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tv   Tonight From Washington  CSPAN  July 2, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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order the book from politics and prose. tito describes how he had a -- put only a t-shirt. his mother said he doesn't understand how it goes on. he spent five whole minuting pulling it down over his head and then slowly taking his arms through the arm holes because if you do it too fast, he doesn't register it because the brain
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processes slowly. things lick that might help on things like dressing. the other thing that might help is a touch schedule. some kids don't understand a visual schedule, and i remember visiting a group home, this worked really well. they had a touch schedule. five minutes before break fast, you got a spoon to hold. five minutes before a shower, a towel to hold. so they have a touch schedule. and then anything he likes to do. what does he like to do? >> knows how to work the vcr and the television. >> so he know -- electronics. the struggle right now he needs constant care and we're trying to figure out if he can haves' life. >> there are some individuals that need constant tear.
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-- care. that's the problem with the spectrum and hopefully you're getting plans in place for that. i'm not going to say, get a job at microsoft. >> want to know anything you can provide insight on. >> i think that the sensory chapter of the autistic brain will give you insight. and carly fleischman's book, carly's voice, and how can talk when my lips don't move, will give you insight into the kind of sensory jumbled world he is in. >> thank you. >> okay. >> i like your -- [inaudible] >> i was 14 and in eighth grade when i had aspergers. so i also graduated fro
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college, and i have been holding down two parttime jobs for five or six years. it's just a matter of what is progressing to the next level. >> when you went to college -- what did you study in college? >> parks and recreation, and what i studied, i worked two parttime jobs, a festival for individuals with disabilities and the other job i had was at historic house, and i helped out with programs, a buffer there. >> did you like the job in the parks? it's important to have a job you like. >> it's been six years, and i live with my parents right now. this is before i graduated from college. and i did pay them rent, each
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month. relatively low amount. >> maybe you ought to have your own apartment? when i was in graduate school, i realized i had to make a slow transition from the world of school to the world of work. while i was getting miss mass cities i was painting signs at the carnival. like the himalayan ice monster. >> also have my -- shortly before you came up to speak, asked for -- my dad texted me, to ask you for a job. >> one of the problems is i had a student that had a job here and he was paid a goo salary,
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and she lived in her sister's house because represent was so . it's a real problem. and one thing you might try -- i moto. i went out to my aunt's ranch in arizona. >> the problem is, i feel comfortable with where i am overall -- >> one of the problems is, of you wouldn't to grow up, you have to push outside your comfort zone. you have to stretch. and when i was 15 years ago and afraid to go to my aunt's ranch, she said you can go for a week or the summer, but she wouldn't let me 0 not go. and then she set up my summer internship. that was another example of stretching, and have to stretch if you want to grow. >> yeah. >> it made me responsible. do it here. >> the think --
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>> what is much better? >> the economy. so basically i have -- my career goals are recreation and possibly something to do with animals. the job i had before i work for my two parttime jobs for six years, i worked as an animal resort, and i -- >> okay. the thing is you have to find something that you like. >> one thing that gave me a clue, my folks were cooking a t-bone steak and my do dog got into one and i was able to and --ve the t-bone itself >> your dog -- >> i tried to save his life. >> you got to find something that you like to do. we need to go on to the next question. [applause]
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>> hi. i work in a school with a lot of autistic children, and a common problem seems to be kids picking at themselves, picking at their skin, pick until it bleeds, gets to be a big problem. don't want to cover it with band-aids and they also bite themselves a lot. i don't know if it's frustration. >> some kids, get better if they do sensory things with an o.. how much exercise are they've getting? the only thing that is showing up in the literature is omega 3 supplements are good for the brain, and i fine i get a lot of itching all over at night and i've been taking some blue bon net, b-100, and taking magnesium at night and that stopped the itching at night. of course, the itching and scratching themselves, that might work.
