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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 7, 2013 7:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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cooperation of all sorts of things. you commit the united states to an endless number of things that we probably cannot come through want. if this were the bush administration, and it had that kind of wing, it would just flatten down. they believe those words matter. what characterizes the new liberal internationalist anchors of the democratic party and the obama administration is, they are not bothered by the words, especially at all. because they think basically at bottom they can just ignore them. we can do like any other country does and just sign any document that is put in front of this because when push comes to shove we of the biggest player on the planet and will just ignore guys all these other countries do. they signed an endless number of documents and then just blow them off. and what is also striking about the united states is we don't sign the as many documents because we tend to take a much
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more seriously. so they characterize this strange belief that you can't find things and then ignore them and it will have no consequence for you. i say that the risk that is presented by this wing is not the realism. it is realism that is kind of clever by half. believes that it can have its cake and eat it too, that it can assign all sorts of endless ideas and documents and then just do whatever it feels like when push comes to shove. and i think that is actually a huge mistake because i think that there are a power to words that is much more binding and much more influential than is actually realize there and the major things that one comes to signing will discover that they have not so much pound one down the road as a much scarier risk. over the last number of years, citing all sorts of things and saying yes to all sorts of
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people in agreeing to reset and agree to reach balance the degree that we want. stocks about precondition and all this sounds great. all friends are not treating this. the cost free exercises and symbolism. our friends, particularly in asia, are looking at this, as our close allies, and saying, if they're willing to talk a long anything to anybody, do we really actually to us than the way that we have traditionally just to the americans? that means one fundamental thing . if war comes to the asia-pacific , will the u.s. be there? and if you believe down in your very core that the u.s. will be there, that does more to deter war. china, the parties, and anything else. the moment you start to believe that the u.s. does not believe its own, even symbolic statements and start thinking about that much harder.
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so i would say that that clash between kneele liberal this and the idealists within the obama administration has been fantastically costly to the u.s. long-term position, not because realism is wrong, but because realism believes that it can have it all ways, have its cake and eat too, whenever it wants, and then it can do anything down the road. >> host: what is your background? >> guest: a law professor at american university, and i teach a combination of both business law and -- actually don't really teach in the way of international law courses and public to national law. i am to a visiting fellow at the hoover institution out in california. non-residents senior fellow here at the brookings institution in washington d.c. in those areas i mostly due national security. published by the hoover institution. i have a background of somewhat
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schizophrenic. i have a background in finance and business and tax law and that sort of stuff. and earlier in my career i was a long time nonprofit lawyer to that sort of stuff, but also, as the general counsel to the george soros society before becoming a professor, i had drifted to the right, you would have to say, somewhat. before that i was actually the director of the human rights conditions in new york. i have another career in nonprofit stuff that also a long background in transactional business practices. a lot of which involves development finance and international development issues. one of the things that i enjoyed about this book was a chance to write a chapter in a sort of general take on the un that addressed specifically the
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development issues that many of the sort of international relations don't really understand and are not really comfortable taking up, but those areas i have been involved with for a long time. so the split personality idea. of national security stuff. and i think very much related to target killing and counter-terrorism and those kinds of things. on the other hand, business and nonprofit background in these kinds of areas as well. >> host: you hear that term one world government. >> guest: i don't feel anything. i break out in hives. i think is not possible or desirable. and what i do think is most relevant to that is a belief that it is desirable and that
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one should be working toward that actually cripples the un more than any other single thing. i say in this book that the un biggest enemy is turning a to be its biggest believers because the people who truly believe that the un is going to sort of over time become this kind of flooring world government, what they do is they put the un in the position of being the unruly, bad child who always has to be excused because of the sort of future potential about what it might turn into. and you cannot ever hold the un truly to account because of the fact that you always have to excuse it because you look down the road and say some dave might become this. if we cooperate here than we lose that opportunity. and i don't think that it is becoming that. adult ticket has any chance to
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become more -- become that. a much better thing would be to renounce all that kind of forward-looking nonsense, frankly, and focus on the un not becoming this flowering, growing, spreading tree of global governance shading the planets but instead to think of itself as a series of low, sturdy, hedgerows devoted to very particular tasks which take as much of the politics out of its performance as possible and makes it simply that technocratic institution. that is what the un as a whole. and then for the parts that are inherently global, general assembly, the security council, these parts, to see themselves as not on a sort of a train track trying to get to this kind of future point where it becomes something completely different from what it is now.
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but to say, this is why we are. we are going to live for being a political organization, essentially a diplomatic talking shop for the nation's. and that is pretty darn good and pretty darn important, and we actually poisoned and world to the extent that we demand that we become something different on the road. >> host: and we have been talking with american university professor kenneth anderson about his book "living with the un: american responsibilities & international order". thank you, professor. >> guest: thank you very much. there really appreciate this. >> we would like to hear from you. tweet us your feedback. >> his family background and his relationship with his brothers, the mayor of chicago, and a hollywood agent.
