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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 16, 2013 10:30am-12:01pm EDT

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have to be for gun control. if you're good person he had to be for gun control otherwise you don't care kids are killed around the country in schools and churches in places like sandy hook. for several different bullies worth pointing out. i'm going to divide this into two sections. the first is what it is we face on the other part is how we fight this because it's an overwhelming attempt by the left to silence the debate, to shut us out to copy onto being quiet because it's much easier not being a racist, sexist, bigot, who hates every minority.
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>> nonfiction literary scene in bali is incredible because of the university in schools. >> were the first of the former confederate states to pass legislation to get a program for artificial limb. >> these are ordinary people doing something extraordinary. >> a book called freedom's teacher, the life of sent to the clerk which is a biography of us have do not clerk who was a social activist, civil rights activist in my book is about her educational act of his son, both prior to entering after the civil rights movement. i was interested in telling her
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story because she was a very person in the civil rights movement, but she was before that. she was nearly 60 years old at the time she did what she is most for, which is citizenship schools. i was like what does she do from 20 to 60 that prepared her to do this, does this tell us about the deeper reset the movement and women's roles and it? and then her schools where primary sites of women's activism during the movement. look at this one figure was a way to tell a longer story, but also black women's activism across the 20th century. so to not clerk was born in charleston in 1898. her father was a slave and her
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mother was a free one-man race in haiti part of the time, but also born in charles and. she started her teaching career in 1916 in a rural school off the coast of charleston. she continued her career in urban schools in south carolina, spent most of her teaching career in south carolina and in 1956 the state of south carolina passed a law forbidding state employees from belonging to subversive organization such as the naacp and she lost her job at retirement and developed a citizenship education program to be used during the civil rights movement. so the citizenship schools were designed to enable african-americans in the south to learn to read and write so they could pass a literacy test
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required by southern states to register to vote. so they had a practical literacy component. beyond that, clerk's curriculum taught people about political literacy and economic literacy. for her, the first hurdle was registered to vote, but the real job was coming to understand citizenship responsibilities and new seemed about to bring improvement to your local community. if sensible first goal of the schools was to pass a literacy test and register to vote. each southern state had a different literacy test the required applicants to a section -- read and interpret the state constitution to the satisfaction of the registrar. the registrar was always a white
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person who couldn't find anything to say that wasn't good enough. but you also have to sign your name on the form. so that was the first step, a concrete goal. once people were able to do that, they could imagine doing other things as well. this practical literacy gave people the self-confidence they'd otherwise lacked because they had depending on other people because they couldn't read for themselves. somehow the citizenship schools worked, highlander oversaw them from 1857 until 1961 until at which point it transferred to the southern leadership conference, which is dr. king's organization and from there the program spread throughout the south. how they did this was community organizers identifying people who would most likely make good teachers in their community and
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they looked for people with phd mines who'd never had a chance to get an education. it was very grassroot and they would bring people to a weeklong workshop where they would teach them how to teach the classes, how to recruit students, how to gauge people's educational levels and how to identify what needed doing in the community and start to work on that problem. another part of the genius of this additions schools is that few moderate white southerners could argue against teaching semi-illiterate african-americans to read and write. so segregation at times provides a camouflage. why people don't know what's going on in the classroom. it's only wants people who pass
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through those schools put what they learned and to crack this that why people start should figure out the schools are a source of the problem. so the genius of it if it provides cover. the schools are funded by private foundations and teachers receive a small stipend for teaching. they need two nights a week and usually run for five or six weeks and everybody goes to attempt to register. in the course of that, they also learn math, they learn how to pay their taxes. they learn how to read a tax bill if they own property so they won't lose it for not paying their taxes. so they learn all these other skills applied beyond going to vote and that's the significance. septa not clerk was also part of a network of this in the south.
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people she knew were people like ella baker has instrumental and the founding of the suit nonviolent coordinating committee. should not rosa parks in the summer 1955, when parks attended the highlander school were clerk developed the citizenship schools for months after part left highlander is the day she refused to move from her seat on the bus. so there's a lot of behind-the-scenes a lot of behind-the-scenes organizing and educational affairs going on in the movement before thanks to merge into public. clark was a big behind-the-scenes person, preparing people to take action through her education program. the first things people don't know, i don't think people know of her at all in her role in the movement. clark first of political action
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in the team maintained -- in the 19 night team after world war i to force charleston to hire black teachers and their black schools, public schools because they only had white teachers at this point. so she joined early and she kept not an unbroken chain, but she had that experience and through that experience she set the pattern she would follow throughout her life, which was to advocate on behalf of black women in professional options, but also black children. she was concerned throughout her life and activism with things like health care, employment, political participation.
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of course this ebbs and flows over the course of her life, but it's always there. one thing that's really important that septima clark organized she said one-time effect a pebble thrown in the mill pond. one thing spreading ousters others. i think i was like a lifelong approach for her and certainly shows her with some also some and she would say to us today. >> after raleigh, the tv set down with ansley herring to explore artificial leg during and after the war. >> sort of to answer my own questions, i started my first job as a reference archivist. one of our churches was to find a project to work on. there had been for the time i started a series of about five boxes that is that artificial limb collection.
