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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  April 29, 2013 1:00am-1:41am EDT

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all of these abbreviations and acronyms actually if you study it you will find we aren't using all that many. if you are a teenage girl you may be using a lot. there may be a handful of these kind of short cuts but not as many as the press but leave us to believe. ..
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>> huh is you read a regular web page you don't but you have the s pattern the first line of text than a little less and by the time you get to the bottom forget about putting anything in the lower right here windhoek corner is not the f pattern that nobody will read it. >> where does that come from?
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>> the way the letter is made with the line than the shorter line on this side. so we know they're reading we tend to do on the screen is different from what we do when we served the web but wait. if you read on the same kind of device for surfing the web we tend to read whether wuthering heights or a biography textbook is the same mindset that some browsing has one but how do we write? because it is not continuous text we're writing shorter and shorter look at publishers today and with cable deluges we'd won the
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100,000 wordbook we want the shorter stuff. things like sanford shorts 30,000 or 40,000 words stephen king has 99 sure it's on amazon and it changes the notion pahang of blood it means to read and to right. then there are other changes due to technology. spell check does not do well with homonyms but retains the notion if we care about spelling. with people who used technology and with the study of the instant messaging and that people don't care about randomly
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use punctuation. to make a statement you don't bother putting it period if it is to sentences as after the first sentence would not after the second but the patterns that we use >> but computer programs are automatically put in the periods you just have to space twice. >> but one of the things that has happened is a change of the notion of what it means with the new computer technology are making s right foot we also have a greater sense of we can be formal and people don't really care if we make mistakes. we don't want to look like fools but.
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>> because i have been teaching the university's a long time. to keep saying what never. doesn't matter the answer or to people to figure out where to go for lunch and one would say. i don't care. whenever that is the attitude i see developing in the writing.
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we don't think it matters. what do we mean by it doesn't matter? if you don't believe somebody will read what you write again then if you make mistakes it is okay but it used to be argued there were standards of grammar and who you were and how you were perceived by of the people depends upon if you use grammar correctly this story alcatel when you first started teaching and it is a social occasion and the sad better watch my grammar. they don't say that to me anymore.
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because we have the since the rules of language don't matter so much. if you want to say everyone and raised his hand his or her hand, there hand everyone is singular. there is plural. as a linguist i was raised to believe there is rules of language and no chomsky goddess thinking about how you know, of the linguistic competence so i knew everyone who is a native speaker has a level of confidence and knows the difference between what is grammatical and what is not. this is what we have worked with for many decades. you like to think people would be consistent in the way they speak or if they care every betty raised his
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or her hand. but when you actually talk with people, they say whatever. why are you so hung up? bay say it doesn't matter but just for the record which is correct? i don't know. the whole model we had in the linguistic profession whether a standard language dialect i am finding people don't care because it is far more informal that we speak and we write the way we speak that has to be corrected in writing the way we speak in increasingly informally and it doesn't matter to us anymore. the new technologies for communicating, instant messages, chats, of logs,
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are avenues for not caring because you think nobody will look at this again anyway. >>host: professor do attach a value judgment? >> if i am being a good linguist i would say a lot of course, not language changes but here is where we need to think twice. if you don't have a love of language with the appreciation within you are losing out as a writer of the language. and the term is flooding the script but do we sit and
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think to ask any professional writer seven or 12 as opposed to the things you say it doesn't matter. then it is a question of what it means to be a reader. if you are reading "moby dick" on your mobile phone may be waiting for the metro to come, you are reading your board in somebody may come speak with you. a lot of people are looking for facebook updates or "the new york times" were reading a novel that is done to avoid to speaking to other people we have data that shows trying to avoid other people. so if people have the notion is this activity rather than
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sit and think about it i don't care if you annotate a booker the people are not annotating it anymore or going back to a book that there once read or bought it because i should go back. it is staring at me. if you have it on your amazon kendall to go back to say what about that? the whole relationship of reading i worry is changing because of the device is making in less easy to happen on upon and also reflect on the difference. >>host: professor is being always on changing our human interaction? >> unfortunately, you
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betcha. i tell the story that is very emblematic. it is about the amish. interview was done with an homage gentleman that they do not allow telephones in their house. of these days because they do business with israel keeps the mobile phone but not allowed in the house. why not? as a gentleman was interviewed said because if we have the phone take precedence over the face to face relationship, what kind of people be become that we care something that more who is now with less than a person who is with us? and we see over and over that you ann die walking down the street really
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chatting in the phone rings you take the call but we know the other person feels left out. we know these devices have a lot of social problems attached. what is it we can do with these devices? or on the mobile phone or facebook? they can block people i know what you to see. and he would locker and she would rory is oregon or is he dead because he was away at school. know he wanted to have his fun but it is controls of volume on the level of communication but on facebook with face-to-face
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relationships if we are walking down the street and there you are you might come over to say hello and i will have to learn socially to deal with it with the new technology we can block people in various ways and i worry about the social impact. also the fact we must be connected to people that if i had not gotten back immediately maybe they're shunned from the social circle we don't go to dinner because you didn't answer fast enough so we feel driven so they must be on but they will tell you they don't want to be. it is not good for the individual psyche or interaction. >>host: we want to be
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always on or we don't but feel compelled? >> we feel conflicted. so we recognize always being available to others to distract yourself is not necessarily a good thing is today a group of students who were taking a course on digital citizenship most of them had a computer or a laptop for the i had. one is called is facebook making us lonely? and one of the questions i posed is if you were teaching class today would be one to your students to be able to use these technologies in class?