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this is about an hour-and-a-half. >> when you think about the accomplishments of malik, vice provost and professor at the university of pennsylvania, former special adviser of health policy to president obama and an op-ed columnist for the new york times and then there are the accomplishments of his brothers, you might wonder, what their parents put in there cereal. there is a chapter in the book on that. so those of you who know me may know that i am also the mother of three sons. it makes it a special evening for me. it turns out my sons are all writers. i am often asked questions from the usually, what do you put my milk. and, you know, i have found -- i would be interested in what he
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says are the really blunt secrets. you love your kids, you nurture them, and one of my sons was interviewed, i don't know what your family life was like, but he said, what did your parents do? they h. hanford and watched tv. but, to be honest, we kind of let them go and do what they're best at. we found a good and praise it. but if their is a secret, and i think in our family and from what i have seen of your book it is the bond a brotherhood and the support that siblings can give each other which he so eloquently write about. he paints a portrait of the entire emanuel family, including a tough old world set of grandparents, a loving father who emigrated to the u.s. with $25 to work as a doctor. a politically engaged mother took her sons to protest rallies
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including rallies in the streets of chicago led by martin luther king. so we have a lot to look forward to as we hear the story, which i am really looking forward to. tonight zeke will be in conversation with a senior editor of the atlantic, at james beard award winner and the author of the joy of coffee. for the audience portion of the q&a, please come up to one of the microphones in the center aisle. there will be a book signing following the event, and we are really looking for work of welcoming to our states tonight zeke emanuel. [applause] >> thank you very much. i cannot -- i looked in complete
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amazement because i have asked the question everyone asks. in fact, i was once moderating a panel. i said in the green room, okay, what did your parents to? this is the universal question. i asked him. he was like, why are you asking me such a dumb question? there is no question to that @booktv it's a debt. however, he has tried to. he has spent the whole book trying to explain what it is. and the answer to the question here it invariably asked, what to do put in the cereal, including by someone who might be among guest tonight. so how this book came about in the first place. >> i would like to blame maureen dowd for the book. right after president obama was elected and my brother was appointed to be the chief of
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staff and during all of the festivities around that she called up and said to my have to meet your mom. what you have to be my mom? she says, have to find out what she put in the cereal. i said, why you as soon as the cereal, you know. and then when rahm was elected mayor of chicago to call that began and says, i have to make your mother. i said -- she says, i have to find out what they put in the cereal. this book is an answer to our question. >> and i would like to ask zeke to guide us through his family. full of very memorable characters, and then we will talk more about the dynamic, the ingredient in that cereal or, as he always puts it, what is the secret sauce. i've read the book looking for
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secret sauce clues and a think i found a lot. and zeke tried to summarize them. your father already came from to whichever is a very different kinds and to have very different approaches to achieving, but not particularly to being parents. so tell us about your father in the upbringing he had in a completely different country. >> my dad was born in israel. his parents had escaped from a nasa. the soviet union, very early on. there were pharmacists. he had an older brother who was substantially older who ended up being killed in 1933 when my dad was a young boy. he was on the periphery of a battle between jews and arabs in jerusalem. a bullet ricocheted off of the street and craze is like. and pretty penicillin.
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he became infected and ended up dying. not in the book, but he is buried on the mount of olives. for those of you in a jerusalem is on the east side of the old city. no one had seen his grave for years and years. then when we were in israel for my nephew's permits -- but that's up, my daughter and i withheld vote -- help of an arab caretaker, with the help of an arab caretaker who has been taking care of that jewish cemetery for years and years, we after about an hour of searching kind of like in the last scene of the good, bad, and the of the -- ugly, that cemetery spins around and all you can see is a gravestone and we ended up finding it. my father was a survivor. his parents and, you know, they never recovered from the loss of their elders' son. my father was a relatively in different, not very good student
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, and he was known more as a joker. and actually, his name in israel was charlie because the image it charlie chaplin. he left israel in 1946 and went to switzerland to study medicine and in 1948 he went back to israel. >> he bothered to go abroad. he wanted that education and that training. >> i think he wanted to escape his parents, to be honest. and he turned out, actually, to be a good student wanted cat out of israel and away from his parents. he actually graduated number two is class, but as remember, number one was an arab from syria. in any case, father adopted this fair rigorous study routine, and up 6:00 a.m., studied until then, and the rest of the date was for play. he was a very big man on plate. in the wake of its $25 in his pocket, very special pen, ended
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up in cincinnati at the children's hospital and made two very significant mistakes. number one, 1953, he dated a black woman. and the head of hospital had to call him in and explain that this is not done in cincinnati to much as many of you know, borders. southern city. borders kentucky. the second thing is, he was asked by a surgeon who had just and a nose job on a woman. he went comanche was pretty attractive. so he did not just change it once did the three times a day. the problem was, she just wasn't any woman, she was the girlfriend of one of the mob guys from across the river in covington, kentucky. and one day to guys in a buick roadster show up at the hospital with bulges and asked for
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dr. amen -- dr. emanuel at the front desk. fortunately the woman at the front desk was smart enough to see that it was not something quite right about those jackets, called up the chief resident who is a very proper jet -- british sky in says she thinks dr. emanuel is in danger. he is whisked out of the hospital, stuffs money in his shirt and tells him that he ought to up by a ticket to canada. apparently he does not have a passport because it not come back to his room. my dad is a very charming guy and is one of these guys, you sit down in a restaurant and before you know what the next table is talking to you and before you know what you are invited to dinner the next night at their house. he ends up talking to some people, and they end up taking event in rochester for two weeks. he stays in rochester, new york, because economic in the canada because it is that a passport. he is it going back to cincinnati.
