tv Capital News Today CSPAN March 8, 2013 11:00pm-2:00am EST
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large-scale copyright infringement. i would imagine someone who takes the time to stop using their home network to go to starbucks on the donald's to download movies is in that category. you know, we are working under the assumption based on the research we've done by the content industry in the last decade is continue to be an enormous problem. there's a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of us understand the about what copyright is an abundance of where to get it -- how to find what people want in a legal way. i don't think we will see people heading out of their homes to starbucks and hopefully as we analyze and evaluate the system,
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we will appeal to address the needs of those people as well. >> carnegie mellon university. i'd like to unders and the arbitration process. if someone is accused of violation and say i didn't download anything, what evidence would they be expected to gather? how would it be weighed? >> we've actually built a system that should be seamless, quake and really work on the paper if you will. this is further described on our website, but it is not technically an arbitration. the american arbitration association, which is the largest alternative dispute resolution in the country has both rsa mechanism, where the consumer is going to have the opportunity to link directly from his or her isp if received
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in mitigation alert, go directly into the american arbitration association says that mc specifically which alerts are eligible for appeal and they will then be able to see a tag number, the name of the content, owner of the content and will be given a set of choices to get exactly two which are saying. to the isp misidentified my account. somebody used my wireless. i had in one case authorization for the content owner. so i have a letter next to me from a movie studio that that says that the right to distribute this content. that is a consumer online forum, states precisely why they believe they received a particular alert in error. if there's a piece of paper like an authorization letter they
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cannot touch it and i can't get into a mutual, someone assign who has been trained by the american arbitration in this program then have access to as mary ann described earlier, the entire evidence package that goes with similar generated. they can go back into the information and look at it i was eventually issue a decision. so it is in a facsimile of a court case or what she might encompass an arbitration, or there's two parties across the table. because it's a digital program, it's a streamlined digital process that works within a few weeks. >> one last question from twitter and this is a question from twitter, so feel free to answer it. if it focuses on education, why not focus on fair use and other except that will use this? i'm not sure the contrast is
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making. anybody want to fill out one? >> the essence of the program in the educational program is to educate people where they can go to get legal content. to make sure that their account is being used to transmit. it's not meant to be copyright 101 in section one of six and he was a limitation or defense in 107. it's really meant and get people using fear to theater and are casual users to edit content isn't going their system. they note there is a way to avoid that legally on services
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like spot if i am netflix or anything. >> if i could just disagree with you a little bit. they do want to be a resource about copyright because part of the problem that we've identified that we don't understand how copyright works. they are an advocate for ensuring when we get to that broader education phase is fair use is a robust and diverse part of that education and certainly not get left behind. it has pretensions to being more than just operating this copyright alert system and really having a more vibrant discussion and exceptions to
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copyright. >> let me just follow along. as i said initially that's absolutely right. one of the first and primary main dates at cci is to implement the copyright alert him that we are well on our way to doing that. we do want to be a resource within a certain frame. we are not going to become a legal resource for copyright information, although we have links that people are coming to our side if they want more information about copyright, law, we have links to the copyright alliance, links to the copyright office and other places where people should find out information. we have begun one area of our exploration of broader education i wanted to describe and that is working with an organization to
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help the state of california to develop a k-12 curriculum on copyright and fair use. one of the things we identified in our research and as we talk to educators somewhat get the information out there and as tom daley noted earlier, we have kids growing up in a digital environment who don't know what copyright is, that we have to find a way to talk to don when they are fighters sold it has made a picture on the wall at seven at the wrong name on it. how does that make them feel and what are the reasons they might be able to engage in a fair use of copyright content. it is an important concept and one will continue to explore. we don't want to simply be the same kind of restores out there before, same kind of resource it thinks the copyright in legal terms. but we want to be able to reach the next generation of people
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thinking about creativity and the importance of being able to have control over your creative works. >> at a customer questions, but i don't think we'll get to that. i'm interested in this rollout in how that happens at the curriculum. i'm also interested as we go forward and measuring success. again, starting this past couple weeks i will look forward and maybe we'll be back in a year or two to see how well this plan. we're working hard for the advisory board to the members. i appreciate you taking the time to speak with us and thanks everybody for attending. [laughter] [applause]
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[inaudible conversations] >> united states patent and trademark office is one of the few federal agencies that is designated to exist in the constitution. patents and trademarks are a fairly modern invention. the first grants given to inventors for a monopoly on their invention and they were popular in england and continental europe. but the constitution takes it one step further. this is for useful invention and
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from the beginning, novelty is a key aspect of the pack in office's role. you'll notice each one had a little tag with it and each is tied on by a piece of red ribbon. this piece of red ribbon is one of the supposedly christian nations of the phrase that tape and government red tape because it's hard to tell this was originally red ribbon that each one of these is tied on and it wasn't until the tab was tied down and the patent was approved that he would cut through all the red tape. originally patent models were required to show the operation of an item. so each one of these models works in the way of full scale version would work.
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>> one of the things that early american wife was taught to do, she supported her husband's career, usually through entertaining. dali was both socially adept and politically savvy. so she could structure entertainments in such a way that she could lobby for her attention under the guise of entertaining. she also thought it was to create a setting in the white house, almost like a stage for the performance of her husband and the conduct of politics and diplomacy.
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i'm going to go out and run a mile rate now. you guys got me so excited. i'm never going to get it invited back again because the dutch tell you guys a joke. it has a high level of trickiness and stephen colbert would say. it's basically a church in my city that has these two young brothers causing all kinds of problems and everybody tried to intervene. the deacon, the choir director, so finally the pastor said and bring them my office penalty with this myself. he takes these two young boys, brings the older brother into his office, sits in the front of the desk and they stare at each other. his arms crossed, staring down the pastor in a surprise by this behavior and he thinks i got to try something different. he looks and sees this on the table and puts his hand on it
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and they sit there for a second and says my son, i want you to tell me now, where is god? he looks surprised. his eyes opened up. he looked downright scared. he thinks i got them, so now he picks up the bible and we've said about his head and says they said tell me right now, where is god? at this point the bully is shaking visibly from head to toe. i don't know what kind of pastor you might have, but that is going well you just double down. [laughter] said now he stands up, leans over to the boy and what this sunday morning voice at the height of his sermon, yells out so everybody outside can hear you scream, my son, tommy wright now, where is god? at this point the boy jumps up,
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shaken from head to toe sprints out, grabs him by the hand and says we've got to get out of here. god is missing in the pastor thinks we took him. [laughter] my point is, ladies and gentlemen, we've got problems but we can't sit around asking, where is god? god has created us to do with these challenges. i worried these days about our nation to often. to cynicism, allowing to undermine determination to do something. i worry about folks getting caught up when it comes to a problem, that toxic state of being called a sedentary agitation, where they are sitting on their couch watching what is going on with the world through their tv screens, getting so upset, but not doing something about it. you see, i have proven to myself
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in a longitudinal study of my own life, i'm going to do my phd. you are all going to be calling me.or booker next year. there's nothing we can do is to people when we come together. it's no longer an issue that way. it's a moderate do we have the collective will? will we do something? what inspires me, inspired by her great first lady in leaders in the corporate community, and the foundation community, and the nonprofit community, do this from the streets of newark to the hills of oakland, what inspires me now as so many american are joining together and looking at the crisis of obesity in america, eating away the foundations of our children, consuming their potential and their trains, raising the cost
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of living, lowering the quality of life. i'm inspired now that one to another we are joined together across sectors, across parties, across the country and saying we are going to manifest the will to turn this around. this is the story of america. it's how we've dealt with the most complicated problems, the biggest challenge is, the greatest mountains. we've done it by pulling together. that worried about left or right. not worried about this or that, but a unified purpose, like the old african parable set if you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far, go together. this coalition, this coming together of our community i believe by setting specific actionable goals like every week and monday near measuring our progress, by holding each other
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accountable, collect data and responsibility that will transform how about for our children. this is truly not just possible. i know in my heart from what i've seen so far from last year's conference to this years conference, this isn't a hope or dream. it is our destiny. it's going to take some work. to paraphrase frederick douglass said i was still a slave. it wasn't until i praised as my hands and feet that i found my freedom. we are going to answer that question that got us when he walked in the garden of eden when he called out and said where are you? are you shrinking and hiding from the truth of who you are? told the truth of humanity through your spirit, your conviction, work and success. so we are going to tell the truth about her children that we love them. they have infinite potential,
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there's nothing they can't achieve through our work together. i am proud right now but i have the ability to introduce some people also inspiring me to talk about then. it's really three finalists. they were finalists in yesterday spent childhood obesity innovation challenge. what you do join me in welcoming these fine young man onto the stage. so please give it up. you have the opportunity to hear from each of these betting opportunities yesterday as they explain how their ideas can help in the effort of childhood obesity. we heard from carter. [applause] give it up for them. give it a. give it up. i'm telling you, handsome young men with promising futures, the only thing they have to do is shave their head in their going basis. last night we heard from carter
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who developed the sleek fruit infused to find bottled the next water a natural choice again for kids. then there is dennis who work at the esteemed to create the house came to engage children while teaching them about eating. we also heard from jason massey explained -- did i get that right? .arie house network, and sent to basis and that healthy choice the easy choice for communities. i honestly couldn't be more impressed with the final is standing up here with me today and from talking to her judges, i know that choosing one winner was no easy task. today's winner will receive the tools necessary to expand upon their initial idea in addition to $10,000 the winner will receive a nugget that money and expert advice from senior
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investors that cattlemen and startup called hooking each provide invaluable guidance that will help our winner get off the right track and hopefully help us move the needle in the fight against obesity. now for the winner -- you don't have the envelope? i've got it right here. so the envelope -- pretend this is a fancy envelope michelle obama read the other night. did you all see that? i don't look nearly as good as she looks. i don't even have bangs. what am i doing up here? the winner as -- i got a drum roll. this is exciting. the winner is -- danis with jaya
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powell. come on up here, dennis. be smart give it up for danis. ♪ >> is welcome president and ceo, larry soler back to the stage. these mac >> i was happy when i was going on before may or booker. then they tell me you had to come on after. i hate that. at the risk of stating the obvious, we on a childhood obesity is complex.
