tv Book TV CSPAN July 22, 2013 7:00am-8:01am EDT
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about, a lot of the subject you write about comes through. i think wonderful things to write about. serving this book makes it easy. >> yes does. it really was. a labor of love. i'm a firm believer in what they call the unauthorized biography. now, unauthorized does not mean untrue. it means that you're doing it without the cooperation and blessing of your subject. and i do believe it's a legitimate, wonderful way to cover history, especially public figures that spent many, many years and millions of dollars creating their own image. and so i think it's about the sometimes to go behind that. so usually i'm the one who's trying to get behind that and tell you what's going on, but in
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this book, because it was family, because he was my best friend, and because he loved president kennedy, i felt that i owed it to him to do the kind of book that he would have done. and consequently you won't find anything too negative in this book at all. i think, it is, it shows my affection for family, and it shows his great affection for the kennedys, but there are parts of it that make you think, i mean, for instance, jacqueline kennedy lost many children, two or three miscarriages. she went into severe depression at one point and had electroshock therapy. and you begin to understand why the kennedys through themselves
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into mental health. because rosemary kennedy, one of president kennedy's sisters, also had electroshock therapy and it never worked and it was always a heartache for ambassador kennedy and for his wife. so there are poignant parts of this book, but it is for the most part a love story. and i hope you like it. [applause] thank you very much. >> visit to watch any of the programs you see your online. type the author or book title in the search bar on the upper left side of the page and click search. you can share anything you see on easily by clicking sure on the upper left side of the page and selecting the format. booktv streams live online for 48 hours every weekend with top nonfiction books and authors.
7:03 am >> now on booktv from the annual american library association conference, a panel of librarians from throughout the country present their pics for the best upcoming titles from university publishers. just under an hour. >> good afternoon. welcome to the best of the best of the university presses. my name is kim miller and i am the marketing and membership coordinator at the association of american university presses. the aaup is a cooperative nonprofit organization that promotes the work and influence of university and scholarly presses. we provide cooperative marketing, professional development, and sales efforts to our members. and we help them respond to
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publishing changing environments. the aaup has a membership of over 130 member presses. in the interest of time, i strongly encourage everyone to visit the aaup website at there you can find ample information about the association and the work that we do, including our upcoming university press week which is scheduled to take place from november 102 the 16th, 2013. -- november 10-16th, 2013. today, four members of university press books committee will each present titles that they feel to be the best of the best from the titles that they reviewed for the 23rd edition of university press books for public and secondary school libraries. which is the bibliography that you all have in your hands right now.
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from "florence dawn of the renaissance" to the "warriors of the plains," you are sure to see something in this presentation that example finds the wide range of disciplines tt of scholarly press publishers have to offer. there are additional print copies of this publication available here at this session as well as at the combined book exhibit booth which is booth number 2325 in the exhibit hall. at the end of the presentation three attendees will be selected to win our book raffle. each will win a predetermined set of four or five of the 13 titles that are being presented today. so if you haven't already, please be sure to put your business card or a card with your name and contact information including your e-mail address in the raffle box at the back of the room. one last thing before we get started. since this is being taped, i would like to ask that everyone please take a moment to silence
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their phones or anything else that you have that might be ringing. also, if need to leave the room pleased that it do so without crossing the cameras view when you leave. last but certainly not least, thank you to the wonderful ladies on the panel who have taken time out of their very busy schedules to prepare these presentations and be here today to present them. our first presented today is nann blaine hilyard from zion-benton public library. thank you all so much for comi coming. >> kim, thank you very much for the introduction and it is certainly a pleasure for all of us on the committee to work with you throughout the year as we selected books and find our outr subject areas, and then have a wonderful time getting the books we can open and keep them write
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reviews. i am very glad that kim said i did not have to bring the books for my presentation today. my first book which is "florence at the dawn of the renaissance" -- how do i do this? weighs six pounds. it was published to coincide with exhibit at the getty museum of art. however, it's not just an exhibit catalog. it contains scholarly essays about the artists in the air in which they were. florence in 1300 was in the greatest and happiest state in which it had ever been. it was great in nobility and ruled over the greater part of tuscany, said a clerk. between 1245-1300, the caa1 size to 90,000 due to industrial entrepreneurship. in 1330 there were more than 200 workshops devoted to rural manufacture and the production of other luxury goods.
