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tv   International Programming  CSPAN  March 6, 2013 7:00am-7:30am EST

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>> and now to london for prime minister's question time live from the british house of commons. every wednesday while parliament is in session prime minister david cameron takes questions from members of the house of commons. prior to question time the house is wrapping up other business. this is live coverage on c-span2. >> it would be on the website and available now. >> i'm disappointed, i thought the secretary's statement was an apology to the people, would affect because of the bombing. the biggest bombing. but i wonder if the government said you cannot -- the government wants to make sure -- expert evidence that was given against them was by lies and fabrications by the police and not allowed to continue. until we get to the truth of this about the collision that
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took place. >> can i say in reply, i pay to be to the work is done over the years and i know i was slightly rebuffed. mr. speaker, i have been too soft in the past couple of weeks and quietly spoken. let's put it this way. i'm very proud. we must get to the truth. >> thank you, mr. speaker. will the minister first of all acknowledge as a member of the second largest party of opposition, one is not the labour party? and will he indicate what of the reports are standing by its et on other atrocities in northern ireland? and will be demonstrated that if et must do more to reassure the majority community that republicans murdered protestants in northern ireland in cold
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blood? and if et report should demonstrate that in the publications findings. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this is been raced in on more than one occasion. i continue looking into evidence evidence. if the honorable gentleman, come and see me about her because he knows he will get a very welcome response. >> order. questions to the prime minister. mr. derek twigg. >> number one, mr. speaker,. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this morning i had meetings with ministerial of colleagues and others, and in addition to duties in the house i shall of further such meetings today. >> [inaudible] >> i quote the bedroom tax has hurt thousands of disabled persons. with the prime minister drop his
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policy? >> first of all let us be clear, this is not a tax. only -- [shouting] let me explain to the labour party. a tax is when you earn some money, the government take some of the money away from you. that is a tax. only labor could call a benefit reform a tax increase. [shouting] let me be clear to him. pensioners are exempt. people with simply disabled children are eccentric people who need round-the-clock care are exempt. those kind of groups of people are all exempt. there's a basic issue of fairness. how can it be fair the people and housing benefit in private rented accommodations do not get a fair rim subsidy where as people in social housing to? that isn't there and we are putting that right. >> over the last one years there's been 137% increase in the number of deaths.
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does the prime minister up with me we're going to stop this awful condition inflicting more people in the future, that we need to best -- much more preventing this disease and in research and particular? will be outlined what the government is doing to help support those? 's i think the automotive raises something that is of concern to everyone in this house and everyone in this country because no one knows when a relative could get afflicted by this condition. the point she makes is right. this is a disease and we should be thinking about it as a disease in a way that we try and crack cancer or heart disease or stroke. that's what this government is increasing the amount of money going into the medical research so that we can try and prevent dementia and more cases. and many other things we need to do in terms of improving the care of in care homes and in hospitals and also make sure we have more to mention from the communities so that we will learn about how to do with people who have dementia and how
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to help them leave as productive lives as possible. >> ed miliband. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, i would like to ask the prime minister about an individual case that is been raced with me. john in these london is what about what's happening to his living standards. his salary is -- his salary is 1 million pounds and he is worried under the proposed eu regulations his bonus may be capped at just 2 million pounds. [laughter] can the prime minister tell us what is going to do for john? >> well, what i would say to john -- [shouting] what i would say to john and everyone like john is under this government bonuses are one quarter of what they were when he was -- [shouting] i will take lots of lectures from lots of people, but i don't have to listen to the casino when it all went bust. [shouting] >> ed miliband.
