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tv   Capital News Today  CSPAN  April 18, 2013 11:00pm-2:01am EDT

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period of months and not years. >> with your assessment to produce nuclear weapons? >> we have not. they have not yet made that decision and that would be made by the leader. >> can you give us the assessment of the current sanctions regime against iran? >> it is having a huge impact on our economy. no question with any measure you use inflation, unemployment, and availability of commodities having a tremendous impact by any measure that said it just yet has not induced changes in policy. >> to both of you relative
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to pakistan has pakistan changed its strategic calculation with respect to afghanistan and more specifically is there any change that we have determined and pakistan so far and willingness to deal with the afghan talnba which is the sanctuary in pakistan? .
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i believe they will continue to do. >> there's no gene's we have discerned a pakistan and so far their unwillingness to take on the taliban and -- >> inside pakistan, the sort to the tattered ban on pakistan to assist a threat to the pakistanis and they have, when they could -- they have also need to point out, last thousands of troops and the thought in pursuit of militants. >> i'm talking about the afghan military and. >> that's correct.
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>> is there any change in not? >> not basically. >> in terms of north korea, you've indicated i believe the difference that's been publicly stated between the intelligence community writ large and the dia and the issue of whether or not north korea has a weao icss t iof delivery by a your judgment a smallart of the bigger picture, director clapper and that is a nuanced issue, as you point ot. everything has that the public leaky air and the description of days that the best wayoit'stehae nuance. >> the best way to deal with it
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would be to know about. as i pointed out, the issue is what we know in fact, what we've outlined in what we impute from the faxes where you get into the differences and confidence levels people have. >> since it's now in the public, can you give us an idea as to why you think it's nuanced. give us what that difference is. >> the difference has to do with the confidence level and the ability of the north koreans to make a weapon that will work in a missile. neither read nor the north koreans know whether such the capabilities they have that will work. tia has a higher confidence level than the rest of the community on that capability. that's the difference. >> okay, that's helpful. in syria, the president sat for
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a rabbi in terms of chemical weapons. without the question that she preferred to deal with in a classified setting, tell us in your judgment, direct or if the reds and crossed. >> that is ailot the and not one for intelligence to comment on. haveou made an assessment. click >> i have not, nor will we. >> already. he talked about the global jihad is to move men, direc ce, in your opening statement. he continuing operation at guantánamo serve as a recruitment tool for global jihad is movement? is the continued operation of the facility at one time about a
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recruiting tool? >> well, this has been a long subject of debate, either since one time in cortana was established in there are those who believe in the past it has been used or cited in g g hottest literature. >> do you have an opinion? >> we have to pay attention to not just guantánamo, but other places where individuals are being held by other countries to pay close attention to what happens to those countries. as it might relate to be returning to the battlefield, so to speak. >> senator inhofe.
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>> thank you, mr. chairman. i wasn't going to mention wonton about just for thed. i know it's absurd this is one of the few good deals we have. half the time ty don even bellisari. i think for the record for each of you to tell me, what we have? where as an alternative to guantánamo? it's a great resource used politically in the wrong way in my opinion. the statement you made, director clapper, we couldn't find, so i sent for and i will read this real quick. i was overwhelmed. in almost 50 years of intelligence, i don't remember when we had a more diverse array of thread in situations around the world to deal with. mr. chairman, that's about as strong a statement i've heard. general flynn, do you agree with that statement?
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>> idea. >> director clapper, i was going to bring this up the last time we went through this thing because i was in the senate at the time we went to the last peace dividend thing. i remember the euphoria out there to the cold war is over, we no longer need to and we did a lot of cuts in terms of somewhere around 30%. china during the same decade of the 90s was increasing by 300%. other similarities -- you cover that -- what similarities do you recall during the peace dividend in the 90s and what we face today? anything else? >> weloing back, bese the cuts we were taking, i
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erhether we fail to fully appreciate the outde of rrs not. i first got religion and the komar ties and i left dia as director and the number of 1995 and had an occasion to critique myself and i saw how little my former agency was devoting to terrorism. a lot of it was because of the cuts and still trying to get over the preoccupation with the soviet union. >> you would probably say we need to remember the lessons of that currently. >> absolutely, sir. i fear i've seen this movie before. >> good way of putting it.
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director clapper, sometimes we say things so many times we forget what the original source was and i do remember back in 07 that our intelligence came to the conclusion that a rambus going to have the capability by 2015. that's the first time i remember that date and it hasn't changed much since then. >> specifically what are you referring to? >> the nuclear capability and delivery system. >> that dean is good. the ukrainians are pursuing development of two systems that potentially could have intercontinental capability and is ear 1ef is the tme for both of recently when we asked general mattis this
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question, we said to me to believe the economic and diplomatic efforts to stop iran from a nuclear weapons capability have been successful? his answer was no. do you agree with his answer? >> the comment was the sanctions have a huge impact on our economy that has not yet induced change in their policy. how about you, general flynn? >> i would agree their intention is to achieve that capability. >> one of the concerns i have you did cover it briefly and that is the cotton of africa. now of course it's under one command. but the resources come from eucom. we've talked to both the current
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one and of course breedlove is going to become the yukon commander. they are all very much concerned as i have been for a long time without reducing resources due to sequestration, the lack of resources we have facing potential to. you chart about molly -- hern san cwis himalayan problem. d ani'm vry concrn being about the fact we were short of intel in that whole region. it's not just the countries you mentioned. you mentioned nigeria, but other places in west africa. togo, you comment and down into the gulfport. once they develop resource is
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down there in the money emerges, the problems emerged with them. we will i'm sure have to expand our intel, isr capability in that area. do you have any thoughts about the parts of africa he did not mention that a potentially great earthquakes >> you covered it very well. if you look at northern africa, for martini or senecal on the west of the way to sudan on the east is about 475 million people in very porous borders, weak security services in place is awash in weapons. most import night, a very high proportion of the population are young and unemployed males, frustrated and easily attracted
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to jihadist causes. the whole area in the arab countries you mention is going to be a tremendous challenge certainly us in the intelligence business a big chlenge. we don't cover he eart sherwin-williams inaly wfod on . the chlenge is how tbr to bear more in the isr irina capability to africa. >>icisnique in another way. you can find a place right now where he had adequate intel. but when they change leadership, look at quarter her. i know the state depare doesn'ree with my assessment of this, but when they were taken over, all of a sudden you have a new threats without their
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any stay ahead of that what was it necessary to get a lot of intel prior to that time under the regime in my opinion now is because you do with people who have terrorism in their background. i would hope we look at potential problems they are because they are real in that country. thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you, senator inhofe. senator cain. >> director clapper, you've given us an appalling list of risks today, threats and problems we face and he started your testimony with the effect of the sequester and it's important to emphasize it is not a one-year proposition is writt into law to continue. given a list of fat and the woulit be fair to say then,
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riouses security risk basedt right now? >> it certainly is consuming a company intelligence community leadership for what we see happening to the capability and importantly the expectations people seem to have for our having this global insight and that is going to be very hard. if we sustain sequestration through 2021, what the law calls for, as i said in my testimony to the senate in telogen's community and a day before, we collectively have to rethink what people expect from the intelligence community because it isn't going to be the same. >> general flynn.
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>> i just want to emphasize is a senior leader, just to reemphasize the general clapper talked about, we are about people and we do not want to damage that vital component of our capability. the sequestration provides is no flexibility. not just this year, but over the long haul. our adversaries won't take a strategic pause and the real cost director clapper highlightedvwellhat i described as public insecurity and the potential forteg surprise and we really won't know what we've missed given the potential damage to sequestration will have onrdpro. >> we wonnow what we missed until some implicit. >> yes, sir. >> let me change the subject to
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a more specific one. i asked general dempsey this the other day. in afghanistan as we transition now, one of the key questions is who do the people of afghanistan support? intelligence, i agree with the karzai regime? either with the government the taliban, what is the status of the underground public opinion in that country? >> it is very much a mixed bag and i think the forthcoming election, is cemented his talibana gr deal o political act dignity and that is going to be a real indicator of where these lie. the area controlled taliban,
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principally in the rural areas i think are probably in control and hold sway. in the urban areas, probably the central government has more traction. but bear in mind, afghanistan is someaticl he conntional sense to think about countries. so loyalties lay mostly on a tribal basis. >> one other more specific question on the sequester and the laas i'vad the figes a su, talking about absolute cuts in real dollars, not growth. >> we had to cut about
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$4 billion in seven months in the classifieds seven began setting. >> it continues before they reach the nominal dollars. is that not correct? >> if you start with the base of 2012 and take sequestration and the other actions, it is a substantial cut away don't go well until 2022 or 2023. >> thank you. one other question on iran. we've had some discussion and there is an article headlined in a report led by former ambassador pickering who are accused to sanctions in iran are not expecting decision-makers that in fact may be driving them in the other direction. could you comment on that?
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>> that is certainly one basis. there are those in the intelligence community i pointed out that as a possibility that you reach certain tipping point i would prompt the supreme leader to build a nuclear weapon. that is clearly a possibility. at the same time, at least right now, we don't think the decision has been made. >> the problem of sanctions i the sanctions affect everybody in the street. they don't necessarily affect the decision-maker in the supreme leader could hang on. he's not going to have any problem getting bread in the marketplace. >> what they do a they are concerned about that.
