tv Book TV CSPAN December 30, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you. the first library i've been in what has been asked to put on my pants at least ass i'm not kidding. i will get to the language of an amendment before, though it's going to be my into. i to tell you during the signing i met so many nice people when i was sitting in there and i'm sitting there going what would it be like if all of your fans were jerks? [laughter] wouldn't that tell you something? if all of your fans are actual, i can't swear because i'm in the reagan library, but if they were jerks? what if you were belmar? -- bill maher. i'm signing books and a young man gives me a tiny unicorn. you can see that, right?
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it's the smallest unicorn i've ever seen but it's a unicorn and that's all that matters. do you think sean hannity gets a unicorn's? ass doesn't have time for your records. go all riley? may be weenies doing a book called killing unicorns. [laughter] i get the unicorns. they don't get the intercourse. how many people are fans of red eye? [cheers and applause] this whole unicorn thing got out of hand. the reason why i was talking about unicorns in the beginning of the show was i thought it would be weird i if it middle-ad man was obsessed with something a teenage girl would be. and i thought as a conservative, libertarian it would be interesting to create like false narratives about you that would throw off the left. if you assign certain kinds of behaviors to yourself, they don't know what to make a the.
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i learned this when i was at the "huffington post" that i created this whole false story about me that i did with this guide -- flight instructor named scott. he was never home. [laughter] they would be some kind of weird stench in the basement. i wrote this up because the left was used to dealing with somebody who was messing with them. in the world of left and right, the right was always what i would call the dean wormer. they been from animal house. they delighted in the. my goal in life is to switch that, and i don't need any help because the left has become over the last 30 years the dean wormer. the person that is trying to stab fun out of your life and uses tolerance in order to outlaw any behavior that you might have. i talked about, i made that joke
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about, being thrown out of the library. i made that joke because a good example of what the book is about. we did a story, red eye, i can't remember where. it doesn't matter because i'm probably making it up -- [laughter] there was a story about how they were having a problem with homeless people looking at pornography in libraries. a solution in the 1950s would've been easy. we don't have the internet, so it doesn't exist. that's a terrible joke. my point being, commonsense and '50s, in the '60s would've been you throw the person out but that's not how it works these days. in the age of tolerance you have to tolerate or your child has to tolerate a person who is using the internet in the library to look at pornography. so their solution was to create screen guard. for that was their solution. rather than just doing the right
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thing, which is get out, you pervert. [laughter] believe me, i've heard that many times. [laughter] and it works. it got me out of john's apartment. [laughter] but then he asked me to come back in. we had coffee. we played some jingo. the big point, there's a lot of points in the book but the big point is everything sensible becomes mean and everything bad becomes justified under the rubric of tolerance. so the joke about taking your pants off in the library is now tolerable, think i don't want that happening, he's narrowminded, so that's we are today. basic common sense is considered wrong, outmoded, irrelevant, bad, blah, blah, blah. i want to talk about the fact that here at the reagan library which is kind of amazing.
