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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  May 19, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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brand-new is for her. last night is a great experience because he had this wonderful house at the clinic i open the windows of the husband says you can't do that. the whole thing froze up. and then we had a wonderful very, very different. people are exchanging tunafish casserole. i was doing my best. the friend of mine who is a psychiatrist alice in california and she and i were american about it because the washing machine --
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[inaudible] soil is not an easy night, but it was all right. the first night they are it took me to the to buy food. of course in england we had no food. the winter of 46 have been simply terrible. there is nothing on the shot. you couldn't buy anything. i got to the is completely overcome. i couldn't cope with all the package food i'd never seen chicken canned and packaged up but that. the chickens are running around. i had no idea what to buy. the woman next door said that carries for the children. the man next door is a texan and he wanted to take me fishing. this is a language story.
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as i was leaving his house, he was going to take me fishing at 5:00 in the morning. i turn turn and leave knock me up at five in the morning? he said there's nothing i'd rather do. i had no idea what i said. the language was quite funny. if you put a call through a crummy scary through? the woman hangs out.
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>> as he visited places like the cow is he basing to learn about its history meet other authors who help us understand the palmetto state and our nation. >> americans in south carolina were interesting than a little bit different from others in that if we had said major tribes on the border with our skyline appeared in south carolina they were mostly extended families. >> mary chestnut was one of the most famous women of the 19 century. she was an author. she was the wife of a u.s. senator who resigned his senate seat when abraham lincoln was elected yet he came home to south carolina and became and a two campus confederate president jefferson davis. throughout the where she kept a diary and it's one of the most famous accounts of the civil
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war. >> the 28th president 28th president of the united states born in virginia, lived during the civil war in georgia, augusta, georgia and that makes this a in 1870. nobody thought he was going to be much of a governor and the senate couple years had new jersey at the same time. as a national movement for reform. people didn't expect him to be able to do that. so it was the fact that i'm gave him provinces he wouldn't have had otherwise. presidents had become essentially agents. congress drafted legislation.
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they thought there will is simply the executors of the will of congress and take the leadership role itself. the 20th century came along. theodore roosevelt most notably by thinking in terms of challenges that were much more urgent than not. they didn't think they would be simply nothing more than an executor of congress as well. so they have a much worse sole president the have-nots would happen in the earliest 20th century. see the presidency as we know it. they think of the president has been a leader and proposes policy and pushes congress to do things. so it's a reversal role from now. woodrow wilson was especially effective. are you nervous about was very
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effective, but wilson gave content to it and wilson pushed through an extraordinary rule, an extraordinary list of things, what they were doing. but what roosevelt and wilson were doing was responding to industrialization and urbanization. the country was getting thicker and more investor-owned people were unhappy with the domination of the country by his business. so what roosevelt was proposing and wilson was the fact that doing was to push to bring it under control. this is the progressive area, the progressive legislation with the role the federal government in various directions. both of them saw the need for a major role for the united states in the world that roosevelt pushed very hard for that and woodrow wilson had a very
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important role in defining america's place in the world and its responsibility for maintaining peace around the world and that's something we'll think of when they think about the league of nations. so this is a real transformation that took place in early 20th century. they are really partisan ally. they also are partners working in a similar direction. in terms of domestic issues, the most important single thing wilson did was to create the federal reserves, which was to create a banking system that would allow money to be moved around the country and the finance is to be controlled by the government and away they had had not been before. that was the way of modernizing the economy sublimate crisis to race in san francisco, he didn't necessarily bring down the rest of the country. resources could be mobilized
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across the country. many could be moved from one side to the other. this is all a system that had not existed before. the federal reserve system began in them together so they could work together. wilson also pushed through a new antitrust system, a way of making sure the competition pushed through the first child -- federal child labor laws and a number of other things that are extremely important and modernizing the economy and government. they're everybody knows about them thinks about is getting the senate to ratify the treaty on their site and has united these join the league of nations. how astutely notable failure.
