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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  June 22, 2013 4:45pm-6:01pm EDT

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civil, libertarian, coming together at florida, idaho, montana, virginia, tennessee, not particularly blue states. they have all passed legislation against law enforcement agencies using drones without a court order and there are dozens of others here in illinois that are in the process of doing this. >> on that note we will end it. i do want to say but one key point of this is that the author is not going to putting the genie back in the bottle before debate. >> this includes real regulation and regulating the use of drones to affect privacy. >> thank you everyone for coming. we thank you very much. it is so nice to see one. >> thank you. >> anyone want to get
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>> next, larry colton account his political and social documentary of change in alabama. this is a little over an hour. [applause] >> hello, everybody. i'm so delighted with the opportunity to introduce larry to you this evening. he is the founder of the community of writers and part of the literary festival that is held today. he is a recipient recently of the stewart holbrook literacy legacy award. his devotion organizing their thoughts about the world, aspiring writers, just mention a
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couple, there were two that were recently honored at the book awards. we have long predicted how this has been. we have a baseball card as an example. we have made an incredibly effective use. inspiration is rich in its own way. it was about the portland trail blazers and it look like for a while it would be a runoff of
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the publication in 1978. it was a main selection of the book of the month club. it established leary's reputation above all of an accomplished storyteller. it was a way to begin for the next book. had even a seasoned journalists marvel at the ability to get these players on a girls basketball team in montana as part of the pro-reservation it
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is part of the book of the year award at the book fair. this includes the horrors of camp life ,-com,-com ma it was a really great challenge. but i think leary really nailed it. once again he was able to characterize larger narrative it
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got all of the recognition that the ordinary joe's desert. most writers put down the pen and lawyerly is like the philip roth of creative nonfiction. [laughter] larry has put the psychology of the dugout in his new book, "southern league" it includes
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tossing off the yoke. so without further ado, here is larry colton. [applause] >> well, in one way, this is a very dark day for american literature. i'm going to keep on going. he said that i was an institution. i'm going to put that on my w-2 form next time. if i'm an institution, it is not a well-paying job.
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i think the major difference between the two books until it reaches about $2 million. but i am not bitter. not at all. [laughter] this afternoon i sat down and i took some notes about what i might say today. those notes are sitting on my desk at home. [laughter] >> if i tended to stutter and stammer, i just had the good fortune of speaking at the jimmy carter library.
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there's sort of a back story that started in 1963. in 1963, i was a student at the university of california and i was a jock and the fat boy. we were sitting around one day watching tv. certainly i was not in the civil rights at all. at the university of california berkeley, a liberal bastion, there was less than 1% of the student population and there was none on the baseball team we
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were sitting in the tv room and we are showing pictures of birmingham, alabama. the horror that was going on there in birmingham. he attacked the nonviolent demonstrators there and some people said that this was just not right. so it stuck with me. the next semester, i took a class and the only thing that we had to do is write a term paper. i wrote a paper that was 60 pages long and i did it on the student nonviolent coordinating committee. i really got into the whole solar rights committee.
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i have turned it in fully expecting to get an a grade. i got a b on the paper. the next semester i got a different professor about a week or two later. she was the santa barbara blonde, her name was on it. how would you feel about giving me your paper and i thought, this is my chance. [laughter] the professor had written this.
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so i just read typed the title page. she took it, she turned it in word for word. part of the same paper that i did. guess what she got on a? she got a grade of an a on it. i always knew that would not be to pay off that i thought it would be. the second awakening happened in 1966. i will read a little bit from the book.
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in 1966, two years after the story in the book takes place, i was the 23-year-old pitcher for the southern league. the california boy experiencing himself for the first time. let alone writing this book, i was a ballplayer and i never thought otherwise were second. baseball defined who i was. now, i am not -- i am not sterile. [laughter]
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>> when i was in the lead, we used anti-performance-enhancing drugs. [laughter] >> jim beam. [laughter] >> i was one who had a thought. i was similar in purpose instinctively and emotionally. once you live in the world of baseball, you are a permanent resident. i would've been laughed out of the locker room. they have stuck stubbornly in my
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mind each of those memories had to do with this. now, perhaps my most vivid memory is a road trip to mobile, alabama. somewhere along u.s. 31 between montgomery and mobile. we stopped for lunch at a greasy café nestled in the pine trees. i. >> and old-school tobacco
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chewing native of west virginia who once caught a world series team, glared at her. they don't serve none of us. the best of the best. up with what i thought more about it, even though i wasn't a champion of civil rights, it was consistent with. we are in this together, he repeatedly said. jump on it with both feet. it is analyzing what happened. we are a team of 20-year-olds from all over the country up and not freedom fighters.
