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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 1, 2013 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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third university continues know we're joined by jenny martinez whose book "the slave trade and the origins of international human rights law" is our next topic. professor, when did the u.s. slave trade star in how did this start? >> u.s. was involved in the slave trade from the moment that we began as a colony of britain's and one of the interesting things of u.s. history is in the constitutional convention there was a compromise for the states that had slaves
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and those that didn't and the constitution said the federal congress could not take any action in tel 18 '08 in the first moment that it could president jefferson sent legislation to congress that they and participation in the slave trade by u.s. ships are persons and congress pass that so they prohibited the slave trade which was a long time before slavery itself but the issues forseen is different and even southerners were in support to bay and the slave trade. >> allotted to for reasons. was perceived as the more inhumane part of the traffic but also the economic self-interest that they already own slaves in the environment in the u.s.'s sole much it was not as high in southern plantations as it was in in cuba or brazil
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but here in the u.s. if they were well treated right
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after a report to, the holocaust happened and as the news came out a bunch of things came out there was the nuremberg trials, also in the far east. the u.n. was founded, the universal declaration of human rights just when international law started to look at the human rights issues but i say it was earlier in connection with the slave trade that it was first used and so in the year of the 19th century when countries like u.s., britain was another country that they and the slave trade around than it did begin to spread from those who ring gauge with this was no longer practice to participate in it was to
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see as violating rights that underpin the u.s. representative position and in france the declaration independence that all men are created equal and endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. there was some tension in but the idea was spreading throughout the land to it world. also some religious revival movement. including the quakers were very active politically and a perceived it to be morally wrong. but starting to put pressure on the government to save a need to stop the slave trade in because it was an international problem all of the countries of europe that were in gauged were participating. it wasn't something just one country could stops and even
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its u.s. said we will be and the slave trade that would not be enough because spader portugal or france or the netherlands still would pick up the slack in transport them to the new world said it became apparent that in order to eradicate the practice there would have to be international cooperation. so with the pressure on the government with the respective and they would lobby the effort governments to go into a tree the end of first are what we would call cheap talk they says slavery is wrong we want to be out of the slave trade but there is no enforcement mechanism but the tide turned and said this would not be enough. said the british government began pushing for enforcement measures as they
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treated them in 1879 of the bay and the slave trade but it created the international courts. more than one century before the nuremberg tribunal created to promote human rights protection and efficient was caught, engaged it would be before the international court. if they found out it was covered by the treaty we will spare the ship and there is one so then the slaves are free and if the money is between the sea captain and the international courts heard 600 caved treating it but that is a huge number. >>host: 18 '08?
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eighty-one yes. >>host: wrote we're the names of the international courts? >> they give different names there is a venture of bilateral treaties the netherlands, brazil, where they join in to terrain this civil war. they were called the knicks commission or the knicks court because they involve the judges from the different countries so there would be a british and a brazilian judge if they could not agree they would toss that twain to pick a third country to help decide the case. the u.s. initially was reluctant to participate for a variety of reasons like politics of the trio came before the hotly contested presidential election.
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and secretary of state had a lot of politics that there were concerns of their credit -- the british reusing this campaign as a cover to officiants their desire to control the ocean. that was a long sense of tension of one of the causes of the war of 1812 was the way the british navy was aboard american ships and say we don't thank you are really american you are british and we will draft to in to their british navies of this has long been the attention but it was not the securely popular to give the british the right to search the ships that they were participating in the slave trade. a different version would to the senate and it attached a
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bunch of changes including the provision the cases would be tried in american court rather than the international courts and change the geographical scope in the british were not willing to go along with that. the treaty failed the in the u.s. and britain cooperated where british ships and navy ships were patrolled off the coast of africa looking for the slave ships of the there country and of the british have been to to you capture the american slave trade ship they would bring it over and it was the unconventional eventually the government would say you were knight treaty? this isn't something the government wants to do. one of the consequences is because they kirchner consistently invest it was
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to enforce the ban on slave trading when there were a lot of ships flying in the american flag to engage in the illegal slave trade but not in tel 1862 there president lincoln's administration said the treaty of to the senate and it was ratified in then they joined the system of international courts. it was pretty germanic after they joined only one small bit that was active which was a trade to cuba in the carry dawn heavily all those against the law and it is the death penalty in even the confederate constitution prohibited the slave trade but this is rejoined the treaty system to reach a possible for other countries to police at the last remaining branch dropped
