tv Book TV CSPAN January 21, 2013 8:00pm-8:30pm EST
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this event has been phenomenal. we have had more companies and more space and more innovation and excitement than ever i can recall. in these tough economic times it's nice to have a positive news and there's a lot out there. from all sorts of companies from the biggest like intel and qualcomm and samsung and panasonic and the small ones. we have your rego park with 150 companies that starts with ideas and some people are coming back and saying this is a really
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breakthrough technology and these are great but it's just the american way. you have the ability of anyone to come up with an idea and expose it. that is why we have this event. the big companies respect that we have the small companies there and that is how we run this organization. >> host: where do you see growth in consumer electronics in the next couple of years? >> guest: there are growth in several categories. sometimes categories go through a lull and the rise. we had the video area that went through a lull but it's getting back with connected to be in very thin tv so that's exciting. other areas of standing wireless. the fcc changed -- chairman made a huge announcement. that's only for wifi but all sorts of products that you can envision and the first-grade product they came from unlicensed spectrum garage door opener and accord cordless phone and baby monitor. these were things no one anticipated.
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it's getting pretty crowded here especially at airports and it's tough to see your wifi so that's great. biometric sensing clearly we are shifting forward in robotics and technologies and we have seen at spike. a 25% increase in health care electronics. health and well-being, remote monitoring. the health care and a big way so there's a lot of areas of growth. obviously the automobile industry is becoming huge. we have eight car companies here but there's so much there with access to the internet and information and using devices but also safety. driverless cars is is where we are going but along the way we are getting the collision avoidance systems and where also doing things to focus on you as a driver and make sure you are paying attention and wake you up if you're falling asleep. >> host: gary shapiro what are
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some of the policy issues at the consumer electronics association concerns itself with? >> guest: well we have been -- in a big way being in the cutting-edge and facial recognition for example. that's an area which is the privacy of someone. that is very big and biometric monitoring and things like that. also some issues which have come to the forefront strategic integration as we would call it getting the best from the right is here. we have a guy here who started from stanford and he started a company from monitoring hearts in kids basically with problems. he has been kicked out of the country but we don't want to do that. the guy has created a company and he's a stanford graduate. we will be fighting big and visibly on strategic immigration and also we wonder companies think urged to a invested in are not abroad so repatriating money that his tax back to the united states allowing us to create jobs here and maybe could be tied into creating an infrastructure bank or something
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like that the point is we need fundamental changes. believe it or not we care more than anything else about the health of the u.s. economy because that determines our future. we support the simpson -- it hurts everyone and it's painfully been for us but we need the stability and our finances as a country and every responsible business should stand up and say that. both sides republicans and democrats are recognizing the pain has to be spread around so those are big issues for us and their things that affect innovation. basically people don't produce anything but lawyers is not a good way to get a society and from the smallest to start up to the biggest company we need more certainty. and ginobli are violating patents and we shouldn't be putting people out of work and actively run companies if they don't even think there are breaking someone's patent. >> host: do a lot of members of congress fcc and other public
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officials attend here and what do you want them to leave with? >> guest: we try to get as many officials as possible. we have every commission from the fcc and a lot of the staff with the federal trade commission and certainly many members of congress and congressional staff and people from the highway safety administration in consumer products administration. we want people to come here to see the real world. you can't learn in washington when only people with a -- or paid lobbyists give you information. she said we have to come here. obviously this is las vegas but let me tell you the rules now are so tough that there are 24 hours they take red eyes from. there are 3000 company showing exhibits and showing products and many more companies in different ways in every major tech company. we are 35,000 people from outside the united states coming here including senior government officials from outside the country. they want to know what's going
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on with innovation. we are the host and we are phenomenally dynamic growing important industry making a difference in the future. when you're talking about raising revenue or raising taxes or cutting spending innovation is the answer. innovation is growth and we have to make sure our government does not hurt them . we were talking here about hipaa and sopa about the law of rushing through congress because the lobbyists is so strong that would allow anyone in the world to shut down any internet web site by claiming copyright infringement and thank god that was. was stopped because it started here with members of congress holding a press conference saying this must be stopped. innovation is too important in consumer access to the internet is to import and we have to do some ring about. we will never have legislation like that again in congress. it's like name your kid adolf. no one will ever do it again. >> host: gary shapiro do you have an opinion on who you would like to replace julius genachowski at the fcc?
