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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 24, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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not a change of pace. >> , but the most tragic of all the members. they never should've married. >> she later wrote in her memoir she said i myself never made any decision. i only decided what was important and when to present it to me has been. maggie stop and think about how much power that is, it's a lot of power. >> prior to the battle, to fight the fear that accompanies the disease. >> the way we look at these bugaboos made it possible for countless people to survive and to flourish as a result. i don't know how many presidents realistically have that kind of
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impact on the way we live our lives. >> just walking around the white house grounds, i can't totally reminded about all the people who have lived there before and particularly all of the women. >> first lady and fluid and image, a new series on c-span, produced in collaboration with the white house historical association starting presidents' day, february 8 team. the >> president john f. kennedy and senators robert f. kennedy and edward kennedy. the author examines joseph kennedy's careers in business and politics, which included ventures on wall street, hollywood and the founding chairman of the securities and exchange commission. this is a little under an hour. >> thank you all.
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as i tell my history students -- [inaudible] as i tell my histories of it until i went to choke me, the past is a foreign country. we can visit there, try to learn the customs, translate the language, feel the air, the fragrance, but where foreigners in a strange way. this is true as much of the recent past as it is of colonial america. writing about the recent past is not easy to tailor this time around. first, there were people got to talk to.
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i was blessed from beginning to end by having fascinating views. i much prefer working for but documents than listening to people, tried to figure out what's real, what's imagined, what they know, what they think they know because someone told them what they think they know, but they don't know at all. the other difficult thing about writing about more recent past is it's not always easy to establish one's distance from it, to construct a pass that is so close to them. and yet, this is what historians have to do. our job is to complicate, to take apart our commonsense view of the recent past, to interrogate what we think we know, to demystify cavity mythologize, move beyond clichés about winners and losers, saints
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and sinners, about the wisdom and courage of our forefathers, especially those of the greatest generation. our job as historian, when grounded, delays of joseph p. kennedy whispered me a surrogate antique fun house mirror, which if i looked at it long enough would reflect back off and hazy, indistinct distorted form, images of events, people, places, which organize and arrange the story 20th century america. as an historian, amateur see the origins. i was the colleagues have arthur sausage or. he introduced me to the kennedy
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family at some of them. i don't know what it was. i met with jean kennedy and i had recently was finishing up my first book ended my first biography, i had feared a treasure trove of materials that jean kennedy smith stutter, who is writing a collection, compiling letters from her father to her aunts and uncles had put me onto. and in that treasure trove of material, letters from william randolph post joseph kennedy back in court, i glimpsed a man who is different from everything i had heard about. so i told jean kennedy smith at some point that her daughter should write a biography of her
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grandfather and that the man was absolutely fascinating. a good word to use if you don't know if a felon or a hero was fascinating is that it wants to do a biography. by that a year later, i saw jean kennedy smith again. she approached me and wanted me to do it, to write that biography. they recognize there is a need for such a biography. i said well, i'm in the mid-of writing another book by andrew carnegie. she said when he went to to be finished? you can't say no to a kennedy. i said i don't know, six months maybe. six months to the day, we got a call at home from someone i was
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convinced was a ted kennedy impersonator. i don't know if nav corp. in new york or listen to don imus. he had a ted kennedy impersonator and sounded just like this. so i listened to the message and after listening to it the second and third time, i realized it is not an impersonator. it was the senator asking me to come to washington to talk to him about doing a biography of his father. i went to washington and the senator and i had his two dogs had lunch together. on monday his stocks came to the senate because the senate wasn't in session and they could roam and play in the senate. that's a weird site, believe me. we were brought into a tiny little conference room for two dogs, senator and me with the
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card table and the senator, who was always on the target. they believed he would feel better the center he was, had the most bedraggled sandwich i've ever seen, like a sliver of tuna fish that looked as old as he was end on a piece of bread. i had two pieces of red in potato chips. we talked for three, four hours. but i remember saying over and over again is you don't want me to write this book because i'm an historian and i'm going to find stuff. whatever i find, i'm going to put the book. and who knows, but by the time this book comes out, there might be a kennedy running for office. little did i know that that kennedy's name would be joseph p. kennedy to third, who ran for
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and the select it to the congress. the outcome of the election came before my book came out. but i was worried and i thought it was a legitimate concern in the senate should know about it. he said don't worry. he said you know, everybody knows that my father had an affair. and he said i know my father wasn't anti-semite. whatever you find whatever you rate is going to be sure for the man i knew and loved them without their. so i said okay. i want full access to everything. i want full access to the family, two of the documents, to everything stored it became belaboring boston but spend close to researchers. and you will see the book come
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to you in the family and your lawyers and representatives will see the book when it is between hard covers, not before. i won't be coming back to you for permission to cite anything. whatever i find them going to use in the book. he said okay. then it took 18 months to get the solid writing and i was off and running. and i found some more remarkable story that i even imagined i would find. i found the story of a man who spent his life moving back and forth have been an outsider to insider to an outsider to insider. i found the story of an irish catholic who is not ashamed of his heritage, but didn't want to be defined by it. of the third-generation immigrant who cares little about the country, who have no desire
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to visit ireland or to read about it, who considered himself 100% american and couldn't understand why anyone would think of them as less than that. who is a catholic who went to mass every sunday, went to confession and the catholic church in boston as the anchor of his existence and everywhere he went, he would find out what the church was. when he went on vacation in new hampshire, he sent a note to the innkeeper who was a friend of his inside find out for me to confession on friday and also find out if to does in early -- he was right at the time, if tuples and millie are going to be there. they said one sentence.