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and then sometimes working with an ot and a lot of sensory activities. deep pressure and other activities can help some of this. >> thank you very much. >> i know what you're talking about, autisticeopl but i wonder if i can ask you a question about an animal. >> fine. >> my dog, probably wasn't socialized. he was a rescue, and got him at five months. very, very fearful dog. and an example is he is -- it's very difficult for him to walk out of the house with one person. he is okay walking with two but really doesn't like to leave the house. >> doesn't like to leave the house? >> i drive him. and i -- i get -- this is my -- if i park the car and he'll get out and walk but doesn't like to leave the house. >> the animal memory tends to be very specific and it's possible
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whoever had him before did something abusive, getting him out of the house. and now if you take him somewhere in the car, that's letting him out of the car. that's not associated with abuse. animal thinking is much more spic i was talking to my agent last night, and she has a little dog that is terrified of baseball hats. and if a guy is wearing a baseball hat, he is not -- that dog won't have anything to do with them. take the baseball hat off and it's fine. that's associated with some abuse that dog had. >> we just don't know what it would happen -- >> something bad happened going out of the house. is it a big dog? >> a medium size dog. weighs about 50. >> too heavy to pick up. >> i guess my real question, how can i best appreciate what he is experiencing? >> obviously got some fear memory about going through the door. did you try the back door? way of snow-plowing
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and just not going. >> he is really afraid. >> i don't like to pull- i think it makes it worse. he is afraid of everything but other dogs he doesn't like the city -- >> afraid of other dogs? >> no, not afraid of other dogs help doesn't let people touchxcs gotten 0 know -- >> sounds like this dog -- could have been abused badly before you got him. also could have just been kept isolated. absolutely no socialization with other people and other dogs. it's very important. you can do things to make them better but going to be very difficult to completely fix. >> we don't expect to completely fix him. >> is he gradually getting better? >> he has over time. he has medication. >> that can sometimes help. >> he has gotten better as he matured. >> let's go on to the next question. >> i'm glad we're talking about animals. i wonder what you thinkis the
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most valuable asset of pet therapy. >> with people with autism? it works great on some individuals. three different ways kids reaction to animals. the first time, loves them. best buddies. the next time, scared of them but then they warm up. and then the third time, they hate dogs because they never know when they're going to bark, and the dog is a scary thing, going to bark and hurt their ears. in that situation using an animal is not appropriate. when it comes to ride michigan and horse therapy, i have had five or six parents tell me they say their first words on a horse. rhythm and balance are helpful. you can also do that with swinging and sitting on balls, too. but for some, the pet therapy is absolutely great. >> time for four more questions. >> hi. i'm a huge fan.
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>> got a western shirt on. >> it's an honor. i'm currently a wildfire -- wildlife major at the university of maryland and i appreciate the work you do for animals and animal welfare. i connect to dogs and i feel like they really help me concentrate and calm me down sometimes. i've never been diagnosed on the spectrum but after hearing you talk i feel like we connect in some way. so i wanted to know more about your connection with animals and more of that work, especially educational background. >> i think the thing that helped me with animals i think more like an animal. animals don't think in verbal language. they think in picture. they think in smells. they think in touch sensations, and so much more specific kind of thinking. it's nk with
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animals. also, i got a lot of insight when i realized my thinking was different. when i was a teenager i thought everybody thought in pictures. i didn't know anybody was thinking different. and i find that peoplement are very much word-thinkers have a hard time understanding. there are different kinds of minds and being a visual thinker helped me with animals. >> do you have a favorite animal? >> i really like cattle. >> cool. >> yes, dr. grandup, i became aware of you through your book, animals and translation, because of my interest in animal behavior, but reading your book opened my world to make me realize i was probably on the spectrum and just got diagnosed as low-enaspergers. >> what are you doing now? >> i'm a technical analyst for