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of all the presidents that i've met, he is my favorite. [applause] he's the only president i've met. [laughter] but i want to tell you about how that happened because i don't know many people who have met him, and i was very lucky to meeting. in 1987-88 i work for a magazine called "the american spectator." and interesting guy, my job consisted of going to the drugstore and picking up the serious things. i won't get into this further because i i think this is on c-span and i am still friends with bob. but i was paid an average i think my take-home pay for two weeks was $350 for two weeks. i live with two elderly ladies on george mason drive in arlington, virginia. i had nothing. whenever anybody complains when they're young and they complain about trying to find a job, i go, try living with two old ladies on george mason drive in
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arlington, virginia. try it. then they invited their older sister to live with them. so there were three. anyway, apparently ronald reagan twice a year goes to people's houses to have dinner. chose to go to my boss' house. so i ago, what do you need quick so of course i'm mowing the lawn and washing the windows. i'm hoping that over time undoing all of this stuff sooner or later he was a greg, you can stick around and meet the president. and sooner or later like days and days of preparation, that's what happened and he asked me. the high point, a couple of high point to meeting ronald reagan. one of them was when the dog sniffing bob's came in and urinated on my boss' briefcase. [laughter] to this day he thinks it's me. [laughter] and it might have been. [laughter] the great thing about dogs, they don't live long enough to tell
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stories. move the unicorn over here. so the dinner, i often tell people that i shared an intimate dinner with ronald reagan. that's what i tell people, and it is true. it is true. because after the dinner was over i actually took the dinner and took it to the kitchen and i ate it. and i'm not kidding. so technically, i shared an intimate check and then with ronald reagan. -- chicken dinner with ronald reagan. the embarrassing part of our meeting is how do you have this amazing opportunity and you screwed up. i was in the living room in virginia, and you're watching this and say motorcade coming up the street. on all the neighbors are in lawn chairs outside drinking. this is a huge deal, even if they hate ronald reagan, which they probably did because he is the worlds greatest president, blah, blah, blah, they hate him. he's no jimmy carter.
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[laughter] they are all waiting there. all of a sudden they are starstruck. about there. i'm not out there. i'm in the living room and i'm wearing a cheap suit, stained tie, and the marching this motorcade come in and i'm going wow, must be coming in. and i turned around and he standing right there. it was a decoy. so there's this person in a reagan mask -- [laughter] that's how you feel when you see somebody like that. use it all, if somebody in a mask. but it was ronald reagan. he was drinking a screwdriver, and he was sitting there drinking, like, there wasn't any secret service people there and i were standing there and he was just kind of standard and it was made a couple people. been a photographer. it's not like now everybody is like this, you know. unless they had some twitch. so i, like did what i would
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normally, i went up and i said hello to but i didn't say hello to him. i said i'm not. [laughter] >> and he just looked at me and bobby have -- it's nice to have those people cto the dinners. w compassionate. anyway, i endedup in h kitchen. i ate his dinner, tied to the secret service guy. it was raining. it's fitting i'm here. i think i have something in common with ronald reagan. he was governor of california. i lived in california. [laughter] he was once a democrat. i once bought a counterfeit watch from times square. same thing. everybody makes mistakes.
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as an actor, he starred opposed a three-foot every chance named bonzo. i worked with bob douglas. [laughter] that was cheap. that was cheap. the only reason why i can make the joke about bob is that he's a lovable guy. he would have -- yes. [laughter] are we going to make this speech about bob? because i will. i've got nothing to do. i will be on my. bob is a great guy. i'm saying this because he this is on c-span. bob, i'm defending you. bob is a great guy. bob performs a service. he -- [laughter] i should shut up. i should just quit. [laughter] another thing i've been in common with president ronald reagan, he championed trickle-down economics. i have a weak bladder.
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[laughter] on june 12, 1987 he told soviet premier mikhail gorbachev tear down this wall. i like about you. [laughter] -- vodka. >> he called russia and evil empire. everyday i call dana perino an evil person. do you guys actually think jasper is a dog? [laughter] that is an armenian man that she hired as an indentured servant, and wearing a fur costume and all she does run central park is take pictures of this poor, sweaty men all over central park. disgusting. somebody has to tell the truth. that's what i'm here for. lastly, ronald reagan was a charismatic leader who
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influenced millions of people concerning freedom and individuality around the world. and i think that all of you are products of that. it's not a joke. [applause] i should stick to the joke thing. all of you look at me like what was that about? anyway, so the book is kind of them has been born from the reagan era. it's about people who pretend to be tolerant when, in fact, they're not at all. the use tolerance as a weapon to shut you up. who was the first real target? ronald reagan. what was he portrayed as in immediate? what kept you from talk about low taxes or free markets was being described as being cold, as evil. the dad that never hugged you. that's the biggest of all liberalism is he was the dad who never hugged you. he didn't hate the poor. the aid the poor. -- he aid the poor.