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they are basically arranged loosely off arranged loosely alphabetical a surname. some things work than i thought it this is great. here are wreckers arranged by people's names. they are confederate veterans and the record started in 1866. the federal government had been doing this. during the war in fact the federal government was providing amputees with artificial limbs. we were the first of the confederate states to pass legislation to get a program for artificial lens for confederate veterans. what happened after that stipulations of the resolution or the sheriffs in each county were to go out and count maimed veterans in county. they also decided at the time
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the arms were that you saw, so they're going to focus on the legs because the government's drive us to get to work and they felt getting people links to work on was more important than an arm that wasn't all that useful. the focus initially was just legs. the state chose the path like company, which was not the best out there. it was a fine leg. but it would have purchase a leg for the company said there's a strong t-ball who works for the company and he wants to come home and he'd be willing to come set up an office in raleigh and manufacture wins here. a few of the limbs have surfaced.
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duncan hannah got a letter. if you can't come to the archives committee could write our correspondents and say i would like the confederate pension for my grandfather, robert alexander hanna. and i've got his leg if anybody cares. mr. hannah did not have access to e-mail. i wrote him a letter and told him i cared. i didn't know if he would be able to take pictures and e-mail it or anything like that, but a few weeks passed and i got an e-mail that said the title was duncan hannah. no message at all. taken in a feed store and all the speed x you can see somebody's hand holding it undergoes a variety of angles and finally one picture showed the bottom of the foot and i could see the screw holes and i
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knew how the patent work and where the cables went. i knew it was one of the patent legs, the stumps people had were so ragged and painful epididymis would like to get around was off to not desirable for them. they were hot, they hurt the stumps. they would just come up with something a home or work around. the state paid for them. they could have purchased the patent and purchased the kids, the wood blocks and everything for a little bit less. obviously the most cost effective date with what they did and that was having some come down and they paid $75 if he thought the lakewood park for a few lusters lake too far down and what we had commercially
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available wouldn't work for you. you could just take the money. the legs today versus that, some of them are high-tech. everyone has seen someone walking down the street with a $6 million man contraption that is high-tech and if you didn't know differently, you would know if they weren't amputee. they were comfortably with the late at night may seem stiff but offers them a natural gait. not everybody has access to a site like that. but an amputation is done, they are able to do flaps of skin sewn together carefully and during the civil war, the surgeons didn't have a lot of time for we can start or surgery. things to be ragged and bones close to the surface.
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it made it very hard to utilize artificial limbs. the fainting pain, which is obviously the name of the book has to do with the patent for the sand lake -- it may seem leg sensing pain in an area that has been amputated. the people at the amputee support group described it as you break up the middle of the nine that your leg hurts and it's not there, but it's excruciating. they make the recovery difficult. again, the state had its own phantom pain. it was trying to fix these people and at the time, people thought if you could get injured veterans back to work that it would ease this pain. the book's genesis was the list of every person who contacted
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the state related to having lost the use of the limbs during the war. it was what counted they were from and everywhere you find a document related to correspondence with the state. it is a brief history of the state of medicines and what type of surgery they might've encountered. a little bit of an overview of what the other confederate states were doing. people understand that their ancestor -- what their ancestor experienced. >> from the tvs recent trip from raleigh, north caroline with the help of time warner cable, drawing some books from the entomology collections of frederich tippman. >> north carolina state university. we are talking about frederich
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tippman. frederich tippman was trained as an engineer and electrical engineer. he was born in 1896. he was originally born in hungary and the thought of his life in africa. he was very self-taught but serious etymologists i started collecting specimen in these volumes at an early age and by 1957, dismissing the income which was the nationalist embassy faculty member here called david yong who knew about his specimen collection, which was thousands of thousands of items transferred in the smithsonian had purchased it. david yong who did come and teach you is interested in this and realized he had a library as well, so he started to advocate for the library to be purchased by the sea. this two years of negotiation.
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this purchased for a large amount of money, but it was certainly worth it and paid to have the shipping port to calm overhear an array. 1959. is a difference between titles and volumes because it's a scientific collection, there's a lot of journals. so although there's 1200 titles, there's this arch rents of individual volumes within one title. ranges from 1476 up until the 1950s. some of the highlights of the collection was hard for me to select. this is a fragment of the oldest piece in the collection. as you can see we've got the frederich tippman bookplate in every single item. this is an illustration of a woodcut by conrad on a convert
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was one of the most prolific german raiders of the 14th century and was also a german catholic scholar. this is an illustration from his natural history, which originally was a manuscript. this is a type version originally printed in 1475. the image itself portrays insects that are real and fantastic print the work of style is different and precise, which we look at later on. this is quite interesting person. no one knows anything about him. what she was a naturalist and a painter. this is printed in london and and translated into french. it's called the published in 1781.
