tv Today in Washington CSPAN February 5, 2013 2:00am-6:00am EST
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i'll go catch it. well, 1200 people later and the game was over, so it was an awesome, awesome be -- turnout, and all these people are now coming out and saying, thank you, you've opened by eyes. i had a woman write me a letter saying i was not only against the wars, i was against the military because she was raised in a military family, and she hated 'em. well, then after reading my book she goes, i understand. and she said it made her cry and opened her eyes to where now she supports the troops. i just find it amazing that this book is reaching out and actually touching people and opening some eyes. and when i'm doing these book signings, all these people are standing in line to meet me which it blows my mind. but if they're going to stand there in line to meet me, then i'm going to stand there. i'm not going to sit behind the desk and just sign a book, i'm
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going to stand up. as long as you're standing, i'm going to stand. and then i sign everybody's book, i try to talk to you a little bit. so i want it to be personal. i want you to know that i'm a real person. i'm your average, everyday guy, and if you want, i'll come around the table, and i'll take a picture with you. and i love meeting the kids. they bring me pictures and drawings that they've done. it's nice. >> host: language alert, here's a little bit from chris kyle's "american sniper." this is the subchapter, "don't tell my mom."
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muster down in florida where they dedicated the udtc memorial, and that was very touching, very moving, and it was great to be able to see a lot of the seal guys that get out and do it every day. your comment on seeing the flag and seeing, you know, the national anthem, "star-spangled banner," we were at a toby keith concert, and when he played "american soldier," that just -- every hair on my body stood up. my wife looked over, and i had a tear in my eye. they just don't get it unless you've been there, done that. i've got a 17, 18-year-old kid, and what's your advice to the next generation of kids that want to join the military and train in special op combatants or, you know, maybe not even special op combatant, but just join the military and support their country? thanks. >> host: chris kyle. >> guest: well, thank you for your service. i appreciate it.
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as far as the kids, you know, i've got two kids myself, and i'm never going to push 'em towards the military, and i'm never going to push 'em away because one great thing, the military, it is a volunteer force. and if you're going to be there, i want it to be because you want it. and you're going to understand that honor that goes into serving your country. as far as preparing them, i mean, they need to know that when you sign up to go into the military, there's a very high likelihood -- especially now -- you're going to go to war. so just prepare yourself that you may be called upon by your country to put your life on the line and possibly give your life for everybody else's safety here. and a lot of people are saying, well, they don't understand why they're fighting over there, and that's fine. just -- you don't even listen to the people who are coming out against the war because what they need to be doing is protesting congress. or protest the president.
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all these politicians. but leave the military guys alone. they're out there doing a job. it's an extremely honorable job. and you're going to have some of the best moments of your life, you're going to have a brotherhood, and you'll never lose contact with those people. they will be your family. but you're going to have some of the worst moments of your life. it's going to be your extreme ups and your extreme lows. so just be prepared. >> host: matt, yakima, washington. go ahead with your question or comment. >> caller: hi, chris. thank you so much for taking so much time and talking with us and speaking today. thanks for your service, thanks for your sacrifice, time away from your family and everything you've done. for the story, i can't wait to read your book. and for your advice that you're giving just with what we can do for really our neighbors, our family members that are coming
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back not just a is simple, hey, thanks for the service, but, you know, what can we do for you. can you go more into that? and did you see "act of valor"? did you like that? >> guest: i did see "act of valor." i do like it. i watched it one time, it was a -- i don't know what they called it, but they gave us a special showing of it, and it was all us military guys in there. and it was definitely emotional. a lot of those different things. i was involved with because each of those missions were true missions. but it definitely hurt to watch it, and the next time i watch it, it will be in my own home with no one else around. as far as giving back to the guys and showing your thanks, it's simple little things, you know? if they own their house or, you know, if they have a house that has a yard or something, go mow their yard for 'em.
