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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  July 28, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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force for south koreans economic development. pak constantly use the north korean threat to suppress dissent and also to put forth his economic and national security policies. the north koreans were portrayed as the devil in a scene as the devil and he seen the 1990s a completely different view of the north koreans. we embrace them as brothers etc. and that sort of became part of the policy. when that sort of failed, he did not look like north korea was actually going to change or would accept this embrace from the south. then more or less indifference. >> host: basically south korea has one but the price is we will have to wait and see. and that might be a good place for us to stop. thank you. it's been great talking with you about your book. congratulations. >> guest: thank you.
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>> it is good to be here at the national archives. to be back here i should say. i have researched all of my books at the national archives. is a place of buried treasures they have a lot of boxes here filled with little folders filled with papers in the stories headed
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and escapers if you listen closely you may have somebody take a piece of paper upstairs and read it to a head yell holy cow. we don't have those that often the when they come it is what keeps the researches going. this book exists because i gave in to the deep dark desire that lurks in the depth with the human soul and researched the desired to prove that your boss is full of baloney. this happened in 2010. at american history magazine i immediately made a suggestion to the launch of the plays and had just hired me. the with the 50th anniversary is coming up. why don't we take a couple
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of pages to run a newspaper story aired on dash story i that it was a good idea. but he did not and he said the civil ward journalism is lousy. i cannot imagine that somehow this the biggest parade american history. but i was not sure so i kept it out. i went to a library and i got a couple books on civil war journalism. i found out a lot of civil war journalism was really lousy some was great that most was mediocre. sort i'd like today's
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journalism but more important the i came across a synopsis of what seemed like a great story to cover the civil war theme of brown and richardson and when night may 1863 we were desperately trying to catch up to general grant's army outside vicksburg. junius and albert got on a barge filled with hay for grant's forces it set out at night so the confederates did not see it but unfortunately it was the night of the full moon and it was visible and the confederates fired cannons out -- at one hit the barge exploded killing about one dozen union soldiers and set up the hay on fire and junius and albert jumped into the river and attempted
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to float away but the confederates captured them and imprisoned them over the next 20 minutes -- months but then they escaped in salisbury north carolina with the help of slaves and the pro union bushwhackers bushwhackers, they went up to the union line. this is only about this long and i thought that would make a great movie. unfortunately i don't make movies. but occasionally i do write books and i thought should i write a book about these guys? i suppose as a novelist that synopsis would or could have been even of to make up the rest but i write history so i had to do some research to
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find out if there are enough facts available to tell the story. i did a little research and learned yes indeed there were such facts facts, memoirs, letters, dia ries in a newspaper stories others that were written as part of a story eyes had to dig them out of the archives including right year the national archives. that was big because that enabled me to have the holy cow experience to take the papers out of boxes. i wrote the book is called "junius and albert's adventures in the confederacy" because it is an adventure story. a straightforward adventure story that keeps you awake
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late at night wondering what will happen next. will they make it home? or will they get shot or hon over otherwise detained on the way? but i think it eliminates back to the civil war that most people don't know about the culture of reporters would it is like in confederate prison and most important a the war fought by the pro union folks in the mountains of north carolina and to tennessee and virginia. the story has many colorful characters per of course, the made our junius brown and albert richardson both 27 years old and best friends but they were very different. albert was a big strapping
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handsome farm boy from massachusetts who grew up on a farm but he hated the farm he was a romantic who wanted to be the explorer of the american west as he headed west and wendy back to cincinnati he took up a job as a of a newspaper reporter he was a natural he had the reporters' ability to attract people to him and make them want to tell him things. during the war he managed to hobnob with the ordinary soldiers and generals and even president lincoln. he also attracted women and he started to date a young bookstore clerk she soon got pregnant so they got married and when albert was captured he was buried with three
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children and his wife is pregnant with the forth. junius is scrawny and premature bald guys with big ears and was a rich kid the son of the cincinnati banker fence sent to the state college off that is a rigorous a jesuit school where he learned to speak off latin and french. keep killed himself as an intellectual and philosopher one of his favorite pastimes is to read the works of philosophy of ancient greek. his friend albert used to kid him about that. junius was not good faugh factually he was too shy and would standoff and watch and
