tv Book TV CSPAN July 7, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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the foundation is also my employer, where i spend most of my time not talking about the british side of the american revolution, but about thomas jefferson. we edit as part of the great series started in 1950 of jefferson's papers which aim to be the definitive edition, and which would have taken another -- they they will be finished in 2026. and about who we put on many programs including international programs. the latest of which was in china, and before that in cuba. i'm delighted to have with me
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today some of my colleagues, including the president of month monocello, lezly. as you can manage, it's a joint drive in there each morning. i particularly lucky to have an office on the estate, which was used by franklin roosevelt in the four days leading up to d-day. this is where i wrote that book. the nice thing is, it -- a different moment in the relations. one that we can celebrate, and one that is important to democracy on both sides of the atlantic. we know much about the confederacy during the civil war, but relatively little about the british during the american revolution. it was a war seemingly that
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britain should have won. and it's failure to do so is often blamed on poor leadership. the book is essentially a series of intelligent, biographical cameo which explains why britain lost america. and among the list of characters was george iii, the last king of america who shared the belief that many of his countrymen that britain would seize to be at great power if it lost america. he was not responsible for the polls that lead to the american revolution. but he became the leading war hawk. and he refused to negotiate the opposition leaders who were committed to withdrawal from america. writing of the time second world war, cambridge historian bribes
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him as being almost chill kyi chill began vowing he would never surrender. he called for sacrifice, we will stretch every nerve to defend ourselves, run risks. it we are to play a cautious game -- [inaudible] this, i think, responds to great one of the myths that the british simply didn't care. they cared deeply. this is one of the longest war in american history. one of the longest in british history. they made an effort to recover the country. this incidentally is a painting by george iii at the height of the revolution in 1779. the irony by benjamin west.
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an american artist. it's suspected by historians that west was leaking his conversations with george iii back to congress. but as george iii in the most marshall mode moved the principle palace to windsor castle. he had music played every evening, and the government was collapsing and he simply said if others are not able, i must drive. he essentially kept the government together during this period. his prm was lord -- a reluctant prime minister who spent much of the war, he was responsible for the tea act. he was responsible for the policies that lead to the american revolution, but when he released that it would lead to war, he immediately regretted it and spent much of the war years
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trying to negotiate a comprise. he kept attempting to resign, arguing he wasn't rightfully the leader in wartime. he felt too beholden to george iii he thought his resignation would lead to a constitutional crisis. then there was the brothers who commanded in america, after bunker hill. william howard, richard howard, they were respectively great pioneers in military tactics. william howard was a pioneer in military tactic. thought to be successful against today what we would think of the gyre riel will warfare, and his brother was a pioneer in the warfare to use of the navy and combination with the army between the two of them, they
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managed to land over 16,000 troops on staten island in a matter of hours. one afternoon. they used designs by the brother richard howard crashed that with light loads used on d-day which the bode would literally turn to a plank as the troops charged off it. like several characters in the book later became a major british hero. he was the victor in a battle called the glorious -- [inaudible] in the early -- then we have john who was a rising star in the british army. after a successful defense of
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portugal during the seven-year ward the period which we call the french-india war. i have great experts. the crosby referred to the person he knew the least, indeed i think his fated most from american history yet one of the most important people in london lord george. he was the main architect of the war in britain. he achieved -- he was a veteran military veteran, and also an administrator achieved a remarkable feat of sending more troops to america than the generals requested in 1776. he always blamed the generals for losing him the best opportunity of winning the war.
