tv Book TV CSPAN June 29, 2013 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT
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to some of the eastern block in the early 1990s that once they free their markets, they try to promote competitive markets and not as much as possible collapse into algarchy and the lesson there, without a framework, it's difficult to have a strong market because -- this is emphatically not a libertarian doctrine. it's a doctrine for the system in which free markets can operate. >> from the safe foundation. i think your conclusion was right the crash was the basic
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cause of human behavior, and the analysis of that would be that foreclosure bubble causing one of the may causes of that to crash, the bush administration ran a bad management, the human behavior, and there is some criminality this, and then comes the obama administration, the left battled the right one, the left, they don't see any problems, you know, and another criminal group of the left endorses in the criminal square so where is that your theory that the best would come out of human behavior and on the right? >> the -- the thesis that human behavior is essentially behind the crash and the dangers of the
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failures of all humans is not one that limits the critique to the private sector, and i think in order to get things right we need, especially as policymakers, to show humanity about the ability of the systems to get things perfectly right whether that's in, you know, i talked a lot about private sector behavior, but regulator behavior, behavior, politician, and policymakers of those designing and implementing regulation, all of these systems are designed by human being, and we are all flawed and fallen creatures so making sure that the system when the inevitable failures both whether in the private or public sphere, when the inevitable failures happen,
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the system is least damaging as possible, a very important conclusion, and it's a thesis in humility, the humility not least in the political leadership, which is something that i try to practice, although r i, myself, am flawed in the ability to practice it. >> i would like to hear your opinion on the human behavior the debt crisis, in part determined by human behavior, but also by differences, and
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it's somehow uninclined to support the measure -- [inaudible] >> quite so, but culture is in and of itself one way of describing the tendencies in human behavior, and it is a description of social norms and the way people tend to react. although, in all the countries mentioned, there's an array of opinions that overlaps with
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other countries. we too often think of countries as inseparable blocks. the argument -- the supporters of living within your means as a country, within, for instance, greece or spain, exists in large numbers and the question is the tend i sigh. there's those in germany more prophetic than the average greek, and likewise, there's those in spain who are more than the average german and it's very important to understand the array of behavior and how it aggregates us rather than seeing individual countries as blocks a move as one.
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>> i'm from the university of notre dame and you mentioned con cements from psychology. do you see the emergence of psychology in the business, and should there be psychologists in the board rooms working with business leaders to effect change? >> yes, absolutely. this is one of the most enjoyable parts of writing the book, and as an economist, call myself an execonomyist because i used to be an economic forecaster, and, my goodness, if you want to be a flawed individual, just look at the results of economic forecasts, but the -- i think one of the most exciting things that is happening in policy development is the introduction of economics of different studies and subjects. you mentioned psychologist, that's important, but physiology is important.
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there's this wonderful research on the impact of women on trading floors. if you have a floor that's almost entirely men, then the aden lin and testosterone levels is higher, and in order to get the same adrenaline hit, they need to take over time bigger and bigger risks because like with most drugs, adrenaline, you take the same size hit, it's less impact over time, but if you introduce more than just a few mim into that environment, then the research shows the adrenaline levels in the bloodstream of the traders reduces, and the desire for and taking of high adrenaline risks reduces. we need to in order to understand economics, we have to
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understand human behavior and in human behavior, use all research from all sorts of disciplines, not just psychology, and that in this case, physiology as well. >> maybe it's because i read john dewey lately, but he argues as a part of liberalism, that it grows, and they are in the mid-30s, saying liberalism has to incorporate things like psychology, physiology, into law making, and the argument is we, liberals have done a bad job putting this into policy. as we talk about having more women on the floor, i mean, why is it or why is it somehow an inherently conservative position that maybe as we ice sciences and they mature, they do not
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become a title making a law you want this many women in the room where x and y is going on. what separates the use of psychology from the liberal use? >> well, i think the -- using different disblips in all the science that is at our behalf is not a conservative or liberal approach at all. my argument from this, from a conservative point of view is for the need to make sure that free markets operate and operate, therefore, in a frame work, and that we understand properly human behavior. one of the essences of conservatism throughout time is we understand the realities of the world, and change it where necessary in reflection of the realities rather than having
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views of what ought to be. the inherent conservatism in the argument is a conservatism based on the realities of people and the need best to preserve the best and embrace the best of the new. for instance, it's an argument in favor of institutions and the importance of institutions because institutions attract loyalty and attract a steadfastness that helps lean against irrationalities of humanity, and that, again, is an initially conservative position.