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then sit down to right the floury and literary essays from ancient writers. and that was a pretty common practice in those days. it was much more floury than what we have now. so from the new york tribune sometimes they would travel together sometimes they travel the part they always looking for an army about to go into battle which was hard to predict. albert was better to figure that out there and junius looking afford dan nelson and shiloh and dignity of the naval battles along the mississippi. the first was the battle of fort henry favor in cairo
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illinois and hitched a ride with general grant as he put his army on a bunch of ships sailing down the tennessee river so i thought i would read a little passage about that. richardson went ashore. going to the swampy woods to accompany the soldiers on their march weld richard to find that all oak tree. for what our they pounded each other with the shells hit so full of smoke that bridgeses' could no longer see the gun ships. albert went down the trees to join the union soldiers as they came into force in the. shots had made great havoc he reported the magazines were toward open and the
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ground is stained with blood with fragments of flash. and blankets with the six corpses one with the head toward off and others with breast opened with impressive loons''. he said they deliver the highest ranking caprine -- captain to the area of the fort with general grant a commander of the federal gun go. how can you fight against those? to it is hard but i like to use my people. the chicago reporter interrupted to ask the most necessary question. how you spell your name general? sir, he replied it general grant uses my name in
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official despatched and i have no objections but i do not wish to appear at all in this manner of any newspaper accounts for those that were previously captured he said i am not giving my name to any newspaper whatsoever. of course, richardson included his name in the story and he wrote his article aboard the union ship. so albert heads back to buy the story and junius stays with the union army and goes across 12 miles of the vote swampy land in a snowstorm to attack for dawson. -- fort donaldson.
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and the union army to bat for a 12,000 prisoners the first big victory for the union. junius file a long feature story became most famous for was what occurred during the battle of the last day junius and the reporter from the year times found snipers trying to pick off the confederate artillery batteries they were behind the walls made of logs favor though the gun and then pop up a and fire it and then the snipers were try to shoot them when it popped up but the confederates would try to keep their head back so finally won got so frustrated he handed his rifle to junius and said you try it. i suspected he had fired a rifle at some point in his
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life but he was not a soldier or a marksman and certainly not a sniper but he said what the hell he crouched down and aimed their rifles and fired and a battery went silent the cyprus and i thank you have got him then junius said would not be surprised. [laughter] of course, he was completely surprised but he did have a presence of mind to walk away before anyone could give him another rifle to expect him to do it again. that story illustrates how journalists have changed over the years. cannot help suspect the old post -- boss at the post would not be happy to hear one of his correspondence put down the notebook can pick up the of m-16 but
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ethics did not even use the phrase or people would have laughed like it was the oxymoron. a couple weeks later junius is in st. louis and here's a union army was to invade arkansas. so he tried to jump on a plane to watch the invasion. it i will read what happens next. when komer realized down in misery that the battle was fought with the confederate army. to realize that thomas knox
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was with the arrival of the new york newspaper they devised a simple solution that they needed to win simple to attack with the rivers in the reports. these are a difficult but hardly unprecedented. journalist in the 19th century were not iniki. and would not ruin a good story newspapers said the meager supply of facts of rivers and exaggerations and political rance in the political pros that escape the gravitational pull. during the civil war they would hear the dying words as a soliloquy. the soldiers never complained.
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all of these have been that became popular during the war. but even by those lax standards what he did was outrageous to right long eyewitness accounts but the pieces were so ludicrous and overblown that the men were competing to outdo one another. it seems possible now that others were involved. to have the first person journalism that even now trying to get my disconnected thoughts the sound of the cannon weld beiges of carnage in the flame of thought battle hover above my site with the
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excitement of a struggle that is on minders. that was hard to find. with the whole town to reflect as it was. to learn that the union won the fact the on dash victory in a dramatic charge said he was cast as the hero. never was better fighting dan or more closely contested with the can and they did there bloody work. every soldier kept his eye fixed on the fear this leader wherever they saw his hand they do they were safe strain she was not killed the would go on for the rebels to end his career.
