tv Book TV CSPAN May 12, 2013 5:15pm-6:01pm EDT
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i certainly think you would be -- it would be important to try to figure out if there was linkage. the real political risk, if finders of theuestion, as their political motivation for either maintaining are not maintaining the whate'er , i think the political risk would be to say that the war on terror, there is no reason to do any of this in the next week and have somebody blown out. then the politicians would be sitting with the sort of idea. well, you're invited additional disaster in the american public by saying the war was over and clearly it was not. so i think there is a sense. maybe after looking at it this way pragmatically, inevitably if someone ever says the war is over it will either be too early or it will be too late to. nobody is going to get it at the right second. now, do you what your government to protect you a little more
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aggressively even after the rest is gone? which is to be too late to or do you what your governmento abandon its protection before the rest is gone and be injured, which is tooar? it is a little bit like the question -- there are only two times to go to war coming to earlier today to. the second world war, churchill wanted to get us off the dime more quickly. we didn't. 50 million people later in terms of death we included the war. did we go to light? you get to the war memorial in washington for the u.s., 400,000 people died in the second world war, u.s. when i walk through there and thinking, maybe it is better to go lyly than it is too late. these are tough questions, and it is easy to sit as either an academic or other community in the catbird seat and let the president of the united states
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and say, what are you thinking? but i think that in terms of risks on the war on terror, it would be a very substantial political risk to say that it is ov if it is not. and i am going to have to adjust my government at some level when it comes to protect me, and i hope that it does not abandon its protection of me one day, one month to more one week to early that results in serious damage to this country, my family, all my community. >> i want to put in a plug. >> thank you. the bless you. >> yes. for jackson extraordinary compilation of and relieve the speeches as attorney-general, if you want to get a sense of this man's mind, it was an extraordinary mind and a sense of integrity and his effort to grapple with the competing pressures on trying to maintain an effective government and at the same time to create and
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recreate the principal government with real integrity, it is a great read. >> may i just second that? i think there is a unique virtue that was displayed in the life of aid it levy, and that was his confidence in the transparency of his deliberations, and if you read these things, i am not a scholar. you can tell that by the way i have spoken this evening. but he really believed in playing this -- complex and difficult decisions were laid out before the american people, and that constance and not wisdom of the american people and willingness to share with them the nuances of this decision making, these are not -- this is not easy reading. this is not the classic comic books. the story that the butler did it in the pantry with a knife
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be commended, and i believe his confidence in the american people resulted in the justice department that is far better serving the american people. >> echoing that, i want to read -- so much of this book i think is worth quoting, but one passage struck me from a speech that he gave in 1976 about this notion. his responsibility in our responsibility by transparency. euros, i seek to emphasize the kind of government, public and society with hope that we could be. ours is to the government moved by reason. our goal, he said, was not to distort, ms. lead to more manipulate public debate. one believes in the government by reason, the victory comes when there is understanding. the problems of reface are not easily solved. the beginning is made when there understood. this is, of course, much to ask, but it has a great deal to do with the role of our country. if it continues to be the best en and
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those sponsored are very much in the spirit of what he believed about this nation. >> i just want to say that what this program reinforces, democracy, the rule of law. these are not easy things. is the constant wrestling match to try and arrive at the right place. principals and i am happy that we have been a part of paying tribute to someone who did so much to exemplify that and said take this complicated issue at a perilous time for our country and wrestle with them with great integrity and as general ashcroft says dollars transparency infidelity to the fuend scholars and nonce dollars.
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[laughter] , practitioners, and we cherish practitioners. participate in this program. thanks to all of you for joining us. i hope you come back again and again to these programs and we will have continuing discussions thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much. [applause] >> we would like to here from you. tweet us your feedback. >> george michael argues that independent terrorists represent a new kind of warfare that will become far more prominent in the 21st century. mr. michael also speaks about the reason boston marathon
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bombings. this 45 minute program starts now on book tv. [applause] >> good afternoon. before i begin i wanted thank the staff at the library for hosting my lecture this afternoon. i would like to thank all of you for coming out here today. today i am going to talk about my most recent book, lone wolf tear and the rise of leaderless resistance. the place of terrorism is undergoing significant change today. there is a notable trend indicating the prevalence of lone wolf attacks by individuals and small cells with little or no connections to larger groups. and so over the past several years several lone wolf incidents have gained headlines. for instance, in 2009 and anti-abortion activist by the
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name scott reuter murdered a physician who performed late term abortions. in june of that same year, and lone gunman of little-known but longstanding white extremists opened fire at the u.s. holocaust museum in washington d.c., and that attack killed one guard. then in november a major in the u.s. army and the muslims american side to it -- psychiatrist went on a shooting rampage in fort hood in taxes in that attack killed 12 persons and left 31 wounded. more incidents followed in 2010. february a professor but the name of joseph stepped slammed his private plane into a building in austin texas, which contained offices of the internal revenue service. a lone wolf terrorism is not confined to the united states. for instance, in july of 2011 a bombing was carried out and subsequent shooting spree in norway.