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as you can see, a very different process for the woodcut you looked at earlier. the illustrations are hand painted. this is also an interesting text as the author. these are some scary beatles. the author at the beginning, which is rather unusual for his era mansions cruelty exercised by thoughtless men and many animals, but especially on insects that every animal preferring life is feeling incapable of suffering pain and the shakespeare humana expresses crush but may differ it fills the pangs of death where the monarch falls. this is a very interesting item in the collection. sec it comes from a sad is it
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was designed for children and first published in 1799. they went right through to 1870. each of them had a great income sometimes hand colored, five to 10 pages. they were to teach children about science. this engraving depicts an aristocratic figure, teaching children about national science in the background. there is a wonder, and are, which is full of specimen showing exotic places and fascination with new world and exploration that certainly was very prevalent during the 19th century. as you can see, these are not an colored compared with the ones we sold earlier. as such a favorite piece. all in all, these would not have
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been blown. they were sold as individual items i came out an annual basis. so this is illustration i giovanni antonio school bully in his publication. this was published between 1786, 1788. you can see the detail in nice. again, this is an engraving which is hand colored you see the details of the heads. magnification would then mandatory for this type of detail. the other thing we should mention is the insects obviously were to cease with this happen. generally collected in large numbers and the artists with paint them from the specimen, then the engraving with the made for the printing process and the place would be printed.
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you can see the tent where the plate is. i'm in the hand coloring the tape plays. this is printed to one of the rare pieces. so this is a volume was a self-taught american naturalist considered the father of descriptive entomology in the united states. he also helped find the entomological society of the united states come or so has the worst him. he made many expeditions to all sorts of frontier areas all over the country had collected many specimens along the way. many of the collections and people trying to classify their collection. this is one of the first volumes
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published on american insects only. there's actually three volumes 1824 tonight 1828. the hand coloring is beautiful and the plants give it a little more variety. so this created by the french nationalists who was trained as a rule your. insects from africa and america published in 1805. a lot of people that traveled brought back specimens. that was the way before photography that people could find out what they were like, study the details to learn about them. he actually lost her collections in his life. one in africa due to where he was unfortunately. the british were invading in nigeria and it was destroyed.
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he was french, but was an aristocrat. he ended up leaving haiti and going to america. he gradually had to build his life back up again because he could not return to france. he ended up studying entomology and anticipated a church. after philadelphia for a while, we found that he was able to return to france. unfortunately, the ship with his third specimen collection stuck iraq off the coast of nova scioscia and soft. these are interesting because instead of being done from the deceased specimen in a box committees are down done from his drawing. that was all that really remained. obviously he could use more in
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europe, said this was how he created his works. what is so fascinating that this is a printing press and the accuracy and detail of the engraving, which is an etching into a copper nickel plate. you can see the incredible detail and harris on these spider legs and the web around a promotion as to the mastery of the artists. >> rob christensen is next. mr. christensen dryness during a recent trip to raleigh to talk about the political history of north carolina. >> north carolina politics for years. when i started out many years ago, i wanted to read about that explained it all to me in terms state got to where it was, by
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the state collects democrats and republicans, who was connected to, what are the political machine that dominated the state manages the last two years, but decades. i want to connect things and i went looking for such a book and there was no book, so i decided to have an interesting history and so forth, so i decided to write the book, desolate people who come along. it's not only for of course the scholar, but also the person is engaged and wants to know about north carolina. not only for the new people in the state, the the fastest-growing states that people coming in from all over the country, but also the people who've lived in north carolina are the advice you may know a little bit about the state's political history, but want to know a little more. a lot of people ask why i named the book "the paradox of tar
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heel politics." a lot of people don't understand north carolina politics. how was it a stake state can elect conservatives like jesse helme, which is the most famous politician the state has produced in recent years except for maybe john edwards and how can also at the same time produce progressive politician like jim hunt, four term governor or terry sanford was a governor and a united states senator were back in time a little bit, frank porter graham, one of the leading liberals in the south. how can the same group of voters produce conservatives than liberals? so it is a paradox that the state has liberal tendencies, major progressive universities at the research triangle. it has conservative tendencies in vast parts of the state conservative.
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so what compounds people who live outside of north carolina and say it is a red state, blue state? it tends to go republican in presidential races and yet, until november we had 20 straight years of democratic governors. so that is the paradox. ..
