tv Book TV CSPAN November 3, 2012 7:15pm-8:00pm EDT
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flow properly, make sure there's enough jokes in them, and then memorize them. i have no speech for this because i've been on a book tour, but i wrote the book so i know how it goes. [laughter] i thought i could just describe it. by the way, i wish you had not reminded liberals that many of us don't think they've done so well in trying to destroy me because more than any book i've ever written, i have never had a book so ignored by the mainstream media. [laughter] i always make -- this is one thing i changed my mind about. i've maintained ferociously liberals can't learn that if you cut taxes, there's revenue to the treasury, can't learn it doesn't work to coddle and suck up to terrorists, but, apparently, they can learn if they attack ann coulter, she
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sells more books. [laughter] i love those gals on "the view," and i wanted to kiss them all before i left. [laughter] you know, i realize that people who are familiar with the actual history of civil rights in america or who have read my books notice that they had not read the books, but that was great because they believe everything the "new york times" believes, but the new york times won't argue with me. at least the gals on "the view" will argue with me. the summary of the book is white guilt never produced anything good, and don't make the same mistake again, america. that's why it had to come out before the election. it's a book about racism, and to my critics chagrin, i'm against it. [laughter] liberals have been the primary practitioners of it, and i start with the golden age of racial demagoguery in the 70s and 80s
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when every police shooting of a black kid would be the next case, treated in the media, suddenly the clan took over the new york city police force apparently. one of my -- it's hard to describe the beginnings because there's the brawl and various race hoaxes, and much like the trayvon martin case, they disappeared once the facts came out. you never get that final article saying, attention, readers, that story we've been his hysterical about, turns out, it was a hoax. [laughter] no, you know that -- well, actually, the black kid was mugging the cop or the muslim did ambush and kill a cop only because the stories disappeared from the news. wouldbe one of the best one was michael stuart called artist because he was caught spraying grafetti in the subway, takes a
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dozen cops to subdue him, two weeks later, passed out, two weeks later, in a coma, two weeks later, dies of sickness. the cops are put on trial for manslaughter. they are acquitted. the headline were remembering michael stuart. no justice was done in the case. flash to the riots in crown heights by al sharpton. there's many cameos of him in the book. i forgot all the stuff he was involved in. [laughter] involved in the murder of rosenbaum and acidic visiting students because there was an accident in the parade and wrapped crown heights, and in the midst of it, nelson is caught with a bloody knife, seen
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running away from where rosenbaum was laying dying. they bring nelson over, the dying man identifies nelson as the one who stabbed him. later in the police station, nelson confesses to the crime. a mostly black jury acquits him to have the crime, and the "new york times" editorial was we will never know who killed nelson. [laughter] this is the sort of thing we went through in the 70s and 80s, and the arc of my book, the exciting middle part is when it all changed overnight with the oj verdict at 10:03, october 3rd, 1995, when white america thought a majority black jury acquit a black celebrity, and blacks across america cheered that verdict. americans said, that's it, the white guilt bank shut down. it just happened overnight.