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more recently, august of last year, and neo-nazi skinhead by the name of weight michael pace fatally shot six persons at a temple and wisconsin. so the frequency of these lone wolf attacks indicates a shift in the nature of terrorism from organized groups to unaffiliated individuals. so today and going to talk about this loan will for leaderless resistance trend. what is a leaderless resistance? well, in essence it involves a kind of low moves operation from which an individual or very small group engage in terrorism independently of any official movement, leader, or support network. and to be effective as a strategic approach, leaderless resistance a sense that multiple persons and groups share a common ideology and they are willing to act on these shared use in a violent manner. let me give you of a brief outline of my presentation. first, i will explain some of
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the factors that i believe give rise to this trend. several technological and political factors are leading to the kind of militarization of terrorists and insurgent groups around the world today. so i will talk about geopolitical factors specifically this notion of a new world order, sometimes referred to as t unipolar era in which one superpower predominates. this has drastically change the security environment within which terrorists operate. after that i will talk about new technology and how it can be effectively utilized by small terrorist groups and lone wolves . then i will look at some case studies coming including the american extreme-right, the radical environmentalist movement, the anti globalization movement, and radical islam. next, i will talk about the implications of this leaderless resistance trend and weapons of mass destruction. after that, i will discuss the
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characteristics of the new face of terrorism and why it is moving in the direction of leaderless resistance. then i will talk about some recent examples. first, i will discuss the the case in norway and after that will talk a little bit about chris border and finally recapping my main points in the conclusion. okay. first lets look at geopolitics. the collapse of the soviet union drastically change the security environment within which terrorists operate. during the cold war the soviet union has several communist bloc states where culver supporters of terrorism. and initially after the cold war at the end of the cold war terrorists went into a steep decline. in large part because several leading terrorist groups lost support from communist states. so this development works against the viability of large terrorist organizations. there are more vulnerable to
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disruption because governments decreasing the are coordinating their counter-terrorism efforts with the united sta for obvious reasons, this trend accelerated after september 11th. as to be expected, in the aftermath of september 11th the federal government will support from the american public and implemented more vigilant measures to rid of terrace at home and abroad. for instance, the u.s. patriot act was signed into law and october of 2001. 2003 the department of homeland security was created. furthermore, after september 11 there was greater intelligence sharing. not only between federal agencies, but also with state and local law-enforcement agencies as well. and despite differences, foreign governments increased their coordination of their counterparts efforts with the night -- united states. moreover, new technology has enhance the government's ability
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to monitor potential terrorists and their supporters. so, as a consequence large terrorist groups are increasingly vulnerable to destruction, but that said, small groups and lone wolves are still able to mount terrorist operations. so some aspects of new technology actually favors the terrorist. the internet is at the center of an ongoing revolution in communications and networking. the medium enables new forms of organization and greater dissemination of information. a dark side of the internet, though, is that it can be used by terrorists and extremists movements to despite the propaganda. terrorist groups and sympathizers can communicate with one another, raise money, and plan and coordinate operations. so, the internet enables geographically dispersed people to collaborate on projects, including insurgency and terrorism, so through the internet, like minded people can
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find information about a particular ideology and what is crucial in holding this -- decentralize circles together, these networks together is a shared ideology. the sheer narrative and doctrine enables these networks to maintain their sense of cohesion and purpose. furthermore, the rise of the so-called new media has really led to a diffusion of soft power around the world today. the democratization of the media that has empowered many people who previously would not have had much voice in the marketplace of ideas. for instance, the website such as youtube, people can bypass the mainstream media and post videos that are being stream directed to the public and terrorist groups can take advantage of these platforms by posting videos that exert their fellow travelers to commit violent acts on their own initiative. so the internet facilitates
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leaderless resistance in number of ways. for one thing, the internet enables covert communication and greater anonymity. the cost of the internet is low, and that allows for greater access to the medium. the internet enables dissident groups to us circumvent restrictions on speech such as, and the internet can also serve as the recording mechanism and is worth mentioning that some groups avoid altogether. for websites a person can become a true believer of an ideology without any formal connection to the organization. furthermore, websites can serve to instigate terrorism without any specific connection to the perpetrators. for example, in the late 1990's there was a website, the nuremberg files which was operated by an anti-abortion
