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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 16, 2012 8:15pm-9:00pm EST

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>> i can't think of any arguments that i find persuasive. you want to deal to buy insurance across state lines, you can by state insurance across state lines so this is just silly. it is a special-interest tax into your health insurance plan there special coverage and that isn't benefiting you it is just benefiting the special-interest. >> priceless is the name of the book during the health care crisis and the book is 2012, and john goodman is the author. this is book tv on c-span2. >> an inauguration a correspondent for msnbc on tv and sky news is next on booktv. for the next half-hour he talks about the history of the presidential inauguration going back to 79 triet [applause]
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>> thank you so much for that introduction. it is wonderful to be here at such a great american institution at the rotary club, and speaking about a great american tradition. presidential inauguration day, and doing so here at a great american then you. so let's begin. it's dawn on inauguration day in washington, d.c. to be a huge amount of people gather on the washington mall. in 2009 was all the way from the capitol all the way to the lincoln memorial. we just lost our picture. there we go.
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and there of course for the inauguration. people gather to watch and other places as well. in a times square in new york city and in classrooms around the country in paris and iraq, in afghanistan people are watching the u.s. presidential inauguration. they've all come there. there is a big crowd on the mall. ayaan going to speak to you today about this great historic subject, this great american institution. and i am going to do it in the same way in which i organized the book. the book is not chronological. it's not divided that starts off with george washington and then john adams and guinn for the president. instead, its slash the various parts of the day, and within each part of the day i sprinkle
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with vignettes some of the very serious and some of them traditional. a lot of them are all events because i'm always looking for those. i'm also going to cover some things that we are not going to see in the of coming inauguration in january because this time we don't have a change of power so we are not going to have that transition as we see sometimes but nevertheless at inauguration when a president does leave office here is the white eisenhower thinking the staff at the white house. at the same time the incoming president they are leaving the house getting ready for the big day. another thing that takes place on inauguration morning and this will happen again is a religious service when i was in washington with my wife a few years ago
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from where we were staying there was a church called the first church that's a traditional african-american church and that's where the inauguration church services to place for america's first black president bill clinton. [laughter] now, i will have a little map here for you. things start off at the white house and they move along pennsylvania avenue towards the capitol which is on the right and there's a traditional copy at the white house that takes place and it's a big deal on the days when there is a transition from one president to another. again, 1961 and the was a year a lot of thpictures were made available. you just don't normally see these pictures. here's eisenhower and kennedy together and at the same time you have the women together and these women actually were the first ladies of the country
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between 1953 and 1974. that is mami eisenhower and that's ladybird johnson, there's jacqueline kennedy who became the new first lady and pat nixon who was the outgoing vice president at that time. another thing that takes place on inauguration day when there is a change in power is by tradition the of going president leaves a note for his successor. this is the note, this is the large envelope that was left in the oval office by george w. bush for barack obama. he just put it posted and then on the inside of it was another envelope that said 2.44 through 43. and then the next morning here is a picture of barack obama reading that actual no.
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the procession of the capitol is always a big deal as we move along pennsylvania avenue and here's a picture of exactly 100 years ago an open carriage and that's william howard taft on the right into the new president woodrow wilson on the left. in 1933 we had a situation with franklin d. roosevelt and herbert hoover. the two of them didn't get along so well. there wasn't a lot of conversations during their right to the capitol in of the pictures the were taken that day roosevelt can be seen leading to the crowd or smiling to the crowd or turning towards hoover and trying to have a conversation. every picture you will ever see he is looking straight ahead ignoring him. there's another times also for the presidents didn't get along so well and those were mentioned
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in my book and that chapter is called can't we all get along. sometimes where there is a big issue here is the 1909 that's william howard taft dredging together with teddy roosevelt. we can't see them there in the carriage and here's the route they take. that's pennsylvania avenue heading towards the capitol. from 1829 all the way through 1977, which covers the great majority of the american inaugurations they took place on the east side of the capitol that if you've been to washington than you know that's where the library of congress is and the united states supreme court, so here's what that looks like today on any given the that's the east side of the capitol and that's what it looks like with the eustis person that for the inauguration the would have a platform there in front of it and here is another view where you can see the platform