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the united states department of energy. >> you better keep that job. super good -- better keep it. super benefits. you want get at any other job. keep your job. >> i'm a contractor. basically i check d. >> you have a good job and you need to keep it. >> my question is, going back to your book, the ten rules of social relationships, and particularly boundaries, of the ten social roles coming to social communication, which one do you consider the most pivotal one in trying to socially connect with people on a more intimate level. >> i found that i connect with people with shared interests. might be animal behavior, horses, talking about engineering stuff. that is where i get -- and i find
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spectrum that have a good relationship -- you may want to read this other become. these people got diagnosed because relationships were messed up. and one spouse has to realize the aspergers spouse won't be as demonstrative and there's also an ebook out on asperger love. >> trying to get into how to connect -- >> i think what i have seen successful relationships is shared interests. like i have a friend named jennifer. she wrote a book on daily living skills. and she is a computer person. and she is with another computer person and they met at a science fiction meeting and they had a wonderful, romantic dating. wine, candles. you have to do that stuff because you have to set the stage for four hours of discussion on computer data
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storming systems. because the most interesting thing in the world is computer data storage. and you're going to have to find a soul mate that in the work you do. is it math mat tall? statistical? or is it classified? >> it's a wide variety. combination of biology, physics -- >> a lot of tech stuff. you're a techie. >> yes. >> well, get involved with a another techie. you have a wide range of fields. be proud of the fact you have a super good job and you need to keep it and you need to get a soul mate that is interested in those kinds of things. >> so another big bang theory type. >> you're absolutely right.
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>> okay. how did you get over being so anxious when you were little? >> how did i -- get over being anxious? when i did my very first talk i panicked and walked out. one of the things that helped me in my early 30s, i went on antidepressant medication. some people are super action and need a little help from biochemistry and a little tiny bit of prozac. i have a chapter where i wrote about a believer in biochemistry and i find us visual thinkers tend to be panic monsters. i know a lot of designers that take a little bit of prozac, because you don't want to be messing around with alcohol. that's worst. or street drugs. that's really bad. but looks like -- karat at -- cr
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car karate, that's good, get exercise. >> it's taekwondo. >> sorry. >> that's okay. something funny, i take prozac, too. >> well, you're probably finding prozac is helping you. another thing that helped me is my 100 situps i do every night on me bed. every night i do them. [applause] >> i'll think about trying that. thank you. >> okay. >> thank you. >> you're very welcome. [applause] >> one more question and then -- >> one more. i was wondering, do you think -- has it been your experience that men and women on the spectrum have different experiences? and that's related to, i was wondering about your -- >> when i was a young kid i wasn't interested in anything
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girls did. i thought it was boring. party dresses and dolls, yuck. and when i took that systemizing test, in the back of the awe cities tick brain ash autistic brain. i scored high on systemizing but most people on the spectrum are not left or right but there's something with the fetus getting exposed to more testosterone. as a very young child i wasn't interested in playing house or anything like that. to me that was bore. >> a period that autistic women don't get diagnosed because they have sort of social skills forced on them. >> autistic women usually have better social skills. usual live that tends to be the pattern. the weakness of that is women in general seem to have better social skills. one thing i found -- one thing i found in dealing with men -- it's hard breaking into a
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male-dominated interest, guys, you get in a spat with them and they get over it. they don't hold grudges, and had a little yelling match and then it's over with. that's just the way -- that's one thing i found. what do you do? are you a student? >> i'm going to law school. >> you're going to law school? and get lots of good job experience. i hate keep harping on the career stuff, but i'm seeing too many smart people not getting good jobs, and losing good jobs because they don't show up for work on time or they just sort of don't like it. well, you have a good job, even makes you grumpy. >> okay, thank you all for coming. [applause]
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>> daughter of mathematician john norman was the first female to serve in the president's council of economic advisers under president nixon and was the highest ranking female in the auto industry in the 18980s when she serve as vice president. >> edward teller wrote this of the found of geniuses who gather to build the nitrogen bomb. we are martians who came to earth to change everything.