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a consequence of this, republicans have always had to do this and we don't really fight back. we assume we are cold and we don't know what to do about it except continuing make the economy work why we let the liberals destroyed and we come in every few years and fix it. but right now -- common sense, common sense is viewed as intolerant. the nicest thing that you can see somebody, no matter who it is used to job. the nicest thing you can say. when you're walking down the street and there's a guy panhandling and you say get a job, you are complimenting him. you are saying that you have the will and the means to get a job. but now these days if you say that, you are seen as mean and intolerant. you assume people have the power to act of their own pollution. that is where we're at now, that we can't take ever sells. use of a person can take of
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themselves, you are a bigot. i never bought into the passionate conservative thing. do your member that? still playing with the unicorn. the hat fell off. the compassionate conservative is redundant. in a conservative is being compassionate. it just takes the extra step for people to realize the believe in something that is better for them and giving them something. calling somebody a compassionate conservative is like calling somebody a naïve liberal. [applause] the biggest offenders in the world of tolerance is what i call the -- these are people that are going to be tolerated until they meet you. they don't realize that tolerance only works when you talk to people you disagree with. it doesn't work when you just use it amongst your friends. that doesn't work that way. it's like having a party by yourself. which i am doing at the holiday inn later.
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they travel in packs. i call them -- examples are protesters, activist groups and malaria. to them everything is into everything you do is mean. commonsense reasoning. languages mean. you can't call terrorism terrorism. you call it workplace violence. you called a spontaneous mob because that might hurt a living show. we are a synthesized nation now where government thinking. wealth is considered mean. people who work for a living, that's mean. achievement is considered mean because somehow what you achieve was at the expense of somebody else. thinking about well for a minute, i'm going to jump ahead. the thing that drives me nuts is all the celebrities going for increase in taxes. so i thought about for a while and i look at their careers. a lot of them over a span of a decade got into the 20, 30,
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40 million-dollar range salary. they're the ones who are saying we should raise taxes on people like me. but the people like them are not people like them. they are people in her 50s who work 35 years getting to a $2 million job. if you saved it you sound like you're defending the rich. but actually they are throwing the rich under the bus. there's a guy in his 50s who has five kids, a couple grandkids. he worked for that money. you didn't. you're an actor. [laughter] [applause] i would say hold your applause until the end but i kind of like if. [laughter] examples of this phony tolerance and what it does is the way the media portrays the tea party and occupy wall street. i had a couple chapters, i thought about doing it just on that. one was mocked the tea party, and one was sanctified, if
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that's the word. isn't? excellent. if you look at the tea party hundreds of thousands of people, no arrests. if you look at occupy wall street, thousands, thousands of arrests. the proportion of weirdness in violence cannot be questioned. i always say this about the tea party. they don't throw chairs to the windows because they owned the chair and the window. [laughter] occupy wall street and the tea party are a great example of ownership versus of accused. you don't poop in the driveway you own. and occupy wall street pooped everywhere and that was a big problem. they created acres of unsanitary conditions to the point where even businessmen who were sympathetic to them were like, get these freaks out of here.
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they can't even take care of their own bodily functions, and they want to change the government. if you can't eat, you're not changing anything. you stupid, stupid jerks. anyway -- [applause] the chapter, i have two chapters on the. i focus basically on how the media demonized the tea party, i will get into they didn't later in the third hour of the speech last night other areas, borders, everybody has a border but if you talk about order your races. iran has a border. they don't deserve one but they have one. our military is traded on campuses with intolerance. if you organize a care package
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delivery to afghanistan, there will be professors, student activist groups who say, what is that? like why are instead to people like you kill babies? i don't get it. i don't have anything beyond, except those people are idiots because they allow people like bill ayers, they give accolades to terrorists when he is a terrorist, yet they give no respect to our troops. there's a chapter in my book on the. conservative women, any -- [cheers and applause] you have the toughest job because feminists hate you and they go out of their way to demonize you even though you are often stronger than they are because you are rejecting government dependence. feminists embrace government and you don't do that. that's kind of cool. language like i said before, things like -- that's been
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completely replaced in the language of tolerance through political correctness. smoking. smoking is the last bastion of against intolerance for a lot of people. they see me as a cigarette tree when they are drunk. i don't smoke. when they are drunk, and i have a cigarette? shut up. a lot of this is done through what i call the tyranny of the cool. cool trumps all. we live in a culture where everybody wants to be cool. it's important to be accepted by teenagers. how did this happen? [laughter] the fact is i used a phrase to describe teenage as everyone 18-38. that's what we have. excessive media pop culture, people and injured in an academic world, they will do anything to be cool. process traditional success is bad. it's an attack on their parents.
