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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  May 12, 2013 10:45am-12:01pm EDT

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>> welcome, everybody. draw a crowd like this this early in the morning at the aspen institute. the book is the new digital age. eric schmidt is a software engineer by bringing, was chief technology officer at sun microsystems, ceo of novell. he has, for those of us who love the digital age, even the oldest
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delays as well as the new digital age, yes a nice distinction of having worked in the two coolest places, bell labs in the park, which were the places that back in the old days when corporation said wonderful retreats to places like that, helped invent some of the great things of the digital age from the transistor to the graphical user interface. he became ceo of google and has been a longtime friend. thank you for being here. jerry cohen, growing up i think he had a travel log. when he was a graduate student he went wandering around starting in the arabian peninsula. very palestinian refugee camps and wrote a great book. it really put him at the
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intersection of youth culture, geopolitics to nanotechnology. in a very smart move, two secretaries of state had him on policy planning while appointed by secretary rice. and then one of the few, if only people reappointed or read up by secretary hillary clinton. he now runs and helped found google ideas based in new york which really applies technology and other things to geopolitical issues. for example, very recently he announced that he meant trafficking databases around the world, disconnected, like six years 70 of them, some technology to figure how to connect the mall. so the book is the new digital age. let me start with iraq by saying, he met in baghdad. how did that happen? >> let me start by saying that the aspen institute has been a center of ideas that affected
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the technology center for at least two decades. i had the privilege of working with both walter, also with charlie firestone and now with our expanded interest among many other programs. it is great to be year. we met because we decided to visit to see what it would look like, you know, as the fighting ended. what does it look like to rebuild a society? and as part of that i met jerry on the trip. i had taken a lot of video because it is a pretty interesting place. when i played it back all layer was his voice. the rest is history. >> redoing in baghdad? >> this was 2009. we begin reaching out to sea as in silicon valley to start to have a conversation with them about how technology was transforming places that were
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not in their immediate court business. it was really being felt, and it was certainly on that list. certain parts of russia were on that list. and so eric was, i think, the very first fortune 100 ceo possibly from a technology company to land in baghdad. this was a really big deal for us because we were trying to connect the world of expertise around the technology with the world of expertise around geopolitics. >> what was interesting was in our initial conversation the country, the u.s. apparently sent a trillion dollars in baghdad. when we invade countries rebuild cities. where does the money go? it goes to that sort of thing. we didn't until relatively recently rebuild the communications networks. so that was -- on nestle fun was
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illegal. but the town we got there the networks did not work. it was concerned that they were being used for i edie's, and get in hindsight perhaps the most important thing to do from the standpoint of a complex situation is to rebuild communication so that you can get the good guys and power faster. that was our conclusion. at the time one of our first reservations was that the number one threat against americans were these i edie's. a relatively straightforward way to deal with it is to put up live by towers which seven ownership with local people and put cameras about. so the lack of a diaz, the existing infrastructure does not understand what you can do with this new technology and provoke this collaboration. >> to what extent do you think that technology will undermine autocratic regimes in the future? >> well, one of the challenges
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that dictators in the future will have commandery like thinking about dictators in the future having a dilemma is dualistic the country join 72 million people, roughly 75 percent of the population connect to the internet, when everyone's connected and everyone has a social networking account and everyone of them has various voice-over ip services that the use, the populations may still look like 72 million people, but in the virtual world it may look like half a billion. and this presents a serious challenge for the regime. how they account for 500 million voices on line that a card from the same 72 million people? >> and there's a possibility from overreaction. three people and some like air 10,000 people. 10,000 is a real threat to these dictators. always a good idea. so the problem is now you have these people. you attack them in some brutal white enamel of a sudden he
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should have just ignored them and you have a real problem because they have friends. you have no actually created a movement that did not exist before. >> and the smart opposition group, as we talked about, can use all of its noise and online activity to hide. all the online voices can tremendously benefit of this bill movement that is trying to stay outside of the region to region. >> so important with the digital networking technologies in the arab spring? >> we argue in the book that in the future revolution's will be easier to start much harder to finish. that is what we mean. technology is useful for having -- forming weak ties on my neck and turn into medium ties in the street. technology is very good for organizing around the lowest common denominator which is it to a dictator and a power. but technology cannot do is create leaders overnight. what technology cannot do this great institutions that are out there. and the challenges, technology
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increases expectation. people accept the revolution to finish as quickly as a started. we argue in the book, if all of these heroes and all the celebrities from the heiress bring countries, that is phenomenal. what will happen is some of them will back fill their celebrity with real skills 310 years to know a number of them will be president or for parliament. the communities in the populations will go back through youtube and figure out which of them has better arabs bring credentials. >> i am not sure you want to be the first leader of these countries because the other thing that happens when everybody gets connected is that the expectations rise. everyone is now an interconnected, and they expect modern governance, europe and america. you're still trying to figure out who works for whom and who is essentially not corrupt. >> i just read about those was similar to your book which was called boggle the -- bunker hill.