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>> that was my follow-up question. does political pressure mean anything? >> little pressure from outside? >> within the streets. >> i think it can. again, perhaps don't know, but this will play out in the forthcoming iranian election. if you have the ahmadinejad faction will put up a candidate, not embrace the supreme leader and this could creates an interesting dynamic. i don't know. but have to see. >> thank you, mr. chairman. thank you mr. king. senator mccain. >> thank you for being here and there continued service. i don't want to beat a dead horse on the sequestration, but is it true that if this
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continues, our ability provides the intelligence for the jeopdized, errs would be jeopzisecurity. but to the group that? >> i would. >> general flynn. >> 100%. >> you live in a world where there is nothing from the white house and method and the congress as an effort ot refill what is a threat to national security. some of us will keep on trying. general clapper, u.s. secretary of state and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff some time ago supported arming the rebels. why did you take that position?
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>> i have never spoken publicly about the position in that regard and i don't think it's appropriate to do so. i'll think it's appropriate to talk publicly about it. >> you think it's appropriate to talk to members of congress about shared views on the situation going on, were sent 80,000 people have been massacred? >> i'll talk about that. >> what advice to go to congress as far as arming the rebels? >> i believe at this point, there are lots of lots of weapons in syria and if were going to expend resources in support of the opposition, i am not convinced now for supplying additional weaponry to the opposition will have the desired impact based on cost-benefi w-f?
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>> that is assibi and the end of the policy thing, not an intelligence question. certainly if them as hens contrf sufficient geography on the ground, that's a possibility. doing a no-fly zone, even a partial one is not a trivial undertaking. there are as i mentioned a tremendous array to include a sophisticated air defense capability, depending who is operating in. a no-fly zone would not be without cost. >> even though the best testified he could with cruise missiles and within the patriot missiles in the right place is
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that we could establish a no-fly zone. >> patriot missiles i'm getting out of my league. that is essentially a point weapon. the theory is you could position patriot missiles outside of syria and somehow provide security outside the zone, given the nature of the pastry about then, which is not an area of a project or would be tough. >> and what's fascinating is now you are saying instead of the joint chiefs of staff that it has deteriorated so much that you now have questions whether we should supply weapto rebels are not, which the argues we shod have supplied them back ommended coing to published reports well heta o
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state, as well as the chairman of the joint chiefs f staff. it's remarkable. see you in the administration figure and say we don't know where the weapons are going. maybe if we help the people of writing from the beginning before a beast you how to the fighting in israel, we might've had some beneficial effect. meanwhile, we said hi and watch 80,000 or so of the country's at lebanon and jordan have been destabilized? >> it is that huge impact on the neighboring countries. jordan, lebanon, turkey, iraq, huge number of refugees, not to mention humanitarian aspects, but the spillover of the fighting. >> thank you. has the support slot and over the iraqi airspace?
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>> happy to talk about that in closed session. >> to think iran will keep a side in at all costs? >> absolutely. his thought would be a huge strategic cluster or van. >> a huge strategic loss to iran, but we don't know of any other way to assist them. that is quite remarkable commentary on the capability or the commitment of the united gates of america. how would you characterize russian naturist whinica? that it represents the last bastian in the middle east where theyaveiluce. it's beenues being in opposition to last and there is a general aversion of as well, russians have concerns about their own homeland from the standpoint of jihads is in
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the caucuses. as a member of fact is that motivate the russians. i also think they are concerned about what would follow assad him to be careful what you ask for her department had >> we have reports for example taken people to rebrand and train them and sending them back to syria. >> are some of that going on, yes. >> there is an article in "the wall street journal" yesterday. u.s. fears rebel victory for now. is that your view? lawmakers and allies caught by surprise in recent weeks with an amended approach to security. they do not want an outright rebel victory right now because they believe in one senior official at the good guys may
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not come out on top. >> well, that depends on your definition of good guys. certainly the sunni domiated oups ce in the groups in the opposition punching way above its weight in terms of its size have recently pledged allegiance to al qaeda. that is of great concern. they are present in 13 of the 14 and are starting to establish services providing humanitarian aid, food, hospitals and sharia law courts. >> all of this might have been avoided if we hadn't sat by and watched it happen. i thank you, mr. chairman.
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>> thank you, senator mccain. senator reid. >> thank you, mr. chairman. the issue obviously to cheaper up front and center sequestration. i have more of a procedural question. as i understand it, your appropriation is part of the defense appropriations bill as a classified annex, that we did in fact passed a defense appropriations bill. we didn't do a lot of those. within the context, we were able th wt weaecognize thaitization r deease funding? >> the national intelligence program, which i manage straddles two independent tions these. the bulk of program is carried
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in the department of defense budget. so not to get to be in a sequestration arcana here, but the net, the program was divided into 700 ppa from the planned program activities that covers the entire extent. every one of those had to be eat late taxed. the congress imposed a more onerous, more restrict it from a comma rules that on my ability to move money from ppa to ppa. i have small pdas with not a lot of money but for whatever reason decided there needed to be more over the national intelligence program. the effect of the fy 13 of her rations that did help us in that
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it allowed us to move money around civic and that the money into the path we are committed to by virtue of the fact were five men in before we got a bill. sowo ba dister t it. a cab structure, did allow new start,t also frommocountschss here was what many at the endf the day and of course the of sequestration was doubled because we had to take it in seven months. iraq i was. ealistic impact. >> that is helpful because it provides more of a context of things we might be able to do. again, we have a macro issue of sequestration can watch everyone
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recognizes it's in packs on your programs. but i stand legislative authorization not on this committee that the intelligence that could have the skinny flexibility, give you the ability whatever you type ynez spend it more wisely? >> as i said, we will pay our fair share of the tax and we have badly done it in such a way we can avoid that we can check her people from furloughs. so i guess my wish list of one would be some relief on her structure where street me that the big d. or d. larger ppa. >> that is something that can be done under the macro solution, but it's a micro --
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>> in the bill, senator feinstein and senator shannon was though do that and that failed. >> that'saispd. thank you, mr. chairman. in a simplistic approach, there always seems to be these two major areas. he-man and type: intelligence. one of the things this had to be sacrificed was you meant to her chagrin. can you balance those programs? without getting into detail obviously, is there one area will suffer more than the other? but then it goes back to the question of can you give us flexibility to manage better?
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>> again, not to be a johnny one no, but in this environment, the one thing i would ask for is more latitude in how we take the cut to fit the money with the most important payoff is. with respect to the question you raised, it is an age-old one and intelligence. the approach or try to take in the last two years is try to protect and invest in capabilities that give us the most general coverage. that's why a very strong on sustaining our overhead reconnaissance capability because it covers the earth, denied area or not and similarly, even when times are then, human capability is extremely important. that's when the hu what dr. vickers are io brilliae
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as much as it is a reshaping, recastg he organization i started in 1992 caughhet t defense humanrvice. better integration with the fbi and the cia. more clandestine case officer's who are worth their weight in gold. the unique capability no one else can render. as they make reductions, we have to focus much much more on quality, quality of investment since are not going to have in numbers. >> one quick question that's come up a number of times. and there is clear evidence, public evidence that iranian involvement. my presumption is there are
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regional forces were operating inside syria who are supporting the authors of the grapples, posing iranians. said this is not a situation where there's only one external player in the field and that's the ukrainians. this is a complicated situation, where there are conscious and capable people on the ground assisting the rebels. pmeat makes it more situaon the. difficult to assess good ys and bad guys is they will look at a different face whether westward or some other way. that makes it even more complicated. one of the great concerns we
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have a >> at for foreign fighters. the europeans are concerned about the 400 plus europeans that have gone to syria to fight the great site. so it's a complex situation and never a bad guys and good guys and large number shades of gray in between. >> my time is expired. i hope for the second run i can come back. we are very proud of you and your brother, almost as hard as your mother. >> thank you very much. senator ayotte. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i like to think witnesses here today in your country. i want to ask any written statement companies say iran is providing money to the serious regime and we know that iran also provides for to hezbollah.
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thank you e-mail in order to support hezbollah, is tehran is in the lebanese banking system or financial sector? when access to the financial system today have in contravention to a sanction and international sanctions? >> you were speaking specifically to the ukrainians supported hezbll sad >> probably be better to take that for t record. off the top of my head i do not know the specifics. >> i would appreciate that. thank you very much. i went to s. both of you, how is tehran withdrawn from iraq
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without force? how are they previously characterized it? enervate testimony, he said the supreme leader khamenei and military officials view the u.s. military withdraw as a strategic defeat for the united states. is that true? >> that is correct in their perception, what we assesses their perception coming yes. >> how might tehran access? i do think that be viewed iran and one that duties to believe what precipitate in afghanistan by the iranians? >> uranian on either of their borders. just as they welcomed the departure from iraq, so will they from afghanistan.