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he felt they would be more interested in negotiating a truce than in really waging the war vigorously. most historians retrospectively would argue the war can be won. it was in 1776. then sir hen, the commander in chief of the second hair of -- second half of the war who was expected to win with fewer troops and less naval support than britain fighting both against france and spain. the most was the british generals. he would obsess more than anyone else over the causes of the british failure. he even wrote out the dialogue. in which he imagined lord -- apologizing to him for the
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british defeat at worktown. his memoirs are the most comprehensive and most detailed of any general on either side of the war. charles -- charles cornwall lis, the most successful post war career as a entirial trouble shorter -- shooter in india. it was an assassination attempt on him in phoenix park. he was the man with absolutely no pretension even though -- [inaudible] most of the general refused to live in the government's palace. he was refused to draw more than one salary. he was a restless man who said that the army was his last. he was buried as he might have wished in service on the river
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where there's a huge memorial to him in india. so george, the only person really to merge as a hero from the american revolutionary war in britain. and finally, the -- the most experienced of all government minister of the generation. he being a minister when many of the others were just children. he had warned the cabinet of the need to build up the navy before the war even started. and he inevitably came in to conflict with his colleagues because he had to think about the global war. he to consider the defense of britain as a priority over winning in america. in words which held true of so many of the men who lost america, one contemporary said of his problems that they
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originated, quote, more in the nature of the war than the salt of the lord. the punishment, however, fell upon him. it's popular to portray these individuals as incompetent blunders and explain british defeat in term of leadership. this is equally true, i would stress, in britain as in america. as most of the -- in the films like mel gibson "patriot" films like al pacino "revolution." it's pronounced in popular history. the march of -- ?awbl dedicated to what is almost apparently of the british leadership during the revolutionary war. it even permeates the academic scholars who use words like --
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[inaudible] inconfident, and immediate o'cur to describe the leadership. this view that the british -- [inaudible] seemed to be intha strange. and rather diminishes the achievement of commander like washington and greene. it's also a caricature of 18th century british leadership. only three decades later defeated that poll began. the leadership admittedly was aristocratic, both it was competitive. britain had, much like continental europe, the older son inherited the title and the majority of the wealth. the younger sons had to fend for themselves and competitive and
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essentially pursue career in the army and the house of common with some of the attractive of those all of those careers. military and 1/2 value -- that value commanders had much in common with the modern day military professionals. they joined in the teens. it was a life of service. they often came from families that had military backgrounds. george the iii in the cabinet went to great list to select the a list rather than the most senior commanders. when they choose the brothers to command, they skipped 10 a more senior generals. because the brothers which i mentioned earlier thought most appropriate dealing with the situation in america his brother had been a great hero in america. the people of massachusetts, in
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fact even gave a memorial to the brother who died during the french and indian war. which was in westminster abby with the name of the legislature of massachusetts. then they choose went great lengths to acquire the military background to prove their skills and knowledge. they visited the location of battle fields. they went abroad to study. they read the latest series. they suggested army officers should read french because the best military were in french. and the profession where experience counted, they served as veterans in another wars, and served on some of the most distinguished commanders of the 18th century. they improved their military skills by leading maneuvers
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every summer, which the british army conducted annually. they demonstrated great personal courage in battle. all of these commanders had horses shot in under them. something they shared with george washington. when a horse is shot from under you. it means the bullets are flying around you. with -- from their family and possibility they may be killed in war, the military careers required great sacrifice and remains true today. -- [inaudible] portrayed looking -- more worried about his dogs than about winning the war. the real cornwall built tent in
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-- greene before he reached the across the river, he slept just like has his men without tents, without cover, and his men had a huge admiration for him. he lived as they did. even though he was most achrist -- aristocratic. the political leader were no less impressive. the british prime minister today is admired in the united states for facing hostile questions each week in -- prime minister question time. if you watch c-span, i hope you do, you can see examples of this. but he had to face such questions for three dais a week. he would usually arrive in
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parliament when the house commons began serious debate at noon. he would often be there until the early hours of the morning, sometimes 2:00 and 3:00. there was no recess. he regularly gave speeches, usually waited until the end of the debate for two hours without single note. because people were -- who used notes in the house of commons. the historian edwin gibbons, who is one of the create historians, he was in the house of commons at this time, he was too terrified to speak. and never spoke. he said it gave him his education as a historian to see some of the great or or or it -- orator of all time debate among each other. the political system in britain was never so corrupt that a government could simply assume the support of the house of commons. there was know e equivalent as a
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disciplined party. the prime minister of the period had to win the confidence of the house commons. the prime minister had to persuade, and the lord, particularly killed, in his public speaking abilities successfully defending the government and sustaining government majorities in the house of commons. he was also the brilliant chancellor of the exchequer. he did two jobs. he was head of finance as well. and he essentially made it possible for britain to continue to wage the war by raising the money necessary. in fact the whole government was exceptionally well qualified to wage war. the members of the cabinet, many of them were veterans, many of them had been administrators, previously during wars. they were amazingly effective in
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tackling the huge logistical problem of fighting a war 3,000 miles away. no government had intend -- attempted such a feat previously. these were not no -- novice. it was not a war that was easily won. it was closely fought in the very end. as late 1780, it seemed that the british might win. they pretty well destroyed the army in the south with the victory at charleston and cam don. they became close to defeating the french feat which would been a game changer in 1780. most important of all, thanks to clinton who planned to get a general on the american side to defect, benedict arnold, one of the most highly respected of all
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the continental general, the person who made success at czar saratoga possible defected to the british side. this was never a linear series of defeat which is why the british continued to very end. the difference between success and failure is often very thin. they defeated the british at saratoga wasn't self-defeated b cornwall las and he was of course later defeated by washington at worktown. the admiral, who defeated thomas grave at the battle of chesapeake cape which was essential to the american victory the work town. he was defeated only a few month later by rodney at the battle of the saints in april, 1782.