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so the third and perhaps final genesis, either three genesis's? [laughter] >> the third push happened about three years ago. i have always wanted to write fiction. pillars of portland is what it was called. it is a fictional account of when i'm in portland it has been nonfiction writings that i have done so far. so i showed it to three people
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in town. one of them is doug strong. and i think that another one was katherine dunn. and whatever john said, i want to tell you what he said. what john said. but i will tell you a katherine said. up up up up she's the sweetest and most up support a person that i have ever met. up up up up up up up up up up up well, it is not the worst novel i ever matt up up up up up up up i started doing the research to make this nonfiction.
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i don't know about the 1964 game. up up up up up up up up up up up it is a time that we had in the deep south. you know? and in birmingham in 1963, when the police dogs were turned loose. he is a part of the head of the police force there. and he raised this question and it sparked outrage across the country. up to the person behind it and between the public figure of segregation and racism in america was bull connor. he was part of this, as jfk told him, he did more for immigration
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in this country than abraham lincoln. in his history with baseball in the sea of birmingham, he had an elementary school announced announcer for the birmingham bands. up up up up up up he was a radio announcer. and there can be a very powerful political career. he also was the enforcer of world that was in birmingham. he was part of the checkers
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ordinance. no blacks and whites, was the rule, can play any sports together like football or basketball or baseball. and it was strictly enforced by mr. connors. he would send out his force with an integrative sport. so it came up with a the major league baseball told the minor league teams that they can do integrate or they can't play as teams. rather than integrate, there was such forests -- such force they took. they folded this league and then
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the whole league collapsed. another group, which were the business leaders, the business leaders were certainly upfront segregationists. in fact, in birmingham, the police department, none of whom were black, 75% were members of the ku klux klan. so birmingham had become known as "bombingham".
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nothing ever happened in those bombings. a lot of them went unsolved, all of them actually. but nothing was ever done about them. so in 1964 he met charlie finley, the controversial owner of the cleveland aas. and he did not like the publicity in birmingham. and he said let's go against this checkers rule. what's allowed back in birmingham. so facing the ku klux klan, they brought back baseball in 1964.
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[laughter] [inaudible] anyway, they s-[inaudible] anyway, they said don't play. but they went ahead and played anyway. the first game they had a bomb threat. it was right part of the first inning. there was a bomb threat, and he looked as he was waiting to get tickets and he was a businessman. he did not want to bring baseball back because he was an integrationist. he was already a millionaire in that industry. but he thought about it. he decided to not report the bomb threat. which would never happen today.
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he also thought that if we have to call the first game in two years here because of a bomb threat, the national media will jump all over this. and we have art he had too much negative publicity in birmingham. so he went ahead with this and the bomb did not go off. charlie finley hired this team. he was howard sullivan and he went to an all-white high school. he then went to play football as the quarterback of the university of florida not only on the teams, but in the whole school, there were none. then he made the major leagues.
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playing for the boston red sox. we are the last team to have this and it was like 10 years after jackie robinson. just down the road from birmingham, we think about this. it turned out, despite his background, he was an amazing manager. and every one of them, black-and-white, everyone every one of them, they love the sky. he was also the only guy -- first of all, he is so handsome. [laughter] >> if i was pitching, i would try to hit him in the face. [laughter] [laughter]
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>> he probably didn't mess around. that is my guess. he is a manager in the major leagues, he has been a general manager as well as a major league owner. he grew up with nothing and he ended up owning the boston red socks. some among them a million dollars and 20 years later he sold them. he sold them for an alleged that $30 million. not a bad deal. he then went on to business and i'm sure you all know this. so anyway, they were going to do
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a big complex in orlando and perhaps up in boston. it was going to be part of entertainment sports and theater and the whole thing. but he passed away before that could happen. now, tommy reynolds, 22 years old, he talks about his eyes being heavy. it was february of 1964. if he goes to spring training and beyond, trying to keep alert, this is the start of his second year in pro ball. he was on the fast track to the big leagues.