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whether we talk about food and attrition or activity, the number of issues that must be addressed can seem infamous from the environment to nutritional information to produce supply chains to access issues come into socioeconomic issues come into cultural traditions, even weather plays a role. at the core is an issue of supply and demand. we must increase the latter, but ensure access to the former. they must inspire kids and families to make healthier decisions while simultaneously making it as easy as possible to make those decisions. pjs partners address those sites that issues. blue cross blue shield association making as accessible as possible on city streets across the country. while their partners build or expand with a 1500 grocery stores in areas, while their partners build or
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expand with a 1500 grocery stores in areas, support from the nation's five largest companies provides access to simple affordable recipes. the need to address both the supply and demand isn't limited to food. our nations children are struggling with the physical inactivity epidemic. only one of three kids is active every day. we need strong programs that create positive experience and we need champions to set powerful examples. we need to integrate back into life. let's move back to schools to address this problem where kids are most. when looking to engage 50,000 schools, 50,000 schools over the next five years, empowered school champions, teachers, administrators, staff and parents to create environments every day. with the mission as ambitious as getting kids moving again, everyone has a role to play in the next partner are going to
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announce is going to play a major role. investing $30 million over the next three years, our next commitment expense program that promote physical activity increased newlands. property and integral part that will be expanding its premiere before school physical activity program fivefold from 200 schools this year to 102,015. the school focused approach combining expanded programs will reach at least 2 million kids over the next three years. the company is committing to invest in a broader effort to increase u.s. population focus on physical activity and fitness. that is until then, the newest partner, reebok. please welcome founder of social responsibility, kathleen poli.
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cheer mock -- [cheers and applause] >> hello, everybody. i want to say i'm thrilled to be here today and it's a real honor to be here today and be part of something so important. every back we have a simple mission. we want to empower people to be set for life. we understand people were meant to move and we are committed to getting them moving. we know fitness has the power to change life for the better of me believe those who are fit not only change themselves, that can be the change agents for people around them. a few years ago is the issue of obesity and other health trends had reached the point where it could no longer be ignored, reebok asked themselves difficult questions. they took a hard look at themselves and ask, would it be
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accomplished? were sports and fitness brand, but what have we done anything to help? what we realized us over the past few decades, per capita participation has declined. we bought another brands in the industry of arguably created a world of fans versus participants. as they celebrate elite athletes and achievements, they start talking about people in sports and fitness can be to the average person. the next question reback asks is what can we do to reverse this trend? reback decided they manage to change their approach and made a commitment to moving forward would shift the paradigm to change the perception of fitness and to get people moving. this commitment to empowering people to be fit for life crisis now and in the future and there's no better place to start than our own children. unfortunately, many of us today see fitness as a chore.
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every bug, what fitness to be fun to bring backplate make it part of everybody's everyday life. a few years ago, reebok made a significant investment and a bit of a gamble. they believed in me and my small before school exercise program started by a few bombs in massachusetts. reebok was inspired and amazed by the impact we were having our own community and felt that with the help the program had unlimited potential and could impact millions of kids around the world. what really struck reback is beyond the kids who participated, the program is built on the cognitive and social benefits of social exercise. the kids to exercise before school were not only healthier but did better in costumes and thrive socially. as larry mentioned, we are well on our way. we now have over 250 high schools around the country.
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[cheers and applause] a true grassroots effort that has taken hold of this effect in thousands of children, parents, teachers and schools around the community. it's simple, easy and free. next on the number will grow to 750 and i'm proud to say the box will be in more than a thousand schools and potentially more with collaboration of partners by 2015. the most important part is we know the program works. not only do we have third-party validator slake afterschool time to validate this, but more importantly were consistently hearing amazing success stories from parents and teachers. we heard about a young girl who spent many mornings in the bathroom or paralyzed in a parents card would not come into school because she was scared to come to school. she was homeschooled and they try to put her in the public school.
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her parents had an idea to enroll her and gave her the confidence in our shoes as to school and she's one of the most confident kids in her class. she's also one of the kids who would have participated in intramural sports, but it allows her to be a big athlete. the story of a young boy who could not run a full lap around the gym. when he started the program could not only does he not keep outcome he surpasses most of them in his last 40-pound over a year and a half. there are many, many more stories like that and i'll tell you, those are the goosebumps stories that make it from parents and teachers on a daily basis and i say this is worth it. we are really making a difference. we know we can't do it alone. more and more collaboration and awareness in support for what we need to reverse the trend. we need more people to get on board and join the cause. members of the reebok family
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whose ongoing commitment to boks has helped us grow awareness of the program. they are truly stars. in organizations like the boston foundation, an early believer in the power of the program helped expand the program i would like to thank them for their support and the alliance for a healthier generation for believing i said the powers of parents and teachers to make this event happen. it has to really surreal and standing up here talking to all of you. we encourage other companies and stakeholders to join us. recently one of our competitors join to take his fate, which is great to see. this is an issue more important than a competition between brands. we have been out this were a number of years and our commitment is only getting stronger. we've contributed millions of dollars to the program and this partnership is another major
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step towards our aspiration of having every school in the country running saturday. it's a bold statement, but i truly believe in it. if you see the smiles on his face as can assure you he would come away asking yourself the same question, why is that happen in every school? whisenant repair taken on the responsibility in bringing physical activity to their school. macs are going to show a little video of the sunday program. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> boks is a unique program for elementary school-age children. backed by the reebok foundation and supported by athletes come as a way to get kids moving and get their minds ready to learn. a simple 45 minutes of exercise before school has been proven to promote adhd and provide other help benefits. children who exercise before school are happier and more confident in the classroom. >> staying fit, stay inactive, being a professional athlete i know the importance of being in shape. >> and makes my brain get more energy. and you make new friends sometimes. >> you have to eat healthy. >> i am a very confident.
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>> we are thrilled about being burning program so i'm reluctant to cluster and they're ready for learning. to become a star in your community, go to boks and find out the information you need to get started. bring to boks to their schools. [applause] >> thank you. i hope that video is inspirational to you as it is to me. every time i see it i get teary-eyed because they think about a kid that are so excited to be part of this and how we've made differences in their lives.
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in the video, you know some of the athletes have been a big part of the success of this program. one person i mentioned earlier has committed himself to being a true ambassador. many athletes out there doing great works and are often overshadowed. eli manning is an example of that. he's been a support since first learning about the program. he is well as his brother peyton had visited boks schools and made a. we are incredibly thankful for that and in fact, eli has been such an amazing ambassador that even employs a massachusetts headquarters, many of whom are featured at and have seen them in the super bowl twice cannot believe. we are so proud to have eli is part of the family. it gives me great pleasure trenchard ice to 10 super bowl
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mvp and a boks ambassador, eli manning. [cheers and applause] >> thank you, castling for that introduction in thank you for hosting this incredible event. it's both an honor and pleasure to be here. when reebok introduced me to the boks program, i was hooked immediately. to be involved in a program that reinforces the message of staying healthy and encourages kids to the healthy and active lifestyle is close to my heart. staying healthy and fit as a way of life to me. anything i can do to ensure that kids growing up today have that same passion for sports and fitness but i do is something that's very important to me. so many of my memories growing up involved times when i got to play outside with my brothers
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peyton and cooper and my friends. is just what we did. boot your site for hours running, jumping, swimming. you name it we were doing it. many of our kids have been experienced that same joy of running around and ask her to ounce of energy they have then this is both disappointing and alarming. as an athlete and more importantly as a parent, this is something i want to help change. the boks program is so incredible because it gives our kids the opportunity to play before school begins. i had the privilege to visit a school in new york city and the kids were being enough energy. they were running every which way and having fun. to know that because of the program these kids are eager to get up an hour earlier each day and are more confident in everything they do is just as rewarding to me is winning the super bowl.
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[laughter] [applause] through boks, we are encouraging these kids to lead a healthier and happier life and we need to keep encouraging more kids are of the country. our influence his parents, teachers, athletes and figures has the power to change the mindset of the next generation and inspire them to embrace active lifestyles. our kids need ice. they look up to us and trust is to guide them in the right direction through life's challenges. it is now our responsibility to bring this message to the service and take action in our schools. o-oscar if the opportunity for a kid that getting moving again and bringing physical at trinity to every school in america. thank you off so much. [cheers and applause]
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thank you also much for giving me the opportunity to stand in front of you all today to explain what this means to me. and now, i'm more privilege to introduce implementers use your platform and passion to bring the issue of childhood health and wellness to the forefront. she's inspired this country to take action and it is my honor to present to you the first lady of the united states of america, michelle obama. [cheers and applause] >> thank you so much. my goodness.
