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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  November 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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congress -- >> guest: right. >> host: -- but all the information about ourselves that we're giving to private companies around the world. is there a concern there? >> guest: yes. so two things. as you said, i try in this book to make it clear that i'm, i'm optimistic, but i'm not a cyber utopian in the sense that i don't believe that technology is always the answer to everything. the language i use is to say that the internet and its success is a role model for us, but it's not necessarily the cure to all our problems. we can look at it and is say, wow, we built that together. what else could we do that would be like that? but it does create these issues, and, you know, on the one hand we can look at privacy and say, sure, these corporations know a lot more about us, but it means the ads we're seeing are actually more relevant to us, and we're actually not just being spammed by people, we're seeing targeted things based on our taste. on the other hand, we have to be more aware as a society, and we have to build systems that let
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us know where our information is being shared. so it's not that all this stuff is head anything a positive direction -- heading in a positive direction, but if we're smart about it and we're optimistic and we apply ourselves and use some of these principles, there's a lot of reason to be hopeful about what we can do. >> host: and finally, michael e-mails in, do you think that peer progressive networks will be amplified by the rapid adoption of the mobile internet in developing nations? >> guest: yes. um, because they're the places where one of the big things you have is maas i have cities being developed where you have huge needs like the kind of infrastructure feeds we talk about, and the idea that cities are going to be walking around with these mobile computers that are far more powerful than anybody's computer was 20 years ago, it's going to be a tremendous opportunity for these cities solve problems. just like john snowe and henry white had walking around london in 1854, they were looking for patterns in the day.
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but they didn't have real technology that let them notice those patterns or report them. now in these new emerging, you know, mega cities, we're going to have tremendous resources available. >> host: and we'll finish with a quote from the both map. with the exception of the earth atmosphere, the city is life's largest footprint and microbes are its smallest. it is a great testimony to the connectedness of life on earth that the fates of the largest and the tiniest life should be so closely dependent on each other. and for the past three hours we have been talking with steven onson, to have of -- johnson, author of eight books. interface culture was his first, 1999, emergence came out in '02. mind wide open in '05. the bestselling everything bad is good for you came out in 2005. the ghost map in 2006, the invention of air in 2008. where good ideas come from came out in 2010, and his most recent just on the market is "future
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perfect." mr. johnson, thank you for being on "in >> in her book, "pat nixon," mary brennan discusses her use of mrs. nixon's recently reduced private documents. this is just over 15 minutes. >> welcome to the richard nixon presidential library and museum. my name is paul wormser and i'm acting director of the library. i appreciate all of you coming to one of our continuing author top presentations.
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today we are very fortunate to have really the leading scholar on pat nixon, who was by the way born 100 years ago this year. mary brennan, who did much of her research year for her book is the chair of the department of history at the university of texas in san marcos. her specialty is post-world war ii conservative movement and she has written to date three different books. there's been turning right at the 16th conservator capture of the gop, wise mothers and the red minute, conservative with them after women in the crusade against communism. in the book we loved most, "pat nixon: embattled first lady." her book is an outstanding work
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and i look forward -- i would like you to help me welcome her out onto the stage to talk about her work. mary brennan. [applause] >> thank you, paul. it's such a great honor to be here at the nixon library. as paul said it did much of my research here and i feel very close to all of the people here. they were so helpful to me in learning but i did about pat. i'd like to begin with the story. one evening in 1954, is the nixon's exit at the dinner that president eisenhower's going to speak that they came across an indian woman sitting on a bench by the banquet hall. potshots you recognized the woman. when he said now come and they continue the stairs. halfway down, pack remember the one minute major has been returned to where the woman was sitting.
