what is establishing the apparatus to give power and authority with no responsibility. reporting to no one but had is hands of the purse strings purpose this led to the 2010 legislative election raising $300 million and swept congress taking 63 seats in the house and obama's big advantage is gone. with no real authority. what did he do with the
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money? hi start to look at what's he will do now and in the past and again and again a lot had not been reported in depth. he had a huge technology apparatus. i went to chattanooga i found a company called smart tech. he told me he never heard of it. i find that hard to believe. if you go through the funds and of a corporate changes the original money came from
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to wealthy republican donors reynolds and the lipper and '80s they bailed out george to be bush several times. he had 38 will company is that went belly up and came to his rescue. also baseball royalties. dewitt imams st. louis cardinals. his father owned the st. louis browns. they gave bush on trade for his ownership of the texas rangers. of the on a lucrative investment year barmaid. he put in 600,000 and came away with 15 million. this company started off as a legitimate company became a republic and operation in.
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they should have their web sites but this was unusual. i saw george debut bush was there. hundred and hundred of conservative groups were there. but this company over time acquired contracts that probably a should not have gone to the company. let me say to of those. if you are in the white house your e-mail is public documents. they are supposed to be hosted on white
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but grove major his females were posted on smart techs. and other staffers also had their e-mails there. when growth was investigated for the valerie plame affair and the u.s. attorney scandal, suddenly 22 million e-mails were deleted that government documents and have never been found. that is one thing he seems to have got 10 away with. and 28 -- 2004 smart tech played a role in the election. secretary of state part of the job is to oversee fair and impartial election in. you may recall kathleen harris was secretary of
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state and have been to play a part of the election. a similar thing happened in ohio where ken blackwell was secretary of state. but he had been to be co-chair of the bush/cheney re-election committee. he decided to tabulate their returns the secretary of state computers run not enough. who did he go to? smart techs. that raises the enormous amount of interesting questions i went through returns you can see when the return cayman that night
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number second 2004, very close election it was clear it came down to new-line florida or ohio. around 11:00 this time a call that florida. there was one crucial state outstanding. ohio. whoever won it would win the electoral college. the exit polls showed john kerry one from 4.2%. said of the millions started to log on to the secretary of state's computer and ohio. traffic went through the .


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