tv U.S. Senate CSPAN May 22, 2013 5:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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mr. brown: are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote? the presiding officer: are there any senators in the chamber wishing to vote or change their vote? the yeas are 99, the nays are zero. s. reserve 65, as amend, is agreed to. under the previous order, the preamble is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid on the table. under the previous order, the senate will resume consideration of s. 954. under the previous order, there will be two minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form prior to a vote in relation
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to the shaheen amendment number 925. the senate will be in order. the senate will be in order. debate will commence on the shaheen amendment number 925. who yields time? a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. toomey: mr. president, my understanding is that senator shaheen was going to take the first 30 seconds of the minute on behalf speaking in favor. i don't see her on the floor. i was going it take the second half. i believe i see her now. so at this time, if she's rather, i would yield to the senator from new hampshire. mrs. shaheen: yes, thank you. the presiding officer: the senator from new hampshire is recognized. mrs. shaheen: thank you, senator toomey. this amendment was address the only program within the farm bill that hasn't been reformed, the sugar program. the way it is now, it's a --
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mr. menendez: the senate is not in order. the presiding officer: the senators will take their conversations to the cloakroom. senator shaheen. mrs. shaheen: what we've now is a sweet deal for sugar growers and a bad deal for consumers. we're losing three jobs in manufacturing for every one job we save in the sugar grower industry. that's not a good deal for job creation in this country. would end to change it. i yield to my colleague from pennsylvania. the presiding officer: the senator from pennsylvania is recognized. mr. toomey: thank the senator from new hampshire. she is absolutely right. it makes no sense to have a program that forces american consumers -- the presiding officer: the senate will be in order. the senator from pennsylvania. mr. toomey: -- that forces american schedules to pay at least 30% more for the growing rate of sugar to force taxpayers to subsidize these producers, also that we could lose jobs because as the senator pointed out, our own commerce department has determined for every job that's saved, three manufacturing jobs are lost. this is a modest amendment that
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takes us to the 2008 levels. the presiding officer: the senator from louisiana is recognized. ms. landrieu: let me tell my clerks if you want to preserve jobs, vote against the shah henge-toomey amendment -- the shaheen-toomey amendment. the u.s. policy on sugar defends more than 142,000 jobs in 22 states and nearly $20 billion in annual economic activity. their amendment is bad policy. the taxpayers do not pay a penny on the sugar program. domestic production is supported by import restrictions, which are -- have been used wisely over time. so this amendment would effectively kill america's no-cost sugar program. senator cochran wants to take the last 30 seconds. mr. cochran: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senior senator from mississippi is recognized. mr. cochran: mr. president, this amendment is being portrayed as a reform of sugar policy, but it is far more
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harmful than that. these proposed changes would undermine the policy in our domestic industry by transferring american sugar-producing jobs to other countries. those producers are less efficient and heavily subsidized. u.s. sugar policy has operated at zero cost to taxpayers for the past decade. and it has provided american consumers -- the presiding officer: the senator's time sha's expiredsen. is there a sufficient second? there appears to be. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the presiding officer: are there any senators wishing to vote or wishing to change their votes? if not, the ayes are 45. the nays are 54. the amendment is not agreed to. the senator from louisiana. ms. landrieu: mr. president, if it pleases the chair, i'd like to just say a few remarks about sugar, but i'm not sure about her plans. thank you. i really thank the chair for
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yielding. the chairman of the committee and the ranking member, i know that they are deciding what other amendments we're going to take up later this evening and how the votes would proceed. but let me again just thank my colleague from michigan for her great lead and leadership on the farm bill. this sugar amendment was very important to the people of louisiana that i represent, and i wanted to just thank my colleague for their vote to keep a program in place that has worked at no cost to the taxpayer, no direct cash. it's monitored or organized or designed through an import restriction program that allows for the robust production of sugar cane and sugar beets in our nation. i want to thank senator shaheen for the wonderful way that she handled the debate. we had different views about this, but we are colleagues and we work together very well. there are two sides to this
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issue. i think the evidence on our side is stronger. she would probably disagree. but i thank our colleagues for supporting the sugar caucus. in l.a., sugar cane is being produced -- in louisiana sugar cane is being prohe dued on over 427,000 acres in 22 parishes, production is 14 million tons, about 20% of the total sugar grown in the united states. last year, in 2012, louisiana sugar mills produced 1.6 ph-fl tons of raw sugar, the largest amount we have ever produced in our state. this production represents a huge part of our economy and the loss would be devastating. the state of hawaii, the state of florida, states like minnesota and north dakota and south dakota that have strong sugar beet populations or sugar beet crops is very important for them as well. now, are the consumers hurt by
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this? absolutely not. u.s. sugar price is 14% below the world average, and 24% below the average for developed nations. so our policy is a good balance of encouraging domestic production and keeping prices stable and affordable for the consumer. let me say just for the candy production, and i have a small amount of candy produced in louisiana and i'm very proud of these companies, but the american food manufacturers say they're shedding jobs, but in my view this is nothing to do with u.s. sugar policy. u.s. sweetened product manufactures are prospering, expanding u.s. candy is rising, up by 9% since 2004. in addition, sugar represents just a tiny portion of the price of these food reiterates charge for their products, 1% of the cost of a cupcake, 2% of the
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cost of a candy bar, 3% cost of a carton of ice cream and 5% of a bag of hard candy. i think our arguments won the day and i appreciate our colleagues supporting the sugar caucus and we thank you for keeping this bill intact with the balance that it needs to move forward so we can have a robust farm agriculture reauthorization bill for this united states. and i yield the floor and i thank my colleague for allowing me the time. a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from indiana. mr. donnelly: i'm here to talk about the importance of a bipartisan, commonsense five-year farm bill to indiana's agriculture and rural communities as well as our entire country. this bill passed with bipartisan support in the ag committee, protects the estimated
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1.6 million ag-related jobs and the 16 million ag-related jobs across the country. last year indiana and many states were plagued by severe drought leading to a loss of crops and livestock, hurting the food supply and the livelihoods of farmers and their communities. farmers in indiana and around the nation need the certainty of a five-year farm bill that reflects and addresses the inherent risk of feeding and fueling our world. the agriculture reform, food, and jobs act of 2013 strikes the right balance, ending direct payments adrian improving risk management tools to give farmers what they need to manage natural disasters or severe market downturns that are completely outside of their control. in this budget environment where we are looking for ways to cut spending and make government more efficient, it is important to note that this bill would
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reduce the deficit -- reduce the deficit -- by $23 billion. we made the tough decisions necessary to cut spending, increase accountability, and eliminate duplicative or unnecessary programs, to continue our efforts to get our fiscal house in order. in my home state of indiana, mr. president, this bill is critical. nearly 190,000 hoosiers work in agriculture. 83% of the state's land is devoted to farms or forests. and agriculture contributed nearly $38 billion to indiana's economy in 2011. clearly, the certainty of a five-year farm bill is important not only to the producers in our state but to the entire state's community, economy, and overall well-being. while no bill is perfect, there are few areas of this bill i worked to improve based on
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feedback from hoosiers. during the ag committee debate, i introduced an amendment with senator roberts that would give the next generation of bioenergy crops access to base levels of risk management so a reasonable safety net will be in place for energy crops. this bipartisan amendment passed as part of the overall bill, would amend the noninsured crop disaster assistance program to offer coverage for props producing feedstock for energy purposes. further, the amendment would direct the usda to research and develop risk management tools planting new sorghum crops. i support the indiana farmers who have and continue to contribute to our domestic energy security. also during the committee discussion i helped introduce an amendment that would put the usda, not the o.m.b., in charge of conservation
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programs, technical assistance funding levels. this gives usda the authority to make sure the technical assistance reflects the needs of producers in the field and the stakeholder community, while allowing conservation practices to be adopted on a broader scale. we need robust single assistance assistance -- technical assistance to give producers the assurances they need to make sure they are implementing practices correctly and these decisions should be made more reflective of needs on the ground. further, i have continued my efforts from the 2008 farm bill to ensure that there are not restrictions on hoosier farmers who want to grow fruits and vegetables. after a successful pilot program, i worked to expand full planting flexibility for farmers in indiana and across the country, wanting to grow what they'd like to grow on their own farms. finally, i am proud to cosponsor an amendment with
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senator grassley that we should pass this amendment, it protects livestock and poultry farmers from having their personal information released by the e.p.a. it is outrageous that earlier this year the e.p.a. released a personal contact information of over 80,000 livestock and poultry owners from across the nation, including many from indiana. this blatant violation of privacy must not happen again, so i hope my colleagues will support the grassley-donnelly amendment when it comes up for a vote. put simply, this farm bill makes sense. it is an example of republicans and democrats working together to do good things for the american economy and america's people. i look forward to working with our colleagues in the house on a farm bill that we can get signed into law. no one is going to get 100% of what they want, but it is 100%
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necessary to get this farm bill done. i urge prompt passage of this bill by the senate and for our colleagues in the house to do the same. farmers in indiana and across our great nation deserve more than partisan political gridlock that prevented a five-year bill last year. this year, we need to get it done. mr. president, i yield the floor. i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from kansas. mr. moran: thank you very much. i ask unanimous consent to address the senate as if in morning business. the presiding officer: senator, we're in a quorum call. mr. moran: i know we're in a quorum call, i would ask the quorum call be lifted. the presiding officer: without
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objection. mr. moran: now, mr. president, i ask unanimous consent to address the senate as if in morning business. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. moran: thank you very much. i want to tell a story. it goes back to the summer of 2011. and back at that point in time we had 30 straight months of unemployment above 8%. and i decided it was important to work on legislation to jump-start the economy and to work in every way possible with my colleagues to put americans back to work. with a foundation of compelling data showing that nearly all of the new net jobs created in -- since 1980 had been created by companies less than five years old, the gentleman from virginia, senator warner, introduced the start-up act in 2011. it was a jobs bill written to help entrepreneurs who have been responsible for most of the job creation in our country over the last 30 years. the legislation made changes to the federal regulatory process
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so that the cost of new regulations did not outweigh the benefits and encouraged federal agencies to consider the impact of proposed regulations on start-ups particularly. our bill made commonsense changes to the tax code, to encourage investment in start-ups, and reward patient capital. the start-up act also sought to improve the process of commercializing federal funded research so more good ideas out of the laboratories and were put into market where these innovations could be turned into jobs by companies and spur economic growth. finally, the start-up act provided new opportunities for highly educated and are pursuant to the rule intiewcial immigrants to stay in the united states whether where they could fuel economic growth and create american jobs. when i began work on the start-up act i didn't intend to write an immigration bill. my goal was simple. find the most cost-effective way to jump-start the economy and create american jobs.
