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tv   Public Affairs  CSPAN  June 14, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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we should stand with our fellow christians. ..
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[applause] >> what a start. what a stir to our luncheon and a kickoff to direct the majority conference. now i'll bring to the stage the chairman of her response in faith freedom coalition and winner of last year state affiliate of the year, tony nasvik of their faith and freedom coalition. [applause] >> thank you and good afternoon. that is a hard person to follow. what an honor. i recently had an opportunity to speak to a group of people access in the theme of that speech was the watchmen on the law and as believers beyond no bed in the old testament and the new testament in history past,
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we separate watchmen on the walls 24 hours a day, seven days a week that continually watched the horizon and scans the distances for danger, for enemies. today senator rand paul and the next element, senator johnson argued early are watchmen on the walls. i am honored today to be able to introduce to you. i was there when you began in wisconsin at the state convention in how you electrified the people looking for change, substantial real change and we heard it in you been faithful, sit thank you. wisconsin senator ron johnson came to washington because he believes the federal government is bankrupting america. elected to senate, senator
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johnson is a statesmen and especially concerned with the ever-expanding size, scope and cost of government. the influence on a national bubble is part of the wisconsin wave of conservative leaders. governor scott walker -- yeah, you can clap. amen. lieutenant governor rebecca clay fish and a gentleman you'll be hearing from again in the conferences this paul ryan and many others. [applause] prior to running for office, senator johnson is a successful businessman and his manufacturing background has taught him to act on the root of the cause of the problems and not on the symptoms alone. his vast business experience and private sector perspective have been useful in the senate as he
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seeks to tackle fundamental challenges threatening our constitutional liberty. both of ron's parents were born and raised on farms and their work ethic montand values were passed down to him. as a result, ron learns that work is not a four letter word. as a boy u-boat fonts, shoveled snow in delivered papers. he caddied enron learned early on how to identify and deal with minor, which came in handy when he had a chat with hillary clinton. [laughter] thunderous consulates in oshkosh wisconsin with his wife, jane and their three children. i am honored and ask you all to join massive outcome citizen legislature, senator ron johnson. [applause]
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>> thank you, all. thank you. keep eating. first of all, thank you for that kind introduction and thank you for inviting me to to to faith and freedom you found. those are two of my favorite words. i was at the bradley foundation and roger ailes as he's describing the dick clark of politics and vows not paying attention right now, but i will say there's too and politics and what would-be mr. ralph reid over there. thank you for the kind invitation here. i realize i'm not as famous as my preceding speaker. if you don't mind, i'd like to take the liberty to tell you a story of how i got involved in this. it began back in december 2009 during the whole health care
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debate. i was asked to give his speech at the tea party. never been political, never gave speeches to political events, but they came to me as a businessperson to speak to us about the harmful effect of government regulation of business. i'm happy to speak, but it's not what i want to talk about. come on anyways just talk to us. if you remember in december 2009, we were in a heated debate over the health care law. now this is not a quote. i would call it an unkind paraphrase, but he basically said these greedy moneygrubbing doctors in the bubble takeout acetic tonsils, the amputated foot for a few extra bucks. i found that offensive on so many levels. first of all, one of our problems today in this nation, one of the cultural issues we