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look at how as catastrophic as wilson thought is another question. the problem with the full league of nations idea was in order for it to work commitment countries had to work together or give up some of their n sovereignty and nobody was eager to do that, including wilson. saturday make a cooperative international organization work when no one is want to go up their sovereignty. it was new for the president to take the lead in the country in the way wilson did. it was unusual for president to be the forefront of the administration and i think it was also now much more used to it and i would say now what is happening as congress has really reasserted its role in a way that it had not for a number of years. the thing that bothered the leaders of the opposition as
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they saw him as arrogant and dictating to him. they thought that he was overbearing and i'm inflexible. since some of them are overbearing had made for a spectacular decision. they had a series of periods of depression and it didn't seem to me to have effected his work. what did affect his work was his physical health and particularly that was true in the end of his presidency or the league of nations, just as the thing was coming to the treaty of versailles was coming to a vote in the senate. he had a massive stroke that paralyzed him and left him without the ability to beat in the way he had in negotiating with congress and getting what he that?
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ability to compromise and negotiate and as a result, when the battle came down in the end in the fall of night to 19, he got eaten because he simply couldn't do it anymore. that was in large part to his house. are issues of some important between the senate and the president, but certainly has halted play role in getting the treaty passed. people think of wilson as a moralist who thought of a policy of strictly moralistic terms and was very rigid and flexible in the thing people don't know is how effective wilson was in terms of as a politician. i was really the secret to his
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success. he was very skilled in working with other people even though he didn't seem to like people very much. wilson is probably one of the most important presidents in the 20th century but it really helped transfer in the presidency cannot make at the center of the government. people should understand he had a major role in the world, even though he did not succeed in getting the league of nations adopt it. nevertheless, the principles that lie behind have really shaped the way modern american policy cooperated ever since. >> now we are from alternate care, history the details over 400 years of history.
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>> i have to do this by the university press. as i worked, i team cannot annul us how you do with community, those within the community are those left outside on the margins is all part of the story. the book starts at the prehistory, and we can probably go back more than 10,000 years to native american sites on the river. it's a little controversial. that has not yet been decided. the native americans and south carolina were interesting in the little bit different from others and that if we had some major tribes, the cherokee and the top is on the border. south carolina was mostly extended families. 50, 60 people in terms of european settlement intruded into native american territory made things a lot different from
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the confederacy and virginia working phillips or in massachusetts where you have large native american nations or tribes right at the settlement areas. most of the rivers and south carolina people asked if the names the native americans i say look at the names of every person there named after native american tribes. the early european settlers were anglo caribbean. primarily barbados. anybody who came was considered to be with the locals call them. for the first generation come that they were the majority of the white population. they came here with capital. they came here with slaves, used to running a con in the frontier and that's one reason south carolina succeeded from the get go never just not interested in having outside forces.
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proprietors who won south carolina, telling them what to do in the matter of economic affairs. in 1718 they had the only honest to goodness government in the american colonies and they ties to proprietors out, and became a colony and they refer to this as the session one. secession to be the american revolution and south carolina was involved well before the next content and concorde. government seized in 1769, 1770 because of an internal dispute. the road to the revolution was taken in 1771, 72, 73 and blood was shed on south carolina before the declaration of independence. in march 1776 before there was the declaration of independence. then we come to secession three, which most people recognize as
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the civil war. south carolinians began to do beginning in the 1820s. it's also the question is how do you do with the majority of the population who are enslaved. south carolina has the largest insect population in terms of percentage in the united states. 1860 was almost 60% of the population and if slavery were abolished as many of the north were calling for an 1850s, what do you do with a population that is all of a sudden a majority. what about economic competition for the white working class. there were a lot of issues involved, but south carolina made a decision in 1860 that of abraham lincoln on the republican party came to power in november 1860 elections they would leave the union. that was not a constitutional issue. i was a political issue.
