tv Book TV CSPAN December 30, 2012 10:00pm-11:15pm EST
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than the bottom 90%. we need to redistribute resources. >> the bad guys always say the same things. you can't live like that. this idealistic. what will the russians to have the chinese? this is an argument we are becoming the bad guy because no one else acts worse than we do because we don't trust anybody. >> because we have the power. >> i ron ackley because it is our space weaponry at this point which is now devolving into a space electronics field and a triple canopy by 20, 25. we could become this fascist force in the universe. it's like the star wars moment in george lucas' are we going to follow our conscience and our
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since mark twain. [laughter] i am not here to boast but the only fault with the introduction he did not mention was the first novel ever written. i regret to say there has not been a bandwagon of people trying to right novels since then. i thought i would talk since "dogfight" is a result of what we call deadline poetry. talk about "deadline poet" poet", some years ago with an author's guild benefit there is a program organized in which 45 authors rejected famous works of literature. [laughter] garrison himself rejected on
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walden pond he said there was a lot of good axioms but the structure was weak and suggested making it into a calendar. [laughter] i rejected the wasteland by t.s. eliot. [laughter] it was with iambic pentameter and i know it was a blow but not to worry your still the greatest poet from missouri. [laughter] how faint that praise is. to be judged by the fact the other poet from misery is me. sometimes i say t.s. eliot
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and i are the reserve school of poetry. [laughter] we do have differences. i am from kansas city which during my childhood was known in as the gateway to the west. he was from st. louis and the government builds the arch okhotsk and proclaimed themselves gateway to the west and we called them mound city. we think of st. louis as the exit to the east of. [laughter] there's similarities between t.s. eliot and me.
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we both use foreign languages in our poetry. he tends to use more sanskrit. actually don't know much of it. i was a kid who'd got dreamy during sanskrit class in kansas city, missouri. [laughter] to look out the window. i use some yiddish. [laughter] it is fair to say that t.s. eliot was not partial to yiddish. my shortest poem uses yiddish. it was called something like this societal political and philosophical implications of the o.j. simpson trial.
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and he famously wrote a lot of things about cats. my daughter said once at the dinner table that daddy hates cats. i said daddy does not. that would be prejudice and you girls have been brought up to '04 her prejudice. daddy never met a cat that he liked. [laughter] i have written about the of corgi they look like a breed of dog that has been assembled from the other parts of dogs. not the part said the other
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breeds were sorry about giving up. [laughter] there has never been a broadway show called corgi why would permit. i am a second generation poet. my father was a pressure for most of his working life he had a restaurant for a few years and took advantage to right a couplet on the menu every day. mostly about pie. i had a lot of trouble with by in high school. math was my worst subjects i could never persuade the mathematics teacher that many of my answers were meant ironically. [laughter] and the texas state
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legislator pastor of resolution to change pi to an even number three. [laughter] i was for it. i thought it was a good idea [laughter] restaurant proprietor poetry is an unusual. although they are good with a motto. remembered burger king in paris? and in kentucky and as most of you know, owensboro is the barbeque month in
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capital of the world. one restaurant has a sign that says mary had a little lamb. won't you have some to? [laughter] there are not many occupational group johnna but cowboy a poetry because they are thought to be suspicious of book learning but there are probably more cowboy poets than cowboys. i met one. baxter black he wrote a book called croutons on a cow pie. i wonder if other occupational groups had poetry.
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williams carlos williams was a doctor and a poet but he did not write dr. poetry that would follow the pattern of cowboy poetry. cowboys do not think about meter. they have as much use for meter as in english saddle. very easily inspired. the most easily inspired poets. a burnt cup of coffee will set them off. [laughter] dr. poetry is like she was so tall they had to climb up the ladder do check the swelling in the gallbladder. flight attendant poetry would be she did not hesitate. she knew her mission to get each seat back and trade
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table into the original upright position. [laughter] and deli owner poetry. he has a yacht, a castle, a plane the man is in clover and all from six words at the scale. okay if it is a little over? [laughter] hedge fund poetry. he bought the day before the rise and always sold the day before the dive. he they never knew the secret of his touch. now they no. he is doing between two and five. [laughter] as a poet i am inspired by my father. the restaurant poet wrote mostly about by the shortest
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poem was don't sigh of comet the pie. not as short as o.j. oi vey but he rhymed a lot of things like evening is now i. okay ward and i am ready to fry, by a favorite poem was not about pie it was each your food gently mom said to her little son roddy if not i will break every bone in your body. [laughter] for years following my father's lead i may have been a special occasion poet
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i wrote the palms on special birthdays and anniversaries and at the rehearsal dinner. for my wife's 50th birthday the first first was actually, i just forgot. no way you simply it cannot be a would have thought the barman would ask her for her id. she has a youthful glow the still gives young men vapors. she is 50 though. i have seen her papers. [laughter] it is a love poem. [laughter] i turned from a special occasion poet into a "deadline poet" because of john sununu.
