tv Capital News Today CSPAN March 1, 2013 11:00pm-2:00am EST
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nearly half of the middle-school principals who recently participated in a national holy survey indicate this is ranked as one of the top five challenges in their schools. we are indeed making progress that bullying is a rite of passage. currently, 49 states have implemented anti-bullying policies. but according to the national bully survey, the number has
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decreased significantly as a result of initiatives. despite our best effort, said they continues to plagues our sudan as educators and participants in today's imac, we are well aware that providing the skills and tools that provide safety and well-being among our students is no less important than preparing them for academic achievement. [applause] to evoke lasting change in high schools and the web server student, we must once again i'd like to repeat, we amassed address the topic of olene from a prior two perspective is supposed to be react to
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perspective. we must teach our students from an early age what it means to be empathetic, culturally sensitive and supportive of their peers. they must teach them how to recognize and manage their emotions, make responsible decisions cannot be simply establish simply establish positive relationships. when the social, emotional development schools are incorporated in two of bullying prevention and even beyond the classroom quite frankly. these skills positively impacts student's personal bias and social relationships. it helps them to build a strong tear that will help them to develop into amazing citizens. but the question still remains. how do we ensure that every student had is equipped with these social essential skills?
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did you know that 73% of principals who participated in the national bullying survey agreed that integrating such lessons into the academic curriculum would be more effect than offering a class devoted to bullying prevention alone? this brings us to the characters of the beyond bullying summit. today you will have the opportunity to learn about the research behind social emotional learning and how to effectively integrated into the curriculum. and you will walk away with a better understanding of how you can prevent bullying, from the school safe date and foster higher achievement. now that you've heard statistics from the national bullying survey, we beg to your thoughts. our goal at this point is to hear from you, the participants about your thoughts related to
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anti-bullying initiatives, social emotional learning, character development. your responses to these questions in addition to those for all of the survey will be administered this afternoon, so please expect again they'll be involved in the process in your responses will be provided back to you today. the purpose of the survey will be to engage in understanding of current issues in research presented at today's summit. at this time, i think to ask you remove the response quicker pervaded for you in your packet and i give you a moment to do so. you will simply need to push the number, the button of the number that coincides with the response to each of these questions. and the first question we, as olene and schools more of a
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do you agree with the following statement? social emotional learning and character development are critical elements of olene prevention? do you agree or disagree with the following statement? social emotional learning has a positive impact on student's personal and social relationships? do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
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literacy activities can prevent effective ways to improve classroom clannad? do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the demands imposed by state or national standards such as the common corestates standards leave teachers have too little time to address the bullying effect of late? effectively? do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
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78 is a problem in schools of every social economic stratum? no schools are in me and. in schools today, which would be more -- a more effective way of addressing bullying? please select your response. thank you. match. just before i introduced this morning's keynote speaker come i'd like to discuss the very few housekeeping items with you. in the package he received, and
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i can see most of you have been. there's a couple of things you will find located in them. number one, you will find this quicker as well as a pen. you are also going to see a copy of the schedule to include information and biographies related to each presenter. the question cards are very key. index cards located near packet so probably pull out sooner as opposed to later so you can immediately write down questions that will be used for a question-and-answer part of the program today. you'll find an evaluation for missile as a suicide prevention resource sheets also located there. the offender summit participation certificate issued to all of you participating as well as a handout for the last session on the common core. for the sake of my introduction can each presenter will be brief, so i highly encourage you
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to refer to biographies of the speakers better prepared for you today. before you leave this summit and if you leave prior to the end of the summit, it is important you live clickers in the red box is located at the exit. if you've not done so already, we ask you please sanus earphones. two final reminders. one, food and beverages are not permitted inside the auditorium and we'd also like to remind you that today's event is indeed been videotaped. with that being said, i would like to introduce mr. kirk smalley who will deliver the keynote at address. as an anti-bullying parent whose experience consequences of bullying firsthand, kirks presentation reiterates our purpose today, which is to move beyond bullying toward a culture
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that fosters school safety of 10 student success. ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming mr. kirk smalley. [laughter] >> hi, guys. i sunnyside, my name is curt. more importantly, i antistatic and i'm here to talk to you guys not really as any kind of an educator. i'm not any kind of a teacher. but i'm here to do is tell you about what happened to her son and i am hopeful by doing that you can make sure that it doesn't happen to another kidder family. okay, i'm going to warn you about some things. i'm not a public speaker.
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what i am is a construction worker. but i'm going to tell you about we feel real strong about, so that a favor of going to ask you. we'll have a group of kids called stand for the silent. we have a hand can be a spirit to you guys know what that means? if the american sign language symbol that means i love you. to lessig doesn't just mean i love you immensely support you. i've got your back. abc may have been a hard time appear, for one of them not in all charity get to it. all right? we can talk, guys. you know, i am hoping you could learn a little son being, but even more i could learn something from you. you can teach me there're other people people in this world besides me and a group of kids called stand for this planet who
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actually care about it. 988 days ago i left for work at 4:30 in the morning. they left the house a couple hours later to go to school. moreover at the school that tie went to. she actually took the job so she could eat near our son, so she could be offered the same days he was out of class. they were best friends. they were together 24 hours a day, seven days a week. on that particular day, tai was sitting in the gym with his best friend that's when you
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retaliate. second guy always gets caught, doesn't he? the bully gets to play in his native and see where all the teachers are. he goes up and does whatever he is going to do. the, they just react. they look over and take the swing every time. that is what happened 279. he retaliated. she got caught. he was suspended for three days.
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they called his mom and she wouldn't pick them up and took them home. they were shorthanded that day at work and laura had to back. she told ty to do his homework, told him to do his chores. she told him we would talk about it when we got home that evening. laura came home at 2:38 p.m. on may 13 and she found out that ty didn't do his homework. he didn't do his chores.
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finally i screamed back at her i said you've got to stop. you've got to tell me what's going on. she managed to say, he is dead. he shot himself. i asked her, who? she said hi. since that day, we talked to families all over this world with kids who have done nothing being. i personally know of over 800 children who take in their
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lives. we've met over 250 family is. that is 800 babies lost. january 21st, 2010, a young man and montana was nine years old lived in texas. he'd been retaliating on a bully who picks on it all year long. the second guy always gets caught, too. he was hit in the office waiting on his mother to come in and pick him up and take him home. he asked if he could go to the bathroom. they let montana co. in the bathroom.
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the only one in school that had a lock on the door. that 9-year-old took off his own battle, db hung himself in the nurse's bathroom. laura and i have this little meeting at our house a while back. we lived on the stillwater, oklahoma in the middle of no more. they invited literally everybody we could go to come out figure out a way we can make sure this doesn't happen to another family. we had about are the people that showed up. this young mother came and was telling me about her six-year-old daughter who is being picked on by federal boy. this 5-year-old boy told a six-year-old girl --
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[inaudible] i'm going to bring a gun to school and kill you. next morning gina woke up and was crying. she told her mom. she said are you sick? no, mamma i am not sick. gina if you're not sick, you've only got a week went to school. you really need to go. next morning she woke up and she was crying again. she told her mom, please don't make me go to school today. her mom said gina, honey, it is
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almost over. just a couple more days. three days left in school the last school year she wasn't crying anymore. she said mama, i am not going to school today. i will just kill myself instead. she was six years old. her mamma was totally caught off guard. the women didn't have a clue what to say. she said why would she say that?
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how would you even do that? jena looked at her mom and said i know exactly how it do that. i'll crawl up the shelves and daddy's bedroom closet and get his hunting rifle down. i will shoot myself instead of letting that boy. and she was six years old. that baby had a plan of how she was going to take her own life. that list of 800 kids i told you i personally know about, the youngest one on a was only six years old.
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you know, i've got this friend of mine. his name is not. i love matt. that is my buddy. matt loves me. he's got this at a habit. he likes to call people nicknames. he thinks they're funny. he thinks they're real q. matt's nickname for me was always worthless. that didn't really think i was worthless. it was just something he said. he called me on the phone and say he worthless, what you doing? one day not very long ago i was
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feeling pretty worthless. matt called. that is a call people nicknames anymore. he learned that a one-word could do to somebody if he catches them at the wrong time. you guys, i know we're not perfect. we are not even asking you to try to be. we are all to make steaks. we are all going to nasa. but we ask is when we do that, we've got to learn they can go back and apologize. believe me, it can make a lifetime worth of difference to
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somebody. the day after my boy killed himself, they were telling jokes about it at his school. ty's best friend trey got the living daylights pounded out of him. he tried to defend my boy. my boys mama heard the jokes. i heard them. how funny did you guys figure that one was? you know, i realize it takes a lot of strength. it takes a lot of courage just
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to be in a group of girlfriends that can stand up and say you know, that is not right. how would you like it if it happened to your friend, little brother, maybe your son. it's a lot easier to laugh and go along with everybody else, isn't it? you know nowadays more than reading and writing and arithmetic, i think maybe it is time we all learn respect for others, tolerance for differences, how to be the difference in somebody else's life. you guys out there in the trenches, you've got to be the one. you've got to be that person
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that can look at that kid. everyone of us know who were talking about. you can see that kid in your own head, doesn't have hardly any friend, the one everybody is always picking on. you've got to be the one to go up to that kid and just offer a hand in friendship. do you know you can be somebody's hero? you can change somebody's whole world. stand for the silent recertify 60th high school kids. they didn't know us. they didn't even know ty. they heard about what happened. they decided they had enough. they were going to put up with this happening anymore in the
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world without doing everything they could just make it stop. i've met every single one of their 68 kids. you know what they taught me? they come from all walks of life. red, yellow, black, white. they all have one thing in common. they treat each other with love and respect. you know what that tells me? that tells me this is a doable thing. it's doable. if those 68 kids from so many different backgrounds can learn to love and respect each other, have each other's back, your kids can do that. it's doable. before we learn to respect
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everybody else, we've got to respect ourselves, don't we? i'm not going to stand up you and tell you you've got to like everybody. not everybody is going to like you. all i'm trying to say is we all have the rate just to be here. every single one of us has the right just to be who we are. laura and i, we've been to 600 schools now. around our world. we've come as far as australia. we've talked with little over 643,000 kids. these babies want to get
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involved. and they need you. this got to get the adults involved. we've got to get legislation passed to strengthen the laws we have in our country. laura and i have worked real hard this past year and a half or so in oklahoma. we were trying to get a new law passed, one that would help our schools to make sure this never happens again to another baby or family. it's really ironic in the one-year anniversary of the day we. ty, may 17, oklahoma lawmakers decided they were going to kill our law. one of them from coast to win on the channels and said we don't need to laws against saturday. all we have to do is learn how to follow the golden rule, treat others the way we want to be treated. you're shaking your head?