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they're still after him. and so he leaves cincinnati and settles in chicago. >> there are two things to draw from there. i have a handy highlight compiled from the book. one is the idea that his uncle was killed. and that big, but as world events did not just happen to people in the papers and people on television. they happen to people right in your family, and the emanuel boys spent a series of very formative summers in the 60's when it was a much smaller and more intimate place and were given this astonishing free rein which is part of the secret sauce. they had it in chicago, to. zeke always a trailblazer and courageous older brother who led the expeditions. but one thing he said about a friend of the family was involved in the famous 1946 at
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the king david hotel, this man were palpable proof -- palpable proof that big, historic events were carried out by it real people i know called upon to act and were willing to let bear the consequences. so that had set you apart from other people. >> he is large and character. he is the husband of my father's best friend from school. they lived in israel. and he was this very big guy who was born in turkey but had this incredible ability. he knew many, many languages. innumerable. he had this incredible ability to imitate each one of them come as a you talk to him in the first thing cockney and the next this bad russian accent and an australian. and he would just go on and on. it was hysterical.
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and he worked as a translator because he knew all these languages, for the british. and he was housed working in the king david hotel, which was the british headquarters in israel. and he was part of -- there had been blowing up the british way of the hotel, and the british headquarters after multiple warnings to clear out. he told me that story sitting on the balcony of the king david in 1967. basically pointing out of the place. and it is just an amazing, amazing experience. that was probably for five weeks after the end of the '67 war. you could see from sitting there with the old border was and where the cold city. you went into the old city right after that. >> nothing here radical about
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israel for your growing up. it was greater parents had these extremely happy times at the beginning of their marriage, although your mother had been raised in chicago. part of the theme of the buck is a threat your childhood it is really like in jerusalem. his mother keeps thinking they're going to move back to jerusalem. but instead they move. but talk about -- >> jerusalem on the north shore. >> right. well, not kind of exactly your ready on that. but talk about israel and how formative it was and the two countries and their cultures that you grew up in. and when you're doing it, can you talk a little bit about your mother who also eventually emigrated. >> my parents first went there in 1957 when my dad completed his pediatric training. they went back. they wanted to make a live there. i actually was born there, right down the street, if you know, intel of beef from the damn
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hotel. she was incredibly happy. she worked. she did not know any hebrew, but she loved the open culture. it was incredibly -- no need. a few eggs a week. lots of vegetables. and she loved it. and she was particularly well liked in the pharmacy because she did not have this sort of scruples, some men would come in and ask for condoms and she would, without blushing or anything, give them out. so she was well-liked in the neighborhood. [laughter] my father, the other hand, was not. that contributed. my father on the other hand, did not get that job. he had the series of horrible, horrible experiences of first working in a mental institution and then working in a bunch of kibbutzes. and at that time, 1957, people
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would expect the doctors to sort of right for them to see specialists and prescription so that they could have a free day in town. they would pay for them to go to town to see the specialist. they would see the specialist for a little bit and the rest of the day they would go off and the big city of tel aviv and come back commensal was like a mini vacation. my father just did not like this corruption and would not -- he never participated in that kind of small level corruption, and he hated coming year note, making medical excuses for people. and so he would get a lot of heat from the higher-ups' because these people would complain. in any case, he did not get a set, assigned job. it decided to come back and try to settle in the estate's. my job -- my dad said specialized to become a pediatric pathologist in chicago and my brothers were born in chicago. right after the '67 war, as i say in the book, you know, as many of you who live during the war remember, the american
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jewish committee came up big time for israel. a lot of the nation's. the perfect time to set for kids. so two weeks after the war we'll arrive in israel. you know, most, it's like him are you kidding? but it turns -- you know, we live in tel aviv with my aunts, my mother's sister who had moved to help take care of me and decided to stay. we had basically the house about as big as this stage for to large women, three wild children , and two dogs to my not joking. it was this size, one bedroom, living room, and that was it. it was not even a full better. like a new york studio, basically. and it was pretty tight. we ended of spending every day down the beach swimming, getting to know the lifeguards. complete freedom. you know, it was like one of those places. there was a war going on, but terrorism here and there. the streets were completely safe except for the letter to
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travelers. we were allowed to meander where everyone. >> that tent of intimacy, sleeping in the same room, as you did. >> i would stay on top of each other more less. >> but pets, right next to each other, getting into fights all the time, that's part of what forms this bond between them, but you locate, even though you spent so much time directly in the same quarters in your apartment and in your house, you say that it was israel that really bonded you. >> so we went. i was nine. rahm was seven. for four subsequent summers we went all together and basically the same scenario, sitting in the same bedroom and spending time on the beach, or whenever. those were -- there were not vacations. there were just basically extended summers. we had pretty unscheduled time and did whatever the hell we wanted, whether it was fishing
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or surfing in the mediterranean. >> another thing that comes out when you're talking about is route, the idea of this it was still opposed war. also pretty and technological. >> no one had tvs. the phone was a communal phone at the green grocer. people still sold fruits and vegetables by eckhart coming through the streets. >> that is also the idea that you don't have any money, but nobody else does. so it makes a difference. you are not conscious of it. >> no one felt the pride. >> amazingly enough, even if your first never apartment in chicago one of the themes of the book is everybody in their family is a cheapskate. >> except he intends -- >> partly basin is experience that he will be rich from a very young age. he declares this as an addition. although he may very gun that.