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in fact he was captured. it was one of the most major british that value victory. he was one of the greatest hero before nelson. the book is somewhat counter intuitive. it would suggest many opportunities were lost to defeat the british much earlier. it was entirely due to the quality of the troops and leadership that they managed to last so long. the leaders faced major problems, which almost precluded success in america. if i have to give a postage stamp version of my argument, which is often required at cocktail parties, and in social settings, it would be that britain had an army of conquest not an army of occupation. some stated the war they took every american city. they could never occupy
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country. every time they started to span out, there would be insurgency lead by people who today are american folk hero men like thomas sumter, and marion fox. british authority collapsed in new jersey in the winter of 1776 and 1777. it collapsed in washington in 1777. it collapsed in the carolinas in 1780 to 1781. their main problem with the revolution was popular this may not come as a startling insight to this audience or to the average laymen, but it's a very important antidote to a new scholarship that emphasizes cynicism among ordinary americans, the neutrality, the
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loyalism, and the disaffection among the citizens. in modern day new speak, the patriot base was motivated. before even one shot had been fired, at lexington and concord, britain had effectively most political -- lost political authority in america. the patriots successfully wrestled control of the local government, of the assembly, and of the court. they crucially gained control of the militia who policed the local populations and who sur -- as john argued, service in the militia imbued many ordinary american with the revolutionary spirit. with the withdrawal of the
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british from boston in march of 1776, the british army had been driven out of the 13 mainland states of america. in other words, they almost lost before they had even begun. there after became the president of reconquest and reconstruction. with the -- south from dan the number ratio gate and the army after takingty continue row georgia they expected that the popelation would be relatively supportive of the british. by the time he reached saratoga he was outnumbered by virtually 4-1. he likened the opponent to the many headed -- the figure in classical mythologies which grew new heads every time one was cut off. he argued if there was the
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smallest -- [inaudible] uprising somewhere in the in new york, or connecticut he could have won. virtually a my row of his march south, cornwall marched north and successfully defeated the remanent at the battle of cam don in august of 1780. but like him, he found it more difficult to gain even the most basic intelligence about the geography. he was completely outnumbered by the time he reached worktown. in fact the british never anticipated having to occupy america. they predicated the war in the belief that the american -- the majority of americans supported pretty tan. they believed that the revolutionary leadership was in the minority. they describe them at the little
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-- [inaudible] this seemed to be based, it's crucial from my point of view. it seemed to be based on good information available to them. it the view was supported by american textile living in london. people like john joseph galway, of philadelphia. who said right up until the time of yorktown four out of five supported the british. the belief -- of the committee of current safety. it should also always be emphasized like most revolutions, this was also the civil war. after 1776, it was indeed difficult for the army to recruit in the same numbers as
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they had done earlier. thomas paine complained what he called summer soldier and the sunshined patriot. who was essential in disaffection in the continental army some of the rank in pennsylvania and new jersey. in 1778, never theless, the most trusted of of the military advisers told the government they would have to double the number of british soldier in america at the time when they were also fighting fran france and spain. the very presence of the british army alien ated american support. the two sides increasingly regarded one another as foreign. one of my favorite of the british officer said that he every day cursed columbus and all of the discoveries, all of
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the discoveries about diabolical country. [laughter] there was also an ideological component. the british regarded them as criminals. who committing act of rebellion and treason. they requested whether they should even be treated as regular prisoner of war and the usual convention of war. the british commanders understood that they needed to win popular support. but this objective was often in conflict with the difficulties of fighting the war and the appearances of winning it. secretary clinton used the phase that we need to gain the heart and sub -- subdue the mind of america. the various declaration of independence complained to the british using foreign mercenary namely germans against their
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fellow subjects. the british attempt to compensate the army by using native americans and slaves this alien ated the majority of the population. the story of plunder and rape committed by the army similarly caused a backlash against the british. further more, britain was more diplomatically isolated during this period than any other time other than 1940. it had no allies. and most of britain's war had been previously won with ally. what you call the froanch and indian war which is known in entrepreneur as the seven-years war president british won largely partly thanks to their alliance with frederick the great, pushsha. they tied down french troops in europe while the british