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you see something wrong with that? yes, sir, me, too. if lawmakers said we don't need no solace. we just need to learn how to follow the golden rule? i don't know about you, but i'm thinking if we don't need new laws, why do we even if lawmakers? for a misguided soul didn't have a clue, did she? i know buys aren't going to stop bullying. without bias against almost everything. doesn't stop them from happening, does it? we have to give the schools and parents the backing they need. may stand for the silent kids ready pledge. this was written by a group of high school students.
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we give out 30,000 pledge cards a month right now to schools and kids and adults all over this world. you can find our pledge card on the table. our message to these children is that they are somebody. they have a right to be here. they have a right to be who they are. the third set with the way they are. i'd be really, really proud if you guys would repeat this pledge. feel free to get a pledge card, sign your name them and keep that in your purse or wallet or maybe on your dresser mirror at home, somewhere you can remember to look at it every day to a match of the promised you are making yourself and everybody else in here right now. we repeat this with me? from this day forward, i promise
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to respect those around me as well as respect myself. i am somebody and i can make a difference. icann make another feel loved. i can be the helping hand that leads another back to a path of hope and aspiration. i will not stand silent as others try to spread featuring to my community. instead, i pledge to lift a these victims and so then that their life matters. i will be the change because i am somebody. guys, we have to start enforcing
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bullying at every level. they are learning this stuff by watching us. you're not born to be. future dissent with learn. we learn that by watching the people in our lives. the adults. we've caused this. we've raised a generation of children with no empathy. we've let them play video games for the tip points for killing people, like that is a good thing. they grow up watching cartoons. how many of you know what south park is? what happens to candy in every single episode? he dies. he comes back tomorrow.
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what effect teaching? steffi rioux, life is cheap? death is it real. life ain't cheap. you can turn on almost any television channel now. doesn't have to be cable. you can watch somebody to arm leapt or a leg ripped off. i need your help to figure out a way to change it. with the rapid advances in technology on a daily basis, cyberbullying, how much worse is that going to be in another 10 years? we've lost the ability to communicate with our children.
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how many of you ask your children each day when i get home from school, how was your day? what is the standard answer? fine, good, okay. and then what? they go off to their own world and my room and get on the can pewter, do their homework, whatever. that's not communicating. they tell us that because they think that's what we want to hear. they don't think we really care. we don't want a from supper table anymore. it's time that we sit down and hold those conversations with her children. we asked his children, how was your day today? what happened to you? what bad thing happened?
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we've got to learn to communicate with her kids again. i spoke in front of a group of 300 school counselors a while back. i'm asked a question. i said how many of you in here right now have ever been picked on, bullied? of 300 people, 270 had their hand in the air. i said leave your hand up if you bullied this year. if you are bullied five years ago, down, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. the ladies still had her hand up at 45 years. i said you are bullied 45 years ago? she said yes. i said you can remember it? like it was yesterday. i can tell you what he was wearing the last time i saw him. that's what you call
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life-changing. we have the power to make that stuff. the sad thing about it is our school counselors aren't allowed to counsel her kids anymore. they're covered up with administrative duties and testing. we've got to change that. these guys didn't go to school to learn how to counsel children to be testers. you want testers? higher than. they need done. you and i have the power to change our world. guys, i can't do this alone. i need your help. i need every one of you to get involved. one month in seven days that you're my boy took his own life,
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it was on father's day. i need to ty a promise on that day, that i will stop olene in this world good and i don't break promises to make it. but i can't keep that promise. i can't keep my life's promise to my. i can't do that. i just need your help. i am not asking you to do this for me. he's not been picked on anymore. do it for your kid. do it for your grandbabies.
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you never know. you don't know. if you come up to me 989 days ago and told name a kid was going kill himself because of being bullied, we would've been rolling on the ground like you're fighting about that. you never know. if somebody would have stood up against this 989 days ago, my ty might still be here. isn't it time? talk to me. isn't it time to make it stop? we have that kind of power. we do.
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you and me have that kind of power would just keep spreading this message. if we just stand together. we can spread to the whole world. we have that kind of power. the power to change the world we live in. can't do it alone. i need your help. i need you to get involved. it has been my message, it has become more and icicle mission. what you guys do now is totally in completely up to you. my momma always told me when i was a kid growing up, you've got three kinds of people in the world. those who wish for things to
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happen, those who make things happen and those who sit around and wonder what just happened. now which one are you going to be? we love you guys. we love your children. they are what we have left this world to fight for. thanks for listening. [applause] >> thank you so very much, mr. smalley. thank you so much for growing us. at this time i would like to
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introduce dr. dunkelblau. dr. dunkelblau is the director of the institute for emotionally intelligent learning and an internationally known and recognized speaker and consultant of social emotional learning, character development and save schools programming. i would like to bring up now dr. dunkelblau. >> when they said would she be want to speak after the keynote? should be a piece of cake. i thought yeah. i don't know where you are, but thank you. can you not, thank you. just in listening to kirk speak, i was a graduate student and
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except for one short moment i haven't been accurate over 30 years. i was walking through the halls and i mean these odd, interesting ghostlike flashbacks. i had two thoughts. one was remembering what it was like to be here in the same place that educators like daniel. they studied. this is where they began. it got me thinking, i am a psychologist and one of my motivations for becoming a psychologist was when i was a kid, i was so short, fat kid. hard to believe now i understand. but i was the short fat kid and i was bullied. one of the reasons i could interest in psychology was because i believed psychologists could read minds and if i could
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read someone's mind, i would know if they'd be dangerous. and if i knew if they could be dangerous and would know it easier to avoid them or get my friends to come with me. it was that motivation that led you to become a psychologist. now that i am a psychologist and find myself working as school systems, training professionals, training staff, training at the streeters i'm looking at character development, i realized i was right. we can read minds. we know what we have to provide. we know doing the kind of work we are here to talk about today will help everyone. our job is to always together and i am aware that today is the one that anniversary of the tragedy in connecticut and i am aware that bullying is an
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ongoing tragedy and often an unspoken one. i am aware the work we are talking about and the title of presentations is beyond bullying and our job is to not only understand and stop it, but to reach out to everyone in the school, adult and child alike and help build the skills that allow them to create a culture and climate where everyone is safe, everyone is scared about and everyone is ready to learn. that is our job. so that being said,
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>> so we have based their concept, social, emotional and character development. wow. i try to have all the great educators. and this new idea, let's bring it to the schools. let's make sure we educate and professional development, all of our teachers need to know if social, emotional and character development is because it is neither. it's not. this is a report card from 1961 and i know what you're thinking. it takes a lot of guys in junior high report card or. and you're right, it does.
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this is my sister's report card. my sister was my first teacher, probably my best teacher and she chutneys social, emotional skills, often against my will. what you'll notice here if you can see -- what you can see is the usual language arts, social studies, science, not bad, okay. then come down here. personal adjustment, courtesy, dependability, cooperation, self-control, social participation and effort. these teachers did not see her at home however.
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this is not a new concept. we are rediscovering it. we lost it with sputnik. as soon as the space race started, everything we did was about science and math and beating the russians. we lost it. we are finding it again and that is why you are all here. so i'm going to ask you, we are educators is going to be participated. ask you to clear your minds. now that your minds are clear, i would like you to bring to mind someone you know, somebody heard about, someone you had that that you would identify as successful got that person in mind? okay. move them to the side of your brain. i would like you to think about someone else.
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someone you know, someone you say you would identify is not successful. can't think of anyone. now those two people would like you to jot down or think about one or two or three ways that those people are different, those two people are different. one or two or three race successful person, not successful person. now, if he would either raise your hand or shout at one of the things on your list, we will accumulate dust. who has one thing? gola center.
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integrity. us their decisions and choices. confidence. competence. discipline. it's a little more about that. so able to hang in there and be tenacious. giving, not selfish. friendly, warm and welcoming. creative, flexible, supportive home. i'm sorry? just kidding. untreated trauma. they have interpersonal skills. most if not all of what you describe differentiate someone who is successful from someone who is not successful or social, emotional and cured his skills.
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let's say 90%. yet, how much time do we spend in school focused on what you're identifying as the absolute skills that will allow someone to be successful and when we do it, is it an organized fashion? been a way that is additive? probably not. we probably would never teach reading to do a teachable moment. they do it in their own way without support or, without an organized functional curriculum that allows them to teach. that is why we're here, to talk about those things. okay. this is a diagram design a
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colleague who has written as much of a social, emotional and character development is anyone and i encourage you to find them. they are credible. essentially what this demonstrates is most schools have a lot of good programming going on, but they are all over the place. i might have been social understanding and curriculum allows you to find place for all of those things to fit together so you potentiate the value. the unit that is a side benefit just test it is i work with about 30 different school districts and one of this initiative and you're setting this up and sent them back happens, you have a place to address it. you have a language to talk about the things coming up as a
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result of when something bad happens. you have people who are used to talking about those things. have a culture and climate that supports and encourages that kind of conversation and recognizes the value and importance of having those discussions with kids of every age and every staff member. rebuild the infrastructure so something bad happens we can do that. i've been very lucky. i am a set of chicago, travel all over the country. but the state of illinois was the first to have social emotional standards and i was lucky to have some input after-the-fact on the governors committee. since then, a couple other
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states have noticed that and recently i was lucky enough to be a part of the small committee in the state of kansas to the illinois standards and a few other samples around the country and they were the first state in the country to integrate social emotional learning and character development into one set of learning standards. and to do that, they created three streams. social skills development, personal skills and character development and i encourage you to go to the kansas department of education website. they've done a beautiful job of not only having standards, the behavioral expectations. they've done a beautiful job of looking at this developmentally and additive live. as you consider doing this, we are educators.