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we cannot endure the union had up at the republican party. to talk about ben tillman is interesting because he close the institution. he led a political faction to throw wade hampton. his goal was to establish another cultural college, which became clemson college and shut down the other institutions of higher education, which are the citadel in charleston and the military college of south carolina and the south carolina college because political enemies for their homes. he also created the first state-supported black school, which became south carolina state university. the idea for the c able to -- tt african-americans enter south
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carolina college. he was still a u.s. commander wants to power in the state. it has gone from being one of the solid white democratic states in the south to predominantly an overwhelmingly republican red state and a 21st century. the breakup of the old democratic hegemony came when strom thurmond ran in 1948 because for the first time in almost a century, it was acceptable for every person about for somebody other than a democrat. in the 50s yet democrats for eisenhower and the transformation began in the night to 60 strom thurmond switches parties. the republican party because to grow by leaps and bounds.
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the voting rights act search to help spur the growth of the democratic party, allowing african-americans to be registered and initially for 10 or 15 years, democratic party was black and white legislators and party officials and what have you. graduate of the republican party is overwhelmingly white. the democratic party is majority african-american although they are white democrats in the state. the biggest change other than party is forever early 1900s until 10 years ago, south carolina politicians out the best thing they could do is bring home the bacon. now we've had in the past 10 or 15 years members of congress oppose budgets and south carolina by deepening the port of charleston in highway funding would've been unheard of a generation ago.
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what about the history, i wanted to choke the story of everyone. edited to include people or events just to be politically correct. those who find contradictions in south carolina, it's a wonderful place. it's who we are, but a lot of it has to do with my whole theme and that is community. >> on a recent visit with the help of a local partner, booktv took a look at colombia's cultural and literary history. columbia hosts more than 15 museums and is home to the state's largest university, university of south carolina. in a liberal arts college for women. >> i'm elizabeth and i'm the
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director of the urban department of where folks at the university of south carolina. welcome to our fault. today we'll talk about the aerial collection of historical astronomy. we are fortunate to receive this collection of 5300 books in 2011. robert aerial was a gentleman for his sumter, south carolina came to the university with english nature. he had this interest in astronomy. he continued to buy more and are sophisticated telescopes. 50, 60 years later he had over 5300 books and over 200 telescopes and scientific instruments related to astronomy. this is the book that started it all. this is a field out of the sky that william tyler checked out so many times eventually realized he needed to buy one
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and this is an incredibly well used comal well loved but by no means the earliest book in the collection. the earliest is a book we added just to see your, and early 16th century textbook. mr. aerial very deliberately collected star atlas is in the first star atlas is alessandro pickling means that less prior to the time, pickling meanie introduced a star atlas. absolutely amazing. and that is the first non-star atlas. they had a great interest it's
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an absolutely stunning outlets in which the engraving include drawings over them showing the astrological symbol we all know. the collection includes all of the other early star atlas says. this is johannes topol myers at least. describing the system of the planet and color. these are important as he became more and more interested in how others perceived to have vince, the history scientific from his%
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of his is the copy of t outlets, john bevis' work finished in the 1750s, but not published until 1786. her copy has this title page, which is very rare. we're one of very few libraries in the world to have all of these early star atlas says. the strength of the aerial collection is that it relates to popular astronomy and observational astronomy, robert aerial being a member of the american association of star observers and imac one at that. other strengths include the work of the major observatories and reflect robert aerial pictures and telescopes and scientific instruments. as he came to restore her
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telescopes as part of his work, he did a lot of research and published quite telescopes a major part of this collection and went on a lot of material. there is a history of an 18th century telescope to have a wonderful engraving and then we also have the companion piece and that's an example of something that exhibited together. one of my favorite books is the mechanism the mechanism of the heavens by the mrs. mary somerville 1831. she was in port and observational astronomer and again this is representative of one of a number of books we have