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activists in oregon, and the site listed the names and addresses of physicians who perform abortions. and this site contained these on subtle suggestions that there should be some kind of retribution against them, and so when a doctor was killed his name was crossed analyst. so various forensic technology and networking are contributing to the militarization of terrorists and insurgent groups around the world today. i will now go into some of the case studies. first, the american extreme-right. at the present time the american extreme-right is a small movement. does not really have broadbased support, and the extreme-right faces repression from both the government's and private money organizations such as the seven property of -- poverty law center and the anti-defamation league. as a consequence the extreme-right cannot really conduct any kind of sustained
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organized terrorist campaign. i have a picture on the screen there of the raid against the branch davidian compound in waco, texas, back in 1993. although it really was not a right-wing group, those people and the extreme right subculture interpreted the raid against the branch davidian as a message from the federal government that it has no compunction about repressing dissident groups. so the leaderless resistance concept really crystallized in the extreme right subculture back in 1992. that year in longstanding activist republish the seminal essay called leaderless resistance, and na he argued that the traditional hierarchical organizational structure was untenable under current conditions. as he reasoned, in a technological yet advanced society such as contemporary america, government could use electronic surveillance and
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other methods to penetrate dissident groups and then reveal their chain of command. from there the organization could be effectively neutralized by a -- or from within by infiltrators paris as a strategic alternative he invoked the small cell model of organization. applying this model, he argued that it was the responsibility of the individual to acquire the necessary skills and information to carry out what need to be done. some members would take action when and where they saw fit. as was pointed out, the leaderless resistance approach was an intelligence nightmare for authorities because it would be too difficult to infiltrate all of these numerous cells. so, that essay was disseminated through a computer network in during the 1990's, and his revolutionary approach quickly caught on in the extreme right subculture. other people elaborated upon it. for example, richard kelly
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hoskins is a christian identity minister who popularized the lone wolf approach in a book he wrote called vigilantes' of christendom. in the book he wrote about the so-called priests and how they needed to have justice throughout history and not long after the publication of his book several right-wing terrorists identifying themselves as priests carried out numerous criminal acts, including robbery. however, the name appears as more of a kind of state of the mind rather than a formal organization. another person who contributed was the late dr. william l. pierce the leader of a neo-nazi organization called the national alliance located in hillsboro, west virginia. but years ago he wrote a book called the turner diaries. it is a novel about an underground terrorist group that precipitates a race work. the book exerted a big influence over timothy mcveigh who carried
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out the mostly like to terrorism prior to september 11th, that is to say, the oklahoma city bombing. he did not belong to a group, but he did have at least two accomplices. but william pierce wrote a sequel to the turner diaries called hunter, basically a story of a lone wolf right wing assassin. and it is worth mentioning that the radical environmentalist movement has used the leaderless resistance approach as well. a leading figure in the radicalization of the environmentalist movement was edward abbey. he began sawing down billboards in mexico in 1958 demand in the early 70's other groups to follow suit with similar operations. for example, there was a group called the echo raiders who cut down billboards and destroyed newly constructed homes in the area of tustin, ariz., and their exploits became the model for a gang of activists depicted in a
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book called the monkey wrench gang. that book was written by edward abbey, and that novel is believed to have inspired some environmentalists to seek a more radical vehicle for their activism, and this culminated with the creation of earth first in 1980. so over the years the movement became more prone to vandalism. this led to the creation of even more radical spinoff organizations. for example, hours liberation front or elf was founded in england in 1992. not long thereafter both came to the united states. pursue direct action approach that involves things like seven tosh can vandalism. it's essentially a leaderless movement. rather than having a formal the guidelines, they produce these guidelines that desert activists to cause economic damage to those that they believe spoil
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the environment. now, today ecotourism has not been very little, but it has been quite costly the radical animal liberation movement. in 1976 the animal liberation front was founded. founded in the mainland. made its way to the united states. and the organization's stated goal is to stop animal suffering through direct action which includes rescuing animals from laboratories and inflicting damage on those facilities they use animals. there is no formal. rather, activists are bound together by an ideology. finally, it is worth mentioning that the unabomber, ted kosinski the land later years he espoused an antisense technology and the elegy. in the final years of his campaign he reached out to the environmentalist movement, and