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he grew up the son of a very respected businessman edward later in east boston. boston was of course the channel. he was the ultimate insider. he was the ultimate insider and even when he went to harvard because half of this class went to boston and there is about 10% of the students for catholic and a much larger percentage from public schools in and around boston. he still considered himself an end tighter. they were promised there and they didn't let him into some of the clubs, but that didn't bother him nearly as much of the fact that he was too slow to make the varsity baseball team. he got his letter but with every
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starter. he graduated from harvard and his wife began. he wanted to going to banking come finance and he discovered that every door was closed. an irish catholic -- [inaudible] his friends, his classmates who are not irish catholic that interviews, got jobs from major banks, major financial institution. we've got nothing. not an answer, not in interview, nothing. you were still going to go into banking. so we took a civil service exam and became assistant bank and traveled around the state, examining the books and learned more about tanks than he ever would have had he gone directly management position. he wanted to get rich and he
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wanted as he said over and over again to make enough money so that he could leave every one of his nine children a million dollars trust fund. in order to do that, he realized that he had to do more than be a banker. he had to make deals. he had to float stock options. he had to raise money in and around boston. again, he realized as an irish catholic of east boston he didn't have the connections they never have the connection in any of the american industries. so what did clerics he looked ahead and he realized that the financial institution was paying no attention to the industry that was about to take off.
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moving pictures. they paid no attention. there are pay no attention to moving pictures. so he moved to and began making his own deals, his own contacts. when babe ruth was still in austin, put babe ruth a moving picture. because babe ruth do his money and kennedy never paid anybody a friend. but every other deal went through and eventually he ended up in hollywood as the owner, as the studio head up what was a minor studio. but that wasn't going to stop them. he realized and recognized how he could convert his outsider status, how he could make it an
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advantage, a benefit rather than a liability when he arrives in hollywood he positioned himself as the non-jew. as the boston banker as third-generation at a time when all of the country aided and abetted by a lot of route browsers are beginning to see the movies are dangerous to our children. they are dangerous because they are controlled to these aliens, by the jew who don't understand christian morality. towns all across the country in states across the country are beginning to institute censor laws in hollywood had rotted will rogers would then departing
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cabinet and kennedy now positioned himself as the non-jew and made himself indispensable to the industry as such. studio after studio hired him. at one point herein for major studios in at each of those he demanded to be paid in stock options. the time he left hollywood, he was a multimillionaire and he knew how to manipulate the stock options. he knew how to turn those pieces of paper into dollars, millions of dollars and he did. at age 50 learned how to make an advantage the disadvantage and
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had this millions and millions and millions of dollars. at age 50 he knew how the stock market were permanently stocks and bonds are treated and he knew the crash is coming up or that all his money so when the crash did come coming here is blessed with his million and extraordinary positions. and yet, with that crash will recess. from the recession now. we all know people who are suffering, but it doesn't compare to the depression of the 30s. kennedy was scared to death at everything but the country he loved because it had given him lots of opportunities that he had converted into dollars.
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he was convinced that unless something was done to rate the economy, capitalism was going to go down and the s. m. democracy and with democracy, everything that made this country great. he was convinced that the only man who could write a ship, who could save was franklin roosevelt. so in 1932, he signed on to the franklin roosevelt seemed it was one of the only bankers to do so and was one of the only irish catholics to take a prominent position and was one of the only hollywood men with hollywood connections.