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after reviewing the academic and democratic data, it became clear that any strategy to create american jobs must include highly skilled and entrepreneurial immigrants. immigrants to the united states have a long history of creating business in our country. we can all think of examples of individuals who have done so. sergey brin cofounded google, ellen musk copounded pay pal, min kao founded garmen in my state of kansas. there's a long list of people from other countries that now employ thousands and thousands of kansans and americans. of the current fortune 500 companies, 40% were founded by first or second generation americans. immigrants are twice as likely
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to start a business. in 2011 grants frantsz were responsible for more than one in every four of u.s. businesses founded and today one in every ten american employed at privately owned companies work at an immigrant-owned firm. the immigration bill drafted by eight of our colleagues and reported by the judiciary committee recognizes the importance of entrepreneurial immigrants. the legislation creates new visas for immigrant entrepreneurs and awards points for the merit based visa for successful entrepreneurship. yet this bill could be improved significantly to reflect how new businesses grow and hire workers. done right, an entrepreneur's visa has the potential to create hundreds of thousands of needed jobs for americans. now in its third version start-up 3.0 creates a visa for entrepreneurs currently in the united states. those with good idea, capital
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and a willingness to hire americans would be able to stay in the united states. each immigrant entrepreneur would be required to create jobs for americans. in many instances our country has made commitment to these entrepreneurs allowing them to study in our universities and work temporarily at american companies. providing a way for immigrant entrepreneurs to say in the united states and create american jobs makes economic sense. earlier this year, the kaufman foundation studied the economic impact of the entrepreneurs visa in start-up 3.0. using conservative estimates, the kaufman foundation predicts that the entrepreneurs via could generate 500,000 to 1.6 million jobs over the next ten years. these are real jobs with real economic impact that could affect real american families and boost our g.d.p. by 1.5% or more. a 1.5% increase in our gross domestic product just by this provision of the legislation alone. anticipating floor consideration
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now of the immigration bill, i have been speaking with entrepreneurs, investors, and start-up policy experts to develop an amendment that would improve the legislation. in my view, we have an opportunity to create jobs for americans by making certain highly skilled and entrepreneurial immigrants are able to start a new business and contribute to the growth of american companies if we miss this opportunity, we risk losing the next generation of great entrepreneurs and the jobs they will create. i will offer an amendment to the immigration bill to accomplish these goals and hope my colleagues will join me in supporting the changes to the legislation that would result in the creation of jobs for americans. while it's important to provide a straightforward and workable way for entrepreneurial immigrants to stay in the united states so they can employ americans, we also need make sure that the immigration bill addresses the needs of growing american businesses. the current problem is twofold. american schools are not producing enough students with the skills our economy demands. and while american universities do a great job of attracting
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foreign students to study advanced subjects, few pathways exist for these talented graduates to remain in the united states and contribute to american prosperity. one reason for this problem is that our nation's high schools have fallen behind in stem education -- science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 40% of high school seniors test at or below basic levels in math. 50% of our high school seniors test at or below basic levels in science. by 12th grade, only 16% of students are both math proficient and interested in a stem career. and fewer than 15% of high school graduates have enough math and science to pursue scientific or technical degrees in college. it's no wonder that by the time american students go to college, few are choosing to major in a stem area subject. according to the national science foundation, college students majoring in non-stem fields outnumbered their math and science-minded counterparts
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5-1. moreover, the growth rate of new stem majors remain among the slowest in any category. unfortunately, research shows that this gap continues to widen at a time when the number of job openings requiring stem degrees is increasing at three times the rate of the rest of the job market. so the number of students pursuing math and science and engineering is declining. the demand for the jobs is increasing. should this trend continue, american business -- businesses are projected to need an estimated 800,000 workers with advanced stem degrees by 2018, just about four years away. but will only find 550,000 american graduates with those degrees they need. how do we solve this problem and prepare america for the future? first and foremost we, need to do more to prepare americans for careers in stem fields. this will take time but our efforts will improve stem -- our
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efforts to improve stem will yield positive results across the economy even for those without stem skills. second, as we work to equip americans with the skills for the 21st century economy, we also need to create a pathway for highly educated foreign students to stay in america where their ideas and talents can fuel economic growth. start-up 3.0, the legislation that senator warner and i have introduced, addresses this immediate need by creating a stem visa. foreign students who graduate from an american university with a master's or ph.d. in science, technology, engineering or mathematics would be granted conditional status contingent upon them filling a needed gap in the u.s. work force. by working for five co consecute years in a stem field, the immigrant would be granted a green card with the option of becoming a citizen. stem -- the immigration bill -- excuse me, the immigration bill we will soon consider attempts to address both the immediate needs for more qualified stem workers and a longer-term needed
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for americans needed to develop the skills needed to fill those jobs. i'm hopeful that these aspects of this bill will be strengthened in order to provide a -- provide growing american businesses with the skilled employees they need now and in the future. if growing american companies are unable to hire qualified workers they need, these businesses will open locations overseas. i was in silicon valley last year and executives at facebook told me they were ready to hire close to 80 foreign-born but u.s. educated individuals when their visas were denied. rather than forego hiring these skilled workers, the company hired them anyway but they placed them in a location in dublin, ireland, instead of the united states. facebook was ultimately able to get the visas for these workers after training them in ireland but all too often companies end up housing these jobs permanently overseas. when this happens, it's not only those specific jobs that we lose
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but also the many supporting jobs and economic activity associated with them. and even more damaging, more damaging to me than the loss of those highly-skilled workers who are now working in some other country, the end result of this is that someone among that group will start another company like google, be an entrepreneur and start another company that creates jobs but not in the united states, in canada or in dublin, ireland. so the united states loses both employment today and an opportunity for american jobs to be created in the future because our immigration policies fail to help our country retain highly educated and skilled individuals. to me, this story and many others like it illustrate the importance of getting the policy right. creating workable ways to retain highly-skilled, american educated workers and entrepreneurs is about creating jobs for americans and growing our nation's economy. the united states is in a global battle for talent. if we fail to improve our
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immigration system, one that currently tells these entrepreneurs and highly-skilled individuals "we don't want you," they will take their intellect and skills to another country and create jobs and opportunities there. some of my colleagues may think i'm exaggerating what is at stake, but this week canada's immigration minister was in silicon valley recruiting entrepreneurs and promoting canada's new start-up visas. they have billboards in california encouraging those stem educated individuals to move to canada, where they have an immigration policy beneficial to them and their jobs. this minister's message was simple -- the u.s. immigration system is broken, so bring your start-ups to canada where we will get you permanent residency and the opportunity to build your business. canada put up billboards along highway 101 between silicon valley and san francisco enticing entrepreneurs to -- quote -- "pivot to canada." for the sake of our country and -- and, in fact, six other countries besides canada in the
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short time that i've been a member of the united states senate have changed their laws and policies to encourage these individuals to find jobs and create businesses in their countries. we've done nothing. and for the sake of our country and the millions of americans looking for work, we cannot afford to lose talented entrepreneurs. as the senate begins debate of the immigration bill in the near future, i encourage my colleagues to keep in mind the other 11 million -- those 11.7 million american workers who are looking for work and the many others who have become so discouraged they've given up. the united states is the birthplace and home of the american dream. for years, our country has seen -- has been seen as the land of opportunity for inoh vaiforts and -- innovators and entrepreneurs. we must do everything possible to make certain that remains true in the face of growing competition. when the immigration bill comes to the senate floor, i will offer amendments to improve the bill and encourage my colleagues to join me in supporting
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commonsense changes that will allow the united states to wi win -- to win -- the global battle for talent. doing so will make certain that immigrant entrepreneurs have a home in the united states in their pursuit of the american dream and they will create jobs for americans and strengthen the american economy. mr. president, i yield the flo floor. a senator: mr. president? mr. sanders: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from vermont. mr. sanders: mr. president, move to call up amendment number 965 and ask for its immediate consideration. the presiding officer: is there objection to setting aside the pending amendment? without objection. the clerk will report. the clerk: the senator from vermont, mr. sanders, for himself and mr. begich, proposes an amendment numbered 965. on page 1150 -- mr. sanders: i would ask that the amendment be considered as read. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. sanders: mr. president, i'll be very brief. i spoke on this issue before.