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for the father who was a the chief of staff for george h. debut bush i'm billy person who never turned to a career of poetry by john sununu. george h. to be a bush presidency was a great time for us in this small joke trade. a very bland group of people nice protestant settlement. no juicy scandals. they all sort of looked alike. the only one who stood out was john sununu and was not even shaped like the rest of them. he had the characteristic that draws the attention of people like me that he was
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very interested in improving the was the smartest guy in the room. and ed rollins the political campaign manager said john sununu is an argument against telling your child he has a high iq. [laughter] he had a beautiful name. sununu. i love that name particularly on the subway. sununu. sununu. and i wrote a poem if you wrote what sununu. [laughter] i sent the bomb to the editor of the nation where i had done a column and so i a
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set moved to syndication so widely and parsimonious and this what i would call the editor. when i would do the column we had lunch and i said what we use thinking of paying for each column? he said something in the high two figures. [laughter] we paid about $65. that sounds like the middle to figures. then i turned it over to my littery agent and said play hardball. he got them up at 100. how much were you thinking?
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he said a like to do one every week. if you're not familiar with the nation was on the book to work with the collection of nation columns and reporters said how would you describe the nation for our readers who were unfamiliar? [inaudible] [laughter] surely you have more to say? >> a magazine printed on cheap paper if you make a xerox copy it is a lot better than the article. a few weeks after i started a column the editors said what about these quotes? did john foster dulles
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really say you can fool all the people all the time the you might as well as give it your best shot? [laughter] i said that these rates you cannot expect a real quote. [laughter] he said we write a poem for every issue? every week? but every issue is not really every week because they only published every of their week in the summer even though the downtrodden are oppressed every day of the year. [laughter] i said how much rethinking of paying? he said he would give me
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$100 even though a in poland is quite a bit smaller than a column. i did not think it was much money then i looked up from much money they get in america. it turns out they are paid by the line. the highest pay your at the time was "the new yorker" paying $10 a line. you can see why there is not a huge line at the career fair i was getting $100 a plum no matter how long. so all i had to do was to right the fourth line or even better the to line poem.
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any time a wanted to get the buzz for working as the top dollar in your field. [laughter] i would write to the two line poem. when former senator bentsen named secretary of treasury groot a poem about his relations with special interest groups. the man is known for teetwo in texas that is how they do business. $50 a line. when a college transcript was pleased with no affect
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on the campaign i did a pall on the campaign that was a oblivious lee on he sales with marks not quite as good as quayle's. [laughter] the people who my family unfortunately call a real poet we call them the sanskrit crowd many of those members of the international "deadline poet" organization. there are two of us the other members used poetry would appear on the weekend
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but does not appear any more so we would say his membership is hanging by a thread but that would be a metaphor and we discourage those. [laughter] also and i was going around the country with that serious reform the american association of correspondents covering america the headquarters were o'hara airport and we only had one role. you cannot quote the tokyo. [laughter] that is how we have kept the membership down take t.s.