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precipitously so the trans-atlantic slave trade was over by 65 there were no more slaves being taken from africa. >>host: from 18 no way to on how heavy was the illegal smuggling? >> it depends. in the west there was not a lot of smuggling in after 80 no way. there was some but the measures onshore were pretty effective if karate would be punished only one person ever receive the death penalty but enough that there was not enough of teacherage by cuba and brazil the company they were participants in that legally banned they did not have any kind of effective enforcement of land in the government was corrupt so throughout that time period
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through the 1860's, the there was a lot of illegal smuggling. so you could have it pretty open where the slave markets would be held. but the international law played a role in the ending of it and there was the big debates they applied to strong pressure to stop the smuggling of new slaves into the upcountry even there were socks in the harbor and also one member of parliament said everyone has joined this system are we supposed to set out to and allow the trade to continue? i wanted to be a part of the
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community of nations but as a consequence, they passed it more effective legislation so basically there was the end of the slaves to brazil in relation to the international pressure. >>host: jenny martinez reviews as model for later treaties? >> what is interesting they were remembered for a while. in the early 1940's during world war ii there was a permanent court which is the court of the league of nations end up predecessor which exist under the u.n. today. that was commissioned to write a report about what should be done with the war criminals after world war ii ended and he said maybe we should become the nuremberg
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trials and he mentions the slave trade tribunal. there were a variety of groups active in the thirties and proposing international forums was one of the historical band-aids. but the focus was on the crimes that were in peach of aggressive warfare that the not too regime had been engaged now we think it is all of of human rights violations in the war crimes but actually it was that time that was the focus and maybe one of the reasons for the immediate aftermath they started to fade data of memory as replaced by a nuremberg can then they really were forgotten of
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historians of the those have been a part of the abolition of the slave trade but those who study international law have forgotten them. >>host: where did you find your interest? >> i was looking at the history of the courts and tribunals and i worked there for the former yugoslavia treated by the security council in the 1990's to deal with war crimes from bosnia and croatia and kosovo i worked there from the genocide trial and one of the things we did is looked at the nuremberg precedence there is not a lot of other case law most of the precedents were from nuremberg or the other trials following world war ii as though i became interested in nuremberg and
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after i left i was a professor at stanford teaching international law doing some research and looking at the 17 nineties u.s. and britain entered into a treaty settling claims to create an international tribunal and i was talking to us a judge that tried to charles taylor in sierra leone and is in new international criminal court that has sprung up and as i am looking at the court's of course, you know, what felt the slave trade tribunal and i said no. i have never heard of that. he knew about it because this special court is where one of the court sat it was
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parch of a local court but it had been there to hear the cases it was local common knowledge and not something people were aware of and i discovered the british were excellent record keepers sova completes archives are in the british archives in london. it was pretty easy to reconstruct what the courts had done. >>host: from that spark came this book "the slave trade and the origins of international human rights law" published by oxford stanford law professor jenny martinez is the author. you are watching booktv on c-span2. >> on your screen is a new book him called the romney's family table. when did you find time to put this together? >> oddly enough i had written a cookbook before but nobody would know that
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and having a mother and grandmother was a fantastic look into the enormously blessed with only boys when they got married i thought all of these family traditions and recipes will get lost because my boys are boys and will not be cooking so i made a cookbook of family favorites and gave it to the daughters of what that meant i had five copies that has been greatly expanded from that time that the other amazing thing that happened is my love of cooking and sharing the family table was passed on to my sons and they actually do cook. said in this cookbook are some recipes from my son josh or craig who likes to cook soups so the food
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fortunately it did get passed down a little bit to my son's so that is how which started after the campaign was over meissen josh said you should put together a cookbook and i thought that would be fine but this is not like a normal cookbook because it has a lot of family traditions, stories, about life. i think it will be interesting for people to think we know who the romney family is but i think they will be really surprised when they open this up and began a real peaked into life struggles, and there's a lot of stories. >>host: are you good cook? >>guest: i am. people would be surprised to know that i actually ran a little cooking school out of
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my home. this is a great picture in the great valley story but i would love for people to know about that is about tradition. it is a picture of george romney. we had to be there on the fourth of july in the homemade vanilla ice cream is what we celebrated those are my sons the three young guest waiting for their taste of that spoonful before it goes to the freezer then on the other side is the picture of my husband churning found homemade vanilla ice cream with the same recipe with our grandchildren waiting to taste the ice cream.