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and among them was the father of what we now call the von neuman architecture and so much more. today is not necessarily about john but it is about a marred -- martian's daughter and talent has been applied to economic and social and education in our country. in her new out toy biography, marina recounts what it was like to grow up in her family and then a woman making until some of the most male dominateed boardrooms, classrooms of some of this most storied institutions in america. marina was leaning in long before the phrase leaning in hilt the popular vernacular. she is professor of business
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administration and public policy at the university of michigan. a former vice president and chief economist for gm. the first woman appointed to the president's council of economic advisedyear in 1972-73. she took that post from her academic position at tip. she is now retired but hat long years or very distinguished service on the boarded of directors of several companies and served on the boards of harvard and princeton, and the institute of advanced study she holds hop rare degrees from more than 20 colleges and universities. quite a woman. it's my pleasure to welcome her now. please. marina von knewman whitman. >> welcome. >> good to be here. i should say, biffle the way, have served on the boards of
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hard -- harvard and princeton but not simultaneously. >> welcome. >> it's wonderful to be here. and i must say this is a fabulous museum. i have had a sort of minitour, i think actually the full tour would take days and days. but it's exciting. >> thank you very much. it was so much fun to take you around this morning and of course to look at what we call the johnny act, but i know that was not your father's favorite phrase for that computer. >> he liked it but the institute for advanced study thought it wasn't dignified. that's why it became the iaf machine which is much more boring. >> you have written a heck of a book. i love it and there's so much ground to cover in this. but let's start at the beginning. not long before that picture that's there behind us that is
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on the cover of the book was taken. you had -- everyone is going to want to know about the time you spend with your father. but let's start with your mother and your father. your mother was every bit as remarkable a person in her own way. >> that's true. that's absolutely true. she was very smart. very glamorous. she had a career that she had a career that she never intended to and made up as she went along, and although she isn't noted as much in things written about the book, she was a very important influence. >> talk about her influence. both on you and on john. >> well, they actually, i think, grew up together in budapest, the family lore has it they met when she was three and he was six or seven, at a birthday
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party, and then somewhat later, obviously, they did what i guess today would be called dating, although my mother was very carefully chaperoned. and then in 1930, my father was invited to -- as rockefeller fellow to teach a term in princeton, and he wanted my mother to come with him and obviously that meant getting married. so they did. and my mother, i think -- first of all, he was pretty -- he was young, handsome, brilliant. and besides he had very overprotective parents and i honestly think that she was very happy to put an ocean between them. and they -- her parents never came here until 1939, when my father said, look, there's going to be a war. you mustn't -- saying to my
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mother, they were divorced but still took his advice. he said you minute go to hungary so she said to her parents cans if you want city us this year you have to come here. well, they were sure they were going to be scalped by wild indians but they came for what they thought was a six-week summer vacation and of course they never went back. >> they couldn't go back to europe that point. >> no, they couldn't go back. they came in june and war broke out in august. so, obviously they couldn't go back. and so they spent the rest of their life here, and i guess one of the reasons -- well, my mother went to work during world war 2 for several reasons. one it was unpatriotic not to, and also she had some financial responsibility for her parents and her aunt, who had also come. so she felt she ought to at least make a significant contribution to supporting them. so, she went to work as a kind
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of day laborer and wichita three months she was a foreman and within six months she was supervising the technicians at the radiation -- where day built radar sets and after that never looked back. >> i think it's fascinating three very strong-willed, intelligent women in your father's background. ...
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and now, of course, in my old age a have enormous sympathy for her.