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[cheers and applause] thank you so much. it's great to see you. it's truly a pleasure to be with all of you today. of course i want to start by thanking eli manning. for that very kind introduction. i am probably as excited to see an essay in to see see all of you. but i'm thrilled he could join us today and i'm just grateful for all of his work and leadership. i also want to thank dr. stephen knapp, not just for hosting us hate gw, but all the wonderful work this university is doing to forward the agenda of nutrition and fitness. we are so grateful they are our partners and neighbors as well. i also want to recognize leary and everybody else that the partnership for all their wonderful work as well as the
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team at reebok for all of their leadership and it's just a thrill to be working with both of these wonderful organizations and companies that are doing all these terrific things. for most of all, i want to thank all of you, the advocates, experts and executives who have been leading the way to get all of our children a healthy start to their lives. because of your tremendous efforts, more than half a million people in underserved communities now have access to fresh healthy food. because of view, major american businesses like disney and wal-mart and restaurants are now offering healthier menus and products. military leaders are serving healthier food on their bases. state leaders are educating congregations about eating healthy. nearly two and a half million kurds have enrolled in recreational sports classes. democrats and republicans right
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here in washington came together to pass groundbreaking legislation that's transforming our school lunch program. and just last week, we had the sheer delight to launch let's move act of school is an unprecedented effort to invest more than $70 million to promote physical activity to bring physical education back to her school. [cheers and applause] and today, we are beyond thrilled to announce reebok is joining the effort but an additional investment of $30 million over the next years. [cheers and applause] as you've seen, it comes after years of leadership, which support innovative programs to get kids active in our schools. i want to take a moment today to
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see how grateful i am for redox long-standing and to take that word to the next level. thanks to efforts like these, today we are finally starting to see some results. in mississippi, obesity rates among elementary school children have dropped 13%. rates are also falling in cities like philadelphia and new york. hot mark and in california as well. together, slowly but surely we are beginning to change the tide on childhood obesity in america. we inspire leaders turn every sector to take ownership of this issue. with this type of broad and inclusive engagement, i'm confident we will continue to make steady progress. but we also know what the end of the day, when it comes to the
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health of our kids, no one has a greater in type in each of us to his parents. we know families play a uniquely important role in the work we are doing and that's one of the things i want to focus on today. what if all of us can do to better empower families who want to make healthy choices for their kids. ..
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39% of families had two working parents, today it's just 50%. two decades ago the average employee worked 80 hours less each year than today's average employee. so for parents every day feels like a cross between a high-wire act and an obstacle course and there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done, and i know a little bit about what that's like. i have plenty of help and support today, didn't always live in the white house, and i wasn't that long ago that i was a working mom, with two small children and a husband that traveled and a demanding job. back then, something as simple as a grocery shopping trip required a finely honed plan of
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attack. the trip to the supermack is one of a does items to check off my to-do list in the few precious hours of errand time. and i was determined to get in and out of the stores in 30 minutes, that's all i had. so if the future wasn't prepackaged, forget about it. i did not have time for bagging and weighing and calculating costs in my head. i was all about grab and go. you hear me? and if i had my daughter with me, then the clock was really ticking before somebody needed to be fed or diapered or put down for a nap. and heaven help me if i got all the way to the produce aisle at the end and realized i made a rookie error and forgot to the cereal or the pasta in one of the previous aisles.
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then i had to maneuver that big heavy cart full of groceries and two little kids around the store, and nobody was happy with that. so i didn't have time to peruse the aisles-thoughtfully reading labels, and i know my experiences are not unique. every day parents across the country are doing that same frantic grocery store sprint. so it's not particularly helpful to bombard them with complex labels and vague messages to eat healthy and make better choices, without clearly defining what that means. what is helpful is to provide families with the information they need when they need it. and this is the first point i want to make. the fact is that we can give parents the most comprehensive pamphlets and the most up to date web sites, but we cannot expect folks to remember everything they've read tires weeks later when they're in the grocery store aisle or opening
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the menu or standing in front of the freezer, pondering what to make for dinner. instead we need to offer parents clear information at the moment when they're actually deciding what to buy, cook, and order for their kids. and i'm talking about things that folks like the folks that darden restaurants are doing revamp their kiddy menus with healthier opportunities, and on paintress, with the push on an iphone, parents have access to meals they know would actually be good for their kid. i'm talking about wal-mart's new great for use seal who they're putting on healthy food items, making it much easier to identify healthy products. and remember, when we talk about giving parents better information, we're not just talking about obvious things like food labels.
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we're also talking about the more subtle messages that shape our decisions every day. whether, for example, restaurant menus feature mouth-watering pictures of healthy or unhealthy items. whether a product is shelved right at eye level or lower to the ground where you have to bend over and reach it and if you are benning over, you're not going to get it. whether the produce aisle is the first aisle to greet you when you enter the store or the last aisle you pass on your way out when you're already running late to get home for the baby-sitter. and that is all a part of the information landscape that shaped our choices every day. and going forward, we all need to make sure that these strategies are part of our efforts to improve the health of families in this country. we all need to focus on that. but while we know we must make it easier for parents to access
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healthier foods, we also know that at the end of the day our kids actually need to eat that food, and that's the second point i want to discuss. we know that as parents it's not easy to get kids to eat what we serve them. that doesn't mean we ignore our responsibilities. we would never dream skipping our kids going the doctor or learning how to add and subdistract because they don't like it, and the same thing is true about eating healthy. we have to be form but we also know as parents we are not the only influence on our kid's food preference. every day our kids are surrounded by food advertisements on tv, on the internet and billboards and stores and even in their schools. and it's not just commercials. it's in product placement in the shows themselves, and what the characters they worship are eating and drinking, and research shows that kids who see
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foods advertised on tv are significantly more likely to ask for them at the store. unfortunately, a number of companies have stepped up to set new standards for responsible marketing. disney is cutting all advertisements for unhealthy foods from their children's programming. absolutely. [applause] >> mars, hershey and pepsi have stopped marketing certain products to children under the age of 12, so we know we still have a lot of work to do because whatever we believe about personal responsibility and self-determination, i think we can all agree that doesn't always apply to kids. i think we can all agree that parents need more control over the products products and messar kids are exposed to. and let's be clear, this isn't just about companies stepping up to limit the marketing of
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unhealthy foods to kids. it's also about companies realizing that marketing healthy foods can be responsible and the profitable thing to do as well. american companies can play a vital role to help make eating fruits and veggies fun and, yes, even cool. study after study proves this point. for example, in one study, researchers gave kids a choice between eating a chocolate bar or some broccoli. unsurprisingly, 78% of the kid chose the chocolate, and just 22% chose the broccoli. but when they put an elmo sticker on the broccoli, and a sticker of an unknown cartoon character on the chocolate, 50% of the kid chose the broccoli and 50% chose the chocolate. so, that little elmo sticker added 28 percentage points to broccoli.
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the power of elmo. as for profitability, just ask the folks at birds eye vegetables. the launch launched a major marketing campaign featuring characters from i-carly, and they're sales have jumped 37%. pedal ya unions did a campaign with some wreck, and their sales went up 50%. turned out after kids saw the ads for healthy foods they went and begged their parents to buy them. so the good news here is there is real meaningful evidence we can actually get our kids excited about eating healthy. yes. [applause] >> yes, we can. but in the end we also know it's not enough to simply change the way our children eat. we have to change our own habits and behaviors as well.
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and this is the final point i want to make today. we as parents are our children's first and best role models, and this is particularly true when it comes comes to their health. research shows that kids who have at least one obese parent are more than twice as likely to be obese as adults. so as much as we might plead with our kids to do as i say, and not as i do, we know that we can't lie around on the couch, eating french fries and candy bars and expect our kids kids tt carrots and run around the block. but too often that's exactly what we're doing. we're skipping the gyms so we can drive the kids to school in the morning. we're eating fast food at lunch so we have time afterwards to go to the store and pick up something decent for dinner. we're working so hard to keep our kids healthy that we're neglecting ourselves. now, in some ways, that's what it means to be a parent. right?
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it means there are plenty of things we won't do for ourselves but there is nothing that we won't do for our children. but as it turns out, one of the most important things we can do for our children's health is to take care of our own health. and to make being healthy truly a family affair. [applause] >> and giving parents the information and options they need is an important component to helping the entire household back healthier. just think for a minute what this country could look like. imagine walking into any grocery store in america and finding the healthiest options clearly marked and centrally placed, so that you know within seconds what guess for your family when you walk in the store. national opening up a menu in any restaurant and knowing exactly what items will give your family the most nutrition
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for your dollar. imagine our kids begging and pleading, throwing tan thumbs thumbs --ton drums to get you to buy fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. yes, it's possible to create this world. with more information, responsible marketing, better labels and product placement, with greater access and affordability, yeah, that's what is possible. and the truth is, it isn't rocket science. we have everything we need right here and right now to make this happen. we just have to summon the focus and the will, and everyone, everyone has to make supporting healthy families their top priority going forward. and that's what i plan to do this coming year. and i hope that all of you will join this effort, particularly leaders from our business
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community. and, when businesses step up, yeah, it's important for us to applaud those efforts. but also to encourage them to do even more. we all know, we know we won't solve this problem with any one announcement or commitment, but we will solve the problem with a constant stream of effort that continuously make real and meaningful change. and that is our professional obligation as leaders on this issue. it's also our moral obligation to our children. it's how we will ensure that our kids can fulfill every last bit of their god given potential, and finally, it's also our patriotic obligation to our country. it's how we will raise the next generation of workers and innovators and leaders who will continue to make america the greatest nation on earth. so let's get to work.