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he led the batting average 326 and was so impressive that he got called up to kansas city. and he was ignored when he played outfield at lincoln high in san diego. he didn't even think about stopping. this was 1964. hotels were not an option for blacks. certainly not in the deep south. having slept in his car for the last three nights, he was a bit discombobulated. growing up in san diego, he understood america's racial
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divide. they have grown up in the early years he lived in the projects in san diego. the city had a rigid redlining that cut neighborhoods into segregated areas. during these two years in the army or the basin, he knew that certain places were part of that. it was simply because of the color of his skin. snapping him back to the task at hand it is the damage that he would do to his chevy super
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sport with a custom paint job and a front seat. it was his first car. it was closed for construction, but it was late at night and he was very tired. after surveying the scene, he went to the side site of the construction site and turned off the engine and wean back in the seat and he checked to make sure the service revolver was within easy reach beneath the seat. then he fell fast asleep. you have to buy the book to find out what else happened. [laughter] >> one of the perils of writing nonfiction, and this happened to me in every book that i have done you tried to portray
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someone as accurately as you can. and tommy reynolds case, i thought that he -- he endured more crap than jackie robinson. remember this integrative team was 17 years after jackie robinson. seventeen years. they were unmerciful towards him. we had a reunion two weeks ago in birmingham. i went up to him and i was curious that we had just gone the book. so for me to actually go and meet with people that i have written about, i would not just do that for anyone. [laughter] >> i came up to him and i asked
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him how he was doing. i have gone all the way to georgia and i called him on the phone countless times. and i said, well, there is the fabricator. [laughter] and they said, what he talking about. and he said, i had 328, not 326. [laughter] [laughter] it was like, okay. now, within birmingham, the thing was that this was the first time not only that the playing field was integrated, but the first time that the fans were integrated. in previous years, the stadium that they had, they had chickenwire vents in the blacks had to sit on the far side of
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the chickenwire sends and it was the first time. so as scary as it was to have the team integrated, they were very, they were very concerned about what would happen. again, the books are back there. oh, yeah, there's a couple appear as well. johnny blue moon odom is from make them, georgia. macon, georgia. he signed for the largest bonus for any athlete in any sport at that time. $75,000. i have done a nice job
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portraying him he has one of the greatest names ever. i spent a lot of time with him. when i saw him in birmingham, he said that this was part of the book. there's some there is some stuff that is not necessarily positive about him. and he said, well, i have it ready yet. and i thought, okay. then he proceeded to quote the book. not only that there was a part in the book and part of this he got, he got it in 1964 in a candy apple red ford and others talked about how he squealed out
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of the parking lot and left a rooster tail of gravel. but with this he had installed a stereo. and as i described it, i said that it was part of this specially installed stereo. he claimed that he didn't have the book and he said that it was under the compartment again. again, he noted this. but you haven't read the book. he was okay with the book. he was the man that i was afraid most afraid of even though i was not afraid of the other players. this guy here is one of the main guys. his name -- they call him hauss.
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he was from arkansas. right before december of this year he was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had major surgery. the doctor said, you will never play again. he ended up showing up at spring training and it was heroic the way that he hung in there for the whole year. it is also a relic that his real name -- his first name -- his first name is lois. not lewis but lois. he figured out -- and he came from way back in the woods in arkansas, that he better get another name. that's why he went with the new name. he and his wife, madeline, they would all talk about madeline and how smart she was.