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cook 'em something whether it's a meal or cookies, you know, come over and ask if, hey, do you need this chore done or that chore, whatever. it's just simple little things, and it will take some of your time, you know, depending on what you want to do, it could take five minutes or all day long. it depends on how much you want to do. but these guys are out this willing to die for you. i feel like now it's our duty to give back to them and to make sure that they know that we appreciate everything that they're doing. because i don't think most of the public fully understands and grasps what these men and women are willing to do for our safety and security. they're willing to the die for us. people that they don't even know and people they'll never meet, but they're willing to die for us. so the least we can do is take some time out of our days. and everybody's day, i know, is extremely busy. but it's not going to do anything but make you feel better inside because now we've been doing these retreats for
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these guys, taking 'em out hunting, fishing, doing doesn't things with them just to get them out and say, look, i love you, thank you, this is what i'm going to do for you. so let's go do this. and there's other organizations out there. you know, one of them i've been involved with is called fitco. fitco cares hero project. when i got out, i started drinking a lot, and then i got way out of shape, i refused to work out, and i was depressed. so i started working out again finally, started getting back into shape, and when i did that, my head cleared up. so when i did that, i went to this guy, and i said, hey, this helped me. do you have some old equipment or something cheap that i can buy to help put in these vets ooh homes? because these vets, if they were like me, when you're out of shape, you don't want to go to a gym and then people look at you and go, oh, you used to be that? whatever. and then you feel bad about yourself or these guys that are coming back injured, they don't
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want to go to a gym and people stare at 'em. so this guy turned this thing into a huge organization, a nonprofit now to where we're taking brand new, expensive equipment and putting it in these guys' and girls' homes so they can feel better within. but then it's also, has private trainers if you want it. it has therapists if you need it. we're not only just trying to get the body back, we're trying to help you in everything. because ptsd is nothing to be frowned on. these guys, they're still a part of the society. they gave to us. they can still be trusted. i mean, it's nothing to be looked down on. we need to help them. we owe it to 'em. >> host: chris kyle writes:
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>> host: debbie in denver, you're on with "american sniper" chris kyle. >> caller: hi, chris. first of all, thank you for serving, and i just want to say that i come from a long line of military family as well, and i remember my dad and my brother both served in vietnam at the same time. and my mother was a tough cookie, boy, she just was real tough and thick skinned. and i remember as a child that we weren't allowed to ask or question either of them about the combat or the kills or anything like that. so now my son is a combat veteran, and he served -- he was in iraq in the second year of
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the war. but when he came home, he was torn and suffered a lot, and he was injured, and i remembered that old, you know, that old thing that you don't question, you don't talk about it. so what's your thought on that? because i really wanted to reach out to my son, but i just was instilled with that boundary of you just don't cross. >> host: chris kyle. >> guest: well, as far as the not talking to him about it, you know, i think a lot of these guys that are having problems, you know, i think ptsd is something that no matter how much you talk about it, i don't think ptsd is going to go away. it's something that you're going to have to learn to live with and work around, but it is definitely something controllable and something that could be put to the back of your mind. ..
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have a hard time talking about. the only thing you do is be there for them. if they want to talk. let them talk. let them tell you whatever. and no matter how bad or shocking it may be, i'm here for you. give them your undying support and let them know i'm here forte you. no matter what you have seen or done, i'm here for you. sve because you served for me, and now i'm going serve you. and as far as the a rest of youa family, thank you sonk much for everything your family has done and i'm really sorry that your son has gone through and made ad such sacrifices here's the book. select the 12, the autobiography of the most lethal flight carrying u.s. military history. we have been talking with the os
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who will be talking about resilient dynamism in europe, european economy, and the eurozone. i'm going to start with prime minister mario monty. if you look at the panel, we have a real rich tapestry. we have big countries, we have smaller countries. i did not say small. we have debted countries and credited countries. we have countries in the eurozone and outside the eurozone. so that they'll talk about their own distinct national perspective in the european economy. so prime minister monty, i think it was the "financial times" that a year ago said that two people needed to save europe and the eurozone. they both were called mario. do tell us last year we felt as
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though europe and the eurozone on the edge. this year some confidence has come back, the big story is where is the growth going to come from? so it will be interesting to hear your perspective on how you see what you have accomplished over the last year as prime minister, and what you see in the year ahead including those elections. >> yes, there are elections i understand in at least two large european countries this year. well, what are we doing to achieve growth? i think each of us has to do things domestically and concerning italy what we have been doing inspite or maybe helped by the pressure of financial emergency has been to begin injecting more competition and openness in the markets.