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these shops employed skilled craftsmen were members of guilds. the guilds ran the city of republican connie. it was just an extremely wealthy city and all of those factors combined to produce some of the finest art in western civilization on a very grand scale, very large paintings, panels and frescoes, and on a very small scale, many illuminated manuscripts. page 38-39 is a double page from the address to robert. each page is 18 inches high and 13 inches wide. christ and thrown is on the left and the virgin mary is on the right. the recipient was a learned bibliophile who would've enjoyed the interwoven text and illustration. page 95 is a snippet from a larger page. the small illustrations i think are very appealing and you can
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see they all have individual characteristics. these are franciscan friars singing at lecterns from the abbey bible. one entire section of the book is devoted -- as shopkeepers, traders and arsons became involved in civic life but assembled to perform charitable work, and they gathered to sing. they are hymns were compiled in a songbook, and this one is a really splendid songbook. the leaves of this manuscript were long ago disassembled but they were able to find 20 of them in different collections and bring them back together for the first time in several hundred years. page 216, what you see there, and if you look at the detail, these graphic novels have nothing on these pictures. this is a close-up of illustration of the page the
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apparition. the archangel is battling satan in the form of a dragon. this is from revelation 12, four. just look at all the dark demons in that picture. some are derived from animals, monkeys, rams, and others are just monsters. page 246 shows saint agnes and thrown and you can see a staff, and that was part of the music that they sing. the final part of the book is called technical studies, and i found it very fascinating because it is an analysis of how this art was made from the separation of development to the chemical composition for sketches, the inks and paints. on page 346 you can see the
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lines for the three dresses underneath the lines of text. this is a cross-section of the artists work. this is a technical descriptive essay showing the upper paint colors only, no underline ground layer, visible light, cross filters, a layer of varnish is also present. i think it is fascinating what artist was to be beyond analyzing the content of the pictures but they're also looking at how the pictures were put together. who would like this book? those who are interested in results history which encompasses art and culture, those were interested in the friends of art and those are interested in the history of books and printing. so i commend to you "florence at the dawn of the renaissance." and most of the book to get your you i donate to my library.
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but this one i wrote again immediately and said, i get to keep this one because this is one for me. it is "canadian folk art to 1950". so excited to get this. last day i got review american folk art and i go up north to the canadians. folk art covers a multitude of genres and techniques. it's easy to know what it is but it's sometimes hard to state what it is. folk art draws critical history and magic from objects of everyday life. it cannot be assigned to a historical period or a site-specific culture unlike the renaissance books. albert said i don't think it must of as an artist but as a fix-it fellow, a dabbler. folfolk art is negative but it s out the components of daily life and common experience. i think that folk art is the spirit and it's a bit of humor, a bit of storytelling, and a lot of that anyone can relate to. this is another hefty book.
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it weighs 4.75 pounds and has more than 300 examples of folk art from across canada. it was difficult for me to choose the best -- i need to show them this one. but here were some of my favorites. that is, until i read the book again and find some more. the so the pictures tha that wee taken took out the tax so i'm going to share with you what these are. this is a wood carving of the cowboy. it was inspired by popular westerns coming out of hollywood in the 1920s. the sly luck that this character has shows the bold style of carving, and the only thing missing is his horse. this is a trade sign for a bookbinder. it is from ontario circuit --
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circa 1890. frank, the apprentice and shop about it in 1880. there's an ad for his bindery at the sight of the big book which appeared in 1891. this is an open crock from ontario. this might work very well with our vermont members as well because it shows -- these cows to put a vision in a class by itself but in 1860, this crock was awarded first prize to the best assortment of stoneware this is a pencil holder. it is from ontario. the maker made in about 1940.
