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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  November 4, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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them excited about science and technology. i thought how can it go better? i thought about the lego could fly the plane better than me. it had the sensor and the gps and blue tooth. and i was thinking, you know, so you a phone in the pocket has all that stuff. i bet you can actually sort of fly a plane with this. and i got the kids together and we built a lego auto pilot and put the plane that almost worked. it's in the lego museum. it turns out the auto pilot are regulationed -- but what that made me realize is that there's something very exciting going on in what you used to be hard to do stuff. ..
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>> recognize a a regular guy
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can compete with aerospace industry using the open source hardware, software, readily acceptable technology. i felt that show is what i saw the first web browser. when i realized the concept of publishing and putting things on the internet weren't -- was no easy we realize the moment something broadcast and publishing it was a matter of point* and click. that moment is when it just happened to. then we got the 3-d printer. you may be familiar with
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them but what takes pixels line york screened that is how it is looked at. and you hold it in your hand and then has more layers. that builds up things out of plastic. we got one by a children grow up with the 3-d printer they think anything they can draw upon the screen and that we don't have enough color or. [laughter] but not all children but they shot come. that is also of
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democratization moment. once you have seen and recognized the technology used to be expensive this cheap and easy introducing words like desktop then you say i remember what happens when you add words like desktop and personal two technology park 1977 harvard computing club and steve jobs and steve for a snack just realized little chip to buy of the store can make a computer which could be personal and desktop and a change of the world bridge are realized we have the opportunity right now to do the same thing with manufacturing. that we talk about moving the economy as a whole.
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if we could take the innovation model or the social forces to apply this to the biggest industry in the world, the internet to could be just beginning then you see what the real revolution could do. my subtitle is the new industrial revolution." i will phrase that as the third industrial revolution. the first, how many people think the first game in the 1700s? nobody. 1800's? half of the room. 1900's? a smaller group.
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nobody has a precise definition of the most people think around 1776. we have spinning wheels back but it often had a treadmill to spin multiple threads at the same time. so we amplified human potential. that meant people became more productive you could be a little entrepreneur as a cottage industry. foot power turns to water power than steam power that replaces muscle power with machine power to amplify
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human capacity. it took the population between three and 5 million about 50 million. you delete improved quality of life for you may think the city's word dark satanic mills but moving to the city access to sanitation, education, the walls word dry. people did not live long. this is a hugely improved quality of life. it came at the cost fundamentally it was about mass production the man known to the factory doing what worked at a factory
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scale. the cottage industry is centralized. that took us through the steam engine and, henry ford production line. the first revolution. the second i would argue is the digital. not computer because that'll think it starts there. first were owned by the military and countries and universities. but 1977 where steve jobs brought brazil and desktop. it was putting technology in the hands of everybody sell
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our ideas ultimately figured out what the computer was. the makers is a combination of the two. digital meet industrial. good digit to station of technologies'. we have had that for decades it is the democratization. the introduction of tools to everybody and everybody. that is when we see the model, creativity, energy come to bear. this is the maker movement i
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think the credit goes to dale who worked for o'reilly big publishing company he recognize there is something going on that the web generation use their hands more work with communities and share ideas and digital tools affected at and makers fares are hugely successful there was one in new york a couple weeks ago. the maker movement they identified first. it was not coincidental but i hope tim for gives me but the roots of our social
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change, the power to the people i think they recognize there is a cultural revolution allowing people to do extraordinary things and the recognition people want to use their hands. cook, a gardener, kids are born makers. there is a dignity to hold something you made in your hands. but we do not have the skills. with those technologies materialized to capture ideas to make their real
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that this meeting their real world a new generation to allow us to compete with the biggest grass-roots comment democratize, bottoms up that it can compete with the biggest industrial giants but to talk about what it means for our country so you better move the needle we will stop there and start the conversation. thank youism. >> host: i appreciate you doing this. you drawing these parallels with the previous antecedent
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and the digital revolution. just watching the growth of the web and what is already reflected in the questions people are skeptical what is happening in day garage is relevant to mass manufacturing. from the audience, i completely understand the lot of printing you are way way way overstated will ever be possible with 3-d printing press grandstand the logic but those who have not will be disappointed. >> 3d printers is just one. also laser cutters and embroidery and quilters of
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fancies sewing machine from sears has digital fabrication tools. but first of all some companies make them very accessible. is just kind i'd like a applicator and "star trek". [laughter] and how it works is not mass production either to make a prototype or because it is something just for you. we have industrials 3-d
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printers and it is fantastic for like of matrix. to take a filament of plastic than melted and squeeze it out. presumes, liquid resin, powders, you can go to a site shape ways you can get things printed and titanium, the quality is astounding. ge brands turbine blades for jet engines. there are some limits but not that many but the question is how long will it take? it took us 15 years to go from dot matrix to desktop
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printer we're out of phase right now. i don't think it will be 15 years it just shares the same technology but the interesting stuff is materials. right now with my printer we can do one color in plastic low resolution that some be to cut -- to colors better resolution then you start to makes them. the one after that may be to put the electrical wiring and. and then to have a starch based substance which is biodegradable.