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buy one in who have a great deal of influence in the field. and how provide for future growth. the library has a strong commitment as well and cooperative treatment is beneficial to both institutions. many think of space exploration in my lifetime, we've learned an awful lot, but they're still an awful lot like to be learned. >> columbia south carolina city with wider streets and columbia did not have a single paved road until 19 away. the area is also home to fort jackson company michelin training >> the history of consumer
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activism in america. buying power comes from a term used by one of the groups called the league of women shoppers. their slogan is user buying power for justice and the idea behind the slogan with americans consume a lot of goods and consumption is a powerful way of making a moral statement and in my book i try to extend the idea from the league of women shoppers than 1830s and 40s throughout all of american history to argue americans have consistently use their buying power for political and moral and ethical purposes. contemporary commentators describe consumption as an act that separates us from other people and not as often considered as private individual. history shows americans had another side and how they viewed consumption is connecting us about the people intimate the
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goods we buy, connectedness to other people who may be five or don't buy through boycotting similar goods. and my book i try to show americans have been deeply concerned about the moral impact of their shopping. the consumer activism is as old as the american nation. the 1760s when that's not impartation but they colonize, particularly to get merchants not to import goods from great britain one of the ways they defined themselves as the british colonial subjects. they were domestically produced. this is radically new kind of political movement that was one of the things outside to the
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formation event in this process. there is trying to get other colonize and was seen as the weakening of british colonial power and establishing a national identity. a lot of american historians know about the american revolution and the not impartation movement, but often times in a about consumer act that some company turn things who at the montgomery bus boycott in the 19th 50s. as a discontinuous history. what a church shows americans have turned to consumer politics consistently from the american revolution to the entire 19th century, through the 20th century and one of the movements i look is the movement by abolitionists in the 1820s and was a movement called the free
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progress movement and people who oppose slavery needed to not buy goods made by slaves and the argument by the street produce abolitionists was tantamount to hiring a sleeper cell. so what they try to do we say there's no moral difference between being a slave owner in a consumer slave made goods. essentially supporting the slave owner of the system of slavery. so this is a movement that was never particularly large that had a big social impact of the other thing this group. as they set up stories in which they sold what they called for a produce. that is goods made by non-slave labor and their idea was this more and more americans bought goods from free produce stories, slaveowner seven entity switchover from hiring and
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purchasing human needs are slaves to purchasing wages laborers for their employment. the movement never succeeded in there or not economically successful. are you doing that but they set an important precedent of not only boycott which had come back to the american revolution, but what today we call the baikal, to kind of not only punish those who are doing things you don't like, but reward those who are doing things you do like. the free produce stories for the first in human history i discovered that did that. for a lot of consumer activist and there's the difference between buying power and pluggable power. it argues that political power. that the only kind, but they are given a society no longer a subsistence society. americans are not making good for themselves. we were market-based in the
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early 19 century. is there for your establishing the nation because you didn't see the farmer who grew the wheat that you bought her the better used as a clerk you were other technology more and more americans were buying. you have a very real and direct connection and in deed you have more than responsible for the conditions in which they were this idea was repeated again and again through the 19th and 20th century. the idea here was if he defined politics bradley is how we treat one another, the kind of ethical systems that are important to ask him about buying power is a form of political power that of the 20th century consumer activists begin to talk more explicitly about the role of the government in protecting consumer rights and promoting
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the interests of consumers as a group in society. even before that, consumer act of his own is deeply political. in my book i call consumer activism in american political tradition. i think if you look, you see this is one of the most consistent threats of our political activity. boycotts have two fundamental ideas. one is economic and the other is political and these are often related. one aspect of a boycott is to economically harmed those who are doing with the boycott csm degraw or immoral. so an example of the abolitionist boycotts was to economically harmed slaveowners. but if it wasn't to harm the economy as a whole because the abolitionists believed in these free-market ideas if you give people incentives to do other things, they will do it.