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it is a scolding ran, and they say that this is a small but practical pencil holder. it's interesting because the maker was in canada. these are portable musical scales from southwestern ontario. they were probably devised by a teacher and musician. it's a portable roll, musical scales crudely arranged in vertical columns. and it dates to the last quarter of the 19th century. this charming red rocking horse was made circa 1900 in québec. the lines of the body, neck and head capture the formal qualities of the animal with the elegance of simplicity. often the legs on such toys are broken and repaired, but the metal rods for these legs do not seem to be replacements.
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a dancing figure of a man from nova scotia about 1920. he is wearing a uniform which suggest that he was a sergeant. why this should be the maker's choice is explained perhaps by the perhaps of the mounties are the provincial police of nova scotia where this piece was done. in some rural communities, sit down advancing was a common feature of community dances. in this example of a jumping jack probably inspired by such gatherings has borrowed its subject from uniformed authority figures such as the soldier. we have an owl book on our agenda coming up and so i had to share this lovely owl. it also is from ontario about 1950, so it's a little eight. and it is made out of brown paint. it was designed and meant to look as realistic as possible
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and perched on a tree branch or rooftop. this is another -- you can see why i loved all of these. this is a hunter catching a bear. it is from québec from the 20th century. it is about 12 inches by 28 inches. so you can get an idea of the scale of it. and i think it's just charming the way that there is laughing at a hunter who's aiming at him. this is a map. i own one. i'm so delighted. i got it for for a court at the crotch of but that is not this particular map. this was founded by a medical mission in newfoundland and one of the fundraisers that they had was hooked rugs or mats that were sold down to the boston series which means new england or new york to raise money for the hospital. a lot of these drugs actually
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were made out of stockings -- a lot of these drugs actually made out of stockings. they told me when stockings run to let them run. let them run to newfoundland because they use them in hooking their rugs. obviously this is a bear with the keys in the back. next we have scarecrows. these scarier birds out of their summer garden. they look so very realistic with real clothing and a very stoic expression. these are from the ottawa valley in the 20th century. this is a checkerboard, which depicts two players at one end with her pipes and smokes in action while the dog turned his back. at the other hand, if you can stand on your head, you see a hunter just bagging a bird. it is the same dog.
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this game from québec about 1850 and it is made out of pine. another hooked rugs. this is modeled after a painti painting. it shows the generic architecture of a village in winter. those of you who know me know i made quilts so i have to have at least one quilt picture in here. this is a red cross quilt from alberta in 1942. it's made out of cotton with a flannel backing. red cross quilt were made for british were victims. the red cross delivered them to dislocated and relocated families in britain. quilt historians said whenever we talk to anyone about these quilts, you must impress upon them as recipients i have found tell me how much the color and the patterns meant, aside from the physical warmth, the whole world in those days was so dark
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and dirty companies provided some cheer. finally, the two iconic symbols of canada, a beaver and i'm a bully. this is the backboard for a tavern game from québec from 1934. probably in a club where the game is played. these are just a dozen of the wonderful illustrations in this book, and what a delight it would be actually to get to find some of these. of course, these are all in collections now, but as i said so far it does lift the spirit and i hope your spirit has been listed as well. >> i certainly have eclectic topics. now we're going back to prehistory with a complete dinosaur. what do we know about dinosaurs and how do we know it? but even more so, who doesn't like dinosaurs? i remember at my very first library, cassandra and her older
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sister would come to elaborate and cassandra was too and have and should come and she would march right up to the desk and say, i want more dinosaur books. and so we had to dilute. this book weighs six pounds i don't think we would give this to cassandra. however, i thought of her as he got to read the pages of this wonderful book. dinosaurs are so much a part of our content free culture. think about the flintstones. think about the sinclair oil dina. think about jurassic park. it is hard to realize that modern-day ontology is a science there's only 200 years old. in 1842, robert owen coined the term dinosaur you. so it's a fairly new word. he defined as meaning fearfully great, a lizard. since then it has been incorrectly translated as terrible as you. but owen is well-versed in greek as english dollars at the time were, used the superlative form.