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educators love content. we love curriculum. would have to seal those books -- that those candles and open them up and hit the next page. content is part, but not all of what we need to do. we have to look at how we introduce these things, how we train our staffs, adults in the building, how are we communicating and how are we gaining buy-in from everyone or almost everyone in the school environment? the mistake as we try to get everybody. we just need enough people to have a tipping point said decision-making can move forward. pay attention to advertising. pay attention to marketing and professional. pay attention to ongoing reminders.
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i'm going to tell you one story. i flew in last night, they. apparently there was fog in new jersey. finally got in. i said coming to the airport, i remember being at laguardia not that long ago and tried to get back to chicago. and i got to the airport, got to the gate and there was a woman talking to the gate agent. there was a man in front of me talking into a cell phone -- excuse me, screaming into the cell phone. he screamed, where is that? midwest? leaps up to the desk, screams
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that the agent, i have to get back to chicago. or we take him back time? the agent politely types of purse size, as far as i know, were taken up in time. really angry. sir, as far as i know, we are taking off on time. where is that? cleveland? bleeps up to the task, i'll does this woman out of the way, screams at the agent. there's a thunderstorm coming this way. i have to get back. are you sure we are taking off? she says her come as far as i know, we are taking off on time. now please step back. he gets back in line, absolute truth, one thing behind me tapped me and says i think he
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needs decaf. [laughter] he is next in line. goes up, takes his boarding pass, smacks it down and says to me and i'll see. i want an ioc. she says sir covered the flight is completely full. there are no ioc is. >> are you sure were taken off on time? >> sir, as far as i know we are taking off on time. the fight is completely full, no please step aside. i am next in line. i go up to her and said i wouldn't want your job for anything in the world. she smiled and she took a breath and said it's really not so bad. what can i do for you?
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back home in your school, teachers are busy. teachers are busy. i'm full, don't put something else on my plate. social, emotional learning is not something else on our plate. it is that upon which all learning is staged. it is the place. thank you very much. [applause] by the way, sorry to interrupt the applause, but we put together a social emotional character development reference for teachers. it's bulleted, everything you need to know. the publisher is one of the cosponsors here giving these away free of charge to all of you. if you'd go out to the table to the left, there and other things, get them while they're hot. thank you very much.
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[applause] >> nice job. thank you so very much. at this time, i'd like to share i've been asked as superintendent to take part in the panel discussion. i want to introduce dr. dame dominique, the facilitator of the panel discussion, the american districter of the american association of school administrator who has more than 40 years of experience in public education with 27 of those years in which he served in the capacity of school superinten didn't. [applause] >> good morning, and thank you very much. it's great to be here with you this morning on a topic that is very, very -- it is the plate as was just mentioned. the american association of school add min straiters, by the way, is the national
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superintendents association, and we represent over 13,000 superintendents across america, primarily an advocacy organization based in the washington, d.c. area advocating for the members of washington, very much engaged in the professional development of the members. today, our colleagues here, i'm sure, attest to the fact that this, in my opinion, 1 the toughest job in america. superintendents are asked to be educators, managers, ceo, financial gene jus -- geniuses, communicators, and, certainly, last, but not least important, politicians in order to survive on the job. the average ten year is 3.2
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years, the highest paid migrant workers in the country. [laughter] if you are a superintendent in a rural or suburban school system, your ten year is six -- tenure is six years. you have more time to get the job done. in our advocacy role in washington, d.c., we interact with the federal government and the defendant of education and the white house. i have to say in terms of providing our members with the resources that they need we have had on the website since 2008 what we refer to as two kids -- we develop two kids in certain areas we know are important to the members, and in the area of bullying since 2008, we have an extensive tool kit on bullying for the schools that provide, if
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you check out our website, a great deal of information from videos to articling to books to experts in the field that have been very helpful, particularly for our smaller districts. you know, there are 13,680 school districts in america, and i think few people realize the median school district is only 2,000. we tend to place a great deal of focus on urban school systems, large school systems, but the reality is there's less than 50 school districts in america with more than 50,000 students in them. majority of the students are in rural and suburban school districts in america, and those often don't have an extensive stat. as a matter of fact, in many school districts, the superintendent is the person that not only runs the school district, but drives the bus, serves lunch, and provides many
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other services. today, we have four of our colleagues that are here to sthair with you some of the work that they have done in this very significant area, and we're going to give each of them an opportunity to come up here and present to you for about five minutes, and then after they are done with their presentations, we'll have some questions for you from the audience and from other folks and ourselves if we don't get questions from the audience. i'm sure we will. we'll start with shelly, the 26th superintendent, the 26th -- he served in large and smaller districts. shelly, please. [applause] >> thank you, dan, and i know
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you're an amazing superintendent and a great leader, and so it's nice to have you moderate the panel. thank you. i've been a superintendent for 20 years, i'm a survivor of this. i have not driven a bus yet, though. [laughter] what i -- what i'd like to share with you is that i've been in three districts. i've been in the small district of 3,000. a large urban district of a hundred thousand, and now one of 16,000. in each of the districts, what i tried to do is bring to bear the kinds of understandings that i developed over time as a teacher and as a -- as an instructional leader around social/emotional learning. actually, let me just add, i'm not seeing the powerpoint up on this screen. is there a way to get it up there? says "no signal," so excuse me
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for a second. anyway, i want to share with you in each of the settings i've been in, i've attempted to create not only the instructional leadership that promotes comake and content instruction, but to get what they talked about with creating the plate on which all of this is founded. let me lead you through or share with you a couple of the insights that i've had in the five minutes i'll be speaking. in the first place, i think the core of the work is creating school, caring school communities. the issue of bullying, i feel that there's a lot that we can do in terms of intervention and there's a lot we do in terms of intervention, but the key to bullying is prevention, and to setting up a social environment that prevents bullying. in fact, the way i see it is that the students can learn from the community, how to create a world that we'd all love to live in. what's that mean in practice, and how do we do it?
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well, first of all, i think of three core themes in the work i've been doing. you need an organizing frame work and vision, a consistent vision that provides leadership for your district. second, you need consistent approach or systematic approach in quality programs. final one is policy support. very quick way, i'm going to try to lead you through each one of these. the need for an organizing frame work. part of what i had done when i was a teacher, i then left teaching to start an organization called educators for social responsibility, i was the president of the organization, and then i went back to harvard, actually, to try to study with -- well, to study with larry col berg and look at moral development, answer the question of why do some people participate and do things that are very helpful to others and others don't? what are the choices people make to be politically involved? i started to explore, and the dissertation focused on the development of social kness, and
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i learned there's three motivators of social responsibility. one is a connected sense of self, when you feel connected to others, a place, or a school, that makes a difference and promotes a sense of social responsibility. second key motivators are moral io identity, who we are in the ethical core and how we see ourselves in terms of our ethical responsibilities. final one is larger sense of meaning. what purpose do we see in life, and to define that purpose as one of giving to others or helping others and helping the planet. these three core motivations form sort of a network of motivations that help us or help people take leadership in promoting social responsibility and taking an active role as a citizen. how do we convert these three key motivations into an educational program? well, first of all, in terms of a connected sense of self, is
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means focusing on empathy. in terms of moral identity, that means focusing on ethics. for meaning, that means helping younger people being of service for others. in terms of those core themes, taking core values, empathy, turning empathy or helping to promote empathy means focusing in on social development programs. in terms of ethics, that means looking at curriculum integration and school governance as vehicles to promote ethical understanding. in terms of service, that means looking at community service learning as a way, as a vehicle, an instructional screak. this frame work gets translated for me into this frame work of social development integrated into the curriculum and community service learning. that's the vision that i bring to the work that i do and to each of the districts that i've been a part of. what is this systemic approach in quality programs? how do we build that?
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well, in fact, what i happen to believe is that the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum. in fact, what i talked about, that plate on which we all build, is the key to our work. in fact, our work in prevention and work in schools in regime, and that we have to be as conscious in terms of promolting the social environment and thinking carefully of the social environment as we are about the economic environment. what's that mean? well, in essence, there's a frame work i work with meaning addressing social skills, curriculum, culture, and exhibition, ways to demonstrate, performance, and there's social skills that means refuel directly teaching social skills to students. in terms of curriculum, make it the core curriculum theme. using pro-social literature, think carefully about literature used in schools. in terms of culture, that means focusing on classroom community
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and how we build that kind of caring community that supports tolerance and respect and nurtures social development, and, in fact, using things like class meetings and student councils, and then in terms of exhibition of these focusing on service learning as an expression of the development of character. at the high school, it's different. you know, the work and social skills focuses in on advisory programs where students interact and can still focus in on the social/emotional development they go through in terms of high school years. in terms of curriculum, i found a particularly powerful cruck line up for 9th grade, teaching history to ourselves, and it's a study of genocide, and it's a powerful motivator of looking at what are the -- how does genocide become state policy, but it really is a question focusingen question on our own
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role and engagement as a bystander or upstander and help students look at that, the ethics, whether it's the holocaust or a variety of situations where people were outstanders and what they did to confront prejudice and intolerance. in terms of culture, it's personalization, academy, engagement of policy division, a lament about -- a little bit about what i said about the quote around personalization, about relationships. community building, and i'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because i have five minutes, but dmiewnt building in school is key. the climate is essential and we have to think about how we create the culture and climate. in fact, that culture and climate has to promote core social development skills, ability to take perspective of another ability to resolve conflict positively, the ability to move from debate and
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dialogue, to dialogue and polarization, the commonground. now, literature is a really key way of doing that, and i want to congratulate the senator for the kind of work they've done because they have made that link in the curriculum. it's a powerful curriculum that shows students how to develop the pro-social skills and pro-social values through literature and through reading. there's also a need for policy support, the key thing i think all of us will talk about, what is our role? what's your role in promoting that? well, it takes a variety of interventions from professional development to curriculum planning time to teacher leadership, student leadership development, and i think curt talked about the 68 students taking a role in preventing bullying. those initiatives are critically important, but it's also critically important to have the administrative mandate and support. we're all here because that's what we have seen as critical.
