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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 2, 2012 5:30am-6:30am EST

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,tt=41505000,lo=511:76][co:ta=001f8fbf][54f0] you have access to all the apps from the entire world you have millions of books that are and some of them are only $4.95 and we have tons of movies, contents and on the plunger will be both have on the is an amazing picture it vivid colors. >>host: we are or to move on but we will continue to process your orders thank you for your patience and please stay in line. you have a computer close by even take care of that aid and for all your customers out there i was telling you about flex c13 amount which is using it for great. do not
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forget you $20 off instantly for plank and approval of your credit carter hsn mastercard. we are going to check in quickly with our hsn spotlight. >>host: welt champion serena williams is returning tomorrow so tune in and check out her signature3 line tomorrow at hsn. to stay with us right now and all of you shoppers we have a great gift for all of those your list that you know what to get 4. it is call this one pencam with the
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video camera check it out after the commercial. [commercial] [reading]
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[♪ music ♪] >>host: well, i want to remind everybodykindle fire tablet we are about to cross 10,000 of mark beautiful and amazing tablets soul today. this is a third of our quantity sold today for the entire day and you can take home for under $40 with a credit3 of blacks payments and they do so much for your orders will process your order is as we can. we have lots of new
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customers to 9 and that's why we a little bit6 c13 the while you are all waiting patiently i want to discuss up fabulous idea. what about the boss or a teacher you want to get 8 cool gifts for. how about taking an executive style pen been hidden inside of it you abo camera that will take up to 75 minutes of stored beautiful videos it will take still and record audiophiles. we knew this was gonna be a great depth we are really giving you an amazing holiday price for $50 you will be able to take home an incredible swann pencam pen today. we are also point to be paying for shipping and handling and really do that. if we know what to miss out because we only have
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900 available for the entire and it is always a sold-out item. crabber what you can and take advantage of the free shipping and handling and 2 flex payments for $24.98. >>guest: i usually try to surprise and i enjoy that. this is a perfect gift idea you to start checking people of your it is great for your dad or man in your life that is always hard to buy for. he has one of these6 c13 uses it every day and at work and ordered to capture meetings. this is an executive style and you also have that your policy and no resources delight but their quiet to indicate to you when you are using the camera if you need
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to record a fender bender you are running around with a camera and getting people alarmed that say for example if you had the fender bender. once that the caller is on solid is standby mode and it is ready to take of recording. bread i am recording and having fun. >>host: this is what's so exciting about its experience and the statistics that gives can i purchase it has the video and also at the other end is resistance to record a lecturer and playback later. what they're using and and it is fun
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colbert and it is for only four $50 you can go wrong for all the people on those lists that you never know where to get warm. >>guest: offering the largest hard drive at a4 gb at 4 gb and there is below toggle which allows you to know if you are an video or computer modem. this is in a beehive photo cat litter its coin to pop up the window and it is going to you where you want to do with your file.