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we can make this happen. i am so excited for all the accomplishments over the past few years, and i want to once again thank all of you, all of you, for everything you have done, everything you will continue to do, and i look so forward to working with you all in the months and years ahead. thank you all. god bless. [applause] pa. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause] as part of the summit on consumer protection. >> let me read to you the definition of health fraud. it's the deceptive promotion, advertisement, or sale of products as being effective to diagnosis, prevent, cure, treat,
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a disease or to provide a beneficial effect on health but which have not been scientifically proven save and effective for such purposes, and i think that's particularly where we get into the drug arena , like dietary supplements regulated as food products, tends to makes statements that diagnosis, prevent, treat, or mitigate disease. examples we see in this arena are joint treatment statements involving chronic, serious diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and sexually transmitted diseases, including but not limited to h.i.v. you can only imagine what individuals can -- what can happen to both the consumer as well as other individuals associate with the consumer when taking products that give false
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hope. unfortunately, these criminals that are out there providing these type of diet yetic supplement that have never been study, feed on a vulnerable public, especially in times of panic, for example, during the avian influenza, or the first bird flu panics. what type of enforcement tools does the fda have to protect the consumer? fda has both regulatory options and criminal options. from a regulatory standpoint, fda can issue warning letters to the subject firm or the subject individual. they have administrative authority where they can institute an import alert or import refusal, meaning products that come in from overseas can
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be stopped at the border. there's some regulatory civil and judicial actions that can occur. seizures and injunction are the popular ones. and lastly, but certainly not leastly, fda can investigate criminally. and a lot of times our criminal investigations parallel with civil action. >> that was just a portion of the event. you can watch it in its entirety over on our companion network, c-span, where we're showing all of the panels of the consumer protection summit now, or watch it at any time on our web site,
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>> ten years ago space shuttle shuttle columbia exploded. nasa officials participated in a conference where they discussed causes and nasa's safety procedures. >> welcome, everyone to the george washington university school of public policy and aiaa workshop on the columbia, lessons learned. we're pleased everyone can be here. we thank scott pace and george washington university for hosting us near this facility, and right off the bat we'd like to thank our sponsors without whom we wouldn't be able to do this so lockheed martin, mike haws and mary smith.
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boeing, pat, jeff, and bill are here. and david king and pratt and whitney, and in particular jim maizer who will not be here but is very active in aiaa as a member of the membership commitee. susan and doug. thank you very much for your support today. we appreciate it. we think this is going to be a great event. we have a really great program for you. and so why are we here today? the columbia accident, like the challenger accident before it, it burned into our memories. i have no doubt every person in this room remembers where exactly you were and what you were doing when you got the news that the shuttle was lost. it was a public tragedy but one that was viewed through a private lens, a lens that was created out of our life experiences, for example, i was in the college of the mainland and my colleagues and i were getting ready to run a 5k race,
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and we were getting ready to start, and it being about small community in houston, there were other nasa people in the crowd also getting ready to run, and one of them came up to one of my colleagues and said you need to call into work. the shuttle is lost, and my first immediate thought in my head was, how can you lose a shuttle? it's really big if had come from a background of working at mccain donnell douglas where we worked on aircraft to hide from radar, and that experience, that lens of my life experience, that was the first thought in my head. this is a huge vehicle with a large radar cross-section. how can you lose it? my colleagues called into work, and we found out that lost was lost in the really bad sense of the word, and then we didn't run and we went into the office. so, for each and every one of us here, as soon as we heard those same words, the shuttle's been
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lost 0, first impressions, our emotions were different. our personal experiences drove the view of and the reaction to the accident. this resultant collide scope of impressions formed a collective lens through which we as a community dealt with such a horrible tragedy. we had to put aside or emotions, try to get to the kernel of truth about what happened and why. this is hard. it still is hard. i don't know about you but i still have some very strong emotions attached to this set of experiences, when i think about the memorials we went through, the constant public discussions that occurred, dealing with the dissection of what happened, the many meetings involved in trying to move forward and figuring out the right solutions. still has a very strong emotional pull and i expect to experience that here today. ten years later with our perceptions more diffuse and the colors and jagged edges of our
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lenses brothered a bit we come together again to view the accident its aftermath to through or collide scope. we are here to review what we learned no not forgotten anything and refresh the lessons and pull the last pit of meaning out of the tragedy. now, post accident there was a lot of activity, and one of the things i was involved with for the astronaut office was leading the return to flight effort from the office. i was representing our office opinions out to the technical world and then keeping the head of the office at the time in the loop about what was going on. and the work that was done after the accident from the recovering, analysis to the search for the solution, this was an incredibly complex process, involving a huge team of people, panning the country -- spanning the country, ingaged at an incredible level of detail about what went wrong,
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examine the tanks, aerodynamics, what it takes to break a panel, look at repair techniques, how to do things operationally better, and it was amazing. and i think one of the good things that came out of it all, one of the things i learn, was the fact that when we all pulled together in a highly focused, motivated fashion, we can achieve anything. it was incredible to me the amount of energy, focus, dedication, and hard work that went into getting us back to return to flight, and when you think about it we did nat a very short period of time. so the whole community pulling together it's very powerful force and that's the lesson none of shoes forget. so today we are here to review what happened. how we reacted, and why we did the things we did. we're once again going to reexamine the methodology and processes we used to identify and then fix the problems we discovered. we are here to make sure we have
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not forgotten anything important and if we pick up a few lessons with the best interest of the ten--year heightsight, that's a great thing. we're not here to discuss how the lessons apply to current times. that's another discussion, worthy, and but that's for a different day. today we have a program lined up to walk us through the accident and recovery of the focus on the lessons leonard in both the technical and nontechnical sense. most of the panel members and the people speaking today were in the middle of the efforts we went through during the recovery and the return to flight and the dissection of what happened. so we're going to hear first hand from their experiences and the lessons they learned. so thank you for coming on behalf of george washington university and the aiaa. we hope you enjoy the day and hope you learned something. i hope to learn some new things today and i think it's a fitting way to honor the crew that we take the lessons cantic and muir we don't forget them. so i'd like to introduce mr. w. michael haws, his biois in the
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book, and one thing do want to comment on, he is current live at lockheed martin. skid him to you oh introduce him' he said some old guy who used to work for nasa and now works for lockheed martin, and i said i can introduce you that way but i'd like to add he has hand at great career at nasa, specialties positions at johnson spacer in and then aa positions at nasa. currently he is the director of human space flight program out of washington for lockheed martin, and if you'd like to come up and make few comments that would be great. [applause] >> so, sandy and aagreed to exchange bullets ahead of time but she talked first so she got all the good lines.
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so, obviously you get to listen to me because of the sponsorship thing, which is one of the thing wes do in washington, and it's always a privilege, actually to be able to sponsor these kinds of things, but for me it's also something that is intensely personal kind of a what sandy said about where we all were at the time. i was actually probably one of only a handful of folks in the room that actually was sitting in mcc for the first launch of columbia, so columbia herself had a large part in my life and really touched me in a lot of different ways. the accident was an odd time for me personally. we all have our personal lenses. i was on sabbatical. i was supposed to be working on a doctorate thing i finally drug out of the university a few years ago. and so i had been following the flight only superficially. i was not at home watching tv. i was out and about with my son,
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and didn't know about it until i got a call from a friend at nasa headquarters saying, do you thick need to go into work? i don't know. he said you need to turn on the tv. the shuttle has been lost. so, by that morning, i was -- had already table to bill reidy and was in headquarters with the primary debate of the morning being, we're going to put dave king on a plane but we're not sure where he is going to land. and that was the way we started. so i served as bill's assistant through the whole return to flight time frame. and so i've seen all of these different pieces, and there are lessons to be learned in this whole spectrum of activities. not just the accident and the proximate cause itself but, as sandy said, the response we had, he search, the inner action office all the -- interacts of the agencies that came together to make that happen.
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i also would make a note and ask you, as we're going to think back, reminisce, and think about our friends on the crew, but please also remember buzz mier and charlie clinic who lost their lives in a helicopter accident during the search. our tribute is really how we learn from this, and so the topic of today is really critical. and i think that, while sandy said we'll have another session to look towards the future, most of us are still working on the systems headed to the future, so we have to take these lessons learned from these discussions and apply it to what we're going to do. in one of the memorial services, i remember very distinctly john clark, laurel's husband, posing the question whether we were going to be a space faring nation or space-fearing nation. i like to think we're still all headed to be a space-faring
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nation. i personally hope we are. but it's only by continuing to focus on these things and learn the lessons that we can and apply them in the future we'll be able to maintain that. so, with that, i would like to then just take a minute and introduce joe dyer, our keynote speaker, and in the sake of breathity, we know joe has had a very long and distinguished career in the navy and in the industry, most recently serving with irobot, and we also most know him for his very long serving dedication to the air -- aero spaces a advisory panel. when you have had the pleasure of going before the asap through your career you respect what the team does and how much they bring to the debate, particularly in cases like this.
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so, with that, it is my great privilege to bring forward, vice admiral joe dyer. [applause] >> thank you very much. i have good news and bad news. the good news is that i have 20 minutes of information to share with you. the bad news i am from the mountain0s of western north carolina and it takes me 40 minutes to do it. if you've grownup the flight test business, if you have years and years in the western desert, and years at pa tux it river, this is the view you see many times and it influences your world and your light, and
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buildings an inmaintain controversyism born of pain. columbia, ten years ago, hard in some ways to believe but i'm confronted with it almost every week. if you come in gate 2patuxet river and turn right you'll see what was a grove of saplings planted in memory of this lost crew. today, 12, 14 feet high. it's just a visual representation of how quickly time goes by. and it's also, if you serve on the asap, it's a reminder of how important it is for our past to influence our future. columbia was an amazing machine. the shuttles all amazing machines. contract first let in 1972. to north american aviation.