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to the left there is a press stand in the middle and the crowd gathers. but in 1981 everything switched and they decided to move it to the west side of the capitol and that is much larger and that allows more people to actually see the ceremony. here is what the west side looks like most days and with the jazz it up for the inauguration they put the flags of and that's what it looks like what we have seen every inauguration since 1981 and there is another view where you can look all the way back at the washington monument and a sort of be seen at the background and the lincoln memorial is even further than that. the inaugural ceremony itself, not have an invocation here today. there's normally an indication that inauguration as well and it
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took place in 1961 when cardinal delivered the invocation and the plot from actually started to catch fire. you can see the smoke right there it of the marshall just to the right of the cardinal looking to put it out and you can see the look of concern on eisenhower and kennedy's face. [laughter] no question about that. the marshall put it out. it was a short in the electrical system. another thing that has taken place four times in our history has been the poet delivering a poem of a presidential inauguration and the first time that ever took place was in 1961 there was a lot happening at your, vice president johnson botched the vice presidential inaugural, but here dealing with the poem that is a robert frost, the same poet, the first to ever speak of the presidential
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inauguration and i think this is a good time for me to read an excerpt from the book. you'll probably remember the famous poem called the road not taken so here is my chapter called the poem not spoken. in 1961, 86-year-old robert frost became the first poet to ever be invited to speak at a presidential inauguration. in the days leading up to john f. kennedy's and a division, he wrote a special pullen for the occasion called dedication. there was a major storm on the night before the ceremony on the day of the inauguration however the sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue. he was about to begin to read his poem the the bright glare of the snow prevented him from being able to c-span is clearly. here was one of the world's most famous poets but he couldn't read his own words. new fais president lyndon johnson stood up and made an
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effort to create shade with a top hat but it didn't help. you can actually see that in the picture johnson is standing next to him holding a top hat. he could be heard to say i'm not having a good light and i can't see in the sun so instead, he delivered and older poem one which he had memorized but even then problems did not end. he concluded his presentation by informing them that his pachauri had been dedicated to the president-elect. [laughter] crossed state of the name of a scholar from harvard. finley new frost. he has been a friend of frost. [laughter] but he was no jack kennedy. [laughter]
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here's a depiction of george washington's inauguration the first and 1789 that took place in new york city which was the capitol of the time. the next two inauguration's took place in philadelphia and the first one in washington was in 1801. there is a myth that he added the words so help me god at the end. there's no proof at the time, but it's come to be a tradition at least from 1933 to the present those words have been added at the end of the oath. this is 1929. and on the left is chief justice william howard taft and he is administering the oath of office to the new president herbert hoover. taft is the only person ever to be both president and chief
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justice to it and he actually made a little mistake that year. he was apostasy preserve, protect and defend the constitution. but he said preserved, maintain and defend, and this was a mistake that was actually discovered by a little 13-year-old girl listening to the inauguration on radio in her classroom in the state of new york. she's the one who brought it to everybody's attention and they checked it out and she was right so that was a mistake in the oath fish for years ago you may recall that when chief justice john roberts administered the oath to barack obama on generate 20 if to thousand nine there was a major problem. the major problem consisted of the words that he said.
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it is supposed to say i will faithfully execute the office of president of the united states. and then obama every piece instead of saying those words he said i will execute the office of president to the united states faithfully. [laughter] seven barack obama stocked, caused, smiled as if to say come on this is my big day you've got to get this right. [laughter] but unfortunately come he didn't get it right and then obama even later repeated some of the mistakes so the next night in the white house they did it again. it was the second and this time he used notes which he hadn't used the first time and they got
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it right. so that chapter in my book is called the did it again. in 1965 lady bird johnson became the first first lady told the bible as it was administered. that has been the case of persons. you can see from kennedy's inauguration jackie kennedy's office in the picture she isn't holding the bible. it was instead held by james brown and who was a clerk of the supreme court. a few more pictures to show you. here's ronald reagan swearing in, jimmy carter old when president is off to the right of the picture and here is bill clinton in 1993. now here is 1985, this is the second inauguration and notice it's a different locale and the reason is because the weather was so bad in washington, d.c. in 1985 it was a windshield
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factor of below zero everything got canceled. the parade got canceled, they moved the oath taking in doors into the capitol rotunda so there were only about a thousand people squeezed in. weather has been a problem at times i mentioned. this is an old picture from 1989 a lot of rain that the for the inauguration of benjamin harrison. and then in 1945 this was franklin d. roosevelt's fourth inauguration. the war was going on. she wasn't feeling well. he was ill and everything was moved to the white house. he took the oath at one of the balcony's of the white house. so you know that he has had for inaugurations. here is my trivia for the day to be able to impress your friends. barack obama is about to tie franklin d. roosevelt's record. how could that be, you say, he was inaugurated four times. well, we already know that he