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it's always coming back to something about dad didn't hug me enough. i don't want to be like him, and it becomes a phony rebellion where good and evil become relative. it used to be good was good and evil was evil, but cool make it so that evil is all right. you see that in movies. if you ask an actor who they would rather play, charles manson or mitt romney, they would say charles manson. because it's a little swastika on my for a, i will lose weight. it would be a great role and i will win an oscar. hollywood has a hard time pointing out the good in things. pop music, our member growing up, there's our stories about rock stars crashing hotel rooms. and how cool it was and how rebellious it was to destroy things. but somebody had to clean that up, and he was always a made. i wonder if these rock stars who are liberal and left wing ever
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thinks about the little guy who has to clean up the stupid masses for the stuff have to do with when they are od'ing are getting hired or wasted and breaking things. if they can pretend to be a rebel when, in fact, they are hurting the regular guy there championing. i used to be -- [applause] they just be a time when, like being a celebrity was supposed to be edgy. you were supposed to speak truth to power. but now they french kiss. look at jon stewart. he did a whole rally making fun of the tea party. speak to power to people who are "speaking truth to power." it was the tea party who were the rebels and he was making fun of it. i think this rally was called rally for insanity. he wasn't talking about liberals. he was talking the tea party people that went for the first time in the life. they went out and they did something. wasn't that supposed to be
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elevated by the media but isn't that what they always talked about, about getting involved? is that what it's all about? not when you're not a liberal. never mind. then it's like funny. you're old, stupid, silly. we like to hang out with the occupy wall street people. i always ask the liberals, who would you rather share a bus seat with, a tea party or at occupy wall street are? you know exactly what they say. they lie. i skipped ahead. so cool in my opinion is based on the david and goliath narrative. big is bad, small is good. so big things, like america, the military, business, breakfast buffets are seen as evil and people can make fun of them. when you're in europe they always make fun -- they always make fun of how fat americans are. small things, however, are seen
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as somewhat heroic. terror groups are seen as freedom fighters because they are small. o. w. s., because it was a tiny faction seen as corporate activism is always seen as the david. dana perino -- [laughter] the immediate embraces david over goliath even if david is evil. if america were a house, the left would root for the termites. i used that before. i thought it worked. i'm not trying to say that the left are bad people. i'm guessing they aren't people. [laughter] [applause] >> no, no, no. not too. i use that, why i say that is i use that because that's what they do. it's time which is stored back at them. even if it's a joke. [applause] they are people. they are people. they are some of my favorite people but they don't own, they
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don't own the turf that is ready to. so why is it cool versus uncool importantly it won an election. the reason people like barack obama is he is cool. he beat a war hero, a community activist and an organizer be the war hero for years ago. how did that happen? kessy was cool. it was cool to vote for him. the culture embraces fake gold is over real achievement. kids would rather play astronaut and actually be one. more interesting been famous than becoming a nation at and actually doing something. but i will say this. i am, there's a really big bright spot to president obama being reelected. it is like tearing off a band-aid. if he lost he would be bad for another four years. we would be 45 more% greater, which makes him more trustwort trustworthy. [laughter] so we are uncool. that's the way we are. that's how we are.