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i spoke with a woman and asked her if they had not previously. when the woman replied they had, pat asked about her stay in the u.s. and implied what she was doing in the hallway. the woman explained she was returning to india in a few days and hope to catch a glimpse of the president before she went home. have been arranged for the woman to be given a seat at the dinner so she could hear the speech as well as see the president. nixon then left the hall to continue on to the previous engagement. i use this story to begin my topic because i think it exemplifies several key points i wish to make about pat nixon public role. more particularly as foreign diplomat. patton at the indian woman during one of her travels the second lady. the traveling she did as first and second lady was the best part of her job as a political wife. second, this is not the wife of
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ambassador or statesmen. she was just a young woman who had come to the united states and then had come to the united states to study. pat didn't limit her contact server trouble to import people. she treated everyone she met as if they were the most important person in the world. the people she met sinister sincerity and responded to it. third, she was happiest in her will when she could take action. the party of the nixon's in the engagement they were going to were not as at that moment is getting this visitor from an em conceded the presidential dinner. in the greater scheme of things, this is a small act, but it left a lasting impression on the woman involved and other women at the table that she was eventually stated that. that's how we know about the event is to raise under the someone who she ended up sitting
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with responded and were to talk later about it. politics with your job and when she did know was enjoyed. on occasion she was proud of her work in raising funds for the party can she found any frustrating and mindnumbing. at the end of the first term, she expressed her jealousy of her friends reentry into the workforce. she wrote, i would like to do part-time work rather than on the use of scabbing i'm expected to do. the thrill of meeting famous men and women in the claim of white tape dinners at the white house were off, leaving only the tired routine of constant evenings away from her growth and i'll chatted with him and she did not always like. for someone who worked hard her entire life, and she had worked hard her entire life, the situation could at times intolerable. there was not long hours or physical challenges await her down. she presented not being useful, not doing something meaningful.
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perhaps that is why foreign travel appeal to her. during her trips overseas, she thought she was playing an important role. she was representing american interests abroad. her introduction to most american representative came during her first or second lady when president eisenhower sent the vice president beginning in asia and continue to pray for the subcontinent during the fall of 1953. president eisenhower told the vice president he should take out within. now she relates this trip is going to be work, but it's going to be interesting. i described the pending trip in almost the same words in a letter she wrote to her good friend. along with a minimal entourage that included a military aide come a state department representative, a flight surgeon, three press representatives commit to secret service agents come in nixon's administrative assistant and the only other woman on the trip,
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rosemary would commit the nixon's embarked on their 42,000-mile journey. and a little more than two months, the group visited over 15 countries, attended hundreds of state dinners, participated in innumerable ceremonies and spoke to millions of people. the state department briefed the group and in many countries and people they would be visiting. pets at these briefings very much to heart. in fact, one member of the group told a reporter a few years later that pundits or does the walking encyclopedia. whenever they needed information about what country or culture, they would always turn to her because she would have the information. her husband concentrated on the larger mission of reassuring american allies commit asian allies and friends, clarifying eisenhower's policy and assessing attitudes was communism. while he did that come about through was to go out and meet the people.
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neither he or pat had ever been interested in formal socializing so who requested official dinners because to a minimum so they can with as many different people as possible in the countries they visited. pat recognized there was a job to be done at she wrote in her travel diary, but she could not help but be caught up in the thrill of traveling. even her sadness of leaving the girls did not completely overwhelm her excitement. the harsh reality of extensive travel combined the little girl's enthusiasm for new and different sites leapt off the pages of her diary. she gleefully recorded initiations their money as she crossed the equator for the first time. he acted as neptune where the crowns designed by the crew. what fun. admitted attendance had a female frolic with a hostess to rainswept all-male entertainment, quite risqué. on the 14th of october, she detailed their experience in
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amiri village in new zealand where you had to take part in a ritual dialogue and actions a century. both she and dick had to participate in those serving. she felt faint with some of the disheveled oldsters signed up for a session of those surveyed, the nixon's wanted to be good sports so we took it. she had more problems because she also visited the kitchen, where the women were cooking the food that they were going to be eating later on but she said the kitchen was so dirty and unsanitary tissue is actually really quite leery of eating the food given to them and she kind of funky art of pushing through pushing food around on her plate and covering things up covering things up so it looks like she was eating without having to eat anything. visser proved to be a kiss on the overseas trips in nixon's nature and vice presidential years. although their schedules are often crowded with official duty and conditions could be challenging, pat continued to be
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thrilled to see new countries aired in early 1956, she had dick attended the maturation of the new brazilian president in rio de janeiro committee city she called the most spectacularly beautiful city she had ever seen what the parties of the palace were fabulous. she did find it required quite a terrific adjustment. they went in january said they were something that is 75-degree climate change when they went in one day. in july of that year, the nixon's set off on another whirlwind tour through she explained in a letter to hoping that this was a fast and full trip and in the course of one day we were in three countries. thailand, pakistan and turkey. although her has been met with leaders from she again had hetero of events. in the end she wrote it was a busy but in such a short time so much can be accomplished. in november 1958, the couple traveled to london, where pat