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here is the story. i'm using my own state of vermont as an example but it exists all over the country. this year the vermont house of representatives passed a bill by a vote of 99-42 requiring that genetically engineered food be labeled. yesterday, as i understand it, the connecticut state senate, by an overwhelming vote of 35-1, also passed legislation to require labeling of genetically engineered food. in california, this issue is on the ballot. the mont santo an monsanto and r biotech companies spent something like $47 million against the right of the people of california to have labeling on g.m.o. products and they won. but the opponents, the people who support labeling, got 47% of
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the vote despite a huge amount of money being spent against them. in the state of washington, over 300,000 people have signed petitions in support of an initiative there to label genetically engineered food in that state. a poll done earlier this year indicated that some 82% of the american people believe that labeling should take place with regard to genetically engineered ingredients. so this is a pretty simple issue and the issue is, do the american people have a right to know what they are eating, what is in the food that they are ingesting and what their kids are eating? now, the problem is that a number of states, including vermont, have gone forward on this issue and what they have been met with is by large biotech companies like monsanto who say, if you go forward, we are going to sue you and it will
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be a very costly lawsuit because we do not believe you have the right as a state to go forward in this direction because you're preempting a federal prerogati prerogative. now, i happen not to believe that that is correct. but what this amendment does is very simple. it basically says that states who choose to go forward on this issue do have the right. and it is not condemning g.m.o.'s or anything else. it is simply saying that states have the right to go forward. there have been some arguments against this and let me just briefly touch on them. genetically engineered food labels will not increase costs to shoppers. as we all know, companies change their labels everyday. they market their products
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differently. adding a label does not change this. everybody looks at labels. they change all the time. this would simply be an additi addition, new information on that label. in fact, many products already voluntarily label their food as g.m.o.-free. further, genetically engineered crops are not better for the environment. some will say, well, this is good for the environment. the use of monsanto round-up, ready soybeans engineered to withstand exposure to the herbicide round-up has caused the spread of round-up resistant weeds which now infest 10 million acres in 22 states with predictions for 40 million acres or more by mid-decade. resistant weeds increase the use of herbicides and the use of older and more toxic herbicides. further, there are no international agreements that prohibit the mandatory identification of foods produced through genetic engineering. as i mentioned earlier,
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throughout europe and in dozens of other countries around the world, this exists. it is not a very radical concept. it exists throughout the european union and i believe very simply that states in this country should be able to go forward in labeling genetically modified foods if that is what they want. and this amendment simply makes it clear they have the right to do that. so i would look forward to the support of my colleagues for this amendment. and with that, mr. president, i would yield the floor.
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ms. stabenow: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. ms. stabenow: thank you, mr. president. notwithstanding the previous order with respect to s. res. 65, i ask consent that the committee-reported amendment be agreed to. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. stabenow: thank you very much. let me just say for the purposes of the members now that we have committeed our official voting forted, i want to thank everyone for all their hard work and the staff for all of their hard work. it's a continuing pleasure to work with my ranking member, senator cochran. we are in the process of securing a time for hopefully a vote in the morning, and then we have a number of votes tomorrow. we are on a path to get this done, and with the cooperation of the members, we are hopeful we will have a number of votes
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tomorrow and be able to move on a path to be able to complete this very important bill. i would just remind colleagues 16 million people work in this country because of agriculture. it's the biggest jobs bill probably that will come before this body, and we're very grateful for everyone's patience and willingness to work with us to bring this bill to completion. i would suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from connecticut. mr. murphy: are we presently in a quorum call? the presiding officer: we are. mr. murphy: i ask the quorum calldispensed with. the presiding officer: -- the quorum call be dispensed with. mr. murphy: thank you, mr. president. i would like to thank the chairman of the agriculture committee for her great work bringing a bill to the floor today that does a lot of justice to families in connecticut and across the country that are fighting every single day to be able to put food on the table for their loved ones. the fact is that although people have an impression, mr. president, of our state as a wealthy one, we have a handful of the poorest cities in the country, and we have tens of thousands of people who have been ravaged by this economy.
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these nutrition programs funded in the underlying bill are an absolute lifeline to families that have been largely temporarily hit straight across the bow by this devastating recession. in connecticut, although it's hard to imagine for some people who don't know our state, 11% of the population today are receiving snap benefits. one out of every ten people, one out of every ten families in connecticut right now rely on food stamps to either pay for their food in whole or in part. that's over 400,000 people in connecticut. people like the 87-year-old retiree from south berry, connecticut, who lives in a
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small, reasonable condo. she lives on $1,100 a month. she has gone through a $100,000 home equity line of credit, and her condo fees and her electric bill, because she lives in a small little condo that is heated by electricity alone, basically eat up the entirety of her budget. she couldn't eat without food stamps. she couldn't eat without these benefits. they keep her alive like they do for millions of seniors all across this country. or on the other end of the age spectrum, another south berry resident -- south berry, connecticut, doesn't have a reputation as a town in need, but they have hundreds of snap recipients just like almost every town across connecticut. mrs. smith is an unemployed mother. she made a six-figure salary for decades. because her husband became
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disabled, she was the sole breadwinner for her family. the recession hit her just like it hit hundreds of thousands of others across the country and she lost her job. now it's the $300 she gets a month in snap benefits that allows her to feed her kids. she is out there doing everything we ask. she is looking for a job. she is trying to get back to work, but she has lost her unemployment benefits. they have been exhausted and now she needs this money in order to live. the fact is that 61% of all snap recipients are families with children. 33% of all snap recipients are families with elderly or disabled members in their family. these are the most vulnerable in our country, and they need a strong snap program in this bill. now, i'm one of a handful of senators who cast a vote yesterday to try to add some money back, but the fact is the real comparison is not the difference between the underlying bill and that amendment.
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the real comparison is between the bill that we are debating now and the bill -- and the budget pending before the house of representatives today. the house republicans' budget would absolutely devastate, eviscerate, obliterate the food stamp program. basically rescinding this nation's long-standing commitment to make sure that kids have enough to eat when their families are out of work or have hit hard times. and one of the reasons that republicans in the house in particular have come so hard, so consistently against food stamps is because they categorize it as an overly generous handout to people who don't need it. well, mr. president, this week i'm testing that theory. for this week because we're debating this bill on the floor of the house, i decided to see what it would be like to live on the average food stamp benefit for people in my state of
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connecticut. that average benefit in connecticut is about $4.80 a day. i'm finding out now three days into this that even on this budget for just a week, it is pretty hard to eat enough to just not be hungry, never mind eat healthy foods. i went to the grocery store to try to buy some fruit and vegetables for the week and could barely find anything that fit within that budget. i was able to buy bananas for 69 cents a pound. i went to go to try to get peanut butter but the only kind you could get was the kind loaded with preservatives because the stuff that's better for you costs a lot more. over and over again, people who are right now on food stamps are going hungry. never mind the kind of hunger that they would be confronted with if we further cut this program. they have to make choices every day when feeding their kids.