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>>host: i am amazed by the video and it is under $50 you receive a really good camera.such as talking about a row cool concept of video itself is an incredible. for all those places in italy take a real camera. that's why you can this anywhere. st: deal have a video camera you can take with you during these situations and maybe you won a tour europe and go off in one of those from places but they allow. i is really fun i had the kids
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during halloween completely surprise them and hear the kids at halloween their super cute. it was a conversation starter and i told the guys i was filming them in their costumes. you could also take still pictures as well and here's one of my favorites we can go ahead marlo and those are one of those moments 21 have a little bit of fun just think about it for your doctor's office to combine it for your elderly mom or dad. my folks are constantly atc13 doctor's office these days as she was overwhelmed by the amount of information she was receiving from the family doctor. this is a perfect gift idea gift and for teenagers to mention students my cousin is only 19
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years old and he's a boy so i do not really know what they're into and so when i did was caught him a and and i am a hero now and here is ep was ordered him this pencam are. . >>host: you do not need an extra cable
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even disreputable ticket to goand teenagers are tough to shop but they will absolutely love the pencamwhether reusable is a grim portrait of pickett on there are paul or use it for their fun i was so surprised by the price because we have so many shoppers today with our amazing kindle fire today's special we wanted to give you something that's really sensational for everybody on the list this is our real affordable to give somebody outside of the box gift that they will love and use.they are coins to wind up asking it is hsn boy to bring more. >>guest: the swann pencam mini video camera and ballpoint pen is a very
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popular and and people love it as a gift we are also paper free shipping and handling. when the light turns blue you are recording and there's brett i got him while heas doing sign language to my producer and crew and i should havenown that when we have lori leland in the building we cannot do anything. to the producer and crew. >host: i should know better than to do is sign language and to talk to my producer and crew when lori leland is in the building. she got me in the picture of the flex and greta what you can you will see are hsn price is 6995 but today 4995 and we
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did a really short presentation today by grab them why you can't their final quantitiesand i have to get lorre out a year before she shows that video of may. the music is played laurie greatest see you. also stay in the ordering process we appreciate all your calls and we will continue to process your orders as fast as we can. coming up in the next hour we are talking about great gives it is your family or friends coming your house? pick up a beautiful compuserve's set of sheets from highgate manor they are beautifully in braided and available in all colors and sizes it is only $32.90 5¢ regardless of what size you need they are high and sheets at an incredible price and are friend marlo has our
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holiday host picks just around a corner. [commercial] [reading] [♪ music ♪] >>host: full thank
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you so much for shopping with us by name is bread chairman. the nintendo is back heat x l size and is one of the game systems on market today.+ does so much it is for everybody of every single age is the nintendo iconic name with the incredibles we are including the london olympic games and everybody is more to love. wood also includes a 3d carries a the system so it is also wi-fi capable and your wife to find yourself taking it out more more as a trip goes on. you are going to in the bundle which includes not only the nintendo entertainment system and you'll receive the marlo and sonicmario and sonic
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at the london 2012 olympic ac adapter, stylists, 4 gb of sdhc card, 6 a it offers a 90% screen and original 3d as it has a stream movies through net likes it as an unavailability to surf the web you can also record and edit music and more. you are telling me that this is so much more than where kids are born to amazed everyone will be amazed. the ploy >>guest: is nintendo is synonymous with the best gaming in the planet by they recognize you want more than that when it comes to your entertainment consul. you want to be able to listen to ovies into your surfing on
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the internet. they have given you this in a huge package and we call it the nintendo and we call it is because of the size of the screen, ok.nd when a show you what original 3 the looks like and are visually when you purchase did you cook receive that. it is since this last august that they upgrade from that 3d s to the 3d s xl. here is a screen size on the 3d s is a three- point by inch and look at the screen size on the it is 90 percent larger it is huge and much bigger than original 3d s. this is the gaming consul that every single was then, the child and woman with a busy lifestyle anybody that and sits around in waiting rooms this
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is a complete gaming consul that everybody wants.the nintendo gaming consol is a number one selling on the planet and the reason is because of 2 screen format and all of the entertainment that comes with nintendo. what you see right now is a game that i have actually pause right now. this is the game we are including it is brand new it is called the mario olympic2012 london all legging games. games.that
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is actually the gaming cartridge you are receiving today with your consol you can download and play hundreds of games for your 3d xl. i am bored to taking back to your home screen and using a stylus that comes on and its allies on the side. and to keep the stylist's appears a mic that figure is not in the way. right at the bottom is the home screen you can3 thef big or small. yet this is how you navigate the consul and you just seen the london 2012 mario games but how about original zelda our super mario brothers, of piedmont dong and you