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we are saying this is important. this is priority, and it needs to happen in the schools. it also needs school board support and forms of recognition. once that's all done, what's the impact? well, it's a pretty powerful impact, and it includes the improved school climate, attendance, reduces suspension, prevents bullying and harassment, engages learning, engages positive student leadership, but one of the important things is it rebuild public confidence in schools. what i think people are very interested in, the public is interested in, parents are interested, and that is they want their children to be good people, so, in essence, bringing it to a close, what i believe is the essence of our work is not only are young people engaged in their learning, but they begin to understand the meaning of the common good, appreciate actions have consequences for others in the community at large and appreciate a speedometer for the large --
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responsibility for the larger human community. it's powerful and important work. i think as we think about that social curriculum, we can carefully, and think about a systemic and comprehensive approach so as you bring this bag to schools and as you bring this back toke school leaders, this is the message i hope you convey to them is the key to moving forward in preventing bullying, not just one initiative, but, really, a comprehensive approach about social/emotional learning. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much, shelly, and eric gordon, chief executive officer of the cleveland metropolitan school district, and his comake results have been improving on the leadership with dramatic gains in student achievements in the first years of implementing an aggressive trance formation plan. eric? [applause]
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>> well, good morning. we're here for 3.2 years so i'm half way through my career. [laughter] behind me are statistics because one of the amazing questions i hear is well, you can't do it hear. here. if you do the work we do in cleveland with 100% poverty, 3,000 homeless children, 23% special education, 41,000 students, then you can do it in your own school. on october 10th, 2007, my 10th day of work in cleveland, a young man went into a high school, shot two teacher, and then kill himself. at that point, we decided that we would never stop talking about success tech, but that we would address what we call human ware, not just the hardware or metal detectors, but how kids experience schools. the student in our case was not actually bullied in the way we think of bullying. he was isolated, didn't connect, and that's why it's about going beyond bulgelying and thinking
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broadly about this. we were told about the airport experience. i world always say i, too, tried to practice social/emotional learning to get on an aircraft in washington, d.c.. i got home 25.5 hours later. it doesn't always work for you -- [laughter] but it certainly works to work. the flags will be posted for you. we'll rip through them quickly. we have five minutes, but they will be posted on the appty -- antibullying website. this is a public health model. think about at the bottom the promotion and benefit things to do in the school which we skip with bullying. think about intervening early when we see signs of things, and only, finally then after we've done the others should we think about treatment in the individual case. the sad reality is that most of us spend time at the top of the pyramid meaning the top chunk is
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very much larger. this is a brick health model, and i argue we have to think of education as a matter of public health. there's keys to think about in designing our efforts with social and emotional learning, build a climate for change in the school. you heard the mention of single solutions or underline multiple solutions. looking at what is effective and ineffective. there's a great deal out there that's apyres to solve the problems, but with no evidence based, but there's also a great deal of evidence based work to look to. programs that we can use and cluck limb and those sorts of thing. aligning treatments along the pyramid and not just focusing on the top of the pyramid, foster collaboration among schools, agencies, family, and community organizations. this is all of our challenge, and we have a lot of community resources that we should be calling into the conversation. leveraging resources with medicaid and community mental health agencies, youth
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initiatives as tools and support to get the work done, using data to plan, monitor, and evaluate. i heard shelly talk about some of the potential results, and i'm going to try to share briefly initial results in cleveland. support the implementation within your schools with a focus on fidelity and quality and not simply rolling owl the programming and hoping that people know what to do with it, and, finally, think about the culture sensitivity, in particular, the thinking about that in diverse communities. what i wanted to share with you are just examples of how cleveland thought about the three tiers and the work we're doing. we are the first in ohio to have social/emotional learning standards as the district's written curriculum integrated into the common core and english language arts, math, science, and social studies like any other curricula would be. we have assessed conditions for five nears in the schools, and we know how the schools score, and it's part of the evaluation of what is successful school is.
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we have implemented a research based program called path. we picked that because it's literacy based, part of the literacy instruction. it's part of the plate. it's not a new thing on the plate. we've implemented class meetings that you saw as one of the key indicators that shelly also referenced. we've also thought about how the -- the pieces come together at the second tier so thinking about how do we have more quality at a timive data? we use a tool to track referrals and use that da to to respond in a proactive way. we turned in-school suspension rooms into planning centers where we teach kids about the problems and use solution based strategies to go back into the classrooms and use the research based tool called ripple effects to do that. one of the most exciting pieces is this year we launched the now team. now means not on our watch. there's student teams in every
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one of our 100 school buildings that sit along with their faculty teams as part of the achievement mapping to ensure the schools are safe and supportive for kids. finally, at the top level, again, the tools drill up, but we think, also, about student support teams and used the prereferral intervention program or prim to do this. does it work? to close, i want to share a couple of statistics in a paper released about cleveland, actually, last wednesday. it showed we have improved the conditions for learning in grades 5-12 where we measure, that our teachers rate social competence and attentiveness as improving, but aggression decreasing in 2010-2012. our student attendance up 1.5%, and student behavior reported is average number of reported suspendible behavior instances declined from 233.1 to 132.4
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including -- [applause] including significant reductions in disobedient and disruptive behavior, fighting, violence, harassment, serious bodily injury, and a 58.8% decrease in out of school suspension. this -- [applause] this is important. i will just close because today in cleveland while i've been sitting on the stage, i've been addressing channel 19 who has managed to breach a security system in the high school and got in the building. today's news in cleveland is about the wrong thing. we can put the hardware in place. people who want in, get in. it's what we do inside the schools to ensure they are the climates that support alerting us, keeping us informed, make sure the kids are safe and supported. thank you very much. [applause] >> congratulations, eric, very
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impressive status statistics and results in the district. this is her district, she's the superinten dent of school district v in new york city, and thank you for having us. [applause] >> thank you. as the kids like to say, "welcome to my house." [laughter] first, let me begin by thanking the institute for urban and minority education for allowing me to share just for a few minutes work we've. doing here in new york city, but, specifically, also the work that we've been engaged with in community school district v. so, for me, one of the reasons why i kind of selected this quote is because i think this
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works out to what we've been talking about which is really based on courage. curt mentioned a little about it earlier. this is really courageous work. we have the courage more not so much for us as adults, but really developing that courageous stance in the students as they begin to begin the work and move it forward in our schools. just a little bit our district, 31 schools, culturally, very, very, very diverse. grades k-12, well, prek-12 #. we have 13 elementary, five middle, four secondary, five high, and four k-8 schools, and 27 of the 31 are title 1 schools, and the student population is about 13,000 students. ethnic background, as you can see, primarily african-american or hispanic orla teen know population which is growing.
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the greater majority of the students come from low income families with 74% of them qualifying for free or reduced lunch. we have a large number of students who reside in students who are in temporary housing throughout the entire district. 92% of our teachers base on federal and state rates are highly qualified. 42% hold a master's plus-30 degrees or more or a doctorat degree, and attendance rate is something that leads to greater improvement, and we focus on that quite a bit, especially along with the work we're doing. in taking a little bit look at some of the work we've engaged with city wide throughout the entire new york city department of education, in looking at the role of the district in combating bullying, but, also, in going beyond the bullying,
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we've -- we have really strict regulations in place here in the city. we have a number of regulars that comply, and the students expect them to adhere to, and this year, and actually just added a piece in the regular, piece 101, specific to allowing and enabling families who indicate that their child is being bullied, the chance and the ability to transfer those students out of their schools. in addition, we have a respect for all curriculum, which is in place throughout all schools in new york city, and that respect for all curriculum focuses in on diversity. they are meaningful lesson plans in place, and we also have what is considered a week where we really engage and focus the work on looking at where we are going with this work.
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taking a look at what we're doing in district five, i just wanted to share with you a little bit about two specific schools and the work they are engaged with. the first school, ps154 is really focused on looking at health curriculum. they have weekly character traits the school really emphasized. there's a focus on social awareness on acknowledges diversity on taking into consideration others' perspectives, and the school also sought and received a wellness grant, and i think you heard several people really speak that, especially in the elementary schools. a lot of the bullying really results from, i think, kids really talking about how each other look, so there's really a focus on students on as you'll
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see in the short clip, exercise, we believe, is one of the keys to getting all of our kids really losing weight because there's app emphasis on obesity in a number of the schools. the school has wellness grant, and not only are they engaged in the work, but our teachers as well. you'll see a little vignette of community school 154 and the work they are engaged with with reducing some of the incidents. >> the school has a positive behavior and intervention support that combines character education with health and nutrition so you'll see that the emphasis an impact, and you saw
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the school mascot. there's a school sport. the students earn points based on the work they are engauged with. based on them being good and nice with each other. they are able to use those points then to go into the school store. you'll see the emphasis on just total wellness, total fitness. zumab -- zumba for kids, and then these are the teachers.
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okay, so as a result of the work there at ps154 there have been an over 60% decline in suspension rate, approximately 6 #.5%. [applause] when you're looking at what has occurred in that school, and that's really a focus on a total school commitment to the work. the next school i'd like to share with you as i quickly move along is a middle school, and at this middle school, the principal who has a background in the area of sigh colings and has really studied and embraced the work has spent a lot of time focused on leadership development. initially, the school was called renaissance military. he removed the word "military," and instead instilled the word "leadership," and when you enter
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the building, there's a total focus on student leadership. there's a social initiatives to create the safe and successful schools, focus on relationship skills, communication skills, students know that they can speak out, not only from adults, but from each other, and there's a focus on responsible decision making and in making good choices. also importantly is a real focus on not just individual accountability, but also group accountability so kids hole -- hold each other also accountable to the larger community. look at this renaissance leadership military. >> i'm sorry.
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they have experience just hearing the voice of the students. this is a clip that they put together which really speaks about their leadership, their -- what they hold to be the work they are doing. there is a music studio in the school and the students produce quite a bit of the work that you're seeing. i'm sorry. the sound was a powerful piece for that one. sorry about that. the impact on this school is the notion -- is taking a look at the community relations. when you see the way students -- they are -- there's a lot of peer-to-peer work, but also
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gender work so at times they go into gender groups so boys have a chance to react and interreact with a lot of the male teachers and staff at the school, and the same thing with our female students. there's a real notion in that building that each one of us is responsible for ourselves and we're also responsible for each other, and, timely, i just wanted to close with this book because i think this speaks about all the things we've been speaking about this morning that we have a responsibility to not only each other, but to the community. we are the key to this one. it's not someone else. it's about each one of us. thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much.