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do i give them enough calories so they will go without hunger pains for the day or do i try to get them a smaller amount of food that's maybe a little bit better for them? that's what these families have to think about every single day. and i'm not suggesting that doing this budget for a week allows me to walk more than a few steps in their shoes, but it is an education on how little you get out of this benefit today, and it is a caution for this body to stand up to the house of representatives if the farm bill gets to conference to make sure that these cuts don't get any worse. the stories of the senior citizen and the unemployed mother in southbury, connecticut, are two of millions of stories all across this country. these are people who have paid their dues, who are playing by the rules, who just need a little bit of help from us in a bad economy. and by no means is this program an overall luxurious handout.
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let me tell from you a very brief anecdotal experience that it is pretty hard to go without hunger on $4.80 a day, never mind try to provide a healthy meal for your kids. so, mr. president, i just wanted to come down to the floor this evening and applaud the efforts of our colleagues who are trying to push through a bill that will get to conference so that we can be in a strong position to defend the nutrition titles of this bill which are keeping people, kids, the disabled, elderly alive today. there are those of us who would have liked to have seen even more support in this bill for nutrition programs. we failed in that attempt earlier this week, but we are united in the fact that a farm bill that comes out of the house and the senate and goes to the president's desk has to keep the promise that we have made to generations of kids across this country. we're going to make sure that
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quorum call: ms. stabenow: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. ms. stabenow: i ask suspension of the quorum call. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. stabenow: i ask unanimous consent that on thursday, may 23 following the cloture vote on the srinivasan nomination and notwithstanding cloture having been invoked if invoked the senate resume illegal immigration on s. 954 and the senate proceed to vote in relation to the pending sanders amendment 965, there be no second-degree amendments in order to the sanders amendment prior to the vote, the amendment be subject to a 60-vote affirmative vote threshold finally that the time consumed during consideration of 954 count postcloture.
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the presiding officer: without objection. ms. stabenow: i ask unanimous consent the senate proceed to a period of morning business with senators period permitted. -- with senators permitted to speak therein for ten minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. ms. stabenow: i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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mr. reid: i ask unanimous consent the call of the quorum be terminated. the presiding officer: the majority leader. without objection. mr. reid: thank you very much. sorry i didn't seek recognition. mr. president, i ask consent that the senate proceed to h.r. 258. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: h.r. 258, an act to amend title 18 united states code with respect to fraudulent representations about having received military decorations or medals. the presiding officer: if there is no objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. reid: i ask consent the bill be read a third time, passed, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table and any statements relating to this matter appear in the record as if made. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: i ask consent that the appointment at the desk appear separately in the record as if made by the chair. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: i ask unanimous consent that when the senate
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completes its business today, it adjourn until 9:30 a.m. on thursday, may 23, 2013, that following the prayer and the pledge, the morning business be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day, and that following any leader remarks, the senate be in a period of -- i'm sorry, mr. president. i was making sure that this is right. so we adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow. following the prayer and the pledge, morning business be deemed expired, the journal of proceedings be approved to date, time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day. that following any leader remarks, the senate be in a period of morning business until 10:30 a.m., with the time equally divided and controlled between the two leaders or their designees, with the senators permitted to speak for up to ten
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minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. reid: so there will be two votes at 10:30. the first vote will be a cloture vote on the d.c. circuit court of appeals nomination, and the second vote will be on the sanders amendment to the farm bill. we'll continue to work through more amendments on the farm bill tomorrow. senators will be notified when additional votes are scheduled. if there is no further business to come before the senate, i'd ask that it adjourn under the previous order. the presiding officer: the senate stands adjourned until senate stands adjourned until members today continued work on amendments to the 2014 farm bill. the legislation sets policy other five years for farmers subsidizes, crop insurance, and nutrition programs. work on that continues on thursday. today the chamber passed a resolution that reaffirms
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support for sanctions against iran and continued support for israel's right to self-defense. you can follow the senate live on c-span2 when members return tomorrow. treasury secretary jack testified earlier today about the irs targeting of conservative groups. we'll shoal -- show you all of the hearing tonight at 8:00 eastern. part of the hearing as new jersey's congressman questions him. >> another hearing room there is a woman who is a woman from the irs, lois formerly from the irs stated that, i think she's taken -- she stated in the amendment she has done nothing wrong. she has done nothing criminally work or didn't violate any rules or regulations.
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would you agree with your assessment she didn't violate any rules, regulations or criminal conduct by any way, shape, or form? >> congressman, i think it's important we get to the bottom of the fact. >> do you think . >> it's not a yes or no. i could be permitted to answer your question, i would like to. you asked me a question which we have new acting commissioner who has taken office today. >> right. >> beginning today getting to the bottom who should be held accountable. i'm meeting with him this afternoon. i'm not waiting thirty days. i'm not waiting for five minutes to get on top of it. i got on top of it right away. >> what can you do? >> got the wheels wheels in motion to get the newers commissioner in there as soon as possible. >> you fired someone immediately here in the case whether you knew whether he did anything criminally wrong, violated any regulation whatsoever. you are able to make that -- . >> congressman are you talking about an agency that the ig
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report makes clear that was sun supped. we need a new head of the irs which we have as as of today. anyone who is accountable will be held accountable. >> okay. you don't know whether she did anything wrong. >> i'm going wait to have all the facts. i don't have all the facts. you were able to make a decision to fire someone -- . >> i knew the fact he was the acting commissioner of the agency. >> what position did she have? >> i think as a head of an agency, there was a standard that was unique. frankly, -- . >> do you know what position she had. >> even know -- [inaudible conversations] do you know what position she held. >> yes, i do. >> and it is -- or was? >> the deputy commissioner in the area. >> in the area. so wouldn't she be responsible for the area if she was the head of the area? >> congressman, i'm not going to
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go through person by person asking questions that i can't answer right now and none of us can answer right now. i have committed as we have made very clear publicly everyone who is accountable should be held accountable. here's a look at the prime time schedule. tonight on c-span after the house goes out, the oklahoma tornadoes. we'll show you the moment of silence that took place on the house floor honoring the victims. homeland security janet napolitano at the briefing in moore, oklahoma. on c-span2 treasury secretary testifies on the new financial regulations law, and the irs targeting of conservative groups. and on c-span 3, the hearing on the equal employment opportunity commission which receives about 100,000 new charges of discrimination in the workplace each year.
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i rise to speak briefly about the senate budget. at the close of my comments, i'll make another motion to put the senate budget in to conference with the house. as we know, we were here until 5:00 a.m. to pass the regular budgetary order in four years. it was a full open process, both in committee with numerous amendments and then on the floor with over 100 amendments voted on and over 75 passed. it is now pass time many days past time for us to begin a budget conference process that will enable the senate to return to normal budgetary order. it is what our voters both democratic and republican in all of our states expect us to do. to have a meaningful conference
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about this budget with the house. good news, we're seeing some recent example of normal order in comprise in this body that i think are worthy of some attention. the appropriations bill that we passed through a regular order process for the remain of 2013 in march. the marketplace fairness bill that we passed the problem that had been searching for a solution for fifteen to twenty years. the bill that we passed last week, the debate that we're having about the farm bill today. all is involved significant open processes in a committee, significant open processes here on the floor. senate action that then moves in a regular order in to discussion with the house. and i think it is up to this body to show the public that we don't justin brace regular order and normal processes on these important issues, but that we also embrace them on something as critically important as the federal budget.