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it was a history of 1775 and 1776. and i was sort of struck by the fact of the committees of correspondence or a little bit like facebook. paul revere. about 100 characters leftover. but -- you could go on. even hutchinson's letters are a bit like wikileaks. nothing can stay secret, but what struck me was the revolution was started by people who have the social networks, but it was taken over very quickly by militias who are a bit out of control. lexington and concord was not what they expected. and those who put their bodies on the line in that taking over revelations that are started by social networks. >> i think it is interesting that you mention it because we throw around the turn cyber dissident and apply it to anybody who treats.
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and to me that turned dissidents still applies to somebody who's willing to assume some degree risk in the physical world. i think the lumping together are ready and cyberspace to opposes the regime as a cyber dissident in some respects does a disservice to real opposition groups. i think that we are in libya, about a year ago, and our observation is, where's the police? in one catalytic moment they can essentially turn this whole thing inside down. of course. >> one of the ministries and libya. we were told that it was really good that we did not come-4 because the militia that has supported that director had been overthrown by the other militia commanded is all the different vice-president in charge of help. and then the previous militia formed with another militia to attack the first militia deport the person work meeting with
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back in power. i mean, this is the reality of the sort of militia-led groups. what i like, there are always people of courage. turn right after dr. rhea and heard that the chinese, for whatever reason, don't seem to have a lot of people. so brutally repressive press. people remember that. people are unwilling to have their children be killed by environmental pollution. the current number mental movement is a much deeper threat to the legitimacy of the government and we as americans might think. in particular people aren't willing to put up with the corruption and the craziness and a lack of democracy in, but they're willing to take pictures of the environment at tremendous personal risk against the secret police because the internet has perfect memory because they're terrified that their families will be killed. they have one child and the child is everything in their
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culture. >> tell me about a decade to dealings in china. why -- how, you know, you felt you could not do everything he needed to do and so it -- >> china is the only current country. in the book we argue that china will actually get into the business of exchanging tools for minerals, trading everything else. there the only current country that does act of, and by that i mean you will get a phone call and you have to take something down. it is illegal to discuss what they are taking down, but i can assure you it has to do with criticism of the senior leaders. you get the phone : you have to take it down. became so obsessive. we thought that it was a modest transition, but because they're terrified of this spring bolts. i suspect the truth about what is going on, it became oppressive for that reason and because we were attacked militarily by their cyber policg
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that they do across the world, those three reasons google move to hong kong. my job to the chinese, use a one country into systems. we like the hong kong system better. >> the agenda system is essentially doomed. >> a lot of people debate that all the time, especially in beijing. and depending on which group you talk to you get different answers. a reasonable assumption is that you have got to address the things that are affecting the lives of middle-class people. the train. in the book we talk about the train accident where people are killed. there's a coverup. the government said it did not really happened. it was minor, and then there is twitter equivalent, the average happened. the guy running a train system is discovered to be highly corrupt as is in jail and under
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a death sentence. so they're willing to act based on that. i think if they are able to correctly handle comes, they will have a modified version of the dictators and book which allows a certain amount of freedom and allows the system to address some of these and can survive. if they cannot forever set of reasons then they will be in big trouble. >> of course, china has another dilemma. we tried to talk to people about a will there were there. for whatever reason the avoid the subject. the country over a billion people. roughly 600 million connected. 600 million who are connected, if i can generalize, was the living in the major cities. 700 million new people connect in the next decade. earl, ethnically and religiously diverse in the western province. more grievances than anyone else in the population. no one really knows what happens when all those people come on line. some people talk about dictatorships and their ability
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to manage this cat and mouse game, they point to places like syria and places like china, but the reality is no dictatorship is fully connected. no autocracy is fully connected. and so in reality we don't know how they will handle it. >> one of the great subjects of the book is what happens when the next 5000000-. the 30 countries plus and minus wonder around talking to these people. they're just like us. the same once needs. trapped in bad systems. when they get connected they're going to behave like we would have we just got connected. enormous pressures on the government. often there are not legitimate and very core waste. democracy, corruption, favoritism, what have you. the government is going to react against the citizens. that will become one of the major stories of the next five years.