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>> you indicated bringing women in stock market mad rates risk taking, but las vegas is in the opposite direction here, they bring in women who increase drunk and higher -- [laughter] >> that's a good point that i have not -- you always learn something new at any of the prosecution. -- presentations. women are brought in order to heighten testosterone and adrenaline. i think of women brought in to trading floors as an equal to men rather than brought in to serve the drinks. that is -- if i didn't make that clear first time round, i want to absolutely put on the record the -- with as much clarity as i could muster. >> put your hat on as an economic forecaster. here in the united states, the
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federal reserve has gone to considerable risk. what do you think the prospects are for emerging from this monetary policy without a serious bout of inflation and ultimately economic negative economic outcome as soon as it's resolved? >> i think there's good prospects. the economic strategy in the u.k. is based on tight fiscal, and lose monetary policy, and alongside supply side reform, and we judge that's the best way to come through the crisis. the need for demand management through the automatic stabilizers, which in fiscal policy, which in the u.k. are larger than in the u.s., and also through active monetary
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policy to justify set direct effects of tight ping fiscal policy we judge to be important, so in central banking, these things are based on a judgment of risks. as an active politician, i loathe to comment on the independent judgments of monetary policy, and it's clear while getting through this and supporting the economy as much as possible while also dealing with our debts and ensuring that inflation is kept under control over the median and longer term, and, indeed, in the u.k., quantitative easing justify set a tightening of balance sheets of the major banks, and so if you look at the easing, the
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money supply growth is positive, and that's happened at the same time and that brought improvement in the economy, and many people think those are linked. i'm an optimist, and so long as conventional and monetary policy is part of the broad plan and a strategy. >> >> i think they understand what they say about technology, and i've read george orwell, and
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he was an antiutopian opposed to the utopian. antiyou topians live in reality. they live in the fantasy world. there's another gentleman with a book called "antifragile" talking about the highest form of morality in the free market is the small businessman, and the liberals are doing all they can to destroy the small businessman. where do you see the tipping point in the country where we can fight off this liberal philosophy that's invading us now? where i live, i mean, business is good where we are, but i'm fearful nowadays what i see in the government. i know margaret thatcher went through that in her time, and where do you see us going? >> well, i think that the argument that these analysis
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leads to is the need to ensure regulations and finance is strong and simple, and at the same time that the free market and the support for enterprise and particularly for small business, for insurgent companies, the small e and growing businesses, that the free markets for them is that, and so we have in the u.k. at the same time as bringing in tougher financial regulations, there's a program of deregulation for broadly for much of rest of the country, and especially for small business. they are not inconsistent at all because we have to make sure the financial system works for the rest of the economy and small business rather than the other way around, and so we're --
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we're very clear the direction of travel in the u.k., and in terms of deregulation for small business, at the same time as being clear that we need to make sure finances is regulated properly. >> to follow up on that question, are you concerned for your point in lop don about the tremendous amount of debt here in the united states owed by the federal government, it was $16 trillion now, the rise of the big government culture in america? are you concerned about the implications aboard these policies for america's status of the superpower, especially the vast unfunded entitlement program, the threat of the world superpowers, some say going bankrupt. is that a concern?