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for that reason, ma'am president i would consent that the senate proceed to consideration of calendar item 23 that the amendment which is the only desk that has the text of the senate resolution 8, the budget resolution passed by the senate, be inserted in lou of there as amended be agreed to that the motion to reconsider be considered made, and laid upon the table. that the senate insists upon the amendment request the conference with the house on the disagreeing vote of the two houses. and that the chair be authorized to appoint con fori on the part of the senate. and following the authorization two motions to instruct con con for-- debt limit, and second, a motion to instruct relative to taxes and revenue. let there be two hours of debate equally divide prior to vote in relations to the two motions and further that no amendment be in order to either of the motions
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priority to the vote all of the above occurring with no intervening action or debate. i make that motion, ma'am president. >> is there objection? >> ma'am president? >> senate from florida. >> thank you. reserving the right to object. i would ask the senator from virginia if he would consider asking con consent modify the request it not be in order for the senate to consider a conference support that includes instructions to raise the debt limit. and the reason why i make it. i respect regular order tremendously. in fact i want to take the brief opportunity congratulate the judiciary committee on the less than think process with regard to the immigration bill. which i think will help us in the process of having a better product. although we disagree with the outcome and the way the budget is constructed. the issue of the debt limit is an extraordinary measure. i would ask the senator from virginia to modify his request.
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>> senator modify his request. >> i do not agree to the modification. i think it would be modifying the budget that was passed by the body on march 23rd. >> objection is heard. >> ma'am president. >> is there objection to the original request? >> i objection. >> objection is heard. >> senator from arizona. >> i rise again to regret that the normal regular order of this body after both sides of the capital have agreed on a budget is to meet and we have a proper process to instruct con con free to have a motion to appoint them to be bound by a riermtd no matter how worthy it is is not
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the way the regular order function in this body. that's a fact. for four years, i sat here beat up on the majority leader for his failure to bring a budget to the floor of the senate. we brought a budget to the floor. we spent many hours on all kinds of amendments now we can't go to conference unless we agree not to raise the debt limit. does my colleague from florida believe that the house of representatives dominated by republicans are going to raise the debt limit? that's -- does my colleague from florida believe that any appointed whether we have to place certain restrictions on those those that would apply to the our body as well? i don't think so. i don't think that's the way that this body is supposed to function. we're in a gridlock.
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here we are four years without a budget. we stay up all night. because somebody doesn't want to raise the debt limit, we're not going to go to conference. that's not how this body should function. the american people deserve better, they deserve a budget. every family in america has to live on a budget, and here we are objecting because there's a concern about raising the debt limit all i can say to my friend from florida is that the american people don't like it. and i don't like it. most of the colleagues in the respects here in the senate don't like it. we are blocking from budget from going forward and doing what they are supposed to do. so i would imagine that the majority leader will continue to raise up -- raise this motion to move forward. ..
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instruct the conferees. a motion to instruct the conferees on the debt limit should be in order. a motion to instruct relative to taxes and revenue should be in order. that's the regular order to do it. it is not the regular order to demand certain conditions on the conferees. we instruct the conferees. the conferees are appointed by both majority and republican leader, and we placed our confidence in those conferees to reflect the will of the majority. and so i have to say i am disappointed in the senator from florida and his objection and his demand that we do something that is not in the regular order. madam president, i yield the floor. mr. rubio: madam president? the presiding officer: the senator from florida. mr. rubio: thank you, madam president. and to the senator from arizona for whom i have great respect, i would point out two things, that the first is in your argument. you stated that this issue of the debt limit is a nonissue. hence, i don't understand the
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objection to having language in objection to having language in hence i don't understand the objection to having language in this motion that says there won't be a raising of the doubt on that. there'll be discussion in the context of the broader issues and as a result they don't understand why we can't just put a dent that were not going to raise the debt limit. i would also further say i do expect this institution and believe in regular order to the extent we talk about procedures. the regular order of washington has it as a $17 trillion debt. is the reason iran for the u.s. senate and i was it was my college to serve here, i don't think you can run up a $17 trillion debt without bipartisan cooperation. i am concerned about the regular order doing things with the debt limit is raised consistently without any conversation about the fact this government are as 40 cents out of every dollar it spends. forty cents out of every dollar. never the history of this country a republic is a generation of leadership robbed a future generation like this
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generation of leadership has done. so that is my concern. i do not trust in washington d.c. i don't care who's in charge that will not recklessly once again raise the limit of the greatest country on earth without any consideration for limiting the way we spend money in the future so we do not regret this extraordinary nation and the implications that could have on our children. >> senator from arizona. >> all you'll than just a second. what the senator from florida same as if he has issued that he feels strongly about, that has to be included in any conference convened over any bill passed by the senate in the house and goes. that is not a precedent that should be established here in the united states senate. i think i share the senator from florida is concerned about the debt and deficit. i'll match my record against anybody as far as trying to eliminate the debt and deficit
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including the senator of florida. for about two is publisher president that if any conferees are appointed on bills passed by the house and senate that we are free to put restrictions on those conferees. the senator from florida believes that is the right where the body should function, i suggest you have most people would disagree with this violation of the regular order. >> senator from illinois. >> i'm president, i'm reluctant to break up this conversation on my fellow republican senators here because they seem to be at odds. i want to rent all the senators he has alluded to this. there is laughter unmercifully for not passing a budget resolution. [inaudible] i expected that. their answers, but not good enough. we passed a budget resolution.
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you are here. pass by one though. we stayed until early morning hours. senator murray did a masterful job of putting this together. of course they're passing resolution is only half the story. gratis is supposed to work on the so-called regular order as if it differs between the senate and the house, we come together to record differences. how long it would been trying? 61 days we have been baking the republicans to give us an opportunity to the conference to work out our differences if we can. that is the regular order of things finished up my fastest senator kaine of virginia did this morning there's been a condition. no cover you can't work out your differences unless you agree had great attempt to take certain things up a table. that is just not reasonable. if you're serious about the debt of the united states.
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i could dream up a half a dozen things. i think i need a lot of support for that. at the end of the day of her series about the deficit come or supposed to sit overcome differences, houses tonight, democrats and republicans and when senator mccain makes this consent to go to conference committee, he's asking for the regular order of business around here. >> could ask my friend from illinois, is not what the regular order that makes it perfectly applicable if we instruct the conferees, which is what we are asking for this unanimous consent agreement. >> yes. and the majority leader is on the floor and if there is to be on the debt ceiling for example, we can only vote on the floor of the senate. that is the regular order of things. but the condition, the granting
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of unanimous consent to go to conference on whichever senator comes to the floor, his concern is good. >> senator from tennessee. >> madam president, i haven't yelled the florida and the senator from texas had a question for me. >> asked my friend from illinois to do to position you are championing is the regular order, why is that democrats are asking unanimous consent to set aside the regular order of the conference? the only reason into this consent is needed is because to circumvent and by doing so, opening the door for a procedural trick to raise the dead feeling with 50 votes rather than 60. >> well, i just checked with the majority leader can make sure my memory was correct on this. when you go to conference
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committee, where subjected to a policy of a filibuster. does that ring a note of familiarity on your side of the aisle? if we face a filibuster and 60 votes, it's not going how to. we're going to a conference. if we go through the break in the conference -- potentially raising the issue of a filibuster. that is why we try and where this unanimous can vent, which i with hank from the republican side that we went past a bipartisan agreement to remove to a conference. >> with the senator yield for a question? >> i'm sorry. i mistaken and frankly i've been corrected. it is not a filibuster, but would call for using the house resolution, 50 hours of debate to go through the regular order of things. it is not a filibuster.
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the net result is to drag out as long if not longer than the earlier debate on the senate resolution. that's what unanimous consent -- >> while the senator yield quick >> happy to yield. >> we agree now this is not the regular order would've been taken at the house budget resolution and go do not that, but that is not what is being pursued here, which is why the majority seeking unanimous consent to set aside the rules. the question i'd like to ask if i might. >> it is the regular order of things and usual customary way so they don't repeat all over again the budget resolutions take up the house version. so it's not unusual. it's the regular order. >> i suggest that unanimous can and does use to circumvent the regular order.
