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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 17, 2013 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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as opposed to some police officer hiding where you never knew the person is hiding so you continue to speed. so you have police officers do their job. that's number one. and you make sure that people have an opportunity for meaningful employment. ..
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>> i did not get your point* because as i said that comes back why they choose those communities because they can be the super hero that has the most money or providing sneakers. >> but my point* is those communities don't have many so drug dealers cannot survive if to community doesn't have money. >> the drug dealers in fact, can develop markets among those who are vulnerable rbd feeling left out by the larger society am looking for something. >> i assure you. there are white folks coming to those communities to buy drugs if the drug dealers will survive.
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>> the wife could come there to buy the drug but you don't see the drive-by shootings the drug dealer rivalry playing out in the affluent community even though there is tremendous drug use. >> in the early '80s you did in miami. >> in the white communities? >> certainly it extended beyond the black community. you raise the scarred face example yourself. >> but in general i think most of these incidents, the shootings in reverie takes place in the pork black community. >> they do particularly when the markets are new. like when they're fighting over turf, that new market settles down you go see that anymore certainly not any more but that is a minor
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issue. i certainly don't want to downplay the fact people are killed obviously that is awful but i think there really is one of the major points and driving what we do that is shortsighted and limited that is all i am saying. >> the book is called high price. of our guest has been dr. carl karcher and not only another but associate professor of psychiatry and psychology at clinical university of nashua buys three council on drug abuse, a board member of the college of drug dependency dependency, and has done 22 years of research did narrow psychopharmacology and dr. harte it has been a pleasure to learn about you.
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this is a large part of biography as well as drugs in society and rates. congratulations on your book.
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>> host: on your screen is off 39 the book is "state of disrepair" fixing the culture and practices of the state department" from 89 you write to the department does state employee roster to consist roughly 7000 foreign service officers, 11,000 civil servants and 32,000 foreign nationals 16,000 applicants stroke the written test competing for roughly 1,000 jobs. the people selected have college degrees, 11 years of prior work experience before coming in to foreign service. two-thirds of the people selected to an in with postgraduate degrees and 80 percent have lived overseas, foreign service officers are awarded tenure after four years, 95 percent of those serving officers received tenure.
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a 25% of all of our diplomats are concentrated in only 30 countries. more than 2,000 in iraq and afghanistan. what is wrong with the state? [laughter] >> guest: several things. although it is an institution that ought to be good at its job and could be, with careful managerial attention the main problem is by their own description day and do not hire people for the skills that they say they need. they're not hiring the right people. they keep them all and they don't teach them anything in the meantime. the state department extends all training resources to teach languages and yet of the judge is requiring proficiencies 25% by the state's own reckoning are filled by people who cannot
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effectively use the language another to buy% for those were not easily proficient with 50% failure rate but with this area they have trading resources. it is not a good business model. >> host: why is there a 50% failure rate? >> the way the state department with career progression you take a diplomatic post for a couple of years and then after that you go to language training then go someplace else. we develop a generalist we don't develop experts. a talented young officer could be posted in baghdad then an example, at she will go to a couple of years language training and then sent to beijing.
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>> host: language training in arabic? >> welch you will have language training to go to iraq but not enough to feel comfortable having a discussion like we are having in the language of the country she was operating and then a year over to of language training then sent to china extraordinary profit professional development model. i would just point* out kids coming to the palo alto school district speaking 132 languages already we could hire people who have the language skills and we do not have to teach them. it is a business model that you would never start with at the culture of the state department replicates of the select people that have the skills of the people already there.
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the foreign service as an admissions wray to the equivalent of stanford university. , height of likelihood to get admitted to stanford as the u.s. foreign service we ought to be able to pick anyone we want to. but the institution does not make them better over time. that is something we should fix. >> host: former secretary rice is said the state has pentagon envy. >> guest: what she meant is there is a defensiveness to the culture of the u.s. state department and my favorite example is secretary clintons and development to bit -- a video the first and the secretary of state had done it. once every four years look to set priorities. it was a good first term but
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it has a long meese to go and fill one way to tell that is secretary clinton opened dip by saying we set out to figure how to make ourselves better and the conclusion is if you only gave us more money and more people we could be better. so the addition of the pentagon from the state department is they get all the money they want to work the foreign service does is every bit as difficult or dangerous but everybody likes the military and no room for foreign policy. >> why don't people think about the state department? >> only 2 million americans avail themselves overseas every year. not the high number so the first thing is most don't know there diplomats.