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[applause] it was not only a wonderful thing that happened to discourse in america and to race relations in america, but it was a wonderful thing that happened to black people. suddenly sharpson and jackson were not the sole black spokesman. republican policies that have been being pushed by republicans for years, welfare reform, law and order policies, demagogued as racist, racist, racist, and when nixon says "law and order" we know what he's talking about. no law and order policies instituted by reagan and bush judges, rudy guiliani, bless his souls, tens of thousands of black lives were saved. when welfare was reformed, black lives were saved in a different way. welfare and law and order were so successful, bill clinton claimed credit for both. [laughter] we had 12 years of paradise, that's in the chapter, post-oj
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pair dice describing wonderful things that happened. people are not walking on egg shells anymore with the list of words you just mentioned. people had to be worried back then you would innocently say a word that would be deemed racist. you would ruin your career. you would be -- you would be hated by all of human kind. that was over after oj. a lot of the change after oj was really very subtle, but it was a wonderful thing that happenedded for race relations in america. that faded, it happened a long time ago, and along comes obama, the most liberal candidate on a mar joy party ticket to seek the presidency in the nation's history so, you know, it's a two -for for liberals. they are call him president. we are all back on egg shells again. admittedly, not delicately on those egg shoals. [laughter]
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thus my introduction. [laughter] i'm going to a debate party tonight, the host, has called me racist pizza debate party because he's having it in his apartment. [applause] apartment. get it? it's an apartment. [laughter] okay, maybe it's not taken as seriously, but it did work in 2008. more white people voted for obama in 2008 than voted for any democratic candidate for president in nearly 40 years, tieded with clinton and incumbent in 1996, and, you know, look at the wonders that produced. as always, white guilt produces only disaster. as it did in new york city, and frankly, as it has with obama. you can see my book, in -- in effect, in last week's debate, that was the first objective test obama faced. for four years, coddled by the media, i mean, i guess he faced
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sort of a tough opponent with hillary clinton, but, you know, who is she? she's the wife of the impeached president. that's how she made her name, but, still, better than john mccain. [laughter] and even, you know in the hillary-obama debate, the questions to obama were softball that saturday night live did a sketch on it with hillary clinton asked complicated policy questions and the moderator asking obama if he wanted another pillow. [laughter] that was a fair summary, and the really stunning thing of last week's debate was not how poorly obama did. he was as good as he ever was. [applause] if john mccain was on the stage with him, we'd be the ones with long faces this week.
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no, it was how magnificent romney was and first time obama faced a tough opponent. i mean, his whole life he's been, as he says, as long as you don't make fast moves, look calm, white people love you. by his own account, smoking pot at the university, not particularly applying himself, and manages to transfer to the premier universities in america, columbia, and from there, he rockets to harvard law school, and he's instantly president of the harvard law review, he was president for two weeks, and he wins the nobel peace prize? [laughter] this was the first test faced, and he didn't do well, did he? you see that with stacy dash. liberals -- it's as if i wrote in the book, and that you're
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going to restore their psychological e e quill lib yum, burning with racist words to dump out landing on west, and dash, liberals, i mean, nothing braver in the world than a black conservative. [applause] black people agree with us on policies burks they are harangued and told, racest, racist, rasist. i run through the true history of civil rights. republicans don't realize we have a history there's nothing to be ashamed of. democrats have something to be ashamed of, which is why they switched sides in trayson, i tell the story of joe mccarthy. there, liberals had to rewrite five years, but here, it's 200 years of history.
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first hundred years, liberal democrats refused to treat blacks like humans, and for the next century, refused to treat them like adults. that's what we're living with now. they switched their history, played games of, oh, i know, you poor person living in queens, you be this, and i'll be a civil rights champion. [laughter] we get all this fake bravery, and we're back to it. liberals pretend to care about black people for five minutes, slap the civil rights label on everything they really care about, abortion on demand, homeless rights, gay marriage, voter fraud. voter fraud? what does that have to do with black people? no, liberals slam their blacks by saying no black people are too stupid to get a photo id. that's their argument. in order to per sue a cause democrats favor, vote fraud.
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[laughter] that's the summary of the book. i hope some of you have started it so i can start taking questions from the audience now. [laughter] [applause] glrks c-span is taping the launch, so if you have questions, line up behind the microphone so everything is recorded, thank you. >> hello. >> hello, first of all, thank you so much. of all people in poll sicks, you're the -- politics, you're the one i admire the most. your courage amazing, and you have joy. >> thank you. >> i have a question, after the mccain-obama election, in one of the articles he said that if we monitor a third world country and 10-point spread between exit
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polls and election results, you would be sure there's fraud, and apparently, that was the fact, but now i read because of the amazing expense that all the major news outlets are no longer doing exit polls. >> oh, well, i'm disappointed because they've been so accurate in the past. [laughter] the one thing that finally -- it finally occurredded to me, and you may have seen my making this point the other night. polls have often been wrong. they've never been wrong in our direction. never. never. i mean, you have the bradley effect from here in los angeles when tom, long time mayor of los angeles was running for re-election. he was way out ahead of the polls, got those truman duey headlines the next say saying he won the election based on polls and early returns, and it turnedded out, oh, no, he lost.