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eliot. i am not here to not competition but if he sought a half deserted street but we deadline poet speaker does we have a deadline also someone like elliot can make up the pull money subject to choose a with easy rhyme and meter but we have to grapple with the fact people persist to go into american politics to have bad brine and demeter in their names. [laughter] my people are people like
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ross perot. john mccain. they tend to lose. a was pleased to see bob dole back on the senate floor last week. but bob dole rhymes with a lot of things. but to have bad names for rhyming this sounds easy because it rhymes with tusche but when george w. bush left office i wanted to write a poem i had a lot of
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middle names. it was a do to you george herbert walker of and never treasured as a talker your predicates were prone to wander down to less off alone. [laughter] so on your greenwich country day relax in never ordered japanese. clinton is a bad name. and in his second term with the unpleasant nests remember when hillary clinton said to take a lead
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she would appear on the today program and clinton would not work so i was forced to use the native name. the name of origen. or the slave name. it was up to hillary rodham to prove that his house is not sodom. [laughter] but obama of the jokes of his name it was a good name to rhyme but unfortunately i use them with osama bin london clap your mom up. so i get worried when they talk about presidential
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candidates i did a similar book in 2008 called deciding fennecs to decider was a long epic:interrupted by other poems. this is the same sort but it has a little bit of prose one was entitled gingrich aware that her husband has cheated on and left seriously ill wives desperately tries to make light of a bad cough. [laughter] newt gingrich thinks it sounds like a fever and was
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a little concerned. last time we had good candidates just in general with john edwards with it is called yes i know he is the millworkers son but there is hollywood and the hair. sarah palin. i wrote her version of the barbra streisand classic on the cleared day icy-- i can see russia. and talked-about candidates and seems impossible but the then governor of illinois was mentioned rob flood of which -- the ugly of block a
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and hit seem to to hem a powerful appointment to which the appointment should make you rich but the plant turned out to have a glitch perhaps the fed said flipped a switch and so much for rob blob of which. in 2012 was a little concerned wonder two candidates were left over to your fans including romney when i did a poem about him yes, he is so slick of speech and garb he reminds us of ken of ken and barbie. quick to shed his regalia he may be lacking genitalia. [laughter]
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one but we had good candidates for car was concerned there was only one primary in 2008 i had to. we had people like rick perry like john edwards has beautiful hair. and a good time because they say the neath the space beneath the hair is. [inaudible] this book ends with the actual election. since then we have talked like the republicans have
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lost. i wrote a poem about that called the republican in soul-searching. we're searching our souls and wondering why we got beat so badly our rivals are gloating. is obvious when the campaign went wrong. we should have prevented more people from voting. [laughter] and there was one theory as romney tried to move toward the senate and that is traditional with politics they you appeal to the base and he did try to move to the center and i wrote a poem about the second debate
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called romney beats his wards and in the third debate it said romney beats the plowshares into feather dusters. [laughter] one of the theories was some people in the party were preaching things that most americans did not believe then. i did a poem called the female reproduction system. [laughter] a lecture by tied a can and a member of the house committee on science and technology is the guy than there was a theory that on me just was not a good candidate and did not connect very well and was somewhat awkward.
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remember when he went to michigan and said trees were the right to heighth. the actual quote was a love this state. it seems right that the trees are the right height. [laughter] away from here i find no trees in that please. no trees as such a perfect height as these. can never be at ease with trees that grow higher than one's knees or too high to splinter in the breeze. wisconsin can have their bragging rights on cheese and colorado is where you take your skis and connecticut as lyme disease. [laughter] and another visa my prepared to sneeze but here we have
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the perfect height of trees. [applause] according to that theory romney was not a good candidate they should have been nominated somebody else. also a theory there were demographically behind and did not understand the people they were appealing to was no longer in the majority i tried to help them out when they were looking for a vice presidential candidate. i did a phone call to the cuisine diversity if engine doll or haley were put on
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the ticket republicans could entice voters who would like to eat food that has space and nastic with the voters to think a slice of white bread is the food that will always suffice. but then at the end of one chapter says with a retail politics we see no more the candidate since albert gore gore, as referred to him as a man like object. [laughter] without the common touch that was truman's they did not seem comfortable with humans. the small talk with the citizens appeared that only seemed small but we eared
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with no connection and the answers did not matter. and then was one of the pauses based on fine reporting in "the new york times" and the relevant passage said when it brought me introduces himself to voters he guesses their agents nationality and often incorrectly. [laughter] are you french-canadian? he gives curious details. he has developed trying to figure out their personal relationships to the ancestral homeland. he likes to congratulate people for what is not clear. and is called president romney meets other world leaders at the first g8
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summit. [laughter] for the moment president running into the room where the opening reception was held he was approached by a man who said. [speaking french] are you of french canadian origen? president romney said president holland is that i am french. i am the president of france. congratulations president. [laughter] lipstick contains the subjects -- a substance made of fish scales before holland could reply or think of anything to say they were approached by angela marco who looked eager to greet the newest member and president romney said issue