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was inaugurated twice. the inauguration in january of this year falls on sunday so there will be a private ceremony on sunday but the next day january 24 21st. that's what happens when inauguration day falls on sunday. here is eisenhower on june 328, 1957, which was a sunday private ceremony. inaugural address here is a very old picture to this is from 1865. this is abraham lincoln's second inauguration, it is very famous speech in which he said. in 1943 franklin d. roosevelt the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. john f. kennedy in 1961 ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
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in the departure of the old president hears george w. bush departing the scene on the back of the capitol for years ago flying off in a helicopter looking back at the capitol, and there's a luncheon, obama's luncheon for years ago and then return to the white house after that it's the first time a first lady ever drove back to the white house with the president in 1909 with william howard taft and the obama's what part of the distance. jimmy carter and rosalynn carter walked the entire distance in 1977 from the capitol back to the white house. in the inaugural parade that will take place the reviewing is always set up in the white house there's the white house in the
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background and is a classic inaugural parade and the capitol is in the background with the bands marching. in 1953 famous cowboy named monty montana lassoed dwight eisenhower with his permission. [laughter] in the afternoon of inauguration day back in 1829 to was a sort of stampede in the white house the had a big party there and the people trampled the place with their boots and direct the curtains and the carpeting and finally the fiasco ended when somebody had a brilliant idea of putting a large tub of whiskey on the white house lawn and everybody laughed. the inaugural ball athlete, this is 1953 come here are the kennedys and 61, george and laura bush and dhaka and michelle obama. the young plant inaugurations are also a big part of inauguration day. well it's not really the inauguration day but part of
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inauguration history. you can't you i and many of us even remember 39 years ago next year will be the 50th anniversary of the assassination of john f. kennedy followed by lyndon johnson being sworn in aboard air force one in dallas. he was sworn in by the federal district judge. she is the only woman to ever swear in a president. here is gerald ford being sworn in in the white house in 1974 after richard nixon resigned in disgrace. and here is a picture of cony if this is my final story for the day, this story actually inspired me probably more than any other to write this book. this is calvin coolidge in 1923 who became president after the death of foreign harding. at the time of his death, he was staying with his father in a very small cottage in vermont, a place that had no running water,
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no electricity, no telephone camano internet, they didn't have any of those things, and so it courier came by to present the news that harding had died and that everybody wanted him to be sworn in as soon as possible so the question was who would do it and the answer turned out to be his own father, his own father john coolidge was a local justice of the peace and a notary public so by the light of an old kerosene lamp at 2:47 warning on august 3rd, 1923 john coolidge swore in his son calvin as the new president. that's pretty much it and hopefully this all helps you in your view the inauguration coming up. [applause] >> we have some time for some
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questions >> if there's any questions i'm happy to try to answer them. >> who was the first president to walk between the capitol and the white house. >> who was the first president to walk, get out of the vehicle and walked from the white house? >> jimmy and rosalynn carter. it was a total shock. the secret service knew not, the press didn't know, they just never got into the car. they walked the entire distance. since then other presidents and first ladies have walked part of the distance. george and laura bush and the clintons and of course barack obama yet michelle obama did as well. >> how many presidents died after the inaugural and why. >> how many presidents died after the inaugural in office? >> there's been eight times, i believe the number is eight
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where we have had a change of power in that way. one was the resignation. there's been four assassinations when there were three other deaths in office. >> [inaudible] >> william harris in 1941. he was the oldest president of the time, he was 68 -- [laughter] >> at that time she was. and he did his inaugural address for two hours in the cold weather. he caught pneumonia and he died exactly one month later. >> who was the first president to hold the inauguration on the west side of the capitol and in the background on that? >> ronald reagan was the first, 1981, the first one to be on the west side of the capitol. mike understanding is that there was a center of oregon, ronald
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reagan fought and was a good idea, he was beginning to discover for the that way. he liked that idea but the biggest factor was the fact that now so many more people can view that. now they're there for you obama add delete your inauguration four years ago there were a thousand tickets and they still live tv commercials up and they stand there. but when it used to be on the east side there were about 20,000 people who could see the actual ceremony. and a lot more of course could be present for the parade and oftentimes there were more than a million but not for the ceremony itself. >> are all of the pictures you showed on the slides were those pictures in your book? >> not quite all of them, but many of them coming yes. i have many pictures in my book that are not part of the slide show that were sent here that
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are not in the book. >> if you take a look at the book you will see there's more than 50 pictures in the book. yes. >> [inaudible] scan it costs a lot. i don't have an exact figure, but i would hope it would be somewhat scaled back this time only because the economy but it's the second inauguration. by definition a second inauguration is not quite the same of importance as the first. there is no change of power. there is no transition. it's a continuation. they have not yet made an announcement about what it is quick to be like this year. but i was recently interviewed by npr on that very subject somebody wrote an article and its on the internet. it's called do we need a second inauguration, and i felt the