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in the book we conclude that this empowerment, what is new. what is new is a lack of empowerment to core levels of empowerment. digital technology, particularly mobile devices, this is a one-way street. he will not disempower these people. the governments will adapt. and all of us will have a bigger market. we will become safer as a result that have to deal with some of the consequences. >> i was in china ten years ago. and it their release separated. and in a small coffee shop and noticed three people at a computer. cnn is blocked. one of them all was me and says cnn pubs of. we get through proxy servers and hong kong.
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the thing that china can continue to stay a step ahead of those who know how to evade sensors? >> there will be a cat and mouse game that will continue. one thing that you autocracies in the future will not be able to continue is news blackouts. it just won't work with all the microbe logs and people with cameras phones. even if you shut down the internet and mobile, unless you confiscate everyone's phones, once you turn it back on you cannot prevent those things dry eventually seeing the light of day. it will have to exist and there really where there is no news blackout. >> the technology that is being used here is called virtual private network and the use of form of encryption to keep the data secret from the fire walls that look for it and try to block you. there is new technology that will actually look as part of the streams and block them on the existence. in the book, we speculate that as long as the number of such
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streams a small the government can actually block it because you can find the end. if you have a million people, a dozen of them are behaving differently than the others the way you can figure out who those are. as the technology spreads it gets harder. the moment that the people in china say that the government has gotten pretty good that the wac a mall, white, black, white, but also the citizens have done pretty guess witching. >> the global policy and philosophy to be on the side of the mole? >> well, 80's could our policy to not -- to place it to ship. we are willing to take significant business sense and revenue hits. so i say that we are. and the core value of google is
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the power of permission. one of the harshest lessons from the in the last 12 years i have been at google is that not everyone agrees that all of the world's information is useful. the want to be perceptive to change have their own the love internal nylon or corruption. >> there is some information that might not be useful? ideas that might not be useful, including the holocaust denial? >> well, we are not talking about personal affirmation. we are talking about privacy. we will try to be very precise. think of it as broadly defined political speech. we would argue that is pretty good that everyone gets a chance
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to see that. i guess our overall value is that more informations solve most problems. >> it security can be balanced in the virtual world compared to the way -- >> you have a nice way of describing it. >> when we set out to write this book we wanted to look at the issue of privacy and security, not just in the context of 2 billion people now are already connected, to look at in the context of the next 5 billion people will be joining us on line. we found is when you get to places like libya and tunisia and afghanistan pakistan, people rarely seem to have any distinct understanding of privacy as opposed to security. the two become intertwined, and so we return with a profound sense of a desire to link these two together, and we view it as the ultimate share responsibility. company several. out in the public domain and make them readily available and easily understandable for
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individuals to safeguard their own privacy and security. government obviously has a role, but the most important conclusion is the one of the parents have to really talk to parents everywhere, saudi arabia, all these different places. no matter what society you go to, kids are coming on-line faster and younger than at any other time in history. they're coming on line so fast that what they're doing and saying just far outpaces of physical maturity are. and so our view is parents need to talk to their kids about the importance of online privacy and security years before the talk to the of sex or whatever other sort of strange laws there are eight. >> we talk in the book at some length about this question of guy is there a delete button on the internet? there is not. and this sets up some serious problems. classic example, but think that these examples violate the american sense of fairness.