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they're mostly posted overseas, the foreign service institute is in washington, in spokane and of washington state they probably don't know them. and the foreign service could do itself a huge favor by stitching itself more closely into american society perhaps suggestions have they could do zaph and one is what diplomats like about themselves is complicated multinational negotiations like climate change because it is hard and intellectually difficult to master the material but what americans value is if your brother gets arrested in el salvador that american diplomats will see him in jail to make sure he is treated fairly and to ensure
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that protections that any american citizen will have are afforded to him and they view as the least important responsibility talented people don't go into consular affairs so it's a chess that after september a levin, so much funding and attention which to security and counselor affairs but american diplomats in the first line of defense they give the be set to foreigners who might come to the united states. the people who'd do that are the youngest foreign service officers, required first tour the workload is enormous and they don't get a lot of attention but yet they do it to fantastically. why don't they celebrate those young diplomats?
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my mom would be thrilled and that would make her like the for the service but see the undersecretary sweep out of the negotiations doesn't do much for my mom. >> host: kori schake for those who try to visit our embassy it is nearly impossible. is a fortress. >> guest: congress out of concern about protecting american diplomats and in particular after the bombings of embassies is in nairobi smith the clinton did in his station and congress started to legislate much better protection but it has the dysfunctional all. -- outcome it is not safer because it is so difficult to get in that they got to have their meeting so they are less well protected although they are doing there jobs well and out and
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about. >> one'' to the you have, washington will capital out war and hesitation the pretense and fumbling we're gone and argument over the country and its capital turned to what americans like and do best, action. half a continent and 130 million people were transformed into the greatest military power the world could see. amid the burst of energy. the state department's to a breathless and bewildered at an old lady during an intersection during rush-hour. what is that from? >> it is dean acheson rating on december 8, 1941 after pearl harbor at that time assistant secretary of state for economic affairs and was
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exasperated to see the state department was not better at its job when he goes on to say that what they needed to be doing was acquiring the resources the war a machine would need to keep them out of the hands of the enemies and he found them simply unable to do that. >> host: you worked at the national security council for george w. bush. did you find the same state department that dean acheson found? >> i went to work in the pentagon as my first real job. one of the things i was struck by is since i didn't grow up in a military family and it didn't know the culture that most of the military is brilliant teachers because they lead in an environment you cannot be good your job unless you make your bet feels good
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that there's an air was the person everyone had to make good at there job. i was struck at the people who are successful in the state department are people you can throw into the deep end and will not drown but nobody ever teaches them to swim. the best of them don't even values swimming lessons because they did not drown. so did is a culture that makes very little of the enormous human capital it has and with a little bit of attention and basic management, you could realign the structure to make as well functioning as the of military. it is great at making a lot out of little and the state department could be but we don't want them to the same standard so my argument is to try to show we should not let inherently civilian
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responsibilities accrue to the military jeep in the way that they have been this bad for the country. we need to make the people whose job it is it is important for civilians to see civilians during foreign policy and may need to make this state department to do that. >> is there a bias? >> i did have find that. i found the culture that believes itself mainly that they are "the guardian" of american foreign policy against all of these politicians. for example, the foreign service complaints there was an editorial in the "washington post" about two weeks ago by ambassador pickering and others arguing against political appointees to be named to the senior ambassador post but there is no evidence that political
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ambassadors are any less goods and a career foreign service officers and sometimes they are better because they understand the president's agenda and have the connections to the white house that allows them to dance the agenda. very often the state department believes its job is to protect american foreign policy against the people who are elected to run the country that is day political bias or political persuasion and that is part of the reason congress does not like them and why they don't resonate with a broader public. >> host: in your book "state of disrepair" you thank condoleezza rice for her help to put this together. does she share your viewpoint? >> guest: i would not burden her with all of my views but she did give me a couple of good interviews
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for the book i was working as the deputy in the state department when she was secretary so i could watch her struggle trying to fix some of these problems but you may remember the notorious incident where she was doing that town hall meeting with foreign service officers and some were complaining they did not want to be deployed to iraq because it was too dangerous. i think that is not characteristic of the people of the foreign service but of the problems we need to fix and the culture. the people of foreign service are terrific the dangerous work with almost no attention and never have enough resources to it but go out in the world to tell people about the united states and what we're doing in the world. the people are terrific but the institution needs to be deserving of them and we are not yet.