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she was a teacher. she was beautiful. all of this and that. they came to the reunion in birmingham. they did not come together since they had been divorced for about 15 years. his current wife wanted to see all the other wives that were there. she was very respectful, staying away from him. but when i asked him what he thought about this, he said two things. he said the first thing was in the book he grew up in the backwoods of arkansas surrounded on people surrounded with the n-word. i just said that he grew up in backwards arkansas, but i didn't say the n-word. i saw him a couple of weeks ago. he said that, you know, i never
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heard the n-word growing up. how about garbo in the heart of dixie. there were no blacks in our county, he said. well, that is even more cause they probably heard of all the time. so he, you know, he wanted me to change the fact that and he also said that after i got out of the hospital, he had a 1500-dollar bill for the cancer surgery. imagine $1500 today and he has sent it into charlie finley. and charlie, who is a multimillionaire refused to pay it.
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so i put that in the book. and he said to heck with that. i mean, that was a direct quote that he said and he said, i never said that. i was never mad at him. well, wait a second. well, it wasn't a baseball injury. now, paul and kathy, they had a 13 year career, and they were from the heartland of kansas. they met in high school. this is from their high school prom. they were the sweetest couple. he was the national javelin champion. he was really nice at that time.
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he was one of the guys that we focused on. and i'm going to give away a little bit of this. but at age 50 we have this loving marriage since high school. she had to let him out of the house because he sort of lost control. he was on the most gentle guys ever. and so now they have a child who is one years old in the book. she came down herself. when we have the reunion back in birmingham and couple of weeks ago, he went out there to just
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hang around so it may be the best thing that i saw. you know, he was a very hard shell kind of a guy. a tough shell, not a huggy touchy-feely guy at all. in 1969, they were roommates in boston. they got into a fight. this is not in the book. they got into a fight and they are doing drinking sunoco that was involved. and he hit tommy over the head. tommy reynolds definition, it was with a seven up bottle. and he knocked him out. that was in 1969. we were down there in birmingham
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and we played golf. a blue moon kept talking about. [laughter] they kept talking about golf. we were coming up to the 18th green and he said, i didn't put it in the book. because i just didn't want to pile that on. and he said that he -- you hit him over the head with a seven up bottle. and he said, that is not true. it was a coke bottle. [laughter] then he turned to me and said,
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do you think that i should apologize to him? well, i was shocked. i was the writer and not he was asking if i thought that he should apologize. just the fact that he asked me this just blew me a absolutely way. i said absolutely, i think you should. i think that would be an incredible good thing to do. and he shook his head. we had a lunch right after that and he apologized. this is some 47 years later and i apologize to him and he accepted the apology and i thought that was pretty stunning that that happened. so we are going to open it up now to the questions. a couple of things here. [laughter] [laughter]
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my ex-wife said to me when she saw this picture, and at that point we had been together maybe 20 years, she said that how come you don't look like that anymore? [laughter] [laughter] i just don't want to think that this is always the case. i was a schoolteacher here up up up up at john adams high school back when i was the cutting edge of education. up we have one of my teachers at a sitting over there. up up up up up up up. .. up
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i got awarded 44 years after i said it. this gentleman came to me for an autograph of another book and
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asked me if i struck out and strike anybody out? i said i only pitched one year. we looked it up and i sent him a clip. it i wasn't in the record book. >> my son played at ucla i was looking at the record book, it didn't compare with santa barbara. your record was in santa barbara's book. i told the media guy about it. >> yeah. it's in there now. i look it up every damn morning to see! [laughter] woo hoo! [laughter] my question is about your rex of -- recollection of integration of baseball the effect on the negro league and how it dismantled the negro league. >> exactly. once jackie robinson made the
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negro league and was a star, they hung in for a couple of more years, but they stopped existing. there is some, i mean, you know, they sometimes talk about, well, if they put in the guys that use steroids and if they make barry bonds or whomever if they make the major leagues they'll put ans a terrific by them. how about everybody in the hall of fame who played before 1947 didn't play against blacks how about a star by their names? >> was robinson -- he wasn't the best player? they just thought he could hand the challenges? >> yeah. >> exactly. he would face. >> that's what they did with tommy reynolds. he sent him. he should have been aaa, they sent him to aa because they thought he was best suited to hand the attacks that came against him.
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they picked robinson because he was college educate, had been in the army. there was a lot of reasons. other questions? yes. [inaudible] >> anything more for the book? >> i haven't planned on it. i guess if -- [inaudible] [laughter] maybe i would. let ask the questions. if we have time maybe i will. over here. >> so was by -- beau still running the town when the team was reformed? >> he was just on the way out. he ran it out. they redesigned the city commission from a government they had there. he still had a lot of power, but he wasn't actually in office. he had stop being in office about two or three months before the team actually started.