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the debt ceiling was not debated in the budget. it is not part of the budget and the only question here we could have gone the conference 60 days ago if the democrats simply agreed not to use reconciliation as a backdoor trick to raise the debt ceiling, which is having three times in the past. this is the intention of the majority and it is why we object to raising the debt ceiling to be shooting an unlimited credit card, digging the hole deeper without fixing the problem. >> to respond to the senator from texas. we've been through this before in the house of representatives threatened not to extend the debt ceiling of the united states and cause severe damage to our economy. business leaders, labor leaders, families across america said out of the congress do something so irresponsible to not extend the debt ceiling of the united
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states quite to present the not get a political bargain. this is something both parties are to take seriously as to whether we would jeopardize the full faith and credit of the united states of america, [inaudible] >> i will once i finish applied to the senator from texas. the debt ceiling is something we can casually say it's an accent that makes a difference. makes a big difference. whether it's included in the budget resolution remains to be seen. we could have a motion to instruct conferees relative to the debt ceiling. the 30 been discussed. what i'm saying is why are we sitting at a table to stay, democrats and republicans, house and senate working on differences. most american people say is not why we sent you to washington? >> out as my friend, isn't it bizarre this whole exercise we are going through what are asking them a bus to go to
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conference with a body that is dominated by the members of our party. we don't have apparently enough confidence that the majority of the conference appointed by the other side of the capitol will be a majority of republicans and not democrats, is not a little bit bizarre? i will be very honest with my colleague from illinois. we are talking about a minority within a minority because the majority of my colleagues in the united states senate on this side of the aisle with motions to instruct the conferees want to move forward and appoint these conferees and do what every american family has to do in america and that is to have a budget. >> i yield the floor. at this point in time we passed a senate budget resolution. we were challenged by republicans to do it and we did it. it was a close but we did it and now we want to move to the next
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logical step and sit down and resolve differences and move on so we can reduce the debt as this united states and irresponsible, orderly way. the objection on the other side of the aisle for 61 they should come to an end. i want to salute my friend from arizona. >> i asked my friend again basically what we're saying is we don't trust our colleagues on the other side of the capital who are in a majority of republicans. i guess that the lesson that can be learned here. far more importantly than not, the american people recently a bullet size 16% of the american people approve of congress. when i go home and have a town hall meeting, we say you know what my friends, we don't even have a budget. we can't even agree republicans and democrats, republicans and republicans in this case. we can even agree to have a budget like every american family house. does that contribute to the
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approval and respect the people of this country have for us? the answer is obviously no. so i urge my colleagues again, let's put confidence if not in the conferees here, but the conferees appointed on the other side of the capitol for fiscal conservatives like we are a set of blocking but i assure my colleagues, all three of them here in that is a minority of the minority of republicans in the united states senate that want to move forward with the budget, which we spent so many hours in so much effort into achieving and not to block it from going forward. >> i'm president, isolate the senator from arizona for his intuitive, wise analysis of the situation and i'm sorry we still have objection for the republicans died to go to conference committee with republican house members dominating the conference on their side and they don't have
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confidence those house members can speak for them. i think it's important we do move to this conference committee as quickly as possible. >> ghana president. >> senator from virginia. i rise to associate myself with the comments of senator mccain and senator durbin. this is not primarily that the budget for senate rules. this is about compromise in congress, a bicameral body that the framers established for compromises necessary to take action will we allow processes to go forward so we can listen to each other, dialogue and compromise or will they use procedural mechanism to thought processes of dialogue and compromise even from starting. the senate budget is different than the house budget. were all free to have our preferred option, but the way we get to a final budget is to have
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senate and house conferees sit together and what no doubt will be a difficult discussion and compare budgets and debate and dialogue and find compromise. the senate acted on the 23rd of march by a majority vote to pass the senate budget after four years. the effort to object to the beginning of a conference make the mistake of not just about processes of compromise. in a living organism of government established by our framers, compromises the blood that keeps the organism alive and efforts to block compromiser fundamentally after its better destructive of this is to shed. i stand by the motion of made. thank you here to yield the floor. >> by the president. >> senator from texas. >> madam president, the senior
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senator from arizona urged this body to trust the republicans. let me be clear, i don't trust the republicans and i don't trust the democrats i think a lot of americans likewise don't trust the republicans and democrats because of his leadership in both parties that has gotten us in this mess. my wife and i have two little girls at home. they are five and two. caroline was born, our national debt was $10 trillion. today it's nearly $17 trillion. in her short fighters of life, national debt has grown by 60%. on the president, what we are doing to kids and grandkids is immoral. i commend the democrats in this body for their candor. the democrats and president obama have been explicit that it's their intention to raise the debt ceiling and to do so with no conditions whatsoever just to keep firing him firing
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of borrowing money without any structural reforms to fix the problems. that is an intellectually consistent position, but it's at least candid and that's the reason why every day for 60 days the democrats have opposed taking the debt ceiling off the table in this discussion. unfortunately one of the reasons i got into this mess is because a lot of republicans were complicit in the spending spree and that's why so many americans are disgusted with both sides of this house. developers please, compromise, work together and fix the problems come and fix enormous and fiscal problems and stop bankrupting our country. what this issue is all about is very simple. will be about the debt going to be raised in an unlimited amount was just a 50 vote threshold? at the answer is yes, we have an
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effect just voted to raise the debt time because democrats hold the majority of this body, 55 seats and democrats are explicitly want to raise the debt ceiling. if we go to conference about the debt ceiling taken off the plate, it is 100% certainty the debt ceiling will be raised. i believe it's been done three times in recent history. and every republican who stands against holding the line here is really saying, let's give the democrats a blank check to buy her any money they want with no reforms, no leadership to fix the problem. i don't think that's consistent with any of our responsibilities. a final point. much has been said about the budget was defeated, the budget was considered. that is surely true. but the budget contains nothing about the debt ceiling. the budget did not consider the debt ceiling when all of us are here debating the budget, we
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didn't debate the debt ceiling. the question here is whether the majority of the senate will be allowed to bootstrap the debt ceiling, a totally different issue onto the budget and the reason for doing that is to use the political trick. it would allow the majority to pass the debt ceiling increase on just 50 votes and it would be profoundly irresponsible for this body to raise the debt ceiling without fixing the problem, without getting the economy going, jobs back come without stopping the path we are bankrupting this country. that's what this fight is about. i yield the floor. >> senator from utah. >> madam president, they do follow the comments made by my friend and colleague the junior senator from virginia. i agree wholeheartedly with me to have this debate. would need a budget.
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the american people want, they've been without it for four years. it's because they want this debate on this issue debated in public that we have this concern. in other words as the senator from texas pointed out just a moment ago, a lot of issues were discussed and debated and voted on when we're addressing the budget resolution a couple months ago. we were here until 5:00 in the morning making sure we could get through all the amendments. at no point during that lengthy discussion in connection with the budget resolution did we discuss or address or vote on or in any way make a decision regarding the debt ceiling. that is a separate debate, one that does not come up in connection with the budget resolution. it's a debate that needs to happen, just as the discussion the budget resolution is to move forward, we need to have a public debate and ultimately
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about with regard to the debt ceiling. the american people expect us to have this debate. expect us to have under the light of day, resulting in one of those infamous backroom deals that has given washington is much deserved bad name. the debt ceiling was not in the bill. it was not in the budget resolution. we haven't debated it and now we are asking for is the other site agree that they will not use budget reconciliation is a mechanism for working a backroom deal to raise the raise the debt were not. the american people expect us to debate this. not in secret, but in public. that's what we're trying to do, not a president. i yield the floor. >> madam president. >> congressman from florida. >> i want to actually describe to the people in the home or gallery or elsewhere because
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folks are wondering what this is for. for a thousand days the senate did not pass the budget under the leadership of the majority we didn't complain because i was problematic in the ultimately passed a budget, one which frankly doesn't do with data and grow our economy, but they passed a budget in the house has passed its budget on the way it works is both sides sit down to negotiate. negotiation is made to start negotiations come which nobody subject name. that can begin today. this process can happen at this very moment. the only thing we're asking is that it be clearer as part of the negotiation an increase in the debt limit not be part of it. we haven't discussed it. as a senator from texas pointed out, we debated the budget, we didn't debate the debt limit. it's how much money the government is allowed to borrow. this is not a trivial matter.
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i heard people stand today in day fund to raise money and action we can stop the whole process. this is not a trivial objection. i'm not asking the key lime pie be made the official pie of the united states. this is the debt limit, something that's been called the single greatest national security problem facing the united states of america by national security officials and always say is you can't come back from the a conference report with an increased the debt limit because if that happens will be 51 vote majority to do it. the problem is a definite increase increase a become a matter of routine and that's a different $10 trillion to $16.5 trillion in a short period of time. ultimately you are right we should treat the debt limit casually. we shouldn't casually cavalierly raised that no matter what but we also shouldn't praise as a matter of routine and that's the
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fundamental problems in the impact on our economy is serious. i deeply respect this institution. one of the reasons i ran for senate as i thought i could make a difference because even a minority within the minority could make a different. my children who are very young will have to deal with the consequence is that the decisions that make her feel to make and what they inherit is an economy crippled by the horrifying decisions made here in the past. i have to answer for that. what did you do or not do them a lot this debt to move forward to do something about this debt issue? my answer cannot be a solid irregular order. that can't be my answer. that won't be my answer. the bottom line is we can move
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the conference right now. we can negotiate with the house this very day. all we are asking for is this part of the negotiation they cannot come back with a debt limit is part of it. the debt limit is an important issue discussed on its own as it relates to the entire economy, not the one you're budget of the united states of america and if the majority would reconsider their position and come to the floor and offer the same ocean with language that clearly says it cannot boot reconciliation instructions to raise the debt limit, will be a conference at the house this very day. if they fell to do that, we can't afford because we cannot do this routinely raise the debt limit of this country without a serious conversation about how we begin to put our fiscal house in order because the impact on our economy is disastrous. our economy is not growing. people in america right now are unemployed or underemployed because the debt is scaring people away from investing in
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our economy and our future and if we do nothing about that, we'll be the first generation of americans to leave the next generation were soft. that's never happened in our history and i hope we can come together to prevent that from happening because if we do some simple but important things for her country, including for united under control, this new century can also be an american century. my hope is at some point today or tomorrow or the next two days we can come and make the motion to go to conference with a simple and straightforward language that says the conference report cannot improve reconciliation instruction to raise the debt limit. i yield the floor.