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few of us remember north american aviation, many of us don't remember 1972. it was the first shuttle that was space worthy. 27 successful missions, lost on the 28th. looking around this crowd and visiting with you this morning, i have no doubt that many of you knew and had personal friends that served on this crew. in their lives, and in their loss, they made nasa better. like our first speaker, i always have to struggle a little bit with my own memories and my own emotions. willy was one of my guys, and he was a joy that would illuminate
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a room when he walked in. i miss him terribly to this day, and similar stories could be told about all of these wonderful folks. this may surprise some of you, coming from the safety guy, but i want to pose the question this morning how safe is safe enough? but i don't want to come at it from the perspective of just more safety. as mike often points out, those wonderful explorers that expanded our world in the 1400's and 1500s, wouldn't haven't have left home in an environment of over arching safety. indeed, great reward and the pursuit of great reward comes hand in hand with risk and it is this relationship between risk and reward that has to be appreciated.
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are we today at nasa and are we as a nation too risk-averse? i think so. but it's a topic that the panel has focused on, with great energy. we are supportive of accepting more risk if we recognize it as what it is and the rewards associated with it. very, very acceptable. unacceptable is to accept more risk and pretend you're not. certainly the asap as constituted today recognizes that it's not line management, and it's certainly not iron tip to answer this question how much safety is safe enough? but it is our focus and intent to point out areas where we believe that the stated
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requirements may not produce the requisite safety, the required safety. a bit of an eye chart. let's just talk about the important parts. this is some great work done by bill gerstmeier and his crew, taking aboard the wisdom of 20/20 hindsight and posing the research question, knowing what we know today, what were the risk statistics, how probable were you to lose a shuttle as you look retrospectively? i'll not drag you through the detail but i'll tell you that, retrospectively, the first launch had not a lost potential of one in a thousand. but probably a loss potential in the neighborhood of one in ten. two ordered of magnitude below
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the design chinning bar. two ordered of magnitude. that has to send a message to all of us about margin, about design, about what is built into a system to take care of those things that we don't yet know and we don't yet understand. a bit of an outline for my remarks this morning we already talk a little bit about risk and reward and we'll do that some here as we go through. i want to tell you about the asap and maybe introduce some of the people part of it. because it's a good group that works hard in support of nasa and also reports to congress. as a key note, in just -- not to be at all the spoiler but we'll touch a little bit on the return to flight, and thin -- then i want to look at issues going
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forward, that mixes between how our history needs to inform our future. this is washington. this is this week, and we will have to talk about budgets. please try to restrain your enthusiasm. [laughter] >> lastly, let's talk a little bit about directions and alignment. if you look at the aschapp chatter, it's all about speaking to hazards, to operations, to safety standards and management and culture, other duties as assigned by the administrator, and as i said, a annual report submitted to both the administrator and to the congress. coming out of the accident was a
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congressionally mandated directive that said the aschapp shall -- that word, "shall --" in at it annual report recommendations of the columbia accident investigation board. the panel members, including myself as chair, dr. jim -- many of you know jim, a mechanical engineer, medical doctor, astronaut, special operations officer. i tell chim if ritalin had been available in his youth he wouldn't be near as accomplished as he is today. claude bolton, air force retired two star army acquisition executive, one that really understands the interplay between risk and acquisition strategy. retired captain bon conway who is now, interestingly enough, get to know bob, the director of
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safety for disney, and i secretly suspect the path to those etickets. john frost from huntsville, long, long-time safety expert at -- for army at redstone arsenal. probably knows more about bad things that happen to rockets than any human on the face of the earth. dr. don mcerland is a fellow at l3 come, former chief engineer for naval aviation. dr. george nile, who is with us today. george, stand up so these folks can see you. will you? george is an active duty, i would say, civil servant with faa, long experience in both air force nasa. we're messed to have him. many of these future
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questions-future opportunities to be answered about commercial space, are in george's portfolio, and in the finest tradition of faa, he is both regulator and advocate. bryan conner is here somewhere. stand up, sir. former astronaut, former -- well, never a former marine -- a director of safety and mission assurance at nasa, brings deep, deep knowledge to the asap and very, very happy to have him. dr. pat sanders, patricia? pratt practice tissue should comes to us from ballistic missile defense after a long career in the department of defense. she has -- is an expert in test evaluation her tour as an executive in ballistic missile.
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defense office could probably use the rest of us. this has been an interesting week or so for me preparing for this pitch, because it's not often you have occasion to stop and look back ten years, and to try and integrate costs those things you have experienced but may note remember. these are the covers of some of the asap reports. the white one in the upper left-hand corner, the focus then was all about return to flight. and this handover/turnover, between the return to flight test group and the asap. the next, which was 2008, upper right-hand corner, was all about constellation, all about air his, -- air his, -- aries. bottom left-hand corner, 20, the
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topics were do we extend the shut until could you extend the shut until -- shuttle? could you extend the international space station, and the latest report, available online, has much to do about commercial space and the interplay between acquisition strategy and safety. just a bit of a timeline. you'll see that the accident very quickly followed by the cape, led by admiral hal gayman who is with us this morning. good to see you, sir. the return to flight group, who had a tenure of something approaching 18 months, much, much longer than they had ever expected -- you'll see that constellation had a long life that goes from middle of 2004 to
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really the end of 2010, beginning of '11. you'll see the watches as they were disburseed following return to flight, and then you'll see the beginnings of the commercial space program. if you look at this chart, if you look at those covers, you have to be struck by how many different space programs we've had over the last ten years. and i will tell you one of my uber-and overarching fears is another administration, irrespective of who the are 0 or where they come from, brings us another space program. if that is to be the case it's going be a long, long way to mars. the k29 recommendses, 15 of
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those were designated as critical, my words -- to return to flight. they looked at those 15 recommends and really said this country-boy terms, we can meet 12 of them and three of them are just too hard or impractical at this point in time and at this point in the design sequence. these had to do, as you well know, with the external tank debris, with hardening the orbiter, especially the leading edges, and with a thermal protection system inspection and on-orbit repair. while these were too hard, we did elect to return to flight. there is no doubt that the system was significantly safer
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after, rather than before, and one can say that the thing that really made it work, or at least made a lot of us sleep better, was the concept of rescue. and the ability to launch on need if that were to be the case. planned initially for just the first flight or two, but carried to throughout the launch program until really the very last launch. shifting gears a little bit here, let's begin to look at today and look forward. these are the issues, color-coded as in your stoplights, green being good and ready to go, yellow being some work left to do, and red being a serious concern that could adversely impact the success of
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the program. we'll talk about commercial space as we go deeper. i put out of scope the exploration systems development program, don't say in our opinion it is progressing well and is relatively well-funded. series vis-a-vis other opportunities. still going to be a long way to mars but it is progressing weapon'll talk about funding uncertainty. it's the one flaming red. real progress in international space station. i mention that briefly. technical authority. technical authority is a topic not going to dwell on today. it was a topic dear to the hearts of the return to flight group. i hope it gets some good discussion tonight. i will say it's an area where the asap
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worrys there may be some regression and need to revisit. and we'll talk a little bit more about risk management. so what's the purpose of commercially safe? is it to return to the united states the ability to launch folks to and from international space station and other undertakings? or is it to develop an industry, to do economic development? well, it started out on the left. it took a tour to the right. and is found nit the middle that says -- found itself in the middle that says, let's do both. pragmatically one could have predict this, but i will point out that safety varies as you migrate from left to right. if all you're doing is economic
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development, feel free to be capricious. stretch, innovate, try now things. if you really have to haul humans to space, then you have a different responsibility and one would hope a different attitude. i want to talk a little bit about that question how safe is safe enough, and put just a few numbers on it. in aggregate, for 210 mission to iss, the system will have to be at least as safe as the shuttle on a 12-day mission. at least as safe as the shuttle. so, we pose the question, is that chipping bar high enough -- chinning were high enough? you can ask, if we suffer a loss rate akin to the shuttle, will
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we have the fortitude to press on without extended hiatus. for those of you who are right-brainers, let me give you the same chart in graphical form, looking in round numbers at a threshold, as in it has to be, of one in 300 far loss of crew, and a migration that proceeds to the right with the intent of making it better to work toward a 1 in 1500 loss potential. this is for as -- assent and entry. here's the same chart for aggregate mission on station, and here you see the loss rate now, the targeted design loss rate in the neighborhood of 1 in 150. this is a chart that really came
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out of the f-18 program and came out of nav-air and mcdonnell douglas. over 25 years ago. it's a chart that talks to life cycle costs, but for the purposes of our discussion today, i submit to you that there's a relationship between cost and safety. that one mirrors the other. how many of you are familiar with this chart? all right. a few. let me spend just a few minutes to talk about it. the bottom curve, looking at -- looks at the way we spend our money. it says that, look, when you start to do a design of a new system, or if you want to think about it in home terms, if you're going to build a house with an architect, the a house with some design, not cookie cutter house, you spend about 10% of your money in the design
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phase. you go into construction. or go into production. and you spend money like a big dog, and then it goes into this long, long, long, really far extended operations and support, the care and feeding and maintenance of the system. we all know that curve, and we're all pretty comfortable with that curve. let look for a minute at this curve above. this curve speaks to the importance of early design. and it says that, by the time you've spent 10% of your money, you have preordained 85% of the cost, and i would say safety of the resultant system. use joint strike fight for you for a moment in the earliess days of joint strike fighter, there was the determination that it would be single piloted,
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would be single engine, that it would have a specific set of observables and radar cross-sections. it had a logistics schemer and an avionics architecture. when you have done that, you have preordained the cost of the system and god help you if you think you're going to fix it later on. this experience makes me suspect of a concept that says, one in 150 or one in 300 early on but we're going to make it better later. that is an incredibly hard job. this is the current acquisition strategy. at it something that we can spend a lot of time on. we won't do it today. i will tell you that it represents both real progress and some residual worries.