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the same thing happened to doug wilder in virginia, david dinkins in new york. even when they won, they out polled the actual results on election day, and pollsters come back saying they have a good excuse. people lie to us because they don't want to tell us they are # not voting for the black man. by the way, if there's ever an election, you'd have the bradley effect operating, this is it. i was on a show yesterday and a caller called from michigan bringing home a romney yard sign, and his wife said, you can't put that up, they'll think we're racist. if people are that afraid, you're right, that's what the argument is, we must purge our white guilt by voting to re-elect an incompetent black president. that's one of the excuse, and the exit polls in 2004, i don't know if you remember, but i do. 3 p.m., i was assured it was over, kerry won in a land slide. those are supposed to be allegedly treated as the most accurate polls.
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turned on the tv, the conservatives on tv looked like their dogs died, and -- [laughter] you know, liberals giggling and happy, and, oops, didn't come out that way. in new hampshire, well, i won't run them all of these, but cbs harangued them, saying, you conceived, you lost the election. i don't think i lost. they counted the votes, and he was not losing. when have the polls mistakenly said the republican is winning? [laughter] really, i'm not much worried about the exit polls. >> oh, good, i thought you meant the ten point spread was in our favor, but it's in in the 2008 election was in obama's favor? >> i don't remember that exact column. >> i remember them all. >> better than i do apparently. [laughter] >> ann, in light of yesterday's oral arguments of the supreme
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court, university of texas case. what do you think is the possibility and probability of ending affirmative action in education? >> well, i hope very good. my law firm brought the case gebs the -- against the university of michigan and law school. we brought that original case ten years ago, won against the law school, lost against undergrads because of sandra day o'connor who says we need 25 more years of affirmative action. now we have constitutional provisions with expiration dates. [laughter] there's -- there's -- an interesting book called "mismatched" by two liberals making the argument with empirical evidence that affirmative action is harmful to black people. what a surprise. liberals try to help, ruin black people's lives. that's the story of the book. their argument is by if it's a
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little bit of affirmative action, not bad, but elevating people to schools they are not ready for and where everyone else has higher scores, they get discouraged, depressed, feel stupid, drop out, easy subjects. one way liberals brushed the sad results of affirmative action under the rug is all the black studies courses which just pushes them off into a ghetto. how do they cover the failure of the public schools? affirmative action. i have an idea. let's deal with the public schools, and i suppose i should say whether or not i've always thought it was a mistake to make this argument, though the empirical evidence is interesting, but i don't care whether the beneficiaries support race discrimination or not. it's unconstitutional. we're republicans. we do not believe in race discrimination. i don't want to hear about legacies. we didn't fight a civil war to
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stop legacies, but to stop race, discrime in -- discrimination, and unlike supreme court decisions, the way to get past race discrimination is not to discriminate -- that statement from the supreme court -- [applause] i think the way to get past race discrimination is stop discriminating on the basis of race. [laughter] that's my thought. [laughter] it is a beautiful -- i mean, it is an example of all liberal feel-good policies. they feel so good about themselves, and, of course, that hurts black people who fall further and further behind. >> hi, ann, thank you. i have a 3-year-old nephew who learned if he messes up the room during nap time, he didn't get ice cream. how do we have the behavior of
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rewarding bad behavior. >> a beautiful summary of the first part of the book of the golden age of racial demagoguery. all the worst behavior, the criminal behavior, the cop killers, they were the ones celebrated, and, oh, it's earthy, and they are angry, at society, and, meanwhile, i mean, you will learn the stories of a lot of heroic black people, truly brave people, fighting with whoopi goldberg takes no courage. [laughter] testifying against a black cop killer in your neighborhood, in your mosque, and instantly going into the witness protection program, that takes courage, and why aren't those people celebrated? there was from the l.a. riots, there was a black minister, a pimped turnedded christian minister. saw it on tv, saw a hispanic man about to be beaten to death,