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your aunt? [laughter] your mother? one this is angela merkle chancellor of germany. chancellor marco looked taken aback when she regained her composure she said to the president on the i know you will have much to add on the debt crisis of the arizona and he looked at the german chancellor and say i say you would go about 140 give or take 5 pounds. [laughter] mia and of ballpark? jim solar merkle whole thing that she misunderstood said i believe the future of the
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year will dominate our discussions in the coming days. the city that has more herb bridges in any other in the world as pittsburgh. >> congratulations to pittsburg she asked? president romney thought. no. just congratulations. the prime minister of canada it joined a group and introduced himself. are you a french canadian origin? know i am not. but i am canadian the state stone said are you a french canadian origin to the guy next to him. know i am david cameron. he looked at harper then cameron that and he said
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brothers? cousins? uncle? no. at that point* they were joined by the prime minister of japan him and president romney were introduced. are you about 55 or 60? and my clothes? and 56 years of age said the prime minister formally. your name sounds french canadian. [laughter] with i don't suppose you are of french canadian origin? >> no i am not. >> congratulations. [laughter] hitting a grand slam home run in 1950 not until 2008
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use the phrase sissy. [laughter] sometimes people say to me you could prime somebody's name with this word and i say it is not quite right. they say almost but i say rhyme is all i have got. >> have you referred to the sissy aplomb? >> definitely not. i use the word definitely a case to anybody from high-school is in the
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audience. >> who are the candidates for the next election? >> there is a lot of talk of hillary clinton. she is a clinton. [laughter] i was at a gathering so they used to have a dinner for her when she was senator from new york we all know each other we may as -- to knowledge senator clinton is considered a polarizing figure. something she has done a good job for new york and some people think she is iambic. [laughter] she said i have been called a lot of things but that
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cuts. [laughter] >> i lived in kansas city and i wonder in your early days some of your memories play a part? >> a lot of people say i am from kansas city i do not mean to imply anything but lot of people are not but just for the prestige. [laughter] yes. my father's first first influenced me i am influenced by being brought up in kansas city.
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i wrote a book about my father and discussed when people talk about their childhood you can reduce what they say in 21 the theme sentence like we come from a noble family and do nothing to the siege the name and when i thought of the theme for my daughters to grow up in greenwich village despite all evidence to the contrary you are being raised in kansas city. i think we grow up has a lot of influence. >> du do polands' about politicians who are no
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longer with us? and what were your thoughts on harry truman? >> i am not sure i heard my father say this but almost every petty my father's stage where harry truman's name came up said he bought a tie from the his haberdashery. i said in a column everyone actually had. clifton daniel married to the king of western missouri. a lot of people thought harry truman that he was under rated. actually interviewed harry truman when i was in college
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trying out for the paper. the library had not started and he was then an office building in downtown kansas city like frosted glass there was a secretary. that was his entourage. he asked me to send it to him and he sent me back a letter that said thank you for the article it was perfectly all rights. [laughter] i have a lot of time for harry truman. he is the on the kansas city president.
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>> i am from kansas city. >> could we pause for a minute? where did you go to high school? >> she is from johnson county. it is okay. that is called cupcake plant >> i have read your humorous books but the favorite is about alice what is your favorite the you have written? >> that would be one of them i have written a lot of different kinds. it is apples and oranges for comparison. and another way to look at
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it and never got my act together but about alice maybe. >> did your mom they call the pies for the restaurant? >> they were naturally lead baked by a black woman named thelma. [laughter] i have often talked about my mother's cooking. 30 years she served nothing but leftovers. [laughter] i was out of college before i realized leftover from what? that the original was never found. they were lucky she did not take the prize. we had 50 years 60 things on
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the table then she wooded jump up in the middle to say she forgot the jello mold. mother always said everything tastes better on the second day. i don't know about the fourth day. >> i met my wife at the hotel president before they closed it up. >> you could get a plaque. >> memphis verses kansas city man this does have some barbecue every bar-b-que is different. it is just said different
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beast than kansas city. texas barbeque grata of german butcher shops that is totally different. kansas city barbecue i always say going to a white barbeque places like going to the gentiles internist. [laughter] things may turn out but you are not playing up percentages. [laughter] i share your -- i share your fondness for your restaurants in what is your
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favorite one now? >> the one that we used to go to mrs. then san francisco where one of my daughters' lives. they closed but she found another one and the name might cannot remember but it is on the main drag right before her city hall i will think of the name may be before the end of the evening. probably not. [laughter] >> i enjoyed your book american stories i a understand only basically they were derived from newspaper headlines? >> from going to wherever i
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was in reporting the story. newspaper headlines maybe that is how i found out about them? >> there must have an idea is you pursued that did not turn into a story. were there any that came out of the process? >> i went to a place because somebody phone to me or wrote to me a letter i usually ended up with that story. almost always been just about everything is in their better or worse. >> do you have any insight with u.s. providence -- president has of preference for a dog as a family pet?