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hollywood then was solidly, solidly republican, who loved herbert hoover of california. the outsider was becoming an insider and yet he refused to play by the rules. he refused to become part of the roosevelt team. he refused to unabashedly say whatever you in your brain trust what to do, call back and i must say. and yet he was so important to roosevelt as a banker and it's an irish catholic and an incredibly smart man that roosevelt appointed him the first chairman of the securities and exchange commission at the
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time roosevelts colleagues and new dealers were horrified. why are you putting a fox in control of the chickens. and joseph kennedy was the greatest chairman of the fcc we've ever seen. he knew every trick of the trade and he passed so many regulations, such tough regulations that when he was finished, he had to get out of the market because every device used to make his millions he had outlawed. from the moment he left the fcc, he began investigating real estate, let the merchandise mart in chicago, the largest building outside the pentagon in the country and he thought block after block in new york.
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i don't think in philadelphia. he didn't get this fire. he concentrated in north country new york and chicago, westchester and albany. he was not yet where he wanted to be. he committed much from roosevelt and was looking to him. roosevelt named 10 the first ambassador, the first irish catholic ambassador. he became the ambassador to great britain and it is one of the worst decisions roosevelt ever made. he knew, but somehow believed he could keep kennedy in check, but he couldn't. he couldn't. kennedy was too men. he tucked his children. he was a cheerleader, he was an
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optimist, but in his relationship to the world around him and to the 20 century, having made his pilot money, he was convinced that he was going to be taken from him. he was convinced that democracy and capitalism would be taken from the united states if the united states entered the war, after world war ii in behalf of the british. nothing was more important to him than making sure that there was no war. keeping britain out of the were first meant keeping the united states out of the war. he did everything he possibly could. he violated protocol. he didn't follow orders. he met secretly with german diplomats. he was convinced that as a businessman, he knew how to negotiate a deal and that if he
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were put in a room with hitler, the two of them would negotiate a deal. he refused steve cutler was a mad and, that hitler didn't care about the german people, that hitler had other fears that drove him. he believed there would be a rational actor. he told the leader of the zionist community in the first president of israel, he said i'm going to go meet with him, work it out. it became so it anti-churchill, anti-british, antiwar effort that the british opened a file on him, which i founded the national national archives in britain called the candidate and a fine. and in the german archives, there are records of his conversation with the german
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diplomats wanting to get to berlin to negotiate an end to the war and to negotiate a settlement that would prevent war and i would rescue the jewish refugees. again, not for the first time he had gone from being an insider to the outside. he returned to this country in disgrace. he supported roosevelt for reelection in 1940, which is all roosevelt wanted the way roosevelt did not fire as he should have. he retired and got an interview through the battle of.
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anybody we give to britain is wasted, turn away. and then, she went to hollywood. he was invited by jack warner to speak at the studio about the future of films. the film come is going to do if they could export to europe. but instead of talking about that, she lashed out at an audience that is almost all jewish. he lashed out at them and say stop making anti-hitler films. unless you stop taking anti-german, anti-hitler, anti-nazi films, you're going to cause the next work. boys are going to be killed, blood will be spilled and
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there'll be the worst outbreak of anti-semitism in this world ever seen because everybody is going to blame everybody in this country is going to blame the jew's. by 1940, he was a total absolute pariah. nobody wanted to touch him. if you wanted, he could have a chilling the america first community, signed up with lindbergh. but he didn't want to do that because he knew if he did that there'd be no place in politics for his children at her,, ever. so he stayed quiet. there are actually as part of the story is the part that i'm not going to be that tell you, that you're going to have to read. [laughter] in 1940, he was a kennedy name
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is in the dirt. it is dirt among the isolationists for kennedy to comment against roosevelt. again because he wanted to protect his children. it was among the roosevelt people come up with new dealers, everyone who wanted or who believed that americans had to support the british. his son was elected president of the united states. once again, the outsider had performed magic and become the ultimate insider, the father of the president of the united states. and i thank you.