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one carried away the spectacle. on and on the he went to steal a whole page out of the tribune to suggest the union army did it to every union soldier. banal reporters should be fired but it became more hilarious when the ides of london suggested that was the best part of the war. [laughter] so would year later after junius and albert was captured they were not that worried that it about it at the time and were quickly released retreated for other
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prisoners said they thought they would be quickly released but the confederate stated the york tribune because it was the abolition this paper and had a banner headline so somehow the confederate officials did not like that so they just said point blank i would not release these prisoners they are the most obnoxious ones that we have. they've moved them one place to another over 20 months. i thought 20 months in prison? people would get bored but that turned out not to be true there was a lot of strange and weird
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incidences' in the prison in the mets a lot of fascinating characters. with the five months they were in richmond. the warded was wonderfully colorful the captain george washington alexander with long black here in the blackbeard with a black shirt and black pants and black belts into big revolvers it had a big red sash and would saunter around the prison this 100 lb dog who scare the hell out of the prisoners. alexander had seen he was a pirate the was locked into
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fort mchenry but he escaped and jumped off the pair pat into the bay and will swim ashore and somehow made it back to richmond when he got there the authorities figured if he knows how to escape from a prison we should put it in charge of representative they put him in charge. in addition to being a war did he was also a poet and up playwright and a songwriter and he wrote musical comedy one that was truly awful performed in richmond during the rope or and he would leave the prison after the work day to where he had written himself the great scene right across the stage on the big black horse and everyone would
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stand up and cheer. this really happen to. you cannot make this up so one other thing about capt. alexander he was as crooked as a pretzel. well over 1,000 prisoners most living in squalor in these huge rooms in the south of the floor with this super speckled with maggots but he set up inside one group called the citizens room big enough for 50 people with windows you could open and close with a wooden stove and picked out prisoners who are rich or to get shipments from money or
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food if he can get that he could save the citizens room provided that he shared those with alexander and his cronies. so the prisoners looked pretty well into of them were junius and albert they got money and food from their buddy from the tribune and they shared in the of it pretty well in the south of london. but february 80 and 64 labour transferred to a prison in north carolina. that was not too bad. with a couple of other prisoners favor living indoors but there was a yard outside they could play baseball so that is how they amuse themselves a lot of prisoners were political prisoners those who had died
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just were deserted or generally made it known they were not down with the confederate cause. most were from the mountain areas of north carolina and virginia and tennessee river filled with pro union people there was not a lot of slavery of their so with the family farms eking out the subsistence living in they were not that excited about risking their lives to fight for this confederacy established by the slave own name plantation people and had not cheated the mountain area well. said junius and albert met a lot of the dissidents from
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the prison and it was a pro union organization. so it hide something like 10,000 members in north carolina and tennessee and virginia in the mountain areas. they learned of the secret handshakes in science and passwords that they would use to identify themselves to each other. that would come in handy leader of when they would escape. so in the fall of 1864 with the union armies of richmond said the prisoners south most went to andersonville but about 9,000 union soldiers were sent to saul's
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berry so so in a city hundred men at living indoors you have to thousand with 9,000 with being in the yard readies to play baseball it was now filled with makeshift shacks and no holes in the ground that the people were living in. it was a cold and wet fall and winter it rained a lot and a snowden some. they did not get much food and were exposed to the elements by the time december came they were dying at the rate of two dozen per day dysentery and exposure and starvation so the end of november the prisoners had insurrection hoping to break out but the guards fired down and pushed
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back killing 16 and wounding 60 before weeks later the junius and albert and a couple of friends escaped from the prison with the help of a guard who was part of the heros of america. so they set out on a rainy and cold december night headed for the nearest lines in knoxville across the appellation -- appalachian mountains. and headed for knoxville 200 miles away they could only get help from those who could be sympathetic to the prisoners. who would that be? slaves. so they would walk all night headed north and when it
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dawn was coming i will read a little bit about that. >> it was almost done in the located this slave cabin several white men word here by it was filled with a damp cornhusk to have warmth and the sleep they found little of either remained there until dark with their muscles sore with the skin itching. they shook off the wet clothes and made a few feeble attempts to comb their hair. and then one realized he had lost his hat but there is no time to look for a. they had to search over somebody who might feed them.