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face is instead of celebrating success, we are routinely demonizing what's really unfortunate is that's working politically. we've got to turn the situation around. the main reason the comment offended me was because our first child, our daughter kerry was born with a congenital heart defect. your aorta and pulmonary artery were reversed. the first day of life she was rushed down to the children's hospital for one of those greedy moneygrubbing doctors came in at 1:30 in the morning, performed the procedure and save her life. a month later when her heart was the size of a small palm, another group of incredibly dedicated medical professionals in seven hours of open-heart surgery totally read that the upper chamber for her. her heart operates backwards now, but she just turned 30, she's a nurse practitioner and she's been working as a nurse in
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a neonatal intensive care unit and now she's taking care of those little babies. she just took a position i'm a lucky children's hospital and unbeknownst to her in a cardiologist to save her life that are save her life come he came in unannounced and a grand rounds with her about two weeks ago. [applause] the reason my wife jane and our story has a happy ending is because we have the freedom -- there's that favor word. we had the freedom to seek out the vested pants medical technique. at the time i got caught boston children's hospital, chicago children's. i could've gone there. but university of minnesota in that. that's what is at stake. your fortunate i don't have a
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vehicle screen here and i'm not subjecting it to her depressing powerpoint presentation. and not powerpoint presentation i described the financial problems were facing. but i don't need a powerpoint. i do like to talk about numbers to detail what is the root cause of our problem here in this nation. to me i can describe it verbally. far too many americans have either forgotten, but quite honestly what is far more sad is forever tied to foundation premise of this nation. our founding fathers who we revere these geniuses, these giant, they came from dictatorial monarchies and aristocracies. they understood we need government. were not angels. we need to be governed. they understood government wasn't here to solve our
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problems and government by and large have something to fear. they neolithic group because they witnessed it grow. they notice government through our freedoms necessarily receded and so today because americans are no longer taught that or they've forgotten it, far too many americans are willingly treating their freedom and ours for the false sense, false promise of economic security. anybody feeling particularly secure? i am not. i am often asked, somebody who's never involved in politics at any level come is there anything that surprises you hear? i've got all kinds of surprises. i'll tell you one mentioned earlier. you seek approval ratings of 9%
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to 13%. first of all, that is too high. last night it's impossible to convey the dysfunction of washington d.c., but that's a surprise. i really apply that 9% to 13% approval rating to washington, to the federal government. people displaced in low esteem. they look at washington correctly as dysfunctional, as in effect given an efficient. so what surprises me is why it is at least a majority continue to elect politicians dedicated to growing this place? i have no idea. it utterly baffles me. we are witnessing the irs scandal, witnessing the lies surrounding benghazi, witnessing a legitimate concern and debate about the nsa. you know, i wish america would
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take that outraged, that concern of the loss of freedom as examples represent and i wish they would've played in a broader sense. i'm concerned about all of those. i do not come in second place to anybody in my concern for civil liberties and freedoms. but what concerns me as much if not more as the federal government has the power, the irs to demand every piece of financial information from you. the federal government that can take 45% of your income and what is left over as they can take 40% of your estate. with obamacare, the federal government can tell you what doctor you're going to be a literacy. a federal government that was how you what medical procedures will be eligible for her. that's what concerns me.
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we've got to be looking at the big picture. when it's applied this dysfunction, this moment in history when america is rightfully distrusting the federal government over other scandals that we've got to conflate that. we've got to make sure they apply that to the government in total. it's crucial we do that. [applause] when i hear politicians talk about restoring faith in government, no, no, no, that is the wrong solution. we need to engender that healthy distrust that our founders found in government. [applause] how do we get to a position? how did we get to this moment in time were demonizing rather than celebrating success works politically. i know. i've got white hair.