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this is something that is totally in line with the e.u. inspiration of social market economy, and we are lead by, first of all securing the sustainability of public finances in the long-term, including a pension reform, and also looking at the de facto for growth. infrastructures, long delayed in italy, we have simplified the process of building infrastructures and injected in acceleration on those. then the functioning of the markets and that we have introduced more competition for example, in the leader of professions, like to call themselves -- but many pressures to become liberal. and in the separation between
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gas production and gas distribution, to give you another example. all in the shopping hours and the commerce sector. also a lot of significant indication concerning -- of course this needs to be continued and one issue about the italian elections in which i will not go unless -- here today is which political configuration is more in line with the need to sustain these structures. but i believe that -- not even the largest countries can really keep a momento for growth or resume a momento for growth unless the e.u. policies are more oriented toward dwrowt. and much of the time and energy
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in this year of italian government has been devoted precisely to that. and we have been among the pushing facto at the table of the european counsel including adoption for the fact for growth, and also with the daily insistence on the single market being taken more seriously. we all know that europe is based on the single market, but we also know, as prime minister cameron, i heard just say there isn't really single market for energy for many of the services for the digital services in europe. and finally, we insist with some success in the recent european counsel to have a more forward-looking understanding in europe of the role of the good public investment particular for
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in the last 12 months, we have come back to the market. can you tell us a little bit more about the structural economic reforms. particularly repairing the banking system, which i feel is the exemption of growth. >> yes, two years ago when the administration was elected, it actually lasted 250,000 jobs for the two years prior to that. reputation is in shreds around the world. our banks are dysfunctional. there is a complete sense of hopelessness and despair and disillusionment. now, gordon was elected with a
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very keen mind. we have a strategy and a plan that works. the banks are being recapitalize and restructured and have been back in the market as this program began in 2013. there are double-digit figures and our people have had to take really serious challenges. his government made really serious decisions or if it is an example of the government works and understands the patience of people, putting up with these
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changes in the greater picture of things. now, we expect to do better. but we cannot do without the collaboration of the committee of the colleagues in order to do that in 2013, and example of the bigger, european union issue. i would like to say it is important in terms of different countries. there is an example of the analysis. the finishing part of that particular situation.
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have contact and that is why in this presidency, we want to run this effectively in the interests of all the countries. that is why i would like to see the issues of trade and japan, singapore, canada, all of those associations and i think those are real opportunities. part of this all is here that our leaders, 26 million people unemployed in the european union, millions of young people who do not see their careers as decisions made by politicians. that is the central issue. people have to see and follow through the decisions that are
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made. that is an issue that all of us need to consider in the interest of all of the citizens. if we can continue for the seven years and i hope that you will go to the parliament and discuss that again. they are required to give their authorization and follow through the decisions and make them happen. that is what politics is about. [applause] >> thank you very much for that. you rightly said that it is an incredible result of 60-30 in favor of this, given what is going on. would you like to give mr. cameron some advice on our?
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>> we have had referendums over the last 30 years. lisbon and was then an amsterdam, people in our country understand the difference between the council of the commission and the parliament. they understand all of these things. we have made our decision clearly in the the future of the eurozone and era. our biggest trading partner is european union. britain can remain part of that. but i would argue that many of the issues that arise by politicians, from a bureaucracy
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or administrative point of view, these are things you can change from the inside. that is why i would like to see the digital market become truly singlet. i don't speak for the british government, but whatever happens, i would like to see you that this would remain central to the european union and its future. it's very important that we have a sense for most of the big opportunities arise. >> would be very interesting to talk more about this. i'm interested in the degree to which you have a margin of
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maneuver as a smaller country within this big block. >> thank you. well, first of all, i think this whole christ is the we have been through, and we are not through yet. those who are unemployed, we are not through the crisis yet. this wake-up call should be used in a good way so that it will be a way of taking us through to the other side. this is what we would be learning at the european level, in order to maintain the europe that we want. we woke up one we had the crisis. we realize that we lost what we
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thought was so good about europe. what we need to do in the coming days is to restore all of that. we need to change in a structural way to maintain what we like so much about europe. at the same time, keeping very clear in our heads what makes europe special. what makes it special is that we have a social market economy and we have focused on environment and climate issues. we will also try to make a good basis of that. and all of the other things that make europe special. what we need to do is to change what we feel is our core values. we need to do this come as, as i
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have tried to do back home in denmark. we have done three things. first of all, we have kept an extremely tight budget. we have adopted a budget legislation and we can no longer exceed our budget from here on turn year-to-year. all of this means that we have a very low interest rate in denmark, we have become a safe haven. a tight budget is important. the second thing is to be on a reform friendly. we have performed so much the last year that i don't think it has any comparison in our history. we have performed early retirement, and we have now reformed the benefit system. we are trying to reform the education system. we have been on a big frenzy.