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>> well, i'm a believer of living within your means, and i'm a fiscal conservative, and i believe that our countries are at our strongest when we are strong economically and where we are paying our way in the world. that means exporting, and that's -- this is an important part of u.k., but america is a relying on millions and millions of americans who are ambitious and work hard and who are intern nearly and have a great culture of the enterprise, and i think it is an unwise person who bets
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against the return to greatness of america based on that history of strength that comes from the many, many millions of americans across this great nation. >> thanks for the answer. i'd like to bring this event to a close. thank you very much for a tremendous presentation, tremendous q q&a session, and -- [applause] >> thank you. i'd like to wish matthew tremendous success with the book here in the united states and in the u.k. and everywhere else as well in the political sphere, and thank you, everybody, for joining us for today. i hope sioux see you all in future events here at the heritage foundation. thank you very much. >> thank you. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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the forward because i see what's happening today, here in the country at the federal and state level, and then some are rem necessary sent of what's happened during the life of robert smalls. report smalls, after gaining his freedom by delivering the -- shifts and some fiscal hawks along the family members, and so they took the confederacy and the union forces, and he was granted his freedom, and given
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for it, and he took the cash and with his freedom, developed significant wealth, and he became a delegate to the 1856 constitutional convention in south carolina that codified for the state freedoms that were frapted, former slaves with the emancipation proclamation in effect in 1853. robert smalls, in that time from after getting the freedom and at the convention became a member of congress, spent five terms in the congress. he was one of the eight
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americans in south carolina before i was elected in 1992, and smalls was also a delegate to the state constitutional convention of 1895. in 1895 all those rights and privileges that have been given rights were all taken away from the constitutional convention of 1895, and if you looked at what was taking place between 1876 because it was the 1876 presidential election that
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created the opportunity and the atmosphere that led to the ending of reconstruction and which eventually led to the creation of jim crowism and what i if you look up to 1895 in that 0 #-year period -- 20-year period, we saw the beginning of the end of full citizenship of african-americans in the country, and so by the time robert smalls died, i think in 1915, he died broken hearted
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and financially not near as well off as he once was, and sioux i've spent time talking about the history of this and i used to say, you'd think it happenedded before, it can happen again, and when we see all the speculation about what the supreme court is going to do with the most important civil rights act, which i think was the voting rights act of 19 of # -- 1965, and most experts would think that is to be significant
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or nobel end. programs of the affirmative action simply means that you are going to take positive steps. you can't be passive. you've got to take positive steps to overcome the current effects of past discrimination. it's just not going to happen by itself. if you bring that to a close and there's people who are speculating that that is about to happen, and, in fact, i saw a few days ago one of the leading scholars, legal scholars in this country, who was saying that he leaves, the chief justice roberts to bring to a close the civil rights movement, and i
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don't know of anybody who looks at the numbers and sees that unemployment in the community, the community runs some -- about twice than in the white community, that women are still earning 77% of what men earn in our society, and to think that the glass is full. the glass is maybe a little more than half full, but it's not full. there's still a lot of work to do. i don't think we are going to successfully navigate through this if we don't understand fully exactly what it is we're dealing with. i think it was said best when he said, different people fail to
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your disasters, but i was thinking, looking at the found tans, there's a little one you have with the chirp and a bigger one for the adults, and i was thinking, well, you know, where water flows, so can peace. that's the history that is so vivid for me of the bombing of the move people of the imprisonment, that history is not the whole story, and it's very good to remember that and to see that we make our way and every single step can be a different direction, and so as i was thinking about what i wanted to talk about and read about, and i don't have a lot of time, but i wanted to start by mentioning something that i find very disturbing which is that,