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the closest state that mitt romney won. now, what happened in 2010 was republicans won control the state legislature, and that was a very critical election because that came just as redistricting occurred. they had the advantages because they could draw new lines. and so that has given republicans a leg up in the next election, 2012. right now republicans for the first time since reconstruction have control of the entire state government to of three bridges, but that is very unusual, because we just went through 20 years of democratic control which is heavily the only southern state that has occurred, but is the only state east of the rockies or it has
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occurred. the only states that went through 20 years of democratic governors were washington and oregon. the state is back-and-forth because it is so evenly balanced not arrested or blue state. really, it's a purple state perry from the democratic point of view somebody like terry sanford was elected governor in 1960 in a letter president taken an elected to the united states senate, he was very important because he was governor of north carolina during a time of desegregation which was obviously a critical time in the south. so he was guiding the state on a very moderate course and saying that -- staying at coor's during a time when george wallace in alabama was standing of the court has kate and at that time sanford was pushing a stake in a marriage moderate way toward racial integration grimsley was set in the mold which opened up the state for things like business friendly, said in the
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mold for this it is different from the deep south state. so he was a very critical of person because that helped set that reputation as a moderate, progressive, southern state that was different from the rest of the south. the other hand, senator jesse helms was very important because he was not only important in terms of helping build the republican party in north carolina, helping switch a lot of conservative democrats to republican party members and help the republican party, which is a very powerful party in the state now, but he was also a national figure in helping to build the new right and reagan's presence, he was very much in doubt. his organization save his political career in 1976 primary in north carolina. and many of the republicans now control the state legislature and think that jesse helms is the role model. so he was very much a critical thinker. so those are two figures that the very, very important for
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differ reasons to the state's political history. robert reynolds was a populist senator who was elected during the great depression. he was a wealthy man from that ashville mountains, a democrat. he was a vaudeville type character who portrayed himself as a poor man. he was a great traveler. we all see that, for example, tried to cut travel widens and broadens and make someone a more cosmopolitan, but that isn't always true. he travel lot. now he had become very anti-immigrant and so forth. one of the things he did was when he was traveling during the depression, elected you as a senate, he visited not to germany and mussolini's italy. and he saw the the germany and italy, the communists were
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booming while the united states was still mired in the great depression. of course were the reasons there are doing that was rearming because there were about to go to war. he became very impressed with hitler and mussolini. he began going back home and talking up hitler and mussolini. eventually that led to his downfall. among southern states that was very little isolationists. isolation is mainly among midwestern republicans, but once a -- among southern democrats that tended to be anglicans. so that eventually forced him to retire because he just 45 they put up with all of the shenanigans, but they could not put up with his pro not see sentiment. people can see what they want. sam ervin was a world war one
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hero. he was a very bright guy. he was conservative and a lot of waste. he was one of the staunch defenders of segregation, which she had to be, being a southern senator from that time frame. but that's how he is remembered today. he is remembered mainly, of course, through watergate because he led the hearings and helped bring down nixon. being a conservative democrat get him more moral authority among republicans to lead the investigation because he saw that as an assault on the constitution. he was not some of the liberal. he was a southern democrat, and he also stood out to mccarthy who was leading the witch hunt. you bet it will to do this in part because he spent most of his life as a judge. he could spare anybody. you say you're working for the
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communists will whenever. no one wanted stand up to him. so already with up to washington . he did that known better and was fearless. mccarthy went after irvin and everyone went right after mccarthy. and it made his reputation immediately. north carolina is a little bit different from the rest of the south. it has both progressive impulses and conservative impulses. of the duke and stereotypes the state. something go progressive and some conservative. it is different from much of the rest of the south. the moment you think you understand you will be surprised. >> next, we take a tour of quail
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ridge books and music with over nancy olson and talks about the difficulties of on in -- owning an independent bookstore in north carolina in the current economic climate. >> we are here in quail ridge books and music and are surrounded by nonfiction of all kinds. that is one of our best selling sections. we have lots of nonfiction writers and our customers and had a nice exchange of ideas. our customers -- ides as love them. they supported all these years. not just for that. they appreciate what they're doing. they're smart, of course. they're not big into commercial books, although i carry commercial boats. i have to if i want to pay the
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rent, and i'm happy to do that. they're really interested in more esoteric books and specific books than different subjects. and lots of the interest come in. it no need to ask for help. they know exactly where they want to go. when the new books are. we do our best to help and find what they want and introduce them to new things. that is our job, to find those books that there would never hear about. we read hundreds of journals and reviews. we handpick the buyers, handpick every book that we put in here. and that is a bit of a difference of philosophy from the some of the of the bookstores. i think that's why we succeeded. which tried to have high-quality
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unusual unique selection some books. i don't think all independent bookstores are as concerned about service. we are absolutely devoted to being not only the store providing good, quality customer service, but hospitality. that's the big thing. we want people to feel comfortable here. we have many, many activities that cover a range of people and people's interest. we had certainly west of the challenges that a lot of independence didn't. as you know, half of them went out in the 90's when the change started. and the ones who say the course
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and been successful, i think, have found that correct philosophy of formula. we have had to learn business principles that i never thought of nafta no. i'm not a business person. i'm a book and people lover and a reader. and so i think that is what has done it. we make everybody feel comfortable. we try to -- when i first of the store when i was getting ready it was recommended that by a move the book and search of excellence. i read danny meyer spoke on how he developed his restaurants and chains. he just it said -- he is the one because i hospitality. and i just stick with that
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principle. great customer service they just can't make themselves except that they have to do everything they need to do to make the customer happy and to make them too good about putting their money, spending their money in an independent store like this. they want us to succeed. they're very loyal people. that makes the changed tremendously, as you can imagine, because of a lot of reasons. some of them positively. a lot of them were listening of the discounts the publishers are getting, there were giving in to the big chains, but there were not given to us.