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their interest of course this is the inerrant luminance in neighboring ntrs. me an attemptp ial n iraq.cessful or >> although i will say general dunford exprsed ern the western of afghanistan mwave is their main doing and using iraq included their airspace? >> the main thing i worry about is they are supplying weaponry or explosives to the western part of iraq -- afghanistan. excuse me. >> on your first issue, we have to understand how you define precipitous and the implications
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of the perception of the region and clearly iran as we continue through transition, we all need to pay attention and do a sprightly general dunford plays that are clearly. one of the perceptions of that region and all the different players are something we pay close attention to. on iranian opponents, i would have potential training to that as well as some of the capabilities and weapons systems we've seen of afghanistan in the westteaining, what do you mean by that, general? >> small arms and things we become aware of. as we saw in iraq as well. >> direct orcapper, aedto
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ask you about the diplomatic cility inbenghazirl anwanted tou about the prior attacks on our consulate on april 6 engine fixed before the september 11 attack obviously were four brave americans were murdered. i want to ask you about the intelligence community assessment of those attacks and whether you are the tni briefed president obama or secretary clinton about the two preceding 11.cks in benghazi prior to >> i did not personally rifed on come but we certainly were porticos of all of our intelligence vehicles. >> are your intelligence vehicles included the prior attacks on the consulate? >> yes. >> do believe the intelligence community of the situation in
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benghazi? >> we had a general idea of the situation in eastern libya. we probably didn't have the fidelity on the exact situation in benghazi, but we certainly know the lack of control the central government had over the militias and not part of the country. that continued even after the fall of gadhafi. >> he said that briefings prepared by the tni talked about the prior attacks a reference in april and june prior to sebettack al inclu thesmen the british closing their facility. e those thef intelligence reported that the
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chain of command despite not having a specific conversation? just to be clear,e didn't have any specific conversations with secretary clinton about this issue? >> we had many conversations about it. i don't recall specifically a conversation with her prior to the attack on september 11. we could have. i just to remember. >> i think both of you. i also wanted to s. general fund about the fighter and where they are but that and also if you could comment on the russian development of fifth-generation writer. >> a couple more technical answers would have to go to closed session, but i would just offer the capabilities we see developed an investments by
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china and russia ark turning. we pay close attention to investment and capabilities and were close late but not only are commands in the various theaters, both eucom and pay calm, but strong partners in the region to make sure you clearly understand how good capabilities are. >> finally, given th assessment regarding eastern libya, the lessons to take on the situation in benghazi? ingdon't do unclassieta learned.r membe or clearly, we've gone to school on the situation, particularly the subject of support to enhancing security and providing intelligent kumar at tactical level intelligence where these
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facilities. that said, we have plans here, but obviously sequestration will have an impact on not. >> i know my time is up on them but the lesson can't be not to do talking points for members of congress. how about getting the talking points right. thank you. >> they were right. >> okay, thank you, senator ayotte. senator donnelly. >> thank you, mr. chairman. director, thank you. general, thank you. i apologize if some of these questions have been asked. i decide that a few minutes. when you look at north korea and the decision-making there, how is that working right now? >> that's a great question. there isn't much of a chain.
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it's probabl vested in the new young leader, so there n'td f information flow decision options. they're all centered in one person. >> for a better way to put it, the decision is being made under seat-of-the-pants -- >> that the impression coming yes, sir. i think he's driven by the need to prove his position. consolidate his power and a lot of what he is doing and saying are driven by messages to the domestic audience and international audience. >> to the generals played a role other than to tell him what he
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wants to hear? >> pretty much, it's yes or three bags full for the military right now. >> the chinese, is there a point where they are no longer able to attend can get me that way? >> i don't know the chinese have reached that point, but we syndication the chinese everything came the relationship, particularly with the new administration in china. >> with north korea, what is extent of north korea and iran's collaboration on nuclear missile to what you? addie imac >> not much. ukrainians are weary of the northreans. >> asti sanctions on both
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countries, are the sanctions working or are you saying i'm having an effect and are they affecting not only blessed the people of the country, but decision-making at all? >> and discuss this a little bit before, but yes, sanctions have impact in iran. no question they've had a huge impact on our economy. but as they changed the policy on the nuclear activity? no. in north korea, pretty much isolated anyway, the long benefactor for north korea is of course china and to the extent anyone has leverage over north korea is chat. >> as we draw down if the ins
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have the ability to contact >> that is an enabler that they made a semi-festive. they're a national organization. the nes is pretty good. i've had a long relationship with us, but the military intelligence and counterintelligence probably needs of our. >> is that one of the things they focus on as we drive dow to our people who areaini? tionnascurity floresn companies to be stated we are achieving the numbers he said we were going to achieve around 352,000. i was in afghanistan in june 2002 when the price per
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song and so the development is certainly the capability of what we assess as you are highlighting the face of challenges about the colony link capability is one of them as well as a few others. their ability on a scale on one end would be high end operations independent to another scale, which would be being able to a basic checkpoint. they range that full scale. they have some unit that full capabilities of the way down to where they need advice and we'll debate it. >> s. to their ability to counterintelligence, is an area we have to work closely with them on?
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tire defense structure, wethin are all engage sis ing thmoaily tengining them, wog ithem and will do that as we transition. >> as you look in the border areas and just across impact and, those areas, once the taliban is in there, is there any pressure for the pakistan army or any effort on the government of pakistan to push back up they are, or is their greatest danger are drones? >> we were talking about this earlier, but the pakistan military has been engaged with
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the last decade conducting operations inside their own territory to help out only themselves, but the militia and terrorist organizations in their own country, but also to help on the afghan side. there's been a lot of border cooperation between our units in capital east, south, southwest with counterparts in the various core along the pakistani border. a lot has occurred, a lot of e.tion has takena we need to continue to take the dialogue open but to not the international community in the region there. but also between the afghan military and the pakistani military.
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we have to move that dialogue along. as professor clapper said earlier, he mentioned pakistan number one issue is how they do india and that's really the bigger, wider regional issue. >> is the isi buying into the effort to work and clean up the frontier areas as well? >> i be happy to talk about that in closed session. john brandon, the new director of cia had a pretty good eating with director of isi and i'd be happy to fill you in on that possession. >> that's fair. thank you very much. >> thank you, senator donnelly. senator cruz. >> thank you, mr. chairman. gentlemen, thank you does for your also for your service at a time of
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great risk throughout the world. i would like to ask questions focusing on two regions of the world, first of all benghazi and secondly north korea. with respect to benghazi during the seven and a half hours of the attack on september 11 to benghazi, did either of you during the seven and a half hours have any conversations concerning what was happening there? >> i did not during that period, no. >> i did not. >> either of conversations with secretary clinton during that attack? >> i did not. >> previously this committee had a hearing with ben defense secretary leon panetta in
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general to see which was discussed at considerable length. general dempsey expressed his views then i'm paraphrasing but the nature of the attack that top demonstrated to him aro organid ttack. it wa he said something to the effect that he thought it was obvious and was an organized military effect. i'd be interested if you thought it was obvious at the time. >> no, sir, it was there were two or three phases of the attack on the temporary admissions facility. the mortar attack took about 10 or 11 minute, doesn't stray did some operational efficiency.
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i don't know if you've seen it, sir, a briefing we put together that visually re-creates as best we could with the actual events and i'd be happy to have it brought to you so you could see our best replication of what occurred during the phases of the attacks. >> i would be appreciative of that. thank you. do you have anything to add on that? >> i would say personally, my instincts were what weee watching was particularly on the was not what i would normal activity based sategic sessment that it are dismayed over the last number of ths.
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i kn from our goods, you know, there is a fan this is more organized and we of course judged that over the next few days. >> thank you. one additional question on benghazi. have we made any significant process in identifying, apprehend him the terrorists who carried out those attacks? ..
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>> they launchedrondo s they have the basic ingredients for what appears to be a nuclear equiped miile pride time there is a lot we don'tow e debate going on with the intelligence community that they have about the actual technical knowledge if they
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build a weapon and it will work so if they launched this missile lot will be a great interest to both them and us because they never launched one so the same is true with there long-range icbm they display it in a parade that have never seen them tested. >> on march 15 the voice chairman said publicly that he believes the north koreans "probably does have the range to reach the united mistakes -- united states. >> that is his assessment regis have not seen that tested or proven. >> lt. general flynn i would like to get your views on the same question. >> one of the things i think is highlighted from the last
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couple weeks and director clapper said it earlier and where we are today as a community is a reinsurer all views are stated and unknown. we do challenge each other'sass. those views are presented to every lel to include the of president owthough combat and commanders but the assumption that we make are the components without going into any details we could go into much greater in an but i think the assumption is wary we need to keep looking at examines thank -- examining challenging each other that it is presented and based on the way director clapper has encouraged all of us we do that.
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>> teeeighteen in the past week a statement was made public that dia possessed with moderate confidence the north as weapons capable of ballistic missiles but the reliability is low. what was the time frame or the date of that assessment? >> cannot was a seven page document classified the date of which was the march timeframe and not to be a dead horse but it as i was just saying, a difference of how we judge assumptions in this case and we have other components that go into the
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methodology that we use and i would rather not discuss that here to not get into excruciatingly etailed. >> i look forward to that. estion which i understood your testimony today, you currently have a higher level with that assessment. and my understanding correctly can you provide some of the basis for that? >> the differences or levels of assessment and those are known and the reasons why is >> so i would just say yes. says. >> sir, the debate for us we center around the facts we know versus what we give to
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those facts and that's is healthy debate and disagreement so analysts that dia may have a difference -- different confidence level that is fine. coming up with the common denominator i am not sure that is good either. >> to clarify the have a higher level of confidence? >> t2 does, yes. >> as continue that line of questioning for a moment. if nothingc in north korea and they continue to be a militaryttalitia money on their military at the expense of their own people and continue to develop technology it is a matter of time before they have technology to reach us. do you agree with that? >> probably so. if they keep working at it and they have a
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single-minded focus focus, particularly the current leader may be more intensely than his father i think feels that is the key to their survival. >> i think that is a good honest assessment put them in the bucket of threats that the nation faces a capable of north korea with larger missiles and probably smaller bombs producing that is a reasonable threat we should plan against if nothing changes? >> i do blie that. >> syria. to give enough chemical weapons to kill thousands? >> potentially yes and that is very dependent on lots of things are the number of casualties that could be incurred in favor employee.
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>> but they have a lot that could killltofpele >> correct. that's another step. over the last six months as we are imposing sanctions and negotiating through the regime do they have more or less enriched uranium? >> we will get you the exact numbers enclosed context. >> can i say it is more? >> not highly enriched but up do 20 percent. >> they're marching in the wrong direction. put that in the bucket. china building of the of military.