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filming him, making fun of him, the minister's yelling, in this case, black thugs about to kill the hispanic. threw himself on the body of the hispanic man and said if you're going to kill him, kill me first. he saved the man's life. they became great friends at a church downtown here. i'd like to go to, in fact. that's a hero. we do not have hollywood hero about the black heros. [applause] no, what's -- [applause] what liberals celebrate are the cop killers. you had maxine waters defending the man who killed denny, but what about the black men who saved denny's life. that's the story. no, we don't get their stories. exactly what you say about children. it's like this. everybody getting an a, a trophy, no matter how bad the behavior was, the "new york times" defended it in an editorial, saying, now we'll
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never know who killed rosenbaum. they were defending the most outrageous behavior until it led the final step was the oj verdict, when a majority black jury says, no, it's okay for a black celebrity to nearly cut his ex-wife's head off and kill ron goldman. by the way, the newspapers did make those excuses. i ran through a slew of editorials because there was yes one felony conviction from the trial, the conviction for purging himself, saying he had not used the n word for ten years, but nine and a half years earlier, used it in a screen play, and the response when he pled to felony perjury and the response of newspapers around the nation was indignation he did not get prison time, but it didn't matter anymore. that was it. the oj verdict changed the world
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in an instant, and it fell on deaf ears. it was, like, the subway, put your card through, the turnstile just doesn't open. wasn't working anymore. i'm telling you, it was the best period for racial relations in america because liberal demagoguery was finally useless. >> hi, ann, welcome to beverley hills or the edge it. i'm lisa, a governing board member of the board of education of beverley unified school district, and i ran as a conservative. three years ago, i won, came in first, and i never hid my registration, and i didn't change it. >> wow, maybe there's hope for this state. >> there's hope. we have a council member, a proud conservative, registered republican on the beverley hills city council, and he's running again. the things you talk about, about the ice cream. when i came to the school district, it was in massive disarray. beverley hills unified was not the lighthouse district it was
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when i was there. we embedded conservative values of responsibility, no kool-aid drinking, and guess what? kids behave, well-dressed, well mannered, they show up. [applause] >> great, yeah. >> we don't have people cursing at teachers, hitting them. it's over with. there's a new sheriff in town. what i want to say to you is what i learned is what a difference it can make when there's leadership. >> uh-huh. >> the conservative cause, and the greatest, andrew breitbart, may he rest in peace, culture's created by the media, and the media, the print media, internet media, tv, and radio. see what fox news has done, what talk radio as has done, people like yourself, andrew, and david. why are we not getting together, our billionaires, and millionaires and buy the media? if you change california, blue,
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broken, broken, sacramento is broken. vote against every single tax, every single one. [applause] please vote against measures. >> i don't think the crowd needs to be reminded of that. [laughter] ann, the ballot is long. >> right. >> there's ten taxes there. vote against every single one. >> right. >> the last thing sacramento needs it more money. it's like giving heroin to a junky. >> i think you may need to go bankrupt. >> how do you buy media, but -- >> i'd also like to comment on your taking over the public schools and actually producing useful ones. liberals don't favor that, but liberals move heaven and earth to send their kids to private schools. that doesn't matter to them what happens in the public schools, and who is it fighting the
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vouchers tooth and nail. al gore was asked in a debate in harlem when he was running for president because he had been, you know, of course, the democrats that are beholding to the teachers' unions, and so a black gal reporter got up and said, now, you know, if you're big on the public schools, spending money on public schools, no voucher systems, why do your kids go to private schools? he got angry, and said, don't bring my children into this. [laughter] wait a second -- [laughter] hang on there, not so fast. yeah, no, it's a great idea for, if you know any conservative billionaires, to start another fox news. i love it, but why is that the only game in town? they have ten times the ratings of cnn and msnbc, but it's not occurred to cnn and msnbc. they get higher ratings. i wonder if we should try to be fair and balanced. [laughter]
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[applause] team popular. by the way, just a small point on -- this is why i am doing piers morgan in a couple weeks. [laughter] i tweeted him that i was avoiding it because he preat a times and edits before it goes to live. i want it live. i don't want my remarks back to him edited out. that's all i asked for, and -- [applause] an example was a month ago, and it was more than this, chitchatting withed to kopp will, -- kopple, and, yes, he's still alive. i said you're taking a 30-second clip of this, take it out of context and use what you want. don't you have enough of this, and can't we move on?