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i lived through to the 60s. the vietnam war protester over university systems. they're not just your garden-variety liberals. these are the most radical individuals in america. they took over university's lock stock and barrel. in particular, when you controller colleges of education, journalism, law. now that i've gotten here, college of economics because there are keynesian. the utterly control our culture. and they've had a lot of our culture for 40 or 50 years and we are seeing results. so first of all, we've got to get back to the university system and restore balance to it. the fact of the matter is we are engaged in this war of ideas and it's a political struggle. so how do you win a political
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struggle? you have to inform, you have to persuade. you have to win the argument and you have to have a strategy for doing that and you have to enforce multipliers to continue to inform people. so i don't believe the solution lies in washington. i don't look to the federal government to solve my problems. eventually we have to vote on the solutions. hopefully america will come to its senses and those will be about how do you start dismantling this beast? [applause] but i think what gives me hope our people like you, we the people, people do call their group the faith and freedom coalition. those are going to be some pretty good guiding principles, our faith, our faith in
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ourselves, our faith in this marvel comes as 236 year experiment would call america, our faith in archive. that's what will guide this. that's what will save this nation. the other thing that gives me hope and apache cactus on to his speeches because when i do powerpoint has got a knack for turning smiling faces and frowns. but you know, i said earlier in the negative inspiration for running for office was obamacare. the positive inspiration was literally after 9/11 as i saw the finest among us step up to the plate, travel halfway around the world to defend not only our freedom, but the freedom of individuals whose culture gave rise to her enemies. that's what america does. it's incredible. and now, like every member of congress, i go to walter reid,
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bethesda which is again called walter reid, i see those individuals. that may be affirmed. the first time i went to walter reid i wasn't looking forward to going. i knew what i was going to see. men and women with horribly broken bodies. what is amazing is when you go there can be realized their bodies are broken up their spirits. quick story. i was at walter reid a week before they transferred most cases to bethesda. i went to the rehabilitation work. they were told of the finest among us there. five are missing freelance. when i see missing, there wasn't much left. one had his beautiful wife and daughter they are helping him with his rehabilitation, which reminds us it's also the sacrifice of their husbands and wives, sons and daughters, mothers and fathers. i was talking to another triple
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amputee who said sir, when i get done with a rehabilitation, i go to the floor with the new guys come in, just take it upon myself. there is no way you can lead an encounter like that not being totally odd, totally inspired and left with a great deal of hope. so we face in troubling times in america. we have enormous challenges and i am here to say the spirit of america is still alive. i know it's living in your heart. i know it's living in the heart of the finest among us and it is our job, it is our duty to make sure that spirit not only survives future generation, but that it drives.
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i know i can count on you to put forth your best efforts. some may god bless those efforts. may god bless the greatest nation in the history of mankind, america. thank you. [applause] >> messages about the spirit of america. for next introduction, chuck warren of the nevada state and freedom coalition, one of the greatest leaders in our network. >> let me give you quickly a little information on senator lee. senator lee has google like knowledge on 80s music. he speaks spanish instincts while his staff happy staff happy birthday and spanish. you cannot buy this on itunes.
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he was known for starting every campaign meeting with a prayer. he is an avid skier and runner and a horrible call for comest he will not see them at any lobbyists anytime soon. michael lee of those people. he does every elevator, every clerk come every security guard and talks to them on a regular occasion. but my story when mike decided to run in two dozen nine, called me over christmas break. in a typical song and dance of every reason why he should not run. then answering the question, can i win? now he's running against incumbent senator, which every thought that was unbeatable. uses ignorance and microsoft to mystic about things. yes, you can. then he said it's the right thing to do. mike goes to my dismayhen i
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think of mike leave this quote. some men run for office to make a statement while other men run for office to make a difference. mike leave those people, his country and god in and produce a u.s. senator. [applause] >> thank you very much, chuck and thank you to all of you. it's a privilege to be here today. i was hustling as i was trying to make my way over here today and found myself getting overheated in the washington summer heat. but i didn't panic because i remember my friend marco rubio is going to be here and he always has extra bottles of water with him anywhere he goes. [laughter]
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true to the boy scout motto he's always prepared. it is always a treat to be with conservatives who are from places other than washington d.c. unlike far too many who work and reside in the city, you actually know and understand why you are here. you know what you believe in you know what you're fighting for. that already puts you further along the road to majority of us in washington could ever hope to be. unfortunately for conservatives around here, the road to majority is usually the road not taken. [laughter] [applause] >> thank you. there's a lot of reasons why this is so common that the biggest single reason is in the city conservatives often fall into a dangerous and ugly trap. defining ourselves by what it is we are against.