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>> what does the deputy of policy planning at the state department do? >> i am so glad that you asked. a small 25 person staff that works directly for the secretary and they are the in-house critic to dream up ideas that the bureaucracy itself would not produce and they second-guess so they are wildly popular as you can tell. [laughter] but with for policy planning is professional democrat -- democrats to get away from the constraints to float the best ideas do the secretary which was inspiring to work there because people are fun and inspiring. as an example we had someone who did polling about iranian public attitudes
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people who have ideas that the iranians would vote for in the parliamentary election but of course, the iranian supreme council sets the candidates. so we created a and traneight -- internet candidates that they wanted to vote for and tens of thousands voted for them in the election it was such fun miss jeff to do and the department was supportive but you could not have done that from within the bureau of middle eastern affairs you to do live from policy planning and we had a terrific director a career intelligence officer david gordon not afraid of ideas he did not agree with. said he was a perfect leader for that type of access and it was a privilege to work for him. >> host: the affirmative state is deficient in three crucial areas in which the department excels mission focus, education and programming.
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>> it is really true to ask the marine corps what they do, you get a straight answer. every marine is a rifleman. if you ask a diplomat what they do, it is much harder because they have them much more diffused focus but it also means the leadership of the institution does not convey the core values are central responsibilities and if you don't do that, people quickly lose focus. on the programming part, a part of the reason congress stressed the pentagon with the enormous amount of taxpayer money is because it provides a lot of information and does assessments if it is worth it. think about dave petraeus that the search was working.
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what to the military do? they thought was the metric swore her and the number of intelligence tips and a number of attacks on american troops. they collected data over one year and made it public so the scholars could second-guess of anyone had a better idea and on that basis they changed congressional attitudes. the power of ideas and proving your case is how to win policy debates and the state department doesn't have the bureaucratic machinery to build the budget as defense well as the defense department deep in my heart i am an insurance actuary and i think we need those who would make the budget as bulletproof as the defense department. >> host: working at the national security council
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and state department a research fellow at the hoover institute and talk that west point, a johns hopkins and, however did you get interested in this line of for? >> guest. [laughter] i was a student of condoleezza rise year at stanford. [laughter] i had a grand idea of writing my ph.d. on the renaissance of the latin american novel in the '70s and what it tells us about literature and art in repressive societies. i did not do that and condoleezza rice is the reason. >> host: the name of the book is "state of disrepair" one of the recommendations you have for the state department to reconsider universality. we have american embassies in every country we have relations. that makes a of have to
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spend it i don't think luxembourg need some of the sea of its own but belgium is next door in your opinion does a lot of the diplomatic work in brussels. so it seems to me, possible given american predominance of the international order, much of the work we want to do diplomatically the high politics mostly gets done in washington. what we need american embassies for is to take care of americans to be involved in local activities and other society said great democratization that the communications revolution means he don't need an embassy in berlin to talk to
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the german government but out at community meetings to see what the political parties are doing to work with said german counterpart and a lot of those things we do need indices to do and it states doing experimentation to create virtual access centers where you really need embassies in societies without free transmission of information. my favorite is ambassador for it in damascus who i think at the start of the civil war did the enormously powerful and important job for the united states to go to the funeral of the of dissidents who were killed to show americans care about that to give interviews what
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the assad government is doing that is diplomacy at its finest rain need to free them up. >> host: kori schake "state of disrepair" fixing the culture and practices of the state department." thank you for joining us on booktv. >> it has been a pleasure.
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>> i just read 1,000 pardons which i thought was mike smith said. he wrote a book called the privileges that i really
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liked, i am about to start reading an old book called the pity of it all. and there is a galley coming down in the fall about pro football. the title escapes me i am s our a great, but i love him and i think he is a fabulous writer and i cannot wait to dig into that. the book that just came out by a really smart psychologist about the biological roots of crime that i am dying to read as well. that is my summer reading list.
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