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with the old man who lived there for the every yankees he said he would be happy to take them. he invited them into the cabin and introduce them to his wife and daughter and went outside he stayed there on guard while the zero women cut than the yankees huddled by the fire with their close to being. looking around realizing it was the first private housing injured in 20 months. it was cramped but there is plates and utensils civilized amenities that made him long for his own home. with the keys to our the check-in he took out the back of to he smuggled out of the women had never seen it before so he showed them how to brew it and then the slaves in the escaped prisoners sat down for the odd little to party.
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the yankees thank to the host thank god that to leave. may god bless you the woman said with tears in her eyes. the has been noticed the long cold journey into got his own hat and handed it to the reporter. he had almost nothing in did not even own it himself but willing to give his hat to a stranger you probably never see again. so in the land they look for the slave cabin they never
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fail to let them down. but they were small. and they could not tell them by the color of their skin. in then banned with men with the confederate of guard made up of a draft dodgers taking the rifles to head for the mountains to head out to the woods. said then trying to figure
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of who may help in him -- them where we? about comment so they're in the mountains there is a lot of warfare if you have seen the book called mountain that is the situation depicted pretty well with the guerrilla war and the bushwhackers. i would like to read one scene from that part of the book and at this point junius and albert had joined up with ellis he was famous of the people across the mountains. he also had a mountain look
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to stand the key to be a base plays it -- prepare for the is easy top he was almost killed so many times he had concluded that god was protecting him. so having this protection and caused him to take a lot of chances that scare the people out of the people that were with him. said to take across the mountains to sell to the union army when they got to knoxville. he would go as fast as possible through the roughest terrain possible and they were stampeding across the mountains. so let me read some of this progress this point there
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were several dozen those on horseback go one way those who are on foot go another way. albert is on horseback in the first time they have been separated since 20 months earlier. said know i am talking about alice and albert. the writer is rough it was a rugged favorite city had to dismount to what courses in the bitter cold with frost on the trail so deep holes would sink down. worried that the rebels would catch up ellis pushed the man so hard that several forces died or came so close to death that they would abandon them. they would double up on a
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healthier animals. during the ride they encountered an old man. one of those without a horse saw the opportunity. what are you? southerner union holding his rifle menacingly? the man looked very nervous i have kept out of the war. i have not helped either side that will never do you don't take me for a fool, do you? you cannot could have lived in this country without one or the others or union or secession? >> pour old man had to guess who the strangers might be he could see they were scraggly and dirty and he could see pieces of uniforms from both armies they looked like rebels. he said i voted for
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secession. tell that to the entire troops i was the original secessionist plane as bit of this other man is you can find. that's delighted him. albright been just slide down. what you mean? i mean you're just the man i have been looking for. a good sevener with a good horse. >> we are all yankees no slide down to be quick about it. >> he had -- the man had no choice he watches the man with a rifle climbed onto his saddle and rode off on his horse. so there they are writing a way chased by the confederate calvary and
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headed for not sell. do they make letter to the gate captured were shot? i will not tell you. [laughter] you will just have to read the book to find out. so if anybody has questions feel free to ask. [applause] >> these were the incidents of the african american troops missing in the african-american prisoners the from the confederates? >> no. there were some black prisoners is in salsberry.
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and obviously as you have suggested for what has been executed but in one incident but then they wish to prisoners at random. was one incident they fired so much stockade to kill a union guy and one of the confederate doctors figured out why this happened with those prisoners standing together. but to is your question there were black prisoners there yes.
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>> tells the story of the young girl? >> stevens. and they relate to the mountains by ellis but then that night he would go to the house. and then with the confederate calgary rather but the ellis men rode a wave with the others went on a different trail so that he could stay ahead of them. but they had to cross the river and there's only one place to cross.
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so the next day the walkers' went over so on both occasions they need somebody to make sure the rebels were not hiding as they crossed. they found a person who lived nearby to ride over it was a young teenage girl who lived five that confederate calvary were quite enamored with her so they would stop it and talk to her that gave the union to figure out where the calvary were. she led them across the bridge in junius wrote his book did not identify her as anything but an angel but
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later she was identified by name as did ellis. she became famous as the unknown angel that led the union folks to safety and there is a song written about her the you can find on the internet now. >> [inaudible] >> all the newspapers the tribune very pro abolition indicate now with weird statements but it is probing been -- in favor of abraham
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lincoln. this year times was pro union and the lincoln. it was grudgingly pro the war but vicious toward lincoln. also the democratic papers you could barely be against it to be considered a traitor. but it also slammed lincoln which is why would they ever captured he was immediately paroled. he has the papers but the reporters did not necessarily agree with the editorial.