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also receive the nintendo ease shop store where you can download the full version of games but all the way back to classic games as you can even play anymore. i have purchased this for less of$5 then $5. this is so much more you have the ability say this is 8 game i played as a but you also have everything go in for your it is really a cut about about an incredible system for you or you are thinking about just of it this way nintendo's started the gaming world. nintendo it they are the leaders the gaming and you get so much included
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we are just scratching the surface. >>guest: wouldn't try and hit some of the features for you i just took a video of bread and it just happen that fast. you have three cameras on your consul one up here on your and 2 brite up here a work like to human eyes and they work together to create a 3 d image. right here on the side you have a little the more you cited up the more you have 3d and people have raved about this 3 d at the screen as i looking into a tunnel. i want to show video i took of bread you see me right here i started taking the video using the internal camera and there's brett he was telling you about the pricing at amazing flex payments you to get on this. this is
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how best to dig videos and this will actually hold an sd card on the side. you are receiving 4 gb with your system today you can actually increase the size% thousands of music videos and movies. you can also view them on 3d and every time i press the home button it brings you to the main desk top screen. how to music is an important thing today they want to be able to listen to their music on the consoles. you can do that with the speaker's left and right or for the kids in the back seat and your at the airport and u.n. share when everybody you imply in your headset at the bottom. as the card is installed at the bottom and all these different lps are loaded onto this sd card icahn actually admit them i can play and faster, older and there were many funding to continue for
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entertainment purposes. and tried to get through all the many different options the nintendo can do.first of all if your grandparents or parents and you put this under the tree for your child or a teenager you just became the rock star gift liver of the season. this is no doubt about it because everybody wants this consul is the one to have with its size and that 3 d screen and touchscreen on the bottom.nobody else operas this technology and they released it at the end of august by the time christmas comes around everybody will 1 this was a strategic move by nintendo. you know what it is an incredible point i will leave it to you. >>host: your new shopper our regular chopper here hsn new can purchase this with any credit card
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it will get it home for you 7 $5 we ship it to you within 48 and i know you were kiddicutting it very close for holiday gifts just we have also the extended holiday return because you have all wait till the end january so for the or nephews and nieces you want to give it to you how to the end of january to return it if they do not absolutely adore the system. you know have to pay ever stocking feet because we make it easy here for you hsn. i want you to know that this is the6 c13 consol that will grow with will not only pplay games but it will also serve% social media if you want to buy this
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beautiful pink is only available here hsn it is only exclusive here and we have more quantities available we also have a great read those are the only colors we have available we have about a thousand left entire country. this is the biggest electronic weekend there's only few laps 21 gravity gravity why you can't. >>guest: you do not have to worry3 any rated for teens with a great sonic and mario game at the whole family will love it and the first time i plated i had my 9 and dukeplay it. i have to be a big kid i have four kids you just learn how to participate. take a look at this we all these games
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in the 1 cartridge there are 42 games.there's so many different that are open up to you through the world of nintendo you also know classic games such as sonic mario and poking and the cellblock. these are all to nintendo's to you are getting some of the big names in gaining for the last decades. and one should use some of the other options you have in your gaming system it is important for people to have the internet access and we giving you that. you have the google there we have all types parts let's go to our hsn based book page. social networking is important to people at being able to go to twitter face bookor face book. your internet browser is part of your wi-
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connectivity it already comes like that out of the. you will recognize that name6 c13 mat flex and for those who are not familiar with not like you have to get on the bandwagon. for less than $10 a month you get streaming videos with feature films and episodes you may have missed all of last season of of the incredible miniseries to call every single week. it is everything for the classic pose the mostecent and you can't streak all rights router 3 heat pass extra-large you can do this through nintendo 3d s. realize that net flex connectivity and internet browser is all new to the 3d s xl the super
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huge screen. let me show you again why it is called the x l version because here is the original 3d s in this super popular and sells like crazy nintendo. % screen size isand take a look at the screen size down here are3 big three d x l it is an enormous. it is 90 percent and this is why it is called the xl version and why everyone wants this particular consul. >>host: have 90 seconds for this presentation ever been extended for just a moment here is the thing if you want bread this is final quantity for the entire country. here hsn direct flex pay menu can get it anywhere else and to be able to get the
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olympics mario and sonic game or to get the included memory card for under $75 on a credit card is all available for you for undersea receive your order with him 48 hours the to need to get into the ordering process right now if you want to read it is the last call. if you love the paint on the tuesday vest flex payment is great but you also can get this pink and the nintendo and we see in so many great reviews that i have loved to use it and i am playing with an eye in surfy and watching the internet because it is all in the same system to gather. >>guest: a lily,