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an example would be at a high-school commits a minor crime in america, a juvenile court. if they -- they have a sentence. they become adults. these -- they behave well. they can petition the court and say, you know, i would like to have my conviction is sponged. assuming the court agrees they can then truthfully answer when they say we are convicted of a crime which every employer now has, they can say no. the employer, of course, as an internet search and immediately sees the person is a liar. somehow that violates our sense of justice. have we given up this principle of juvenile forgiveness? there are many recent examples in the press were people are initially charged. it is all of the paper. batman charge falsely. even in the boston mommy's there were a series of people who work, if you will, charged in
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the press because of a quick reaction would the right to have a great deal of trouble do -- quick reaction now going to have a great deal of trouble getting their reputation back. in the system out as furnace work? it made me think that it is not so much of the internet is not heavily but in the search engines don't. i mean to me if you were buried in the times picayune at age 17 having done something, that is irrelevant unless a google search will find it. ..
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this would be the first user. the law would have to be applied uniformly. there would have to be some kind of decor. i can imagine that that's what you would have for this.
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society policed itself that way. it allowed the overreach of the u.s. government and it was very
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important. and it was also a harbor for very bad things. ultimately, the company first, google will always allow for anonymity. even if the majority of people are identifying themselves with their choice, it would be important rise to view this as very important. it is also important that legitimate police officers be able to pierce those veils and the appropriate and legal situations with public safety issues. for example, there are court orders that are possible in america and amic well-established now and someone is hiding behind a wall of anonymity and it seems like a reasonable outcome. >> plato has a great view, which is if you put this on, you are invisible. you are anonymous. would you be moral -- would you never steal anything.
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so that would be better to have that total anonymity. do you think that there should be a part where people can feel safe? >> it is likely that one will emerge throughout the normal course of business. a few of the people would not quite be the same. and a lot of times they spend spam mail and they have nothing else to do. there are two solutions to that. one is that everyone is not actually working. it is certainly not reasonable for the internet.
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but it is relatively easy to essentially push them down. you can get identities by saying that they are another ranking signal for all of you. you will see this today. if you look at amazon plus and google, if you verify the identities are much more likely for people who are not crazy, that they have the full paradox. >> should there be a world in which this can exist on the internet and i just lost my wallet in nigeria, so please send me money type of situation. >> when you think of the internet, one of the things that we talked about in the book as you can imagine saudi arabia.
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you can imagine these safe zones and places were individuals can congregate and have lunch and interact and essentially be off the grid of being photographed and documented. we talked about how even doing something like this would be extraordinarily difficult. these things become very difficult. >> society will use the social etiquette. maybe people decide to turn off their devices during dinner. or they decide that this is important. a simple example of this would
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be minute. matt are we, your accepted turn off the computer and run the company. of course, people would have their mobile devices underneath the table, typing away, we need to police that. we basically gave up. so the majority of people are typing away on their computers and that is a socially acceptable behavior. but in fact our society includes this. >> i have been a google for 2.5 years. and they are still offended to this day. [laughter] >> if we have a world in which they have everything in front of
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them, what you allthink about that? >> you can do that already with a camera and microphone. and i think we would answer that by saying that this technology is incredibly powerful and interesting. we are also extremely careful about it. you can imagine an application that is probably not such a good idea. >> there is obviously the detail of privacy. the etiquette will emerge at how one deals with this technology.
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but it is important not to prematurely judged this technology. it can be a terrible idea at times. >> the death rates will be lower. we can be concerned about these technologies rather than allowing them to come out in an innovative way and try to understand what it's good for. >> depending on what the social etiquette sarcoma with the applications are, how it is priced.
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if you do something socially unacceptable, it is all over the place. >> plato and i would say that anonymity makes you better behaved. am i wrong? >> we will let you fight your position. [laughter] >> okay. you asked about that. one of the things you can talk about is these people that are running around trying to prevent women from doing anything.
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>> when we have this nearby, they are able to send it to each other. >> okay. >> how close are we to the facial recognition technology? i have said okay, and i just know everything and why do we have that yet. >> well, what we are working on is this. we have been doing the best we can. >> the human brain is most extraordinary, thank goodness. >> is it harder to do? >> it is extraordinarily
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difficult. we are probing how this actually works and there is a lot of progress in this area. we talked about facial recognition in the book. if there aren't air number of these pictures, the technology is mathematical computation and pretty accurate. but the problem is in general the police work and getting the perfect mug shot you're looking for. the technology today is much less accurate. people working on various algorithms and taking a five photo and that technology is still at the experimental level. so it is true that a typical example is taking a stadium with
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a high-definition camera and have everybody looking straight at the camera and you can begin to reproduce that. people aren't necessarily looking straight at the camera. >> okay, what about voice-recognition? >> so much better now. again, we are able to move forward. >> does that mean that this one office and they okay, we have this cool new interface with our devices. the numbers, as i recall, mobile phones are now poised activated. but it can be boisterous and the best technology out there. >> yes. it really does work.