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thank goodness some people file -- followed soon our behalf. now we did wonderful discounts from almost all the publishers. and you know, those points make a huge difference. we are a just-in-time ordering store. we converted to a just-in-time way of ordering. that turned us totally around because we can order more titles, fewer copies, but by and large we were in one's. and if they are something hot we read or write a way so that we have a good ordering -- could be efficient ordering system. that has enabled us number wise financially to make bigger profits, turnover our books more often. if you turn over in your books three times your inventory year your breaking with the profit
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margins. but if you go above that you are making money and you are selling goods. you sell the book and sell out and we did it then another day. really making money. we were breaking even for you, but we have some good advice from people in the business. and because of this just in time warring, sales escalated, our profits went up, and we have done well since. then the thing is going you are supporting a locally owned store , you are supporting the community. >> carol papule it sat down with book tv while we were in -- carol peppe hewitt said down with book tv low we were in raleigh, north carolina. co-founder of seoul money which
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works to finance not carolina sustainable food and farming economy. >> the book is "financing our foodshed: growing local food with slow money". slow money was the brainchild of woody tosh and he had to set the they could take the concept of money, venture-capital, investments, loans, and then -- instead of sending enough to wall street you could invest it right in your local community and in particular in food. so the idea of slow food is that if we slow food down we give more quality, more thoughtfulness, and it is just better all-around. if you slow money down you get the same result. more thoughtful attention to where your money goes. doing good, harm, and in particular what if you try to invested right in your own local community? sustainable farming, businesses that support local food, the support soil fertility. but if we did that?
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we think it would make a huge difference. several years ago i got more interested in the local food movement and knew that one of the big obstacles for small farmers was capitals to buy farm, but even the small amounts. thirty years ago we reward of up to five by a very rundown place. that tent does -- fit to all the difference. interest rates are high. without that loan we never would have done a business started. here we are 30 years later, and we have been in will to make a living, raise our kids, put them through school. and it's time i get a chance to pay it forward. i work with other small businesses summers and local food businesses. and the small business skills needed in the capitol that is needed is very similar.
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the small money project looks for small farmers and local food businesses that support farming. for example, today we are here at the bakery. jackie has the most marvelous story. when she first approached slow money for a 40,000 loan, we were just kidding started. we had done $12,000 loan and had done nothing remotely even close to 40,000. we had to turn her way. it is kind of an idea. we think it's a good one, will we do not it's going to go. i just wish we get help, but we can right now. a year later she came back and by then we practiced more. we found other people that also wanted to make the small, affordable loans to amend we have done several by then. at this point she only needed four or $5,000 for mixers. she had come under bought. she now was helping to find out of the mixer. this the kind of project that we
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do. she was able to get a loan from an issue needed to buy the mixer and a very low interest rate, usually loans are two, three, 4% because a lender is not doing it for the money. the people that want to make these kinds of loans are very interested in the mission beyond this low money concept. they support the idea of helping small farmers and local food businesses. and that is -- it's the social benefit as well as the financial benefit. who makes these? who would make one of these? their high risk. personal loans. they're risky because businesses can go out of business. a farmer can have a bad summer, a bad season. on the other hand they tend to perform very well because people have made a connection, built a
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french, these loans are based on three things. generosity, trust, and granted. that's the picture of the lender and the borrower right there. the trust and the middle is a big part of that. they perform very well. people often ask if we have any defaults, and there are very, very few. but even in those cases, they're still trying to figure out a way to pay back those loans. so why the people and? because they care. i like to say that we lend because we can go much like a said, it's important to try to pay for it because a small loan is with obama business to started 30 years ago. because we can. i have a deep belief that people wake up in the morning and don't only need food, clothing, and shelter. they actually want to make something happen that day. the want to go to bed and i
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needed some good. and this project is a great way to do that. here we are just about almost exactly three years later. gabba facilitating loans north carolina. it totals over $720,000. the goal here is to build resilience in our local food shed. almost all the lenders will raise from very ordinary, if you will, working class or middle class and upper hangs. but they just felt, for different reasons. everyone has their own personal reason, but they fell like this was very important, something they wanted to do. other fed up with wall street as taken all their money and are looking to find places with me to invest it. that was the case of one person that the $5,000 loan to one in couple, another $5,000 loan to someone winterizing a farmer's
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market, part of a large project we did, $25,000, so many people of made multiple loans. the big one that'll tell you about quickly, 16 people put together $25,000. 400,000 together. we refinanced the marketplace which is our local food co-op and north carolina, facing a large balloon payment. been in business about three years, and that loan was for the bank of virginia. we were able to find 16 people, and there were all willing to take several points less common interest -- much less interest. while they have a reasonable return, it cut the payments by one-third. so $2,500 per month because local people are no other bank. which actually leads me to why i wrote the book and why wrote the stories down. one after another there were very personal, heartwarming,
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compelling stories. if you could share them with people here in north carolina there might take a look and say we can do this. i want to do this. were they live, kansas, arkansas, maine. and that is exactly what is happening. >> holocaust survivor morris glass is next on book tv. he describes his time in lodz, auschwitz-birkenau. only he and two other survivors of this family of 42. book tv talks morris glass on our recent trip to raleigh, north carolina. >> the book is "chosen for destruction: the story of a holocaust survivor". and the reason i wrote this book is, first of all, i heard morris speak and his story was
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absolutely riveted. so i was so taken by his story. could i write this? there were other factors involved. i teach a course in the holocaust. his story and compass much of the various aspects of the holocaust. he was in a ghetto for four and a half years. he was on that death train. he went to auschwitz. he underwent the full term there for but six weeks. and then taken to the dock camp. so he experienced much of the
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various parts of the holocaust. not all by many -- by any means. he covered a number of the experiences. he was also involved in the holocaust from the beginning to the end. his town was -- the germans entered his town with a week. he was liberated read before the armistice, the end of the war in may of 1945. he was involved the entire time. the other reason i was interested in his story was because he was from poland. so much of the literature, particularly schools, western european. and from the netherlands. that's a special case, even though its central europe. a hungarian jews were not involved in that.