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he said, yes, he was going to be doing that. we talked about my position, and, by the way, i never worked for fox news, i'm a frequent guest, i'm a viewer of fox news. i never worked for them. the only tv station i worked for is ha-ha, msnbc. [laughter] i was just stating as a factual matter he won both sides of an issue, you watch fox news, watch msnbc for fun, but if i want to know what's going on, i go to fox. among the examples i gave him was you -- if you watch msnbc, for example, right now, you might miss the story of our ambassador being killed. you know they think it's been a game changing gaffe my mitt romney. you do not know about obama's speech before the u.n.. there's a lot of things you don't know. i cited the caliber of the liberals on fox news. they had a former vice
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presidential candidate on the democratic party. they have bob -- or bob, a blow hazard, but he ran mondale's campaign. susan ran decaucus' campaign. they are liberals, but they are as smart as they come. [laughter] they're the -- [applause] they're -- [laughter] it's the best liberalism they have to offer. [laughter] meanwhile, on msnbc, they have people i've never heard of, and they are functional retards representing the conservative arguments, and then i said in the prime time lineup, there's only one partisan host, sean hannity. they cite bill o'riley, middle of the road, believes in global
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warming, gun control, and loves the obama, and kopple got testing saying he's not opinionated? no, he's opinionated, it's that he's the best journalist in america. [laughter] he would agree with me on all of that. [laughter] okay, so then it runs, and they have a horrible clip of o'reilly screaming at a guest, the famous barnny frank one or something. then he comes in and says, but ann coulter thinks bill o'reilly is not partisan enough. it was exactly the opposite! i mean, it's really getting to the point they take a clip of you saying, yes, and incert the question, "are you a child molester"? [laughter] which i knew why romney would shine in the debates. he rarely talks directly.