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>> what sort of quirky things in the book you deal with the most? >> well, there are a lot and we keep coming up with more every day. perhaps it will result in a strange epilogue. these are people -- let's say you don't feel well. so there's a pill that travels around your circulatory system. your phone and then analyze it and make a prediction about what might be wrong. includes those who have self-diagnosis anyway before we go to the doctor and we extradite that process. >> okay, we have no sure articulating an alternative political korean regime. nobody is predicting that they
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can go down o we said, let's talk about this, we want toe free and open internet and let's see them if they actually show up, and they did. we wanted to make argument that they cannot continue to survive even in their current state if they don't open up a little bit. you have to lease allow access. north korea is a bizarre place that i can illustrate. how many of you have been to a broadway play or seen the truman show two so you know what north korea is like. it is basically a common nation of those two things. what we learned when we were there was they have wifi access and the phones are 3-g capable. and they have 3-d television, they have internet connection, a classic case of a new type of corruption and then they hog it
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all for themselves as they direct the population. >> okay, so the point is that it can be easily reached if the government would allow it three yes. >> when we talk about egypt, we may have precipitated an even worse outcome. in north korea we believe tremendous improvement in allowing information to flow into this. it is remarkable to think about no personal music for information or books to television channels, one of which plays and speaks over and over again and the other one plays patriotic music. and just a few ideas that will significantly improve our view is.
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>> okay, if they did that in one day, how long would the regime last? >> of course, no one knows. the korean culture is different. he managed to kill and execute all of those in the religion. it does not become a democracy on day one. it is arrogant for americans to think that this occurs in one day. and then it pushes reform in many ways. so it is possible that you could see a transition not unlike what south korea went through. south korea was poor, relatively under some number of decades, became much more democratic.
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>> does technology make it inevitable? >> well, a little over a month ago. it is one of the worst conditions in the world and now it is in this democratic transition. what's interesting about this is that even though less than 1% has access from everyone has heard of it. it is understood in terms of this western values of the free flow of information.
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what happens when these create an autocratic internet that doesn't correspond with what it should be. what does that look like and we don't intend to. >> to finish on this, this will be a wonderful experiment for all of us to watch. they open up the country and allow us to have this obstruction involved. and then the hidden society, which has been brutally repressed, primarily religious in nature and what will happen, as a society works through these things, next month they are
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going to vote on this that looks like this problem. so it's not a no-brainer that these countries adopt the openness of criticism and all of those kinds of things. >> they quickly adopted how they did this. >> it is inevitable that they adopted the systems to work while the middle class of the country. it will define what it wants. it will be a lot more free than these people will be operating. >> i thank you.
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i just found it interesting. the obama campaign hired data analysts and what platforms and i think there is zero or a handful of data for the analysts. ambassadors and campaign managers come and this is a pause rate, this is the platform that we should use. when you show your thoughts and how to leverage data to reform policy. >> it gets the importance of technology. the problem is it is still viewed through public diplomacy. and that is just one instrument of statecraft.
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the bigger role that technology can play is how it empowers individuals and there's a huge role that can correlate data. i will give you one example. how we used data to take advantage of the network. think losing criminal networks and organizations, you look at how these things are organized in government. people working on this, not typically falls in the human rights area. and so we silo these things because we look at them through the lens of the function. all of the organizations work at with each other. you can trace it back to all of these organizations.
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engineers look at them. they want to see the data and they want to correlate it. this leads me to believe that one of the biggest bombs that we had is how do you convince students in electrical engineering but in their interest to serve in the public sector. we are more connected than any other generation that we are less willing to serve in any other generation. >> this is the book series and i want to thank you for being here.