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what much of the british press with her natty wardrobe and unspoiled manner. the following year they went to the soviet union and poland. in moscow, transcendent and from the crew chef in the debate during which the two leaders argued that communism and capitalism in an exhibition of american consumer goods. once again her own agenda visiting orphanages and hospitals. he might've gotten more headlines for pats interaction the soviet women and children also made a lasting impression. there were all kinds of pictures of her handing out candy and a book onto the soviet children that made it into the magazine. perhaps more importantly, her pointed question to nikita khrushchev about his wife's absence from the festivities led to mrs. khrushchev as well as other soviet officials said lee. at the event during the rest of the visit. he told one reporter that it hoped to have a woman along on a
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diplomatic mission. they can make friends in different ways than men. he was overwhelmed by the outpouring of cheers that greeted the nixon's as they travel to the streets of portland. patti was not easily rattled had to fight back tears according to one news account at their arrival in poland. when pat became first lady almost 10 years later camera loves traveling recognition of the rule that allowed her to play on the increase. the kitty thunderstruck traveler remained beneath the surface, they should become much more aware of the potential power of her position. during five years as first lady, pat visited 32 countries around the world, several more than most. she set new precedents herself by traveling solo as an official representative of the united state to the moderation of president william tobler of liberia in 1872 and repeating the task in 1874 by attending
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the swearing-in ceremony of ernesto pasir. wherever she went she espoused the same practice utilized during travels in 1950. she strove to make as many friends as possible for herself in the country. while her desire to make friends everywhere might've had political consequences, it arose from a sincere desire to look beyond dignitary to country she visited. in part because of the connection with their own roots. she never forgot who she was or where she came from. she was the daughter of a truck farmer who supported herself and she was a teenager. at one point during her husband's administration she told a childhood friend that even though she felt inadequate to the task that quote, she was only pat ryan from artesia, end quote. the people she met were so gracious as she felt comfortable continuing the important work she and her husband were doing. in addition, since she came from a small town, she understood
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what it was for someone to shake the hand of the second or first lady of the united states or to receive a letter from the white house. as a result from her first trip a second baby to her white house years, she attended the formal dinners and official visits with her husband, but she also insisted on having her own separate itinerary that went beyond just the government-sponsored corporate finance chiefs and socials. he made it a point to seek out the institutions that affected women and children. patch out of your reactions to the sites and people she met in short hand on her. during her vice presidential trip, she quote, went to see hospital and sister home for the aged. she commented that the old people were thrilled because nobody had been teased events. and the philippine she visited an orphanage and a training center for learning traits which
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can be done in the home. in south korea she went to republic of korea division hospital to give out candy and cigarettes. her brief comments indicated the state of things. quote come in heat, wounded on army our army blankets, soiled bedclothes, and quote. but her first terrific lady she visited over 200 institutions promoting industry, training women to support themselves and children, setting up neighborhood kitchens and dispensary. because her group made unscheduled stops, she felt they were able to get the real picture. he concluded that in general people can sense when another person is friendly and genuinely interested. that is what they try to do, to show the people they were visiting that they were interested in them as people. someone once asked pat why she could appear to be so interested in all these diverse people that
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she met. she said that is because i am. she said i look at the person i'm talking to and i know the day have a story to tell him i want to hear that story. if i'm doing is paying attention when talking to them. pat tucker was representative of the united states very seriously. she saw herself as part of an important official team. she certainly made something of an impression on the people she met. one constituent explained to path that her husband was on an around the world is this trip and had run into what he called the pat nixon trailed. he wrote his wife that pat really ring a bell in this part of the world at a time when americans were not very popular. the american couple and india sent had a similar letter after her return from a priest the couple for bringing a fresh understanding of america to the people of india. president eisenhower priest both nixon for their work on their
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trip here at even the american press noticed pats will mature. william fight in the new york journal american described although she did not make any speeches or carry-ons high policy discussions, she bore her full share of the workload. her love of travel, openness to new people and places, her quick smile and genuinely kindhearted endeared her to the people she met and made her a wonderful, unofficial ambassador for the united states. in fact, in 1957, journalist earl mazel labored her this country's most effective female busker of goodwill after company pat and on a tour through africa and italy and watching a she charmed peasants by the thousands, and quote. without talking politics, pat managed to win over not only the ragged remnant in the market, but also mohamed sanko granted