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junius and albert ready abolitionist but it was a radical republican. >> i'm sorry i was laughing when you were talking. but i am wondering you mention the one man had a wife so without writing to home? >> yes. they did. some of the letters exist i founded one of the archives the richardson family paid the massachusetts historical society but more important
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the 41 dash for me were found by the grandchildren in the 1950's in the family stable in staten island and gave them to columbia university with they exist to this day and most of them are quite legible. i could read the letters at the time in when they were imprisoned so that is a godsend to know the guy could have written the book without that. >> eight you for your presentation. very interesting. i thank you mentioned at some point along the way
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either had contact with some extent with abraham lincoln. >> relating to the reporters in late 1862 a battle near vicksburg where sherman said then and they were the down swing was horrible but thomas knox was there a reporter from the herald. rethink junius was missing battles in he was funny that way but knox wrote the
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dispatch to send it back incentive in the mail bag with the union army boats. general sherman thought they were spies and would have them take the reporters letters out of the mailbag and read them and he got mad at knox to have to court-martialed as a spy and was a confederate. so richard had a talent for the powerful people after fredericksburg you a back to washington since he got the petition to have those sign it in ticket to see lincoln at that time. lincoln met them and
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basically said on a great. reporters so he said he should let knox come back and said the generals are more important so he should be allowed to come back of ms. grant says he does not want him to come back. so it did get back into the war so he had met lincoln on that occasion the with the boston journal with 1858 in 1859.
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so also with that interview he had those with a prisoner exchange to get back from the confederate that is why they wrote the letter saying we will send them back and said it would cause more trouble for us. anyone else? okay. [applause] fate you very much. i will be upstairs in just a couple of minutes for the book signing. [inaudible conversations]
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>> host: you spend a lot of time in your book about israel and iraq and one of the things you talk about of the ism the real risen -- reason the is on this has is with theocratic authority it is viewed as a contagion that threatens iran everywhere. >> this was the move to preoccupy more of us more and more.
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but there is a problem with the islamic world. and with the religion. and it is very, very important to understand that we want to talk about these concerns but on the contrary there are very many muslims to have come as immigrants because they wanted to sign up to the british and western values to have good jobs and prosper but they want the freedom the women wanted to be treated as equals and they want all the things fat we want fifth off with security and prosperity i am not caught up with the precepts by in the islamic
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world they are in the way that for which is now a government to say that you of the world that the world has to be repaid according to the precept that they must be enjoying themselves of this to be pulled back with that conservative interpretation and from the deal the west must be brought to hurt is also the government that is what i call islamism. i use the word for a
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particular reason because there are those who want to sign up for the western values those are called the islamist because they try to impose those values and on those or not muslim in type to be the most anti-freedom interpretation. i call them the islamists they are the threat to us they say what their intention is those that build the muslim empire to conquer america and to impose sharia upon anywhere
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that they lived. some of them are violent or equipped themselves some of them are not violent but believe they could conquer the west there all islamist put on the other hand, we must keep those in our mind in the way that threatens us in those that subscribe to is on that feels threatened by the islamist said to be in our mind at the same time. but that is what i perceive to be the case the way to
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make great horror and the year that it was giving in to take over with see attempts to undermine britain with the islamic values so for those reasons but then i i was extremely careful to find this worrying that had nothing to do with it. >> he reached a point when you have to reach a certain philosophy because of the color of your skin. when did that happen? [cheers and applause]
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and reporter once asked me why i didn't talk a lot about race. i said because i may neurosurgeon. [laughter] they thought that was strange i said when i take someone into the operating room and they take the skin off to turn down the bottom flap i operate and what makes that person who they are. the caller doesn't make them who they are. when will we understand that? and. [cheers and applause] . .
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the scraggly beard and those piercing eyes and


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