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>> good afternoon. we appreciate all of you coming today. we are very pleased to have our secretary of homeland security, janet napolitano here today. welcome, we're so glad to have you in our state. she is an important player in getting through the recovery effort is because a raging sea control spam and we need her here, but she's the former governor and understands what is going on with disaster recovery and we appreciate the secretary joining us today. welcome to oklahoma. we are also pleased today the american red cross, cal mcgovern is also joining us and the red cross has certainly played a very important role in our recovery efforts here in our state with a previous turning as we have been made, but for many, many years, always been there when they needed them can
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certainly help to their families and providing food, water, any assistance, shelter that those others property has faced. welcome. we're quite happy here. were also joined by congressman tom cole. he grew up in this area and represents this area. glad to have you back in washington. sorry for what has happened to this community and your hometown area. we want to start out by saying thank you to all of the personnel working on the ground site itself. certainly the first responders, fire, police, emergency personnel, law enforcement, various charities, entities, mayors, mark warner not come under tremendous job everyone has been doing is moving along very well. it is a big project and are certainly as a lot of issues
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that need to be dealt with that we are making some progress and i drove an earlier this morning to the very site, i could see were clear enough similar public areas. the debris and being able to open the roads in areas that people can get through and begin the process of recovery in a very big disaster area we have. i want to mention this is still a very act of recovery and many people have talked about a 35 and also public roads in this area. just to ask the public was not about his recovery efforts to clean up are in the area that if you could, it would be helpful for the suggestion were experiencing on our highways and asked the public to be patient with us as soon as this equipment would have to get along the highways of the road to get this done.
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also, the individuals effect it by the storm, but still wants you to make contact with this date and make contact with the matter. we need to know where you're at. we need you to contact fema so they can issue appropriate assistance, whether it's individual that we've been awarded to the federal disaster declaration or whether you are a small business person needing help with sba loans. we want you to offer your her whereabouts, especially with those and find some of their relatives. we have a website at the red cross. if people will register with that and let us know your safe and well, that'll help us determine if there should be anyone that may not be sound yet
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during this disaster. we've also seen a great amount of outpouring of support in their shared use, entities, individuals. we receive phone calls from all over oklahoma throughout the united states and other countries that were grateful for your support. this'll be a a long recovery process. our families and individuals. short term if people want to help, you can get to the american red cross. and also to the salvation army, united way and all help with local charities. and the long-term, we have set up a disaster relief fund called okay strong disaster relief at the oklahoma united way organization because once they get through the initial cleanup stage, people have to go on with their lives and if there's still
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lots of challenges ahead, so people want to donate, they can contact the united way. regardless of income level or insurance are encouraged to contact fema and to visit with them about available services. we have seen people that were glad to have join us. thank you for commandments again. we appreciated minister durfee u.k. neither to turn it over to secretary napolitano. thank you once again and welcome to oklahoma. >> thank you, governor. even doing a terrific job with all the elected officials we've been working with since before monday actually. a lot of work to be done in terms of recovery, but really good bringing together first responders to here and around the country on the immediate search and rescue needs.
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the big need now is to bring removal will be working with oklahoma on supporting the debris removal will open at ryazan street and individual homeowners so we could get that debris out of there. 18621 fema for disaster that way we can reach out to you and alert you to whatever assistance you qualify for and you may get. who want to make the assessment of a process as possible, although we now people are really hurting. there's a lot of recovery yet to do. and on that point, i am pleased to hear that charity you are farming is called oklahoma's strong.
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one of the things that has impressed me so much has been the strength and resilience of the oklahomans who have been effected by this disaster and are taking charge and moving forward with the recovery of their communities. it's very impressive and it the model for the rest of the country. and to top it off, i understand high school graduation will occur on time in this community this weekend. so recovery is underway. debris removal is a key thing today. get in touch with dean that if you haven't done so already. we will be here to stay. at some point the cameras will leave. the national wants to leave first and then the local ones, but to have president obama on behalf of fema, we will be here to stay until this recovery is complete. you have our commitment on that. thank you, governor. but that too introduced the direct durfee map.
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>> thank you, secretary, congressman, mayors. first off i want to express condolences and thoughts and prayers to the families who lost their lives as well as the folks injured, but also that they thank you to the person who responded, the police officers, firefighters, emts, nurses, doctors. they save lives. they save lives and also thank you to the mayor and the governor, the congressman to show the leadership as well as the emergency management and the leader of a country and thank you for your leadership. one thing i want to reiterate is it's very important for this effect be to register for help. there's three ways.
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they can call 18621 feet not go to disaster or if they have a smartphone, they can go to it's very important for people to register as soon as possible so we can get these issues they need. there is also to disaster recovery's opening that others will open over the next two days and the people that can go there and register and get person-to-person hope for what they need. the secretary mentioned it. fema was here before the storm struck working closely with the state and local and our job was to support the governor and the local officials. very here before the storm. will be here after the sermon will be here as long as it takes.
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>> i am gail mcgovern from the american red cross and i want to say that on behalf of everyone at the american red cross, our hearts and prayers just go out to the families who have lost everything, particularly those that lost loved ones. it's such a terrible tragedy and i am no stranger to disaster. this is a rough one and our prayers are with the people of moore. we are on the ground providing food, shelter and comfort. we have a number where we're providing food. emergency response vehicles are driving around the affected area. they are also providing food. we have more on the way. we have six shelters. you find them by looking at
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their shelter to see where those are located. we have mental health care providing an emotional support. those also have a lot of items and push this weekend on distribution items, things like tarps and pales and boxing gloves and things that hope people with their belongings and put their lives back together again. we too will be here as long as you need us. we have a local chat are here. we want to make sure we are here serving any in terms of jobs. oklahoma is remarkably prepared.
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you consider the loss of life. if you want to learn what to do in the event of a tornado, we have been up and i would recommend everyone down there so they can all be prepared. i want to thank the american public for their support in the american right cross and the elected officials on the ground. they truly doing a remarkable job. [inaudible] for 53 years. it is extraordinarily important to me and i want to describe quickly and thank our own local to national disasters, mary lynn lewis -- [inaudible] the police and fire around.
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too much experience. or very come every fortunate to have the quality of local leadership here. our people have been wonderful. they are the next layer here and could not see better support than with god. the governor, my old friend, my colleague was served together in the legislature and congress -- [inaudible] they must be planning to run -- [inaudible] glenn will sooner or later hang it up. i can see a deal being worked out here, but we're proud of our governor and very proud of albert ashley and we tell him we got to stop eating like this.
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we've been doing it ever since the oklahoma city bombing disaster. bottom secretary, such a leisure and privilege to have you here. i'm sorry it's under these circumstances, but the president was kind enough after he visited the governor. i know he visited mayor lewis as well. the first thing he did was appropriately acknowledge that we know this is tough. very difficult than many kick off the resources available for feedback and more calm and much and obviously the secretary would be here relatively short order and says anything, you need anything, i want you to call directly. i appreciate everybody here does. i'm also grateful that the commandments not just well.