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her an unprecedented formal audience. her goal, she told massa was to convince people we enjoy being here and are genuinely interested in them. it was not the only one to see the importance in her role. by the time the soviet trip, the last of the race presidential one, pat as ambassador of goodwill have one even over "the new york times," calling the diplomat in high heels the reporter described her as self-made, orderly and precise. the capital press club, an organization of african american news correspondents presented her with his international relations award in 1857, recognizing both are goodwill activities among people of eight african countries, and quote them in the shows are as americans outstanding ambassadors good will. deputy attorney general william rogers during a trip to europe where she had been parted with requests for her presence on the
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next vice presidential trip. you priest are important and significant role in public affairs appeared above her responsibility to second baby, to travel not only for filter childhood dream come it is also allowed her to feel useful and necessary part of an important enterprise. when her husband had first run for office come up head and a team and pat had been a crucial player. as had career took off in different directions, pat so relegated to the sidelines. her work overseas screen for she was still significant, not just her husband's career, but something larger. when she became first lady, foreign travel whether there has been her on her own continue to play this vital role for pack, allowing her to participate in the political realm in a positive way at a time in any other pats were limited. pat spent much of her time in the white house working against political aides who did not
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working against political aides who did not advice, opinions or presence. many treated her as a prop to be used for publicity purposes only. her domestic agenda did not ignite passion and the public. plushy face challenges from a shifting social worker at the women's movement spread throughout the country. the super modesty for super wave face ridicule from a feminist press. for conservative press pressed her to stand by her wedding. she increased lack of privacy and want for something meaningful to do. traveling abroad took her away from the frustrations at home and allowed her to be herself. even her husband who excluded her from most policy decisions did recognize her as an asset when it came to foreign policy. years later he told former aide frank and enduring a series of interviews that had always handled herself very properly,
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even during sensitive diplomatic conversations that she might inadvertently overhear. he explained that she listened and nodded, but never made comments of around. at the same time, however, he replied to notice things he did not. she was. survey. giving pass on responsibility and small diplomatic tasks also provided mixed in with cover from the increasing vocal feminist who demanded more of a role in government policy. she was a woman he could trust to do only what he expected her to do. pat's traveling ditmar this peter desired for adventure -- to be adventures in new places. it was a way of reconnecting with her husband into the chicken patty muffled. she had never been more a part of his life and work and when they travel together during the vice presidential years. certainly the circumstances had changed. not each other with huge entourage of aid, security personnel and reporters in dealings with the u.s. had
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hardened. her husband's fate than ability demonstrated the willingness to set her up by yourself is to gratify her. she seized the opportunity to prove herself. after the trip to prove in 1970 epitomize her value as a foreign ambassador. on may 31st company to 70, earthquake measuring 7.75 on the richter scale devastated half of peru, killing at least 50,000 people and displacing hundreds of thousands of others. my site so the initial quake causing further damage. homeless, injured and starving, survivors rushed to the coastal area in search of medical attention and news of loved ones. as news reports filtered back to the united states, president axon promised $10 million in aid as well as promising to vote army and navy helicopters for the search and rescue mission. the american public moved by the devastation had begun donating supplies and money to be sent to people of peru.
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similarly i'm pathetic, pat wanted to help. during the week and i can't say that the couple discussed the situation and raise the possibility of delivering donations from the american people down to peru. a week later she flew to paris at the mecca spano gonzalez, wife of the peruvian president and l-lima to deliver donations, visit the injured and homeless and review the damage. she took with her over 18,000 pounds of clothing, blankets and other goods as well as cash donations. during her brief stay, she accompanied on a tour of the most devastated region, flying on a small plane come sitting on the other repurposed kitchen chair with no seatbelt. walking amid the rubble she hugged children and offered comfort to those who have lost everything. her genuine concern and sympathy did much to ease the tension that existed between the u.s. and peru since the dissension to
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power an editorial depends, the main newspaper newspaper and noted the profound significance of past visits. enter human wants and identification the suffering of peruvian people come the editorial continued, she'd gone beyond the norms of our courtesy. the people of peru appreciated the understanding and concern she demonstrated in our sorrow. on her departure, awarded her the grand crop of the order of the sun. even the "washington post," which really had much positive to say about the nixon administration and that she had threaded her way among all potential sources of trouble admirably and with skill. epitomizing the simple human response acquired by the tragedy the editorial is continued. she succeeded in communicating to peruvians a genuine desire to help and to have done so with
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great task for what deserve much credit. if the trip to peru show the potential to serve the goodwill ambassador for her trip the following year to africa despite her determination to break through the restraints of her first lady role. in early january 1972, pat set out on an eight day 10,000-mile trip to the african continents where she visited liberia, donna and the ivory coast at the mission of the trip was to participate in the inauguration of william hulbert, the new president of liberia. for the first time the first lady with the official representative of the united states. as such, pat met privately as well as prime minister to see you and onward a coup for auto, and president -- sorry, the ivory coast. i just murdered their names, for which i apologize.