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and it the students really aren't aware of the fact that the whole center of it was in poland. they don't know much about the polish experience in part because so few polish jews survive. so i was really anxious to write something that would put emphasis on the polish experience. of course those things let me to want to read the book. >> a ton of about 65,000 with a population of about 12,000 jewish people. it was brought up in the jewish home. the youngest of our family.
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i attended public schools. i was very active in many different sports. i had a very loving in a very caring family. ahead of very, very happy chair other. all this came to an end to on september the first 1949-7 or war broke out. it started with a ghetto. in other words everything happened systematically, but all of 1 ton. first right after the german army occupied our town of course their radius and telephones were confiscated. your word. we had to come out to the window. there were burning in the streets. then the ghetto was born.
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we were forced to share our apartments for the only jewish people. and we were forced to work for the german machine to mechanician many valuable items. food was scarce. there was only one, which is not really. somebody gets sick. you know, there was no hope because the head to head come from outside the ghetto. the gestapo did not allowed to happen. so what kept us alive vote kept this going is the fact that we work with our families and, of course, our faith. this came when the orders came to evacuate. the children and the sick and
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the elderly were taken away never to be seen again. the rest of us were sent into the get no. geographically they're only a few away, but the second largest city in poland with a population of 750,000 in almost 250,000 jewish people, when we came into the ghetto there were only 90,000. in the lodz get of their work three or 400 people dying every single day from under and disease. it is a terrible thing to go and live through. it was not unusual in the large get. when somebody passed the family
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or never pick up the body for sever eight days so that they could benefit for the extra food they could no longer keep up with digging individual graves, so there were buried in unmarked mass graves. in spite of the fact that lodz del produced an incredible amount of very, very valuable items for the german not cease, we had three huge battle factories producing all kinds of parts. we did not know what their work, but whenever the specifications were, we made them. almost day and night. reproduced civilian clothes. we produced uniforms, furniture, needles, nails. there were like 1,000 during teenage girls.
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bacon's stores use that were sent. at that time jury was already a war with russia. the german soldiers worked on top of the booth to prevent. and also, we produced ski masks and earmuffs that also were sent to the eastern front. so this is of value lighten what kept us going was the fact that we were still with their families. the step came to an end her. in the summer of 1944 when the orders came to liquidate the get up.
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fivers six days we arrived at boschwitz, at which time the men were separated from the women. my mom and my sister waved to me. i waved back and i never saw them again. we continue watching -- marching towards better known as the engine of death who was in charge of the selections. my father went first to my brother, he hesitated because i was nothing but the skinny little kid. but that saved me, the fact that my father worked in a clothing distribution center and the lodz ghetto and brought me this plateau with huge pants and a man look like a man. but have was the thing but a skinny kid. philomela through.
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continued marching. show them the under arms. after richard showers were given a pair of striped pants and a share in it when i came outside and try to find my father . my father was standing next to me. i did not recognize my own father. this man aged 30 years in those few hours. he was only 43 years old. we realize that we found ourselves. agassi was too young to compare him. how can one possibly describe auschwitz? it was a place where there were thousands of people brought in
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every single day from every corner of europe. as far as greece and hungry in holland and belgium and france and poland, the selections were made. taken away into the crematoriums. he will bodies were sent into the temporary camps. eventually there were sent into the many hundreds of concentration camps in germany. auschwitz was miles of concentration camp surrounded by a high voltage electrical wire. fifty are 60 yards. there was a power -- the tower with a machine gun. four huge crematoriums operating 24 hours a day. the smell and the stench of burning human flesh is so
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distinct that it cannot be confused with anything else. it is almost impossible to describe the conditions and the environment in auschwitz. in addition the infamous dr. cheerfully sent thousands of people to the death. he was also in charge of the most heinous, sadistic, andrew experiments in modern times starting with partial and radical castration. i can't even describe it. he should have seen the women. where we grow by the experiment block i saw. their heads shaven, faces
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grimace, walking on all fours, not even the slightest resemblance to a human being. not to mention the experiments on children. it is just horrible. on the eve of young comport which is the day of atonement, the holiest date for the jewish people , but my brother was taken away and sent to a camp in northern germany. by the way, our camp was called the gypsy camp because there were 35,000 homeless in this camp. in order to make room for the men from the lodz get up there were taken and killed. the name still remained. they came and that evening and
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announces were very well aware how wholly that day was with the jewish people because there were additional shootings are killings or hangings. they demanded 700 teenagers. my sister's boyfriend, who had some privileges in this block, realized a was going on and grab me and put me under his bunk and covered with the blanket. a said he had some privileges because he had his own bunk. we slept a thousand men and a block in auschwitz. and we slept on the bare concrete coming up pillows, blankets. that's always slept. and my father was not aware was going on. in the morning when this was over he came over to me and said , you must get out of here.
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this is pure hell. and so i as i was telling you, there were daily transports going all over germany. we very quickly registered. we were taken c'mon our way into the concentration camps in germany. little did we know was awaiting this. we came in, a concentration camp after a couple of weeks there we were sent to another concentration camp. these were satellites. considered by the germans the camp of destruction. the original transport from auschwitz was told letterman. and we came inboard there were only 500 left. we were a group of 350. the conditions were almost impossible to describe.