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>> jainism is investing in their military absolutely. can you give me an answer why congress would do sequestration? >> we don't want to go there [laughter] we have spoken in intensely about the impacts of sequestration. >> finish it out. if sequestration was fully implemented how does that affect the ability to defend us up through tomorrow? >> senator, thank you for the question. it is part of our mission the single biggest threat for us is our ability to have not only for thepartmedefee this country and that would be severely impacted.
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being terrible where to0 tr?ld you put it >> 10 over a decade right now it runs through 20 / 21 now to go for the mindless cuts might to authorizing committees agreed need to do serious think on what it is we expect of the enterprise because it is something much less than what we have. of you familiar with the opposition in council? >> yes. i know about it and what it is. >> avila meant -- have you met with them? >> with the opposition
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council that is the component of the opposition to allow the international community to secure the chemical weapons site to tell the world they would be 0k and i am waiting on a response is that a good thing for people to take over syria? >> yes. theisue is any external groups that have influence inside the country that somebody will take over. >>.
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>> for when a stock falls rethink it is a question of time to various parts of the country. >> and the organization i will continue to press them to renounce operation of chemical weapons to help. radicals have gotten more involved on less so i think that observation is correct. >> but the casualty of syria could be the king of jordan almost 5,000 refugees have spilled into turgid -- georgia they say the longer it goes the worse it is for him. do you agree with that? >> i do.
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gettintterr worse? >> there is no good trend. >> play out one year from now. you could ask millions of refugees if something doesn't happen. do you agree? >> the infrastructure and conditions and syria continued to deteriorate there will be more people. >> i hope the international community finds a way to end the war that would be controlling the chemical weapons between the factions that is the best we can know for at this point*. lt. general flynn you said 350,000 but do you regret -- recommend we continue that
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level of afghan security forces? >> that is a policy issue. >> is that why is? >> i think the afghan national security force and the army is a threatto a resurgent l. >> when general allen said he thought it would be wise? >> you have any reason to discount when he said heought ? to keep them as 352? >> that is the guy you should listen to. >> i think he is the good guy to listen to. during the last five years
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detention they would you agree the drone program particularly in the regions of pakistan and afghanistan throughout the world and and governed areas has paid dividends in terms of safety? >> so that i can speak globally to speak publicly, yes. >> would you like to continue the program to maintain national security? >> it is a tremendous capability. >> thank you both for your service. >> we will have a three minute second round. so those having a huge effect on the economy to ce he on policy but very quickly do you believe the combination of keeping those options in
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place and strengthening its possible was military options on the table continuing efforts with diplomacy gives us a reasonable chance to convince iran they should not build nuclear weapons? >> that is also a policy question. >> my answer would be a. >> with the issue of benghazi just to and understand exactly your role in terms of the point* favors did you approve the talking points? >> i did not people below me did but i did not see them until after the fact. >> you indicated your quick back and forth you thought those talking points were right? >> with there the best we could do at the time and also in light of our
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concerns from the investigatory standpoint that is as much as we should say. with the dilemma of speaking in public for the accurate at the time? >> not completely because there were some thfm the methods cliff concerned with the fbi had it was not completely accurate. it was the best at the time and still protect those equity. >> did you believethat the time it was accurate? did you believe it was inaccurate? >> at the time. >> there is an issue about the spontaneity of the demonstration. >> but when they were written did you believe they were accurate? >> we believe them to be tempered by our concerns with intelligence and
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investigatory equity. >> and stand up. given all that at the time they were produced. >> that was my response. >> yes. >> those of the same talking points from secretary rice. >> yes. >> she was highly criticized and what were your feelings your personal beliefs? was a fair should be criticized? >> i thought it was unfair because because of the hits she took i did think that was appropriate going on what we had given her the that was the collective best judgment but of what should have been said. >> ees dt about this
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before referring to the benghazi attacks and repeated it hear he unequivocally use that word we all knew that was an organized terrorist attack. you disagree with that? >> no. that is the one thing that happened that had the earmarks of organization was the 11 minute mortar attack on the aniks facilities. >> i appreciate that. i know that is what you were thinking when you answer the question but i will go back to read the transcript but i appreciate that answer. leslie as a stall takes place in afghanistan number one was that the city was drawl of a percentage of the
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i sr capability? >> the intelligence capabilities will be drawing down as well. but that is a function of the flood fringe of whatever residual footprint remains for dod and whatever it meet remains for the department of state. so the exact profile has not been determined yet. our main conce detecting a potential set to the homeland. that we're already closing down bases in don't have as many that gives access for intelligence purposes, that
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will certainly change the landscape as far as we are concerned. >> the second part of the question is and should it? as we talked before about to west africa and other places it is a matter of resources. i keep hearing on a percentage basis to about the same degree your intelligence capability and resources. >> that is a fair statement. >> if that happens? should it? >> our intent as i say senator to sustain a sufficient presence to monitor the situation not to the fidelity of the degree with of large footprint. >> i have a very brief eson thank you the sequester has
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come up a lot today with the going scussion about flexibility to give you the flexibility to mthe cuts around. my question is giving you flexibility enough to solve the problem or is it still a problem with the absolute dollars a matter how much flexibility you have? >> that is a great question. obviously i don't know of any intelligence officer to use more resources when you say absolutely. but at the same time with the financial cuts we are observing no question we will do away with what we can get back we discuss the hearing on tuesday. my great concern is
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particularly the impact on our most viable resource which is the people. >> if i could just add to that the other point* not just the intelligence community and a request not just combating and commanders and joint task force and conducting operations around the world because of the variety of threats andenge described today that is where they come from >> federal employs have not had a raise and three or four years with the threat of furlough-- you say you have been able to avoid better use seeing an impact with retention and recruitment because one thing you testified is one of the grave mistakes was
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the hollowing out of the human capacity is that a threat? >> it will be. whether it that we have furloughs has not been completely resolved yet with the intel components of the department of defense. attrition rate has run around four-point to% which is pretty though -- low. we have a number of people yorebl at is abt 10% and in the next five years anher 15%. i think if we drastically reduce intelligence community to include people if i may,tag of
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e or but we basal ve inducements to retire as we did in the '90s. the same amount ofone that isn't much of an incentive the d if we have tomac reshaping of the of work force having the latitude to induce people to the fort and careers in government government, it is crucial and something we did not do very well in the late 90's and we continue to bring on new people and a new blood and new energy rather than let the work force age out. >> just to add specifically over 10 years we have gone roughly 25% work-force of employees in their 20's and '30's to 50%. what i am afraid that those
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young people many of which, over 6,000 have deployed to iraq and afghanistan will feel the life that they have decided to dedicate themselves for the defense of our country country, they will walk away from this and i am concerned about that. there is a lot of uncertainty especially talking to these young people in our organization and i think it is unfair. >> thank you both gentleman for your service and testimony today. >> know i will call on senator gloom and es e if you are done adjourn the committee i would appreciate it. >> i will be brief because of the boat on going right now but i wanted to ask
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generally in terms of our collaboration with the israeli intelligence community, are you satisfied there is a complete and cooperative flow of information? >> i have spent associated with israeli intelligence it has never been closer or more pervasive. >> without asking me the specific assessments with respect to the iranian development of the nuclear capability would you say the assessment on your par your pard assessment on your part and the israelis is the same? >> generally speaking yes but this is the commentary on the intimacy that we have the same dialogue, same debates and arguments analytically but generally we are on the same page.
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>> based on the same packs and the same availability of information? >> generally speaking. >> they have unique suranthey generally, yes. >> do you share the information coming fm those sepaateunique sources? >> pretty much. >> thank you. let me turn to the pakistan the situation. are you satisfied that pakistan the military and its government are taking sufficient steps to safeguard its nuclear arms? >> i prefer to discuss that and closed session. >> maybe it without asking for information that you feel not to disclose and not to press you medieval leave
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there is more that can and should be done? by the pakistan military? >> i prefer to discuss that in closed session. >> i understand. let me turn to venezuela. could you give us some idea of what the current fraud or irregularities on going in the process? >> of sufficient the this >> in your review there is requirement?
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>> as arsi know now, and no. >> finally you spoke a few moments ago of the challenges of recruitinand keeping the best minds of america for the intelligence community is there anything we can do to do support that effort? >> it would be nice if they could get a pay raise occasionally and it would be nice not to be threatened. >> i take that to heart. with that love me say thank you to both of you for your service which has been distinguished and if there is no objection we adjourn the hearing. thank you very much. [inaudible conversations]
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>> think years secretary carry you mentioned we don't need politicians to go home to end foreign aid and send some of that -- spend some of that at home that may come news to the prominent politicians and who said in his reelection campaign we need to do less nation building a broader and more at home and that would be your current boss, the president of united states i don't think this is unique to republicans or democrats it crosses all party lines it is not me going home to agree in an atmosphere where people are doubtful is 89 percent of the people are doubtful. of two bridges in my state over 50 years old prison and came and i flew down to talk about rebuilding them i am in favor of of rebuilding infrastructure but at the same time we do not have enough money to keep the doors open'' or even keep the white house (. this administration's been an extra $250 million to egypt. many of us find that
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offensive we cannot even run the basic functions of governnt is and extra 2 alreadyon in addition to ndso many of u are offended. but the question i have for you s mubarak family is wohore than $10 billion for the most people say a lot of that money came from our foreign aid. ruling for many years in central africa said he it what he was worth millions and millions of dollars in his life was famous for going to paris and shopping for shoes with the bank with $500,000 in cash that was looted from the american treasury there's all kinds of examples of that -- staffed and foreign aid being used to buy a tear gas to spray on the egyptian people so it doesn't buy the good will because it is
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stolen by the leaders who were not popular and it is counterprcounterpr oductive but we are missing the boat if you think we're stoking the fires and the people who don't already believe this it is already in the psyche of the people. people are upset and we would rather spend money at home. i would like your comments on the president's position and that foreign aid has been stolen by the leaders. >> senator, i think there's a difference between some of the nation-building we have seen sometimes it engaged in and good foreign aid programs, but that is maller issuewe argue let me try to fram it this
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has money been stolen? absolutely. but by the largest measure possible because of reforms put in place because of new accountability systems, the way aid is given now because of something like the millennium challenge to the standards applied with investment and other kinds of things a lot of the money doesn't go to government directly anymore either into the investment or the project and is quite controlled and that is one of the reforms put into place. we often have a fight about that with some countries like pakistan pushed very, very hard to say we won directly in the government and we said no, we will do it this way with the project in order to have the accountability you are talking about that we need.