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the next presenter we know, the moderator for the event today, and she is the superintendent in fairmont school district in illinois. [applause] good morning. in the entrance of not saying what's been said, i think in the end, we'll appreciate it. we are committed to developing not only the academic achievement bill of the students, but we're committed to developing -- [inaudible] i want to start out briefly telling you about the district. 96% of the student population falls, and we use and describe them in terms of their assets for economic research. they are in terms of access to financial resources, but veryings very, very rich in
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their [audience boos] -- [applause] 68% of the student -- we have a 68% rate, and that is 68% of the students that start with me in the fall are not with me at the end of the school year. what makes the district more unique, and it's on the slide,, take that out in the spare time, in addition to 96% of the student poll pewlation qualifying for free and reduced lunch, 68% of the student pop pielation live in homes with -- >> you move into a home, that's 68% of the student population so the type of bullying and harassment that we have to address in our school system is
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unique in that some of the students don't understand why their peers are in and out, in and out. with that being said, as opposed -- [inaudible] okay. in our system, opposed to focusing on levels, we go deep with the focus, and the focus is just three different areas in particular. one of them is really deep. our tip is to be -- have a comprehensive approach to improving student learning, and the first step for us was practicing what i like to refer to as the policy -- we brought students together to talk with the students about what the expectations are for them at school, and we honor who our students are. we honor their culture, their background, and experiences, but we as teach them how to operate in the middle class organizations. that's what we do. we've used positive community intervention systems to support
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us in reaching that goal. i love because you can see the babies there. that's just one or two classrooms. they are in the gymnasium with the assistant principal, they are -- one of the charters is a higher -- gets the kids of the classroom, out of the hallways into the classroom to dramatically improve student learning. she has done just that. there's another teacher teaching primary students. the expectations for their behavior in the cafeteria. giving students on board -- i tell you, what i first saw the newspaper put that picture up, i thought, oh, god, look at the picture. speaking of superintendents doing everything, i have to tell you for the parent night in our system, agot a call at sam's club purchasing the 500 cup cakes for this night, that the lawn mower ran out of gas, and who everybody could get gas, couldn't, so if it looks like
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i'm sweating there, i am. i got gas, got it to the guy, and then got on the floor, and what i was doing on the floor there is first of all, in our system, we recognize parents have to be involved. they can't be involved after dark or address the topic of bullying without bringing parents into the fold on the front end. this is what it's about, to bring parents in to impact positive lisps for their students. we could not improve student learning unless we brought parents in and taught them, get this, taught them explicitly what are the goals here for dramatically improving student learning, and what can you do in your home with the resources or limited resources to help us reach goal to dramatically improve student learning. i have to step back with you and as a result of the practicing the system, we have reduced it
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by 46.7%. i'll tell you why that's important. it's also important for me to hear that even though 96% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch, even though i have that very, very significant trance -- transient rate, there's an increase rate in the state exam, 68% overall reading score in diswrus two years. that's major. it's more significant because i came from a district where 90% of the students were under achieving standards. i came to prove to the entire world that we are well on the way to accomplish our goal. [applause] i want to get back -- we did receive, quite frankly, recognition, but i wanted to talk for a moment to those of you familiar with the work that in order dramatically dramaticae student lerching, we have to
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develop teachers cultural competency. we have to do that intentionally. there's 500,000 definitions to describe for you to talk with you about what culture is, but i like to share the culture is to water what water is to fish. culture is the air we breathe. it's who we are. it's our childhood experiences. , both positive and negative. it's those experiences that we would love to share with others, if we can get them to listen, and it's those experiences that we hope that nobody ever finds out about, and if the impact of those experiences on the way we interact with one another, and in the classroom, it's the impact of those experiences on
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the way that we deliver instruction and on the way that we assess and make judgments, and if we are going to reach the goal of dramatically improving student learning, we have to focus on culturally responsive teaching, using the universal definition. what i love about the definition of culture is it is inclusive. it's not specific to the color of your skin. it is not specific to your gender. it is not special to your race, and nor is it specific to the aspect that you have to finance your resources. it's specific to everything about how who you are and everything about how it causes you to interact with other people. with that said, in order to dramatically improve student learning and to address issues related to bullying in our system, we are focused on developing culture exe tent teachers.
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what's unique about the design i developed for educators is the teachers that said time and time again, providing training to all the teachers in the system and all over the country to be quite frank, but this was designed because teachers said, doc, people are talking about culture, diversity, and people talk about the fact we need training, but we don't understand exactly what they mean by that? what's that look like? what does it feel like? what does it smell like? how does that improve student learning? what's unique about the diagram is if you look, the development of the strategic planning process, everything there, these are things they are in; right? what i really want to focus on is on this side. if we're going to truly engage the process of dramatically improving student learning, yes, and everything about every type of things start with everything else but knowledge of self, knowledge of how culture
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experiences impact how i interact with the students, and what about teaching our students about the difference? we live in a society where we are brave to talk about race, culture, indifference, and that negatively impact. [inaudible] response of people, people resolve cultural conflict and its ability to have the level of bullying taking place in school. in effort to be respectful of your time. i'll leave it there. thank you so much. >> thank you. i think we have time for one question. since we have one question, i'm going to use my executive privilege and ask it. this is the question that i want to ask this panel given the
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success they have had. in this society, in this age, we know that we have become a test driven society. okay. everybody is pointing to reading and writing skills, and the results on tests or evaluating teachers base d on the ability whether they teach reading, writing, or math or not, it doesn't matter. if it's where everybody is focused on that, how have you guys succeeded in pushes social/emotional character development in your districts so well? not much time, quickly, sonya, starting with you and move on down the line. [inaudible] >> understand the culture and climate of the school is critical. [inaudible] there's teachers and educating
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parents, and the resonance to that is responsive. i have not -- when you say -- [inaudible] i have not found difficulty in moving forward in any of the -- [inaudible] people understand the character matters, and when you create a positive climate, students do better. >> for me, we continue to remind ourselves we can't allow another child to -- [inaudible] we had a catalytic moment, but then anyone in cleveland knows -- [inaudible] furniturely, there's a lot of evidence [audience boos] -- if nay have skills, they read better and point back to the evidence of why they read, one of the primary goals, and them with the common core, we have a great new opportunity because you will not succeed at a richer, deeper curriculum without these skills, without persistence and problem solving
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with the aid and abet to work with others and embedded into the common core that opens another opportunity to point to the academic reasons to think about social/emotional learning. >> i think, for me, we can talk a lot, and we have the research, we have the numbers, but i think for our communities, they need to see. for us, what i've been doing a lot is encouraging our teachers to visit, encouraging parents to go take a look, so, for example, ps154, pbis, and we're running throughout the entire building where you can see the curricula, you know, the reading and writing, but the work where people are nice to each otherment i think people need to see it at the same time. in object, we had a district -- in october, we had district wide
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conference on bullying, but not just reasons for bullying, but the strategies on how you go beyond, what resource do you need in order for that to happen, and the conflict really was focused on this so we spent a chunk of time. it was a saturday and so they gave up their time. we had kids in there. we had reserved space to watch the kids so the parents could engage and share their perspective. the notion of relaying the work in looking at communities, looking at parents, our schools, and our students, we have initiatives where we look now at what are the resources that families need for us to get beyond this? it's not just what they need in the school day, but what do they need beyond the school day?
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>> [inaudible] we have to connect to the spirit in the lives of the students, and unless we reach the students' heart, we have no way into their minds recognizing we practice a policy that the kids know if you don't embrace structural materials that don't give us the opportunity to address the character development of the emotional skills, and those who approach the door, or programs that support us, they have to -- if it doesn't address it, it doesn't allows to do it with the economic goal, and this design pushes us more towards addressing, and isolation. >> thank you. let me say, a significant factor and we want to thank shelly,
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>> a group of 20 years old p and asked i am launching a nongovernmental evaluation that is going to try to save the water supply in indonesia. raise your hands, those who would like to help in saving that in the region, and among the 20-year-olds and others, you find people are interested in doing that, which is great. go and ask the same group who wants to join me in a political party? who wants to join the republican party or the democrat party, and you can see that far fewer are willing to volunteer time and efforts and the passions in joining a political party, and that's very bad. i think political parties need to modernize, be attractive to young people, young
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professionals because political parties are the essence, the idea we have democracy without strong parties is a bad idea. >> the changing of governmental power afterwards saturday night at 10 ten eastern, part of booktv this weekend on c-span2. look for more booktv online. "like" us on facebook. >> next, ashley judd talks about women's reproductive health and advocating for public health introduced by dr. lynn goldman,
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dean of university public health schools and took questions from the audience and students. this is an hour and a half. >> deep of the school at the george washington university, and it's with extreme pleasure i welcome you here to a very special ace stress at george washington university. thrilled to see some stunts, faculty, alumni, colleagues, and supporters with us. i want to acknowledge friends and colleagues joining us via live webcast. if you dweet, use hash tag wtha. it's point wtha. people of my generation. [laughter] in a week, march 8th, we celebrate a day of recognition that began in the 1900s. certainly, since that time, we made tremendous progress for women's rights in terms of economic, political, and social achievements, but, at the same time, women's health disper
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perties affect the lives of millions. poverty, poor access to health care, inadequate nutrition, and water afflict women and girls across the globe. we cannot tolerate it and need programs, policies, and interventions to provide solutions to the gender based problems, particularly, proud of the work of the global women's institute at george washington university. it promotes and supports the rights of women and conducts research and advocacy campaigns. in particular, they identified violence against women as a signature issue. according to the u.s. government, in the u.s., 11% -- 1% of women experience rape or attempt of hap, and almost half raped by the time they turn 18.