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you know, our country, you know, we're not alone, this country is not the only country making a lot of war in the world, but we're making some really terrible big ones, and we, you know, bond and shoot people over generations, starve them, you know, have blockades, cuba, for instance, iran, other places in the world, and then when we have someone in, quote, leadership, you know, start a slow withdrawal, think the war is over. well, i was reading or maybe i heard it somewhere, and this is just something to meditate about that the children in el salvador, i believe where the war we want on forever and will never end really, the children have been left so impoverished
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they can no longer eat without having pain this their teeth because what has the war left them with? the war has left them with tooth ache forever. this is what war does. it's not just when you stop shooting people, bombing their houses, and, you know, destroying everything that you, somehow they will be okay. they're not. i wanted to start there and go on to these two new books. i've been trying for the last 20-something years to stop writing books, and i totally get it i work for the ancestors, and i sometimes feel free, and i remember finishing the color purple 30 years ago, and just
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weeping in joy, okay, i'm done, and i've had that scenario with myself many times thinking i'm done, but anyhow, this book that i'm going to read first from the cushion in the road, and i wanted to read a little bit about how that came about, how did i come to think of the life that i lead, which is very -- when i'm not, you know, on the road somewhere, it's so quiet. it's so meditated. it's so contemplative, happy with me and my sweet heart who is a musician. one of the ironies of life, of course, is i love quiet so much that i fell in love with the person who plays trumpet. [laughter] you know, life is always just, you know, telling us who do you think is in charge? [laughter] did you, by some dream, did you
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imagine that you are in charge? [laughter] well, i'll just show you. so this is -- this is a very short introduction to the book, "the cushion in the road," and i learned much from doused thought. it's been a comfort to me since i read my first poem, which was, sitting quietly doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. to me, this is a perfect poem, but there's also a wonderous home is in the road. this is found true in my own life. much to my surprise because i'm such a home body. i love being home with my
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plants, animals, sunrises, and sup sets, the moon, it is all glorious to me, and so when i turn 6 o i was prepared to bring myself to sit on the cushion in a meditation room that i prepared long ago, and never get up. i was in south korea that year, and south koreans agree with me, and, in fact, in that culture, it is understood that when we turn 60, when we turn 60 #, we become eggy. it sounds like eggy, but perhaps this is not how koreans spell it. this means we are free to become, once again, like a child. we are to rid ourselves of the cares, especially those we have collected in the world, and the
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to turn inward to a life of ease and leisure, of joy. i loved hearing this. what an affirmation of feeling i was will be beginning to have. enough of the world. where is the grandchild? where's the cushion? i began to prepare myself to withdraw from the worldly fray. there i sat, finally, on a cushion in mexico with a splendid view of a home made stone found tap with the softly falling water, a perfect soothing backdrop to what i thought would be the next and perhaps final 20 years of my life. unlike my great, great, great, great grandmother who lived to be 125, i figure 80 is doing really well. [laughter] a miracle seems to be happening.
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america, america was about to elect or not elect a person of color as its president. what? my cushion shifted minutely. then, too, an unsuspected guest left the radio on, and i learn that bombs were falling on the people of gaza. a mother, unconscious herself, lost five of her daughters. didn't i have a daughter? would i have wanted to lose her in this way? wasn't i a mother? even if reportedly imperfect in that role? well, my cushion began to wobble. i had friends who became egg gi and managed to stay egg gi. i envied them. for me, the years following my birthday was teaching me about something else that, yes, i could become like a child again
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and enjoy all the pleasures and wander of child experiences, but i would have to attempt to maintain joy in the actual world o poeted to the universe i created with the calming, ever-flowing found -- fountain. the travels took me to celebrations in washington, d.c. where our new president, barack obama, would be inaugurated. they would carry me, the morning after the festivities to far away burma, myanmar, leading to writings. nay would take my to thailand for a lovely trip up a long river where i could wave happily at the people who smiled back when smiled upon. they would take me to gaza, yes, and much writing about the palestine-israel impasse. to the west bank, to india to all kinds of amazing places.
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like, for instance, jordan, who knew. i would find myself raising a nation of chickens in between travels and visits to holy people in oakland, wood acre, and my cushion, the fountain, the piece, because of my intentions to the deep suffering inspect world sometimes seemed far away. i felt torn, a condition i do not like and do not recommend, and then in a dream it came to me there was a long asphalt highway like the one that passed by my grandparents' place when i lived with them as an 8 and 9-year-old. my grandfather and i sat on the porch in the still georgia heat and count the cars as they whizzed by. he'd choose red cars.