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there then come i feel that this is important. we have tried to bring balance into our budget. at the same time, having a focus on the groups in our society who are most vulnerable. what does that mean? that means that every year we have made sure that the most horrible citizen and something got out of the budget. so we have tried to preserve the quality, which is always a part of the european values as such. the three things, tight budget control, and also being focused
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on preserving what we feel is so important for our equality. this is part of what we need to do at the european level. we have so much to offer. we have so much. this is key for europe and the individual countries in europe that is a very powerful statement. just to clarify, do you think he would be better off being able to do even more than that eurozone club? or do you think you're better
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outside? >> i have always been in favor of denmark joining the euro, and i still am. the interesting thing about the development in europe over the last two years was that we have had different choices. we had a choice between splitting up or separate each other. should the euro countries a stronger together, or should we try to meet the divide between non-euro and euro countries? >> again, we chose the bridge. one thing i am extremely happy about is that every time we are taking a decision about strengthening the euro, all of these things. they have chosen a policy that
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is always euro plus. it means that other countries, some of the baltic countries, we always know that even though we have two different paces, there is an open door for non-euro countries to join in those decisions. an example would the [inaudible] was open to euro countries. that means that denmark might've been the first want one to join it. now, we are discussing a banking unit. the discussion is the starting point that is an initiative. it means that we will have a vivid debate in my country -- that has been some of the most important decision.
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there is always a euro plus, the soonest. it should be taken. >> you did better than you expected, your party. you also represent a creditor country. tell us a little bit about the dutch reform program. what is seeking to accomplish. second, whether you agree that whereas in 2012, it was a question mark that existed about whether a club would lose members were a number. in fact, that is now a federal western and all countries have agreed, including a particularly large one. that the club will remain intact. let me start about your second question here.
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it has been very difficult to take the helm in the countries. in the most difficult is circumstances. there's a lot of stuff to implement and to the fiscal discipline that is necessary. to answer your second question, i believe our aim should be to give all the countries as members of the eurozone -- to keep the eurozone intact. to move to the members, enda kenny mentioned it the terms of
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public finances. we are putting the necessary reforms in terms of social security pensions. obviously, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations. we are working at every level to get the growth engine going again. this has led to focusing on the main sectors in our economy, which we believe will bring us exceptional growth in the future. like the agricultural sector. we have the second largest exporter of agricultural
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products in the world in our country. also, the financial sector, which is considerably comparable. we focus very much on innovation and the research money in our education efforts on these main sectors of the economy. if we would implement everything we have previously agreed, we would have 4% extra of gdp over the next 10 years. he would finally be able to close an agreement of foreign trade with japan. these are enormous figures. somebody asked me how to explain the impact of being a member of the european union, in his first being a member of prosperity.
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sometimes i am extremely frustrated as i know that most of my colleagues. and the members of the european council and all the trouble that we have. we should spend more time on these issues. countries like denmark and sweden, the united kingdom, david has announced his famous friend. we need these countries. the countries and the baltics, some of the other ones, they are focused on bolstering economic prosperity. that is different from what we are having within the eurozone at this moment. i am always trying to alleviate as much as possible.