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one is a dna printer. we know how to sequence genes may now know how to read the lead dna and printed but he intends it to make it desk top to we all get pushups what is and will the doctors send you any mehl said it is xyz here is
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the code. printer your own vaccine. here is a little liquid. drink it. that is also the 3-d printer printing dna. then you think what could possibly go wrong? metaphors like killer applications. [laughter] but i think the only thing that stands in our way. i am bullish about 3-d printers you will not print to the i found anytime soon. meet-- maybe not semiconductors but the circuit board. the only caveat is not mass
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production. maybe not injection molding. >> to talk about the disaster scenarios talk about drums. >> what are the impacts on the economy? job creators in manufacturing and talk about the difference of mass production and prototype technology may be the ways to make good doctor and we could start there. >> host: when you have a 3-d printer is exciting than new post it then you think this is a great than new
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brand dissected a and a third so you have to learn a new set of technology. i went back to 1977 but maybe 1984 with the macintosh and 1985 with the first laser printer from apple. we forget how mind-blowing that was. so talked-about desktop publishing, it is amazing. rolls of paper on railway cars it was hard to publish. now you do with on your desktop with software, point* and click.
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those printers spoke a language called postscript spoken by the biggest in the roles to hover prototype that uploaded to a of printing plant and you could publish. that was exciting than we did the same thing with the web. now you can push code out to to the whole world and distribute as well. now we do the same with physical goods we have digital languages the same language will drive the biggest factory is in the
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world and do the inverse it is the additive technology you could cut away that object that you have told me to make millions for pennies. to go from 12 mini is using the same file to outwit in a different technology in a different place. go to sites. you don't have to be a company. upload your card and robots will work for you from china and they take a pile. [laughter] is exciting. >> when we got this continuous path of scale to get the feedback to take the dorm room and harvard the
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same basic technologies negative so i join you to be excited and a big concern is how will this affect the future of manufacturing? people worry and the democratized world is that mean it is fewer firms or less joyce and if this will destroy a traditional manufacturing what will people do? >> i wrote a book of the various entry it as and explosion of choice a lot of people became producers but
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to think it would be the end of the blockbuster. and recognizing when you involve that they can grow the pie new ways to create stuff and tends to expand. mainstream media still exist. the same thing will happen with manufacturing. i would play with lagos now i have two factories. 40 employees and to say we compete with aerospace but
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we don't because we address and entirely different market. >> what personal drones? people cannot understand what business you have running a drum company. >> my wife is among them. [laughter] it is a flying robot gps, cameras, but maybe you could relate to. out in the day there are wind surfers but the problem is it is hard to get a video you what 30 feet above you and behind you focused on you. you could hire a helicopter or you could have a robot camera follow you around.
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that is what hours will do to have a box in your pocket to push the button with the multi plated helicopter takes off positions himself to keeps the camera focused on newton when the battery is low it was back. "star wars", personal trade, people are doing and right now. is possible. i know you will become self awareness but the internet was military and so were computers. now we understand the personal application and we're right there. i have forgotten the question. i am sorry. >> host: going back to the
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consequences this will acquire a whole new financing method of funding not in the traditional way venture-capital list, bankers, private equity also those that find accidental ways so what does that look like from the financing pointed you? >> i knew the models and the maker movement under way. that is how we did it. but then came kickstart your. did we hear that project? that is fantastic and telling. you were the venture
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capitalist for the maker movement kicks starter is crowd funding to pre-order 41 team to test and does three wonderful things. it moves in time it is wrong. all the cost is at the front end you have to two of the and manufacturing warehouses, distribution channel at is why you have to raise money to mortgage your house.
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you will not be paid until later. they said reorder them may get the money we don't have to put the march bid john house pro second, it says market research. just like they did not raise $100,000 of pre-orders it would not be made. that is probably a gift you save yourself time and money. market research is wonderful. almost a minimum of viable units passed the threshold to show you have the minimum viable you never go those who have three ordered not just customers but part of your team evangelizing the
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act then there are comments like they have the right to tell you and you have the obligation to listen. to say i love it i wish it was waterproof. then say we will source that. i want more color. and when i say participated in a project, but they are a part of it. this is the kind of money marketing cannot buy. venture-capital still a good option.