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real progress is the asap hat been saying for years, nasa, you have not clearly communicated requirements to industry. you haven't communicated what it is you want. you haven't defined success criteria, and in doing so, you're at risk of complicating commercial space program. and let me tell you what i mean by complicating. one can see a future where nasa, working under a space agreement, is at arm's length from industry. so as to support innovation and the concept, so as to support speed and to leave industry uneven culpbered. but nasa has long said but we're going to certify the system for manned flight. i'll pause for a second you.
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have tremendous freedom to experiment with cargo but manned flight is a different kettle of fish. we worry about nasa getting into a box where industry say, here's our system, we have designed, and nasa says, that's not it, and industry says, it would have been damn nice for you to have told me earlier. so, we pressed hard on this, how do you certify and how do you communicate certification? the progress is there is now in the plan the ability -- the intent and plan to do phase one, which develops the plan, late but develops the plan, and then phase two, which really gets down to the details of certification. the asap has hair on the back of their necks standing up with regard to what is called the optional milestones.
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as budget pressure grows, there will be intent for industry under space act agreement to demon straight test flight. dnr demonstrate test flight. i don't know about you but i don't think there's enough money in the world to take a statistical approach to flight safety. you have to have intimate understanding of the design. so, we're a little suspect of what might go on in this optional milestone as we look at budget pressures coming downstream. there is a decision, and we think a very positive one to say that a formal federal acquisition regulation based
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contract shall be part of the approach to strategy. there's stale -- still a debate about contract type. ill will tell you that at the end of the day don't think it matters that much financially. now, what you see here is a fairly creditable yacht and a dingiement the name of the dingy is the arm contract, question the name of the yacht is change order. there's a message there but i think you get it. here's the difference. in a cost type contract, you bear the full burden of design. in a fixed price contract, change orders are the risk, as you get smarter later than sooner. but there are safety implications to a fixed price approach, to high risk or
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uncertain undertake little, because everything that needs to be done is a debate, and it directly relates to bottom line. is there a commercial market? well, let take a quick look at an array of launches, satellites, by altitudes, and by power. you'll see that the market is still dominated by nasa and dod. no question about it. if you look at global launch trends, you'll see peaks and valleys, and don't pay too much attention to right blue part on the right. that just budget uncertainty and there's more of that today than there was a few weeks ago. but you can see that u.s. market
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peaked in '98 and '99. i don't have a slide on space tourism but i i do wonder how many one percenters who can pay for a ride to space. so if you're betting on america's economic future space it important but probably doesn't have the growth potential of something like bio genetics or robotics or other new and emerging technologies. a kick pass-through budget. you'll see here that the president's request as it finds its way through the congress, comes back with about half of it funded. half. and that probably going to be the case as we look forward into this year. in our annual report we call
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this a conundrum. if a cop none drum because the hill says, look, you really don't have an integrated schedule, it's not clear that the direction and vision of the program remains consistent. and, oh, with the way, your cost estimate sucks. nasa, on the other hand, says, look, it takes stable funding to deliver a program. there are challenges to be executed, blah blah blah, both sides pointing at the other. it's going to take a meeting of the minds to avoid some difficult times. >> it's going to get worse. if you go back and look, dan crippen, who some of you probably know from his time on the return to flight task group,
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dan, former head of cbo, dan and i had a great scotch-drinking occasion one evening to talk about why did it seem that it used to be easier than it is today and in today's times? well, one of the answers to that is sure and certain is that during the time of apollo, something in the neighborhood of 40% of the u.s. budget was discretionary. today, what is it? minus 20. so, things are harder. and they're going to get harder still. these are population demographic data that i'm going to show you. men in blue on the left, females on the right, and you're looking at slices of age in the demographic. the u.s. data and the european data are virtually identical. i use european data because i
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wanted to show you that little notch for 30 to 34-year-olds in 1950. you know what that was? world war ii. that shows what a global conflict can do to a nation's -- or an area's demographic. what you see here is a large foundational group of people that are productively working to support a relatively few number of geesers. if you look at the 2000 data you can start to see the baby-boom generation going through the demographic like a pig through a python. and the reason all of this is going to get much, much harder, we all know the story but i wanted to show you the data -- is in 2050, a few workers
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supporting a massive and in an engineering sense, unstable construct of many, many oldsters supported by few workers. so, all the budget pressures we feel are very real, and there is an imperative to do more and do it differently. i'll touch briefly on international space station. part of the work of the asap over the last year, is to say, look, now is the time to put some thought into how we bring it down safely. up until about 18 months ago there was a lot of work about how to extend it, even unmanned, but we didn't know how to bring it down safely. that work is done now. it represents real progress. audience participation time. all of you stand up, please.
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good to stretch. i want every head bowed and every eye closed, and i want you to honest north. -- point north. extend your hand and point north. now, i'm going to test two gentlemen -- [inaudible] -- i want a. else to sit down and these folks to keep their arms extended. now, these are two bright and honorable gentlemen next point i make with this demonstration is that good people can disagree. thank you very much, sir. so, what is our future? and let me overarch it quickly by saying, good people, smart people, debate and disagree, and that is good and important, but this conference today, and the experience of the loss of
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columbia ten years ago, should influence that argument. so, do you want to be on the left or be on the right? much of the case -- my words -- was to highlight the importance of organization of process, of design rigor, of open communication, transparency, much of commercial space on the right is about faster, cheaper, arms length, and best commercial practice. now, you can make a case for either, but i will point out to you there is a hell of a distance on this continuum between those two undertakings. you can see the debate within mass savment -- nasa. many different attitudes pulling in different directions. if you you're an analysis guy you can tell the model-a on the left probably isn't going anywhere quick, and some
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alignment and agreement with would be very healthy getting on the way. a great charles darwin quote. says it's not the strongest of the species that survives or the most intelligent but the most responsive to change. careful interpreting, why i put this up and to whom i aim it, because it is not to commercial space, nor is it to nasa today. but it is to say that we do have to change. i think some compromise is going to be required in both directions, and we'll be better of as we step forward with it. so, i leave you with my last chart. we must learn from the mistakes of our past. they must influence our future. but we should not limit our spirit or our need to explore. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> time for question friday. >> yes, sir. >> think you were right. [inaudible] -- >> archives in the library of congress and i looked at the white house decision and the negotiations with nasa and onb, and to he the chart about the initial design aspects, that so much of the decisions to launch shuttles were political, and wondering to what extent will people on your panel go back and look at the history and to see whether we should be repeating some of this. because owe nb wanted to eliminate the last two apollo missions. they wanted to shut down nasa centers and they wanted to get
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the class of shut -- cost of shuttles way down from the initial projection. so any comments on that? >> well, the first is that politically engineering is engineering, too. if you're going to run a program, in our democracy, it has to be right up there with things that you pragmatically consider and things you get done. if you look at that demographic chart, if you look at how little discretionary we have, there are painfulling things on the path to getting more operating design and room. i appreciate the risk of even saying this in public, but you can see a future where the overhead of ten-centers consumes the nasa budget without productive contribution to
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future design. something like a bracket required? probably so in a rational world. if you look where nasa support comes from, of you testify on the hill, the anymore attendance are from those geographic areas where nasa touches. it's part of the conundrum. one more question anybody? all right. over to you, sir. [applause] >> what i would like to do now is really for many people who were not around or participating can in the events there are somewhat seared into our minds. i wanted to bring up a kind of a visual representation. i put together a resource reel from our friends at the johnson space center, and it's just a soars of items from the mission, from the aftermath of the mission as the cape began going
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and it goes through just to re-remind ourselves of the experiences that happened with the columbia accident. and i just -- putting images on some of the work we're going to be talking about later today. this is about a half an hour video. ♪ >> as a unit on the thrird floor. at the astronauts are now suited. the astronauts coming out now as they're making their way to the astronaut van. commander rick husband,
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specialist ramown, pilot willom mccool, and specialist michael didn't soreson, david brown, laurel park, and hope pa, on board and in the process of making voice check. >> welcome aboard, rick. >> radio: thank you very much. good morning. >> 11. 10, 9, 8, seven, go for main engine start. three. two, one, we have booster ignition and liftoff of space shuttle columbia with a multitude of national and international space experiments. >> houston now controlling the flight of columbia, the international research mission finally underway. >> roger roll, columbia. >> columbia now rolling on to
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launched from kennedy space center, and we're up here working around the clock on several different science opportunities. here's dave brown working at the payload where he is doing some observations, looking for dust. we're looking for dust primarily in the areas of mediterranean and we have a great picture here of egypt and the sinai peninsula and the upper left part of the science israel. we'll zoom into israel where our world famous astronaut is from, and you can see the dead sea to the right and just about in the center of the picture is where jerusalem is located. >> get a good shot of red sea, down on the lower right part of the picture. here comes the superman entry of
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the astronaut from israel, and elan has done such a fantastic job up here, it was a great thing to be able to give him a break and have some fun. he is doing a nice little pirouette and then taking time to have a snack he brought up, and you can see how the fact that we're in microgravity, with things floating like they do, makes eating a whole different experience. >> the first time i got to see the orbiter as the sun set or rose, and there's a flash, the whole payload bay turns a beautiful rosy orange, and it only lasts for about 15 seconds and then it's gone.