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obviously, we would be great if europe would join. if not, at least we have a full part of what we are doing together. we need to get that inspiration. >> yes, just picking up on your point, what odds do you think there are, eight out of 10, seven out of 10 -- of a transit -- transatlantic free trade area? >> i think it is possible. to the members of the u.s. administration and barack obama himself, they understand that they are focused in, to be effective in their relationships, they have to work well together. europe is a strong partnership.
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>> [inaudible question] >> i think it will require important adjustments and policies on both sides of the atlantic. it will eventually be done in the time span that you outlined. >> that would be one of the adjustments needed. >> i feel that there is a new sense of realism about europe within europe. the breakup of the euro, exit from the eurozone, all of these
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difficulties. all of the cynics who knew all of the answers had you never had any permanent data mechanism, you will never get to a point where you make it is and it is important. the european council is now moving on. when we didn't support the tax of [inaudible] , because their implications, yet the first meeting, it was the first item on the agenda. the countries that supported this could get out of. i think during this current
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time, we need to start the negotiations for free trade between the eu and the u.s. the greatest trading block on earth, which is the european union, and the united states will be able to understand how this can happen. the u.s. will become an exporter of energy with the changes that have happened there. we need much more focus ourselves. at the end of the day, it is always about jobs and that means injecting growth into european economies as a result of jobs
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that are being created for millions of young people across tiernan and give them hope and inspiration and motivation that politics actually >> one of the things that we should be doing, is to pick the low hanging fruits, and they are out there. we could finalize the trade agreements. we are hopeful that this is what we should be doing. we were so eager to finalize this. why is that important? it is important because energy efficiency is cutting edge in
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terms of using our energy much better and more efficient. we can also make a good business out of that. so i think that we need to focus on the low hanging fruit. we need to do the opposite, which is to use it, and something that gives us a competitive advantage in the global competitiveness. this is what we should be focusing on. this is the very practical approach. we have states of government heads sitting here. this is what we want to achieve. the perspective is enormous. mark was quoting the speakers. jobs and growth in europe is enormous. that is why we need to talk
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about these practical issues right now. >> one more question for the prime minister. this will be an important issue of the campaign -- i was in spain couple of weeks ago. what would you single out? to offer hope to young people who do not have jobs in. >> two things. one is a specific measure. this outgoing government will follow the financial contingency. it will provide relief for those
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hiring youth. a much more can be done in the perspective and we now have a solid public finance situation. secondly, the overall labor market. there we did introduce a labor market reform to inject more flexibility in the labor market. that did not go far enough. why did it not go far enough? because one of them were considerably resisting change. by the way, although they were invited to join and like all the others, they resisted the recent agreement as well on productivity towards more decent terms of labor negotiations.
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more. >> i think we will take questions now from the floor. we will take your questions. we will take this lady or gentleman over there. >> okay, uk prime minister talked about retractor eating powers back to the uk. are there any on the panel that would like to read -- speak up on? >> the governments of the last two years.
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this is we talk about the failing countries leaving the euro, that doesn't mean that there should be any complacency. when we go down the road with this and integration in terms of financial management and so on, and the consideration for future treaty change. that is probably after the next commission.
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europe's new priority of understanding what it is like, means that the collective energy can deal with many of the obstacles of job creation. there are countries that can deal with this before they actually happen. i think europe's research and innovation and education facilities will allow us to do that. we are not concerned with repatriotion, but finding ourselves in a brighter and more happy future. we can talk about all of these issues in the context of future
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treaty change one that arises. >> you might say that i am quite all right. because last thing we want is to be rewriting treaties were changing the flexibility of your tax system. >> taxes are very clear here. our tax is 12 to 5% corporate tax. it is across the entire spectrum. the tax regime in europe in general helps us to make decisions about tax rates per it is clear and transparent. it is generally used by country. our international competence is not changing. >> precisely -- precisely because the world is changing, we need to he does.