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we are against big government debt, higher taxes and regulation, obamacare. but we don't invest nearly as much time and energy as they should in communicating what it is we as conservatives prefer. i don't just mean the policies they advocate. conservatism is not all that those who want to pass. it's the nations we want to be. for conservatives, the politics is just a means. it's not an end unto itself. the real goal, while conservatives are for is not an agenda for government. instead, it's a vision of society, a view of the world we want to build, that we want to build together. together, the word together is an essential and far too often overlooked part of what we as
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conservatives believe. we are all committed to better use of those individual liberty, individual rights and personal responsibility, but the reason we fight for individual freedom is the strength, vitality and value of the communities that free individuals foreign. the alternative to big government is not small government. the alternative to big government as it driving flourishing nation of cooperative communities, where your success depends on your service from your service to others in your community. it's a free enterprise economy in whichever works for everyone else to see who could regret the best way to help the most people and it's a voluntary civil society for free individuals come together to meet each other's needs, just on the gaps in mixture alternately no one gets left behind. conservatism has never been a vision of isolated loners.
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ours is a subdivision of husbands and wives and parents and children, neighbors and neighborhoods, bosses and employees, businesses and customers, clubs, teams, groups, associations and friends. we conservatives don't simply want a smaller government. that's not enough. who have bigger citizens, stronger neighborhoods and more heroic communities. we understand what liberals do not, that freedom doesn't mean you are on your own. freedom means we are all in this together. [applause] seat, the value we place on communities based on the value we place on the first and most important human community at the mall, the family.
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conservatives have argued for years that the family must be at the core of our worldview and it is on issues like school prayer or the right to buy for traditional marriage are homeschooling, conservatives have said protecting the family is the most important part of our moral agenda. today, some critics have said times have changed and we have to change with the changing times. they say we have to reach out to people beyond our conservative days. they say we have to change the way we say things and the way we talk about families. it may be a bit of a surprise for some of you to hear me say this, but i think they make a great point. times have changed. we need to broaden our appeal only to change the way we think and talk about family. but ultimately, the critics have it exactly backwards. the problem is not conservatives
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have focused too much on the family, but far too little. [applause] too many people in washington seem not to realize that, but the rapid change we've seen in america have only made the family warm porton, not less. the family is the foundation not only of our society, but also our economy and our culture and democracy as well. the families of the visible from other facet of america's history or her destiny. crisis like the collapse of the family fatherlessness and social isolation while moral in nature have enormous social and economic consequences in the very same way economic problems like unequal opportunity, stagnant wages and the spiraling cost of housing, health care and
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education represent moral threats to family stability and national unity. working families today are. the crowds of all of the above, all of these things and as a result many are falling dangerously behind. their anxieties are very real and so are liberals flawed, seductive, big government proposals to relieve them. to address those anxieties, it's not enough simply to oppose the liberals ideas, we have to propose conservative ones. we have to show working families that bigger government will not solve their problems, then it's a bigger government is creating them. the road to majority may be the road less traveled, but it's long past time for conservatives to take it. our movement is that its very best for my take on big challenges in the great challenge of our time is the
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challenge of the forgotten family or money on, noble parents across the country trying to make is made in a society, economy and democracy that seems to be increasingly rigged by washington against them and against their children. so it's time for a new conservative reform agenda that levels the playing field than meets the challenges facing working families to give underprivileged families a fair chance to work their way into the middle class, to give families struggling to stay in the middle class a fair chance to make a good living above the good life, to make it easier for couples to start families come on cheaper nor sister business and volunteers to start civic and charitable organizations. to help all americans on the path to success overcome the obstacles that government has put before them. it's time for a new approach to
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taxes to not only lower tax rates, but also spur economic development, to spur economic opportunity, to eliminate tax discussion against parents and families because that's what we have today. [applause] it is time for a new approach to education, to break up the special-interest cartels that hold back her young children and young adult. education you see is opportunity and government has no business telling students where they can go and where they can't go to get that opportunity. [applause] it is time for new approach to transportation. new roads being a neighborhoods, new communities, new jobs coming in families and opportunities in it today infrastructure money