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my father and i were to five will come up in the morning. it was night, dark. we came back to the campus start and we've walked 34 miles into this huge campus, whenever. i don't know what it was. my father and i were assigned to the dig foundations. hard to imagine how my father or myself, but this is what we were told another so we did. the ss troopers did not need an excuse to be so many of us up. somebody get a beating. they only lasted there to. anywhere between 30 and 40 people. my father could no longer go to
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work. he was too weak. when i would come back we used to evoke. and he would tell me that he used to get beadings almost every single day, but there were no marks on his face and body. and you is telling me the reason that he was getting beaten up every day is because they wanted him to go into the sick block. he knew the most anybody could last there was a day. i've would not even to attempt to describe the conditions. it's beyond description. say was hoping you would feel better and be able to go back to work. one morning they came in and direct my father from the bunk. they took him into a shed. i stood there and unbelievable horror. they pull the teeth from his mouth. his body was still warm.
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you see, in those days in your when a person to cover crown was made from gold, so that's what they kill them for. paying the final respects to my father, volunteered consisted of four men and a blanket. everyone holding on to one and. five of six bodies and their and we walked outside. there was a huge pit, two of them let go and the body just dropped into the pit. repeated seven and eight times. they're ready finnish state. how come you did not go to your regular work commander?
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i said, i just finished. question north done it because there shorthanded and for this i would get 50 lashes. so everybody was ordered together and watch. even the german commander kamen and pulled me over the table, pulled them up and said which point the german commander, the ss high-ranking ss commander said, only 25 because i'm a teenager. but the truth is that for the first few, you hardly feel anything. i still have the scars to prove it. my friends tried me into the bond. i must confess to you, i just
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lost my will to go on. without a doubt the darkest point of my young life. my friends got a hold of some rags and best of them in the snow. they knew when i knew about ten days are so later the others came to liquidate the camp. 1550 men. we were 118 survived and taken into the infamous out. we want -- when we marched in we were greeted by a welcoming committee which consists of men hanging and. as we worked through the of from the state that says work will
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set you free. the continue walking toward the showers which were the crematorium. at that point we have heard about the infamous cycle. about $0.39 and killed almost a thousand people. so we did not know what to expect because this man were in pretty bad shape. anyway, when it came out and we work -- after a few days we were sent to another camp. and i came down with the terrible disease. but you can't keep anything down all you want to do is die. we are taking to that adjourning
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labor camp. i was okay realizing nothing it would happen if i stayed, i looked over to this town trooper and asked him to my sick and i go back to the labor camp. they found typhoid, an example is under quarantine. about ten days later we were told that there were going to be taken into a camp. into the kill car, looked to her , people around me are almost dead. i really thought that this was the final hour for me.
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when i woke up in the morning i looked through the cracks. there was a camp there. could guide. why would they keep these people live when they killed hundreds of thousands of healthy people? i don't have an answer for that. that's the way it happened. there were taken into this camp. by that time there was already the beginning of spring of 1945. and the orders came for the infamous death marches. you see, the infamous adolf eichmann had a plan. he called it the final solution of the jewish question. the plan was given orders for all the concentration camps in germany to march down south, the furthest point south of the german austrian border outside.
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that is true would be given poison suit. by the time the american army would come in there would be nothing left but a mountain of fascist. thank god that this plan did not quite work. then we were in a tie for kemp. these people could not stand up, let alone locke. we were put on a car. the report on open go-karts, and we are -- raw ourself. after couple base the train stopped. it was a village. and the reason is stopped, the next journey was a german to fight what they call a fight joke, a military train with huge
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guns the likes of which i never saw in my life. obviously they're shooting themselves hoping that the americans would not come to disable the train. the americans came and rightfully so because they're reshooting of them. and as far as they tried, there were a lot of casualties. this was a huge train pulled and pushed by a huge locomotives. and so there were trying to disable this, of course. to describe -- it's almost impossible. there were hundreds of people laying all over without arms, without legs, a just claim to live. and in the afternoon for
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whatever reason the germans assessed with us and allow us to go to the village for war because these people, a lot of them had typhoid and richest running very high temperatures. so there were in need of water. they allowed us to walk and go to the village for water. and it was in the afternoon that the skies turn black. in the heavy rains came down. and the ss storm troopers took shelter at the farmers' houses. so we just kept walking and walking. there were five of us. we stuck together in the camp until we walked into a german farmer took us and coming give us food and hid as up in a hayloft. the next morning he woke us up and up that the war might be over because munich hung out the
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white flags of surrender, but it was not over. anyway, one of our friends was burning up, temperature. he said amazed that going to last if we don't give him some kind of help. he told us that if there was a hospital, a convent converted to a hospital less than 1 mile away if we go that it will help us. and that -- of course it was converted into a hospital for ss -- high-ranking ss officers. we know that begun to in the back of this huge, huge building. it must have been very, very late night. and we were laying there. and being the youngest, volunteered to knock on the
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door. i knocked on the door. it opened up and there was a nine. and did not have to say anything. she said, come in my child. told him there were four more friends in the forest they get the food. the cayman it took this. april the 20th 1945. the morning that they said children, the american army very close. the mib shooting. we will be safer in the basement it took us down to the basement. i get a hold of an apple cart. i saw the first american tank from upheld. how can i describe to you the jubilation in my heart, knowing finally to be free, how can i possibly describe see the jubilation. feeling that this nightmare was finally over.