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for official party of 40 included the u.s. ambassador of liberia, samuel z westerfield as well as the reverend billy grant were both ministers and mrs. john h. johnson, the president of the johnson publishing company which published ebony and jet. in addition to official meetings, press conferences and speeches before political parties, the africans treated pat and her entourage who were dinners, receptions and presentation. i took responsibilities on the trip fares thursday. noted in her biography of her mother that past microwave from the family duties on christmas day to go over her briefing notes and organize her thoughts for the upcoming trip. although the state department staff of the western prepared remarks, she went over them, making changes and high rating. in my she pleased her hosts by noticing how impressed she was
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at a considerable development that had occurred since her last visit in 1957. and, she traveled into the hills to pay her respects to 83-year-old chief of zach young, whom she met during the vice presidential visit. he told her she had forged a friendship between the american and ghanaian people that not even a lion could break, and quote. before she left, commissioners spoke for the national assembly delivering a rare public local speech in each of the three countries, pat spoke with leaders about her husband's upcoming trip to china from explaining he did not intend to normalize relations, but to open a dialogue. they have aid in development and announced the creation of two graduate scholarships for women to travel to the united states to study. not her official pronouncement, however that burn through the
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accolade either in the country she visited her back home. it was her warmth, enthusiasm of a genuine appreciation of an affection for people she met. in monroe via another, she -- she could not get her weight untrue way to get around people. she waited in to waited into crowd shaking hands, giving hugs and patting backs. at the migration sermon she gave a warm cheek to cheek in race. he called her a woman of courage, strength and character and fortitude of spirit, and quote. when a group of women presented her with traditional bright through cloth rather than politically accepting the gift and slipping it under her chair, she stood up and began to tie it around her waist. the women were shocked to realize what she was trying to do and immediately got up and came to help her and dressed her traditional clothing. pats delight in the outfit and her willingness to model it in front of her audience in the
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camera spoke volumes about her respect for the culture and people she was visiting. if you have a chance to visit the centennial exhibit camille siebel a wonderful picture of pat at the address where you take a picture taken. that is the most beautiful picture of pat nixon you can find and it speaks volumes about how she felt about her ability to go out and meet these people and play a role and to show them the respect. you can see in her eyes in that picture that this is very much something -- it wasn't something she was putting on. it is something she believed in very deeply. all of the news photos show pat was a huge grin on her face, whether she was watching a traditional tribal dance, listening to speech or traveling in a motorcade or participated in tribal dance, what she's doing another photo. returned home triumphantly,
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heralded by the press. "time" magazine declared her african queen for a week on "the new york times" marveled that they loved her in monroe via, dr. packer, too. that would make one more trip. she attended the inoculation of president ernest gesell of brazil and made a stop in caracas venezuela. by this point, her credentials as diplomatic asset has been well established. however, that the midst watergate scandal, the media paid little attention to the first lady's travel itinerary, which was quite a shame because if you remember caracas, venezuela is where nixon had a terrible experience during the vice presidential years and this is one of the first trips back to. even though the venezuelan press noted this come at the american press really did not relate significance of her trip. most of the attention of the center husband's political problems back home.
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1972 was in many ways a highlighter for pat. in january to have this wonderful experience and comes back from africa in february they prepare for the groundbreaking trips and mentioned they are going to go to moscow. excuse me. pat prove she did not have to be flying solo to make a difference during an official trip. while dick met with leaders and negotiated wording on communiqée , pat toured the country, met with whatever city said she was allowed to an attendant cultural events. next meetings upend what pats efforts to force good feeling among people of countries involved in international relations. excuse me. dick nixon in the 1940s and 50s had been working on the
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cold war between the u.s. and the people's republic of china for years. once he became president, he and his national security adviser, henry kissinger explore different avenues of communication. by mid-1971, efforts have paid off in china extended an invitation to the president to visit peking. not only would nixon be the first u.s. president to visit the republic of china, but because of china's self-imposed isolation, one of the limited group of westerners who had ever been there. as a result, there was tremendous worldwide interest in the trip. when china decided to allow the american press to tackle on what the president and mrs. nixon, people around the world followed the february 1972 with tremendous interest.