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if you give slaveowners an incentive to higher other kinds of labor, though do it. consumers an incentive to buy labor does come about do it and harmed the economy. they argue would be a good thing because you have my wage earners, more money. those people interned by markets and so forth. have generally come in agent has been to harm a particular segment of the economy on a temporary basis, but ultimately in the long would be good for the economy of the whole and most cases java business out into bankruptcy to get the business to change its practices in some way. they did extreme examples where they do want to jaime particular businessman or corporation. by and large the attitude has been if this person changes but
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they do, will be happy to spend our money there. this is my batter of ethics and morals. but oftentimes the other side is to raise consciousness about an issue. many other boycotts has been partly to have this economic type, but oftentimes let americans know that they have a connection to a moral issue. an example might be the united farm workers boycott, which is popular in the late 1960s to the 70s for decades thereafter. in 1971 was an article at "the new york times" estimated 17 million americans were in solidarity with the boycott. the idea of the boycott was not so much to harm the grape and lettuce growers in california, but to raise awareness about the problems of migrant laborers were facing very bad dangerous
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conditions, unhealthy conditions and get americans to be concerned about some thing most people when you go to grocery stores your group so that lettuce looks beautiful. you don't think about the connections between you and the person who grew in the pesticides in their children in the whole idea was to get americans to think about that and i was an example of a boycott that succeeded on the political level than the economic level. one of the things this the internet has made it easier to get together across great distances and organize boycotts and other forms of consumer movement. if you look online, you can discover hundreds of boycotts going on as we speak. every year or two is a boycott that captures the american imagination, sometimes for a brief period, other times a
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longer period. it is the way americans continue to express their political views. >> next, the south carolina children books and literacy with the executive director kevin. took tb visited south carolina with their local partner, time warner cable. >> we're at the south carolina center for children's books. the university of south carolina where an outreach of the information can we do several things here. we're the state examination collection for children and young adults, which means we get publications first and we can take a look at them as librarians and evaluate them. what are the new trends in publishing? how could these be used in our
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classrooms? what libraries are interested? that we work with college students who are teachers and librarians and we work with professionals in the field on how to incorporate children's literature into what it is they do. it started as a bookshop. the students at the library and information science school year evaluating materials used to be called the best centers started by faculty as part of our college and is really about probably 30 years old. 12 years ago the initiative started to grow and in 2005, the name was changed to the south carolina center for children's books and literacy. as you seek him with a beautiful space in downtown columbia and about 8200 titles. other titles continue to change. its ventures in rotating collection. we spotted 24 miniseries colgan
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palmetto ducks in a name that because we have the palmetto state, but also we didn't want to exclude anybody. we wanted to open it to children's picture books. poetry coming on adults, fiction and nonfiction. everything has to be educational in nature. it has to fit the larger mission of the university press. we wanted to give all of her authors and illustrators an opportunity to publish through a well-known and well-respected publisher compressibility say these aren't being told. we don't know of any other university press that are doing children and adult materials and if you have publisher of adult materials without any opportunity to do this and set a precedent for great publishing for children and young adults.
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were excited to first on his contract for the art and it is a historical fiction novel about the life of robert smalls, one of my favorite civil war figures from beaufort county, south carolina. he really helped shape effort into what it is today. so i love that is our first piece. anyone who's interested in submitting an idea was to it if of manuscript for a picture back with an illustration plan. what will happen is all submissions me and our serious editorial board and how to rethink this to be an important part of our series? if we approve it as a group, it goes through the university press process. it will then come back to the press and as a package present
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to the larger university press corps for approval. right now with six titles to all of those, so we have some stage in production. said that the university press in south carolina for children books and literacy are the part of university south carolina. different parts of our programs are funded by different services. much of always on mr. branson guess they look from our partners in those endeavors and primarily the university preston school of library and information science are supporting john books. i think designer would be interest to anyone anywhere because we are publishing books about south carolina and also interesting stories are part of all of our history. it's interesting to say, how come we write a nonfiction book,