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that states could be spending on those opportunities, washington spends on bureaucratic ways of special-interest giveaways. it is time to rethink the dysfunctional welfare system that holds poor families tom thatcher reform a corrupt corporate welfare system that props the businesses of. [applause] we need to find new ways, conservative ways that rely on free enterprise and civil society to help young couples get married, afford a homecoming reach and educate kids, get good health care, take care of elderly parents and retirement security and dignity themselves. our movement is always identified with those americans who through hard work and determination have climbed the ladder of success and we always showed. but our ideals necessarily
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demand we identify even more but those americans on the bottom rungs come over the claim is harder, was dangerous and lonely. we need to stand up for those americans no one else will. for the unborn child who's still in the womb. [applause] for the poor student who is caught in a failing school, for the reformed father languishing in prison in the fatherless son facing a lot of the dangers of history. for the single mom working two jobs, but still snared a good government policy traps, for the elderly and disabled humanized by big government bureaucracy and the splintery neighborhoods that desperately need the mall. [applause]
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these families, these moms and dads and grandparents and kids are waiting for us. they know mark government just isn't the answer. they know government only divides them, but they also know too often our party has ignored them. that has to change. i has to change today. it has to change right now because every hour, every day that government leaves more and more american families behind. it is time for conservatives to remember those forgotten families are hard and our agenda at this has to change. [applause] it is time to remember the most audacious entrepreneurs in america are not in fact high-tech ceos in silicon valley. they are a young couple at a
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church back home, saying i do. it is time to remember the most important investments in our nation's future are not issued a most read. they are sleeping in their mother's arms at the maternity ward of your local hospital. to be truly progrowth and pro-opportunity, our agenda must necessarily be truly profamily, not just some issues, but all of them. i believe if conservatives look at mail at the challenges facing the family, we quickly discover opportunities to meet united and undaunted the challenges facing our movement, our economy and our nation. building a new conservative agenda of reform around these moms and dads and kids, remembering america's forgotten families is the road to majority. and i miss that at long last we discover conservatives finally take the road less traveled, it
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will make all the difference. [applause] thank you for everything you do and may god bless you all. [applause] >> thank you so much, senator mike leigh of utah. i should buy this guy is in the united states senate fighting for our values. [applause] i am told that senator marco rubio is in the building. so i'm going to proceed to introduce him. so when i get done, he better be here.
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[laughter] are you guys enjoying this so far? [applause] and i was so encouraging to me about this is for those of you here this afternoon, for the thousands that would join us between saturday -- between now and saturday at noon and for the literally hundreds of thousands who could not be with us this weekend but are part of the faith and freedom movement, it shows you what a difference your efforts make when you go out there and hope somebody who's running for the right reasons. not because they want to be some pain, but because they want to do something. they want to come here to the nation's capital. they want to stand and fight and make a difference. and when you go out there in your respective states when their asterisk in the polls, as we did for next speaker and you
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knock on doors and make phone calls and write even small checks, look at the difference it makes. and my friends, there is no better example of that then than senator marco rubio florida, no better in the country. this is a man whose parents came to this country in 1956, flame but was cleared would eventually become castro's cuba. he's a man who is truly live the american dream, his parents gave him named opportunity to be well-educated, even if it was at the university of florida. [laughter] actually, my parents are caterers. i am a bull dog, but we think highly of the university of florida. got his law degree at the university of miami law school,
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was elected to the west miami city will and then was elected to the state house in 2000 was chosen to use later by his colleagues to be the first cuban speaker of the house in the history of the state of florida. lower taxes, streamlined government, reformed education and when he decided in 2010 to run for the u.s. senate against him, governor of the state of florida, the head of his party he was $6 million to his 200,000, his opponent had every major endorsement, every part special interests in washington behind him, but marco rubio had ideas and they had conservative convictions and my friends are proud to count him as our friend because he is not forgotten who
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got him here. he's not forgot who he is and he hasn't forgotten tea is. please welcome to the podium one of the greatest champions for values in america, senator marco rubio florida. [applause] >> thank you. appreciate it. i'm sorry, i have to have water appearing case. you never know. [laughter] it happens. ralph, thank you for that introduction. two points at me. number one come you've overcome extraordinary adversity and have been successful in a legislature affiliation with the university of georgia. [laughter] i wanted to acknowledge that because it's not the guy just up said six or seven people at once.