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country wouldn't lose out at all if they scaled back the will that for sure. >> one more question. >> has any president-elect died before he was inaugurated? >> that's never happened. there was an assassination attempt on president roosevelt in 1932 but didn't succeed. >> does the vice president automatically become the president? >> the vice president-elect would take over? >> i believe that would be correct? >> thank you. >> [inaudible] >> will of course he was the civil war president and washington is said to have been an armed camp at the time of his inauguration with sharpshooters on all of the rooftops sort of like it is now. [laughter] - to the last three inaugurations and ever since
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2001 there is big-time security but it is definitely that we back in '86 the one in the team's 65 as well. [applause]
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a professor at the u.s. naval academy is the author. what does o.o.p.s mean? >> observing our politicians stumble. by the book idea and then i awoke in the middle of the night and said i have to have some sort of a ground on the title, and so i tried all sorts of different words and of serving our politicians stumble. >> why did you write a book about their stumbles? >> i looked for the recent political campaign that said what do we remember. when we remember those places candidates made mistakes i wanted to look at the question of how many of the mistakes were fatal and hosam candidates overcome the mistakes, what kind of mistakes we remember and what kind we don't remember and i also want to look at the question of how that dominates the campaign coverage as opposed to issues or performance of candidates and the other things we think we are doing in a
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campaign. >> well, let's start with campaign coverage, let's start with the media, mitt romney, 47%, and barack obama cling to guns and religion. well was the media coverage like? >> i looked at it and this morning i ran the 47% and i asked two questions. one is how much debt does it get, how many out let's cover the story and then what is the shelf life? does it last friday, a week or a month? the guns were relatively short, maybe three weeks kind of like the big pete to mitt romney at 47% and we still haven't seen the end of that obviously. but it's been about a month. now the stories dropoff, they get dragged back in either by opponents or they get dragged back in by evens. i'm sure that as we come out of the presidential debate someone will say i wonder if he is going to respond to that. i wonder if he is going to ask him a question about that. but the issue is in my mind which of these are ones the we
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ought to pay attention to and do they represent a two character flaw, do they represent an incapacity to act in the way that we would like to have them act or -- we make a mistakes. they have some kind of hanging out there in the public and now with the internet and youtube in places how they are distributed more broadly and more quickly there also is an archival capability so we can go back and find out what barack obama says in 1998 or what mitt romney said that by the way there wasn't a bit of coverage and 47% in may. it was a public event the was a fund-raising event that nobody told the story to the media in may until the video popped up that can begin the process in late august or early september. >> so, what mistakes have politicians made in the past
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that you document in o.o.p.s? fatal. >> well, let me kind of work from the current about words a little bit. i think when rick perry stands up and once to be the republican nominee and sundry to cut the government in these ways and then he can't remember what? department he's just not ready for prime time it's affected us here back with elizabeth dole to the elizabeth dole team to speak with her staff and first she didn't realize that was a conference for a lot of civilians. her speech was aimed at those that were there, but she kind of popped over the heads of the questions from the floor, and then she misinterpreted a question. she was asked a question. she did during good by the way when she spoke out at the republican convention to wander around the audience with the media in her hand, and she is a very stiff kind of speech when
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someone asks her question about whether she would extend her son to bosnia. she was going to bosnia to weeks later to look at what was going on to bolster the foreign policy position if you can see it in her face the regret that she and bob dole never had a child and she said we never had children. i really can't answer. it was kind of an abstract question. the next day the media said she isn't really ready for the campaign trail because she isn't talking like a candidate in the personal and all of a sudden within three weeks, the campaign had kind of folded. i think michael dukakis's problems in terms of the presidential debate when he was asked about what he would do when his wife was raped and he had a very loyal kind of answer, a defense of the opposition to capital punishment in all the sudden we said it does he have a human side.
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we see into the capabilities and into the character of the individuals. i can get all or was first in the years not just because of the one he sent but because of him being played out out as a serial exaggerate your -- exaggerate her. he never said he invented the internet. he said he helped create with the perception of him being in a laboratory setting on the computer and during that. he was very important and became the international legislation, but he had that story, then he had a story about he and his wife were the models for the book of love story and they said that isn't quite true. so he kind of linked all of these together and said okay he is kind of a serial exaggerate your and i think that hurt him in the long run it's been quieted the mistake of the president bill clinton, president george w. bush, why are those not fatal mistakes?