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people these days they want the best in entertainment time i do not want to miss taught internet connectivity browsers and that blacks and entertainment that people use these days. >>host: give very much core there was a fantastic and give to the glance of old whole world. you have the retuextended return policy so you have two months to try and send it back if you are not happy. also remember you will get $20 off the price $49.95 for the swann pencam item217-067 we
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only have 300 quantity available that is that and do not forget it free shipping and handling. we are going to move on an order processors as quickly as we can [♪ music ♪] 13 >>host: we're so excited to you a beautiful wedding all of the guests are coming to stay in you by your bed to the beautiful and ears of a beautiful we do have gorgeous traces 42 and just dropped in and added, this is beautiful selection had an incredible price and take a look at the 5 under $80 with flex pay available. it comes red paisley, green paisley or lapper. $20 out of the price. 188-202. and
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now the best books beautiful but how does itt me tell you that this is the number one selling mattress pad and it will protect as well these are handled mattress pads. that does speak volumes about howortable in high quality is. 206-399.we have 200 left for the entire country for this presentation and take a vintage of thetra payments. it is final quantities across all of these picks often cozy blanket perry beautiful gift and take advantage of the taxable payments. 189- get in the
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order in process now if you see a color that you like. lookit of the hour with highgate manor are bringing us beautiful height in that luxury betting at incredibly in affordable prices in the first set of sheets is a hundred $33 to get a beautiful and bribery on a set of sheets is a wonderful opportunity and to get the set of sheets that are so soft to the silky comfortable experience and with the gorgeous height in temporary detail at the end it does create incredible experience for you your loved ones, we do have it available, full- california king $32.95 xi these will be very popular this morning so do not miss out on your
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opportunity with it is a gorgeous brown, unaccented with the ivory or the other colors we have available which is blue marlowe and white. allegra buffington this year, joining us from highgate, a beautiful pieces at amazing prices. >>guest: 3 to see you. >>guest: s time of day because a lot of people are in bed and not happy with the way the betting fils we have an opportunity for you not only to surround yourself with luxury but to have a fabric that is so easy to care for microfiber is known for durability, softness having the brush handles like peach stand up against your skin and yet taken it to the next level by adorning it but the beautiful, tone tone embroidered
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him only under pillowcases but on your top sheet as well. it goes all the way out around the pillowcase in the surf at a price of twoses at a store and we are selling all sizes all through california king hundred $33. my personal story always love cotton sheets but when i was presented with these to take them home and try for myself, i found that this was the tactile quality of what c13 felt from flannel, soft brash but for me that is not what works because there's too heavy but these feel incredible up against your skin you do not break them in, they do just feels soft and fresh from the time you open the package when you throw them in the wash machine, put a lot of the dryer, there will always crisp and pristine. >>host: to get
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embroidery and machine watch ability, that is really a difficult package to put together but highgate manor does it for us and i do have to attempt to now, i want to make sure you get a chance to see the soft, accessible, easy to decide with colors because she put pallet to gather that everyone can get their head around and that you can mix and where it ever went to get a chance to see the color selection. >>guest: when we have a color like the rich more know this will stay the same as what you are seeing now. -- merlot. shrink will start off getting the benefits of sheet set feel you are in a five- star hotel,chris, and that's a
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detail that you are saying, when you are buying sheets--limited boutique sort of feel to it. >>guest: you are getting the flat sheets elasticize fitted sheet i hate sheet set only do the corners, it is fully6 c13 and the tupelo cases and i do have to say, in great detail , is interior designer sheet but yet of berry accessible. if you go in a neat room of the house. it is the perfect design accent that takes it from from basic to chic. for >>guest: this is the way that homes are appointed decorator's come in and even if you have a beautiful comforter set , the next opportunity was to decorate through the sheet set, when you a border
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showing around the edge the doubt from the shams all of a sudden the top of the debt coming due to have the whole embroidered detail this will run the with of the bed.+ you're getting california king, this is a big piece of real estate. -- c13 we did, we6 c13 in a lot of times i have seen when a manufacturer is trying to save money, you will have threats were for the embroidered detail might be and this is really finished beautifully. >>host: you get the design but still smith to the touch underneath that. >>guest: it will hold up beautifully on the wash3 with a microfiber, it is not a thread count, it is the weeds but these are so easy to get back on the bed6 c13 they do have a little bit of gift to them. and if you are struggling getting the fed did cheat on the bed in having it to look
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smith, you will not have to do that because with no struggling the microfiber, you pull them out and it always look this fabulous in if you are someone who is bothered by sheet set your too heavy, i do want to tell you that this is top of you, it is the perfect solution for so many different reasons, you get the look of elegance and excellence under $33. >>host: normally we would say if we 1 importer a detailed and high end of looking at sheet, i have to keep everyone away from it. and has to be dry cleaned, baby treated and this is why, you shop highgate manor c13 tissuehigh in the details they're up livable and colorful.