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one in four raped, one in five beaten by a partner, and one in six stalked. men are victimized as well, but in smaller numbers. the impacts are devastating psychologically as well as physically. we have to develop and support efforts in the u.s. and worldwide to prevent rape and interpret partner violence and support all, women and men, who have been the victims of these terrible crimes. in the u.s., we made enormous strads. when i was college, i didn't dream to be the dean of a school or have so many women heads of states. we had women, secretary of state, women presidential candidate, members of the senate, governors, and ceos. when i was in medical school, women were discouraged to going into surgery and in the generation before mine, there were hardly any women in medical school at all, and so we've seen
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progress, but we've come a long way with a long ways to go. i believe that with the new rights, there's responsibilities, and particularly, the responsibility to care about the circumstances of women everywhere in the world. we can want turn a blind eye to sanitation, global nutrition, immunizations, or other basic public health measures that could improve conditions for women and are denied to so many women across the world today. the situation with regard to women's health globally leaves little to be desired. the life expectancy for birth of women in 2009 was 8 # 3, it was just 59 in the lowest income countries. that's an average of 24 years of life lost. the epidemic is hitting mothers hard, and we know that it is not
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necessary for any baby to be born with aids today, that we have measures used to prevent that. death around childbirth is an enormous problem in most of the world killing 287,000 women in 2010. with the rate in low income countries 24 times higher than the rates of mortality in the u.s. today. we know how to prevent it. we should be preventing this. breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for women in the u.s. and other developing countries, but cervical country, preventable through vaccination against hpv and screening is a cause of deaths and many occur in developing countries due to the lack of vaccinations and lack of screening programs.
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last, but not least, cardiovascular disease, a leading cause of death among women, certainly, in the u.s., and a cause of death that's unrecognized. one of the own faculty university lost his wife due to a heart attack that was not recognize the. women manifest cardiovascular risks different than men so that even in the u.s., we have a long ways to go in terms of heeding health party for women. we're doing wonderful things for the health services in the area. just to mention a couple, the new chair of global health, jim tihsh, conducting research critical to health, and he's developing interventions at at community level to reduce pollutions by cook stoves shown to cause poorer birth outcomes and poor health, especially for women and children. ..
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pregnancy, transmitted diseases and other serious health problems that disproportionally and pack such a group. professor wait i know it's here, hello. she's executive director institute of finance have a misconduct cutting-edge research about policies and lives in the u.s., including ability to handle cost-conscious at this such as the pill. at the university that though we have diane knapp, who is here with us today. she is sustainable food policy and had the university urban food task force. this partners with teachers and others in the community, trying to get a children before they develop the worst eating habits so they can develop in a healthy way and said their babies can develop in a healthy way as they grow a beard we have today lori
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lehrman, also in the front row, founder of the university project. she's made tremendous progress educating our community about the importance of blast feeding for maternal health. it's hard for me to understand why we need to talk about breast-feeding my initiative and this is so basic and fundamental to the health of an offense. i am proud we are becoming a chat from the campus and we are providing opportunities for students, faculty and staff to be able to breast-feed as well as collect their milk. we've come a long way, but there's so much that needs to be done. so that is why such a delight to introduce our guest, ashley judd. many of you know her from her award-winning acting career. she's also a tireless advocate for women and children around the globe. i am finding myself in a unique position of introducing her have
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her mother, naomi judd and the front row. i'm sure much of what we see today in terms of a remarkable career has to do with her. she's graced the cover of countless magazines, bringing awareness and is closest to her heart such as gender inequality and poverty alleviation. she was also the subject of three award-winning documentaries that are within 150 countries worldwide on vh1, discovery channel and "national geographic" channel. in 2002, she became an ambassador for psi, it will help organizations dedicated to improving the health of people in the world. she joined in 2004 and has visited the slums, and clinics that programs target. i guess if you are introducing her daughter, what she was at
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and limping she's the issue is struck by the coverage ashley judd shows in visiting these places where women are living in the worst health conditions. conditions are very typical and requires a tremendous amount of courage to go out and do that work. she has visited thailand, cambodia and many other countries in what has been a passionate effort to understand the root causes of poverty, social injustice and inequality. she received her masters in public administration from the harvard kennedy school. she earned an honorary doctorate from eastern kentucky university in 2009. please join me in welcoming, ms. ashley judd. [applause]
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be my cadet yan. there's like what four southerners in here but takes you on that. good afternoon. thank you so much dean goldman@concern, class is over. i am totally daunted by the intellectual capital and life experience of mr. medalist at the student center and have some coffee. i am very pleased and honored to be here today. this has been a date five years in the making, get that? based on a long-standing friendship with her faster and meats, we had the pleasure of traveling to get together and she doesn't make fascinate eight, spending extraordinary, emotionally grueling as well as inspiring three weeks sustained grassroots programs that help lift the poorest of the poor out of the worst conditions that we
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have in our fragile and beautiful world hurts the thank you so much for having issued the invitation this years ago. i meant for the delay. it's a real pleasure to be here. i would like to thank my mom for being here, too. i typically speak extemporaneously and i don't keep notes. fortunately that stuff stays pretty clear in my head, but there are some additional folks here today and i thought i better have my notes in case i get stuff from because my mother while no. i appreciate you coming to make the trip with me and later you can tell me how it is to get that her milk and chuck's tv. i have a doc on hunger strike. he only wants cheese. so a little bit about how i got started in this beautiful work and then i very much want to sit down and hear from the students. you are going to be the ones who create the current and future solutions that empower the
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health of all people around the world, particularly growths in women. i want to know your thoughts. what are we doing? improved sanitation? who's going to invent that? what are your thoughts on women trapped in raped slavery and exploitation? to work with them in their formidable situation to immediately empower the hulk was simultaneously working on demand and supply abolition? what are your thoughts practically and morally? that and who knows what else will comment. i'll tell you how i got started. i became aware child survival and brutality as someone who's been assaulted life with rich narrative about family history. we have a lot of counties in
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kentucky, and there would be some yard in lawrence county and has the tombstones babies and it was devastating because they were my cousins or whatever and i learned it was typhoid or lack of a drinking stories. and then i learned more. subminiature poker a grandfather for martin county kentucky was a civil war hero for the union cause in such a battlefield amputation as a prisoner or three times, a remarkable fellow. his second wife died in childbirth and he had five children. so i was aware that growing up and then i had the privilege and honor as painful as the days have been sensitized and educated about all the preventable deaths that occur,
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leiria, pneumonia, things for which they are very easy solutions. so, i loved being at the university of kentucky. i was in a sorority, which was great fun. i had this rabble-rouser thing going on at the same time and i became aware of what was happening in south africa with the apartheid government because there is a wonderful couple in south africa and they were activists against the racist regime and they were about to be placed under house arrest again and they decided it would be better for them and the effort for racial equality if they left south africa. but they manage to plant smuggled out of the country with them records, vinyl and speeches given by a fellow called desmond tutu. because they've been the music business, they settled in
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nashville and my mother and sister came to know this couple and they spotted in me a little sad in some then the monthly the strikers and i started to connect my christian values with social justice. the strikers made me cry. they just let my soul on fire. then i started listening to u2. was it 80, joshua tree on the cover "rolling stone" and i started studying the notes in learning about amnesty international and interpreting in a particular way or the streets have no name to me sounded a bit like heaven. at the same time, the board of trustees is having a meeting talking about a vesting ram the racist apartheid government. a wonderful guy who's given incredible service to the commonwealth of kentucky is beloved higher people and served as commissioner of baseball and
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baseball is integrated in jackie robinson began to play, made an unfortunate and quite generational remark about why are we talking about this anyway? isn't it just a bunch of an down there anyways? i think it might be the oldest continually running student newspaper in the country and that they cannot, just go with it because i like it. we had a member of our press corps there who wrote about it in our student newspaper and are so devastated that someone representing the university had said something like that. so i hooked up with the african american fraternities and sororities with my surrogate out there, barbara who is african-american and explained what rhesus really take still in kentucky and our country. i started to leave campus
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sidewalks saying welcome pledges i started same thank you for your service, please retire. the governor published a wonderful memoir around the same time and he was standing tucks in downtown lexington and my friends were standing in line and i was in a shorter line with a sign and then i join the peace corps and dropped out. so that's the short version of that story. my sister used to say, show us how you're going to squat. and i loved that idea. i would go anywhere but yemen. i hear congo is the worst place to be a woman. i've been there four times, but i was willing to do anything until i realize hollywood was probably a younger woman skated and if i didn't give it a try in my early 20s i might later have their regret my and if i
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got started, fully invested and service were but that would be my life that without exploring the creative part 1. so i did a 22 euros style. i stopped returning to peace corps recruiters calls. i have made my amends to her and the entire organization and sargent shriver and his children old-school times. i always look peace corps volunteers and i travel and i'm fortunate to meet with heads of state around the world and kerry narratives directly to their heirs. but boy can i pick out an american peace corps volunteer, good people. you ask some fantastic stuff, how many local dialects? three. i speak gamal. they are amazing. sediment to hollywood, had instantaneous success, much to my own, what was the word be?
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i didn't even know a success until i looked back on that last year. it just all happened so very fast. i remember when i was going, i was talking to a family friend and i were so frightened. and the simile of this to some of the greatest waste of her generation writing my own home, yet i didn't know what it meant to be an actor. so i was scared. i was talking to this family friend and i said i'm still going to do service and help advocate it when they need access to medically accurate education and have access to a full basket of planning choices that are right for them and i went on to this other things i was going to do. and he said are you going to be an actor or save the world? in 2002 i was sick and tired of being sick and tired. i knew i was just -- something wasn't quite right.
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at the time is one of the highest-paid women in the history of hollywood. that's a little meant meant to me. i like to say adjusted for inflation. last night kids, look her up, she was foxy. i was working on a film that a lot of consecutive made shoes. it is basically doing shift work as i loved one, dario calls it. i came home exhausted. i was waiting for the shower water to get hot and i literally fell asleep on my feet. have you ever done that cramming for an exam for second as fitness on your phd dissertation? at that point it sounds like a nice way to spend a year to me. i jolted awake, so surprising
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surprising discombobulated i got in the shower. san francisco tapwater is cold. it was the second or third time i am not. i got into this big pity party for myself. and then i had the gift of getting over myself. something snapped inside of me. i got sick and tired of pity for myself. all of these statistics still in the periphery of my awareness came to mind, like how dare i be so pitiful standing and a cold shower when 1.3 billion people with whom i share this planet do not have access to safe drinking letter. how dare i? i thought how dare i feel so sorry for myself and 2.6 billion people don't have an appropriate place to go for the bathroom,
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where children under the age of five die from upper respiratory infections that i can go to the doctor for. when my sister and i would say it and compare mosquito bites and competing theaters are bigger and check our chance, when i received a vaccination shot, when we were inoculated as little children against diseases that could have otherwise killed us. that very same day and coincidence, one has set his concentrate remaining anonymous, i got a letter asking if i would help represent to north america the urgency about halting the hiv/aids crisis worldwide and also that very same day, i got a call for bono because no talk is complete without talking about bono. he's amazing. he's the real deal. so they called me up an essay like to say started harassing me
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in and said we know who you are. we know who you are in your soul and your soul cares about this test. your soul cares about poverty in america and food and security amongst our children. your soul cares about the growing and come back. your soul cares about our national security and the fact to prevent global public health can have in securing our borders and creating markets for american goods and i said yeah, but i'm going to scotland. we winter in scotland. they harassed me more because that's what they do so well. so i sat, recalling the irish. he wants us to do this thing and travel around midwesterners dates. we are going to start talking to the heart of america about the hiv/aids emergency and our opportunity to engage in wealth creation worldwide.