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hysterically, yes, but some of the riches of people who have ripped off their own governments do not necessarily come from our aid but stealing from the revenues of their oriole or selling the diamonds and rubies they have been their resource rich mines there are plenty of ways people have been rich themsve the diversity of their people that is shi w fight that is also part of what our foreign policy tries to change with the historic rule of law to help with the justice system to create accountability. >> that we're still spending -- sending money if they were stealing and. >> i did not make that decision and i will certainly review any program we are engaged in now and if you have information of what we do now let me know immediately but one thing.
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all of this that we do senator paul is 1 penny on the dollar. i go through long list of things that we invest in i will give you an example we have stopped countless plots against our country, which had the fbi not cooperated and the cia and other entities and had not worked with the justice system's and interpol and the other things we work with we never would have done it. americans would have died and blown up and but for the discovery of the christmas bomber which came through these efforts we made our country safer. i have to tell you for the penny on the dollar will still ma t men even know yes something is abused just as it is abused
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of almost evygoernment.
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>> win the war began and congress came into session in july and issued a statement than known that
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articulated the consensus and goals of the united states. was very simple and very clear the purpose of the war is to destroy the union. and it is not to disrupt the social institutions of the south and everybody new what that meant. it will not stop slavery.
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>> it is aunrsent to say it habe a di week for our uny wi iyof boston in our thoughts and pyers i come to e flooror oanher prayer for this small town of wet, a texas that is ose to waco texas. i just got off the phone talking to the county judge and it was described to me the terrible tragedy that occurred last night in te ing eongoto recor om tt tragedy. apparently a fire started at a facility and then caught tanks of anhydrous ammonia on fire them literally exploded. it started with a fire and if you're not aware
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anhydrous ammonia is used in the cultivation of crops and you can imagine this time of year planting is starting there is a lot of use for this source of fertilizer. the fire started at a fertilizer company about 730 last night with the volunteer fire department first responders were called. but the problem is they ultimately were a victim of the explosion satin suits with this tanks -- with the tanks of anhydrous ammonia exploding. they don't yet know the number of fatalities i saw in the press reports between five and 15 and the judge says he fears it could be on the highe or even higher they just don't know
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and they continue to find the victims and help those that need help if they are still alive and that more than 100 people were wounded and the unknown number have survived but among the dead is the number of firefighters and other first responders. as typical as we saw in boston during a time of crisis which communities of west and cities like boston you see real acts of heroism that are encouraging we see the resilience of a tight knit community in the aftermath and businesses
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have stayed open throughout the night and the neighbors have opened their doors to help support the victims. >> as is so often in the case citizens ran toward danger as they offered assistance. one resident are loaded up his car to make three successful trips to the hospital and this morning as i was waking up watchingt h news one said he made multiple trips into the nursing home to make nursing home residents to bring them to safety. as one police officer said the people of west for not let a person stand out in the rain we grieve for those who lost their lives sandy pray for those who are injured and still missing.
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so i ask all americans keep the people of west in their thoughts and prayers mr. president on another note i say this more with sadness and hater i watched the president of the united states say it was a shameful day for washington on the national news yesterday. and i a agree but for different reasons than what he articulated. when good and honest people have honest differences of opinion about what policies our country should pursue with the second amendment and dendrites and mass gun violence the president of united states should that accused them of having no coherent arguments orig to the prere fr the pren taa
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thhigh rd tosay now we arsessfult'move on to the ae know there is consensus with the menal helth element in so many traed instead he chose to take the lowrad nd i agree it was truly shameful. i and many of my colleagues are not worried as the press like to portray of the gun lobby to spend money with the second amendment i don't work for them or listen to them my work for 26 million texans and the floors a represent are their views and then i am accountable to them and no one else. and those it did not agree with the president's proposals are not being
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intimidated. as he said yesterday and it is false have sold a false to say it comes down to politics. for me, it comes down to a meeting from the families who lost loved ones of sandy hook elementary. i told them i was not interested in symbolism of the things we cannot do that would have no impact on the terrible tragedy that day of tucson, virginiah tech, aurora colorado and not interested to pass legislation that would have no impact on those incidents then patter self on the back to congratulate ourselves saying haven't we done a wonderful thing but in fact, it is to celebrate symbolism over solutns i am interested t
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day theon. family memb who came to visit that we grieve with them for their terrible loss, i toldthi understood what tey re tein they were coming to sell a particular point* of view or a laundry list of things to see past -- passed these families that lost both children's and spouses made sure their loved one did not die in vain. if they want to make sure something good comes out of this terrible tragedy. why wouldn't we want to work together to try to help them achieve their goals?
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the president indicated yesterday the legislation he was pursuing, these so-called assault weapons ban and said none of that legislation would have solved the problem that these families were experiencing. i have been to agree but to instead of calling the president names and taking the low road like he did yesterday and chastising fellow senators for the good-faith disagreements in the best policies to pursue to make sure these families lost was not in vain i am here to ask for his help. i am here to ask for every member's help to make sure we actually continue to look for measures that we can get behind to actually make thingsbetter to offerup
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soluti to some of these dnatosteir fein spokein avor of the assault weapons ban and she conceded that she had to that adam lanza would not have been stopped by the assault weapons ban because he stole weapons that his mother legally possessed and murdered his own mother before she went to sandy hook elementary school and murdered innocent children and other adults. so the background check bill has no impact on that and as senator feinstein conceded neither with the assault weapons ban but what might have an impact on incidents that occur at virginia tech? what might have had an
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impact on incidents that occurred in tucson when gaby difference was shot? we know the background check system they instead criminal check system depends on the states sending information to the fbi that they can use to screen out the gun buyers as a matter of fact and shooter at virginia tech was adjudicated mentally ill by the state of virginia that the state defamation was never afforded to the fbi so therefore he could purchase weapons without a hit occurring on the system. efter 2008 we passed states to incentivize to biso that wouldation and
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not happen again and we know from the gao that the record of compliance is dismal indeed. many have not done it to. there are things we can do to further incentivize the state's so the background check maintained by the fbi works to preclude shooters like the virginia tech shooter from legally buying weapons because there is a hit on the background check system and he would be stopped from those weapons. and with tucson for example, the shooter there failed the drug test when he tried to volunteer for the military that is also a disqualifying incident that if reported to the background check system as it should have been would have prevented them from
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purchasing weapons legally without being blocked with a hit on the background check system. why in the world would look for ways to improve the current regime to stop people like that from committing the mass atrocities? i believe there is a way for word for us and i hope majority leader reid who controls the agenda on the senate floor will not choose to quit with our effort to find solutions and something we need to pursue insteadfsymbos impact the past and tragedies. we don't know what the majority eader's choose to do. they may choose to get off and on to other business and it is his prerogative to
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file the appropriate paperwork to ask the senate to do that but it is our prerogative to say no, we believe we should stay on this topic until we pass common sense solutions that would have a difference with these mass tragedies. so the families can say my loved one in its stalled this terrible tragedy and heartache they are experiencing that we could barely a mention that they can say something good came out of their loss because congressman ford putting politics aside setting talking points aside looking for common ground to levant's the cause of public safety and hopefully prevent some of these tragedies from occurring again in the future. >> i strongly to urge you to come up with the number to tell this committee and the american people we have a
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responsibility for you to say you will see how things size i believe is a tragic comment?heavy price.that we >> to be, i did not say completely vague today we're at the battalion level and lifting of the brigade level this fall. post 2014 number is linked to the number we believe we have to lew provide assistance. >> we have to wait until 2014 to determine that? >> we do not eyes adjusted this is the first summer it would be the bellwether for afghan performance 2014 and beyond 0i0ipgpgpg
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and none
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us back.
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>> attorney-general older faith you for appearing. what i will do is hold my questions until the very end because members have to do catch planes but if we'll take the oath then statement with your concerns and questions but let me address the bombing attack that the boston marathon. we know the fbi and the task force the atf and forensic specialist all authorities are working nonstop to determine who carried out the barbaric act and to assure no other attacks i will estoril this committee is ready to help in any way we can to help law enforcement catch the perpetrators to ensure the full force of justice is exerted. my wife lives in boston and iran in the marathon in the early '70s so we stand
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ready. high want to express disappointment withreg to you and to meet with the subcommittee. i'm extremely disappointed the directionyour fice has taken and in some cases has not taken with important policy manor's program disappointed it is loath to use flexible authority that committee it uses to expand federal prison and inmates has fallen from 23,000 to 12,800 this deserve leadership is necessary. we have made it very clear but we need to see that you take it seriously to go after it in the energetic way. but for it to start procuring why can't that be true? like candy but the left and
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the right to team up by does every national park service do it? >> we can put a man in prison and over 15 years to give no work or dignity. this does not displace the with the patriot work from china and other countries and helps to end recidivism. . .