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it's very ethereal and extremely beautiful and unexpected. i hadn't heard about that before. >> the other, oh, wow -- they're all interesting and incredible in and of themselves. anybody who knows me knows how much i love plants and animals and it was really exciting inside the -- doing some sampling and the changes, the smells of the plants. one day we took the video camera and hooked it up in order to do some samples of roses. they had been buds and had opened up to blooms and i it was imagine magical to have roses in our laboratory in space. in the stars locker, elan opened it up and we talk about that a little. one of the silk worm cocoons had hatched there was a moth in there still had its wings up and
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it was just starting to puff it wings up so it could fly, and life continues in lots of places, and life is a magical thing. >> one day i was in the flight deck, looking from the overhead windows outside, and it was starting to get dim outside, so you start to see your own reflection, and there is the earth outside, you can still see the earth surface and the sky overhead and i could see my reflection in the window, and in the direction of my eyes, the whole earth and the sky could be seen reflected. so i called all the crew members one by one and they saw it, and everybody said, oh, wow.
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>> you want the whole thing or just the cab. >> whatever is easier for you. wait a minute. yes, the whole thing, because i'm going to give it back to you, right? >> plug in that -- >> i'm sorry. >> we talk about it. >> okay. you want the camera back, right? >> i do not want the camera back. >> he has one mounted on already. >> yep, yep. >> all you're going to do. ...
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>> this is the flight control loops and care was taken in the mission mission operations vision control center. so again, you can see what was happening in real time from their viewpoint. >> flay gnc. >> everything look good to you? >> control has been stable through the rows that we've done so far. we have good trans. i messianic added the ordinary. >> columbia, houston -- [inaudible conversations]
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folks listen up again on the slate blue. no phone calls off-site, outside of this room. our discussions around these loops only. no data, no phone calls, no transmissions into or out. >> we have no way of disabling the black funds. >> i understand. >> slate, go ahead, sir. >> marty, can you confirm the
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dmi stokes in the dallas area have been mobilized to the extent were able to. >> the coordination center is mobilizing to that area and seeing what they can do to help us. >> copy. >> said this is not a nasa sequence, but this is an amateur reconstruction i thought was nicely done with flight the audio with the ground cameras that many individual civilians were taking pictures. so again, the sequence of what was known on the outside and what was going on the inside.
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a series of handheld camera pictures that are synchronized with flight loop. there was some ground imagery. >> gnc flight. >> flay d. >> control is stable through the rules we've done so far fine. we have good trans spirit did not see anything out of the ordinary. >> max slate. >> all of their indications for hydraulic or good. >> without the oddities all the way across. >> of the other temps are normal clerics when you lost these, are you insane -- >> they were all staggered.
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>> what we have done is taken what i would call the supervisory control over the investigation of this and that and. we are now doing such things as the board is now controlling all the release of material. this is material, for example, that needs to be set up for refurbishment, material that didn't have anything to do with the incident, but was impounded. we are now the authority for the release of material to either be most recent disassembly and refurbishment for the next time it's used. we have beginning of a team of independent experts that have
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nothing to do with nasa. the function of the independent analysis team but eight to advise the board on those elements come of this engineering scientific detailed elements, which in their opinion in order for our conclusions and report to hang together and stand on a solid days are not to be independently verified a laboratory or university or some agency other than asset. the congress of the united date for the constituents. the white house, taxpayers and citizens of this country are all constituents of this boredom i feel an obligation to them for a full disclosure.
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>> i look at the columbia crude mission. i looked at the space program in general, where we stand, where we are going, what our mission is to ask if being a return to flight mission. i think our country has been strengthened by this also. we are more and more looking forward to how can we make this work for us, how can we make this tragedy make the space program better, not just a shuttle program, but the space program in the future of our country in space. everyday when i i drive to work, i see reminders of the columbia crew. i have reminders at home. i reminders in my office and i want those reminders because while initially they were sent, they are not decided they were. they are more strengthening and
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more make me want to make more of a commitment to the program can continue their legacy and mission. i'd still just as committed to 114 as they always have and the way of safe and successful mission, have my crew is trained and prepared, ready to fly. i can't but hope lookout 107 crew and how much they were loved their mission in each other and work together as a team. they are role models for us and we can learn from them. as i mentioned before, just carry on their mission. [inaudible conversations]
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>> we haven't spoken about this in a very, very long time, we'll do our best to give your impressions of what happened immediately after and how those events led to what we would call a pretty large success in the recovery of the crew end of all the debris, which enabled us to really and would have been. >> i told dave really do age before beauty. >> .works for me. okay, as has been discussed, i had the opportunity to get a call from bill just minutes after the accident. prior to that i'd moved from can a space center and worked on shuttle for 19 years, had been in the control room or on the runway for every lunch in
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landing since 1983 really. so is a very different day for me. i was for the launch of columbia, but for landing i was at home, sitting drinking coffee, watching cnn, watching for another nominal landing, which we all expected. then i saw the banner come across a nasa lost contact with space shuttle columbia and i knew right then something is drastically wrong and told my wife at the time that life just significantly change. little did i know how much of a change for me and many of us in the coming months and years actually. i got the call from bill after i'd been making calls from martial folks to find out what everybody knew it was headed to the office and bill said debate for you to be the on scene
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incident commander if he will come a senior rep in texas because that's where we believe the majority of the action will be between a to find your friend start finding the pieces and put it back together so we can go fly again. those are the words out of his mouth within 10 minutes of the accident when he called you. i had a lot of interface or tmi caused another's over the next few minutes and our folks trying to get the right kinds of people and equipment and other things to go to east texas. and as michael noted earlier, we didn't know where we are going to land. we didn't know where the predominant of the debris was going to be. we just didn't know at the time. once we took off, we like to radar, graham reports, situational report and eventually decided on texas, one
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of the larger towns in east texas and pretty near where most of the debris we ended up finding. we have reports of debris from california to florida frankly. people calling in -- some of them were pieces of toast and all kind of crazy things. we had to synthesize all of the information and decide where to set up a command post and some of these field offices inside and that was a very difficult to do. when i landed in lufkin, we had had -- we had a number of folks waiting for is there on the runway. we had a share if. we need to get the switched over. i'm going through charts and nobody has seen them but me. i've seen these before, so --
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[laughter] anyway, we landed in lufkin, texas and that with the sheriff in a number of other secret service folks in the fbi think we ended up playing a large role in this event and were just stellar in every way as i can attest. we decided to stand up a command post there in the civic center. it was a big open form, basically a gem. we set up tables and put up labels and had people coming up, asking us, what can i do to help? we started organizing the best we knew how. with a lot of plans in place for incidents on the send, but with no plan for this kind of thing that we just had to make it up. and we did and we had a great group of folks. all of this, knowing full well what had happened with
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challenger and some of the report of the way it was all handled. not so great in many cases, especially with respect to that respect for the crew in the way that was handled. we had a lot on our plate to get our arms around quickly. fortunately, guys like doc and jim weatherby where they are to start running that piece of the operation and i was there trying to get the right kinds of people doing the right kinds of things and organizing them. i think the reason they called this because i was there not sky for 19 years, knew a lot about vehicle as a result and how to handle some of the hazards of their and a lot of contacts and people who knew more than i did about those things come so we started putting the right team together to do this.
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was a multiagency response. texas and louisiana, as scott said the engines were the ones that went the furthest. obviously more than and different ballistic coefficient and the rest of the vehicle basically. we found this. 10 or 12 feet deep in the mud in louisiana. they had the going pretty hard. amazing nobody got injured on the ground through this whole thing. take which you will from that, they're pretty sparsely populated area in this case is a good thing. female is the lead agency. obviously we stood up in lufkin, fort worth to do things. the other areas or gathering of
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those things. as i said, fbi played a huge role, epa put a huge role. it's a work for them, we would've never been able to search areas we did in the texas folks that well were just in ca i can't tell you enough about the job everybody in the state of texas did for us to all of this come about only for us in our program, but us personally to help bring comfort as we were experiencing some difficult situations. there were some difficulties early on. i had three different guys, to me in the first eight hours and say i'm in charge. i said that's really. i appreciate that. they really didn't know. if they went on to that nasa take the lead. we know what the hazards are. we've got a lot of folks they can get on the ground with the have you help us with that. but we would kind of like -- we
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know a lot more about the situation than you do that with us to take the lead in that. a couple of hours later, one came back to me and said i'm the one in charge and i said that's great. so i called nasa headquarters and asked her somehow. about 30 minutes later i got a call and it's almost a funny story. i got a call from a guy. i was able to answer the phone. he left me a number to call. i called him back in the phone answered was white house situation room. i said i need to speak to the sky and he picked up the phone and within 10 minutes, one of the guys that were here to help you. we're really good at a lot of things. let me tell you what we're good at. that's really the way this
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works. the local nature of any operation like this is important. federal government brings huge resources in anything we needed we could get. but the local knowledge -- what is it called, dps, department of public safety which includes everybody. police, state patrolman in conjunction with the county folks in those areas westerman this. how did that is so key to any recovery effort and that was the key. when we have the local coverage there, that was bigger than anything. with more than 450 organizations coming in, same here are my resources, how can i help? our job is to figure out how to
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utilize vast resources across this great country of ours in a 25,000 people involved in this response and recovery effort for juventus in every way and we'll talk a little more about that. obviously operational goals which are public safety. nobody was going to come up on a hyperbolic tank or an unexpended ordinance of some sort. you're getting the message to the public quickly. do not touch it appeared collis, we'll come get it. do not get near. obviously recover the crew, which doc and his team are more focused on and some of the rest of us. recovery evidence and retrieving evidence and providing the opportunity for the board and other bodies to understand what happened here and provide public assistance. a lot of folks are put out by having this thing happen and we had a lot of folks telling us we
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killed their callous or whatever and we had to deal with a lot of that is low. and obviously return to flight. from the get-go, we had our minds that we were going to put this together and find out what happened and get back to play. specifically ensuring public safety we had to secure debris areas and mitigate hazards. we have established telephone hotlines to go to pick up things. obviously the data piece was huge, trying to capture where we found everything, take pictures that exactly the location, how to prepare it, i transport, how to get it where we needed to get it in those things that we had large oaks from kennedy quickly the hopeless with that. other folks at epa and other organizations can quickly to help us with assessing all of
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that. the folks that kennedy had great knowledge of the hardware. to tell at the hazards were with that said that's why we called in a large contingent from kennedy. just coordinating out the asset and products we needed to take these pieces of data and turn into information was is a huge undertaking. a lot of remote products and analysis and i'm sure doc will talk about that. he was involved in helping us figure out what we need it, how we would get those sensors and how we would utilize them and synthesize that data into information as well. some of the pictures -- there was debris everywhere from tanks to small pieces of everything. you can seem it has not dealing with wings. as if it earlier, the folks in the area dropped everything to come help us in nature mentis, tremendous effort.