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you can see the things that we love to pass on to bring families together and share experiences. >>host: is nit romney a cook? >>guest: he is fantastic in the kitchen and helps me out on thanksgiving morning he is studying the bird bird, sauteed the celery and onions and he is very helpful in the kitchen and also one of the most responsible people when the meal is over because anybody that was working hard in the kitchen and cleans up himself which is a great thrill for those who do participate. >>host: are these also family photos that have never been published before? >> yes. the one on the cover makes me laugh everytime i see it because we get together
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every summer with all of the grandchildren. you hear about the rodney family olympics but we had a watermelon eating contest and part of that they could not use their hands to be you'll notice in the pitcher you'll notice in the pitcher there'll using there hands and makes me laugh because they are competitive because of all started here without hands within there realize they cannot finish quickly sell the little ones are really grabbing onto it. it was great. >>host: you put this together after the campaign. how did your life changed with your schedule? >>guest: i have to tell you, you can imagine going for 100 miles per hour hop being here a and there with the media and buses following new and planeloads
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of media every word you say and everything you do cover documented intense scrutiny, intense it activity political fund-raisers, rallies come interviews and you just go from early in the morning from the mold you wake up until you crash at night and it goes on several years than the next day it is done. it is over and that kind of energy it was just such intensity to end it so suddenly it is a huge adjustment. i knew we were disappointed with the loss that i kept feeling for months after words this was my a sentiment. coach, put me in. the game is over but that is how i felt. i ready. i am just sitting on the bench. put me in. it takes a long time to dial
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it backed down and it did for me but now it has and in back to normal life in a normal schedule in my routine is much slower and life is wonderful and i have been busy with the book and another part of my life with the horse is that i have been writing and competing and grandchildren and enjoying this time that we had together. we are thinking about the country that faces the nation and politics is one way to answer some of the problems but i really believe with a family that so many of the problems can be solved with good strong families and values and having each take care of each other.
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this thing we can certainly solve problems in our life. >>host: fists of so you guys are writing? >> we have been speaking it is nothing specific to have been doing all watched abroad thinking about challenges that "face the nation" right now. i know he is thinking about energy and how the energy needs will increase globally the energy demand will be much bigger in china and india been even the united states. so he is a broad think period he was a consultant for years been the business was known at the turn around a guy and his ability and his unique talent to think about big problems to look
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at the more unusual angle how to solve big problems. fidelity capital b.v. and for either one of us because he loved this country and our family and we are concerned about their future >>host: how is incognito kgb today? >>guest: not very much especially without -- a specially with makeup and hair i can do no makeup and a ponytail but it is very difficult for him because of a ready has a camera phone and everybody is on facebook you can imagine every 10 seconds when you just try to walk down the street or go to a restaurant, it is hard because we don't have security anymore. it is just he and i. people are appreciative of
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what we went through and very grateful. is said to estimate of what we went through and it is a testament how many people still recognize us. >>host: talking about the rodney p.m. leave your family also erupted michigan. what is this picture? >> my father built this cabin on lake michigan and a love the great lakes is and i love what my family taught me beyond how to cook by how to be strong, and they adored me and how lucky i was a and hard work. and my father was a welsh immigrant aid we had no money and we had a lot of love in our home and a lot of joy in my father built this cabin with his bare hands high with go on the
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weekend i read would remember torrey investments so i obviously was not helping but the impression i got from being with your own two hands coming coming to this country with nothing and having the opportunities and the blessings to be in this extraordinary country were taught to me by my father. that is a pitcher of my dad and myself and my brother. we were in the woods. i grew up catching frogs ian and snakes. >>host: would reduce encourage your sons to go into politics? >> i am a mother of two minds on that. i recognize on the one hand we need on this coming decent, good people to run
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but i also loved my children. it is very tough to put yourself out in public you put yourself out there for criticism that is not reserved and quiet abusive to go through this sandy really have to be prepared. three out of my five would have absolutely no interest i wouldn't have to worry but two of my sons i know love the game. my oldest son and number two, a josh. i feel safe with my a whole this and because he is in massachusetts but i concede joshed doing something down the line. >>host: shall not in asia or publisher? >>guest: they are fantastic representing me to help get the book out. cut there the ones my son
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went to the have this idea and they jumped on it and they help to represent the book can i think will be a big success. >>host: what is your favorite recipe? it is not that is my favorite is in it romney's favorite but i love to cook it because i love to bring family together. it is the meat and potatoes cook book. his favorite food is the love. that may be surprised but he is meat and potato kind of guy with homemade rolls with sweet potatoes so this is a basic cookbook with home cooking it is not a fancy cookbook. . .


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