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i do believe that. i look at our message, what is our message? we like to build things, making things is cool. we like to own stuff. competition, competition is awesome. the liberal view is better, it's better to build self-esteem without competition but that doesn't work. the higher incidence of self esteem can be found in prison. i think i made that stack of -- made that stand up. [laughter] i'm certain if you ever meet a criminal they believe they can commit crimes because they deserve do. why not? i deserve it. i take it. our alternative to that is competition makes you a better person, you win. unity over division. what we used to call patriotism is cool. we now live in a country where everybody is governed by their identity, which is not cool. it's far more cool to say you're an american. went to find a way to articulate
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that against two people are coming here. that's the reason you can are is because this is a really awesome place. here's why it's awesome and exceptional. [applause] what's not cool is dependency, which is gaining ground. if you remember the website, obama campaign put out that showed a woman's life, somehow that is okay, the idea that you know what, don't try too hard, don't worry about it, we will be there for you. we are the net. how did that get to be cool? government intrusion is not cool but it's cool to them. the left used to say stay out of my bedroom but now they want to get on your plate. they want to tell you what you're eating. i just bought cigarettes. they are called goldeneye. they got real life. what is wrong with america?
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for them, what is cool is separatism. this is the worst part. it's describing yourself are not what you've done but what you are. this is the most dangerous thing because it feeds into, no one is happy. you cannot be happy defined by own identity because you are only happy when you're defined by your achievement. in your heart, when you get up and do good work, we're grading and ask the people are proud to be what they are, which makes no sense to me. having said that i'm proud to be short. in some we have replaced what was and exceptional contrary with a tolerant country. is why president obama went around the world. it wasn't because america was exceptional. it was because he wanted them to know that we want to be liked. we want to be tolerant. were not so bad. that never works. people since weakness and we see
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that now with the arab spring. they didn't care. the arab nightmare. so in closing, which i always like to say, even though i don't know what i'm going to say, in closing, the cool is in the driver seat. and we are in the passengers seat. unfortunately, the cool drive like james mansfield -- jayne mansfield. too soon? it was too soon for a chain mansfield joke? [laughter] so i've got to go look for a joke that involves a horse and buggy and you guys will be okay. it's tough for us to find messengers because as a conservative, we don't like government. why would want to join something we hate? asking a conservative to run for office is like asking clinton to be monogamous. [laughter] it's like asking an activist to
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bathe. the people that you're dealing with one server two years are once every four years, this is like the romance novel. running for office is the romance novel. they are into it. when you see them, they of bumper stickers. it's like they want you to know how they feel all the time. i'm going off-topic. i was interviewed by a not so paper today. one of the worst interviews ever. it was awful to she did some kind of softball question at issue start asking like isn't your book just what -- i say can you give me specifics? there was like 40 seconds of silence. i said if you can just tell me what your talking about. you know, bashing liberals. i said that's not what the book is about. you have a specific. it was clear she had not read the book. this is how come you can't argue with the liberal when they don't even want to show up to do
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homework. but anyway, finally i guess, going after i get going okay, why do you say these things that she can't sing, this is a journalist, i feel like that, when you say these things and i feel like blah, blah, blah. and i feel, and i'm going okay, i think only liberals say like. i might be wrong. but i said to her, i go, you come its way. i said right now you keep saying how you feel as opposed to you think. so don't you think that's strange when you're indigent and author of a book and you keep saying how you feel? isn't that weird? and she didn't have an answer for me. but we are seeing each other later. [laughter] she sounded cute. i'm getting. it was weird though. what was funny was she asked me, she said to me, you know, you transition from magazines to tv. what do they have in common?