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the reprogramming process. the committee includes language to build each year to provide the department with flexibility to reallocate funds between programs to address emerging needs. the reprogramming process has developed to allow flexibility while still preserving intent. last year disregarded the committee's direction, the congress direction with an unprecedented $65 million reprogramming to support the purchase of the prison in illinois. it is thought of as an airbag by
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senator durbin. it would have been an aromatic and they basically violate was not included in the president's budgetorny p that. inat, congress does not assume -- identified by the department at the time of purchase. the follow-up to an ill advised decision is still being felt. first county about 90 relationship with with your funding committee. the reprogramming process is based on respect, willingness to talk to one another and should respect prerogatives of those bridges. the senate committee included pertinent language in the fy 13 report. in the absence of comity and respect for the prerogatives,
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the committee will have no choice but to the limitations and details legislatively. under these circumstances cannot programs, projects become obsolete and the executive branch lose the ability to produce changes to the reprogramming process. this is what has come to pass. the congress enacted fy 13 belt that significantly ran for your ability to reprogramming transferase on. it actually hurts future attorney general's double follow you whenever that time may be. second, the 165 night to satisfy an earmark requests in the face of strong opposition from the committee, it you wrote your ability and ability of congress to address your serious funding problems in the fiscal year and
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next. problem severity necessitated extort any measures to avoid for those. the fbi agents come the bureau's present in many department oyer if not this year, next year for the lack of funds spent last year on thompson. to allow this to happen his bad judgment and poor leadership. have the thrill is taking place, you could call them the holder of rich well. i understand even now you could face the sequestration of furloughs enough with 14 of me you request more funding for thompson. perhaps the cell of the present to the highest bidder to seek to use the proceeds to provide needed support to ongoing prison operations in the act edition of the prp facilities. i'm disappointed and frustrated at the inaction that the
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department and addressing other serious problems come you indicated to the committee last year to reach out to the polaris project to find ways to collaborate on routing a human trafficking would discuss action of service, but we've seen no movement. we sent you a letter. and they never get an answer. he's had a number of cases where young women have been trafficked, some involved where we can get an answer from you with regard to thatag canto do thewissue ive, veryinga response calling for reform of the civil rights division, with the recent inspector general if you shouldn't want standing power dysfunctional than, this isn't a member of congress.
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this is your ig appointed by you. you must have had some impact, showing long-standing pattern of dysfunction, harassment and professional behavior and operation demands a strong response. inspector general referred for possible discipline. maybe no administrative action taken and express concern about continuing policies that should cast doubt on impartiality of the voting section. i recommended independent outside review to make reform recommendations. surely this is something they can put into motion, yet i see no action on your behalf. in the area of executive use of aircraft, i'm troubled that the report of 41% of the traveler from 20,722,011 with personal reasons. i know the attorney general state official who mestiza
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transportation. do you ever have second thoughts about any of the travel? do you ever say, i don't know that was the best use of taxpayer money, particularly because you're going through the tring to work onsue. priority issues and it's discouraging to feel were not able get critical issues. the last three batters, and response, not even an acknowledgment froe department. he testified in fiscal year 2014 department of budget request with the chessmen you requested 28.1 billion of authority and an increase of 1.5 billion to 3.9% of fy trial before sequestration. your fy 14 request significant initiatives for the upsets in the increase includes 382 million in funding to atf and the fbi to expand law enforcement about checks or
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programs for gun safety technology funding. this also includes 150 million in new funding for a broad comprehend the safety program to transfer authority and a variety of positions for law-enforcement, social workers and others. the budget includes 668 million for cybersecurity at 92 million increases by the fbi. are seeking 55 million of new funding to investigate and prosecute mortgage fraud. to address prison overcrowding in detention in scummy seek 291 night to activate facilities ae. investigative and surveillance capabilities benatar and separates any efforts to ensure and for civil rights funding the highest standards of professionalism and objectivity would expect to hear more about
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how the department of the trust the challenge operating on sequestration. finally, before i yield for a same economy to to take a break this veteran scott seamens for fiveea of outstanding service. this staff in january under chairman holahan with great distinction for the past five years. atf headquarters next week, i wish him while an much success. scott, you're a credit to the atf and the department family thank you very much for your service. mr. fattah. >> thank you, mr. chairman. first and foremost, let their welcome you to the committee. i know there's many things immediately focusing your interest and concern, including the incident and bus it. i know the entire justice
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department, the fbi, the atf cover your offices and others are focused on this matter and time is limited. i would respond to each of the criticisms offered by my great friend and chairman of the truly good friends at work well together. needless to say, it's not surprising the majority party may take issue with some of the activities of the cabinet member and it's been part of the pattern you can't obviously represent the administration's point of view and represent the house point of view because they're too drastically different points of view on almost every subjct. in thisparticular matter, w cu yriations reest. what are the dollars you need to run the agency for protecting citizens and for years he done an extraordinary job in the department of justice and all the men and women under your
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control have done a great job in this respect are dealing with a whole range of issues. were going to get into the account of what you need. needless to say, we could respond to each and every point. i do however agree with the chairman at the thompson prison issue to take a step of the normal processes of the appropriations process and i would be concerned about them. but a welcome you. i know your time is support today if it is every day in the chairman would question some of your trips. the question and a trip you have to make a tobacco. we appreciate the fact you are here and i yield that. >> i'm going to mr. rogers and his lovely. mr. rogers, chairman of the full
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committee. >> thank you for you and this time in thank you for being here. welcome. we all are wishing you well in the investigation and prosn o ho perpetrated this cowardly act of boston. we wish you well in that regard. yourfiscal 14 request, 28.1 billion is almost a four parsecs increase over current levels. aside from some increases for new gun control affairs, funding for most law-enforcement account, understanding the difficult budgetary constraints under which you're operating and we all are, particularly rapidly escalating costs within our federal prison system. we look forward to hearing from you about the impacts of the flat funding to the operational capabilities of our law enforcement officials on the
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front lines. in addition, concern by a number of budgeting gimmicks. this place priorities of your requests. once again, the era of the kids out there authorizing legislation outside the jurisdiction of this committee to achieve $41 million they been, despite the fact the same request was rejected in the last two fiscal years. he also continued to rely on precision to finance your discussion coming against them 392 million from court of law enforcement account. the committee expressed grave concern with this tactic las year and i must once again tioned the wisdom of employing budget cskwt the funding that supports are u.s. marls, the fbi coming
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tta, atf agents putting har n a finally, i'm waiting to see requests to remove the prohibition on transferring get detainees to u.s. soil. this prohibition was supported in a bipartisan basis and the fiscal 13 bill. the recent uptick in violence at guantánamo should give us cause for concern and even more reason to keep these dangerous individuals and arms length. all of that sad on a more personal note, i wish you thank you for your continued interest in the prescription drug abuse epidemic as it is called by the national center for disease control. it began a about rural congressional district over a
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decade ago and has emerged as the fastest-growing drug threat. as they set, causing a national epidemic, killing more people than car wrecks. your department and you personally have been engaged in responses in particular i want to thank you for allowing a number of representatives from the department to participate in the national prescription drug abuse foundat in orlando, florida, eli this month, ound he country gather touals discuss holistic solutions to prescription drug abuse. so i value our partnership in that regard and built together we are making some significant progress in the shared nation to meet back. so we wish you well. we have a number of questions with a two base with you. we're at the very beginning of the budget season and a lot of
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it unchartered waters for you and me and us, but want to work with you to work out the best answers. thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. qualcomm attorney general holder. we appreciate your coming before the subcommittee today. it is the core mission of the department of justice to enforce the laws and defend the interest of the united states including detecting the public against all enemies, foreign and domestic and today the country continues to mourn the senseless acts of violence and terror on monday ternoon auen and our thoughts and prayers with the big dems and their families. i know all of us on the committee wants you to have every resource to investigate this act of terror and bring the perpetrator to justice. we cannot minimize threats against our nation as we've seen
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with this tragedy boston nd positive tests of o prmeer intended for the congress. in many communities, fire and dangerous individu account for additional threats. in december, our nation mourned the unspeakable tragedy in newtown. in the defense can the 3482 americans have lost their lives due to a gun. 3482. there should be no controversy about universal background checks. there should be no controversy about keeping firearms out of the hands of dangerous people. mr. attorney general, you are the top law-enforcement official. during this era to look forward to hearing how budget request make our communities safer, take firearms out of the hands of
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those who seek to do us harm and provide first responders and law enforcement officers resources to protect our communities, investigate crimes and prosecute offenders. at night to thank chairman wolf and ranking member =tranfour for this hearing and for you, attorney general holder, for this today. >> percentage of the authority of title ii the united states code and household oven, today's witness will be sworn. please rise and raise your right hand. youemnl ol swer or affirm the testimony you're about to give the visitors, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? at the record reflect the witness answered the affirmative. your false statement will appear in the record as you see appropriate. >> at afternoon, chairman rogers, chairman wolf, ranking
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them for fattah. i appreciate the opportunity of the 2014 budget for the department of justice and the recent achievements and our important ongoing work. in the days ahead come, as our justice department continues to work closely with federal, state and local partners to investigate the tragedy that took base in boston on eight and support will be marked critical of another. roger and i remember expressing deepest sympathy to the ends of this cowardly terrorist that into those who lost friends and loved ones. i want to assure you we r in tirelessly to determine who is responsible for this incident. to this end, i direct the full resources of the department be deployed to ensure the matter was thoroughly investigated and occurring in gro tat hehe accountable to the fullest
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extent of the law and by any means available to us. the department also will er n broadionalengthe security affairs and move aggressively in identifying companies that do not investigating foreign terrorist organizations as well as by home-grown extremists. since 2009 commodes established a strong record in this regard, bringing cases internic shins against numerous terrorist. the presidents budget request includes $4 billion to maintain national security effort, but also critical support for a range of public safety programs that impact our citizens daily lives, including $395 million to support the history should commonsense recommendations for preventing and reducing gun violence. along with a comprehensive gun violence reduction plan the president announced in january, the budget request will respond to events that the horrific shooting was found last december in newtown, connecticut but