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so thank you for recalling that praise. it is difficult at the time. remember being asked, it's like a david and goliath, how were you when? have to remind them, david one. i'm not sure people always member that. i have to remind people, david one night and he won convincingly. thanks for having me here today. we've reached such an important moment in our nation's history where we have so many things that go to the essence of the rear is the nation nation and a people and before it became come out to knowledge those of you from florida, were glad you're here are grateful for your support and a blessing and honor have been serving you here in the u.s. senate. this is such a critical moment in our nations history. we debate issues that go to the essence of what makes us special and different. we have to start from that
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point. the other issues to make as much sense. he starts the bless the united states of america is truly exceptional, not something people program of time coming but i don't think there's dispute about that. but we have this unique. i say it that as someone born and raised given i've ever known in your life is freedom come when all you covered on this liberty and the fact that you can say whatever you want against a government and they can't push you in jail, worship in any way you choose. when you grow around that sort of freedom and liberty, sometimes it's easy to take that for granted. i think we are constantly reminded and should be that this has not been the case for most of human history, that even today, even in the 21st century, most parts of the road, those freedoms and liberty are not respect it, they do not exist. or so people all over the world
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who had when they worship it had a worship. they can't openly criticize government leaders as i'm about to do pretty extensively. [laughter] [applause] would have to understand that we have a special and anything that a special like what we have is to protect the network preserving. but i think is the central issue we face, whether in our society, economy, laws and liberties come essential lessons is a challenge of how do we keep america different and special? how do we keep that special place unlike any other in human history? though our rights come from god as our founding documents state, the truth is those rights have been always had respective men have shown a willingness to violate them, it are them or deny them come as we fight against headwinds in america every single day, our very existence is in contrast to that most of human history as looked
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like. for those of us motivated and politics by faith are influenced heavily especially challenging time where we are told we should balance our faith are separate from how we express ourselves in the political process. this coalition of faith and freedom gets it right in many senses, but faith and freedom are intertwined, certainly for americans it is. but i hope to do in the next two minutes is not just advocate you stay engaged and involved but encouraging do more because they think were called to do more in that regard. knowing the diversity of faith in this room today, i'm going to rely my personal faith, the christian faith or guidance to things about them at that but the times i'm discouraged and when i wonder the purpose about this,, what i spend days of a from family can run for office and everything tells you you can't win? when you could engage in
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political discourse is simply because you disagree with someone you're called a bigot or heater and these are the ones to motivate me because they think a remind us what mixture of mary individual and personal obligation we have, but also an extraordinary obligation as a people and nation. often times for guidance they turn to the book of matthew to the fifth chapter where jesus is talking to his disciples in trying to explain edwards meant to influence us about our role in life and rule the world no matter what it is you do. sometimes you think worship is on what to do in a church or synagogue. you can also worship in daily life and work place the matter what your job is any dedicate whatever it is you do to god. that is worship. [applause] it's important you clap. those are good water breaks. [laughter] he starts out by saying you are the salt of the earth. what does that mean?