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he really exemplified the lone wolf terrorist. from 1978 to 1995 he carried out a series of attacks by sending the packages containing bombs would ultimately killed three persons and injured 23 others. scattered elements of the anti globalization movement have taken up a leaderless resistance the as well. in the fall of 1999 a diverse elements of the anti globalization movement converged in the city of seattle to disrupt an important meeting of the world trade organization or the wto. through the internet, the various groups and activists were able to coordinate their efforts and swarthmore come together. so, the so-called battle of seattle was seen as a model for subsequent leaderless protests. now, previously a left-wing revolutionary movements were supposed to be led by vanguard parties with a centralized
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structure, but today there are those that seek to affect change. self-styled anarchists impose the current capitalist version of globalization and seek to replace it with an alternative globalization based upon socialism. the anonymous group is an example of left-wing internet activism. members maintain online anonymity and conduct civil disobedience on line with the primary goal of promoting internet freedom. for example, in 2011 and nine attackers attacks paypall, mastercard, and a visa after they froze the accounts of wikileaks. wikileaks is a controversy website that publishes news leaks and secret, classified information created by the embattled australian.
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the global islamic resistance movement has endured a multinational effort to eradicate it after september september 11th. since the war in afghanistan commenced in october 2001, al qaeda has been moving toward a more decentralized approach to terrorism and is still moving, sometimes referred to as al qaeda two. zero as differentiated from al qaeda central. basically it involves loosely affiliated groups that have little or no formal connections to the central organization, but they commit acts of terrorism on their own initiative perry and the final years of his life, he served as an inspirational figure. the council muslims that it was an individual duty for every muslim that was capable of going to war. so, taking an idea a step
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further, a syrian member of al qaeda by the name. [indiscernible] advance the strategy of decentralization that fit contemporary conditions. shortly before he was apprehended in 2005 he released an online book called a global islamic resistance called. and in his book he proposed a strategy of individual terrorism in which self-contained cells implemented jihad on their own initiative without direction from al qaeda central. he argued that it was folly for someone to fight trumpets locations because the units could be tracked and destroyed by western military forces. furthermore, he saw the traditional hierarchical model as outdated because of the tories ability to capture one member and then putting the whole organization and risk. instead, he advises islamist to
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focus on jihad in their own country of residence rather than trying to make the long journey to afghanistan. focus on the country in which currently reside. a few years ago there was a book called leaderless jihad, and any he explained that the new modus operandi of al qaeda is to advertise demands for terrorist operations on the internet in the hope that local networks will carry out attacks without guidance from the central organization. each cell may pursue its own terrorist activities for their own local reasons, but by doing so they promote the grand strategy of al qaeda. a few examples illustrate this approach. for example, in march 2010 that al qaeda american spokesman praised the fort hood killer. calling him an ideal role model whose lone wolf terrorism should be emulated by people in america
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and the west. and in june of 2011 he appeared in another video in which he urged muslims in america to purchase guns and carry added tax on their own initiative. he told them to take good vantage of america's liberal firearms laws to purchase guns. another important to warrior who frequently appeared in the new media was a lucky. his sermons are broadcast on sites such as youtube. at one time he was called the osama bin laden of the internet. he was killed in a drum strike in august, two dozen 11 in yemen , but he exerted strong influence. a lot of people including the ford had bomber with him he seemed else several times before the attack at fort hood. now, some people say dismiss this notion of loan will terrorism as many innocents. they say it can be pretty much handle effectively by law enforcement, but it is worth
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mentioning that is directly possible for small cells and even individuals to cause a lot of damage today due to the greater availability of availability of weapons of mass destruction. so, what makes new this resistance so potentially dangerous is the prospect of an individual or small cell obtaining a weapon of mass destruction or the plane innovative tactics of lethal mater. her study the ultimate terrorist the harvard professor does is turn argued that the likelihood of terrorists using weapons of mass destruction today is greater than it was in the past for several reasons. for one thing, such weapons are more readily available today than they were in the past. asbestos the dissemination of dual-use equipment, and that enables the protection of criminal and biological weapons. modern terrorists are more likely to be inspired by the
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apocalyptic end extremist ideologies rather than the secular ideologies that informed earlier terrorists, and it is believe that this will increase their proclivity to use weapons of mass destruction. now, for his part, osama bin laden explicitly stated his ambition to acquire weapons of mass destruction on more than one occasion. but be that as a make, despite efforts this banner over a decade, there is no credible evidence that his organization ever succeeded in acquiring nuclear weapons. but with the technological hurdles to obtaining nuclear weapons so i, terrorists could settle for less sophisticated alternatives. small groups and lone wolves intent on conflicting nuclear terrorism, they could apply the -- employed a dirty bomb. that would be option. basically consisting of radioactive material conjoined with a conventional explosive