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dick hatch remained sequestered at the time come that path as the representative introduced americans to china, represent the american people to the chinese. if she had not already realized what a great responsibility she had on her shoulders, the briefing paper she got from the state department made it explicitly clear. emphasizing her bowl and the unique opportunity to trip represented to reestablish communication between the women of china and america, the state department reminded her that she would be the first lady in american women the chinese had met. the intensive u.s. television coverage provided her with unprecedented opportunity to influence the way in which americans view the chinese women in the social order. pat responded to the pressure by intensifying the normal homework routine she followed before any
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trip, studying her state department briefing papers carefully, reading quotations from mao, learning useful chinese prices of chinese and her schedule. on most of the trip she had taken both during the 1950s in so far as first lady, pat insisted on attending more than usually dtn reception. she visited hospitals, schools and other facilities that help women are the poor. this time however she had very little control over what she could do, where she could go for whom she could meet. although she had the feeling she's been isolated from the public, she won over the people she did me and dealt diplomatically with those who try to convert her. correspondent helen thomas recounted that when pats invariably with the young men were tried to engage her in a political discussion, she would smile and say yes, i'm acquainted with his philosophy.
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from the cooks in the kitchen of the peking hotel, thank you, to the commune to permit challenged on himself, the chinese cheney smelted underpass smiling genuine the csm for experiencing new cultures. during her visit to the kitchen, with 115 cooks, she gladly sampled their creations, including a fiery pickles squash. reporters were impressed because some of them tried it and couldn't eat it, but she did. sitting next to the state dinner she commented on the cigarette holder after duke everyone. but pat asked if he meant the cigarette -- pat gladly accepted the gift. nixon also realized that talking to the prc, talking to chinese leaders worry the soviets. they came back to the visit from china, he arranged it would also
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go back to the soviet union. as a result in late may, early june 1972, pat, dick on trash traveled, were dick that soviet leaders and pat fell at her usual separate schedule and accompanied at various times by neither mrs. andra gromyko are now, obviously soviet leaders do when pat would be there. pat took a ride on the subway, watch a rehearsal at the ballet school, visited the school children and toured come department store. she also attended a russian circuit where performance they are startled her coming say so much out of the ordinary that the press reported in the american paper. as had become her patterns, pat won over the russian people and reporters who accompanied her. the russians are so support during couple's visit. appreciated the first lady's delight at the ballet, circus come obvious affection for schoolchildren should not and
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are easy manner with the soviet leaders. in fact at one point, mrs. nixon grabbed the hand of mrs. brezhnev, who was then used as a throng of reporters and crowds constantly surrounded the women, pat's determination to stop and talk to the people who would come out to meet or see her also with her and her of the affection of the population. one incident exemplified her appeal to the ordinary people she encountered on a trip. during the nixon staff over in warsaw, pat attended a chopin recital given the crowd applauded, she walked toward them come intended to shake hands and talk to the people. her interpreter attempted to the her back to the official party p. she refused to join the group until she waded into the crowd, men and women who responded warmly to some take enough caps another's kissing her hand. for their part, reporters committee sometimes critical u.s. correspondents are extremely complementary.
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the globe described her as a remarkable saleswoman at the london daily claim she was the best for womanhood since they invented lipstick in the herald reporter got a warm feeling at the sight nixon and mrs. brezhnev holding hands. pat earned respect and gratitude of reporters by her behavior during their visit to the come department store. throughout the trip, reporters are forced to battle soviet police regarding mrs. nixon. the situation came to ahead of the third day of the visit is pat walked through the store come hundreds of people and balconies or stood adjacent isles to catch a glimpse of her. reporters tried to cover the event found their views blocked by the soviet detail. she became shoving became satisfied to be here. pass it on reporter for being manhandled by the soviet officer by pulling the reporter to her and offering him a of her ice cream cone. her obvious distress of the
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situation and attempt to remedy it did much to win the open operation of the reporters. so we end with another story that reinforces past love of travel, her openness to other people she met including reporters and willingness to take whatever action was necessary. from her youngest is that you listen to her father's story, through years of single women take enough of small excursion to the early years of her marriage to trains of them as they share their love of visiting new places. travel and treat pat, and decorated her and provided her wipportunity she might not have had otherwise. travel also provide a path that they need to transform the first lady's role. abu observers of the time often criticize her for failing to focus on a specific cause dwivedi johnson had order to closely eisenhower, pat succeeded in pushing the limit of acceptable first lady responsibility and behaviors, especially in terms of foreign