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today we are told to avoid salt because the blood pressure. 2000 years ago they didn't have refrigerators or ice, man-made ice. so it was a preservative. celibacy is to preserve primarily meat and food and design to preserve valuable things. it was unlike today where you drive down to the corner grocery store and pick up 2000 calories pretty quickly. in the states it is valuable and people died of hunger and starvation as they do in many parts of the world today. you are the salt of the earth. what he was saying to disciples in us, salt is a preservative. that's what you are. your call to preserve something valuable, something important and we understand that at a personal level because each and every single one of us has an obligation to preserve the values we now make a difference in peoples lives and as a society society in the world as
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americans we are called to preserve this extraordinary place, not a perfect country by any stretch, but still the single greatest nation in human history, even as we speak, even with challenges we face and problems we have come under his mannish number at earth they would trade places with any other review. i thank god every day or as often as i remember that he's allowed me to be a 21st century american. there's no other time and place i would rather live. not because this without problems because we have the freedom and liberty to sell them in every way. you are the salt of the earth some of these issues we hold in our society such as marriage or the value of life or compassion towards fellowmen, we are called to preserve those things if it's a special mandate because one of the things that make this exceptional as there's no people in human history more compassionate. no nation in human history has used his power and wealth to help people over the world more than we have.
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there is a natural disaster but there's not an american response. when a major catastrophe hits another nation it is america that response first. and i were the throes of debate which is to visit many quarters including people supporters of ours and mine, but the essence of immigration policy is compassion, the idea that not only do we believe people from all walks of life to succeed given the opportunity, we want to be a place where they succeed. for an orderly process, legal process, a way that's measured we believe these things where motivated by her compassion, by your understand is people on earth tonight the people chambray and if you get a chance to do that that will change their lives, their country in the world. we are called to preserve those values. [applause] so we as a nation in you as a person are the salt of the
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earth. jesus goes on to say if salt loses its value, with what can it be seasoned? if the salt loses its value, what replaces it? what can you do to save the salt and what we choose instead? again, that's a question to assist people motivated endeavors by her faith. if we are silent, who will speak? if america is balanced in each of our times, what nation on earth will replace us? if we are not the ones who stand and say we respect people's fears and don't minimize issues. especially when you describe a person and personal situation, at the end of the day we don't believe we know every single human life, whether the speaker not, whether they are born or not, whether they have registered to vote or not, every single human life has value. every single human life matters and every single human life is worthy of protection for flaws
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in the society people. if we don't say that, you will? ever cursed to be sailing in regard because it will help us lose the next election, who will save that of us? will be the salt if we are not the sole? if they lose the value, what will replace it? the same is true for america. look around the world. statistics tell us the most persecuted group from a numerical point of view are christians. the persecution against christians today and not just remote areas. i'm talking about china and egypt are christians in our jewish brothers and sisters understand persecution all too well. it's been the story of the jewish people for over 5000 years. people persecuted because of their feet to worship in hiding, told embalmed and worship destroyed, it could not speak again that, who will? and freedom is threatened paris
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rise of radical islam threatens the peace and safety of the world come if america does not say this is jonathan and should be done, who will? so i'm not advocating america can engage in every conflict on the planet or we try to solve the pre-civil war, but there's nothing to replace us. i promise you it's not the united nations. i promise you it's not china. i promise you it's not the european union. [applause] if we lose either the willingness of the power to be an influence on the global stage, there is nothing to replace us. by the way comments are rendered the greatest influence our country sat on the road hasn't been a military or economy. it's been our example. hispanic sample that says we believe here that every human being is endowed by their
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creator with certain rights and doesn't matter how poor your parents were or how your last name is pronounced or were you come from or what circumstances you had to overcome. we believe you have a god-given right to go as far as your talent and work will take you. we put that into this and that's why no matter where in the world to come from or where in the world you go, they can look to america and see someone doing here what they were told they could never do. you see people accomplish things they been told for generations is not possible for people at that. we've proven that free people can govern themselves. you need theaters to tell you which are rights are to protect you from yourself. in america we believe the opposite of my proven that in our economy, laws and respect for constitution we've proven not just free people can govern themselves, but from all corners of the planet can come together
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in one place and build the single greatest nation ever known. if it is the american example about what replaces the american example? nothing. chaos, instability, lack of liberty. that's what replaces us at the salt loses its value and if america declines. jesus went on to say you are the light of the world, a city set on a mountain cannot be hidden, nor did they lighted lamp and put it under a bushel basket. it set up on a lampstand berg insight to rob a house. that is a call to us. our values were not about hiding it or talking about it. our values are tested through time. our values have been proven to be essential values for a strong society and ultimately strong nation. not because we sit in judgment of others and not because they don't respect others who use.