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and now 68 years later and for generations strong i stand before you a very proud and grateful man with a grateful for the opportunity that the greatest country honest kidney to start a new live, to raise a family, and to live in freedom and liberty. >> for more formation on book tv recent visit to raleigh, north carolina and the many other cities is a viable concept vehicles go to / local content. >> you're watching book tv on c-span2. here is our prime-time lineup.
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>> the old adage, you want to move the mass commis have to move the cheese. if you want to change behavior yet to change. and there has never been strong incentive for focusing on the issue of the permission technology, technology generally. it is not on any of us, but the last of people will come in an advocate in the budget crisis for technology over health care don't exist. people don't line up with stickers. but no one opposes coming down
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to city hall demanding more and for asian technology. and so the challenge for government to leaders is to realize its potential in this possibility. its meaning in this purpose. that said, does it surprise in the view that last week and a big headline in the allied finds the department of motor vehicles just gave up on an 6-year effort to update its 40-year-old technology for the issuances of licenses. we have already spent more than half the money. it is adding close to have we done. it is in to the contract. it is it a surprise to any view? documents and those in government. the core system of california in 2004 identified at $260 million upgrade that was to be complete in 2008, $260 million. today the estimate is $2 billion
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to connect 58 counties in their case management system with no expectation and side that it will be done before 2015. the payroll of prison california, contracts, the contractor was also just fired. but get less attention love the dmv. the caliper's a big retirement insulating 49 data centers into one, the cost overrun. $220 million. everyone was more upset with the consolidation. yet we fixate on something all of you know in california. that is we have a few extra million dollars in the recreation parks department that we did not spend. with the money is still there, and it was not used. there have been hundreds of articles, and not about billions of dollars. and i would argue corruption by
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those that service that industry, but not services while so it is not a surprise. >> they didn't even know the money was there. it sort of went underground for disappeared? >> and no one is pleased with that. deserve a lot of attention. my gosh, think about these other examples. i can go on and on. those are just the contemporaries. >> the government is now working as a should be. >> not focused. >> all right. so were the citizens come in? >> well, i mean, increasingly my argument in the book is there is this new. less and less. five years ago if i were on your show, and i was too much talking about free wi-fi and the importance of dealing with social and economic issues of technology, providing access to broadband and high speed, not just access to as the ubiquity in public housing, increasingly that is beginning to take shape with the cost of these devices dropping precipitously.
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costs not only as it relates to access here in america, but easy access now to arrest the world. 63 percent of people in india have access to a cell phones. only 40 percent have access to towards. a world remarkably we're becoming more and more. but with government, this divide continues to get wider and wider and wider you can shop 24 hours a day seven days a week, have something delivered, and then go to the dmv, go down to your local building department, go and engaged to pay a parking ticket and all of a sudden you realize. so my fear is, citizens are now more engaged directly as we move through a free market not to social networks but mobility, the localization of services, and the access and ubiquity of the clout. we are stuck with this top-down i t cartel mine said. as a that lovingly.
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this notion that we could build the systems and servers come in a world where now you have this bond demand resource and you always get the federation. you're renting, not even buying. yet we're still building government. >> you're saying it no longer is relevant? >> it transforms everything. for talking about a virtual engagement. >> the engagement now, and i talk about peer to peer, think about donors, kickstart or in the go-go. i could go on and on. these examples where people are saying, i'm fed up with local government, state government, the sick and tired of haggling around filibuster's, kutcher. i don't even know what that is. sequestration. who made that up? this disconnect, but i want to solve problems and engaged in a difference. particularly this gender
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generation, 30 and younger, this generation they call generation of choice, the generation -- >> and you have a great deal of faith. i must tell you, in many respects aside from wanting to the commit themselves because i work with them as college professors and so forth. it a round you to a great extent in your campaigns, but perhaps maybe there's a bit inflated in terms of optimism, but their commitment. they seem quite apathetic. environmental issues, education. but fixing government which is really what you're talking about here, forming a government. it kind of checks out of apathy and a solution. >> and not for fixing government as an end in and of itself, but as a means step deal with our great challenges. this generation is more pathetic than any other generation in history. this generation is more engaged peer to peer in volunteering. the data bears that out. >> you can watch this and other
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programs online at >> i know just in my small experience of having worked at various disorganizations, you do see people, all the journalists who you know would not cut it today. that does not mean that there not good at what they do, but it is just that a man of vision erasion and a man of our generation is very different . i think that older people who decry what the media saturation is doing to us in terms of the update and new strain, things, a valid complaint. the argument of take your time and get your facts right is always going to be true. we saw it in the health care ruling. resawed in the boston marathon bombing. and i think the pendulum swings back and forth. now's the time where people live reconsidering how important it is to get your facts right and double source them. ..
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of "brainwashed: the seductive appeal of mindless neuroscience." the first question i want to ask you is what is the real title of this book? i understand you have a different title in mind when he started out. >> guest: i didn't start out with this


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