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>> guest: i call them the spectrum chairman yesterday. he is in a phenomenal job in defining his job as looking towards the future of america in the next five or 10 years in our spectrum is and he is pushed it forward. i'm eager to not see him leave. the commissioner there are has galvanized and of course we disagree in some things but not necessarily by political party more. he has united the commission. i think they are doing a great job so i'm thrilled he is there. >> host: gary shapiro has a black belt in tae kwon do and from that experience i think the title of this newest book. ninja innovation the 10 killer strategies of the world's most successful businesses. gary shapiro explain this title. >> guest: i've been using the phrase ninja for 20 years and that is the approach i took with my employees. if you see a while you figure out how to get over over it are
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rounded and become invisible and come up with a way, berland erpa dunkel back to your boss and say i've had a brick wall. you have to be clever and you will have to be able to use the tools around you. getting the black velvet and karate at the disciplined and focused and know where you are going. tae kwon do is actually korean. ninja is actually japanese. ninjas were hundreds of years ago and they were always outmanned but they were clever. they thought outside the box. my 30 years in this great industry i have met so many ceos around the world with big companies and small companies. there is something common with many of them and that is they are ninjas. they think outside the box. they asked why not? they recognize failure is a good thing and you can learn from it and sometimes you have to reward yourself. as i read today if you have never been criticized you have never done your job.
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you have never pushed the boundaries. american their nation is about risk-taking i think that is what we have to do with companies. my first book the comeback is about what washington should do and we did well with that over two years. this book is about what companies and individuals in government should do. i talked about the difference between virginia with his pro-business strategy in california with its anti-business strategy and how that works. i talk about countries and i talk about france where innovative people government not so much. you have to have a certain amount of content. it's very sterile and so i'm talking about strategies and techniques with companies and people and use. >> host: is this written for businessmen? >> what i learned when i wrote my first book for washington and was a bestseller, this book is written for someone starting out as well as someone a business.
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i am pretty pumped up. i think it's a good read and i'm getting great feedback and also based on the -- i've done it seems to be doing well around the world. >> host: gary shapiro why the name change from from the consumer electronics show to ces international? >> we used to be called the winter electronics show. we need to the changes. we had put the international and private. i think it improved but that's international people felt comfortable coming. international people are very important u.s. events because the u.s. economy is growing slower than many other economies and not all the money is here any more. we want those international people to come here plus they spend money while they are here which is good for us. plus why should our companies have to go abroad to sell their products when -- so it's a win-win here. the commerce has done a terrific job working with us as have the
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las vegas officials. the ces the consumer electronics is much more than consumer-electronics. we are getting the cios and top marketing and technologtechnolog y people from universities have ever major company in the united states and certainly the world. it's not only wall street coming to the financial community is the marketing people. is the car companies percolated the 10 largest car companies. we are virtually getting everyone from around the world involved in innovation and technology and that is really important for our show and for industry and good for a country. >> is this largest trade show in the world? >> guest: by many measures it definitely is in terms of innovation and in terms i think of the number of visitors and we have over 5000 press here. at the attendance is a little difficult. the europeans count the aisles and we only count the spaces we sell.
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we are definitely the biggest innovation show in the world. there is a construction show with heavy equipment that puts a lot of things outside with every peers. we are the biggest annual event. >> host:>> host: gary shapiro ye been estimates of how many foreign visitors walk the floors here and it's a huge contingent of foreign visitors. >> absolutely and it's growing. we are over 35,000 although in the next couple months -- cohost good gary shapiro's the presidency you know of consumer-electronics association which produces the annual ces international show in las vegas. this is "the communicators." "the communicators" caught up with fcc commissioner ajit pai at the international ces in las vegas. commission or what have you seen here at the show this year that intrigues you? >> guest: i have seen innovation action. obviously there are cutting-edge community -- communication
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devices but to me some of the most interesting applications earners were traditionally wouldn't think of as the communication innovation happening. for example is a 3-d printer that was able to print out at the booth that i saw small figurines which was interesting enough but then the owner of the company told me the same application is being used by the mayo clinic to print out kidneys that are now being used to transplant into patients whose kidneys have failed. that's an incredible application and one that didn't exist several years ago. similarly some of the devices we have seen installed in automotive vehicles and other types of vehicles, it's really amazing some of the advanced technology they have that will allow people to sense where their car czar and cents with a relative speed limit on the part of the road is so that the car can adjust to move slower or faster. is really amazing so all across a spectrum you see a lot of exciting innovation in action. >> host: when you see all these products and these
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thousands of booths here, are they within the round of the sec regulation world or should they be and speak to cars especially with all the new technology coming in. >> guest: some of these devices that are in some of them are not so something uses the public airwaves spectrum it does fall within the fcc's jurisdiction. for example the fcc might need to take a look at a particular device to make sure that the radio frequency radiofrequency emissions that the device puts out are consistent with our rules. it might have to allocate certain spectrum to be used by other device manufacturers of there are a couple of areas where we do have limited jurisdiction but by and large whether its gaming are some of the other applications are ruled here is just to sit back and watch american capitalism in action. it's a wonderful thing. >> host: ajit pai when you visit booth and talk to people within your revelatory world,