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>>guest: i up two sets and automatically use set up with four pillowcases and i do love the chocolate brown with the marlowe. we look back when we're having a treat for ourselves, dark chocolate, this is a beautiful combination but the ivory and the white, it is perfectft- giving and this looks vintage classic sheets that you would find in an antique shop.and you're in englandnd or italy these and the kind of pieces that you would pick up individually that are participant because you do have all of the tone3 tone embroidery, this is the marriage of that type of excellence. new age technology. microfiber will perform nobody's business. it will look you have help in your house. helping you get ready for company and making the bed look pristine and all of a sudden, the sheets
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are it no longer a concern. i just got through in eight is coming back again. again speak freely because they are coming from overseas. it without microfiber sheet if you do have coming, one person after another and is trying to get your bedroom and the guest bedroom looking perfect for company and they do with a bit of an inspection. even if they are your dear friends and relatives, they want to see what your home looks like.but you have done redecorating, make sure thating detail is picture- perfect and even the sofa bed you are opening up for pilates is and loved ones maybe that is your alternative guest space, you could make that look like a beautiful 5 start suites. >>guest: sunday
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morning >>host: and everyone is just waking up we're glad to have you tune in to check in with us. and what are the sheet say you are feeling on your skin, what do they look like, what do they feel like. everybody is shopping for greater electronics but what about yourself, you'll be cooking for everyone this season, and we want you to love the bed you are getting into. we went into the throughout the rest of the year and with highgate you know you can depend and rely on that and with savings is the most 20% off of the price to give yourself a new set and to give- yourself the luxury look the hotel feel. c13 coming to your house, you'd do deserve a beautiful height and look at a comfortable feel. >>guest: we're the bed and breakfast for our friends and family when you can put your best foot forward with this type of she
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maybe i am getting a little i seek the scrolled embroidered detail on the sheets in a lot of times, you will find pillowcases that you can individually to dress up their basic sheets but this is the sheet set, this temporary is truly a crop and ship that has gone by the waste site. typically you will get catalogs in the mail. thank said it was supposed cases individually, a top sheet separately but they dubos this kind of craftsmanship and the thought of their sheets are so highly prized and really even if you have the money, do you want to spend hundreds dollars for your betting that most of those cases have to be baby? these going to the washing machine, for the men with their genes towels, you will pull a lot the dry air and you will have a true,--jean reading of
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will not fade or appeal how could to turn down an opportunity to to get all of these features and get the luxury of fashion colors and save this kind of money? >>host: when you start to talk about embroidery you think maybe you will put the detail on the twin bed. here at hsn , you can put it on your california king bed for not a penny more. this is the price across the board, across the sizes and colors. and it is often joyful experience we need to to reach through the screen to touch this because you will be amazed if microfiber is new to you, enjoy the fact that you can send these back to us. if you do not love this no questions asked, these are
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sheet to have to get into your hand, put on your bed and fall in love with them. if you do not fall in love with them, send them back. we have it all covered for you this great time to upgrade for the new year because you have until the end of january, tree yourself make your guest beds, said that you are proud. how many of us spend the second half of the trip apologizing. >>guest: sorry i did not thinkc13 sheets, a lot of times we do not think about that air mattress that is coming out or the town that is coming up because they're all of these additional piece set people you were not prepared for the make sure you have additional sets of sheetsw don't have to worry about pressing them,