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getting cheaper and cheaper. but the business model is not hard. sell things for more than they cost. that is 17th century apple's sales carts would know this. we have been laboring on the internet how to, of with business models. with physical it is easy. people still get it wrong and do not charge enough but it is not like calculus. if you said evaporate you are paid on day number one. >> your favorite project? >> i am a bit of a
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quantified self john p.. >> i a.m. old school i like to look at the time on my rest -- rest. but eight key brigades with my phone and i love the fact couple of what -- announced there's more watch those then power of the zero could compete with the biggest consumers of the world is a maker movement and what it can do. >> when we talk about the internet of things about comes out of the maker movement. that pace of the engagement
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with the economy. >> there are questions will they borrow the bureaucracy of big companies to compete. >> i wish i could tell you it is virtual and open and transparent but once you are real manufacturing new has of resource planning, responsibilities, and they do lose respect for manufacturing very quickly udall get there. my drum community is open sourced we're out there being super transparent. as things got more
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complicated restart to look like ge with roles and responsibilities come as supply chain management, accountants, law yers when you deal with this scale there is a reason why america is a leading manufacturer of the world because we are pretty good at using technology there is not a radical new concept but getting to where they are faster. >> that changeover what is required to get started. >> but you don't have to build the structure. >> all-day -- although they
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use traditional manufacturing, they have community at the core but the recognition your customers are part of the innovation model is a lesson applied to traditional manufacturing. >> you're listening to the commonwealth club radio into a -- interview talking to chris anderson author of "makers" the new industrial revolution." i liked this is not just a business phenomenon but the personal aspect making feigns with your daughter's we could share about that? >> sitting around
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electronics i have the tiny desk my wife was getting annoyed. i need a workshop. it is time. i built one then i said i remembered as a kid and spent summers in los angeles. 30 years earlier i had forgotten about it. it all flashback and realize my grandfather was an immigrant 1920 and worked in hollywood when it was mechanical the home he was an inventor. he invented what a swiss
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engineer would him los angeles to say was angeles was a booming and they were greening could desert with sprinkler systems that were very fancy. but you had to turn them on manually. he invented the automatic sprinkler system. if you have one that is my grandfather's patent all long time ago. he would teach me about invention and mechanical drawing. and then i would spend summers learning how to do machining and one summer they said we will make a gas powered engine.
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i say that i get it. then the box are four blocks of metal. where is the engine? we literally did it. he did it but take a block of metal with the crankshaft and it is stunning. then i forgot about it for 30 years. because i did not have the skills. he could take it from a prototype but what i needed all that complexity to be turned into a black box which is the 3-d printer.
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taking got to take hideous at the push of a button brought me back into it than i realized it was in my a blood waiting for technology. we were strict with video games. two hours per week 10 day. anybody remember the sims? a virtual ball house businesses and homes said the then we say the screen is off. play and the real world. but they say it is not as cool and will you buy me nude dollhouse furniture? i thought i had to do research first. very expensive.
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very little choice and there is no standardization to scale. [laughter] the figures are different and it is not nimble we kept getting it wrong. i said i will not buy any more. but we do have the 3-d printer. we went to think averse and we found there are beautiful the science by day she designs set for broadway but and night she designs beautiful down -- storehouse unit -- furniture gives them away for free reprint them out and then let the girls paint them.
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they can make and a dollhouse furniture they wonder anything they can imagine. they treasure it if it was not even mass produce the put them on the show's might always do were hammered violating intellectual property somewhere but they can make it the way they wanted to and a treasure it. from my grandfather to my children there is a thread to realize we're all makers just waiting for the right tools. >> to talk about machine shops and questions about would chops and a strain of
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american life and now from robots. >> guest: i use that word for e fact but it is machines. computers that do stuff. we have an opportunity to tap that. not only allowed to share but with home market segments if you have children consider this is the holiday season to get to the 3-d printer. remember when the parents got the home computer? that was a significant investment not sure what it was four maybe programming
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it was a 21st century skill they would figure how to use it. kickoffs the same thing about $2,000 this seems clear we're not quite assure from a first home computer but we do know it inspires the kids to imagine. the time is right. the second homer assignment is if you have a relationship with the local school we have an opportunity right now to write to the wrong shop class, home economics, industrial arts that was in high school win manufacturing jobs were
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considered viable been replaced with computer class and liability insurance. we have an opportunity to bring your back and by simply adding 3-d printers to the computer lab already have now you have a design lab to insert the word design into educational curriculum now to teach a real 21st century skill. there is setting wrong with our point* but if they could ebitda mine kraft they think it is a game they could printed out or take it home that changes a kid's life and makes them realize maybe
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it doesn't require the advanced degree but it will create a generation of makers to bring manufacturing back. >> it is exciting. my parents had a home computer and that purchase change my life if you look on to the doers because since he was the kid he was in his parents' basement programming. so to create that opportunity in industrial settings. >> 20 years from now someone