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what did they want to talk to you about? >> a lot of bigger picture items are unusual. getting more spectrum into the commercial marketplace updating commissions rules to make sure that those rules reflect current technology and not the legacy technology of yesteryear. making sure the commission ask more quickly because things are changing very quickly even from when consumer-electronics shows to the nextel are regulations have to be updated as well. i am hopeful that the fcc in the months and years to come ken dispatch some of the innovators here. >> host: what is your current thinking unlicensed spectrum? >> guest: i'm very optimistic about an unlicensed and excited as the chairman announcing this afternoon he would proceed to establish more wifi spectrum in the five gigahertz band and not to go wonky on you but the spectrum in particular is well-suited for wifi because you can have huge channels
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200 megahertz and those channels allow more -- as compared to lowering the band where you have more congestion and encumber uses -- incumbent users. they users are favorable to wifi part because it hire a been abandoned the wavelength travels further so you don't get interference i could go in loan the band so you think about let consumers license his home applications where the wave is not to travel and they don't want to lose a lot of power and that is what five gigahertz promises so i'm excited and looking forward to working with the chairman and commissioners and commerce and the american public to make sure we get as much spectrum out there is we can in the five gigahertz band. >> host: what did you talk about on the panel? >> guest: whole variety of topics and spectrum was front and center. we occupy their a lot of time in the coming year with proceedings ongoing in the process of getting comments on what the
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rule should rules should be in when we should hold a auction. infrastructures and a big one. i've talked about the transition to what what we call an an in all ipr entered that protocol world. in short it's a lengthy topic but in short as we move from an area where you have writers applying voice service over copper wires through the situation where we have all sorts of companies providing the same services over internet protocol-based infrastructure what is the role that the fcc? the chairman late last year established an internet task force internet protocol task force to essentially examine these questions and figure out what are the regulations that need to be updated, what policy prater should we embrace as we move to the all i.t. world and world and then the bush we do about a? what should we take off the books and what should we keep on the book's? i'm looking for to be an active participant in the discussion so spectrum infrastructure the two biggest ones. >> host: here at ces does washington understand this world? >> guest: i would like to think we do and certainly just
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being here interacting with a lot of the people make these devices and provide the services as a part of that and enables us to better understand the effects of our positions are going to be. when we talk about spectrum in washington is often in the abstract and you hear about the spectrum crunch. there's not enough spectrum. when you come here and you see what's possible with the qualcomm booth for example we were able to see wifi enabled band that can allow you to have three and a plus megabits per second of data throughput. ensure that would allow you to watch hdtv on a wireless device very easily but they can't do that unless we make the decision that we need to make a freeing up some of the spectrum and allocating it. so it's important for us to understand their practical consequences to the regulatory decisions made in washington. >> host: fcc commissioner ajit pai thank you. >> guest: thanks so much for having me.
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>> host: we are here at the wall, exhibit and anita -- anita hix is the director of marketing for qualcomm. we interviewed as cc commissioner ajit pai and he was praising some brand-new qualcomm technology. what is that technology? >> guest: is what they are doing with a zero to 11 which is a new wifi standard and that is exciting for both routers and other types of devices. it's up to 1.3 gigabytes so really fast powerful wifi connectivity and smartphones and tablet is up to 350 megabits per second so really when you think about downloading video and surfing the web you'll be able to do so much more so much faster. is going to be such a smooth experience. >> host: and this was developed by qualcomm? when will be on the market? >> guest: from a snapdragon perspective which includes 11 a. see those devices will be a
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later this year. >> host: what else is qualcomm exhibiting this this year that cs at ces quest. >> guest: we talked about snapdragon 800 but snapdragon 800 is much more than that. to processor with a powerful graphics processor up to 2.3 gigahertz cpu so it has all of that integrated along with the 11 ac along with lte up to 150 megabits with lte so other connectivity solutions as well as multimedia. we are doing ultra-hd here at the show 4-k playing off the tablet. that is the theater behind us. it's got a great home theater experience where you can really watch full -- and do a lot of great things and leverage all the buzzwords and ultra-hd. >> host: what does qualcomm do overall? >> guest: qualcomm does a variety of wireless technologies. we were the founder of cdma and we do a lot of different things.
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we have added all the wifi interactivity on that side. we are at the heart about the mobile devices with her snapdragon processor and do a lot of things with qualcomm life and health. we have euphoria which is an application and reality and we do a lot of different varieties to try to make wireless technology at the heart of everyone in all the things you would want to do and be able to do in all kinds of fun stuff as a consumer or with an oem -- >> host: here at ces there has been a great growth in health technology. what is qualcomm exhibiting? >> guest: we have a variety of demonstrations over here checking your heart rate and how you tie your heart into health and diagnostic things that looks at all the different things they can really monitor your health on your arm or your phone or a variety of different ways. >> host: anita hix director of marketing at qualcomm.