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>> i want to mention technology making this part of a finish. it is a disconnect with the powers we are getting through social media there is some kind of a disconnect. >> i think that technology can give people a false sense of how things are going just because there is any lot of momentum. you may not translate. you are trying to see expectations and my guess is they trust this so brutally that
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we shouldn't expect something and i think it comes down to leadership. if you look at nelson mandela, to decades for these guys to emerge as leaders and eventually they became public figures. so we just reversed the model. that being said, if there are true leaders who have the credibility to take their country forward, technology can find them. so in that sense you have a level playing field. >> you talked about building of credentials eventually as new leaders. but it's different in the virtual world and the physical world. >> the athens of human leadership is still very
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important and very dependent upon the charisma and the ability to get people excited and motivated. >> okay. >> as opposed to the protocol and such a thing, what does that say about cybercrime? would have to completely separate the number had to be secure enough. >> and we hope. >> it is a much bigger than to thing to separate all of the things that we would like to be saved from a potential attack. is that feasible?
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>> you are most concerned about are command-and-control systems. they are typically not connected to the internet. we are essentially getting this virus in there. that's a tremendous amount of work. they are all highly separated and highly secure. they have done all the right things there. i don't worry as much about those as business systems that are subject to service attacks
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and the best thing for you all to do is to things. >> to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars of lawsuit. make sure that you're always doing this and is the only bohne has not been broken the company, government, the business, make sure you're running the most recent software. or ones where the attacker finds sitting in a closet and includes
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the rest of your packet. >> okay. >> the internet operates on passion. we issue climate change that goes against technologies that could help the world. how do you deal with those things? >> there's a couple ways that we look at this. and this is the next 5 billion people. the alternative is a world where every generation has socialized and trained on us. it can be considered delusional
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or what other other adjective you want to use. we write about the power of critical thinking in the book. people connecting to the internet, think about how many of those people are young and it's the vast majority of them. young people with mobile devices, where they show up at school or not, they are told to memorize things and they open up the mobile device which is incredibly influenced by this. it is not ideal and perfect answer, but the power of critical thinking is important. >> people can be manipulated by businesses. to try to spend a good go at it it would be true todprty big gre
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this is crazy. first you'd see them as choices, and second, it would eventually sort out a pretty good answer but the more information even with sponsored and we call it big information and misinformation, when he you see something that doesn't make sense, and it doesn't quite look like this that i always said that if it's correct or not. we may be going through a time we went from having tested this information to its the country and the society to check.
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rather than just believe it, we are on the website that looks a little bit promotional. >> we are looking at organized crime and drug trafficking. with this corporation, we are going to have obama going to mexico and i'm convinced that we really haven't used these technologies. >> eric and i have taken a trip sometime in the last year. we we were startled.
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it is so dangerous that the police were there to protect you don't want anyone to know their identities. what is even more disconcerting about this is while the police are hiding themselves from the population is using their real identities to figure out where the violences. there are various social media will platforms that have emerged as a result of people coming online. we find interesting is a challenge. it is best illustrated with free expression. people always talk about it in the context of the cubits of the world where the state is doing is censorship. and by all accounts, it is censored because people have the
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various cartels and violent criminal network. so how do you solve the problem of removing this with the technology. we explore various ways to encourage reporting networks and i would be lying if i said there is a silver old answer. but it's a great example of what we have said before. >> it includes anonymous reporting and responders. police themselves are correct. there is a technical way of doing this. we did see this in mexico, which is a reasonably secret location that is sort of underground and it's sort of a data mining system in the they can can figure out where they are.
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and when we think about the possible civil liberties. it is under such chervil attack and might stoop to holding an infrastructure with a subsequent government against law-abiding citizens. this is the trade-off. situation is very severe. >> this question has a mexican connection. companies have terms and conditions and i don't know if you saw the story came out yesterday about to viral videos depicting decapitations. it will dwell in my daughter's high school, but the beginning of the day, it was showing graphic violence that was in the public interest.
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but having online petitions and a number of weighing in, have you guys decide what is in the public interest. >> you can have a five page document which defines precisely what this is. i have not seen that video, but i would be extremely surprised that we would allow it. >> each of them being very committed. >> every company has a set of rules about this. so google is a search index. if we did, it would be censorship in terms of doing it. however we do have terms of service and is something that are analogous with the rules.
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>> can we talk about this? >> it has been in the news a lot. the coin rises and falls based on demand. interesting is the virtual wallet these people have to download it to actually be a part of it. their number of instances where the canadian government actually tried to create its own virtual currency you're going to see virtual currencies and virtual goods as well. but there are serious security problems as well.