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they said no. even with the computer sitting in front of them. why? because we're so distracted we're not paying attention and we feel we always have to have something filling the mind so reaser van check status updates and we read the text messages even though we don't care because we cannot focus on one thing at a time in that is not good for us. >>host: what is your role with electronic devices and class? >> i have made some enemies of my colleagues here at american university note tella technology. no computers, no ipads no mobile phone so students will say we weren't sure how to spell the word. i am not that willes
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greatest seller and i gave not may not get it right. i don't care if i get the ear of the publication wrong i say 1963 and it is 64 i will correct in its class but i would have a conversation to share it -- share thinking together the i belong to the association of internet researchers that there is a conversation thread that said what it you do in your class's? it is amazing the number of people to do research to say no. i say to my students you cannot use these because i know too much and your mind is torn. put them away and lets talk. >>host: with the new technology that we
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have, first of all, is there any historical past historical trend similar to today's technology? >> starting with the one question always using the technologies to distract us to save us from loneliness and fill the time or kill time with the study of mobile phones in one of the most common reasons is to kill time because nothing else is going on in their mind. so steadies her done on talk radio. in relates to the blocks but listens to talk radio? if you'd do psychological profiles it is the people who are lonely looking for communication but not so
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close that they would actually have to participate. so we know these devices can be used. another simple example of loneliness are being alone there was a study at stanford university between eight ann coulter of girls how they use social the working. and the people who did the most amount of social networking and multitasking we're sort of together but not really have the lowest self-esteem analyst self-confidence. and if you were between eight and 12th who would look in the i the people you are talking with which is hard for teenagers and a lot
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of adults but that would compensate redefining a different -- different competency? >> somebody works that go with the name of dan russell and he has a concept of what he believes that education needs to be geared, he is
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not alone in this and unfortunately people are arguing the same thing we should be spending efforts teaching people how to find information on the internet. this is different from knowing so if i took all the electricity away and we have a blackout in washington we did not have electricity and i said if your devices don't work what do you know, ? the answer is they will say not much because they need to be able to find things. one of the psychologist published last year said if you ask people to do a google search them later ask them what they found their better remembering how they follow the search path van the content.
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what is happening is i love coup will i could not live without it, and maybe a could. but it is redefining what it means to know so students are raised not just because of technology but people in education say we thank you should learn how to use these so it is our fault as much as technology. we're raising a generation of people to believe not as if you could find it or how what you know, or who you are if there is no electricity. that worries me. >>host: what is your view on pbs? >> we know there are faculty members that say even over my dead body but it is a fascinating sight why a
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encyclopedia's came to be in the first place initially the explosion of knowledge from western europe in the 16th or 17th century and they started with a commercial encyclopedia than the common man wanted to be able to read them but they could not afford the book. wikipedia has been very, very helpful. i use it because when i put in a search term things to collaboration with the pds to -- wikipedia is the first hit that says this is what i have to do the search on but the question is with any research and do you stop there or do you say i've
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lost something but no need to invest? back lack of "in-depth" learning in saying i could read a book on that. and so many libraries are now getting rid of the books so now read it as a file or as the e-book but we lose the hands-on of laying off five books and saying this one says this this one says something very different. this is what research used to be about. but technology is not helping us with that kind of teaching which is to the students dutchman and society's detriment. >>host: who is studying linguistics today? this is a very broad
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question. >> that term is defined so differently depending upon which individual you're talking with, which institutions are rich country. we study the history of language and what is hot the biggest topic today is in danger languages. how many languages are there? 6,000 something like that. how many languages are dying every day meeting note lunker any secrets? it depends with the news began people project 50 years from now instead of 6,000 there will be 1,000 because for all kinds of social and political and economic reasons, speaking a language that few people speak does not seem worth it so children are not learning the language so if you go to
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meetings or there are lots of suggestions another is from back in the middle ages that won a link which we share amongst ourselves and the it is said it was latin but actually was a small number of educated people within it was french and then it became english because of the british empire and the expansion of the united states after world war i and world war two's of people ask is one any better? people speak different varieties of english should the brits are the americans tell you how they should speak for to the defined it
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as they wish it themselves? of lot of the vocabulary dan grimmer is different should read that people have their own autonomy? that is another issue because it gets into the social rights of the speakers will you tell me because i speak of version of english is not real to do with a particular way? the whole movement towards whenever or towards cultural diversity has been one which says i will much judge your accent, 30 years ago we judged accent's a lot. we don't know or grammatical mistakes we are much more international society. how will that play out with standards? that will be interesting thing i would love to see. >>host: how has the instantaneous of being
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always on changed us? >> it has led to a lot of frustration and security we talked about earlier. it'll so is the misnomer. we'll get instant messaging that suggest you will respond immediately. with synchronous communication if you run nine or 12 and people don't do it as much as they used to but if you do six or eight or 10 at the same time of course, you are not. it is one then another and then another and said the reason the spelling and grammar is so bad because we're sending it out but people don't get it i am at specially if you are a teenage girl you think i have got the e-mail and this is hell i will respond.