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>> your mother and father had a very unusual arrangement for you personally. it was not when you knew about. she was to have custody of you up to a point and then he was to have custody from that point on. >> that's right. the agreement was -- and i have the divorce agreement. until i was roughly 12 retain of live with my mother during the school year and spend vacations of my father. and then when i more or less reached high-school years the situation would be reversed. their reasoning was apparently that of course anybody should have an opportunity to know him well. they also taught that he was handled -- would handle relationship better ones are reached the age of reason. what they did not know because there were too young and
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inexperienced was probably the stage of life for this from the age of reason is teenage adolescents. >> exactly. >> so in that sense it was a mistake, but it was extremely well intentioned. however, then neglected to tell me about this. at nothing in -- to think there were nervous about that. so when this test run on me i was pretty testy about it. i thought it would have been did you tell me. i acquiesced and went off to live in princeton. as i say, that had complications it did give me a chance to interact much more with my father, partly because the vacations i spent with them certainly during world war two
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were mostly spent without him. he was always in los alamos or on a secret trip to england. elsa gave me a chance to go to a really terrific school, something that doesn't exist much now, a sort of all grow private school. doctors will lawyers are professors saddam. the options were open to them and i have to say, when i got harvard that was demanded of me. >> so your father arrives a princeton. he's instantly a sensation. in fact and i think there "in your book is that the department
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at princeton was divided into three categories in mathematics. that the radical mathematicians, the physicist, and then there was john von norman. were you aware of that? >> i knew that he was a pretty hot shot mathematician. i don't think i was aware of how much he bridged over until i became aware of the existence of the mathematical foundation through quantum mechanics. i can say have ever read it, but at some point i became aware that he did braces to fields. of course after the war was over i learned something about the manhattan project. but it really wasn't until i went off to college that i began
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to be more where avoid of remarkable person he was. and you know, his name didn't become that much of a heartfelt word will you was alive. that really happened after his death beginning with the famous obituary article in life magazine right after a died. so a lot of this i sort of became more aware of as a young adult. >> do you remember when it started to become clear to you? you said you were in college. you are slyly aware in many cases what your mother and father do. all the sudden the clouds began to part. there it is. you remember that? >> yes, para north through anecdotes. i remember when i was first starting today the man he became my husband. and we lived down in howard
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square having coffee your something. he introduced me to a graduate student in the math department. in the and man said, i modestly batted-. and he is getting a ph.d. in england. then so it was really in the harvard and bernard. later, and this is a story telling my book, i am undoubtedly the most mathematically is littered economist on the planet. i could no more pass general exams with a ph.d. in economics down and. [background noises] because it's really applied mathematics. there's a reason for.
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my father, although he never knew it, was responsible for this. because when i went harvard, the first term, it took calculus 1/8 . it was my most excited. and i fully intended to go on to cut oculus between terms. i ran into the chairman of the harvard mathematics department, very well known mathematician and is on ride in a published paper to with my father. i'm sure he thought he was just making small talk with this 17 year-old man said, oh, i'm so glad you up all the family honor by getting in a into oculus.
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and i felt to myself, oh, my god. what happened? and from that day to this have never taken another math scores. i could not take the risk. i have audited, forced my way through textbooks when i was feeding my firstborn in the middle of the night. my last recorded credit in math as calculus one night. >> the toes of fascinating stories about the dinner guests. so when you were growing up, the people who would just drop by for dinner. >> well, yes. the obvious. edward killers and the eugene.
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at the einstein used to come to dinner, but by the time i became conscious his wife had died and he had become something of a recluse. i only saw him when i went to the 4:00 al qaeda the institute for the study every day. but often people who came to dinner or not necessarily mathematicians. i still remember the famous writer. he can't vehemently into communism. he had been a member of some very vehement and dart anti-communist novels. and the economist who wrote the theory was my father and you actually courted is very beautiful bride in our living room. so there are these fascinating into lakes around the dinner
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table. and, of course, i get terribly impatient. so to put it mildly now was not terribly appreciative about what was going on around me. i realize what a crowd this was. >> is coming out how many letters she wrote and how many people he wrote to. >> he did he was writing to colleagues. and some times there were very personal.