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priority with threats throughout the 17781718 with the combined french and spanish invasion. a serious threat to since this spanish armada in 1588. british -- britain crucially did not have the desired naval party. they're aim was always what they called the to power navy that could defeat both france and spain in s in the war. but as clinton mourned, and he had grown up in new york, the some of the -- some of the former british governor of new york, the son of an admiral, and his uncle had been enamel. he was that if this superior for navy, the army could easily be cut off which is exactly what happened at yorktown. the battle of the chesapeake bay
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was the only time that the british navy was defeated. the navy had to reinforce terraces and provide throughout the world. in order to wear concord in 1778 the british had to give up their occupation of philadelphia. in 1778 the british were trying to win the war with fewer troops and fewer ships of america "than previously. in fact, the chances of british success were almost undermined by the political system. it was -- it was with the army today would call a fragmented system of command. the cabinet was not necessarily expected to unite to behind the government policy. that idea was still in evolution. furthermore, this was a week
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administrative system which was overwhelmed by the logistics' of provisioning and army 3,000 miles away, even when the army was at its foremost. it consumed 303 tons of food per day which was carried in wagons that required at least two or three horses. and it was because the british failed to conquer much territory that they had to essentially provision, provide loss of privileges directly. also concern about the cost of the war. britain was the most highly taxed nation in europe from prussia and austria. spending as much as 43%, finding
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the debt. the debt problems were much worse than anything we see in the united states today. this was one of the major reasons why the government initially sought. it was also a problem with the government in that they did not want to increase taxes. finally they're growing domestic opposition of britain prevented the possibility of continuing the war in america. in essence, the british never were totally defeated. cornwallis' his army was simply a detachment of the main british army. the british still held new york, savannah, and augusta and canada and much of the fortresses in the northwest. they could have continued to fight. regarded yorktown as a minor
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setback like saratoga and dougie we should go on. public opinion changed. this summer 1770 for the public had been almost unanimous the and the government when it passed the tea act in later the coercive acts. but with the outbreak of war in 1775, you have the first major anti-war petition movement in britain. the cause against the wall was brilliantly espoused by some of the great parliamentarians of all time. william pierce, younger and older sovereigns signs. the government was subject to great public scrutiny than any government of the 18th century thanks to the growth of newspapers and the right that scored for newspapers to report
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the debates in the house of commons. after the defeat at yorktown the government majorities' collapsed and they had to resign. now, historians recall suggesting that anything is inevitable, even the british defeat in american. very aware that the role of chance and contingency. and the talk, it was argued that the conditions did not favor the british. they might yet prevail against less capable opponents. and i want to end up before i conclude, by just reading from the book. the british offices take testimony at the end of the war or even in the middle of the war for the american opponents. the british reluctantly came to
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respect the offices and men that they had fought. general james grant was to regret his much -- the americans are too cowardly to fight. less than four years later admitted to the house of commons that he had been wrong and that he never saw better troops when some of the rebel regiments. in his memoir, the most jaded of all british officers paid some of the highest compliments. he particularly praised the general and his troops for judiciously and vigorously executed marks to virginia. his last code, the wisdom and vigor of american operations, the designs report all adults
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think it is -- knew the country. veterans of indian warfare. desi captain was one of -- this would not only the perform in the same manner as the english bull work as good as the english themselves. he marveled at the achievements of soldiers who had been naked and the greatest privation. yes, who could have bought 100 years ago? the multitude of rubble when a rise of people who could this fight change. from where -- these poor fellows called the liberty. his testimony was all the more
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powerful given that he later became a leading author of military tactics and commanding general of the duchy of foster. the man who lost america demint god bob -- in fact, north of the border we should read title this book the man who won canada. [laughter] by the end of george the third rain britain governs the largest empire in world history with one-fifth of the global population. it was known even then as the empire upon which the sun never sets. thank you. [applause]
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[applause] we have time for some questions. >> if you would come up to the microphone please so that you can be heard in the four corners of the globe on c-span. >> how many germans are here. i can give you the number exactly. much of the war. the third of the british. often gets about 50,000 new pro would be where they stayed on to live in america. i've always wondered about all those german names in charlottesville he was able to read this book in a place where
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some of the scenes of the war occurred. in the british army captured at saratoga, captain prison in shows will for the year including many germans. neck until you, many of their descendants are still there. >> i read read that revolutionary war was england's vietnam. would you comment about problem of the populace getting behind the war in england? america was never behind the war in vietnam like they were world war ii.