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diplomacy. she traveled within the first lady of her time and accompanied her husband on his groundbreaking trip trip to the people's republic of china. press reports of interactions to the chinese as she toured the country offered americans a glimpse into the formerly closed society. building on experience a second baby, pat refused to limit her official first lady itineraries to acceptable for multi-interception. she wanted to visit hospitals and schools. he determination to meet with wounded soldiers during a visit to south vietnam that she became the first first lady to travel to a combat zone. patch of the first lady was not just a ceremonial prop. she also travel successfully on her own theater journey to peru while humanitarian relief to the wounded and citizens of l-lima and helped to forge a new relationship between the two countries. when she attended the inauguration of the new president of liberia and she
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became the first byte of a sitting president to serve as official representative to foreign country. pass enthusiast at response to people she met in south america and africa service diplomatic purpose for her husband secured opening for future first ladies to exploit. in fact, pat's initial success of handing diplomacy under all about her taking solo trips during her husband's term in office. but, if everything else connected to richard nixon, past expansion of the role of first lady was lost in the midst of watergate. rather than celebrating her publish in it, pat spent her last months in the white house avoiding reporters encouraging her husband to fight on. instead of the person inquiring about her next trip or commenting on her. any pantsuit in a women's magazine, and other first. the focus is on the growing scandal. even pass it this year is 20 years later after the resignation concentrated one watergate do not to reduce the
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first lady. pat never came to the politics or the political life, but that she had her entire life, she made the best of a bad situation in the building unless for travel natural abilities, both are innate openness keen observation skills had opened the door for the first lady to become an essential part of the foreign-policy team. she finally did find her niche in politics. thank you very much. [applause] i would be happy to answer any questions if you have any questions. nobody has any questions? >> hi, ms. brennan. when you are doing the research for the book, did you contact the daughters for any input or insights that help you gather any additional information that you did and are defined at the
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library? >> joy actually helped me gain access to the rest of her mother's papers into helene browne's papers. i corresponded with her by e-mail and asked if she would be willing to do an interview. she said she'd said everything she wanted to say in her book unless you have a specific question that she really didn't want to be interviewed and i could not contact her sister. >> hi, mary. could you expand on the first lady's domestic agenda and why you think it didn't spark? >> she became first lady of difficult time. she had agenda. her first cause was volunteerism. although she was also very interested in reading and volunteerism is something very dear to it because she didn't very much believe in people helping other people. but you have to remember in 1969 the countries and tremendous
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turmoil and says something like volunteerism was not going to be a cause that would catch on with the general public. she also ran into obstacles, a very tense situation between the west wing any swing and she did run into issues in terms of being able to explore and find herself. she did have a good thing she domestically although jackie kennedy gets a tremendous amount of credit for redecorating the white house. pat actually did more of that. she hired the protocol officer from the state department, brought him over and the two of them went around the country making deals with different people, different newsstands to get correct. pieces the white house to the point of a jackie kennedy came back the first time since she left in 1963 -- 1964, she commented on how wonderfully job
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pat had been redecorating. it also took her a little while to find her stride and so i think she was moving in that direction. i missed all of this, she kind of shifting historical circumstances out of the public and the problem she had within it in terms of being able to find her own path. the other reality is she actually felt most comfortable traveling and meeting people and kind of being able to get out amongst the people. >> he said that she was embattled. do you mean during the watergate or after the presidency? >> welcome i have to be honest with you and i don't know if the press would appreciate my sameness, but when i wrote the
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manuscript, embattled first lady was actually the chapter that dealt with her problems within the white house. i have named the whole book, pat nixon: everywhere in the white house, which i thought that is what she represented. if they like "pat nixon: embattled first lady" better, so the price wins. but that's really kind of how that have been. >> ms. brennan, would you kindly speak to pat ryan before she was mrs. nixon? >> certainly. do i get excited about her childhood? >> yes. and i was also like you to respond, was she a teacher? >> guest: >> yes. actually when i said at the end that she had her whole life, she made the best of a bad situation. her mother died when she was 12 and shoot two brothers and had
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to take care of the house into kind of keep everything in order and go to school where she got very good grades. it ended at three fluke of circumstances that she and her two brothers all graduated from high school at the same time. one of her brothers broke his arm, somebody else had other problems, said they were all graduated at same time. they graduated from high school around the time their father became seriously ill. so they have to reach find jobs to help to support the farm eventually deciding they needed to sell the farm. they went on and they were going to decide who's going to college because all three wanted to go to college. they decided to one brother had a scholarship. he would go to college first. the other two would work. so she worked to support the brother. at one point there was a couple of hired her to drive across the country and the idea was she would drive across the country