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and i said you know, the most important thing when you're a reporter or anything is to prepare. [laughter] have a list of questions, these upon the person perhaps. anything. magazines, books, that's what you do. and i don't think she even knew that i was talking to her. [laughter] really good. i go, this would be good advice, this would be really good advice for a journalist. anyway. so like i said, the cool is driving a car. we are in the passenger seat. the message, the message is greater our message is always greater free markets, free minds. people come to this country for that reason that we're just at the great undertaking that. we don't play that game often enough and we need to find a messenger who can do it and can speak it in a way that, i don't
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know, is more fun, more interesting. i don't know. start your engines. [applause] >> thanks. >> anwell, great has been kind enough to hang around for a few minutes or question. >> no, i didn't. [laughter] >> okay, i will be happy to take any questions you might have. if i could ask you, if people wandering the aisles with microphones and you just wait until it gets in your hand. because you're on tv. right here. >> i was just curious, do you see maybe you or you think you could possibly maybe not replace andrew breitbart but maybe step up and continue his message? kind of fighting back.
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>> maybe not fighting back. >> do what andrew did. andrew was too big for this planet, and i think that what's interesting is i've met a lot of people that worked with breitbart and people i worked with on the shows, it's kind of like in a weird way there seven or eight people that need to do what he does and they are doing it but i think, there's so many people that were affected by breitbart and his death that i compared it, what is at the funeral, to a big thing. that's weird but all the people of entry would ever. everywhere. gavin who was on the show a lot, keeps doing this what would breitbart do? in a situation. he had a shirt made that said -- when you get in a fight with a liberal, a liberal says -- [inaudible] and it always worked. i think it's like, you can't replace him, but a lot of people
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together are i think. good question. [applause] >> i was just wondering, you're one of the few conservative voices that does really well at humor. and i wondered if you have an opinion on why that is and if we can get better at humor and that, like, speaking truth in that way? >> i don't -- some of the funniest people i know are most of the finest people i know are conservatives but they are not, just not, they are doing other things. they are involved in business. you know, it never occurred to them to become comedians. you know what they mean? i think it's a good thing because most of the commutes i meet when i do redeye are not liberals. it's just that they don't do politics. they've got a paycheck and they don't want to get screwed. that's the reality is a lot of
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people just don't like to say what they feel. the most successful comedians always are grounded in common sense. that's generally in my opinion a conservative value. i didn't answer your question. but we are still meeting later. [laughter] >> in the last election, it seemed as though many of our candidates had a 10 year and didn't understand the constituents they were speaking to. made blunders that were exaggerated and abide by the me. but nontheless, blunders. how can we get our candidates to at least understand, if not be hip? >> do you know what? i would argue they don't this is a have to be hip. i don't think ronald reagan was hip. if people talk about ronald
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reagan, to this day it was how conservative he was. he raised taxes, the senate. but but for some reason he exemplified what was special about the american idea. and i do think that, i mean, no one would ever describe ronald reagan as hip. but he could articulate something that nobody else could. i had a strong feeling that he was getting the after the first debate i saw when he said that one might like i've been doing this for 25 years and i have no idea what you're talking about. that was like an amazing line. is the state. and i said this over and over again, why did he drop libya? i don't know why. he got scared after, and i think that, you know, he had a glimpse of what he could do in the aggression and that stuff, and maybe he's too nice of a guy. but i agree with you. like when i said, when we remember back in the primary and there were 13 people by the way,
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and i bet you can't name them all because i sat around trying to name them. there were 13 candidates, and not including -- back i. [laughter] fourteen. but you like parts of them but you do like all of them. that was the problem but i think, however, but i remember at half and post was writing, going crazy over barack obama in 2004, 2005 i guess was when the "huffington post" started ugly and they have every reason to be excited because he's the most progressive candidate they ever had. a perfect package. it's like, it, it's going to happen, i'm an optimist. i think romney was almost there but he blew it at the end. >> [inaudible]