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kimiko? he said absolutely. we went all over the midwest as president truman said when you give americans the facts they do the right things. so that's what we tried to do. churches and bus stops and stuff i love doing. that feeds me and gives me energy. that trip was the birth of the one campaign. so i'm very pleased to have the privilege cyan i was there at the beginning of the campaign. i am an obama that experience. so basically i quit my day job and got into this full-time. immediately when i started to travel with psi, that these problems exist in isolation, just as all solutions are to the state. as soon as i people in, said by ducros and women's end up in hospitals? baseline, gender and equality.
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so here we are, all these years later and i am now going to sit down, are you codger out of class? this is enlightened self-interest being here because this is your lecture here. welcome dean goldman back to the stage and let's start having conversations. thanks for letting me share a little bit. [applause] >> so i think some of the things ashley said -- [inaudible] is it not on? >> hang on, sorry for the noise. >> how's that? testing. they met will use that.
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that's fair, isn't it? civil-service questions from students that we have those who have questions lineup at the microphones so that the questions can be clearly heard everybody and then i will have to repeat them. i was very moved by this word and very interested in hearing about this treasure leavetaking in your life with an away returning to the path you originally would've taken, which is very interesting read many of us have pics and some public health, where there are many ways people take to get the same place. again, i asked her mother about you and we talked before hand and one of the things she mentioned that i thought was interesting was the fact that apparently in your family there is a history of people, women who have been involved with how
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i'm the kind of influence that might impact on you early on. >> regroup with a strong nursing tradition and of course i'm very proud of that and it also has to be said there is a tradition of nursing because of their jobs typically were not available to remain. nursing, school teaching, et cetera. i think seven nurses in our immediate family. i grew up with my godfathers, kentucky stuff is all about family. anyway, i had a great aunt and she was a nurse in the second world war and my great uncle was cranky because she had higher rank than he had to show that deference. so you know, mom and dad split up when my sister and i were three, so she found a way to earn our living as a nurse and had a great passion for public
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health. so as part of who we are. and just to kind of connected if you can see the leap that my man makes. we are far too many uninsured children in this country has such attack on the economy. it reduces productivity and is emotionally difficult for families and very shaming for kids, too. there were times when i was sick and stayed home alone because that was all that was available to do a she absolutely did the crash occurred in the whole family dead, but that is what growing up in a single-parent home with a paycheck that's not a portable does to kids. >> so one of the things i've been struck by in the last couple years is the extent to which this issue of women's health has somehow answered the political arena.
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season with on our faculty is somebody who would then at the food and drug administration and laughed several years ago over issues related to plan b decision and more recently, a set of decisions that didn't make sense to all of us, but then also the attitudes that still seem to be present about issues and i think as women we have to talk frankly because we are so impacted. i'm the mother of a 16-year-old daughter and there's nothing that worries me more than knowing that i want her to be strong and independent person and at the same time, the risk that she and her friends have every day and how we as public health professionals can hope to
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educate and to get society to face this for what it really is, which is a hope issue. i don't know if you have it nice for us. >> you have no idea how much advice i have. i am trying to identify where to go with this. i appreciate you included that in your remarks and i've been aware that whole life and yet i was astonished when i went to graduate school at target to do a deeper dive on numbers in america, how prevalent it is amongst young people. am i correct is wanted three college students to college women? that's it or device in this room and they think part of what is important in addition to how we shape the narrative is that we
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all have the courage to talk about it because we are as sick as our secrets and the shame keeps us in isolation. when we find i shared it. this, we gather our strength and hope. so for example, i am a three-time survivor and about that i have no shame because it was never mine to begin with and only when i was a grown in power to dole and had healthy boundaries and the opportunity to do hopeful work unnatural, was i able to say, that perpetrator were shameless and put their shame on me. i gave that back it's my job to talk with other growths in women. i see some people crying, which is a good thing. that is one of the reasons why i have the passion for and ability, and i'm not saying it doesn't hurt.
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the people next story likes to eat to help her? ultimately what i have the resilience to do the gender violence work and face the reality of child abuse in this country and abroad because i was that kid. >> we applaud your courage and thank you for bns outspokenness ur. [applause] >> there at least a third of us in the room who would tell the same story they had the opportunity. >> exactly. we have an open mic and our students -- any of our students if you have any questions, i see one coming up. >> i can't wait to hear from the college republicans. [laughter] >> we do have them in this building they are very well come. >> that's not a joke.
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>> believe it or not, the college republicans and democrats work in the same space. >> with icahn said. >> they talk to each other. it's fabulous and were hoping to set an example for congress. >> sorry, i'm not one of the republicans. cristal magana, public health student, masters, so i was one of the one told us to come. i was also invited by your friend. >> somehow my doing? >> amazing. >> yesterday one of our classes with dr. sparks we were talking about the difference that reminisce and was in the 70s and how it's kind of torment, but still alive. use the what we could do to get
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the extra push to wake up and also not us, but our partners, husbands, fathers, brothers, cousins because it is not just about winning, but to bring up that balance. so how do you see as crying to country and try to bring that light into the movement? my sisters are going to college, but they are like we are not reminisce like you. i might just you are because you're going to college. >> that's a great place to start. how do you define feminism? we spend the rest of the day talking about that. >> to me it's simple we are made in the image and likeness of our creator and we are all sacred inheritance of each other and be equal. it's very sad old. >> i think what has happened is that where it has been used in
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the media to come up with something a lot of women don't want to identify with. even very strong women, educated the various and maybe it's not even the word that is so important, but what people are doing. >> there is a great book, why feminism is a dirty word by a woman your age i don't know how to pronounce her last name. she came to my awareness when i wrote an essay last year called the conversation and it was my first experience was something going viral. i wrote it in 22 minutes in a nightgown and just channel that from a higher power. i knew they were sort of a movement. but when she published her piece, she added these textures and images to it and make me aware of the book she has
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written. i would highly recommend that. it's a really superb book. >> thank you. next question. >> i am a student here. i just returned to school to do global health at your many years doing other kinds of academic work. so the millennium develop goals with a few of them being that and most of them not in right now is a conversation about leaving them aside and moving on to other polls so they could make gender equality or maternal mortality, but let's do something else next time around. i was wondering what your thoughts might be on whether we should sustain the affairs with the goals we have and haven't reached, or whether we should move on to send a mouse.
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>> i'm so sorry, i was giving my mother i kisses. >> if we don't obtain the goals. i'm not sure everybody in the room -- does everyone know what the development goals are quiet good, were doing a good job. [laughter] >> whatever we may call it, we must continue to pursue gender equality. they must continue to pursue eliminating maternal mortality. i was able because miracles do happen to do some original not the graduate school and i ran some areas on the number of unintended pregnancies that will have been in the republic of congo who would prefer to have access to modern family planning between what was then 2010 and 2050, that cohort allowing will
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have 89 million tvs. so, we must continue to accomplish the goals. >> it's kind of interesting. the goal setting process is difficult because if you set the bar too low, people happily stretching. so i think it's possible some of them won't unite. if they are challenging enough, it's hard to make them all. >> is progress, not perfection. i love what melinda gates is doing about her great hash type of sweater and slogan, no controversy. when we allow gross amendment to have sex education, when we teach abstinence and the ability to reestablish, we all have the opportunity to make a personal decision being faithful to one
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partner, correct and consistent use and access to the type that is right for each individual and couple. i made up years ago and this is so important, delay of debut and that takes appropriate conversations with appropriate people and the idea that we can prevent unintended pregnancy is so important because it then becomes obsolete and that's absolutely the goal in what is desirable. >> that sounds really good to the mother of a teenager. [laughter] next question. >> laura hoffman. i'm a graduate of the batchelor searing public health and i am now an attorney. i work with community health centers, but my real passion is in global health and i spent a
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summer in lebanon in beirut with women who had been trafficked and were now in a safe house. i'm under the work we did in stories we heard, there were stories about how the laws in lebanon, for example, would prevent women from obtaining the passwords once they entered into the country. their employers had taken him away. so i was curious of your experience places who traveled about the intersection between public health and law. >> absolutely. it's diabolical and i'm very glad congress to reauthorize the violence against women act and the trafficking victims act which helps to ameliorate double standards within american mom. too optimistic demise the victim. in terms of internationally, that's way referenced some of these problems exist in the solutions are holistic.