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fay edits in day at it and they ended. so we don't take this as a call we have to respond immediately. social purpose the is this called growing up but if i send any mail right away and they don't get a response, i may be unhappy prettify send the im but that person has a bright and is more and more people are beginning to understand it is a problem to always be on. if you look at someone like nicholas carr, you take
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people who have a very powerful book called hamlet's blackberry you have to find time when you are not doing this. with social interaction and people like mary ann wolfe because at the end she starts worrying because it is sitting down in your own sweet time and what kind of people are we becoming? there are businesses saying there will be no e-mail because of what you to get productive work done it is better for the bottom line and you see this on distracted or more people starting to recognize that this may not be good to us. but at least it is a
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beginning. >>host: which devices to you alone and how to turn them off? >> i have a laptop and the ipad by has been has a couple of e-reader i hate it i have no sense of place of where i am. i that was the 150 page book to be 400 pages. we used to joke in my family that my mobile phone is always turn off and it still is. human reason i turn it on is the life fund takes too long to warm-up i turn the volume often don't use it when i need it and people say don't you know, or care?
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or because i study this i want my sense that do know how long humankind has lived without these devices? if it is in emergency and will wait to. he will come find me but i don't need to live that way and i have much better blood pressure as a result. >>host: naomi are you seeing changes in your students the way they communicate with you in the classroom, looking you in the i are talking with each other? >> this started out 10 years ago faculty members are supposed to have office hours. all lots of office hours we feel like the lonely maytag repair man but that is why
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it may to i was so great he had no business. because now they can e-mail you 24/7 some people use i amr text but they don't have to show up. but now they do expect to have an answer immediately so if i get an answer 2:00 in the morning in my clear about this assignment if i wait until monday to respond when evaluations, it will say does not respond to saddam. one of the big changes is a don't physically show up and which is the structure that is different the third is a lack of understanding if you talk with someone face-to-face teaching courses online is another story but the things that
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have been in the exchange that would not happen if i am typing or only hearing your voice it is a different dynamic and the new dynamic with the fact it is practiced to the detriment of students because i have a chance to come up with the idea by looking at the disappointment or something else going on in your life that stops you from doing your assignments. i cannot do that so there are the changes that i see. >>host: you ask a question how much blame for personal positive changes associated with space which tools related to the technology
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themself? with punctuation. a nice example is what i believe is the case. my students are lousy to rule -- of the rules and then the colon is used branco them like pepper on this user salad. it is not their fault. nobody taught them that and of of of them say we rely on spell checked but if you go to kindergarten through high school does anybody focus on spelling? no. because the faculties are thinking they need to focus of the other things to be a modern faculty member. but it is not the students fall. if we change your expectation of goals in education instead of
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reflecting or being by yourself or reading for a long period of time, then it's the students don't know how to do with, it is not the technology's fault. one of my major concerns is how much we should take the blame so it is not the technology with the social change so take for example, proofreading. there are many instances where people have paid huge amounts of money and know what a full page cost but they want to help with their
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writing back compared to what i saw 20 years ago and the professionals care less. so then why shouldn't the laypeople? i see this in front of the i guess it should be okay for me. it is social attitudes. >> talking with american university professor naomi baron who teaches them with sticks and the author of growing up with language and her new was, always on and once again you are working on a new book? >> i am. words on screen. >>host: you're watching a tv.
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>>host: professor friedman author of rethinking american and he is some. why do they hate us? >> that is a good question americans have been asking that since 1899 since i discovered by looking at old copies of the new york times and forestall they don't hate us if you think of world opinion. since the advent of scientific polling in almost every country on the planet at any point* in time united states was more popular than unpopular our discussion
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slides into the sense that it includes foreigners in general they hate us into incoherence with the run-up to the iraq war this sense the whole world was turning against us when there was the largest coordinated demonstration in the history of humankind february 2003 against of looming war with iraq including antarctica
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they had a weather station and americans reacted by saying they must hate us because we are good and for our freedom but it turns out that is not a helpful way to understand for a behavior in the concept of anti-americanism is a wall between ourselves with the complexity of the world by decide to look into its history and it goes back 200 years. >>host: y 8099? >> in that year there were a number of critical books printed about the rise of u.s. industrial power posing a challenge to industrial trade and there was a debate tim political realm how to ensure the rising challenge of the new world power would not take over the market's that is the


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