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and i'm delighted to take questions. [applause] >> thank you. there is a microphone here, so hold up your hand and don't speak until you get a microphone i've been warned. >> wonderful speech. isn't it true that roosevelt sent him to england almost every event because he considered him such a pain in the neck? >> empire. it's a great question. in part. the roosevelt interest anybody in roosevelt received brilliant charmer and conniver. greatest president we've ever had. but roosevelt only sent three people to do one job, played them against one another. he believed that he needed kennedy because kennedy would immediately break reports to him
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directly rather than to the state department. and kennedy was smart enough to be his eye and his years. but he didn't know was kennedy would quickly develop this obsession beneath them useless as a reporter on conditions in europe. roosevelt for the next two years would send over a variety of personal representatives to do the job that kennedy should have been doing a report on british party weakness, whether mussolini was going to enter the war, the stuff he hoped kennedy with due. he kept in there however because he was worried about it. he was worried he would come home and supportive president. >> okay, there's a question here and not over here.
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>> like the dog that didn't bark, we have not heard anything about bruce. [laughter] >> you know, one of the things i was going to write about in this boot was bootlegging and al capone admire lansky and all the rest. regrettably, it ain't true. none of it's true. kennedy gave, and i'm sorry, kennedy supplied his harvard reunion class with liquor. that may or may not have been illegal. he got it because his father was an importer. when prohibition came in here let you take liquor but in the basement and his father dead in some of that cut to the reunion.
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aside from that, no bootlegging whatsoever. the stories about bootlegging to begin until the 1970s when nixon runs against jfk in 1960, nixon brings out researchers. he hires researchers all over the country to find every bit of dirt they can about the kennedy family. they find plenty of dirt about kennedy, but no one accuses him of being a bootlegger. it's only in the 1970s when writers are trying to figure out the assassination and the figure can't be also. it's got to be the mafia. by what the mafia co. after jfk and these explanations are put together and all sorts of retired mafia.
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and israel, in europe, in the bahamas they'll come out when asked out when asked and say joe kennedy was a good friend of mind. we did a lot of work. and writers with a good story wouldn't let it go. i booty instead, trying to track down every rumor, every story. and you know, the credible witnesses include all components pni tuner, who gives an interview in which he says he was tuning a piano when alan kennedy met together. they include the ex-wife of a chicago mobster who says yeah, my husband was a good friend of joe kennedy. they included the people who came out of the woodwork to talk to me, including someone in a penitentiary in canada who
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insisted that his grand uncle had been killed by kennedy who was in partnership with truman as a bootlegger. kansas was having bootlegging. none of that made every sense. there's credible piece of data. and that was that the canadian government was great. they supported as much booze as possible as long as the ship was in excess tests before they've subsisted in the united states. joseph kennedy limited from vancouver refuse to pay the excise tax. people say there's the proof. there's a smoking gun. i looked at the business record
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the business directories in vancouver and discovered that it's david joseph kennedy who said in vancouver, have been born in vancouver, so no, no bootlegging of any sort. here and the local press. >> as you talk about the relationship between joe kennedy and his son john and to what extent john kennedy knew of his father's relationships multiple women and whether that influenced him to follow that same path. >> yes. [laughter] yes and i think there is no kennedys the audience.
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i think jack was much more predatory even than his father was. joe kennedy spent his -- joe kennedy had an arrangement muchly proves his father that i don't embarrass you and they do whatever i want. and he tried not to embarrass rose. i don't think jack had that same code. i think he embarrassed jackie in a way that is inexcusable. gloria swanson, one of the things i found as i went to austin, texas to see that gloria swanson papers. i teach phd students. i'm probably the only historian who's made the trip to austin,
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texas coaches are great archives, including the lbj library, to look at the gloria swanson papers. and that gloria swanson papers i found her handwritten notes but she gave whoever wrote her autobiography. the autobiography had none of this stuff in the autobiography was written without much participation. remember when, who was sick, wilt chamberlain or charles barkley was asked -- was a part we? was a senior autobiography? is that i don't know. i haven't read it yet. [laughter] gloria swanson in these handwritten notes said that she tried during and after her affair to figure out how this devout catholic who went to
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confession in which amounts could cheat on his wife like this. and she said, the gloria had her own prejudices. she said it was because confession is like washing his hands. go to fashion come wash his hands and start all over again the next day. this is part of the story i have to tell. yes, sir. right here. >> would you elaborate more. i think he said he did think joe kennedy couldn't find any evidence that joe kennedy was anti-semi. howard did you look like >> i didn't say that. what i said was his son ted said he wasn't anti-semi. this is not easy to figure this
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out and it wasn't easy a large part because when you look at washington in the 1930s and especially the state department, the state department is frightening in washington outside the state department is a little bit better. so when you start talking about who is an anti-semite, the better question is what kind of anti-semi? i had to define for myself but anti-semite means. i defined it as who believes there's someone in the genetic makeup of sit through it makes them sinister, corrupt and unable or committed to destroying morality. lindbergh was an anti-semite.