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but the idea that your parents may have fought all the time about money, small things, they have the same values which was, it was spending money for cultural experiences. >> very cheap except when it comes to us two things, travel and culture. in so we would go to ballet, set at the top or go to the symphony and said the top. he was pretty -- he thought travel was education. it was much better than going to school, and so we would frequently miss school, the start of school, take extended vacations and travel the world. and so i mean i think against a lot of people having a hard time understanding, in 1957, the idea of going to israel, we had no friends who had been to europe for israel, even though many of them are much, much richer than we work. but that was my dad. you had to travel. it was the best education you could get. as i say in the book.
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he is not a spiritual man that sophisticated metaphysical questions about got coming existence of the earth, the evolution of human. completely irrelevant to him. he could not care. it just would not give his blood pressure moving. on the other hand, finding about people and cultural stuff and trying to understand what makes the difference between people and what was interesting about people is the endlessly fascinating multiplicity of human beings. >> the fact the have this complex culture in your house, and will bring you back in a minute, but talk about the you have attention of this dark, silent, brooding mother-in-law. in chicago. you're is really grandmother comes, and we don't really give much of a sense of her character except she never forgive your mother for stealing her only living child. >> my grandfather on my father's side died in 1955 a few years before i was bored. my father moved out. my father moved back to this own. then they leave in 1959, and she
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is alone. the siblings of hers. no children. and so she comes to chicago. we have a spare room, bathroom in the house. this is an incredibly educated woman, just incredibly educated. knows about four different languages, refuses to learn english. we will not speak english under any circumstance. says she is walking around the house. all losses english and she does not say a word in english. separately understands it is you can't just can't follow the conversation and interrupt, but she absolutely refuses to speak any english. >> did you speak english verbal hebrew? >> phil will he be you -- hebrew and a little yiddish. but she is like no fun. she is like miss sourpuss the whole time because she has never recovered from the death of her eldest sun. and the wildness that is us just seems like a violation of all the progress of her, sort of,
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aristocratic russian upbringing. .. >> he makes his way.
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he is in the army during the end of world war i, never leaves the country but is a boxing champion in texas. has a number of laboring jobs, the works at bargain hammer, a butcher, a steelworker, a dedicated democrat a head union organizer. he was of graf very, very earthy guy and a we were all beloved of him. he is a huge amount of fun but also very tough so things he used to take us into bakeries. he knew everyone because he was in the food business. i remember vividly, he walked by the bagels and he sticks his hand in and grabs
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three bagels and tosses them back to us. they were burning hot and eventually he sold his business 1970 and sold the house and sold the car and packed it up to say we are moving to israel. one problem, he did not have a passport. he decided he is leaving that he is undocumented so cannot get a passport. so he is so well. sold the goods and cannot get to israel so he moves in with us in the basement for two years it takes two years to sort everything out with the intervention of the congressmen who comes to the rescue but after two years, my grandfather on saturday morning would stand with his white boxers, a
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white undershirt drinking orange juice from the cane and, a bulging, we would come up and he would whackos on the back of the head did make half a dozen aides, bacon to beat the band to make sure you could barely move when you were finished but that was our grandfather. >> you have larger than life characters and the cousins show up for dinner one night and they stayed for weeks and months. >> jackie is my mom's cousin and he travels and contracts hepatitis say. and is recuperating in our house for about one year. we have some families have
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stress, a kid shows up and stays about nine months. this happens repeatedly. >> even neighbors. >> yes. ralph is the son of an orthodontist who fixed my brothers teeth and is not doing too well and shows up and stays for a long time and teaches us how to build because my father is like mr. uncoordinated when it comes to repairing things. he teaches us how to build racial view that for the basement which 45 years later is still in the house holding up the book. >> somehow they learned that life in the manual household is survival of the fittest. you have to shout loud to get your point* across which is the family dynamic. with the adopted honoree sibling. >> and apparently you ever
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can shout louder has the better argument that was the combat to our we were used to. >> it is about politics, yelling about politics and music, movies, food. the pounding on the table or the slamming of the doors it is like growing up next to the airport ready ready would come because of the noise everybody argued and shouted. >> the most famous political argument i can remember was 1966. we were living in chicago proper about one block from the foster avenue beach. it was a friday night and the middle of a big political race.