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>> there are two things going on. one is what else is going on in the world at the time. john mccain made a comment about would you do in iran and someone said could increase and a message a, the bombing obviously, saying bonn iran, and was a three day wonder. very few people remember that a lot of coverage, but a lot of things are happening in the world of the time and got crowded out in the process and no one kind of carried it on to really compare that to hillary clinton's statement being under fire in bosnia akaka and the media started to say is this true at all of sudden they put the picture of her greeted at the airport with a little girl with a bunch of flowers and the general on the ground said there wasn't any fire and then the obama people started to feed the media and say you might want to look at her credibility on these things and it was so dramatic we don't like people lying to us
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and it was about as close as a presidential candidate looking at the fellow democrats saying she lied to westphalian. they've been on the campaign trail all day and they've made 12 different stocks in oklahoma city we cast off and say it. >> and gary hart. >> to gary hart had the originals been a challenging people in the media. there were all the stories i think most people in the media knew that he ran around it. but rather than just leaving the gold you have to remember the media didn't look into that. there was a backstage area.
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one of the problems i feel we have today is the politicians don't have the backstage area. but every day to it is realistic. but that wasn't the case at that point in time that he challenged the media. he said you prove this and a reporter from the floor and then newspaper hit out in the bushes in southwest washington and salles his girlfriend come in late at night and leave early the next morning and wasn't too hard for him to guess she wasn't probably cleaning the floors were cooking in all my dinner and so you don't challenge the media and you don't pretend to be something that you are not. islamic political science professor peter and his most recent book is o.o.p.s. and again, i have to -- observing the politics, how many books have you written and what are the topics? >> this is 17 of the original books.
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the second editions and its 27 but any way with the statistics i started out from all academics have to do the kind of time in the trenches of doing academic books. i've done textbooks the last five or six have been the most fun kind of books. the one prior to this on a profile of the people the presidents have mentioned in the state union message and today we are used to that a president pointing out using someone as an example. that wasn't done until ronald reagan did it for the first time and every president since then has used these people as an example of their political goals and so i found that one close to home office. they see what is the real brian lamb light and he didn't on the biography done and finally came in and said what do you think
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and they said well i guess i can't say no its open access information how can close things down and then was a wonderful sort, kind of open the doors for me and gave me a list of high school friends and buggies so that was kind of fun to do and prior to that i did a book that looked at individuals who changed national policy called a citizen democracy and it is much the profile of individuals, and elected, appointed individuals and creative things like major legislation because of their action. stat what you teach at the naval academy? >> art and science. they are proud of the fact we've always been the number one major people don't assume that in the technical school to get the technical education and social science education.
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i have to keep my finger in the american government course. we haven't required the american government course. the congress in its wisdom says what's going on at the naval academy when all they know of doesn't understand civilian control of the military, and so in the budget hearings they require us to -- we don't talk got 70% any way that we teach 100% and i like teaching that because we also teach the ethics of public service the idea that when you get the government check when you're in the military there are extra responsibilities on you that a normal individual doesn't have. >> one more project that you are involved in, you are in a book to give away. what is this project? >> a started out as a one-shot activity we are going to send a lotus of books and exchange and
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at that point in time and africa we have a bunch of books and we found out that our county was sitting $93 a truckload to dump into the landfill and we had too many for one shipment so let's do another and let's do another and let's do another one just past the 5.6 million dhaka and people want to pay its grasp that and i say okay look at the football field. side by side that's about 300 tractor trailers and we ship out about 15 a year and 25,000 books to read then we sent some to the troops in afghanistan and peace corps volunteers and some of the review books that you have we get books from the rule libraries we have the largest volunteer base project in the world and should the jury and
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expensively we ship for about $4,000 for container and some of the other groups, there's a lot of other organizations doing this sort of stuff using the data individuals we put them in a container and send them off. >> we send them out to the american troops to other countries to start at the libraries. >> we've done about 40 countries and most of the african countries are english-speaking but we spend a pledge in a lot of the stands and the uzbeckistan and kazakhstan and the south american countries, the philippines, places like that with the british american calling colonies. we send a lot of stuff for basic english. to cambodia the u.s. military is teaching the cambodians how to
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speak english and they are going to be reading see spot run for the different versions of those sort of things. so we are finding all over the world people want to learn english. >> if people want to donate your project what is the website? >> >> we have been talking with professor peter and this is his book o.o.p.s observing politicians stumble. we are at the naval academy to get this is book tv on c-span2.
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