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>> be a happy warrior. you know what i mean? a lot of people get down. you can't get down to the great thing about liberalism is that they always screw up. [applause] basically, basically when a liberal is in power it's like when the parents go away on vacation and then you come back and you come into the apartment or the house and it's like, what happened in your? you've got to get somebody come in and clean it up and is usually a conservative. >> i just woke up on behalf of everybody, thank you for coming to california and being here. >> my pleasure. [applause] >> thank you. on a redeye junkie. we watch it every morning. we love your show. i just want to thank you for being a voice for people like us. i mean, we are standing in line and people are said about the
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elections. it's the one voice that makes us laugh, and you are the world's -- of our generation. i'm serious. you are great, so thank you of. [applause] >> i think of myself more like shania twain, but okay. [laughter] >> thank you for coming. >> my pleasure to both you and i are not very tall but that's okay. >> i think i'm a little taller than your. >> everybody is a little talk to me. >> thanks for bringing it up do. do you have a question decides insultingly? >> i do. incisors question but i would like -- i'm wondering for this particular show if you have an avalanche of e-mails, you are talking to your group and you said, he wanted to use the phrase fiscal cliff, and you slipped and said something else
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that i will say but i just want to everybody else caught it besides the? >> a lot of people did. [laughter] i, okay, if you do two shows a day, that's going to happen. and by the way, i'm not even sure what i said, but there are, there's two versions of its. [laughter] there's one that's profane and there's one that is really why logical. [laughter] -- biological. it was such an obvious slip of the tongue. [laughter] this is the reagan library, people. make me sick. >> so real quick google a. to the balcony. >> hi. i and my young boys aren't a big fan of yours. i have by 13 and tin ear old watching you every day. >> thank you. where are you? >> i'm up here.
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>> where? >> up in the balcony, way off. [laughter] >> actually when i told him i was coming to see you, they wanted to come, too. they are big fans. spent so you left them in a closet? i think, that's perfectly fine. you're a terrible mother. for coming here, for coming here and leaving your kids alone. shame. >> duct tape. >> duct tape works. >> believe me. they have used that for many things. >> you know that's why they invented it. but they couldn't call it kids safe tape because they would've been in trouble. they call it docked it. >> i have five boys spent congratulations. >> you can imagine. my question is, what do we do to start breaking this liberal grip on the term racist? >> you have to mock it. that is, by the way, you know
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you're getting close to the truth when somebody is calling you a racist. because that means that's their last arrow. and you just have to laugh at the. you have to mock them. unless of course you really are a racist. [laughter] i want to make it clear, racist is bad. being called a racist when you're not also bad. it's also bad. it can ruin your life. it can ruin your career. and the left does it with or without impunity? >> with. >> i might have said, i would've said -- what is impunity? [laughter] probably not a word i should remember them. it's gone. >> i think you've done a great job talking about a lot of the topics in your book. i notice you've avoided one topic that you've asked us to ask you about.
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[laughter] >> my question if he actually is a north korean sympathizer and it seems to me that there's a lot of them.the nation going on in college and there isn't a voice for libertarians or conservatives. >> it's true. either way, he's a friend of yours? >> not anymore. last back in that that's the irony of the academic world is going about their minds, but if you're conservative the reality is it's the opposite. i had no money for. it's because it's a self perpetuating machine. the journalists that are there to teach the future journalists who teach the future journalists. if you get a gender studies degree, your only future is to teach gender studies.
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the only way you can break that is to get into academia, but who wants to do that? eager for the students, but other than not -- it pays all right. tenure is also a problem. who are you about to be a crack pot on campus? because you can and you and i can fire. >> i continue to keep asking who pushed the video? [applause] you're referring to the suzanne somers exercise video. [laughter] it was stolen from my locker, probably by shatt. that's why he's in great shape. by the way, everything is going to come back to that. is always who told you to do that is why? there is no evidence that there
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was a knob. i do is go back one thing. it was a good response about how you feel about america and how you feel about everyone else that maybe it is our fault it may be we should apologize, even though there is no evidence and they laughed at us what did that. [inaudible] >> what about your.? how did you row out and we are parents the influence on your politics? >> my dad serving 25 to life. [laughter] actually, he's the winner of the family. now, my dad passed away when i was 18 from kant here. so that happens. move on. good guy, though. really good guy.