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>> host: one of the most talked about and looked at items here at ces international 2013 is made by a company called makerbot. bre pettis is the ceo of makerbot. what are we looking at your? >> guest: you are looking at at the next industrial revolution. makerbot is an innovation company and we empower people to innovate so they can change the future. >> host: that said what are we looking at as far as equipment? >> guest: what what we have at ces this year and this is our fourth year at ces is the next generation of makerbot 3-d printers. we have the makerbot replicator which a desktop 3-d printer optimizing the use of the material pla which is a redouble -- and an experimental printer optimizing the more challenging ags material.
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these two tools empower people to make things and it works by building up layers of plastic until your model is done and then you kick it out in the makerbot and you have something. >> host: this printer overhears actually working right now, correct? >> guest: it just finished his three 3-d model and it's cooling down. this is the 55 -- sublive replicator. it makes things a multiple colors so you have read in black bear and it's just a wonderful piece of machinery for anybody who is creative. >> host: is printer a misnomer? >> guest: you know i think it's actually a little confusing to people. a 3-d printer works similarly to a 2-d printer. with a 2-d printer you take a virtual document and make it a physical document. with a 3-d printer you take a 3-d model that is virtual on
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your screen and make it a physical 3-d model. engineers and industrial designers and architects they get this. they been using this type of technology for a long time on a mainframe size and now they have access to it and they can have it on their desktop. they can make prototypes and if they don't like the way it looks they don't have to show the -- they can just throw it away mick and i don't. it allows innovators to iterate so they can make a model and then they can make another one and make another one. in the old days this would take a month to make a model. so you could iterate multiple times a year. with a makerbot you can iterate multiple times a day and it's affordable so you don't have to stress out about how much is costing. >> host: we are looking more models. are these basically doing the same thing and are they the same model? >> guest: this is our bond farm. this is a wall of makerbot
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replicator's. when it's done we give them away to people here at ces and the idea is that is one of the powers of a makerbot. when you make it the materials are so affordable the machine is so affordable that if somebody wants is you can get a ton.. you can become an entrepreneur and put this thing out on the market. we have got a guy who did just that. his name is chris and he has a company called square helper. you can buy his makerbot product. it's a little thing that goes between the squares in your ipad. the squares the little thing that allows people to use a credit card and fits into the headphone jack. one of the problems as it spins around. he made the thing that goes between there. very visible but he was going to go the traditional route. he would have spent six to
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$10,000 with the mold and go with injection molding and it would take and three to six months ago to market. with the sub five when there's a new ipad he can change his design and the next day he could be making his product for the next generation of ipads. the ability to be flexible and bring something to market really quickly to be able to make the thing you need right now on your desktop is the power of them subtype. this power when you make things you get this feeling of accomplishment. the feeling you get is the feeling you get when you are participating in the next industrial revolution. it's a feeling that you can make a difference in the world and the things that you make you can half and you can share them with the world. >> host: bre pettis what does the makerbot cost? >> guest: a makerbot costs
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$2199 the material -- is super affordable. get one make things change the world participate in the next industrial revolution. the world is changing and we are going to change it. >> host: where are they made? >> guest: we make them in brooklyn. we are improved in new york and all makerbot are assembled with pride. everyone that goes together has the brooklyn spirit of that can-do attitude of making things, things that you love, things that -- makerbot is just such a special machine and it requires people making it they care about it. >> host: bre pettis what is his material over here? >> guest: this is makerbot plastic and we have two kinds of material. we have makerbot pla and avs. the makerbot is for the replicator to.
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>> host: it's about the thickness of spaghetti. >> guest: we joke that its noodles and this is the material you feed into the machine to make anything you want. >> host: what is in your hands? >> guest: this is a v-6 ford engine block and ford sent this to us. you can actually download on this -- this on our web site. is the real model for an actual six-cylinder engine that they scaled down on the replicator to. i'm a total gearhead so i love this model. i just love engines but i have taken engines apart and put them back together but i have never seen the inside of an engine. it is made out of like iron, write? but now by making it on my makerbot i got to see all the different places where all the cooling goes and how they keep
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that oil -- getting makerbot is educational and how things are made in the manufacturing process and in the world around us. you can play me. >> host: where did you come up with the idea of? >> guest: 3-d printers have been around for 25 years but they were mainframe sized machines that were really expensive. i wanted one that i couldn't afford one. so some friends and i got together and we started tinkering. when it worked we quit our jobs and started makerbot so everybody could have one of these. >> host: bre pettis is the founder of makerbot in the ceo of the makerbot corporation out of brooklyn new york one of the hottest products here on the floor of ces. you have been watching "the communicators" on c-span
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