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lady astor, kennedy's good friend according to this definition, which had become my definition. the state department granted refugee program and kept out hundreds dozens, as much blood on his hands as most germans as an anti-semite. kennedy was not in that sense. but what kennedy was, as time went on, observed every anti-semitic mythology, he used language, made speeches that rivera watley and freight family's anti-semitic. he believes the organized jewish
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community, not all, but the most powerful ones, including those in the white house, frankfurter covered her in days, sam grossman, they were doing everything they possibly could to push the united states in two war against germany to somehow get revenge against hitler. he believed they were warmongers and looking after only their own tribal interests. they were not patriotic. and a funny way, he accused the jewish of every day but billy graham and protestants accused his son a but he ran for presidency in the 1960s. he didn't believe those possible to be a jew and a true peace treaty at the same time as those
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who oppose to send selection, because he was roman catholic said that the late graham among them were right out there in front, said that you couldn't be a catholic in true blooded american at the same time the vatican would give the lawyers that could turn them down. >> is it true that kennedy's views about the future of the stock market was influenced who's giving advice on the market is supposed to kennedy said on its way to his office he thought something was wrong to give me advice. >> it's a great story. i saw no evidence for it. it may be true. there's some stories i found a evidence for. i didn't include it in my book
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because i couldn't verify. but kennedy was really smart. when you look back at the crash of 1929, as do the back of the crash of 2008, you find that there aren't but it people who knew that was coming and that nobody was listening to. bernard rukh nuova's company and he got his money out of the market. kennedy knew it was coming in to cut of every speculative talk because if you had -- it's the insiders who had two of them know the market was oversaw. groucho marx, who was white to listen to insiders said he could be absolved. but the people who work as brokers had to have known that it was coming.
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kennedy certainly didn't ask him if he would've got out. >> his marriage to rose kennedy and royalty i guess, the catholic irish power. i have a little story, which you may or may not know. what is the friends grew up in beach and she with you about 95 she was still glad now. everyone in palm beach shunned her. but bobby kennedy cited, our fathers said that we are led to play with you. >> i wish you had told me that before.
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yeah, it it brings two. it makes perfect sense because nobody liked the kennedys in palm beach. and kennedy at that time said the with you. we'll make our own way and he did. he did his own entertaining in his own house when he wanted to go to bradley's, which was the casino, the best food in palm beach. the question is, did kennedy mary rose fitzgerald because she was the daughter? to heed court earthquakes did he make her his girlfriend and go wild with her and marry her because her father was the mayor. yes and no. she was the most eligible girl.
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she was smart, she was pretty, she's vivacious. she had this carefree attitude. she was an extraordinary young woman and i think kennedy was drawn to her and kennedy knew -- i don't know what came first, the kennedy certainly knew that his girlfriend was the mayor's daughter said that by marrying rose, he was going to client a step. one of the difficulties is kennedy's father who is very important in irish politics had been honey fitz appointment. for longtime he didn't want them to be married, not because joe kennedy didn't have great prospects, but because his father had been anti-honey fitz in election after election after election. joe kennedy's father believed that irish catholic politicians
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didn't have to appear as clowns. honey fitz was a clown. curly was a clown and they were boisterous, they were allowed, they were rabble-rousers. they were the worst kind of populist. joe kennedy's father was not. what are the reasons that show himself didn't enter politics is that he was totally fed up with his irish catholic, what he had seen as the dominant irish conflict posturing to the people , don't vote for that guy. he's not irish catholic. only an irish catholic can look after you. so did mayor curley and they look after their own pockets.