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paul, at a democrats' democrat, a senator a cause i intellectual but also down to earth supported the liberal causes integration integration, supporter of the vietnam war. and chuck percy who was of wind blew wide president lived in the suburb that excluded jews, catholics and democrats it was restricted only a couple thousand live there he had a house on the lake and my grandfather, it has to be paul and he said he is against the war and they have an enormous fight the and finally might grandfather says get out of the teetwo house i mean get
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out of might t. to house. but then she realizes it is her house. [laughter] he has thrown her out. but two or three weeks later we go down to go to it is just around the corner from the house and we were very familiar with that so you had to go down and she takes the stroller down the steps and of course, this being chicago the precinct workers know you personally. they have visited your house to make sure who you will vote for. says she goes in and pulling all democratic and then pulls for paul and ice cream you cannot pull for that he
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is a republican and i go to pull them but she wax my hand and we are in chicago. everybody heard this. you don't vote for a republican. [laughter] but you are in the blues with her. >> if you vote for paul douglas you vote for paul douglas. >> this dream in the book is the politically active she was not just taking you into the voting booths but to demonstrations where she would put herself regularly in danger. vocationally, you. >> my mom was very active in the civil rights movement before it became fashionable. here in washington in the 1963 i have a dream march and on the south side of the reflecting pool and she
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regulate tobacco as to demonstrations. my most vivid memories are not so much of the actual demonstrations but the practice prior. we had a comparatively big house and comparatively living room and the court acted this would gather at our house and practice nonviolent resistance and practice laying down to make the body limp so would be difficult for the police to arrest them. that is the great game for brothers to play with each other. [laughter] trying to arrest each other and playing limp. [laughter] but we did go to civil-rights demonstrations and anti-war demonstrations. we were privileged enough to be on a major demonstration with martin the 13 to hear him speak. >> did she go to washington to hear martin luther king. >> i have a dream the march
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on washington she was here on south of the reflecting pool as i said and it was a transformative event for her and the rest of us. but she was very engaged and was arrested several times and never wavered. we lived in a neighborhood in chicago close to the lake but not a posh high rise neighborhood but a lot of people in the neighborhood were immigrants or people from appellation of, this is the time when people from eastern kentucky had moved to chicago and there was the concentration of hillbillies in our neighborhood. we were regularly, regularly called names rahm or ari because we were very dark and we were called nigger or
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nigger lover. so to have this hate spewed that you and knowing you are on the right side of things and you would risk it. >> so we get the sense it is not the normal chicago childhood of the '60s that you are politically engaged with a household. your mother is very unusual for that commitment and activism but she is also very usual in another way that she makes her career raising children. and as you say throughout the book, it is a terminal career that your career walks out the door when your children leave home. then there you are with very few marketable skills.
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i will read some more because it is great for women. this is the fate of millions of women in the '60s with limited options for work they threw themselves into the role of wife, mother, a homemaker, a volunteer. they were worthwhile but their lives revolved around serving others. most of not enjoy the power to make big decisions and by definition their jobs came in -- came with built-in obsolescence because the kids grow up. >> my mom initially was awarded at many different turns. she saved up a lot of money to go to college but her father demanded she turned that over so her younger brother to go to college. >> that she herself earned? but then she trained as a radiology technician in the early 1950's and it ended up
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working at mount sinai hospital in chicago, and varies my dad, gives that up, becomes a mom and is dedicated and all of us enormously benefited from that and in particular my youngest brother, a ari who had severe dyslexia. we all have a form of it, i have a mild ability to spell so does rahm but ari has full-blown and could not read. but she was relentless to that role to help them. if she had not been a steer -- stayed home on he probably would not have been able to overcome his dyslexia. but she transmitted all energy, a talent coming into politics, a civil rights movement, and coordinating a lot of activities.
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that was thwarted when my father decided it was part of his middle-class aspirations for the medical dream to have to have a house in the suburbs so he moves us out of chicago. but my mom's political activities revolve around chicago, a desegregation of schools, neighborhoods, so her entire political activities separate from raising her kids gets thwarted and she has to recreate life in the suburbs. this was 1968. my mother never drove. we got along on public transportation, buzzes -- buses we took the subway in chicago and she never drove so she had to learn how to drive and hated it. hated hated. she had to recreate what she
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would do fortunately or unfortunately four doors down from where we live turned out was a big slumlord a big jewish slumlord my mom found her calling it began protesting in front of his house. [laughter] you cannot do it in the city at his house so you bring the event to himself. you may think he was thrilled that his neighbor was protesting am pointing out he was a slumlord and we never got along with him. he had well little ugly dog and we had a big german shepherd who slept in my bet and in the morning i would walk and and in the afternoon. down the of blocks there was
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the grassy park thurl fair and we would walk a few blocks down and i would let him go so he could stretch his legs and run and i would run behind him. one day he took off and there is a little yapping dog and he stops in need to setup and mr. braverman and says he would have the dog for breakfast and claims that my dog, he yelled at me for not having him on a leash and i ignored him and went home. a few minutes later after i get home he pounded on the front door and nobody ever pounded on the front door nobody ever came to the front door. everybody seems to the side door in the kitchen. my mom answers you can hear the tone is going up and accuses our job of fighting
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i try to find out what is the raucous and there is mr. braverman. i get into it and start yelling at him and my dog had not beaten him and he pulls back his coat and reveals he has a gun in his waistband and my mom is like this is all we need so she tries to shut me up and i do not take the subtle hints or the accused. and she was not so subtle and finally she slams the door on him and two months later they moved. >> but your mother stood up for her beliefs and made sure that you did but it was unusual that she let you make your own mistakes and let you be in everybody's face to hear them now in the
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mistakes not to say what he does is fine but what is the right and wrong of the situation? you have to listen in school. you are all against authority from the beginning and bartok to question authority. even at home you have family meetings if there is something that is really on your mind these are techniques about the secret to a happy family is and i am thinking the eve manuals we're doing this in the '60s. that was advanced for that time. >> my youngest brother ari was classic dyslexia 80 ht before those were classic. he was rambunctious to put it rightly he was a wild animal and also physically fit because he had to
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survive the two older brothers he eventually became a high school wrestler and regularly taking it out on people one memorable each event when we lived in willamette his friend we have a younger brother who talked a little funny and was often made fun of. there was a leader in the school making fun of this kid and ari walked by and he was pistol at him and took the tray and smashed in his face then got in a big fight with him on the ground for making fun of a french. my mom is at the school in milliseconds which was a regular routine every other day in the principal's
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office. but if ari would stand up for our friends kid she would defend ari note to questions about it. >> that not only does ari become a champion wrestler wrestler, all the kids get into fistfights. they are not allowed to have a squirt gun in the house. >> correct. >> yet your mother lets you guys beat each other up as much as you like because you're learning to defend yourself. >> she proclaimed she was a pacifist. [laughter] i think that was the source of the anti-vietnam's speak but it is true that she learned quickly you can make sure we don't have squirt guns but you cannot get rid of this. we were very good at in this. but it is true we lived in a tough neighborhood of
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chicago and she recognized it we were not going to get pushed around we had to stand up for ourselves. >> you are all good fighters but before we go to questions, let's summarize the brothers. we have talked about ari as many dyslexic children do develop an incredible time and ability to read people and manipulate them. >> every picture you have of ari he has this impish look on his face and he is great at pushing buttons, being charming, that he can go to the line the matter what he does he is endeavoring to them. yes, he can be very pugnacious but also extremely charming. >> talk about him getting into the argument with your
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mother. >> he had an argument when he was older, he takes her and lives her up and puts her in a garbage can and believes. [laughter] and to make sure everything is hunky dory when he comes home, gets a big pay of flowers. that is classic ari but rahm on either hand this is shocking in washington but he was the silent brother. literally he was not a very big talker. when we used to play constantly i would speak for him all the time. he was always the kid in the middle, the peacemaker, very modest the mine know that washington finds it hard to believe.