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it was always either apologizing for something he had already done are trying to reassure her because she was so terribly insecure. wonderful letters to me which would jump from one subject to another without a blip. sometimes a very personal letters. not because the objective, he quite like that. he thought that any woman who tied yourself down to early marriage in the 1950's was destroying any possibility of having a career from. he said a very strongly about making use of one's intellectual talents.
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so he wrote me these very desperate letters about don't tie yourself down, down to this sorely. >> what cost through in those letters, he knew you had special capabilities. the release of the intellectual promise in new. >> he used to worry lot. even before, he sort of worried. i guess there were two aspects to his legacy. one was his work commanded were really great deal. anybody who would be paying attention, and yet it was me. i was his only child. therefore in a sense his land to the future a certain amount of plain old parental turn it --
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pride. the was a very good student. i was always first in my class. so he expected great things. in the 1950's. mired in. of course he never live long enough. since then much of anything that really wanted to be a will to said, did what i wanted. it did all come together. >> now, you have become the collector and in some ways the curator of all this correspondence. the second set of letters,
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because of george tyson, maybe they were known about before. riven in terms about this rusty filing cabinet in your basement, all letters that were exchanged between john during all those years. >> that's right. he wrote her constantly. many of them or not and iran, but some of them more english. long before i ever lived through them, are some who was in his 20's as something lived through them. he didn't read and gary. and i thought, well, were you signing there? and he said very simply, a portrait of a disintegrating marriage. and that wasn't far off. in fact they stayed married.
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once my father was very ill and my stepmother became a very caring caretaker and so forth, there's no question it was in many ways a very dysfunctional relationship. that's a lot of what is in the letters. also some other things. as a diagram of the computer. i would no one where the other. george cut quite excited. >> he found another piece of paper which was crumpled but then smith back out which was he thinks may be one of the first pieces of code ever written. >> that's right. that's right. >> now, you obviously have become very familiar certainly with everything that he did, but also, you have a real sense of
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history, i can tell by talking with you about his role in the history of computing and game theory and all the other path breaking work that he did. how much of that have you seen as part of your life's work? >> as part of my life's work? well, really not at all. ironically when i decided to go into economics, initially i intended to get a master's in economics and one in journalism and write articles for the new york times or the economist of something. it wasn't until you give me a that are really became an economist. but i was so naive that i didn't really realize how much my father had done in the field of economics. i mean, game theory really hadn't been taken up by
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economics at. i don't think i was aware of the turnpike here. i'm sure if i realized how much my father had contributed to the field was going into a would have chosen a different field. but i honestly was ignorant. and by the time i found out it was too late. [laughter] >> probably not the right phrase. not that he diverted the tremendous amount of time, but you certainly have an awareness seminar on the board. i mean, this is a -- it's a threat that you can never break but also you have taken this on as a dimension, i think. >> that's true. it is a quite remarkable thing to sit on the board of trustees. the study were my father was one of the five founding members and tough sort of feel his
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astonished coast looking down on me there. so, yes. in that sense i try to be responsive when people have wanted to know things about my father, something he had written and so forth. i try to respond to these things . in 2003, which was the 100th anniversary of his birth, i went all over hungary giving talks about him. >> high-school. >> some of them named after him. and i was absolutely astounded that these high school students sort of revered him with the kind of fall that in the u.s. high-school students would reserve for an athlete or a pop singer. now was just astounded that these kids knew about him, had done research. and i'm going to hungry in june,
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about two months, i guess, the hosting of a new computer summit, the second-biggest city there. and, again, their best me to be part of the opening. i secretly are not so secretly and hoping it can persuade somebody the transit my book condemning variant. so particularly after his death i have in a way become the keeper of the flame, a little bit to my surprise, but there is. >> to you feel history is now coming to meet in? teaching that his role and his accomplishments and a singular place that he occupies is becoming better known now? >> it may be for couple of
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reasons. one is that he was truly a polygon. that is sort of upon because what i mean by that is, he made his mark in a wide variety of fields in both pure and applied mathematics. and a lot of people wonder if in no way it multiplied that if ever again anyone could do that in as many areas as he did. and the other thing is that with quite a delay, game theory has now become a major tool in the social sciences, even though that was called the theory of games and economic behavior, it really wasn't taken up for at least 20 years by economics and other social sites. mainly by the military in the corporation which did analysis
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for the military. but it came quite late to economics and political science. interestingly enough to biology. and because that happened with the delay, but it did happen again. more people are aware of him that would be otherwise. the economists and political scientists and the molecular biologists, which many of them are now. >> that's a perfect weight said make the transition to your career. i do want to spend the balance of the time on that because it is so fascinating. you mentioned going to columbia and studying with the nobel laureate, received your ph.d., and were on the faculty there.