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in a free society people disagree that we should respect their views that they should respect our spirit this call for us to silence ourselves and stop speaking about values that we know work is a big mistake. that means we would hide the light. that means we would hide the light. same with america. the idea that time has come to retreat from the world and it are the issues around us is a call for us to hide our late and again we can't do that because of america's life is extinguished there is no other light, there is no other nation. there is another example. there's nothing it replace us. we are called not to hide our light shine at approved of the world by action in example of the principles we believe in and stand for, freedom and liberty of all mankind to go as far as you can go from the dignity of life, importance of marriage,
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that these issues are time tested will be an example of how these things should be put in practice and build a better world and a better life. i conclude that jesus' last admonition. he says, just so your light must shine, shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly father. what that says as we want people to know it's not just by her words, but our actions. the amazing about the early christians is heavily persecuted as they were, put to death, as much conversion to christianity that happened during the early days was their example in the way they lived life. people would look at these guys and gals singing henderson home on the way to the colosseum, just before they set fire are praising god, showing compassion
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to others and they were puzzled by it. it ran against everything the world tells you matters. they went against everything they knew to be true and rent counter against everything a pagan society of roman empire understood to be right versus wrong and good versus bad. at some point people started saying how can they have this piece? how can i go into situations with so much internal tranquility. the answer was their faith. they didn't just convert people by preaching. they converted people by living it and by their example in my in the same is true of our nation. time and again, people have been told you don't want what america has. people like us from places like this can't live like that. eventually that place is going to collapse, the soviets predicted that in others predicted now because free enterprise is not sustainable.
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the rich get richer, poor get poorer. democracy, freedom, republic khomeini's strong leaders that the people in line to prevent chaos. that's a people have been told. america's latest proven them wrong and eventually people said how can they be this great nation? if america is so bad, where people are trying to get in, but no one seems to get out? [applause] and so we as a nation and a people as americans, our light shine so others will look to s. and give glory to our heavenly father. thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. i appreciate it. [applause]
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>> i do think what we are doing does protect the american civil liberties and privacy. the issue is today we've not been able to explain it because it's classified. so that issue is something where wrestling with. how do we explain that and still keep this nation secure? that is the issue we have in front of us.
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.. saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. also this weekend on c-span2 booktv coverage from the publishing industry's annual trade show bookexpo america saturday at 1:30 and c-span3 american history tv lectures in history from the end of slavery to separate but equal sunday at
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1:00. >> this up to my clark was born in charleston in 1898. her father was a slave. she started her teaching career in 1916 in a rural school on john's island which is a sea island off of the coast of charleston. she continued her career in urban schools in south carolina and spent most of her, all of her teaching career in south carolina and in 1956 the state of south carolina passed a law forbidding state employees from belonging to subversive organizations such as the naacp and she lost her job and her retirement and then she developed a citizenship education program to be used during the civil rights meeting.
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>> tonight on c-span2 the european parliament debates the nsa's electronic surveillance program. that is followed by a discussion about protests in turkey and later a house hearing on the problem of prescription drug abuse. the european parliameparliame nt delayed at the nsa's electronic surveillance program on tuesday. e.u. ministers were critical of the u.s. government's collection of private data as a violation of privacy. here is part of that debate. >> a commission statement on u.s. internet surveillance on european citizens. the nsa's


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