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the factor of the -- john in may from each other, north carolina and i did not, the south vietnamese look the same. all of the american soldiers, real parallels. it was very difficult to tell fan -- friend from foe which is one of the reasons why that have restored government to the areas they talk like new york and charleston because there are never certain it was on their side essentially this does show how united for quite strong
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citizenry can defeat a major power. there were other examples -- examples in british history were they did succeed like mollet in the 1950's. the key is seems to me is where the heart of the people really lies. >> how did the low opinion that many british officers had of american soldiers, american loyalists soldiers and loyalists officers and the initial reluctance to recruit the loyalists, how did that affect the war effort? >> the british initially really underestimated their opponents. it was based on knowledge, the people is served in america during the french and indian war who were most dismissive of the american militia and the fighting abilities of americans.
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one of the major effects with the failure the mobilize fully from the start of the war and to realize some of its troops were involved. i certainly talk about general gage, commander in chief at the beginning. he was married to an american. he'd been in american for 20 years. he initially underestimates them. @booktv we will go in said britain is going to need it least 20,000 troops. a time when gramm was saying on the need 5,000. just a show of force would send them during to their cabins. and cage, who was essentially removed because they thought he had gone wobbly in week and of course i was saying to those
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people whether that a lot of that condescension was not entirely social. a lot of that was the modern day habit of professional heber's, the belief that ordinary layman just cannot pick out the skills needed in short time to do something effectively. >> promised at least one story about their caribbean. can you deliver on that? >> absolutely. i broke my first book about the british caribbean and why other british colonies in the americas did not rebel. most important story in this book is the islands are semi spacious which was the first to some of the american flag. commemoration by franklin roosevelt, and a plaque saying
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this is the first place of the flying of the united states was recognized. the british watched through their scopes. dutch ships and the dutch fortress' fired in salute of andrew doria. that tiny little island was responsible for much of the supplies of saltpeter which is a very necessary component of gunpowder. and many of the supplies were from the continental army. most of us today think of him as the --, he created this fictitis company. bringing from france weapons, ammunition, money, uniforms to washington's army. it was very much like a modern-day drug trade.
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just like they have speedboats. the american coast guard today. i run the british naval ships. >> bunker hill was such a trauma for much of the british general draft. the behavior and the years after . i'm just wondering, to what degree is that true? >> well, that is repeated directly. i never found any reference in the documents read general actually said there were dramatically influenced by about grill. i do believe that it had an effect in may will explain how caution in new york and some did some the to.
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whenever you started today engaged washington he realized is a much tougher challenge than the expected. you believe it was necessary to sit in the war or indeed even dissolve. what is the point of the feeding americans in battle. he felt it was very necessary to -- feet built the opposition would just implode. i do think bunker hill came as an enormous shock. and while the highest proportions of british officers being killed than any battle in the war. and of very high proportion of all the officers killed because their leading from this front.
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>> before the revolutionary war, how could the leaders of britain not take that and give the american some voting rights of whenever. totally misread that. >> serve in the decision to go to work on a purely a political error. the breeze believe they made every effort to compromise. they withdrew. when americans resisted, they with you every tax except t. they could never understand symbologies. they compare one 50th of the tax and averaging reason. one of the complaining about? they are getting free administration and free defense.
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you could almost selig to america today as a package. essentially they came to believe that if you keep appeasing americans, we should remember in the modern age that we appeal to munich. if you appease people they will make greater demands. what is remarkable is the extent to which the british tried to please americans in the early stages. one of the victims of the so-called best to from boston massacre where british troops fired i crowd in boston in 1771, one of the victims was irish. and even as he was dying he said, actually, they were restrained in comparison to how that would have behaved in ireland. [laughter] >> ladies and gentlemen.