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and one disperses possible radiation when detonated. an american affiliated with al qaeda was implicated in a dirty pots some years ago. byatt terrorism is well within the reach of small terrorist groups. now, to date the most worrisome case of buy a terrorism involved and tax. lone wolf could potentially use and facts for legal effect as evidenced by the case of dr. bruce ivans. shortly after september 11th to waves of letters laced with anthrax were sent to a two u.s. senators and some media outlets in florida. and by early november 20015 persons had died from the contaminated letters and another 17 or second. moreover, it caused the government -- cost the government a for the subsequent cleanup. the government's case is to be
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believed, it illustrates the destructive potential of global terrorism and violence. chemical weapons, though less lethal, are probably the most likely choice for terrorists because the hurdles for their employment are much lower than for nuclear or biological attacks. the first terrorist group to mount a major attack using chemical weapons was the japanese cult. in march of 1995 members of the cult released sarin gas into the tokyo subway. that attack killed five persons and injured over 5,000 more. one ominous proposition is that vital parts of the infrastructure could be targeted by attacking these critical systems, terrorists could wreak economic and political havoc. the power industry in particular is vulnerable to system destruction. pipelines are also vulnerable to sabotage because they are largely unprotected.
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so long walls and small groups could attack these various soft targets. throughout history various political, social, and technological factors have influehe development of conflict warfare and strategy. and over the past few decades, the appearance of state to state conflicts has been steadily declining. however, a great deal of conflict still persists within states. recent trends suggest that we could be on the cusp of a new type of terrorism and insurgency , which has been driven mainly by technology. unique innovations that we see today, the emergence of networks and how they influenced contemporary conflicts. one important social trend is that change and how communities are formed. new technology, including cell phones and internet to make networking across national
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borders a lot easier and cheaper than in the past. and so this development has resulted in a potentially larger pool of followers from which extremists and terrorist movements can recruit. so, the case studies examined in the study, that is to say, the extreme right, the radical environmentalist movement, the anti globalization movement and radical islam increasingly see their struggles in global terms. so, free to these movements is the 11th-hour which demands that they act quickly or the forces of globalization will destroy what they see as their cherished communities. so this encroaching process of globalization will undoubtedly generate some opposition from those people who feel threatened with the loss of identity and closure. and so here the internet has been very important because it allows dissident groups to spread their messages and
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exchange ideas. so the rise of the new media has ushered in a new era of comedic asians which allows for much greater and broader participation for users. not only in the spheres of social networking, but terrorism and its infancy. so the main characteristic of this new face of terrorism is the increasing power and capabilities of smaller and smaller entities. although the groups that espouse certain causes may be small and seemingly inconsequential, nevertheless they can potentially generate quite a bit of destructive power. so, as the frequency of low will terrorism in the news headline suggests from a leaderless resistance has become the most common tactical approach to political violence in the last. terrorism is moving in the direction of leaderless resistance. and this new technology continues to spread, along with
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the capabilities of developing weapons of mass destruction, just a few angry people now have the potential to cause an unprecedented mayhem. some of the perpetrators of these lone wolves could be more aptly described as deserters, people here just basically went off the deep end. but as the concept gained currency it is conceivable that a new breed of more dangerous low walls could emerge in the future. in the case to illustrate this possibility, according to its on-line manifesto, he spent nine years without applying his attacks in detail. he explained how he procured firearms and stashed caches of weapons, all the while evading suspicion from authorities. for the first part of his attack he placed a bomb that exploded at the offices of the prime minister. the second part of his attack was a shooting spree at a summer
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camp where labor party leader said the children. all total 77 people were killed in the attack. presumably the attacks were intended to send a message to the government that he disapproved of norway's liberal immigration policy. in the new media figure very prominently in his campaign of terror. shortly before he began his attacks he uploaded in electronic book on the internet called 23, european declaration of independence. in addition the above the video on youtube that was tiled the knights templar 23. in the video contained numerous references to the islamic how interspersed with these i comic images of crusaders. years ago the unabomber, ted kosinski employ the major newspapers to publish his manifesto in order to ensure maximum exposure to raise ideas.