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i'd choose blue or black. it was a sitting on cushions of sorts, i suppose for two of us because hours could go by, and we we are perfectly content. perhaps that is why in the dream the solution to the quandary was available. there, in the middle of the long, perfectly straight highway with the slightly faded yellow center line that i had known and loved as a child sat my rose colored meditation cushion directly on the yellow line right in the middle of the road. who do i believe? that i was born to wander and i was born to sit? to love home with a sometimes unbearable affection, but to be lured out into the world to see how it is doing as my beloved
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larger home in paradise. [applause] in my kitchen for many years, i have been supported by all the photographs and sayings and poetry of people and recently, i decided to take down most of it because it was there so long the edges were curling and the paper was turning yellow, but when i came to this quote from walt whitman, i could not remove it. i'll read it to you because one of the things that is so lovely about having history and place is to have poets who have gone before and left wonderful guides to us, and you probably know
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this quote. this is what you shall do, love the earth and the sun and the animals. love the earth and the sun and the animals. despise riches. there i disagree with him. [laughter] i think it should be share riches. give arms to those who ask, stand up for the stupid and crazy. i love that part. now, really, this will test us. [laughter] it has to be done. you have to stand up for them and to them. [laughter] [applause] devote income and labor to others and to yourselves, your
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deserving. hay tyrants, really. the tie rapts, i don't know if hating them is going to change them. it doesn't seem to have worked very well. anyway, you can hate tyranny. argue not concerning god. there's an argument you have to agree is feudal. you know, really. looking deeply, peering closely. have parks and indulgence towards the people. now, that is also a tall order, especially in hot weather. [laughter] take off your hat to hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men. go freely with powerful -- go freely with powerful uneducated people and with the young and
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mothers of families, read the leaves in the open air every season and every year of your life. re-examine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, re-examine it. dismiss whatever insults your own soul, dismiss it, and your very flesh shall be a great poem. hallelujah. [applause] i want to read you something call ending the age of waste. now, this this time, we always wonder about what is the most crucial thing to do, and one of the essays i say that to me the most crucial thing to do is regain our health, and then the
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second most crucial thing is to help others regain theirs. if we are a healthy people, we are less easily led in droughtive ways, and we are so much less gullible and so much more clear headed and awake, and, in fact, we were visiting just last night, a friend who has a little dog named duke and every time we visited them, sleeping on the cushion, you know, not sleeping, meditating, and you know, just fat, lazy, and, you know, and then duke's people put him on a diet, and with when we saw him, he was bouncing all over the place, bright eyed, happy, you know, full of himself, and that is the way it can be with us, and so, by anyway, in this piece, i say
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something else. the most important thing humanity can do is believe in itself, and i do believe this is true. i think we are in such danger of not believing in ourselves because we've gone so far. we've lost so much of what we thought was good, what we thought was possible, what we thought was right the most important thing humanity can do is believe in itself that we can grow, we can change, and rows ourselves to exhibit gratitude. gratitude is what makes us wealthy. by respecting limits to the only planet mother we have ever known. gratitude to the only planet mother we have ever known. until i was a teenager, i had no experience with waste. growing up on a farm in georgia everything we grew, built,
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raised was used until it was used up. there was no extra. there was no such thing as litter. my parents were puzzled when they perceived the beginning in their community among their relatives and friends, among their chairperson, quote, the age of waste. neither knew what to do, for example, with sty robert smalls foam containers or plastic cups. they thought items so made, so lightweight and sturdy should be prized. they washed an reused them. the replacements began to appear at an alarming rate. [laughter] isn't that sweet? don't you just love my parents? [laughter] oh, i mean, just such a dear understanding of what would
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become the problem, but anyway, for a long time, they corrected and carefully stashed new inventions in the kitchen pantry believing, i suppose, that at some point they would come in handy. now, isn't that, you know, oh -- [laughter] perhaps -- i just want to hug them, you know? i just want to hug them. they were so wise. perhaps they were used to carry food to picnics or share food if they came to dinner and wanted to take food home. i mean, really, that makes so much sense. how could they know this plastic, like almost all plastic from that time to this would end up in the ocean killing tort turtle the, dolphins, whales, and fish presenting health challenges to humans all because it was used once -- used once and thrown away. my parents heated their homes never more than three small
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rooms and a kitchen with wood carried and cut inside themselves until they moved to town where everyone used electric heater, and in the chilly concrete rooms of the projects, ran them in winter almost all the time, rarely feeling warm even so. my grandparents were more frugal than my parents and lacked longer than my parents, both electricity and refrigeration. all food was eaten fresh, canned in jars and smoked or salt cured. in summer, the favorite fruit, watermelon was kept cool placing melons under the bed. oh, a magical place. to me as a child, for the round dark green treasure. i'll stop here and recommend when you buy watermelons, especially the deep green one,