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>> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, -- i know the prime minister doesn't want to do with the facts. he can send his chancellor to europe yesterday an and/or to ae against the bonus attacks. now, he says presumably because he thinks it will be bad for the city of london, but who led the negotiations, mr. speaker, on the bonus cap? it was a conservative member of the european parliament. what does he say? he said we've managed to produce a deal that will strike the right balance for the majority of bankers who take responsible decisions. why the prime minister and the chance was the only people who think it's priority to find -- fight for bigger bonuses for bankers? >> at 70 is completely wrong. with some of the toughest rules on bonuses and the toughest roles on transparency of any major financial center anywhere
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in the world. and when the croupier's were in charge, where was the transparency? there was none? where were the rules? there were none. it is an important issue. there are some important bridges national interest. we are responsible for 40% of the eu's financial services. those industries are here in our country and got to make sure they go on contributing to exchequer. we want to make sure that international banks go on being headquartered here in the uk. we think that matters. him i want to just oppose and play politics but we care about these things. we also -- we also want to make sure that we can put in place the very top ring fence around our retail banks so the complete shambles that he presided over can never happen again. >> ed miliband. >> this is the man who in opposition said it will be a day of reckoning for the banker. and now he says his chancellor
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is to fight against the bonus cap in brussels. and what did he say? what is he arguing? there should be more regulations of the banks. oh, he says he won't. well, let's see. what did he say? david cameron, a conservative economic strategy march 2008. i have a few. as a free marketeer, as a free marketeer by conviction, it won't surprise you to hear me say the problem of the last decade has been too much regulation. [shouting] so there we have it, mr. speaker. but look, let me say, let me say, i think, i think john the banker will take heart that the prime minister is straining every muscle to help them. now, let me ask him, let me ask him about the case of the hundreds of thousands of disabled people who will be losing an average of 700 pounds a year because of his bedroom tax. is he going to fight for them by
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deciding for john the banker? spent first of all let us just remember what happened in 2008 when he was sitting in government. the biggest banking both in our history. the buildup of the biggest deficit in our history. all the mess that we're having to deal with now was delivered by him and his henchmen in 2008. and what about -- before we go on to the spare room subsidy, let them get to his feet and apologize for the mess he left in this country. apologize. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker -- [shouting] >> order. i know there are people who don't like it the procession runs on your personally doesn't matter to me at all but the more noise, the more destruction the longer it takes the longer we will be your.
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very simple. ed miliband. >> i do know this but i do know the prime minister has a new tactic which is to ask the questions at our exchanges. all i can say is it's good to be prepared for opposition, mr. speaker,. [shouting] and the home secretary shakespeare has gone looking for defacing her when they're in opposition. now, now, let me ask him because he didn't answer the question about the bedroom tax. he talked earlier about the hardship fund. let's look at the facts. this 25 million pounds allocated to help disabled people hit by the bedroom tax and hardship fund. 25 million people specifically for disabled people. but how much did his own figures show it's taken disabled people? 306 million pounds? 306. so we'll see that the vast majority of disabled people who were hit by his bedroom tax will get no help from his hardship fund? >> first of all the whole house, whole country will now no
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apology for the mess left by the party opposite. but let me tell him, on the subsidy his figures are completely wrong. first of all, the last thing he just said before he sat down is that we're cutting the money going to disabled people. that is simple enough decades. in 2009-10, the money spent on disability living allowance with 12.4 billion. by 2015 it will be 1,323,000,000,000. there is no cut in the money going to the disabled. this government is protecting that money in spite of the mess that he made. now on the subsidy, pensions are exempt from people with disabled children are exempt, anyone who needs help around the clock is also exempt. and as he is fond of reading out lessons from his constituents, let me read that when i got on this issue from adventure who said this, we are expected to find up to an extra 60 pounds a month out of our pensions are having extra bedrooms.
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but, of course, they are not, their pensions, they are terrified. >> i think, i think what that means, i think what that means is there was nothing in the briefing on the question i asked. let me just make it clear because he doesn't understand it. his own impact assessment which i have here which you might read by the way, mr. speaker, says there are 420,000 disabled people hit by the bedroom tax, an average of 700 pounds a year. that's 306 million pounds. the money and the hardship fund allocated to disabled people is just 25 million pounds. so will he admit the basic arithmetic, will he admit the vast majority of disabled people will get no help from the hardship fund and will be hit by a bedroom tax? >> he's completely wrong because anyone with the very disabled children is exempt from the subsidy.