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all true. he did not blossom and tell after his senior year in college. the story is senior year the end of the year he was working at arby's because he needed to make money. senior of high school. did i say college? we had to work for many because we didn't have allowance that was not part of the cultures of you wanted to do anything that required many, educational they would pay the cost benefit was social life, you had to earn it yourself senator and your brother goes the second most expensive college in america >> he ends up slicing his thing year while cleaning up. he bandages it to stop the blood and for whatever reason my father never sees it.
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goes to graduation but after a number of days he is looking terrible, sweating, hot and cold fits and they and wrap it and clearly it is black, a very infected, he is taken to the emergency room and spins more than a month in a hospital including intensive care, very close to dying. it is a transformative event for him that i described in the book. he is no longer silent. he is no longer so carefree or casual. he becomes a man on a mission. the mission becomes politics. at that time he did not know but it became politics. >> what about the ability to persuade people when he starts fund-raising and calling his parents' friends they would agree to $1,000
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he would say i will let you embarrass yourself that way i will put you down for 2,000. [laughter] then he becomes an incredibly diligent worker were your father said the maximum results for the minimum effort. >> there is a theme. >> my father was not a good student when he was in grade school in israel, he was a class clown. he just never could sit down and work hard and tell he went to switzerland, got away from his parents, his brother's shadow and there he teaches himself french in about six weeks. he arrived halfway to the semester and the swiss system there is one at the end of first year and at the end of two 1/2 years and at the end of six years.
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he is there halfway through the semester and doesn't know one word of french in the french-speaking part of switzerland and teaches himself how to read french in has english and hebrew and a reader's digest and the english french dictionary. within a few weeks he takes the oral exam for the end of the first year and passes then has a rigorous study technique but it is very limited he will not steady more than six hours per day no matter what. becoming the class president in medical school and becomes number two. in the class. fully undistinguished student of to grade school and high-school probably because his older brother is two years at a fan and a very good student and he could not care about school or get it to work hard.
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there was a test okay. that there was a project he will do it but he doesn't ever do anything but he goes through an episode of nearly dying from this infection and he leaves to go to college, and suddenly blossoms. it is in that environment he kim strive to become number one. >> about your father you say he unhesitatingly would make the right and moral choice in a difficult situation and you always learn that from him but you tie that to judea's them that i find interesting. over time i came to understand the practice that it doesn't matter how often you go because you are in israel you don't have to prove or have a badge to
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show that you are observant -- observant as an american suburb. you are there. even orthodox jews to have a faith that did not relieve them of the duty. your parents are not believers but it is important to the identity. >> might father would not know what a believer meant. the metaphysical spiritual questions are irrelevant to him studying philosophy is pretty irrelevant to him by practicing good deeds he worked in chicago in his practice was in chicago and he knew so many languages much of the practice was immigrant community pour first generation 90 regularly cared for poor people with no pay and he used to have to practice
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that the fourth child this free. the first three would pay if you could but then by the time you got to the fourth we will not charge for that one. that was part of the practice. he did not want to be among the of pour but he thought they deserved equal treatment. in 1965 when the ama did nonsupport medicare and medicaid, he resigned not like today were 70% of the doctors are part of the ana those-- you had to be a part to be with privileges but it was a matter of principle. if the ama is against it they will not be a part of it. >> and then his parents tell him you will go to medical school and you do go to
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medical school and excel. the you feel slightly guilty because to be the clinician and then without even trying but what your father considers your career. >> both of my parents early on wanted me to be a doctor. there is no chance rahm or ari is going to medical school so they were insistent. i liked it. i was very good at and hers but on the other hand, it did not inspire me. i did a lot of lab research to find out that is not the
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career he followed but he wanted me to be a classic academic dr, research scientist with clinical care that is the life he wanted for himself but i never took to the lab staff so after college and went to oxford to see if i could work in the lab to catch be but it turned me off. collectively started medical school and i really, really did not like it. i tried to avoid it this summer between my first and second year which is the only summer you get off and actually came to washington to intern at the new republic in to see if i would do journalism. [laughter] five like to it except there were two problems. i was a bad writer it is true coming out of college was not a good writer.