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touching them, with the steamer or the iron, they will look as good as you are seeing them right now on television as a book in your bedroom, castro, few know somebody on your christmas list who loves their home to look perfect in you want to give them the gift of not having to struggle, work to make that bet look perfect this is the perfect gift for that homemaker who want it all but maybe there is no time. even if we do have did we really want to press the lennon's? >>host: insist from illinois, they just ordered the sheets-- c13 understand your height and of highgate manor, tell us about the quality of all of the highgate manor pieces. >>caller: i ordered a set last of two in highgate 1 i kept for and it is a beautiful smooth does not
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rankle and the others that i am giving to my daughter this set i am giving to my sister for christmas. she will love it. they are they've really are and i the watches beautiful, i had bought them before and they do watch beautiful and they come out of the drive, they're not like some of c13 sheets that they are wrinkled and they look awful, this is beautiful and this one is exceptional i bought it and sage for her. it is a beautiful >>guest: color that is the shade of green, it is a whisper. >>caller: bedroom are stationed there will look beautiful. >>guest: to you think of that or price? >>caller: it is outstanding, the quality is outstanding and i like get an awful lot. >>guest: i am so pleased, pinky perry and >>caller: you can see on tv how nice it looks but when you get it at
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when you lay on it it feels so good. and >>host: looks beautiful and it will lay beautifully so think you for your call in think you for shopping with us and have a wonderful day. >>caller: u2 in merry christmas. >>guest: merry christmas. get >>host: the fact that you can get a beautiful embroidered sheets for this price in this3 our secret because you will amaze anybody who gets these sheets they get this season. it is that wonderful experience, aren't they beautiful and it will go and the wash and they do not rankle. take care of all of your orders right now but we will not get a presentation but for those of you looking for an entire sets, attend peace comforters up with these wear polo, this is a really beautiful design, head over to it is a floral motif match with animal print
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and it does have leopard detail and see bread detail as well as a floral, it is a set , natural, blue, burgundy rosa where paine the shipping and handling as well as offering of 4 flexible payments. 172-211 and you can ask about the serengeti 10 piece comforter said. + available, also a great gift and--set ul way to give you ambience without written about fire oriflamme it is the highgate manor set of 2 flameless candles, the company wide variety of candles, not and they are available for $20 a comes with a universal remote. batteries are included and i love these with a dimmers to you can change the level. and >>guest: 3¢. of 2
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under $206 c13 your favorite color and enjoy. also available from highgate manor we will move on and this is where allegros love this of reaching through the screen. i was on the air showing you agree electronics and she said this has to go on right now because this is sunday morning and everybody needs a phenomenal set for a great price. if anybody loveseat handled and, if it is light, i am being hugged. ed >>guest: it is this a desiccated design element it is a customer pick with being on air and 2 arians, of somebody has to understand what the
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benefits of plot should fleece bills like, we're doing the entire set the comforter which is fully reversible it into the solid and you can fall back the solid side to show that when you do have a pattern, you are getting two standard shams they're all done in micro/fleece see you can sleep with your face up against this baby blanket softness. and >>guest: assist the red paisley and we have a green paisley. ed >>host: it is sophisticated and so many different designers coming to mind for may appear again >>guest: paisley has been a design element for centuries that is an absolute go to, stand by classic and it appeals to all genders and all age groups. this is the
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other3 this is beautiful. get >>host: mescaline but elegant. and >>guest: get a sophisticated design element with soft suckle factor in cold winter nights, somebody who wants to pamper themselves, filled the indulgent tactile quality all run their bed. not one at scratchy fiber and machine watch ability this is your code to set , you are addressing the bed for this crazy a low price it was a customer to get a higher price the we have lowered the price, we have made a machine washable and you can throw this into the washing, pull it out of the there will be no wrinkling. and it does not matter how sloppy might be, maybe you the things in the dryer all day, or two days, i'd go for it. under $80 you are getting a