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and if you have children, put them under the bed for children to find. it's absolutely heaven. [laughter] they had lampses lit until darkness fell until they, in their late 60s, moved to town. they grew everything they ate other than citrus fruit, salt, and fof fee, which they bought in town a few times a year. they raised pigs, chickens, goats, ducks, and grew gardens of healthy produce making them some of the best fed people on earth. they knew nothing of artificial fertilizer. nothing of pesticide. there was, as i recall, one major infestation of the garden among the tomatoes, giant worms that were carefully picked off the plants by hand. as children, we chased each other around the yard with the worms, truly and scary to see,
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like miniature green dragons and the largest of them had horns. i was not afraid of them. my sister, ruth, was terrified of them, which was unfortunate for her. [laughter] what i learned from the country folk and my own life is that it is not necessary to be rich, or, quote, well off to be happy. what is essential though -- what is essential though is to have enough. much energy goes into educating human beings on what enough is. as a culture, we in america, rarely seem to know. part of the ignorance is because we inherited the consumer driven capitalist system paying no attention to the people of indigenous cultures already here who were more like my parents and grandparents, extremely
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careful not to waste anything. if my parents and grandparentings had had health care that included even a-year-old visit to the dentist and schools were well equipped with teachers and materials and if work provided a decent wage, our family would have been content. with the happiness that went beyond the mainly peaceful existence we manage to make out of what we did have. do we have to endure another war on the american soil? of the many wars fought here, it's the civil war most think of as war. the quote, indian wars, genocide wars against the population, are largely forgotten. are we to have another war on our soil before we learn what is precious in life? god has forbid, and yet i think of the story of a friend of mine
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told in being in the contra war. you will recall that the united states backed the contras. she said one day she watched a member of the embattled government stoop down to pick up a paper clip that dropped on to the floor. they were so impoverished by the war there was nothing else to consider other than office supplies. she could tell by the look in his eyes that the paper clip was cherished, the most moving moment in the time of witnessing there. this may well be how it is for us. for so long, but maybe not the prophesy of all-out nuclear war in this very period
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notwithstanding. perhaps we can learn how to change our course in a way that means that we, in all of earth's resources, will not be consumed in war. war, which is perhaps the most play tonightly unintelligent and unproductive activity that humans are engaged in. of course, there are others. a general waste of earth's resources constituting a major and unwin l war. unwinnable war, not just our common mother, but against ourselves. the planet is fed up. the planet is tired of us. my friend, bill of lakota ancestry, used to come to myself exhausted from speaking up for mother earth and would collapse in a bed in a guest studio always sprinkling tobacco in honor of her and saying to us
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mother earth is so tired, so weary, so disrespective and ravaged, i can hardly bear her suffering. sometimes in his sorrow, he would weep. it felt as if he were talking about his very best friend as well as of his mother. he was. he died talking and singing and drumming to her praying on top of mesas where are corporations were strip mining coal or chaptering beside pristine rivers soon to be polluted from every conceivable contamination caused by drilling fracking, and other ecological rape. he was always thinking of her, always in prayerful alignment. he was her son. he did not forget this for a moment. we must all learn to know her as bill did to feel with her, to
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know she is alive, that she is alive and needing affection, caring, love, that she is everything. who are we to give her nothing but basically grief? massive amounts of faith will be required that we can change enough to be worthy of her caring for us all these millions of years, all these millions of years caring for us. there is a bit of comfort in knowing that having done all that we can, all that we can if we must go down, we will go down together. in heart felt alignment, earth mother, her children, hand-in-hand, doing our best to save each other from a fate that unfortunately, for us humans, is all too easily without a drastic change of course forseen, and
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it's already in so many parts of the world apparent. [applause] i want to -- i understand i don't have all the time in the world. i wanted to read you a poem, if i can find it. it just came to me. called "what do i call for getting old" [laughter] wait here it is. i like this poem because the problem with so many things, you can plug it in anywhere, but the whole idea of being afraid of
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getting old, even though you don't want to die is so bizarre, you know? would you rather just die and not get old? [laughter] what do i get for getting old? a picture story for the curious. uh-oh. [laughter] how much more time? >> as long as it takes to read the poem. >> okay, in that case, i'll read short ones. oh, oh, oh, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay, okay, okay, okay. i just -- [inaudible] >> okay, thank you. okay, what do i get for getting old, a picture story for the curious. you supply the pictures. i get to meditate in a chair. now, -- [laughter] how many meditators are out there? you know you have to -- well, in
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the -- in the ideal scenario, you sit on a cushion, cross your legs, and you do the whole thing, and you have to be correct; right? well, when you get old, you can meditate in a chair. [laughter] i get to medicate in a chair or against a wall with my legs stretched out. that's really bad news if you go to meditation center. oh. even in bed. they really don't think that's good, but when you get old, you can do that. i get to see maybe half of what i'm looking at. ..
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