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the speaker of the house, my friend sean boehner also made very clear what the working bipartisan. that does happen in washington d.c. hopefully we can get beyond that someday. i have no doubt it will have a tremendous long-term federal response was immediate need for nothing can replace family members. and we can do some things. over the longer haul persimmon superstructure needs. i know governor fallon has been working with the state legislature. it's time to get setup so she screwed up or to do what she thinks is appropriate. i want to have a case. thank you for common because quite frankly every time you
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come, americans are remarkably compassionate to these people may see there is a need in the race on it. they turn to the red cross and salvation army and you show what is happening here with decent people going for a difficult time and responded really well and it anhalt. >> my name is albert ashley, director of emergency management. a couple quick items that i could. i went to reemphasize the thanks we have. they've always been here with every disaster we've had. they're wonderful partners. unfortunately, we are here a little too much some times, but we appreciate what you've given us. his first debris removal and recovery, i know people want to get back and then work with the
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cities to make sure that happens quickly and expeditiously as possible. the one point i do want to make us everything we talk about here today, when we talk about fema, assistance that is available. it is not just for the moore tornado. don't forget we had tornadoes and eastern cleveland county, carney, all included in this disaster declaration. and the bigger disaster is covered and tend to be forgotten or be forgotten. we'll be doing that with the missile to make sure we get out there as quickly as possible in their part of this as well. >> i'd like to see thank you for everybody sitting behind me on the front of me. i do have one announced that.
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us at 3:00 this afternoon, we will be allowing residents back into their neighborhoods and this will mean by vehicles, no heavy equipment, no trailers and no satellite trucks. we will be allowing the press to go in at 3:00 to the neighborhoods. i just want to see thank you so much to the president. thank you to bottom secretary, congressman, everybody here. i appreciate it. thank you. >> i want to go mayor lewis this comment i'm thinking the state and federal government on dealing with the government, we can only act within the enabling legislation may apply. we are very grateful. the numbers of events are becoming more staggering.
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33,000 people affected, 12,000 to 13,000 homes impacted her property damages, 1.5 to $2 billion. obviously this is a significant event and one that will take us a while to address. the water is back on. we will also be pulling back the bulk of our protection from the area and they will be going back to their normal duty and keep a couple small battalions on hand to answer questions and answer questions and make sure kids are playing in the debris and thus public safety issues. the police will stay on and continue to secure the area that are supposed to be a man. at my urging, the big 12 baseball tournament will begin in oklahoma city one day later than originally intended. i appreciate their commitment to this. i think at the time like this,
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half in an appropriate diversion might be good for us and our morale. but it's going to be a long weekend. not that my schedule is more important than anybody else's, but i'll be drawing the first pitch at 9:00 in attending the first funeral at 10:00. this is going to be a tough week and as we bury those children who died in the elementary school and the rest of our citizens who fought for the stomach they couldn't evade the terror. thank you all for being here and trying so much attention to this event. i share the people behind me are here all over the world offering prayers and condolences and we build them on its very much appreciated. thank you all. >> in cleveland county commissioner, terrell stacey. we've had not doran of people
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all across the country and we do appreciate that so much. as a prior first responder, i would like to say the partnerships that have been developed here have been unbelievable. from day one when we first started on amid all the way through has an incredible and i appreciate the governor's response to this in the bottom secretary and federal government that is an unbelievable. we will be here. this is our county and this is our city to move cry together and we will continue to cry, but we will heal together, too. maybe a long road, but will make it through and i appreciate all of you being here. >> real quick i want to say again, any of you that need to get a hold of any of these people or anybody, my cell number is 59 greek 5312. i am here for you. i've been out ever since the tornado happened. i can be there to assist you. call me oral nature come to your
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home, whatever i can do. [inaudible] [laughter] >> do we have any questions? [inaudible] is there an active search and rescue recovery right now the show so many people have been injured? >> just talking to the command post last night, it is my understanding there were six individuals they are looking for, but they are all adults and it is not known whether the exit walked up the property and haven't made contact or if they are actually in the rubble somewhere. that is very fluid at this time. but they are trying to account for that today make sure it's taken care of. on the imac's
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>> i think we are transitioning into recovery. not being the fire chief for the police chief that instant command here. >> are there any update -- [inaudible] >> it is landers and in talking to the unified command, to the command post that they believe all the children are coming for. do you have anything else? [inaudible] >> the 1% or 2% terminator that you get is the anomaly of the severe weather. must tornadoes come across whether the pdf one or three come you can't protect yourself and your own home, basically taking tornado procedures.
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this is the anomaly that flattens everything to the ground. i'd be remiss to say that tornado precautions are not taken. can i always be stronger? absolutely. everything could be done at the time. >> were so trying to get those numbers. there is a registry as well as more and would work with them and emergency management decision to find out how many they check will get that number to you. [inaudible] >> how many homeless? attached because a lot of people don't go to shelters, to go to friends and family. to account for this hoax is more difficult. if the attacker about the damage, of course the 17-mile path. that's extremely wide. you can figure out the number of houses based on the residential
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area. knowing how many are homeless right now, we can only go shelter numbers. [inaudible] >> only 29 peoples they had and the shelter last night overnight. another smart people that don't have a roof over their head and that's what testimony to the neighbors helping neighbors. during the day we had about 150 people cycle in and out in the shelters and they're just stopping by for a hot meal and a shower. very low numbers. [inaudible] [inaudible]
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>> we're going to require people to do anything. if someone chooses to do that, we certainly encourage it. is asking a management director about her programs in our state and we actually are going to be announcing something a little later today that will allow us to set up see how firm donations for the states. there is in so many people to come forward and say how can i help? obviously food, water, clothing, you might volunteer your time. how can i make a significant, meaningful impact for people hurt in this tragedy? we have our okays strong disaster relief fund, but we also would like to give people the opportunity if they would like to donate to a fund that would help with safe rooms to match some of the federal funds during this disaster cleanup that we could also use does. i'd like to address their city
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from initiative in our state. we are one of the first states in the nation to implement a statewide program to give rebates, to encourage more safe room. >> thank you very much, governor. for the storm here in the moore, oklahoma comeau were the first to come up with the federal and emergency management agency to where we offered rebates to individuals who took the incentive upon themselves to improve themselves or their family and we offered up to 75% reimbursement up to $2000. during that program we spent $12 million unsafe for rebates. so 6000 safe rooms as a minimum and in 2000 through the storm came through again, we again spent another $3 million on safe rooms for individuals, then turn to allow an individual communities and concentrated on
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safe rooms for schools based on local applications to be funded over 100 of those. it is safe to say the states in the nation have more federally assisted, federally funded safe rooms than anyone in the united states. [inaudible] >> for the most part, the safe rooms we have funded through this program, for the schools have been belowground and usually utilize as a pm for more music room, said they multifunctional that can move kids do it in the event of severe weather. that's for the most part what we've done. keep in mind as to these projects have been between 600,000 to $1 million usually i'll apply to brand-new
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construction of new schools. [inaudible] >> -- one of the first in the nation. [inaudible] >> yes, sir. >> kelley elementary was one of the first schools in the nation to have that appeared when you walk in there, the doors slide down and they're locked in. [inaudible] >> at the municipal ordinance and i was required by new construction when you build a house, put a shelter on the inside or outside, underground. we haven't talked about this -- [inaudible] we don't want to be so expensive that are homes are not affordable. so what things we have to do is visit with the home builders
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association. we don't want to force anybody to do it. if you look at the community now, i'm going to get one. if you asked most a lot there, they'll rebuild and probably get a storm shelter. [inaudible] >> i will speak more about the safe level if you don't mind about the congressman speak about the federal site. we reported that immediately them are very grateful for. we appreciate fema working with us and you might want to mention the 85% fund and how that will work. >> we are going to assist with debris removal. the federal government list of 85% of the cost for the first 30
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days, 80% for this exceeding 50 days had we found is a pilot project we are using authorities were given under this handy recovery act in order to do this. that will allow the state and communities to draw down funds very quickly to get that equipment out here and that debris removed. >> the state level as their legislator is already passed bills through community and the house and senate that would allocate $45 million of our rainy day savings accounts and other local communities have a local estate agency be able to be reimbursed in federal dollars. the other thing i want to mention is that a good neighbor speaker pro tab and they are also looking at legislation to help homeowners with their ad valorem taxes. at the end of the year you pay in ad valorem tax on your house. you don't have a house, you pay tax on a house you don't have
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and if you build a new house, your property is going to be reevaluated and your property value in texas may be higher. so there's been times in the past week given financial relief to a tax deduction at the end of the income tax here to be about to compensate the ad valorem taxes ad valorem taxes at the excise tax on cars. if you look in the parking lot, a ton of cars have been destroyed. we will let you buy another car once again in another tax. so work enough language to help with that, too. [inaudible] >> that's a pretty easy question, but let me put in a little bit of context. the discussion has come up in the context of hurricane stan b. i voted catered for hurricane
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