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>> i've always wondered, what happens to the liberal pack impinge on red eye clinics speenine uk's ms. pants? >> here is my feeling. i thought it was a practical decision because the fact that they were the people watching the five enemies he repeated and they were coming into redeye. as thinking, what these folks are not used to redeye in the first thing they see is the talking newspaper. so the idea was to do the talking paper later into the show, but then we just forgot about it. that's a funny thing about step is to forget. there's a lot of things i'm supposed to do, but i forgot. pagis mrna cause my closet probably dying. [laughter]
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>> i can't finance ducal missile from tokyo, japan. i love you. if better then going to a george michael's concert. [cheers and applause] >> way, nobody goes to the george michael's concert for the concert. they go for the after concert. >> can i get a backstage pass clerics anyway, -- >> every time about to say something i keep going, it's the reagan library. >> anyway, i'm a conservative quirky naturalist ear and i'm surrounded by lefties and it is hard to meet nice conservative man like yourself. i was wondering if you could
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start a dating website. [laughter] >> it's going to be a hit. >> i love the fact you bring up for the next matter because who doesn't know what that is clerics sloughing matter with a mascot that i created on redeye, which is just crazy in fluffy thing. this is what happens with tv is when producers that i don't understand this, so they took him away from me. they are starting this conservative liberal dating site for this very purpose. >> i tried honey date by sean hannity and their site to guys in california. [laughter] help me.
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>> you know what, i'll send you some numbers. [laughter] if one guy shows up looking a lot like me in a disguise at a weird time of night. >> to see judicious? >> we will never eat good [applause] >> greg, first of all for the homage he gave andrew breitbart on the redeye. that was fantastic. [applause] now, where conservative women at least have a sense of humor, but every day we had this not in our stomach and would like to get over it. we heard ben shapiro speak to us and he said we've got to go after the media. it's time for him. he's got that forum, but what can we be sitting here and going home to her normal lives? >> well, who's to stop you from
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mocking them wherever you want to go? i'm lucky i can say whatever i want. you can tell me what to say. recently that's it people do if they find me and say you have to say this. sometimes i actually say it. but the whole thing is to keep good humor and know that you're right. you always have to know that you're right and not be shaken. [applause] >> we've got time for tumor questions. >> i was wondering if you could tell people like myself who has been a leading liberal within 100 miles of him how you possibly influence those people. >> basically the only way -- it sounds kind of erika, but aoa clec i never felt left and right with a horizontal relationship.
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i whistle it was vertical, that you start your end of that. it's not original idea. the old line is what is a conservative? a liberal who's been mugged. i don't know who said that. it might've been william f. buckley. but it is the truth that a certain point by smug zoo. when your kids, your mugged by your kid. your mugged by taxis and that turns you into a liberal -- conservative. another famous earlier to somebody that is liberal can hold onto their fanciful ideas until it's their property and then all of a sudden they're not sharing at all and that's the evolution. i do worry that we're becoming part of a society where we believe our government should be this all caring being. and with the government should help people in need, but i think we're establishing the government should be helping everybody and that scares me a
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little and we have to take that back and teach people to self-reliance and achievement is what matters. [applause] >> time for the last question. right back here. >> hello, greg. i just got a question a few birdies to working on or have ideas for your next book actually. >> who told you to ask this question? i told you to wait in the car. you never listen, do you? i told you not to let them in. i give you a picture of him. i'm working on my next book, some of the stuff i talk about in here is going to be what i think my book is going to be about. i think. or it could be about 50 things. i really like fuzzy stuff.
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slippers, cat. you think i'm done yet? i could keep going. i googled up this morning. there's 86 million as he thinks. lint. >> while he continues to think of more -- can i ask that everyone a lot of great to get out this way because it's going to sign a lot of your books. so before we give them a round of applause, thank you also much for coming. [applause]
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civil war, you know, you would think well, slavery was well entrenched, you know, the black people were mr. boll, the waves were cruel and indifferent and that's actually not true at all. in washington, washington had 30,000 people done as a cd. 12,000 were black. the majority of black people in washington in 1830 were free, were not slaves out of the 12 s. and black people, slightly more than half were free. >> up next on booktv, "after
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