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it would have gone -- they didn't know when they decided to have the team, they didn't know he wasn't going to be there. they were in defiance of him to begin with. he tried to marshall the city and the leaders to stop the team. the question here. [inaudible] >> did connor ever get prosecuted for any of that? >> who? >> connor for any of the stuff. bull connor? >> no. no, he did not. there was some charges against him, but they caught him actually prior to this, they caught him -- there was a rule that he heavily enforced called the hotel rule, and they -- no people that -- people were not married they were not allowed to be in the same hotel room. a disgruntled police lieutenant got wind he was taken a secretary to a hotel. and he's in court in the front row. is that him?
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he's sitting there the big gut eating that chewing tobacco? a classic picture, that's not him? [inaudible] that's right. that's right. yeah. >> yeah. >> the other thing -- he knows everything. the other comment, i don't know if i read it on the website or something that you average as many strikeouts in a game as nolan ryan -- >> that's true. i only played one game. [laughter] [laughter] >> i thought that was pretty lever -- clever to put it in there. whenever i give a speech for the literary crowd i only played one game but i strike any of you out. except that's not true here tonight. we have two former big leaguer here in the crowd. they are back over here, ron stone, who played a number of years, and bob biel right here. he actually grew up here and
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went to oregon state. where did you play? [inaudible] >> terrific. did you ever face me? [laughter] >> you were after me. [inaudible] >> okay. all right. i would have struck you out if we did. [laughter] yeah. yeah. another question 0 out here? yes? >> so what happened to the checkers -- >> they wiped it out. they did it because of the team, and really to me the impact of this team is that they showed birmingham and the entire south that there's possible that people can get along. it didn't, you know, the racism certainly didn't stop, but it set a precedent, and they got rid of the checkers rule now the town is totally inte integrated. and so, to me, the role of this
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team was significant in not only birmingham but throughout the south and showing there's a better way. >> when you were down there, did you look up any guys you played with in the league? >> no, not really. because it was about these guys and two -- i was still in college when this was going on. so i did not. i talked to some people that i played with, but i was -- this is a book about 1964, and about these guys, and so i didn't really talk to guys i played with. >> did any violence occur with the integrated team when it started? >> there was no violence within the team. >>, i mean, in the crowd or town? >> that's the amazing point.
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no. there was threats all the time. there was death threats that was repeatly called in to belcher, the owner. there was a fear of that. in 1964, in july of 1964, is when the civil rights workers went missing in mississippi, and there was a fear that somebody would get the idea to kidnap a couple of the players, and because in some ways these players were civil rights workers. they -- most of the players including the white players didn't deal very much with the community at large. they really didn't. they were there to play ball, and they weren't deep thinkers. [laughter] well, maybe one of them was. [laughter] >> larry, did you happen to see the jacky robinson film "42 "? >> yes. i did. i liked it a lot. i would be the most cynical.
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because that's what my book is about. >> i was curious, you said the manager brought the guys in -- because it was a financial decision, it was a business decision but that was the same theme -- at least that's what they said in "42" i was curious about that seventeen years had passed. was it still a financial thing really? or was it just -- >> well, he said it was. he's been dead for twenty years. i didn't get to interview him. he didn't need the money, personally. he was one of the richest guys in town. he made it in the timber industry, and so i don't think personally it was out of -- i'm going do something that is right here. it was more that he loved baseball, try to be a baseball player at the university of alabama and didn't make it. and it was just his love of baseball that sort of overrode
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the other thoughts. at least that's what i was told. in the back. >> clearly the players were there to play baseball. that was the focus of what they were doing. they put up with odom and tommy put up with a lot of abuse as you describe in the book. so today how -- where they d they feel -- it sounded like from the book they didn't feel like they were part of the integration. that that was a big deal. that baseball was focus. how do they feel today about the abuse they put up with? >> i think they feel worse about it now than they did back then. they have been more aware of it because when you're playing ball, you really are just singularly focused on you want to make the big leagues and not all the other stuff you just -- it's not say that every player is that way.