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that is a different one. that is three republican candidates discourse on the subject of rape. we can do that one. i will never find the other one. he will be fired. we will get another one. [laughter] this is called a female of reproduction system election by representative todd akin from the house committee on space and science and technology. legitimate rate will shut the thing down. so if she gets pregnant it shows that her gown was cut way too low or she had on the oscar so tight it showed the intention to florida. in some way she wanted to show off her shape so it was
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not legitimate rate. which a rape will stop something cold sore she gets pregnant she might not have told the fellow to stop in not be so rough but maybe she told him but not loud enough. or utterly failed to make good of the escapes so it was not legitimate rate. and then three republican candidates on the subject of rape and a fourth remains exceedingly quiet legitimate rape so we're told by eight todd akin will not produce children this simply a way can defensive biology that quickly locks the system down as safe as fort knox. exceptions for life of the
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mother are phony exceptions just like the others to suggest some doctors can always keep momma live. murdoch says it must be defended a pity but it is what god intended. this stance to which murdoch clangs this is what paul ryan believes. it can bring more reminders but now ms. romney has gone crazy with all of the binders. [laughter] [applause] that is it. the chair clap. [applause]
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to guns and religion. what was the coverage like? >> in fact this morning i ran the 47% and i asked two questions. one is how much debt the does it get and how many media outlets cover the story and what is the shelf life? does it last a day a week or a month? they were short. maybe a three week kind of peak. romney to 47% we still haven't seen the end of that obviously but it's been about a month now. the story is dropoff but they get dragged back in either by opponents were dragged in by the defense and i am sure they come out of the presidential debates and wondered if obama will ask a question about that. the issue is in my mind which of these gaps are ones we ought to pay attention to? do they represent a true character flaw and do they represent an incapacity to act in a way that we would like or are they just -- we all make
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mistakes. they have them hanging out in the public and now with the internet and youtube and places like that they are not only discriminated more broadly and quickly but there is an archival capability we can go out and find out what barack obama said in 1998 or what mitt romney said in a. by the way there wasn't one bit of coverage of the percentage in may. it was a public event, fund-raising event but nobody told the story to the media it wasn't until the media popped up they came back into the process in late august and early september. >> what mistakes have they made them that you document that are fatal? >> let me work from the current backwards a little bit. when he wants to be the
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republican nominee and i am going to cut in these ways and he can't remember what he's going to cover he is not ready for prime time. of one that affected us back here was elizabeth dole who came to speak and it didn't realize was a conference for a lot of civilian students for a speech aimed at the men who were there but over the heads of the people asking what's the question from the floor then she misinterpreted the question. she did very good by the way when she spoke at the republican convention to wander around the audience with the media in her hand and someone asked her a question about whether she would send her son to bosnia to kind of look what was going on at the policy position but it was a
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personal question and you could almost see it in her face the regret she and bob dole never had a child and she said we've never had children. it's an abstract kind of a question to read the next day the media said she's not ready for the campaign trail because she isn't talking like a candidate, she's talking personal and all of a sudden in three weeks her campaign folded. i think michael dukakis's problems in the presidential debate when he was asked what he would do if he had a very loyal kind of dancer of his opposition to capital punishment in all of a sudden we said does this guy have a human side at all? so it is those things we see in the keep the and the character and i think al gore not because of one yvette but being pointed out as a serial execs reader.