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it will be a narrow clip or best of all, they won't show you that. well, he says 47% of the country are scum bag deadbeats. that's what he said. can you show me the clip of that? can i see him saying that? [laughter] as soon as people see romney on their own, i mean, i noticed this in the primary because i was an early adopter of the mitt romney for president campaign, and, you know, various friends called me in the primary depending on when they saw romney give a speech, and every time, different people for different speeches would say that's the best speech he's begin. you know, if he was speaking like that from the beginning, i would have supported him, and i say, he has been! [laughter] you're not watching. okay, sorry, i rambled a bit. [laughter] >> hi, ann, listen, thank you very much for all the great work you do and david to educate america that very badly needs it. my only wish was that every liberal was required to hear you
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and read your works, both of you, i don't know how to do that, but -- >> contribute to yaf. >> okay. >> they send us to college campuses, often the only conservative speakers, four years of college, syracuse university, i have dinner with the college republicans afterwards, they are fun, and one tells me about everything happening at a green party meeting, and finally, i said, what are you a mole? [laughter] how do you know what they are talking about? he said, no, i used to be a green. what are you doing that you're a member of the republican club now? he said, well, you spoke here after 9/11, and nobody else was making sense. you were the only person who made sense so i became a republican. [laughter] [applause] there's a reason they don't want college students to hear me and david. [laughter] >> well, that leads me to me two-part question. i'm surrounded by so many liberals that formulated opinions, but only on half the
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information. i say, well, listen to fox news or ann coulter or town hall or david, no, no, you know -- >> they are crazy. >> right. a quick question is how would you steer them to listen to anything that's not just liberal based? the other question is why aren't -- why can't the republicans do a better job at explaning conservative values and what can be done about it? >> that's a good question. [applause] as for -- as we get liberals to unplug their ears and stop humming -- [laughter] that's always been a challenge for us, but one of my doctor friends in new york recently moved into a medical office, i don't know, a dozen other doctors, moved in a year ago, every single one of them was a liberal, and he's proudly announced to me every single one of them is a republican and all walking fox news. [applause] i'll get his technique, but he says he just keeps weed ling at
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them and slowly breaking them down on one point. once you pull out one card, the entire house of cards collapses, and, also, david and i are very proud to be dismissed by liberals as crazy. as i wrote, they have only two responses to a right winger. you have stupid or crazy. thank you. you can't call me stupid. [laughter] ha! [laughter] republicans do have some trouble articulating things which is why i so love our presidential ticket this year. i love republicans, i love all of their ideas, many of our, especially elected politicians are not the most articulate, and i, i mean, it's the first time in history that i think republicans had two very articulate republicans. when i was watching the debate last week, i realized the first time i've not watched a republican candidate for president speak or debate with a
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knot in my stomach. nope, going to sit back and enjoy it. i'm sure the bain capital guy can handle it on his own. part of it is what liberals put on tv. we have a fair number of articulate conservatives. i don't think, in general, they are invited on hardball, except for one, ron christie, i don't know if you noticed this, he's the only one, i think chris matthews is so stupid he doesn't realize that ron christie is running circles around him. [laughter] it's the most fun thing to watch because other than that it's todd harris who couldn't argue with my cup ofized -- cup of iced tea. he'd lose the debate. [laughter] >> one thing i noticed in the area, this election, that is very different is in all past elections every other car in the area would have a kerry, gore,
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or obama bumper sticker. every five houses with a lawn sign with the democratic candidate. i could drive all day, and i'll just see a few bumper stickers that say obama. there's no houses in my west l.a. neighborhood with an obama lawn sign. what does this mean? [applause] >> well -- [applause] well, i'd like to think it's because conservatives got tired of having their cars keyed and signs ripped down and decided to retaliate keying liberal cars and that they ripped their signs down, but i suspect that's not the answer. [laughter] i think probably there's less support for obama, though they are not willing to say it. i mean, who would put an obama sign on his lawn? [laughter] it would be like a ducaukus
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sign. come on. okay, you were happy, you elected the first black president, but come on, he's nearly wrecked the country. give it a rest. our side doesn't do because cars get keyed and their signs torn down. [laughter] >> hi, ann, i'm harry. >> hello, harry. >> i love your passion, your honesty all these years. i've seen you on media, and, david, i admire him so deeply. mainly for that issue of going to the campuses and taking them op right there in those places. i was a student in 1965 at washington university, and i was drawn by the liberal democrats into wanting to help take care of people, and after hearing the clarence thomas hearing, i switched to republican. >> that's great.