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making schools more secure. days after the tragedy at sea in elementary school and met with first responders and crime scene investigators and what the holes were unspeakable events took place them in the space minimum in ascii with tears to do everything in my power to keep such a thing from happening i told them i would not rest until we had secured the changes that are citizens need and have shown ite whelmingly they want. disappointmquite frankly myfruat the filibustering the senate yesterday that led to the failure to adopt some of these changes despite the fact the majority voted for that, i and my colleagues throughout the administration are committed to standing families of newtown and countless others who've lost their lives in the senseless acts of gun violence across the country and with all those whose lives and futures are shattered this violent everyday inner-city streets. on behalf of the state comes,
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survivors and families, my colleagues and i will fight for what commonsense reforms to deadly weapons out of dangerous people without infringing on anybody second amendment rights. the president budget request with a gun violence reduction proposals enable us to do that you'd be on a separate scum of the budget request who bolster existing programs for combating violence in all its forms, child exploitation and sexual assault and becoming smarter and tougher on crime. it will invest $2.3bi to ensure law-enforcement officers can do their jobs safely, effectively than ever before. will provide $55 million to continue fights and mortgage fraud. more than $250 million to support the efforts from bending
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america's schools, work places, border areas and voting is. unfortunately, our capacity to build upon the comprehensive work has been negatively impacted by sequestration, which caught over one by $6 billion in the department's budget. they have a dutch mandal effect on employees, administrations nationwide and no one person a community. despite best efforts, i'm concerned about the fi atf, haa monh ag. marshals servicetf trsfri getting to avoid further we must than 3500 staff each day from federal prisons around the country. they would have safety threats for a staff, and made from the
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public. i want to thank chairman wolf and members of the subcommittee for their support of this action. i must note the solutions to alleviate sequester cousin fiscal year 2013 will no longer be available to mitigate fiscal year 2014 to two sequestration. put simply, the shortfalls that jeopardize programs that affect the safety of americans and would undermine the remarkable work the justice department nearly 100 staff carry out everyday. we ensure the santana bulkhead are not allowed to continue with the passage of the president's budget request, which allocates for the justice department. the support of the essential it needs to fulfill and discuss
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efforts today. >> in the interest of time, i'm not going to ask any questions because i live here and we don't have to worry about airplanes. know there are people. first and is fattah than ms. rogers and then ms. lowey. >> i want to follow the import ater point. our nation, so i yiw >> mr. rogers. >> general hlder, as i said before, i appreciate your work on the prescription drug abuse problem. one of the most important things that has taken place is the installation and now 49 state of
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the prescription drug on mentoring programs which are the nurses and those that prescribe them if it are able to check on a statewide computer network to be sure the person they are seeing and prescribing to send polar is not shopping even across state lines. however, two main problems. one, as a percentage of doctors are using that system. secondly, it is not real time. their days at least, weeks of delay between when a person -- prescription is registered in the system before it shows up. thirdly companies to be tropical costa stateline because the person can doctor shop across
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state line and unless they are due to their home state, it never shows up. what can you tell us about those three problems with this system? >> first i would agree with what you said in your opening that this whole description of production drug abuse is a problem that we have to dedicate attention to cover resources too. the work you've done to raise the consciousness of the nation has been laudablewou andld note the prescription drug monitoring program is happening with good reason. the department has to go assistance in that regard. $7 million in the budget for monitoring. the concerns you raise are legitimate ones. we have to understand a national problem can't be hampered by state borders. we can't allow state borders to
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the negative impact on our ability to deal some thing that crosses state lines quite easily. with a two work with you to create ways to make the program is effective as we possibly can. >> tell us what you're doing to eventually get all 50 states interconnect within one system. >> i think what we are trying to do is enhance the systems to track controlled substances prescribed to shires and dispensed by pharmacies is one reaofhens whyhe monitoring component of our request in this area is so important in looking for ways in which we can support efforts to monitor across the nation and do all that we can to ensure this national problem gets the national attention it derss. >> well, i appreciate yourork on it. it'scomplex.
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it requires some holistic approach. we find that most young people get hooked on oxycontin for a similar type drug i accessing the whole medicine cabinet, where you get a bottle of pills and if you went to the doctor -- went to the dentist and says he may not be peace, but here is a bottle and he put it in the medicine cabinet and forget about it. and then a youngster find that bottle. this prescription medicine, so it's safe. before you know it, they are hooked, in many cases, ted. that's happened so many times in my district and around the country. this is a national problem. you've been helpful and effect to in shutting down most of the toenails in broward county,
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florida -- >> which i can spell, remember? >> which you want to work on that problem but state officials and others in europe should down most of the pill mills. at one time, nine out of 10 prescriptions for opioid medicines in the u.s. are made in our county, florida. i appreciate it very much. the other thing i wanted to ask you abourocodone rescheduling. dea has been asking fda to tighten controls on the prescription of hydrocodone combination drugs for 10 years and yet fda has dragged its feet. why is that import that we reschedule these drugs into a class schedule to? >> if you look at the bcc around hydrocodone in particular, the
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amount of abuse to see, the misery that abuse causes and unfortunately the pervasive use for certain parts of our country seems to s. the rescheduling but be appropriate. we hope to work with our partners at fda to effectuate the rescheduling. >> the current schedule three classifications for these drugs and these are hydrocodone, but they are labeled by command, bore a child and because they are schedule three commanders created a false sense among so patients and doctors that the site less and are thus habit-forming andtherefo ls dangerous ocone painkillers, which is scheduled
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to. as a result, while most every opiate painkiller is a scheduled to drug and were carefully regulated, america's most abuse narcotic is missing from the list and that's important. written prescription would be required to receive painkillers except in emergency. the prescriptions cannot be called an. patients have to see the.her to get a new prescription for each refill after 90 days. no automatic refill. in addition, traffickers would be subject to harsher fines and penalties. i would hope you would use every ounce of your weight with the
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fda to be sure we can reschedule those drugs to help stop. mr. chairman, any questions? >> ms. lowey. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. attorney general, yesterday a majority of senators did so for a bipartisan background check amendment that would've made improvements to our current system. i am deeply disappointed that the majority of senators is not enough to pass these important improvements. i would like to know what steps you can take in your role as attorney general to improve the background check process without the need for additional legislation at what improvements should be made o the background check system should make it more effectivineeping guns at the hands of the wrong people. >> the background check system isral part to keep the
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erican peope safnd th's why he was so mean to see some thing that 90% of the american people, the overwhelming majority of democrats, republicans and carrying them or us to see it really that go down to defeat. the majority of the senate both work, but that's not enough. we've got to have a supermajority because filibusters have been as a matter of routine. what we can do is keep trying to pass the commonsense legislation. beyond that,e to encourageh states to p more information into the system by offering grants and make it easier to get the information into the system. in addition, to look at the classification of the kinds of people who are actually in the system and to the extent we can use executive power to do that, we are prepared to do so.
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what the president as part of this initiative issued 23 orders as an attempt to maximize the use of executive power to yield the promise he made and that i made to the families. >> i'm also deeply troubled and it's always shocking to name that those on the terrorist watch list did not raise a flag in the system. the president has says he mathebiity list of fact is, but a background check for the purchase of the firearm. can you explain how that could be? >> the president has asked me look at the categories of people who go into the database. that is one of the one we deal >> just focus on that. should you call it that loophole if you're the terrorist loophole
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you should go out and buy a gun? >> there are some who say -- there are some among them for a spin who think that's an appropriate thing to do and something i have under advisement and will take into account the concerns expressed by my law enforcement partners before a decision is made. i share the concern is expressed. connect this concern has been around for a long time. there's mistakes on the terrorist watch list but if you're been stopped and held up foan hour or so because you are a terrorist watch list and you can go out and buy a gun? can you give back as soon as possible on that? another reissue faq to work on. i'm very pleased that the presidents request includes 150 million for the comprehensive school safety program, which allows school districts to apply for grants based on the needs of their
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community, school psychologists, counselors or in some cases cars. are you giving guidance to the district are acceptable use of the grants? with a prayer to his improvements versus personnel are specific types of personnel. could you share what you have in mind? >> when we met with educators of the groups we met with during the lead up to the introduction of the president's proposal, the vice president tonight that with educators and parents and what came out of the meeting is reflected in the proposal, which is to give localities flexibility with how to use this money to put a menu option, everything from armed guards to psychologists, counselors and give them the ability to decide what is best for that community for those schools. but we've tried to do is put together a program that gives
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guide to send that has decided number of options that local communities have, but also is educationally direct it in the sense we restrict it to the number of things -- options we are presenting. we are being flexible, while at the same time being responsible. >> thank you and thank you, mr. chairman. >> thank you, mr. chairman. mr. attorneygny said you're examining much you could implement through executive order. proportions of the proposal do yo implemented? >> i'd have to look at it.> yor statement that what you could implement by executive order if you could clarify. >> are certain things within 60
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days, 90 days of this part the executive order that he issued. i'm referring back to those. >> referring back to that original list. let me ask you if i could, a problem that chairman wolf has been a leader on from the beginning is the cyberthreat that the country faces. could you talk to the committee about the role for justice plays in helping to protect the country and the federal government taken cyberattacks? i know that the department of justice has noted a number of deficiencies over the past few years and the departments of justice and security operations center. could you talk about some of those deficiencies and what you're doing to overcome the doj
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from cyberattack? >> by detecting, destructing cyberattacks is a priority for the department. lummox that the cyberarena. people from our shores have the ability to perpetrate common fraud and beyond that we have dangers to our infrastructure and other nationalsecurityat. we have to do with these in a variety of ways. the va spends a great amount of time. at 8:30 current eating every day know that the majority of the time at least one of the components of things to talk about during that meeting does at the cyberreissue. it is something we have to continue to evolve in the depart and an address the issues of the cyberarena because they changed the nature of the threat we are facing changes.