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>> order, order. you must not shout at the primacy. the answer must be heard. >> completely ignores the fact that anyone with severely disabled children is exempt from the subsidy. anyone who needs care around the clock is exempt from the subsidy. at the point he has to address is this. we are spending 23 billion pounds on housing benefits. that is up by 50% over the last decade. that is 1000 pounds every year for every basic right taxpayer. we say it is time to reform housing benefit and it is only fair that you treat people in social housing the same way as an private rented housing. he is now proposals to do anything about welfare but just to put up borrowing. >> ed miliband. >> i think we've established today that prime minister doesn't understand his own policy. [shouting] it is shameful to be doing this
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and not even to understand impact of it, on the people of this touch. he called out all the stops to defend the bankers and the bonuses but he's got nothing to say to disabled people who are being hit by his bedroom tax. he stands up for the wrong people. it's no wonder his backbenchers and the country think he is totally out of touch. [shouting] >> what we've heard today is what we hear every single wednesday. they will not support one single change to welfare. they won't support reform housing benefits. they didn't even support it would have housing benefit away from people charging 100,000 pounds a year. they wouldn't support changes to child benefit. they won't support any changes to dla. it will support changes to council tax benefit. they have opposed 83 billion pounds of welfare savings, and that is the point. they have to admit that their policy is to put up borrowing. they have nothing to offer, only
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debt, debt, and more debt. >> thank you, mr. speaker. forgive me. [laughter] i was taken by surprise. thank you, mr. speaker. on the eighth of march, and this may surprise some members even more, on the eighth of march we celebrate international women's day. with the prime minister join me in calling upon the indian and pakistani governments to do more to uphold the rights of women and to advance the gender agenda? >> i think my honorable friend is absolute right to raise this and i think there are some particular issues we should really focus on. and that is female genital mutilation which is a completely unacceptable practice that we need to deal with right across the world but including here in the united kingdom and will be making an announcement about that. but we should also do more to crack down on the completely unacceptable practice of forced
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marriages. that are still forced marriages taking place right here with people involved from the united kingdom and we need to do more to put a stop to it. >> thank you very much, mr. speaker. i've been asked by my constituents if a food bank -- i'm proud of these people who have come together as a committee. but i have to say i carry shame that this government is driving people more and more, even working people have to use food banks. i see people waving this away. isn't a question of around the? the government must look after the poor as well as after the rich. >> i would welcome people that are making this contribution in our country as the last labour government did by giving the organization that founded food banks a prize and an award for the work to i point out to him that the use of food banks went up 10 times under labor. but one thing labor refused to do which we have done, which is
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likely to allow job centers to point people towards food banks if they need them. they were worried, the last labour government was worried about the adverse publicity. they put that were before the needs of people up and down the country. >> thank you, mr. speaker. does the primacy agree that we cannot borrow less by borrowing more? we cannot deal with the deficit left by the last labour government by increasing our debt? and the shuttle chassis plan for doing so is both financially and morally bankrupt? >> i think my honorable friend makes an important point. the policy of the official opposition is to borrow less, by borrowing more. it is completely incredible, and that is why the leader of the opposition comes here week after week. he asked about all sources questioned but he will never mention his borrowing policy. it's an extraordinary point but the good of the opposition has a policy. you so embarrassed about he can tell the house of commons.
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>> david nicholson showed willful and culpable ignorance while more than 1000 people died needlessly in the nhs. how can the public having the confidence in the administration of the nhs while all this remains? will the premise or not stack in a neatly? >> david nicholson has very frankly and very candidly apologized and acknowledged the mistakes that were made. and i think it is an important point because i think everyone has to think of their responsibilities with regards to the dreadful events that happened at the hospital. including the fact that part of the problem with people following a very top down, target let agenda which lead to patient care being put on the back burner. david nicholson has made his apology and wants to get on with his job of running an excellent national health service, and other people comfortably, should be thinking of their positions, too.
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>> with the prime minister welcomed the honorable men as beastly and agree with me that even governing parties can when election if they stick by their leader through thick and thin, campaign hard, and campaign hard for a stronger economy and a fairer society? >> i will certainly welcome a new member of parliament for the good of this parliament. [laughter] i'm sure that he will enjoy making contribution to our debates. i know very ceflythe rest of my honorable friends question. >> this time last week the prime minister told me that he would not be and nurses and the association medical royal colleges as well as 250,000 members of the public said they didn't believe him. was yesterday's withdrawal of the images competition
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regulation -- or the public and professional -- [inaudible] >> with respect to the honorable lady, i think there's an attempt to create an entirely false argument here. the aim is to ensure that the rules for procurement and diversity in the nhs will respect the decision was put in place by the last government, has been repeated in this government. so what we're doing is putting that beyond any doubt. but what i would say to her is what i said last week. what a week to be frightened of by making sure that in our brilliant nhs you can get a full contribution from private sector companies, from voluntary and charitable bodies, too. that is actually a manifesto she stood on at the last election. just in case she's forgotten. i remind her, we will support -- [shouting] spin listen, i thought they would like to hear their manifesto. i thought they would like to