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maybe by a south carolina author that is going to be interesting to everyone that still focused in our state. anyone in the state of south carolina can use it. primarily the students use it who are teachers and librarians. a lot of graduate student who use it and then we also serve teachers and librarians all over the state. we may have librarians from the upstate to common school and sam got my budget for next year. but how do i want to use these in my book club? we have publicly prancer talk to us about how to use different that it's an outrage. we have teachers come at work with us on a unit on poetry. what do you have is not the same stuff in our library we've had years and years? we also have parents who say you've got some interesting things that we don't babysit the public school library and they
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will come talk to me about my son is a hesitant reader or my daughter really loves this book. so they can one-on-one work with them on book selection and helping them get the thing. we have also the research component. the phd levels. our university has children's literature programs at several different colleges, which is interesting. we teach and do research on children's literature and information science and the department of english. we have across the board using literature and technology different areas of research. i think the future of the center is going to be very exciting. we are continuing to grow very, very quickly. we are adding technology to outreach program, which is very excited about this a wonderful site because everything we do is
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coming out in e-book format. we will be adding all of her family literacy programs in families all over the state of multigenerational literacy initiative. we are very excited about that. we continue to make their partnerships and so were very excited by that will take us in terms of impact for south carolina on a large scale. but i think is fascinating and interesting is everything we do, all of these initiatives, which are quite broader all based on good children's literature and sometimes we don't realize the import said that in those stories. >> booktv recently visited south carolina with the help of our local partner, time warner cable. i south carolina's most populated city and state capital, area has a rich history during the civil war. columbia was decided the succession convention in 1860, marking a departure diversity from the union in 1865 the
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capital was captured by general william t. sherman and 30% of the city was destroyed. >> mary chestnut was one of the most famous women of the 19th century. she was an author. she was the wife of a u.s. senator who resigned his senate seat when abraham lincoln was elect it and came home and became an aide to confederate president, jefferson davis. throughout the war, she kept a diary and if some of the most famous accounts of the civil war. there are about 70,000 books written about the civil war and hers is probably one of the three most port, not only for his own literary value, but because she was fair.
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and source materials reference to every historian spoke about the civil war. the book i wrote about mary chestnut is a two volume book, which for the first time reunites 200 photographs she collected with her diary. which were certain i would. tension along. but she gave them these photographs than they were last. there last summer in 1981. they finished for 80 years. we found them on ebay and bought them at auction and gave them back to the university of south carolina library, where they are united with industry. we wrote this book to show she was so ahead of her time that what she was really creating was not only a written history, but a visual history of the collection photographs isn't
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just all the southern military heroes. it's the whole panorama of the world she saw at the time. the crowned heads of europe, foreign ministers, the abolitionists, the new york newspaper editors. everyday people. she was really writing an epic like the iliad or the odyssey and she was creating that on all the levels that a classic epic is, which is destruction of the society, story of the political intrigue, the war, the everyday life, the music, poetry, everyday people on her diary. we have to remember she was in bed in ptolemy in red. she called her diary is my treasure and she kept them
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throughout the war and came home to a room and civilization. she kept on writing and she revised them. she did for complete revisions and then she gave them to a school teacher friend hers columbia who placed them under an armoire for 20 years and finally decided to publish them. when they were published in 1905, every library in the south had a copy. her first-hand account of the national tragedy was a woman's given a very light to about race relations and human rights, women's rights has become one of the most popular books ever known about the civil war. she had a front row seat on all the history. her husband's family were union
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men. they were not in favor of the secession of south carolina issue after years in washington note observing and rating other fascinating people she met they are. but when her husband resigned his senate seat, she wrote, this is just not is at all resigned. and then they were in the thick of it. her husband helped draft the confederate constitution treaty was in richmond with jefferson davis. she was one of the closest friends, so she saw all of the politics and the internal conflict of a newly formed nation that was totally unprepared to do what it did and of course she saw they had no army.