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said to be faithful to owen's means, dinosaurs are not lizards nor are they terrible, but they are indeed the world most famous superlative. for american scholars and scientists, all early notes of these reptiles came from england and all dependent optical materials came from english rocks. each chapter in this book updates an aspect of dinosaur studies because if you can see, in the lower right hand corner, it is the second edition. we go from the historical about robert owen and his early scholarly cohorts across the globe to dinosaur studies in europe, asia, south america and africa. this gives you an idea of the kinds of illustrations in this book, so it is pretty serious stuff. what we are learning here on page 440, this is a family chart of the dinosaurs, all the species derive from a common
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ancestor. i'm not expecting you to read it but it's an example obviously a detailed charts that are in here. these are dinosaur eggs because there's a chapter on the paleobiology of dinosaurs. in addition to dinosaur eggs, there is an entire section on what dinosaurs eat and they find out what dinosaurs ate from fossilized feces. they going to dinosaur reproduction, which they have been able to figure out. not anecdotal but they have been able to figure it out. how dinosaurs grew. dinosaurs diseases, which actually is a science called patio pathology. dinosaurs appears had a lot of arthritis and other bone diseases which is not surprising considering a big and heavy they were. stenting dinosaurs tracks of course is one way that we been able to find out a lot about dinosaurs. and these are ct scans from a
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chapter about technology and paleontology. the ct scans of two schools which is shows on the right hand side how the brief. -- how they breathe. dinosaur evolution is involved, and there's a chapter that charts out the reasoning for and against how the dinosaurs ended. there's a lot of controversy, of course. gradual extension or catastrophic extinction. and i will now spoil things for you because what the author of the chapter says is, among the public, asteroid impact is the most widely recognized cause. it is also popular among scientists that there remain many unanswered questions. there's a chapter on life after death and the history of fossils in human hands, how museums at the skeletons together. of course, you don't want to put too many finger marks and our
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body oils on these pieces, so they care and display of a dinosaur leftovers is very important. in addition to the charts, graphs, and lines and negotiations that a church and photos of fossils and skeletons, there is a collared light section are one of our classic reference questions, and those in the audience might not is someone who says you have a photograph of a dinosaur. right? well, with these pictures you can say that you do. here is a picture of, and i didn't write down they all were but you can see this wonderful picture, and they do not know what his red pouch did but he looks rather like a very prehistoric turkey. here we have a dinosaur in the waters. this one, shake your jurassic park.
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we have an actual dinosaur walking in the woods in prehistoric forests. and my favorite, when have you ever seen dinosaurs dance? you have seen in this book. i think this is a splendid addition to any library's collection from grade school all the way to university, because as i said, who doesn't like dinosaurs? thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is merlyn miller, and i am a librarian at a high school in vermont. and i have two books that are want to share with you. the first one is called ethical chic, and is the inside story of the companies we think we love.
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we consumers want the impossible. we want products and producers that will usher us that we are fashionable. we want products that we use to come from companies that don't pollute, don't harm animals, or contain word -- contain weird chemicals. recycle the script, use natural ingredients, i from local suppliers, donate generously to charity, donate in particular to our own neighborhoods, and don't throw their weight around by lobbing. and hard as it is to be so many things to so many consumers, a handful of companies and products like apple, ben & jerry's ice cream, converse sneakers, and trader joe's seem to have hit the bull's-eye at least 40 time. no matter what they do they maintain an image of being cool, fun, and innovative, at the same time have an equally strong image as green, politically progressive and ethical.
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the result is fiercely loyal customers and businesses try to find that logo and image that will brand themselves as the apple or trader joe's other industry. and the author in this book is the examples of a couple of companies like unilever which markets the chemical laden nor soup mixes. they reached out to ben & jerry's. and clorox company has bleach is despised by environmentalist activists, by birds and bees. so "ethical chic" asks the question, is it possible for a product to be both trendy and socially responsible, be trusted and also loved? and yes, a few companies like apple and trader joe's seem to be all of those things. so "ethical chic" set out to analyze six companies and see if it is so.