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that is another story but i did not want to report on the events i wanted to partake. i did not have a plan so i return to medical school but i did end up teaching at harvard college as a second year medical student and they have a famous major called social studies and i discovered i really like to teach and do philosophy in this way so that its allies stopped medical school after three years to get a ph.d. in bioethics it was a sore disappointment to my father that i did not become the doctor of the family that he wanted. a big failure. >> we're all failures in different ways in the eyes
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of our parents. [laughter] but following that emanuel family practice there is no ill will of my technique in the ready was an equal footing and one said you are full of shit professor because she gave him a grade of the letter and a. >> title want to hear students echoed what i believe i want them to articulate their own beliefs and those who have good reasons for their view. when, my first real job was here at the nih at the department of bioethics we had a visiting scholar and she said the culture of the department was combative collegiality prepare for betty was fighting deferentially i was the
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first chairman i was just recreating my a family there >> now they don't live in the city because there wasn't one accommodate to -- to accommodate more than one emanuel at a time. force feels would have collided with casualty's so you do have some ideas that it is both nature and nurture the, the court's role identity moral identity of sort and that you grow up with. >> i'd like to start that everybody tries to ignore them for good reason could they raise three successful children? but it is important to recognize genetics. my father is incredibly
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energetic soviet manual brothers are always moving around, we get that from our dad. that is genetic. my brothers rise early at the and godly hour and my youngest brother at 4:30 a.m. but then when you see a threat that is the fight or flight reflex we definitely got the fight scene and not the flight gene that is heavily genetic also. we also have a version of dyslexia that i am pretty sure comes from my mom that is a great reader but the atrocious speller but passed it on. i think there is genetics. the sense of protest and cents -- social justice that we don't accept authority
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just because it is a 40 and also a tremendous freedom to figure out what is right on your own. she had firm convictions but she was willing to hear other ideas and to support endeavors or crazy ideas whenever they have been to be. one of the things that is overlooked is we were three brothers and stayed in the same bedroom and tell i was 10 and we spent all those summers together in israel sleeping in the same room on top of each other frequently. yet we are fiercely fiercely competitive with each other and fiercely critical of each other and fiercely loyal to each other and i think part of that competitiveness is to excel
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you don't want the other guy to outshine. >> that will keep you going for a long time. [laughter] you also say you learn from your parents no matter how well you did one day will come up the next day and you had to better. it was never easy enough for them. >> there was the insatiate ability to it. >> to we have questions from the audience? please come up to the microphone so that c-span to witches' streaming this can hear you. >> i am just curious in your biography it says you are a the leading by ethicists' but also on colleges. >> not a leading oncologist
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and medically trained from the cancer institute where i was seven years. i don't practice any more. >> you didn't have to go back? >> i completed my and the. by the time you finish three years it turns out the great thing about harvard medical school is you only need 15 months of treating patients then they give you the degree. [laughter] thank you. i have the degree which is one of the reasons i believe you can do medical school in three years. then i tried to shave off as much time as possible to finish the oncology training. >> jerry could then plays your brother on an entourage and also and the west wing who plays you?
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image you're asking the wrong guy. i don't have a tv i am not a movie fanatic and it could not name of lot of movie stars. but i will say that i did play myself once. one of the stories in the book in 1981, my second year in office for the bbc launched a reality show which is the first reality survivor type of show that reality tv came the late '70s and the bbc decides to have the competition between oxford and cambridge one woman undergraduate and one male graduate from each, a farmer and businessman there were having a hard time to find a graduate student and it happened the producer had
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dined with my mentor at colleges and by mentor said i have a person for you. he is a yankee but he is fit to because he was a runner runner, i joined to do all sorts of crazy things. skinning rabbits, swimming in lakes, and i was roundly attacked as the loudmouth yankee come i was the american and they could rally around and hate. remember this was the early days, and i was on bbc for four nights in a row and was
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the anti-hero. >> you with the most disliked man is in england. [laughter] quite a distinction. >> much easier if you are an american. >> where did you live in chicago when you were a young man when you went down to the lake? >> when my parents moved back we had an apartment on broadway and then we moved one block south of foster in uptown then we move to willamette. >> when you were raising your own children, is there anything you thought my parents did it this way but i will do a different way? >> which usually leads to doing it just the same way. [laughter]
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>> first of paul i have three daughters so you are in a completely different world with three daughters and three sons they are nowhere near as rambunctious they are nice, polite so it is a very different scenario. also let's be frank i raised my daughter's in the '80s where this safety levels were different. but here is one thing that was extremely different, for the first number of years i was the primary parent. i stopped medical school and i was the primary parent raising my kids. my father would never never in a million years be the primary parent so that was a major difference but the other stuff, traveled with my kids my oldest was six
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months when we took her to israel and took them all over the world and travel a lot more similarities >> and you are astonished your mother let you from the lake and let you out and you came home at night this was in the middle of chicago, not the woods and you are much more protective with your daughter's. >> it is true they were much more protective about my daughters and they did not wander the city in boston without supervision. one other thing come on saturday nights when they were teenagers i would pick them up by would not let them drive because that was too dangerous. my wife at that time was
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much more risk averse than i was. later in life to eldest daughter's go to uganda uganda, they are about 18 at that time and 21 and they are spending a prolonged period of time they're doing work and one day i get a call from them to tell me they have returned safely. where did you go the returned safely that you need to tell me? they went up to a camp on the border of sudan which at that time was in the middle of a war. really? thank you for letting me know. [laughter] but they do crazy things might middle one spent a year in mali.