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they had no currency. they have no structure. they were foolhardy to do this. and she stayed in richmond and the spotswood hotel, where the evenings are filled with the comings and goings of the famous generals and military leaders and she was constantly writing everything she heard and everything her husband would tell her when he came home. so she could see the inner turmoil of this confederacy as well, the relationships between jefferson davis and some of his military leaders. i think for all of us in the generations thereafter, we are part of a culture, a south essec storytellers. we have a deep connection to the
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land, a deep fascination and love of stories. and when the civil war wiped out 50 years of the south and the generation of men, one of the few things that survive with his determined effort to keep families together through letters and communication on the old family home and for me, the thing that is fascinating as i can find in the family letters the spirit of women who so it heard the family life. they were such second-class citizens during the 19th century. led would even hopper photograph in the newspaper except for just a small obituary when she died. but these are the people who held it all together, kept families together in damage to survive and some of them are farmers and teachers after the
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war, even though they never were. so my favorite part of this is handed on to my children and grandchildren, particularly the daughters and granddaughters this sense of courage and negation that was life that they felt and they treasure an add-on to. >> columbia located in the center of this day with the confluence of the broad rivers. the two merged to form the river. the area was settled by europeans in the early 1700s it was chartered as a city in 1854. >> the green heart of south carolina. the book was written to the
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cowasee basin, which is the three rivers that make a good 215,000 acres. it runs from columbia down the river to approximately loa and bronze from camden. they connect to every city now. it's got the ecological and biological themes. it's got the historical and cultural themes and the geographical themes. we wanted the book to depict the cowasee basin as we saw it. and to educate people about it and provide a permanent fold of education about the cowasee
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basin. who will go from here to goodwill plantation. while we are there we put a boat and two colonels creek and go to coax them out. go get a list on the panorama. you can see long distances. it will surprise you and make it very. there's 1200 acres of misfiring. it means we do on occasion harvested. one of the things that's really amazing is how fast trees grow in the south. we do prescribe in these woods here were burning tension only with the prescribed last water and one after the attacks would be scheduled to come back through. so that every third view. this is all part of our managed forests here.
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some of these pines are natural regeneration, but someone planted ourselves. >> i am a member of the congressman tries in the cowasee basin. denmark.. ..
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>> during the civil war the hayward for the largest slaveholders in the united states, and so they moved all their slaves from the coast to goodwill. if you drive into goodwill you will drive in the same way that over 2000 slaves walked into goodwill during the civil war. in 1863, the county records show that there were 976 slaves whose taxes were paid on, but the records that we have showed that were over 2000 here. >> we are standing in front of two of the original slave cabins to remain at goodwill. when the union officer came to goodwill to tell the slaves that they were freed, he had ishmael, the chief driver, to go over to the plantation and have all of the slaves come to this point. it took them about two or three hours to get them all but they all gathered here, and he told
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them that they were free. the reaction of the slaves was somewhat surprising. they just milled around an hour or so and ishmael told them to go on home, go to bed, he ready to go to work the next morning. >> this waterwheel was broader in the 1700s, cast iron waterwheel. it was a new era for grinding, grinding corn and wheat or whatever else they might have for food. we are inside in the house. a waterwheel outside that powers our corn meal here, loss of this equipment was purchased in the late 1800s ipt barn. we have a waterwheel powering the cornell. this is the cornell. we had the cover off of it. this is the top stone. there's a stone in the bottom that a stationary.
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this is the top stone unturned. this device lowers the top stone down. when you're grinding your always lower your top stone down into your touch the bottom. then you backed it off to whatever grid that you want to grind. so this is a device to lower that stone. >> we are now at the mill pond on goodwill plantation. getting ready to take a little boat cruise up colonels greek. we are in colonels greek which provided the water to build this mill pond. they use the power to run in the house we just saw. the mill house was built in the early 1800s. this was the water store for that mail which was the
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heartbeat of the whole plantation. this is one of the three rivers that make up the cowasee basin. this is a major tributary. you ask about war heroes, the best known one that frequented this area was francis burton, known as the swamp fox, a revolution were here. he did a lot of skirmishing to this whole area of south carolina. he was known as the swamp fox because he hit the british and almost guerrilla like and escape into the swamp and they couldn't find it. they dubbed him the swamp fox. and also general sumter. the british and the continental army came right to this area on their way to the battle


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