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it restored my faith to pull together in a tough time it made me realize this is not my space program. they were just as proud as i was at the time, even having worked on it for 20 years. these folks are proud of it and doing everything they could to help us. we farmers and people stop doing everything to help us with this offer. crew recovery was accomplished within the first two weeks of the incident. and major after we were focused on the first day or two. captain paul davis from the department of public safety comes to me when they didn't say how can we help? is that we really need help searching for our fallen comrade. he said what we do? he said we have the national guard. i think how many can we have? somewhere between one and
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10,000. because the national guard to help out with the effort quickly and i was huge to have them on the ground. logistically, it's very difficult to do with this, especially in a broad and diverse area and you can imagine trying to get people think it's a very hard team to do it we made strides in doing that over the first couple weeks, but for a while people struggled with that. obviously retrieve evidence. the picture on the left is the power had one of the engines we dragged out of the ground and on the right is they hatch. if you need to stand, please do so. the faison obviously was a collaboration of state and local volunteer asset. as you know, there's liabilities associated with that we got concerned fairly quickly and try to minimize that.
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wild land fire services assume the management basically the grid search. these are the teams that come and fight in the west. becoming totally contained with all of the resources they need to sustain themselves, food, medical, everything. this was huge because we did that just sticks at hawk for the first two weeks and people were getting tired of dealing with the elements. it was cold. we had snow premise of these folks do what they were doing and would not have been able to complete this in the time. had it not been for those folks. they do this for a living. obviously large air search of assets as well. you saw some video from folks
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walking through sundays are more pictures of folks in the upper left, the national guard. a lot of volunteers which seemed to be a good way to get around the country for good reason and it was a collaborative effort by a lot of folks. in the bottom right is the vfw plays and the people that every piece of food from every store and never recovered you could imagine to this place. we have people that could not afford to bring food for folks working in that area and i was a very moving experience for us as well. upper right you can see the forestry service is as they came in in phase two would make a huge difference in our ability to cover a lot of ground and do it in a match where comprehensive way. i'm not going to go through all of them, but we searched the area over the three months,
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searched about 10,000 acres per day. read about 2500 folks out there every day. a million and a half man-hours with four base camps in different locations. a bunch of national management team in a lot of pain crews in the field every day and just a hugh jaffer. why don't you talk through this chart if you can because it's more about you kind of help to manage the research and making sure we were running people into each other. >> ave., that the interest in tasks when the astronauts seem right away, davis in charge of the overall effort, but since they both came from an operational background, with a experience, the air search the center bailiwick of things to that guy. the first thing was we had a major besides the accident we
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have over real potential for problems because everybody and their brother was find something to the area, whether it be a news helicopter or airplane or blend. everyone was offered a cursor. they close down the airspace, which is probably the first thing you need to do as an active search the and then courtney the different assays. everybody offered everything. one of the things we came to realize is they were useful for getting people to places quickly because this is a remote rural country. it is winter, miserable, undergrowth, so one of the problems with getting on the scenes because in the early days of the surge, people reporting things rapidly because stuff was everywhere. before the search started
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getting more methodic to look for things that weren't obvious. we are rapidly trying to get people deployed to areas of interest because people were calling in things all over the place. then we went actively searching for things, so everybody and their brother had a sense there. we got some smart sensor engineers at langley and marshall and basically i said before we start deploying sensors, blimps, airships coming uavs, gliders, ultralights, you name it, everybody show up. set up a test track was some debris that have them fly over blindly and analyze them and see if they're even useful. the absolute single best sensor providing debris on the ground with those guys in the yellow jackets walking on the ground. the air sensors were basically useless, so it became mostly a ground search with their support. >> a lot of flight hours.
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we did this a couple folks in a helicopter, and other tragic day for us. a lot of how the bases everywhere, searched a lot of area. these were some of the asset used and i'm not going to go through it, but you can see it's a pretty wide ranging group of things. i is an ears and feet of best way to go about doing this kind of search. we also did water search. do not touch on this one, too? >> i'll show it again, a large lake between the end of the debris trail and where we come main main engines of louisiana. that lake was formed in a up in area thursday for his stead, hilly area. they moved equipment into the area and kept the trees out
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before they sold the lake that. they moved all the equipment and had a flood or detrusor gaur come equipment they are now there was a lake. there is a bass fishing tournament that morning. >> observed that a lot of the eyewitness. >> the accounts were this huge racket like a machine gun going off making shockwaves. there was a loud splash to capsize some of the boats. they brought in navy dive team for a couple months to search that lake. i remember bringing up the brake assembly and that's about it. they could see about this far in
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front of their faces one of the most hazard diving operation is over conduct it. >> a lot of pickup trucks and refrigerators. >> we know there's a lot americas is right right on the main path. the very, very difficult operation for the navy divers. they were in there a long time and i'm sure there's someone there. >> here's some pictures from not. as i said earlier, federal government and they tried to employ as many as we could, but we try to be careful not to flood the areas with all of that. the other interesting as this is the first dhs. dhs had been formed a bit before. this at the time we believe was the largest search and history.
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interagency across the response was amazing. we had very little going back and forth on who's in charge on this one for some reason. i think everyone really wanted to contribute and do the right thing and i think that was extremely helpful. sure you will have personality issues, but from an agency news, i think it went quite smoothly. for 450 organizations in 25 responders, we had 30,000 mt. the repopulating with data. these are the numbers of pieces we collect to they continue to get some phone calls even now about people finding debris.
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we talked to the ntsb when i met with tempers this vehicle, you'll be lucky if we found 45% of the can put the pieces together and figure out what happened and i believe that was obviously a huge key in understanding exactly what happened. who would have a good idea, but having the hardware has appointed to help us get to the root cause. so as i said, 40 plus% of the weight of the vehicle, a good bit of which probably burned up on the way back in as well. 12,000 calls in 100 days. we had to handle those calls and take information and follow up on every single one to find debris, which was a huge undertaking.
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this is not going to be good for you see, but the path i'm here on the way into louisiana. 250-mile long stretch that we had to go look at an search. predominately, most of it was in the hemphill area, but we found a lot of later hardware further west and the more heavy hardware further east. he seen pictures of this before, but this reconstruction i believe is a real key in helping us make progress on this. you'll see more of this later. i have the chart to give you this. it took about seven months. the report came out in august. after the completion of three months, i went back to marshall and quickly got reengaged if you will trying to figure out what
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really happened to go fly again. it is probably also did king. it brings back some unbelievable emotions and for a long time we didn't have the opportunity to process it. you do which you do and we were 20 and 22 hour days for the first two weeks until we recover the crew and not that point we were able to take a breath and help get the rest of the investigation. this is the scenario and i'm sure other folks will cover this. we used a lot of radar tracking data. documents team used data to understand where we should look at where we should find what we're looking for most
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predominately. why the recovery has succeeded. i will talk about this just a minute. something near and dear to my heart and the new department of homeland security was difficult at times, but they have a lot of great people. people are trying to get along because obviously there is a lot of emotion and so we had our squabbles, but overall everyone worked very hard. there were clearly articulated missions. we were tired in my skin to give specific responsibility to specific teams. we didn't mind saying he did that the first week on now we've got a better way in thank you for your help and send them on their way. people give us enormous amount to this and sacrifice. there weren't that many struggles. we just took command and did
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what we needed to do and where they were competing missions, we got people in the room and figured out, here's what we're going to do, actually grown people and do our part and sometimes they need to take a backseat, but that the way it is. we had powerful support for nasa and the space program as i said. they were as transparent as we could be. we told folks everything we need to tell them and didn't try to hide anything. i think that something assays may be too good at, frankly. we worked very hard at that. community generosity ever be spoken of. there was really no ongoing property thread. we convinced folks early on most of the things they were going to find on the ground would be a dark, we did not see a threat after the first two days.
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we found a more critical things at that point. repeat explicit attention attention to morale. we pride leadership and from the agent teacher taught her folks. we brought counselors and for folks to talk to at given times and we paid particular attention to morale of the folks because doing this for two or three weeks at a time can really wear on you. we did have a lot of openness of physical space. the real issue is we were spread out over counties finding hardware, not little towns, over 250-mile stretch. we hold people accountable. it needs in in the morning and afternoon and everybody said their piece that made decisions and moved on and everybody did a good job of being accountable, but people were there with good
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judgment and expected them to act accordingly. what we should learn. we at issue is multiple command centers. we worked through that. i think i worked quite well in the end. institutionalizing learning mechanisms. in these meetings you have to get people talking what they really believe in what they see. sometimes you have to have clear communication. we also had to close the loop between the operation folks collect and information in the analysis folks. the telecoms daily. here's the information we have a here's what we believe happened. but informed us on what to do and where to go. but informed us on what to do and where to go. i'll skip some of these, but with formalization of management. the fema guys are good at that
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