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[applause] >> i wrote because i was worried that people in business, first of all, very few people and governments never been in business because it's hard. it's easy for an academic to go in the business. deasy for a lawyer. it's very hard for a business person. there a small business person is their business. if they own a large corporation they get knocked off the ladder. they're out. it's very hard. as a result, there were people in business. in a limited. at confessions. my wife tells me. but if you are in government looking at business you understand that intellectually, it is one-dimensional. you don't have any idea what delay does.
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you're in government, what government delayed just a business. you don't have any idea what uncertainty just a business you don't really feel the impact of the regulations. and i send my taxes in every year and i send a letter to who it may concern coming here are my taxes. i want you to know, i haven't the vaguest idea of their accurate. [laughter] i went to college. you know, i have average intelligence. she won't even read them because she knows she doesn't understand them. i just wanted you to know that that is the case. i pay money to an accountant, and he helps me. i hope they're right. if you have a question just give us a call. but can you imagine this country with the lousy texas like that? it is inexcusable.
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and many people here understand that taxes? currency. i don't see many hands going out but i read the chapter because i felt that i was in business. i know that a businessman has shareholders, customers and employees. shareholders, customers and employees are all across the spectrum, political views and ideas, parties. and they're for business people are very elected to challenge the government's, to criticize the government. they don't want to divide their stockholders for their employees or their shareholders. they also worry about the ira's. if you don't understand it taxes a lot to worry. i worry. i mean, i know i don't know.
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and they also, if you're in the pharmaceutical business lighter was your of the food and drug administration and they'll have the securities and exchange commission and all these awful that regulatory organizations. and to the extent someone criticizes the government or challenges and approach of their checking, they worry that the government could be turned, and that is, in my view, why this current iras thing is so critical. the american people don't want to feel that their governments could be turned on them in a way that targets people. you can target one person, you can target someone else. does not matter. and i think that is why that is so central. now, what i would like to do is have sandy or somebody -- where are these people? microphones.
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i think that you do. there you are. i would be happy to respond to questions and even answer some. i will do my best. we need to do is raise your hand sandy will bring a microphone. >> zero eight the first question >> the pops up. it scares me to death. boy, those lights are bright. i will embarrass you if you don't make it a good one. >> here is will we will do. >> someone is going to have to turn the mike on. you had the floor up here. >> now, who has the first question? okay. you have it. okay. is your microphone on? >> mr. secretary, i have to put
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questions. >> i am 81 and july. i do not need multi part questions. >> okay. [laughter] it is 715 here, 1015 in washington were affluent from yesterday. >> a single part question. >> soaker. >> but i mean, feel free to go ahead. >> okay. [laughter] first question is -- >> no. you only get one. turn off his microphone. [laughter] [applause] >> will you write a book for a republican. i will not tax without doing a tax the increase. now will not raise expenses without some sort of. i mean, i remember when i watch your interview the letterman show you had suggested that
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there was a time in which $100 billion got something like that. the world went crazy. >> i was there. the presidency of lyndon baines johnson. it was the first federal budget and our history. $100 billion. and everyone just passed at the thought. >> the trillion dollar deficits. >> and it does not look like the republicans are hoping a city. will you write a book for them? >> something about that and i think the republicans demean no, there are people all across the spectrum of both parties. i was asked -- i was speaking about my other book at fort leavenworth, the military base, not the prison. [laughter]
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and there were 1490 majors for mostly our country, but from around the world. it is a big school. someone asked me, what is the biggest problem that i worry about when i go to bed at night. the answer was american weakness why said that? i think the signal is being sent out from this country is that basically we are modeling american economy of your and it is a failed model. does not work. and there is no way that you can have the deficits we have had and have the debt we are incurring without sending out a signal to the world that this country is not born to be what it was in the past. there is no way that you can do that. you're not going to -- people take that message and they see it. and the -- then you turn around. when i went to washington
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eisenhower was president. i came out of the navy in a survey during kennedy and johnson and the congress. we were spending 10% of gross domestic product on defense. it we spend less than four percentage. our allies in europe and spending less than 2%. and the signal that goes out to the world now with their sequestration is that we have cut the pentagon budget and we are about to cut another half a trillion. ..
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