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>> after the republicans inability to prosecute clinton all the way, i left them and became an independent and decided that was the best place i could find. i lovedded what you said about the courage of the black conservative. that's a subject i've been drawn to from the very beginning. it was many my heart in those days as a student when all the churches -- i was in the march to month come gsh montgomery where it was all started, and would you mind -- >> is this leading to a question? i'm waiting for the question, mark. >> i have value of my own too, even though i appreciate yours too. i wanted you to comment on the person of thomas soul if you don't mind. [applause] >> i think he's the greatest
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living human, and that's part of the reason my dedication is kind of a cracker jack surprise. the book is dedicated to the freest black man in america, but you have to read the book to see. that was one black man saying it about another black map in america. it's not thomas soul, but a lot of people guessed it was, and i kind of liked that. as for -- well, one thing i was just thinking about the college speeches, another important reason we have to get rid of obama, and i don't know if you noticed, david, but college liberals don't have a chance with obama in the white house. there's all chants for bush now. students now are discouraged. they don't know what the slogan is. get romney in there and the protesters will come back, and we'll all have a good time. [laughter] one other thing on liberal health, as with affirmative
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action and wanting to do something, clarence thomas has a beautiful quote at the end of one of his decisions or opinions on affirmative action quoting frederick douglass, and i don't have it memorized, but he was talking to a group of abolitionists thinking about what are you going to do with us. what i ask of you is do nothing. your doing with us caused enough trouble. please, just leave us alone, let us stand on our two feet, and if we fall, let it happen. please stop doing with us. boy, was he right. all the liberals' doing. the black marriage race, that's in the first chapter, higher than the white race. it was not until the great society programs kicked in, suddenly the suitable home requirement was removed from the aide to families now, used to be widows with dependent children,
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suddenly, destroyed the black family as they come out of the rural south, needing to did through the immigrant experience, just a generation or two out of slavery. they were doing better than they were once those great society programs kicked in. everything liberals have done allegedly to help black people was never to help black people, but to help them feel good about themselves, push another unrelated cause, and it has caused unimaginable e miss ration of black americans, our fellow americans, something we should all care about. do not let liberals get away with this anymore. [applause] >> thank you so much for being here, and i'm just really glad we made the choice to come. >> me too. >> i'm very, very concerned as i know all of us are about the integrity, the honesty of the election, the electoral system. i don't want to find out that somebody has won because they
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found thousands of ballots in somebody's desk or trunk. i wonder if you could tell me what are we doing about enhancing or to make sure, as sure as we can possibly to keep this election honest, and, please, be specific. [laughter] >> i feel like this is a town hall debate. [laughter] i have predictions on the town hall debate. i don't know. i don't know. i don't think we have to worry about it in california. i don't think romney will be winning here, but if you help out any groups and any of the swing states, i mean, people are concerned about it, republicans have to win decisively, or democrats will steal it. we're aware of that issue now. the fact that liberals pull out the heavy guns by staying that's
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racist. it's racist to make sure that the people voting are eligible to vote. that shows how nervous they are about it. they think we're backing down. well, i say it's racist to argue that only black people are too stupid to get a photo id. no, that's racist. thank you, and thank you for coming today. i'll be signing books outside. [applause] >> for more information, visit the author's website, >> all right, i just wanted to make sure you can hear me. got me down? good sound? yeah? okay, good. i didn't -- i wanted to thank clint eastwood
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for lending me his chair. sorry, clint lost the debate to the chair, but at any rate, billionaires and ballot bandits, how to steal an election in nine easy steps. the story, however, starts up the congo river, and that's why, tonight, i'm very, very happy that teaching for change is sponsoring tonight with transafrica, with code pink, with wpfw, and, of course, friends of congo, my friends here, what does that have to do with the best of the election? we're two weeks from at least 5.9 # million votes which will
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be stolen. now, and it to, by the way, thank seven stories press for publishing the book in coordination with my notary public -- non-profit fund. we're non-partisan. we are nonprofit, and we are nonnon-bull shit, okay? we're putting out the book. go to our website, for the latest. now, i said it starts in the congo. i'll tell you the end of the book, the last chapter, i'll give that away right now because i put it on the cover of "nation" magazine, figuring that a lot of you won't get to the end. i put, by the way, a comic book in the middle of it, 50 pages of come mic
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