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so when half of the building block of all sustainability, when it grows healthy, she can go to school, but she has her. and there is a latrine and -underscore she needs for her hygiene, she can stay in school. she has her first child at an older age. obviously earning capacity contributes to her family, community facilities to lift nations out of poverty and yet when you have thoughts like you reference, the grocer still very vulnerable in that situation. so lack of awareness about their right to civic participation, land, ownership and tenure. an incredible woman i met, young girl ended up there because when her mother died of hiv, which
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she contracted the dad who is sex comest avera vulnerable wrist group and then her dad died. her dad's people picture off the land because she had no legal right to it. she ended up been a prop or with her second child. so changing losses incredible underskirt organization like equality now and women for an international who help and i appreciate you bringing it up and that sounds like public health and attorney, so good for you. >> thank you for the question. >> if you're interested in knowing more than the united states, i highly recommend the polaris project website. you guys can change the world. it's amazing what you can do. they were so john and they got the original trafficking laws passed in this country and they
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are large to responsible for the -- you know what i mean. of course that's the one thing that will end up in the paper, ray? i highly recommend it. we were across mates and i would even suggest us enough you could visit their office, and inspiring place. >> wonderful and possibly a place that takes interns. >> hi, good afternoon. i'm a current senior undergrad and i know throughout this conversation you mentioned heliport your feet this to you. i am wondering how we can have a site to improve globally and what challenges you've encountered regarding reproductive health as someone who is a religious person. >> wonderful question. as of your question. that's one thing i did want to talk about because it's hard
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work. i don't just mean in terms of hours we put in a cognitively the uptake. it is emotionally hard work to be with people and they are suffering. i've been taught is abusive to point out a problem without pointing out a solution. i am really clear my work in america and abroad and just a surrogate for people who are doing the grassroots work. for some reason, people are willing to tell me stories. i received their sacred narrative, which goes back to the beginning of sitting around the fire telling our stories in what became essential for me in my face was to make sure i celebrated those people, too because that's where hope comes from. what was your name again? what i had to do is find a fate that would work for me under all causes and conditions and displaced persons camps in child
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abuse shelter. in an emergency room, in a brothel, and a laborer slave camp, in an orphanage. you know how hard it is to walk out of an orphanage? i mean, my hands tingle when i say it. i can feel the weight of the babies had left behind. first to have two sisters, both of her work for us and ask if i will bring them to america because they know america is where dreams come true and were gross amendment can reach their full potential. later i realized they had reversed a. we spent the day prior to us because they wanted to come home to america with me. that is like a spiritual death and i fire god, lou scott, don't understand god unconsenting brings me back, whether it's
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with a friend or spiritual director, piece of scripture, palm, encouragement from another person doing this work. i don't want any of you to burn out. we have one of the great public health africanists in this room, by the way. i would've been her if i hadn't gone to hollywood. she went to the peace corps, got a masters in banff world central africa. and then became country director at one of the most difficult countries. democratic republic of congo and did remarkable things while they are. speaking of religion and faith, when we first met at a retreat some years ago, we were talking about how do people survive? i do not bring out? she said public health is my religion. so whatever works for you, work it.
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>> hello. hello kentuckian. [inaudible] u.k. grad, croquettes. my name is leah craft and i'm from eastern kentucky. that's all that was. boxed mac and finish up my mph and global health and i also felt inspired by appalachia, which is what may be right pursue public health, just disparities that plagues our hills and mountains. i just wanted to ask, and a lot of the gender classes i am in, we talk about the best way to address overseas, is a top down? is a grassroots? i just want to know what your thought is. >> is both.
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>> thank you for that question and sharing. you think we have another one. >> i am elizabeth bernat. i was fortunate as summer to travel to and via. we were there for two weeks and they cannot test this, i was struck the whole time by the amount of garbage in indiana and i would wake up in the morning, go to bed at night and i just could not get over it. so my question as, how do we get anyone to care about their health when the first thing they need to care about or that they probably care about is the dump of trash that just got put in front of their house in a slum or that they don't have running water and to me that seems like the bass and if we can't get
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that, we can't expect women to care about getting to school for anyone to care about giving their children the right nutrition. i'm wondering through your travels what you see in your thoughts on that. >> my thought is to found your page and you should stick with your paid and what they mean is we all have to find it and it makes us mad and that being that gives us the fire in the belly and the passion and stamina to stick with it. it comes from another eastern kentucky and, my godmother who has a heavy hand peers she introduced my parents. although she lived in san francisco and had when i say pat and her fancy friends for like what is that about? she's like it is my pick. so begins the slogan for this is my thing and it sounds like garbage has become urethane. [laughter] >> go with it.
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>> i'll go with it. >> i agree about the garbage and have had the privilege to sit with literally three generations of waste pickers and it was one of the most funding and -- when i left her grandmother, she hugged me and said you'll always be my granddaughter because he sat here and picked waste of man who thinks like separating a piece of copper or they could exchange for money. if you're interested in the informal economy in which girls and women disproportionately participate, there's some great stuff going on, particularly in central america. >> is just the other day watched wastelands from brazil, which i was like that needs to be in the eye. >> but i think about her name, i was intimidated.
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audrey gibson name the name of a professor version that is some expertise. but i was really scared of her. she said to me last, we need to bring the anxiety down. i was trying to do a matrix. >> you people have that effect on us. you do. >> probably a little bit is conducive to learning. >> not that much. it's like choking. >> reigning miss brittany stalls for. i am a former student, i work for lake research partners, so we do a lot of public opinion research around these issues, so this has been so fabulous. i wanted to go back to what you said earlier about the importance of speaking out in naming the violence for what it is, which i agree is important
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and critical to this movement. i was wondering what she thought about situations in which the survivor was the victim, the person is still happening to this dependent on their perpetrator in such a way that speaking out is impossible. this happens a lot in the u.s. military. >> absolutely. >> we are better than not and it's got to stop. >> i guess my question is, do you have any thought about policies or how to address that issue specifically? >> such a great question. are you all familiar? so first of all i identify multiple ways in which a girl and women is dependent on her perpetrator. this economically and in areas that we'll we'll violence and control, are you familiar with?
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if you don't know, check it out online. what we are talking about is a spectrum of violence. their societal, the covert and it travels obviously to the lack of respect for our bodily integrity and sexual autonomy. if we can start identifying collectively agreeing that is a form of gender violence, we can start destructing hirsutism after progress all the way to such extreme physical violence. trauma bonding with one's perpetrator is perhaps the most under discussed part of this. i think there is some understanding that if a woman is dependent upon her abuser for an come out with shows like detection of her children as a concept we got when a woman is
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psychologically bonded with her perpetrator and lives in that extraordinary teachers here, there is more blaming that goes on there and that is part of what i'm interested in. if anybody doing work on that in the room? have i inspired you to? and man, you know, i had the opportunity to direct some gain in november about military trauma and i was so pleased. it's called call me crazy. my particular wind this up at a veteran who has ptsd and i was able to earn a lot, most of it dismaying and i highly recommend a documentary called the invisible war and really celebrate their courage because, you know, there are women who
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are raped and our military and our church is infidelity. there has been progress in congress. i know senator gillibrand has been helpful to you. but when the investigator, the prosecution, the defense, jury and community is appointed and controlled way her superior, we make no progress. as scott of siam women are now permitted permitted in combat, they first fear was there will be more because there'll be additional attempts to control women who have the capacity to progress in our military. so i appreciate you bringing it up. we are better not. i know women who don't go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because assaults in the trains is so common and this is unacceptable in the united states of america is a thank you for bring it out. and you are going to be part of
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the solution because you brought it up. you now have the responsibility. >> i meant mph and epidemiology. >> i love epidemiologists by the way. i got the same dark education by one of the greatest epidemiologists in the world. i just love y'all. >> its numbers, fax, true. >> going back to the violence. i'm actually a survivor. but we talked about earlier sorry. i find it hard because women get into power and learned more and are constantly brought back. how do we keep ourselves going? how do i constantly want to do more and prevent it from
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happening again, yet feel pushed back? i know god spoke openly today because i felt less alone. and i know that as with a lot of people. and a senior year of college i could counter my graduating class. we all started talking about it. it shouldn't happen on a college campus because there is the statistic that if you don't go to college, you're less likely to have an assault and that is messed up. >> you put it well. >> thank you for sharing not so openly. as you see so many faces around the room. i know that it helps us all with being able to open up and as you say, be able to push not push that that. it's so important what you said. thank you so much.
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>> what comes from the head goes over the head and in the greatest journey we ever take is that 18 inches that connect the two. >> my name is cassandra and i'm a graduate of the global hawk program. there were 58 right now. there's so many questions i have. you're the first famous person i've ever met. hello. naomi, my father is ill in love with you. >> that hockey poster >> i guess my question might be for the team first. i say this because hearing the stories about women placed in positions of violence really disturbs me. if one in four students that are female -- every sushi king.
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these people that are the aggressors, other young men students. who's going to do it except people around them? if you look at the room here, you are talking about feminism and been interested in gender studies and empowering women and people. we are all been in for the most part. why are we not using our resources here to appeal to more young man to become part of the program and were at this? >> is a good point. it's interesting the next person is male, so i don't want to put in too much on the spot. [laughter] but i think it's a good point. >> i would just mention the prevention program. are you all familiar with? an initiative that reaches out to work on campus, young men on campus who have social capital and teaches about that violence in how to use their voice to
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disrupt within their peer group. the isolates can individuate and diminish the voice of gross. so i would suggest you all take a look at the mentoring violence prevention program. >> may squeeze another question? at risk and ago had a row with it. what kind of assistance or obstacles have had for women from either cultural, social, economic, what if you experience in your theocrat in opposition for women? backwards sampo, sometimes thirst or cultural ties to that. >> sometimes women are cast with enforcing rules that society that are typical for women and
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for whatever reason. out of fear perhaps if the daughter of the south side of the status quo to show behind. it is often out of a concern of being project is, but they often have several have been in the first line, for all their children come enforcing whatever rules that our society and sometimes it does seem paradoxical that there are women who are communicating those limit. >> money talks. i mean, one of china's cultural anthropology set the time and that doesn't mean there is a place for a harmful traditional practices such as female mutilation. when i say money talks, one of the things that this effect is to take the mutilator's for her
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and this the legacy and give them an alternate stream of income and all the sudden they don't have to rely on it for their survival and their thinking is open to some changes. so that is an example of economic empowerment. when you ask about my personal experience, i would refer you to the essay the conversation because that's how i experience. it is divide and conquer. there was this horrible thing recently. i've got my family of origin and my family's choice at this something in my small community. it was a post that said then, don't bother to understand the name. women understand each other and the heat each other. are you kidding me?
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strong enough to female alliances are so important now to encourage you to cultivate them as if your life depended on it because it does. i have chronic sinusitis. surgery worked extremely well. i had this repeated sinusitis, two or three rounds of stairways and i to puffy face. women everywhere were saying it was so contradict to that either had plastic surgery and looked at her had had enough. it is just nuts and that's when i wrote that, so i would refer you to that. your life does depend on it. >> hi, i'm a freshman hannah.
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so i grew up in just a regular suburbs. bailey said the statistic that one in three women will be assaulted and to me that was the statistic and never sufficed in my face and then i come to college in so many come to me -- they come to me and told me how they been assaulted and this is the first time where i'm dealing with it, but so few of them go to the proper authorities, anybody for a case. they just deal with it. at the university, where such great resources they can go shoot. crisis on our come as so many resources, but none of them seemed to want to go to it. my question is first of all why do they not want to go? and second of all, what can i do to help the
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