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any one of the stories you can explain he said he helps create the internet but the perception of him being a laboratory very important in creating but he had that story and then he and his wife or the model for the book a love story and they said that isn't true so he linked all of these together and said okay keys and exaggerate your and that hurt him in the long run. >> why did the mistakes of president george w. bush and jumped the driving before 2000 -- why are those not fatal mistake? >> i think one is what else is going on in the world of the time? john mccain made a comment about the question what is she doing in iran and should we send
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a message and he went on saying bomb bomb iran and was a three day wonder. people remember that he made a lot of coverage but things are happening in the world and it got crowded out and no one kind of carried it on. the statement of being under fire in bosnia she received it time after time until the media started to say is this true and they pulled up the picture being greeted at the airport with a bunch of flowers and the general on the ground said there wasn't any and the obama people started to feed the media and said you might want to look at it for both credibility and it was so dramatic that we don't like people to lie to us a hand it's as close as looking at fellow democrats saying she lied to us and i think that undermined what was going on. so we are also pushing at and
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it's explainable to have a candidate in sioux falls south dakota and they've been on the campaign trail all day and they are exhausted and they made different stops to be here in oklahoma city we kind of pass that off and say it doesn't make a great deal of difference where they are worth think they are at that point. >> gary hart. >> gary hart created the of original sin of challenging people in the media. i think most people in the media knew that he ran around a bit but you must remember the time where we didn't -- the media didn't look into that carefully. there was a backstage area. one of the problems is the politicians don't have the backstage area. whenever they do is realistic, but that wasn't the case at that point in time that he challenged
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and said you go out and prove this stuff and a reporter from the florida newspaper hit out in the bushes in southwest washington and saw his girlfriend come in late at night and leave the next morning. it wasn't hard for him to guess she wasn't planning the floors or cooking and all night dinner and so you don't challenge the media and pretend to be something you aren't. >> political science professor, his most recent book is oops. observing the politicians stumble. how many books have you written and what are the topics? >> this is 17 of original books in the second editions and 27. i started out all academics have to do the time in the trenches during academic books and i've done textbooks the last five or
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six have been the more fun kind of books and the one prior to this high-profile all the books the presidents have mentioned in the state of the union message and today the president pointing out using someone as an example. that was not done until ronald reagan did it for the first time and the of used these people as an example of their protocol goals -- political goals and i did a biographee of brian lamb with educators on c-span and people kept saying what is the real brian lamb like and he didn't want a biography done. and i finally got a contract and i came in and said well, and you know, where do you think and he said i guess i would let you and i can't say no on the station committed to open access to information how can i close
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things down. so it didn't interfere, kind of opened the village, gave me a list of high school friends said that was kind of fun to do. prior to that, a book that looked at individuals that changed national policies and as those that created major legislation because of their action to read estimate what do you teach at the naval academy? >> political science. the last 40 years we've almost always been the number one people don't assume that in a technical school we say we are the value added major because they get their technical education plus to get the social science education that i teach media and politics and courses in the congress and campaigns and the elections and i keep my finger in the american government course. we have a course congress in its
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wisdom said what's going on at the naval academy when all they know don't understand the civilian control of the military and so in the budget hearings date required us to create a required government court. we don't talk about 75% in the way that now which 100% and i like teaching that course because it's not only a traditional american government course, we teach the ethics of public service. when you get the government check when you're in the military on a -- >> one more project that you are involved in in the book gives away. what is this project? >> one is the rotary club and we are going to send an exchange student and we collect a bunch of groups and found out our county is paying 90 percent to dump them in a landfill and the
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kind of why if we just pastore 5.6 billion book and people to grasp that i say look at the football field and there are tractor-trailer's side by side that's about 300 tractor trailers and there are about 15 of those a year and got 20 cells and to the to -- 20,000. the peace corps volunteers, have a nice arrangement with some of the review books that you have a and we get the books from libraries and we believe we have the largest volunteer base in the world which means we can ship very inexpensively. we ship about $4,000 a container. some of the a4a groups there are organizations during this. you what in the door and you want to ship this $16,000.
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we are able shipper. we start them out and send them off. so again to send them to the american troops. >> vose in places like that which are british or american colonies and there's a lot of peace corps. everybody wants to learn english and so we spend a lot of stuff we just send a whole bunch of during basic kids reading books to cambodia because the u.s. military is teaching cambodians how to speak english and they are going to be reading see spot run. we are finding it all for the world people on the english.
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