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we are part of the national cyberinvestigative task orders, a multiagency effort to deal with these issues. but he does for us in the department that 21st century priority area. >> the chairman and i had a classified brief scene earlier today on cyberthreats and intrusions. you have 92 million this year's request for the fbi. this is an area chairman has a level maybe some of the rest of us are paying close attention to. this is a massive problem with very clear vulnerabilities for her country. this is an area we want to look at i erms of yor requests and see whether or not there's more we have to be doing. thank you. >>hank you, mr. chairman.
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holcomb, attorney general and thank you again for the job you're doing. what to make a quick comment of thanks for the record department is going to crack down at the mega upload case in particular is one prominent example was very important that action allowed increased by one estimate by 6% to 10%, a phenomenal results from one case. i want to raise two issues with you today. when to follow on with ms. lowey's comments. they share your disappointment and representative subbase would have been on the background check bill. we discussed a lot and i know you take action to the executive order to deal with some of the state participation of writing mental-health workers to make a more complete database. there is a different issue that involves federal requirement
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that not only this mental-health records being put in the system, but also evidence of serious substance abuse and in many respects, the substance abuse history has proven a more reliable indicator of when someone gets weapons for violent crime. th ia very knotty issue, difficult issue in the state of the most fundamental healtht site. i wonder if you could share her thoughts and you navigate that. a broader issue, which i do you for some it s of great concern to the issue and that is the ever burgeoning prison population, populated with people of mental-health problems, substance abuse problems, but the unsustainability and any thoughts you'd like to share on that. >> i agree with regard to the inclusion of information that joseph people who are drug abusers, that is a knotty
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problem in the sense it is a potential indicator of those who might use guns and appropriately and so it should be included, but we don't want to do something that would have a negative impact on people seeking treatment for their drug issues. so we have to work our way in which we deal with that problem and find the sweet spot. it is something we are vastly in, one of the things the president asked me to look at over the period of time he gave me. i do something we will be addressing. i think it is something of great concern. if we look at the treasure to read, we see increasing numbers of people in federal prison in state prisons or so. i rebooted the right people in jail for appropriate amount of time? are we doing things with
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incarceration that we want to do, she's obviously touni thersome fdantalo questions we have to ask ourselves. we can't sheller wait for the problems we are confronting. i sentence people to jail as a church here in washington d.c. i think there are legitimate questions about the policies we've had in place for a good number of yr. we should ask ourselves whether at the prison prison population may have as high as the basis for radius of the limited resources that we have. we've tried to put in this budget things that deal with alternatives to incarceration, rancher programs to people getting out of prison have an opportunity to become productive members of society and decrease chances of coming into the
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system. a whole variety of things in our budget due with this issue. >> one particular i want to acknowledge and complement the administration on its justice reinvestment, which is a proven data turbine process, where many states are looking at alternative ways of helping rehabilitate those released in prison, having remarkable success in reducing recidivism and plowing savings back into this approach is then created a virtuous cycle. i know your request has gone from 8 million to 80 million in the potential savings are factored many, many times, so that's a great investment and we look forward to working on it. >> it's really an importa of our requests because the states are doing some interesting and evidence-based things proven useful, protect due to the extent we can
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encourage that and have other states adopt this thing,ok at what actually works, the program -- the justice reinvestment is a real tool make it not occurred. >> one final point before i yield back. one big category where there's great room for improvement in the degree to which a user prisons to mental-health holding facilities and direct the mentally ill to better treatment facilities, cost less, much better overall in may be a significant contributor to incarceration costs by moving us in a direction the criminal justice system was intended to be used for. >> the shares from los angeles county will tell you in terms of numbers sometimes share a separate bowl providers for holders of people with mental issues, which is clearly not an
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appropriate name. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i yield back. >> listening to the question today, i was hoping i can impose upon you so many issues we could discuss. we could spend the whole day here. a lot of that to be going on in the senate if that legislation or come to the house, it would be great to have the attorney general callback because there is mixed opinion about whether the amendment voted on yesterday nnecfrhave kept theran ai is a hot topic. i'd love to talk to you about bp at his trial in new orleans, but i'm going to reserve my question for something that came about as the hearing the committee had five straight at the head of the dea. not to throw you a curve ball in left field, but in december, the
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president was interviewed by barbara walters. future making coffee? i wouldn't go that far. it doesn't make sense to focus on drug use and states. it's now legal in some member states have made her one of the co-and others have made it legal for medical use. the president said it's a tough problem but as the attorney general to examine it. is that the attorney general, we don't have the president. i want to go back to the hearing we had with mr. wolf last week with dea administrator lenhart, who said the department continues to enforce federal drug laws regardless of state action. and marijuana continues to be an
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illegal drug based on federal and the dea agent under the jurisdiction of the department of justice are continuing to pursue marijuana crimes, even though certain states legalized. so with all the concern on both sides about van, the numbers show 40,000 people last year died because of drug overdose, drug abuse compared to 11,000. over the last decade, 400,000 have been killed as a result of drug overdose. 107,000 with regard to guns. under the leadership of chairman rogers come to you in your department housework responsibility.
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he said in response to mr. rogers to can't be hampered by steep workers. i'll ask you the same question i asked the dea administrator. this is a problem? out of the tent than that, but the city probably selectively try to interpret the usage as it relates to an issue the federal government deems illegal and dangerous and as a gateway drug? oue theot talkingny last week about someone throwing something in their backyard. the testimony showed last week many of the drugs coming into this country to the mexican cartels, which have to be serious issue for the justice department for every mayor and governor. as the president referenced you in the interview last year, tell
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us is the chief law enforcement officer of this country, is this something the federal government should be concerned about? is there an added burden because the state snaking around independent decision? and does it create added challenges for the men and women who work in your department? >> we certainly continue to ins he ineij l washington and colorado. we've not announced a decision yet oversaw the process of reviewing those initiatives. that is over going to do. that is the responsibility of the department to enforce them. in making those decisions, we take into account how we best use resources we have and make
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determinations about where the greatest harm occurs at where we have the greatest impact. it mcomes tijuana to consider is the impact on children, with tr kid are somehow negatively affected by these initiatives, whether or not there's volence connect it to the trafficking, the sale of marijuana, the source of it. we don't want to do anything that would enable organized crime cartels to somehow benefit from these initiatives. to the extent violent is associated to the sale or use of the considerations that we take into account as we try to determine whether washington and colorado efforts.
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>> well, correct me if i'm wrong, that marijuana is a scheduled one drug as this alice see annex c., so maybe it's mischaracterized. i don't know. but based not on the research you've done so far for the issue coming forward, based in your judgment as a father of three children, i've got to case. a lot of people have children and grandchildren and i guess it's a personal question. if there were a recommendation woulhe united states today, she be in a position to saywether using the legalization of marijuana by our nation to be a good thing or bad thing? >> the things i'll be shared
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with the presidency as i with regard to the washington d colorado initiatives. the president has not said he was fully legalization. certainly when it comes to children. i think it's even recognized in washington and colorado initiatives that they're a certain age limits beyond which the use of marijuana would not be appropriate in the same way we do with alcohol. so the decision was a recommendation in the department will take into account its my first answer to you, the impact of the whole question of violence, the question of organized crime. all of these things go into that determination and again, how we deploy resources most effectively. >> out of the interest of time, i don't have, but again, we love to have a question and do some
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of these things move, i know i would happy to make myself available. thank you. >> thank you, mr. chairman. and welcome back. i have for quick questions and perhaps the responses could be briefed, that in the past we've been very concerned about the data cllectation were asking two categories to that of the policy board would be the theme for nonverbalti youe c up th these categories, but i asu, it's your humor at the dartmofice ca, specifically the anti-hindu and
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anti-arab hate crimes? >> i'll try to be as forward as i can. this can not in favor of being the determination that anti-sikh -- anti-hindu and a middle eastern category be included in hate crimes determination for purposes of accumulating data that's come out in favor. >> the reason is many people do not make those distinctions and it gets a lot of folks into trouble, so they appreciate following up on that. one of the interesting things i know that the removal of inventories and relics. could you tell us more about your thinking on this issue of why it is important in light of
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recent events? >> well, we think the language is not a perv or it and that you could have these weapons can be made -- could still be used to be quite effective in crimes and can cause great harm. the restriction included thayer, the prohibition is simply inconsistent with the hiring that an old weapon can still cause. >> okay i got that we appreciate that. in te areasfver protectiononatid inordinate amount of time in the last election, most of them have been waiting a long time to exercise their most fundamental right, the right o e, one of the things that was going on is
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trying to limit the amount of days available for early voting by absentee voting as well as access to polling hours and heavy minority areas like asian-americans, african-americans, hispanic americans unfairly targeted. this turns a complete contrary to the nation's founding principles. could you tell at the department is doing to stop this abuse and how we can be helpful?
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