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>> well, we are in the process of doing that. there are many reasons. all the technology can be very efficient. it allows you to do this and it is going to have happen. >> okay, so why don't we have something very simple like an easy task where i'm going around the web and i want to talk about today's "new york times" and i know it can get hacked. >> it sounds like a simple
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proposal working this for a long time. many regulations, there also trod issues and paypal and we have worked through them as well. so we just define what you're going to raise the money on. most people would not agree with your aunt you have to sort of figured out. facebook and google and others and so we will get there. >> it would certainly help with the industry if people could help. >> is sort of a fraction of a cent. it has not been a technology problem.
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>> okay. >> i think we all appreciate in connecting the human trafficking data bases because of making it more efficient for access and searching for that information. there are so many examples. i'm very interested in the databases, what is google doing in this area? >> we have groups that reach out to these communities. it is their decision to make it available. the largest trove of useful data that is not available for google is that a federal state and local government. we have an enormous database and that information should be public and etc. it's not going to cause a huge
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confidentiality problem. the government will run much more efficiently and we can see what the government is up to. so we are working on it. if the job is to publish information, you're not really doing your job. so we say if you talk to one of these firms say, okay, do you have this that prevent competitors from getting information. >> the government did a very
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good job with a set of standards that will allow this to be exchanged with each other. that is a state-of-the-art. it makes no sense whatsoever. >> there is a brilliant report coming out today from david robinson on censorship technology. it is called collateral freedom. >> they are putting up a link right now. >> he surveyed censorship technology users in china, so this is a one-of-a-kind thing. but they are using this and they
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are updating the lacrimal model for china knows where it the malls are this technology would disrupt business users from making lots of money thereby. it is going to screw up the economy. >> this specific technology that is used. this is what you were describing where you have this proxy so all of the evidence that we had is that we are able to get there. includes reasons we can't quite tell. this blog periodically but it is
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roughly active and each take a look at it. >> okay. >> can you comment on the observations about women and technology? >> any aspect of leadership. >> we are enormously proud of this next generation of women leadership in technology. we are seeing very german people driven to new heights. is it exciting in the industry. >> point i would ask is talking about people online, the majority of them and in our
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observation we are going to do better in school. this includes working for the government and what is starting to happen is the middle eastern countries of the public sector. so the combination of women who have some of the new freedoms they have been given plus technology is going to be extraordinary. >> on a serious note, it allows very local nature of horrific crimes to be reported and there are so many -- one that we won't ever forget is the group of women and i cannot describe how
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terrific it is. they were using the internet to recover their identity. because no one knew they had been so victimized. the same with such that they can go out of their home. they were also trying to use the internet for pressure on the accused. they were known but not prosecuted, one of the worst crimes in humanity. if this is any reason we should do what we do, it would be for this reason. >> education around the world will be transformed. and the people who have benefited in parts of the world -- i hope that will be a major transformation. >> this is about to make a transformation and it will be politics and prose that can help keep it there.
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>> very much. [applause] >> thank you for having me. >> we would like to hear from you. tweet us your feedback at >> most people don't know how we are exposed to isotopes for the average smoker okay hundreds of chest x-rays in peerages from smoking. that is mainly this around the plant, those contained uranium, so the very same poison that killed the russian spy in london a few years ago, that is also part of this. that was only discovered in the system.
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the most easily preventable cause of death -- it was responsible for 440,000 deaths a year. and it's completely preventableñ we just allowed it that it is chewing gum or something. >> robert foster on tobacco's history and the continuing dangers of smoking. part of booktv on c-span2. >> you're watching booktv on c-span2. here's a look at our lineup for tonight beginning at seven eastern. the great corruption of capitalism in america. pensionable randomness back to discuss the most recent book, the autistic brain, thinking across the spectrum. then christian carroll discusses his book she talks about her
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life and career it all happens tonight on booktv tonight. here's a look at some of the festivals happening around the country. on saturday, may 18, but tb will be live at the gaithersburg book festival. check us for updates of live coverage. it is the largest gathering of oak cellars and retailers and industry professionals in the u.s. it features over 500 authors and this year it happens on thursday, may 30 through saturday, june 1 heard the tb will be live june 8 and 9 at the "chicago tribune" printer is fast, check our website at could get updates on our coverage.
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>> the 15 annual harlem book fair in new york city. the festival highlight the awards show and presentations. ..


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