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this is a slight of the cable of content which you can't read. so i made a slide. this is not from the book the the book has no illustrations. i may dislike to showing you the six companies that "ethical chic" covers. and they are times of maine, in berlin, starbucks, apple, trader joe's and american apparel. this book looks at how they operate, what customers and actors say about them, why they're viewed as ethical and cool, what they do to try to achieve these images and whether they deserve those reputations. so the one that i'm going to focus on and mention something that the author covers is trader joe's. no one loves grocery shopping but people seem to love trader joe's and will travel great distances to shop at one. i live in a state, vermont, where there are no trader joe's,
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but i am a trader joe's customer, i have to admit, and i travel the three states that surround vermont so i can get to those stores. so how does trader joe's different from typical grocery stores? well, they specialize in unusual foods that are not available in standard supermarkets. they do not try to sell all things to all people. for example, they don't sell baby food. they don't sell diapers. they don't sell diet coke. so while a typical grocery store will sell 30,000-50,000 items, trader joe's has 4000. they are very small in comparison. so there is the argument that most families shoppers are going to have to go to the typical grocery store, the large supermarket in addition to a trader joe's and, therefore, waste gas and not be so green by doing so. i must have hit something.
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i did. it's okay. it's just the slide with those logos. thank you. they are decor -- this is the next book. the decor is kind of catchy with a tropical, not a clothing. their staff is super friendly but are they green and environmentally conscious? well, yes and no. yes, there private brands which is mostly what they sell are green, but they also sell other companies products, and they may not be. yes, they encourage customers to bring their own bag, but they also provide you with brown paper bag's. are the a neighborhood grocery store? well, they claim to be, and yet as a store that has a company that has stores in 30 different states, a neighborhood store.
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their own by very secretive global conglomerate in germany. so they have no pr department, almost zero advertising. they make no political contribution. their employees have no unions. do they deserve a reputation as an example of "ethical chic"? cobbling not. but they have succeeded in winning customer loyalty as to those who believe they are. in fact, none of the six companies this book covers are completely succeeding in being ethically chic. but somehow they have succeeded in a comedic image that we consumers believe they are. so read is that sending book for the real story behind all six companies. it's a book i look forward to adding to the high school library collection, editing it would be a great addition at a public library as well. my next book is called "a
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perfect fit." this beautiful scholarly well researched book is a history of the fashion industry, as well as a jewish history. it is the final step in an exhibition project that began in 1996 and is a result of the research for that exhibition. it represents the work of a group of researchers who crisscrossed the country locating, investigating, and examining collections in universities, corporate archives, industry workarounds, synagogues, museums, libraries, jewish communal organizations, and private collections. it is so much more than a history of garments. it is an economic, political, technological history, touching on topics like immigration policy, the industrial revolution, the rise of organized labor unions, the depression and world war ii.
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it is the sake of 19th century immigrants seeking success in america as tailors, suppressors and cutters. most of the more than 200,000 german jews who immigrated between 1825-1875 found work as adler and small shopkeepers. it was the massive demand for uniforms are both north and south in the civil war that would be if it does for standardizing, sizing for menswear. and by the first decades of the 20th century, jewish emigrants had built a new york-based are meant trade into a billion dollar a year industry. i have a couple of ads on this like. you can see the little add on the left is from 1877. it's just a jumble of fonts, no pictures, no sales pitch. and in 20 years later the ad from a paper called the hub on
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the right hand side became a little more organized, a little more visual and more focus on persuasion, although still very unspecific aided commend you can see the pictures -- unsophisticated. a few years later, this slide from early 1900s shows you that they have changed, it was onto something called a peril art. it was a trade. the editors actually went on to edit esquire. but this shows how men's suits have shifted from custom sewing for a small customer base to mass manufacturing for a broad market, and that clip art in it has disappeared.