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>> just as committed to social justice. >> was just wondering talk about nature vs. nurture but now come glad well wrote a book, where he talks one specific example is a father and a son that or both and fraternities and different generations equally everything but the father was the standard local lawyer the everybody came to this general issues and the sun was mr. zillionaire employer and he talked about all the reasons in our society this was the particularly great time for the sun to rise it doesn't matter what the father would have done with his generation because he'd never could have risen and it struck me when you said
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rahm went to sarah lawrence after being undistinguished undistinguished, when i was getting ready to go to college we did have the money to go there i only had of the average and i had to be on this club band backed club band gone to molly when i was 12 now that that is not a reason for not being rahm [laughter] we all have our reasons but have about as foulmouthed so my question is the use the nature versus nurture that something that allowed all three to rise to the levels that you have with outer society as in the book? >> does love play a role? yes. is very important and i have said this to my kids it is
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very important to take advantage of luck but first of all, we got our particular parents, that particular moments in history where jews were becoming much more accepted in society and the barriers were not completely gone but with a lot of prejudice prejudice, especially chicago but they were going away. that is definitely true. but there is still something a little different because three of us succeeded in reface very different career paths and hurdles. i would say one of the characteristics things being hinted that was never stopping. one of the things, i used to tell my kids this of the
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time, it is not that your father had this on a plate and succeeded and peaches and cream the whole way. contrary. we fail the lot of times and my mom was good about not letting us dwell on the failure but pick yourself up and do would again. right now. so one of the things that is true of us is whatever the failures are, we did not let it rest. also, this gets back to a relatively big a risk taker personally, so i said to my father's 75th birthday, i became a doctor because they
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wanted me to go when i told them i was going into bioethics' he said are you crazy? there is no career there. i did not listen. in 1991 when bill clinton approached rahm who ever heard of bill clinton? he comes from arkansas. why are you doing this? is dead and. when my brother was at one agency and he said i want to become a partner they said you are not ready and he said i am leaving. my dad said wait and be patient so my brother and three friends take their clients did leave they have no money and maxed out the credit cards with the endeavor and what got with another agency. i concluded that my father's 75th birthday it is good
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that we did not listen to your advice. [laughter] the only advice we listen to was don't play golf on wednesdays but we were always willing to do the unconventional and not listen to what everyone is doing. that is something my mom certainly encouraged. come to the right conclusion and defend yourself and we will be at your side and we will protect you so that allowed us to take more risks even psychologically because he came to the united states with nothing nothing, no safety net, no confidence he could conquer the world like we had because that is the way they raised as. it is partially blocked -- lucky i recognize a lot of luck i was lucky enough to go to i think is the best public high school in america. we have fabulous teachers,
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but we also had a background we to take the risks and opportunities to make the most of them. >> last question. >> my question has to do with the rating of the book and ethics. did you have to have ethical discussions with yourself how much you would reveal with the family like your mother's emotional neediness or are their stories you left out for ethical reasons and could you talk about your brother's response? >> all the stories you left out? [laughter] >> of course, there are stories you leave out because you cannot include everything and what is remarkable, i think, is my brothers and i agreed on the four or five stories that will never be in there or be
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public. that you constantly make choices how much you will reveal or not we feel and what remains a private. there are no names of any children, and there will not be. we don't talk about them and i try to keep to a minimum spouses because it is not related to them but i have an obligation to be truthful. one of the things i was told early on, i am not sure do, but readers can sniff out the bs better than anything and you cannot smell -- sell a book so the best compliment so far is from my youngest daughter who said all the characters
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ring true but it needed a better editing job. [laughter] i don't know if you have seen the book but there is a'' at the start i'' mark twain that says the autobiography is the truest of all books for while it is extension of the truth the shirking of the truce, a partial revealment of the truth with hardly being felt plane straight truth is there between the lines. then it goes on. that turns out to be for me amazingly true that if you get the characters right, it rahm, ari and i could argue the details they remember slightly differently, of course, they are wrong. [laughter] i got to write the book but to get the characters right
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is the most important thing. i started this book for two reasons. for the maureen dowd question and second i jotted down stories and wanted to pass on to my kids. we're getting older i wanted to make sure they had the family lore. you get part way through thinking about this and you realize it is to pass on and understand where you come from so you have to be truthful otherwise you get a wrong. i have learned a lot about my family. some stories in here before we started by did not know about. with the 1948 war fighting in the sinai peninsula, he never told us. that is where i got this story for you would go to your grave and never tell us
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this story? that turns out to be an important part of the book to get the story is right for the next generation to make sure they have enough knowledge for their parents and grandparents. >> i urge you all to come up and buy the book. he will be signing because even if he says he is not a good writer, he turned himself into a good writer now it is full of not just inside but stories like ari planting his mother in the garbage and and there are it treats rating for all the views. >> thank you. [applause]
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new details release of former secretary of state elliott clinton's book, signing with scimed schuster to write about american foreign policy the yet to be titled book will talk about her experiences of the killing of a summit in london and the libyan conflict. it will hit shelves this summer 2014.


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