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to new york to visit her father's relatives and they would buy her a plane ticket back in that city would pay her. but she got to new york and that the relatives, they ended up offering her -- one of them offered her a job. so she lived in new york i herself for a year or she worked in the hospital there. she had tremendous adventures if you can kind of take, read between the lines in the letter to her brother. she was having a great time. she flirted with a doctor who according to some relatives wanted to marry her. she had adventures -- she was working on a tuberculosis hospital under the snow starts to go outside writing. the statue afraid you're going to get no? no, i think about the young boys and how does it make them feel. eventually her brother returned said we've saved up enough money, come back. she came back, went to college. she was working on a business degree. she really had hoped to be what
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we call today a personal buyer, a personal shopper. but she realized he was going to take too long to work her way up and she was a very practical woman. she said okay okay fine degree, make teaching certificate as well. so she got her teaching certificate and got a job in whittier. it was while she was in whittier teaching at the school of there that for the first time in her life she had enough money and enough freedom to take little trips that she wanted to take. she has a girlfriend she would visit and that she wrote two. she would go off on little excursions. but it was also while she was there that one of the older teachers said to her, we are doing a community play and it would be a good idea if you were in the spite i was back in the day if an older teacher told you
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do this today. she had been in theater before, so posit something far-fetched. nixon was in the theater group and they met. i would also encourage you that if you have not been able to, the other part of the pat nixon you need to see is a different side is to read the excerpt from the love letters. we have a tendency to think of him. i can send one of the most eye-opening experiences at doing my research was reading the love letters between the two of them. they should solve these letters in which they are very playful writing back and forth. especially him. he was really chasing her. she would sometimes -- he would need a ride to los angeles, said he would take her into los angeles and maybe she would meet somebody else they are. but he would take her and they would go on long drives and go up the coast and they would each take a book and he would get out
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of the car and perhaps have a picnic lunch and they would each with their own boat. it was a very quiet kind of dating. but eventually a kindness which is something else to make reaches get married. so it's not necessarily -- it's one of those things that marriages go through anything but in the beginning you have this theory romantic kind of relationship. even when his first elected to congress any rights or letters from his first trip abroad, the letters are filled with all these vision for this is what's going to happen when we come back. they have this wonderful nursery. i checked out the ship. we can take trisha down there. we look oco the site of europe. for years he promised to take her to europe. it didn't actually happen as a vacation until 1963. but he was so promising that he was going to happen. does that answer your question i
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ask you think we have time for just one work question. >> i'm curious to know a little bit about her family born in nevada. what did your father do their? why did he move to california? what were his parents late, her mother's parents late? >> okay, now we are getting into a tricky area. so her father was the son of irish immigrants and he had traveled around sn -- she had done a lot of different things. he would kind of talk to her about these adventures. he had been a minor. her mother was a first-generation german immigrant and hermit there had
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been very before. her mother came over as a child with an aunt, up staying and eventually married a man named ender. they moved up to, what decoded to recite it was? i think is north dakota. the debt to north dakota and he was killed in a flood up there. actually, i tried very hard to find permission about the flood that killed him. i called the archives. i spoke to the archivist and really could not find a tremendous amount of information about her mother's first test in. from that marriage, she did have two children. then she married will o'bryan and they moved to nevada. actually so the little towns in nevada and he was a minor. but she had lost one has been to miami in she did not want to lose another one.
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so she was constantly putting pressure on him to give up the mining life, to become something else, to be a farmer, something else that would be more stable and less dangerous. so eventually they moved to southern california, where he continues to have dreams of kind of day finding gold, doing something that would get them other than being a truck farmer. but it doesn't happen the way he wants it to. well, thank you all. let's give mary brennan a hand. [applause] >> we don't know whether franklin roosevelt ever heard about florence greenberg unprecedented call for health care in the.
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because even though he had endorsed the com or in, he chose that time to go on vacation. fdr was actually on a cruise. i guess we can't really blame him, probably pretty well deserves a vacation. three years earlier, fdr had refused to include medical coverage as part of the social security act because he did not want to antagonize the american medical profession. he did send a method as support to the health conference, but not long afterwards the outbreak of world war ii forced the president's attention elsewhere. five years later on january 11, 1944 in his state of the union address, roosevelt spoke to the american people about the war and especially about the kind of peace the allies plan to establish after the defeat of fascism. he said the one supreme object is for the future can be summed up in one word, security.
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that means not only physical security, which provides safety by oppressors, and it's also economic security of and social security. the individual political rights upon which the united states had been built, roosevelt argued, were necessary, but not sufficient virtue freedom and security. fdr announced the economic bill of rights, which is sometimes called the second bill of rights included the right to a job in a living wage, the right to housing, education and security in old age and the right to adequate ethical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health. so even though fdr mishearing flatscreen or of speech, we hear echoes of it in a second bill of rights.


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