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but they -- i don't think whites or blacks gave it -- they the blacks had to think about it every day. they couldn't say in the hotel, they couldn't eat in the same restaurant. the only time the white players saw the black players at the ballpark or on the bus. because other than that the black players went the own way. the white players never asked the black players where do you go? one good thing -- blue moon told me this. the good thing about this for the black players they put them up in ratty places in flea bag hotels or boarding houses or whenever it was. as blue moon said the good part about that the manager sullivan never ever came to check curfew on us. [laughter]
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i'll say as an explayer, that's a good benefit. [inaudible] >> wait, wait. tom, this is tom who was there when i first started. >> did the birmingham black bears play in the same stadium? >> yes, the birmingham black we ares -- beared played in the same stadium. they never played against each other, and the white people didn't go to the black bears games. and black folks didn't go to the white game. there was very little mixing of that. the first time they ever had a -- they had one game in 1954, when the dodgers with jackie robinson came to town and played in an exhibition game. they played the milwaukee braves who had hank on the team. and the first game they had -- so this was like the first major league exhibition that had maybe ever there.
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about 2,000 people showed up. in a stadium that held five times that much. and so the whites stayed away. most of the people that came to the exhibition game were blacks. >> in the back? >> the scene that charlie had an enhanced stewardship of the experiment. what did the players think of him? >> well, at the time, you know, they loved him because he was their ticket to the big leagues, and he had sort of given more benefits to the birmingham team. but as you will read in the book, he's the one who really cost them in the end because of his ego ways. he started calling guys up when -- the major league team was in last place, the aaa team in last place, and all four of the
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a-league team was in the last place. every team was in last place except the barons who was in last place. he wanted blue moon to pitch in the major leagues because he knew that blue moon would be a big draw so he brought him up when he shouldn't have brought him up. blue moon, the first game he pitched was against the new york yankees. and the first inning micky mantle hit a 3-run homer off him. so much for that. >> what year? >> 1964. yep. rite -- right here. >> how many years since the last book did you start this book after the book or did you start before? or finished the last one? how was the timeline of writing it? >> i can barely eat breakfast and write a book at the same time. i have to be, you know, when i was running wood stock and community writers i couldn't write. i can't multitask. i just -- so no, i did not physically
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start writing this book until after i was done with the other. >> there was a lot of research to do. did you do a lot 6 -- of research before you started contacting the key people and jump in that was the research? >> that's a good question. i actually made the first time -- the first time i made a trip to birmingham, i spent about four days in the birmingham library, i couldn't get access to the birmingham news. the file system is a mess, they didn't have the papers filed away, and so i went to the library and did microphish thing and sent -- every time i printed a thing out, you had to pay a quarter. i think i paid at least $1,000 to print stuff out there. and the people were like what the hell is this guy doing? so i spent a lot of time in birmingham downtown public library. and i read, like, ten, or fifteen books or parts of them.