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which tasks should be dealt with. i think there should be a debate or example, i would like to talk with my colleagues on the area of occupational health and safety. there is so much that has been dealt with. very much in terms of rules and legislations. it is like hotel california, you can check out, but you can never leave. it is very much at this level. i do not agree when someone asks for specific favors for one country. it should he level at the end of the day. both on the european level and the a national level. i agree with david's comments yesterday in terms of making the
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union more efficient. you should also look at competitiveness. getting the engine going. between the united states and europe, i think it is vital for all of us. >> yes, if i may have a word, i think it is eerie important to have a pragmatic attitude here through the history of european integration. some subject matters are very
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>> taking away from the old in order to produce for the young. >> it is necessary for the young that we have sustainable economies. if we just keep going, we are stealing from future generations. it is very clear that we have to have sustainable welfare systems and all of our welfare systems. i want to return to this there has been a lot of action to this there is a big discussion that is being raised. this is a discussion that has been going on for years in the uk. we need to keep asking those
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questions. part of the wake-up call that i was referring to before, we need to wake up and ask if we are spending public money? are we spending the euro in the right way? that goes for members where we are turning every corner to spend the rightly. part of the discussion is that we have to show very clear ideas in terms of spending money and the best way possible. the other thing is that we should do it at the membership level and we should be doing it at the european level as well. >> thank you very much. you know that i do care about this decision. just ask each one of you, do you
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believe that the changes that are going to take place in which will be agreed to secure the eurozone, those changes will require a secondary change. >> no. >> know, possibly to the children of the future. >> now. he can do so much without. >> we will need to do more in the long term to change the treaty changes on this type of membership of countries in the eurozone. i believe that in the immediate term, this changes unavoidable. [talking over each other] [talking over each other] >> this will trigger this. i do believe to deal with some
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of the fundamentals in the eurozone, in the present term, we need to address this. >> ladies and gentlemen, that is to knows and one or two possibles. >> okay, i just put this out there. this is in the eurozone. there are so many changes, the relationship between the out in the end. >> let me say one thing about david cameron's speech.
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do they wish to continue being members, and each country can make a choice. without hijacking the others he i believe people will say yes. as it is, he will have to get out of the market, which i believe that they do not wish to do. rather than hanging on and paralyzing a day you the respect the eurozone.
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[inaudible] clarity, decisiveness, and europe, given its kindness, has an opportunity to move on and make the decisions that we have spoken about with the changes of an impact and the economies of europe. the job prospects for millions of people, which is essentially what politics is about here. we need to have our own perspective inside the eu. and also in a global sense in the coming years. food security, changes, climate
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changes, water, etc. just to be clear, the referendum question has to be in or out. >> that is a question for the british government. >> i think it would be premature to have the discussion. we need to know what they actually want in this discussion. we will choose to find out over the next few years. >> well, i think it is the british government who can decide what it should be. so we have to see what outcome we want. >> i think we have chase that rabbit. >> next question from the floor? >> gentlemen, a lady there?
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>> hello, i am amy kellogg from fox. this is a question for the prime minister. the u.s. needs to make some serious budget cuts in the coming months to avoid the fiscal cliff. both of you have gone through the process of making budget cuts in their own countries. i'm wondering if you can share any lessons learned for the united states as it starts to make its own budget cuts. >> i am sure that they are waiting with baited breath. yes, i would venture to a that it was an effort. a special coalition was put forth of three parties making up 85% of parliament, which in the past, exchanged invectives.
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than normal efforts. >> thank you. advice to the congress, republicans and democrats. maybe even something special for the white house. >> well, i saw the president in march on st. patrick's day. i will say this, we have very painful decisions here. increasing pension age is changing the regulations governing mechanisms. the structures in the areas like health and government. the first thing you need is a plan and a cure. so the people can understand that you have an objective in mind you are objective is to get the deficit below 20% by 2015. we are on track for that.
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we need to pay overtime allowances for agency workers and so on on new year's. the congress and the u.s. government operate differently than government here. the strategy with enough time to achieve that. there is a constant explanation to people as to how you intend to get the. we need european support. in that sense, the united states is such a huge country. with such potential.
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i believe that i think the united states also needs to look at the global positioning because of the impact on the world economy. >> thank you very much. i'm sorry that we are going to have to draw this to a close. i was hoping that the irish prime minister with a a message saying that if you could only get your act together and cure these problems, it would be so much better for europe and the world. but you are way too much of a diplomat for that. [laughter] >> thank you very much. i'm sorry we cannot take more questions. it's been a fascinating session. please join me in thanking the
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