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able to take advantage of the internet and posed his manifesto on line. and by doing so he could bypass the major media outlets. the notoriety stemming from the attacks to predicted would serve as a kind of marketing at bir his manifesto. a more recent episodes appear to be motivated by personal grievances. in february of this year chris daughter went on a one-man rampage which left four dead and four others wounded, and his campaign of violence to is significant because it could presage or some developments in the trend. on is facebook ag posted a rambling manifesto that explained in detail the reasons for is attack and the grievances that spurred him on. he was a former los angeles city police officer. he lost his job after you file the complaint against the supervisor.
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although he was driven primarily by personal grievances, he could not resist framing his campaign cause of political terms. is manifesto praised politicians he espoused liberal positions with no apparent sense of irony. he defended gun-control and praised senator dianne feinstein for efforts in that area of legislation. despite his apparent liberalism daughter expressed support for numerous republicans as well. he even lamented that his favorite candidate, john huntsman, failed to receive his party's nomination in the last republican primary election. now, despite episodes of sporadic violence, some observers dismissed the law will trend as primarily a nuisance. some people argue that it could be more aptly designed to the feel of abnormal psychology.
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nevertheless, to have psychological problems, they can commit acts of violence motivated in part by political ideologies. in fact, they may prove to be some of the most effective -- susceptible to extremists exultation to violence. after all, people who have something to lose maybe less likely. for his part dollar conceded he was under severe depression and even suggested that his brain should be preserved after his death in order to study the effect of a severe depression on the brain. and in his own words he explained that he had nothing to lose, a trade he had heard was behind the successful movements that have bedeviled the u.s. military over some many years. so the growing popularity of an immediate and they're expanding
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platform, things such as bonds, what forms, facebook, youtube, they really democratize the creation and distribution of information. and, to be sure, this development has enriched our lives in many ways. it is now any person with a grievance can use these platforms in conjunction with violence as a method to bring dramatic attention to his cause. so, in one sense he succeeded in that that chief of the l.a. police, charlie beck, announce that the department would reopen the case which store referenced in his manifesto. is online sympathizers that created facebook pages in his honor and collectively received over 30,000 lakes in just a very short amount of time. and in a bizarre tribute somebody from the online gaming community created a video game, chris dollars last stand. judging by the level of online
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encouragement received, his rampage could be a harbinger of more man to come as more and more disaffected loan woes results of violence to get their messages out to a large audience so, to recapitulate my main points, several trends, including more intrusive surveillance, increased intelligence sharing, and greater international collaboration all work against the largest terrorist group. but new technology, namely the internet enables greater networking of people dispersed around the world, including extremists and terrorists and several extremist subcultures feel eggs essentially threatened by the historical proxy of globalization and are willing to fight against government and partings believe to be its agent and finally, the greater availability of weapons of mass destruction and an increasing number of soft targets could
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prosecuting against the war against saddam hussain. nevertheless, their still has been tremendous collaboration with and these governments, not only between traditional allies like great britain and germany and france, but also russia. despite some differences they have, there has been quite a bit of collaboration. at the request of the russian government, the united states, the fbi commenced an investigation into that and the information was given back to the russians, at least that is what i read over the past couple of days. so i think this will definitely increase cooperation from intelligence sharing and counter-terrorism policy. >> why in your opinion to
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