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high end of blood and you get both of these. >>guest: you get both decorative pillows. >>guest: these decorative pillows you can sit with these also, if you like to wallow in bed and create a cushion for yourself of coziness, the soft fabric which is a baby's blanket every part of this set is super soph to the touch and will not shrink, will not fade, will not rankle. >>host: with the weather getting cold, i do love the house to be cold at night and to get snuggled up in comfortable and cozy and warm and that wrapped up and this is the way to be able to do this. this is a fleece material. >>guest: micro plush fleece. >>guest: will lead you into the cozy place in your world and maybe you do not have one right now of your bed is not stay in bed and
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all are, you probably do notthe right fabrications. get through this comforter into the dry air and let it get warm and toasty and then throw it on the will throw your pajamas away because that is how great this fabric feels. at >>host: the same reading right here not only did you take $20 off of the price but you are paying the shipping and handling for us. >>guest: customer pet prior to look those goodies and everybody loved the fact that this really is a grown-up design element when you see paisley you are not baby blanket baby blanket is what you are feeling like you will not be able3 stop touching this because the tech talk quality is incredible and coloration and the choices i love green, if you shades of that great that, the read, it is all punctuated but the background beam of
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light in the will not fade. >>host: full, clean cut my king. at the same price. that is one of the reason shopping for betting is incredibly affordable we offer you all sizes full, queen, king. all available $79.90 and it is totally reversible. i love that you have done these solid presence. andint. >>host: what you to get a close-up because i do want you to see the undertone because i want you to see and the red paisley this will be your undertone would talk about the nature colors, look at how gorgeous color palette is. you get
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a beautiful page undertones that off their and ordering this because this is stunning. >>host: that ghost this >>guest: so many different decorator levels. get it corrected sheets we offer because of their creed and the easy chair and are meant for you you sheets in the microfiber that will go back perfectly to the comforter set , if you're doing a red paisley, do not be afraid, you are thinking, and she while you can do the marlowe, you can do white or you could do the local coloration, of this bed will be looked outstanding but you can never make a mistake. to the >>host: the call
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will go down and about 20 but you're seeing a big response, less than 1000 to go round for the rest of the country, this is a last-minute addition because the liberal wing to give everyone a tree. of that you said you get a grown-up look what the p beats soft field. and when the package arrives it is barely at large in you are getting reverse abilities to you have the two books in one and if you what to do with the decorators to, this is a pretty and pulled back the top of the comfort to reveal the6 c13 part, the whole screams designer look and the of the micro/lease, and no fading, no shrinking, will come out of the dry air and still great look great and if during the summer months to restoring this in europe and in cabinet off
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sfax pull it out and shake it, it looks amazing and everything in your home should be this simple but when you put this in the guest room, the worry is that the gas may not leave. and-- we're getting the grown up look for fill that we treated our solace to babies that neon that now is an adult look sophisticated style and it is user friendly and everything we talk about not wrinkling being machine washable and been the inviting feel that we booked the red and green paisley available, we had let our it ready sold out and if you love it, take advantage, $20 savings in a $12
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and sapiens in shipping and handling. staffthis is a gorgeous palette but allegra buffington, always a pleasure. the >>guest: did want you to miss out on this. >>host: will move on and we do have a beautiful, we made the bed cozy but how about the mattress? we have the magic loft it matches pad is a number one mattress pad at hsn that we will check in with the hsn spotlight. >>host: would make sure that you want to know about allf how you can in happened with us at hsn , check out the hsn arcade you look brand new fashion tell where you can earn tickets will your plane in the game a


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