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although she catered to wealthy customers, her popular design were widely copied and influenced american lifestyle at all price points, and this looks a little blue but actually this is black. she is credited with popularizing the little black dress. and especially known for designing both of mamie eisenhower's inaugural ball gowns in 1953 and 1957. the perfect fit offers readers a remarkable window into the garment industry. it's profusely illustrate with ads and photos. it ties the garment business to our national culture and identity packet traces the role american jews have played in fashion because a multibillion-dollar industry from its origins. it is the quintessential rags to riches story, and the document of the development of the distinct american style. it serves as a resource for the
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casual reader or the serious research student, and everyone in between the i think it's an outstanding choice for any library collection. thank you. [applause] >> while books get more expensive, university press books often being the most expensive, i have found that the big dog free that we put out has become an incredibly useful in making collection development decisions. having the opportunities here from other librarians that a large range of titles ge give my library the chance to enhance the collection with books we might otherwise let slide right by because they happen to come from a university press. i hope that when you take on the bibliography, use a carefully. it is amazing what gems, some quite expensive, that you might discover like the two i presented a. -- i present today.
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"the annotated frankenstein" is a wonderful work. eliminating an expensive it is surely appropriate for all library shelves. the details will help any student better understand how and why this book was written. mary shelley was with her husband lord byron and others when they all tried their hand at telling ghost stories. from that night comes mary shelley's ideas and soon her creature and novel. the introduction also discusses the ideas that are portrayed in the novel. for example, the creature as victim versus the creator victim. the artwork used in the book comes on very -- for his traditions of the novel. this one by lynn ward, a woodcut, and the film from the
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same senior depicted from the 1931 film as well as art from contemporary of mary shelley. the variety of artwork tablet enhances the readers extremes. there's an opportunity to address more from the knowledge of the study of which shelley is writing about as well as the imagination of artists interpreting her work. of the woodcut and the film shot depicted a frankenstein's first encounters with his creation. the annotation's far from interrupting the tech sector reserves to enhance it. there are many referrals throughout the work and the annotation's help to explain the. also much of the language may be different or hard to understand, and the annotation often as this in this area as well. they are actual dates used from frankenstein and the editors have included a fasting timeline of internal and we like events to give readers a sense of when things happen. for me this is a great addition
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to the boat. i love having the opportunity. all in all this is a great choice for public and school libraries. and it is not cost prayer but like many great volume. i can tell you this at $35 it's a great buy. taking the totally different path, it's a book bright wing and it is illustrated anthology of poems about birds edited by billy collins but it is a delightful little book. the illustration are beautiful and accurate renderings that make one want to reach for your binoculars. there is a descriptive prose about each book at the bottom of the page on which the artwork rests. so you don't even need to rely on the poem alone to learn about the individual bird. it is a wonderful touch, indeed. unfortunately billy collins couldn't include every wonderful poet who wrote about birds and
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there is a shortage of african-american poets that the selections that are included are admirable indeed, and beautiful. and i've chosen three to read today. this first one is in new york city. on the 65th floor where he wrote advertising copy's, joking about the erratic -- that no purpose other than to make far too many by far too much. he stood one afternoon face-to-face with a falcon that plummeted, and swerved to a halt, wings hovering. and office of computers clicked behind them, blow the silence of the miniature lunchtime crowds and toylike taxis drifting without resolve or the will of others. the bird has been brought in he thought to clean up the city's 30 problems of too many pigeons. pages. it's a higher to beat. still he remained at the tinted glass windows watching how the falcon gave much poised to the air that carried it in its share fall breaking the mayors self