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>> any comments on the lobotomy story with rosemary being done so she would not urge the kennedys who would keep the posts are becoming president? >> i spent a lot of time and did an awful lot of research and found no such effects. you can blame kennedy for lots and lots of stuff, but not this. he left the child. when he moved all the other children back to the united states, when the french -- when germany -- when world war ii began, he can't rosemary with him in england because she was doing really well and he looked after her. when you see the pictures, read the letters, he loves this child. everybody knew she was slow, but
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that was okay. it was okay, but as she grew older and as she was slow, but smart enough to understand that her brothers and sisters are going out in the world, going dancing, playing with dolls, that her brothers and sisters 10 years younger could play by themselves on the front lawn and she could, she wasn't allowed to. she became increasingly angry, violent. she had a temper. she was no longer this sweet little girl. she was an angry woman of 1920, 21. kennedy as he did with all of his children took charge. rose student, he did. he went inside the best medical
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advice in the medical advice is get her a lobotomy. in this period of time, the lobotomy was the preferred intervention. there were critics of course, but the adventure of the lobotomy won a nobel prize for medicine. the man who performed the lobotomy, the team that performed the lobotomy was a neurosurgeon from gail and had a johns hopkins. he said to kennedy, she's still going to be slow, but we're going to do this operation and she's not going to be angry. she's not going to be unhappy. she's not going to be disc 10. she'll be a happy child again. in the lobotomy with dreadfully wrong in she came out of it out of a vegetable. she eventually learned to walk, but she never spoke again. she didn't communicate, didn't
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write. her intelligence had been that of the six, seven, eight euros and is now the six -month-old. two years after that, kennedy was the only one who kept in touch with her. rose didn't her. in the round-robin letters to the family, was a great essay x is doing this, why doing this, rosemary disappeared from family correspondence. kennedy continued to visit her and finally found a place for her. he wanted to put her in boston, a home for children. colonel cushing said don't do it because you can't protect the family's privacy and you can't protect your privacy and you can't protect her privacy most of all, so they moved her to a convent home in wisconsin.
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all of that i understand. what i don't understand is what she put her into his home, she was well cared for, he never saw her again. the family only began to visit rosemary cain after kennedy had his debilitating stroke and they never told him. the only one who makes sense that this was tim schreiber. eunice began work for the mentally disabled because of what the family went through. tim schreiber is an extraordinary young man. he said, you know, you've got to understand the ashamed that the family had because they couldn't do enough for her. they couldn't help her. they couldn't do anything. and kennedy convinced himself
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that the rest of the family she was better off by herself, making her own community for herself and jefferson was gone. i still don't understand it as much as i want to. one must question. >> what was his relationship with his son and what did they think? >> his kids absolutely loved him. they adored him. i thought it was inauthentic in the beginning. i couldn't believe. i hope my boys speak of me half as well as his voice and his daughters. they love the guy. and it was only after i did my research that i discovered why. he was an extraordinary father.
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what can be an sop, watch my language in a thousand ways to be a mixture of her father. and he was the next short neri father. up until the bay of pigs what we now know that jfk was absolutely distraught. jackie and her interviews with arthur slusser, which are recently published talks about seeing her husband just cried, a grown man just sob because the loss of lives. you know, he had sent these men to die over on a beach or be captured. it was a major, major crisis and kennedy the president and kennedy the attorney general at one point or try to make sense of this and bobby said to jack, was caught at here to make us
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feel better. he always makes us feel better. so bobby picked up the phone to call him dad in palm beach and he got on the phone and supple, guys, this is terrible. this is a fiasco. this is a debacle. but it is the beginning of the four-year term. by the time you get to the end, everyone will have forgot. the fact that you apologize, the american people love that. you watch her polls go weeks. kennedy was right. bobby was right. they felt better than the posted code talk in two weeks. i was the kind of father he was. one of the reasons he enjoyed writing the book was a response that distressed me from beginning to end. anti-semitism, appeasement, ruthless stock market, racketeering, the lobotomy that
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i never understood in cutting rosemary off. but his relationship with all the children, including rosemary off to those last years was truly remarkable. someone that up without, i thank you all for your attention. [applause] >> many publications putting together year-end lists of notable list. booktv will features several nonfiction titles included in foreign policy magazine must read books.
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>> booktv is here at the annual national press club authors night and joining us now is author r. renshaw agree who has written a book called first cameraman. what is with the obama administration. >> is a videographer, sent in a carriage for a few years in the white house. the lifecycle did not work on the campaign formally or the white house power to the new and strange world of super pacs and independent expenditures. spectaculars about the campaign into destiny. as you get hooked up in a president? >> it is the right place, right time. a friend of mine was working at
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cnn as a documentary producer and has a more normal path into politics. i was not the first on anyone's list. she would knew i wanted to get involved in broadband and then i just hit it off with the senator and started traveling inside the bubble. >> how long did you do it? was a 24/7 for a while? >> you know, especially on the campaign, it really felt like 20 for seven. i was practically living in chicago when i was there too were three days a month. but scaled back a little bit at the white house because the president is someone who values the exec having dinner with his family. there is reasonable chance he would go to the family staff. >> who has all the video? spit out all the videos at the white house. it all goes into the archives, where none of it is allowed to be


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