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i want to pick up the story with you going to the white house to be on the staff of the council for the economic advisers. let me point out that today as we sit here in 2013 no one really talks about the council of economic advisers that much anymore. during the 70's it was a big deal. president nixon once to try. >> it was. >> one anecdote about why is the mega ph.d. teaching it at princeton. i had a job with the educational testing facility. i decided i wanted to go to graduate school. they're walk down wall street. i decided we would like to go in the beasties and economics at princeton. the economics department
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enthusiastically, but i was told there was one little problem. when were not accepted at princeton. some would have to go and talk to the president. the president had been president for about 20 years and was about to retire. that conversation did not go well. he first responded by saying, oh, i'm so sorry. we can't accept a student of your caliber but unfortunately i said, well, fortunately that's on a problem. we live in a leftover world war ii. very junior faculty. those which were said to be torn down after the war, actually going to be torn down next year. at least that's what they sent. so after i made this point about housing there was a long silence.
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then he said, well, we really wish we could except you and our program. unfortunately we simply don't have enough facilities for women students. for the lack of ladies' rooms i had to commute to colombia to give my ph.d., which i did. >> that being able to get them. >> exactly. exactly. back to the nixon white house. the importance of the sea eea has tended to rise and fall with the kind of personal relationship that the chairman has of the president. and at that time there were a string fca chairman starting with i guess walter heller,
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kennedy and johnson and mccracken there were two big events. one was when the united states was having all kinds of problems with the woods agreement which works just fine. the theory was that the world would operate on the dollar. and so the countries that wanted to trade dollars for gold could do that. in 1972 the united states trade deficit was getting bigger and bigger. the french were threatening.
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so one fine day aggregated commitment, in the system. and remember that happens to be the day that i was leaving the castle to go back to university of pittsburgh because and decided i could no longer accept the likelihood that the president was mixed up in the watergate scandal. the system call me up and said, he sure listen to the radio because the president is really going to drop a bomb. so i hung up and turned around and said to my family, the president's going to drop the ball tonight. my diet was about eight years old. your big toe stood up on end. she hid under the kitchen table and said she's going to drop a bomb here. anyway, he did. he aggregated the system, put
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into effect the wage price control program. so there were two big economic issues on the table. one was the wage price controls. because i recently served on the commission, i was the public face of the wage price controls while went to the council. the second thing was that the united states tried very hard to develop a new blueprint for the international monetary system. the bretton woods system was don cabana was my field. i mention national economist. i found myself on a group headed by paul volcker trying to redesign the international monetary system. it was a beautiful blue print. it never got used because of national politics intervened. not just ours, but the
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europeans. the two things that i was heavily involved in or kind of front center. also, since then the white house as is said to wiggle of many institutions, as kind of proliferated battle in the council of economic advisers, but the national economic council and the treasury. so there has been a kind of metastasis of organizations around the president dealing with economic and the intersection between economic and political issues. >> how would you describe the environment you experienced in the nixon white house? ..
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>> i remember a few years ago bob dole made a tv series for public television. in which he commented there is absolutely no way that richard nixon could get the republican nomination today because e


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