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hear. we will support an active role for the independent sector working alongside nhs and the provision of care, particularly whether bring innovation. such as end-of-life care and cancer services. what happens when the labour party goes into opposition they become a wholly owned subsidiary of the trade union movement. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. a report from monitor recommends the closure of a cute and most emergency and maternity services. will my transform it with me and colleagues to discuss series impact this would have on access to services for people, including the two new which would welcome in 2016? >> i discussed this issue many times with my honorable friend and i'm happy to speak with him again. the trust does continue to face an series financial challenges and that is putting at risk its work to improve services for patients. as required by the legislation
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monitor will be consulting with the health sector as well as others before making the final decision to go ahead with this method the races but if he wants to discuss it with me, very happy to have that conversation. >> thank you, mr. speaker. this week the cbr reported that one in 10 people in newcastle have borrowed money to pay for food. in april, 20,000 of our poorest households are going to be asked to find us 125,000 pounds permanent for the bedroom tax. so could the prime minister concern whether at the same time he personally will be benefiting from the millionaires tax? >> first of all let me address the issue of the spare room subsidy in newcastle specifically. because there are 9000 people on social housing waiting, and i think this is important for the country of 250,000 people who
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are living in overcrowded accommodation who would love to have access to a house with more room, and just 386,000 people who are living in overcrowded housing. that is the reality. the party opposite does not want to recognize that reality and they have nothing to offer in terms of reform. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last year more than 100 women were killed by men in the united kingdom and we know that domestic violence happens across doorways across this entire country. will the prime minister take the opportunity to attribut attribud outstanding work being done by wilshire police in new ways of reducing this appalling crime and also to the providers are providing services for those who suffer in my constituency? >> i'm happy to do that. i think the fighting domestic violence is an important part of international women's week, and she said. i particularly want to commend not just the police in wilshire but the local authority that is in very good work of bringing all the agencies together to
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make sure we have a joint approach of trying to craft this very difficult problem which as you said has often been hidden from view. >> a recent report suggested that -- [inaudible] by 3%. not you, sorry. [laughter] 3%. along with the cuts in welfare, why is it that bankers spend, can get away with stuffing their pockets with 50-pound notes? when is this prime minister going to get a grip? if he is not going to get a grip, let my honorable friend in his seat get a grip. >> win his friends are in charge, the bonuses were higher, the banks are going bust your to was a prope proper prope properd
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that's why we're getting with the mess. you can try and wave it away but those two were sitting in the casino when the wheel stopped spinning and the country nearly went bust. >> does the prime minister welcomed the action the office of fair trading have taken today to make sure that payday lenders behave responsibly and fairly? >> i think my honorable friend raises a very important case because the fact is a number of payday lenders have been hating any completely irresponsible way. the oft are putting 50 firms on notice over their behavior. they are requiring us to take specific actions facing fines are having their licenses revoked. the oft are also consult on referring the entire sector to the competition commission. that action is being taken at a commend the oft for what they have done. >> thank you, mr. speaker. [inaudible] that's a 10% cut
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despite unemployment. with rising youth unemployment and the flat-lining economy, why is the primacy nine young people and education? can he explain why he's cutting taxes to millionaires what young people have no future? >> let me just tell her that in her region employment is up by 21,000 this quarter. it's up by 74,000 since the election. we've taken 192000 people in her region out of tax altogether. and youth unemployment is down since the election. >> thank you, mr. speaker. like many others i welcome last week's speaker showing annual net migration has fallen by a third since the general election. does the prime minister to agree with me that this shows that government is ending uncontrolled immigration while the party opposite has opposed every single step? >> i think my honorable friend
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exhibit worthwhile point, which is this. we take action right across the board to do with a completely unacceptable situation that we inherited. under the last government net migration ran it over 200,000 a year. that meant 2 million over a decade. that is to cities the size of birmingham coming and staying in our country under their completely busted and bankrupt system. now from what we've done is cut the net migration by a third by taking a series of steps, none of which they have supported. tonight we hear we're going to you one of these fake apologies from the leader of the opposition. i suspect it will be every bit as real as his completely fake apology to apologize for the left -- for the way he left the economy. >> after the riot the prime minister offered people reassurances about public safety. but under the latest tory proposals, every police station will close down and it will be fewer police officers that
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existed immediately under the riot. isn't this another broken promise? >> first of all his figures are wrong. the number of neighborhood police officers in london is up from 895 to 3418. crime is down in the net and he should be welcoming that rather than criticizing it. >> the lord russell. >> [inaudible] the prime minister has observed that it is a party of nut cases, fruitcak fruitcakes. has deputy chairman says the conservative should -- how are the talks are going? >> first of all can a commend my honorable friend on a splendid wage code. if he reveals it further we will see that, yes, okay, enough.
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enough already. [laughter] what i can say is it was a good, honest and fair fight. what i would be absolutely clear about is the party that is meant to be challenging as the opposition in our country when for precisely nowhere. >> russell brown. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my constituents, prime minister, are demanding that big businesses pay their full taxes. likewise, they are determined individuals pay tax. prime minister, you've said that you will pay all taxes in the proper way. next month, will that include any taxes which you, prime minister have cut from 50 p.? >> for sock and a welcome the fact that he supports this governments g8 initiative on tax transparency which was going to make summer progress on. what i would say to him, the reason for replacing the 50 p.


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