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reflection of glass office towers. he chided himself. is now the gods come to deliver a messenger, the falcon seemed to wait for his response. a kind of wonder and there. been it was gone. he waited at the glass until he felt the diminishment of whatever had unsettled him. and both the thin edge of the falcon's wings had opened and slightly fidgeted in and he wondered for a balconies all resolve itself turning back towards the falcons power certainly is an emblem for something. the next poem is called i had a bird in spring. and it's based on, as you can see, a robin. i have a bird in spring which for myself just seems. spring decoys and as the summer nears and as the rose appears, robin is going to get i do not reply knowing that bird of mine
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though flown towards the sea. will return fast in a safe and held in land are mine and so now they depart until i am my heart there's on. in a more golden light i see each little doubt and fear, each little discord here removed. and i will not reply knowing that bird is mine. this is my favorite, the cardinal. not to conform to any other color, it is the secret of in colorful. these shots when he flies like a red for over the snow, he sits visibly evening to his wrist against turning purple, soon he will be black. and the dark i think of him. there are no cardinals here, only a woman in a red dress. thank you. [applause]
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>> hello. i'm gay ann loesch from charlie north carolina, and it's good to see you fellow librarians and get an opportunity. is my pledge to share with you some of the books. there were lots of good books issue but we're going to talk about a few. let me get myself set up. the first one i'm going to talk to you about is the natural history of canadian mammals by donna naughton, and it's published by the university of toronto press. this glossy page heavily -- is a
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scholarly book. it's a hefty volume, and its comprehensive and stunningly illustrated. and again it's one of these bigger books. it is an updated volume of an earlier publication by the same name. it begins with the first part with a general introduction of the species, the ways to identify a mammal, the physical features of them, and the colorful plates of each order. the colored plates of the order refer to later pages that will help other people find the mammals that they're looking for. you are looking at -- will eventually be looking at. i'm looking at the wrong screen
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that in thinking that is out there. what you're looking at right now is one of those plates. this one is of the host animals. and so they get a very realistic picture of all of the ones that would be considered in there. and the remainder of the book covers each mammal individually with a colored photograph, a description of the mammal, notations on similar species, its size, its diet, its range. and you can see a range map your we have some close-ups of these but i just wanted you to see the text and how they used pencil drawings really and illustrations to make it very easily understood. so even though it's scholarly, someone that is in high school or even a middle school would be able to use it.
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this is a sample of the school of each animal and they will show the footprints as well. and they'll also talk about the reproduction, the behavior and science and vocalization, making it very useful for professionals as well as students. this last one is showing us -- being an educator at heart, this shows visually what we try to show to the students about some of the difference. and you can see the dorsal fin and how they're different. that's a way of educating without even having too many words, just two pictures. and they have done a very well. the action photography for each mammal, the line drawings, they get a wealth of information and they are very realistic.
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the drawings point out the differences between similar species. this title is just extensive, extremely informative. each -- easy-to-use and it can be enjoyed by anybody on the planet, even though it says canadians. from interested adults and students onto the scientific community. and this book would be one that i would highly recommend for any library. the next one veteran going to talk to you about isn't quite as hefty as the other one. it is large, but it's about owls, and i can test that even elementary school students enjoy this because i have a lot of grandchildren that have enjoyed looking through this book. this is "owls" by marianne
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taylor and it's published by cornell university press. it features exquisite action our photography from many different photographers. not just one, and candid close-ups along with comprehensive information on the al. and every page has a picture either small or large of an owl. this is a picture that was put -- there's text above it, but really there's a visual and an explanation of how that works. you can see, this is an idea that you can see the text to the picture, but the opposite picture, the opposite page has a full-page picture of an owl so that you can really see the distinctive markings of its feathers. you can see the claws up close, so it seems real to you.