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i have a friend who doesn't think of read all of any book. [laughter] she's actually right. [laughter] but anyway. any more questions? >> what is your next book? >> man, if i told you, it would jinx it and you would say it's a stupid idea, and it would shoot me down. maybe we'll do a movie of this one first. that's a possibility. i'll hop on the "42" bandwagon. what? [inaudible] >> that's right. he works for -- [inaudible] at the -- [inaudible] community theater. yes? over here. >> this is about the game today. do you have any thoughts why there are so few african-american team in the development leagues and majors
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coming up the big stars today as they did? >> most the big stars are latin. >> any idea why? >> i think the game is, you know, it's a slower-pace game. back then it was only -- pro football and pro basketball wasn't that big back then. it has to do with development on the field. i can drive around portland and go by any field on any day and you don't see any kids whatever color. they are not playing ball. portland is a particularly bad baseball town. i hate to break it to you guys. [laughter] but, you know, the beavers are gone. the poor beavers are gone. i think it's the faster-pace game. my grandsons play soccers, i hate them for it. [laughter] not really, but it's just, you know, soccer wasn't around when we were growing up or lacrosse
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or any sports that are more popular now. and football and basketball have gained with television have gained so much more popularity. i don't think it's an inner-city sport anymore. over here. >> hi. talks about movie was there an attempt to make a movie out of the brothers? >> yes. there was an attempt to make a movie out of -- [inaudible] the ordinary joes. have you seen any of them? [laughter] i'll bet they're really good. [laughter] yes, the gold brothers was auctioned a couple of times. it never came to be. counting coup was option three times, i think. technically still might be under
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option. a great script has been written by a friend of mine who wrote tim cupp. he was one of the three people i showed diction thing to and he agreed with john and katherine. [laughter] told me i sucked, and -- but actually huey lewis optioned it at one point. huey lewis, you know, the -- i watched last night on television, this is sort of a side. they had the induction to the rock and roll hall of fame. you think the old ballplayers look bad. [laughter] oh man. [laughter] some of those guys. wow. anyway. anymore questions? i thank you for coming out, and there is a -- the books are back there, and
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here is a special deal for you. we're going to have a little gathering outside the book fair. we'll have a gathering down in a place called parish 231 northwest 11th. it's on the corner of 11th and ever et te. if you show the bartender a copy of the book, you get a free drink. and for you people who don't drink, that's too damn bad. [laughter] [laughter] so again, thank you so much for coming out. [applause] [applause] next time i'll have notes and i'll be really good. [laughter]
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yeah? [inaudible conversations] is there a non-fiction author or book you would like to see featured on booktv? send us an e-mail at or tweet us at booktv. what are you reading this summer? booktv wants to know. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ let us know what you're reading this summer. tweet us@booktv. post it on our facebook page, or send us an e at booktv/ you are watching weak booktv on c-span2. starting at 7:00 p.m. eastern watch an interview with canadian historian. ralph needer talk about
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are you interested in being a part of booktv's online book club? "lean in" in the book, she's the coo of facebook discusses why it's difficult for women to achievement roles in the cites. she talks about her own career choices and experiences. you with watch it at as you read the book this month, post your thoughts on twitter with the #btv bookclub.
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write on facebook. at june 25th at 9:00 p.m. eastern join our conversation on both social media site. if you have a suggestion for next month send us via twitter, facebook, or e-mail@booktv/ what are you reading this summer? booktv wants to know. >> two books. the first by an author and investigative journalist hendrick smith "whole stole america." it's a real eye opener. anyone that wants to, i think, really understand america how we got where we are today, where the average american is
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struggling the way they are. i think it's one of the most thoughtful, as i said, eye opening reads, at least for me, in a long time. and he is someone that i'd listen to before -- a great deal. i would highly recommend the book. and as a policy maker, obviously what policies -- what can we learn from the policies from the last thirty to forty years that may have contributed to this? and where do we go from here? it's a highly relevant to me. [inaudible] i think it's relevant to many others as well. the second book that i read is a rather small one in term of pages. it's relative inquisitive. it's called "ever ancient ever
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new." it's written by an archbishop, one of the great intellectuals, and he studies the structure of the catholic church, and how best to reform them. during that -- as someone that oversees a very large bureaucracy and many structures and very often ask why is it the way it is? how can we do it better? i think all institutions should go through reforms. so this is a very, very thoughtful book. it's in addition to many other books he has written and published, and he's great. he's an archbishop. let us know what you're reading this summer.
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tweet us@booktv. post it on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail.
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even though it was the midpoint of the war and more people died after than before it. why does it still seem so large in national memory? consider the statistics. three days of fighting, july 1st through 3rd, 1863, 7,000 killed. 33,000 wounded. some of whom later died. and 11,000 missing. staggering total of 50,000 casualties in one three-day period. >> the 150th anniversary of the battle of getties berg. live all day coverage next
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sunday starting at 9:30 eastern on american history tv on c-span 3. >> now on booktv an encore presentation of c-span's q & a program. author and rolling stone contributing editor michael hastings who died in a car crash on june 18th discovered his book "operators" it expanded on the 2010 article hastings wrote for rolling stone magazine that lead to the resignation of general stanley mccrystal. he talks about how he was granted access and how he took notes and recorded conversation. the program originally aired on january 29, 2012. and it's about an hour. ..


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