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will sit here to say what changed my life is my parents bought the 3-d printer. >> host: but we have to do with the armageddon question. are you at all nervous? we talk about the positive effects but i just read killed decision about killer drones cheaper to manufacture3 drones cheaper to manufacture then start destroying nasty stuff to make their own abilities. >> nothing to see here. don't worry. it is a fantastic book it is his third one. i will not say it was modeled after our community but i read the book i was on the plane and engineers and
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killer drones then they run amok i open up the laptop by start programming good drawn algorithm. that is how happens. should like close a laptop? no. i could not help myself. our swarms will be peaceful. [laughter] we will promote civil responsibility. i don't know how to stop that technology. computers could be used by hackers. i probably should have shut
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the laptop but i didn't. reopens source the technology and give it away to anybody. we're not the only ones. we feel we have an opportunity to not only tell people what is a fend responsible but stay away from people, via other we have reached out to all of the regulators and said we have flown to washington i give quarterly briefings you need to be in this community. just to know what is possible. it is not my job to regulate or enforce but to help the regulators do their job better. we feel our responsibility
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is to bring those entities into the process to allow them to see what is possible we have a deal. here is my drawn idea. -- drone idea. to say that is sketchy we will call our friends at the fbi. we told them we would call the fbi. that is our responsibility. >> host: what about the three laws of robotics? >> but it turns out for the robot to be smart enough and they have already taken over the world. [laughter] it is very hard. cognition, artificial
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intelligence, shoot a gun and is easy. that is not the way it will have been. if you have the robots to make ethical choices, we just need to watch to evolves regulatory and surveillance abilities to spot it early. >> host: go back to synthetic biology with questions to worry about hobbyist doing a killer virus? the doctor email laing dm day. and a just and just this? >> i did talk at length about this. dna synthesis is done by big companies.
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you can design your own sequence said it to the lab then you get back in a vital but they are pretty good at spotting bad stuff. you don't know how they work but we trust them to protect us from that. but what of those are on every desktop? then they say we ensure there is intelligence that when you're sequence comes said, it needs to pass the test and only then. right now by the photocopier
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impasse to look for a u.s. currency. but they did not let you do order to put a big water mark over it. we do have some precedence we can check to make sure bad stuff does not have been. that is craig's best answer. i am an optimist. never anticipate things ahead of time. the notion of the test-tube baby. actually thought they would grow the babies in test
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tubes. [laughter] i was a little confused. now it is called in vitro fertilization but we were playing god and it was super scary then we said it is not so scary. cologne is like we're test-tube baby was. we have to tryout to dip our toes and probe and adapt how we feel based social norms. >> host: it is cool to think those three rules of to do with the robots but a challenge for us. >> exactly. recap predict where technology is going mckenna stopped we can only try and
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nine as governments to look guess the real threat as opposed to the imagined one. >> when i was learning about the history of the internet internet, i remember the dot com global feeling like i missed the boat to. of a great company is already had been founded and iowa's a complete idiot did not see the possibility of social web and everything created. we must have people listening that feel the book has already been written and the movement is under way. >> by hope not.
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looking at the biggest industry in the world they have the technology but not the social model what the web taught us the missing markets. we knew how to reach markets of 10 million, hollywood. 10, a community. but not 10,000. then along comes the web some of those will turn into 10 million but faint of how many markets of 10,000 there are in the world. the few live-in brooklyn you know, all about it. as people get word discriminating about their taste they go toward things
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that are just right for them. to look at that technology and the distribution model that you can define the market it does not have 10,000 and one city but a global distributor. how many in the physical world are there don't make sense for manufacturing or workshop but are urged realized with the maker movement? >> you said the maker movement puts the balance toward the coulter of the best innovation model bought the cheapest labor. it is community-based development and of unbeatable for harnessing the best talent. look for those countries of the most vibrant communities
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and where web companies grow that is the value that predicts success in any to differ century market" a lot of questions were silicon valley, princess go where is the center of the maker revolution? people are thinking if i want my city to be the center of the maker movement what steps should we take? ♪ what is great is it happens everywhere. second comet a cool surprise is brooklyn, new york this much of a maker movement as sampras is go. how list of possible to bring manufacturing to brooklyn? because it is less and less about manufacturing and more about design and creativity
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and the human component. year carries more design schools than anywhere else. it compensates it is fantastic to move manufacturing. you don't have to move brownfield side to the brownfield side to the middle of the wasteland. you can move to where people live. it is just-in-time manufacturing. this design and of look like the functional model to 71 last question. i know the power of the internet to by year's one
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crazy question. software tools on earth use by people who designed printers on the moon using local materials how realistic is this? >> guest: that is very like the "star trek" replicate your. that model there is a box and has feedstock but imagine a lot of bios to say you lonesome thing then they download the recipe mixing them in the right proportions and then you have got it. this is atomic construction


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