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the information is boldfaced and you can see the anatomy, depending on what they're researching, habitat, nesting, courtship, threats, conservation measures. it will just give you a good covering of what is included. the last two-thirds of the book is devoted to a specific individual species related in detail about the al come and this weekend will be like the other book. you are going to see range maps. you're going to see evolution faqs. you're going to see geographic variations. you're going to see things on voice. you're going to see breathing, and you're going to see conservation. here you see a brown hawk owl, and this one actually is a
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burrowing owl, and you can see it's just awesome photography. the extensive and specific information along with the crisp realistic photography makes this an outstanding title for all ages. even though youngsters may not read the text, they will be fascinating with the line drawings and the photo captions but and it will draw them to maybe read a little more. while those studying birds will discover a comprehensive information about these night creatures. the next topic i'm going to talk to is the third book is on abraham lincoln. i might have had 10 bucks that, more than 10 books, that dealt with lincoln with the emancipation proclamation anniversary. there was a plethora of information. and i wanted to share this one
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because -- i' i'm going to put s up here -- to give you an idea. of how tiny these are. these are very scholarly. they have references in the back. it's all primary information. so these would be excellent to use any high school with this common core we're talking about. and because, and it integrates the history with the information that is on there. i chose "lincoln and medicine" by glenna schroeder-lein by southern illinois university press. they are all by the press, the titles. because i thought about the allied side curriculum and how we have that, like a school within a school. and this would be super for
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them. the first third, well, not the first third, all through it really, it talks about the controversies over mental and physical conditions of the 16th president, families health. yeah, it examines in light of today's knowledge on medicine the, how we would approach it today. so there's enough information there and is really quite fascinating, and it sheds light on the lincoln family and now maybe even decisions were made. the medical history integrates this period of history and the practices at that time, and they can provide things that, like they could compare, they could contrast, they can analyze, they can do all those things with what knowledge they have of
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diseases and medicine of today. i am name just three other of the title but there's more than that. lincoln and raise by richard schreiner, lincoln and the constitution by brian derrick, and lincoln, a hero by frank williams. this series of titles are all clear, accessible information, on topic such as race, constitution, expansion, or time presidential rights, succession, the perils of the times of lincoln's presidency. it truly can be used, there's information even for a scholarly that has not been revealed before this. lincolns 100 days which i think i've seen in public libraries by lois mayor, published by dell from press of harvard was another one, and it is very interesting but from schools it
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has eight pages in the middle that show some of the editorial cartoons of that time about slavery, about lincoln, and for that reason alone i would choose it for a high school library. and i think the real jim is that kevin and patsy alderson discovered at an auction 165 letters that he suspected were civil war letters, and they were. so this is a new find so this would be new information to it is all primary information but it is those letters that were written by guy taylor. the civil war letters of taylor and published by the university of wisconsin press, and edited by patsy and kevin alderson. it contains 165 handwritten
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letters from marc march 1864-july 1868. he was a union volunteer, farmer, and yet a young wife and a son. as you read it you hear about the conditions of the war. you hear about the outbreak of malaria and measles, the lack of food and clothing. the endless waiting, the dredging through forests, from appomattox in d.c. and petersburg, all those things that they're studying in history. and it brings it alive because the family has put together and got permission from the library of congress so that as the letters go along there are the black and white photos that they have from library of congress. so the whole thing is just rich in all these primary resources. the book speaks from the
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soldier's point of view, and i would just encourage you all, we cannot stand here and tell you about all the great finds that we have, but look through that book that you have any outstanding ones in particular at the end, and we've enjoyed presenting a just a handful of them, and have fun. [applause] >> okay. unfortunately, we have one panelist that was not able to present today, and she was going to present on these books. it's "continental divide," "last launch," and "warriors of the plains." the books are amazing. i can show you some of the
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photos that we intended to use, but they are listed in the billy hocrisy comment and i strongly strongly, strongly invite you to read the reviews on them and get more information about them. because they are deathly worth presentation but we just had a situation. okay. so this concludes the presentation for today. we appreciate you all coming out. i hope to see you all next year. and i have the raffle winners i'm going to read them now. and if you hear your name, could you please come up to the front so i can verify that i have your correct information so i can get you these books. thank you all again. >> jackie was raised as her mother was raised. she was the same kind of wife and hostess. the home, the children. be entertaining with style and
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the nash. that was her heritage and she did it again in the white house. right after administration, during the johnson years, the whole world erupted like volcanoes. we had the women who went to work and got and demanded equal rights. i missed all about. but the whole world changed and it became a home the concept of women. i think mrs. clinton today represents the new woman. >> as we continue our conversation on first ladies, letitia baldrige, social secretary to jacqueline kennedy, reporters and others closest to recent presidential wives talk about the role of the first lady and how it's changed along with the nation monday night at nine eastern on c-span. you've been watching booktv,
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