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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  August 31, 2013 8:45am-9:31am EDT

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reports on this. when there is a scandal involving a democrat, it is stunning to see the degree that they would go to say that it's not a democrat. the abc on journalism if you are going to an elected official and the next thing as important as his first and last name is his party affiliation in story after story. we have seen it with one scandal after another whether you are the mayor of detroit going to jail or you are the governor of illinois it goes on and on. the just obliterate the label. but if you are a republican, it leads with republican. the republican larry craig today. and you see that coverage. it is stunning.
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this is something republicans have to live with with your treated that way because they allow the media to treat them this way. that is why the republican party has to stand up and applaud the chairman for having done. the candidates and party leaders have to stand up to the press. we are asking for fairness we are going to go make an issue out of you and if your corporate sponsors say goodbye we will be on the dhaka leaving goodbye. that needs to be the position that the republican party officials take on this or don't complain. thank you very much.
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i appreciate it. [applause] >> thank you come brent bozell. we have copies of the book available in the full year if he would like to purchase them. he will stay on the stage and talk further afterwards. i hope to see you again soon in the future. [inaudible conversations] when you write a book a lot can go wrong. that's the way that i approached. i'm somewhat neurotic in my riding of reporting and a lot can go wrong in 110,000 words. i have been shocked by i guess
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if there has been criticism from inside, it's been mostly held their he, meaning how dare and insider give away the secret handshake, healthcare and insider talk about other insiders in a way that perhaps might not be in keeping with the code we have in washington. people keep asking me why are people uncomfortable. i welcome discomfort but i also think it's journalism. this is what we do. we should invite the discomfort. book book tv continues with
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mac griswold on a mansion built in 1952 and owned by the same quaker family the silver esters for 11 generations. this is about 40 minutes. >> thank you for coming and many thanks to those of you suffering in the sun. soon the shade of the copper beech will shade you gently. i promised to speak long enough for that to happen. every endeavor like this that spans so many years is a collaborative effort. we are lucky here today to have richard come up and say a few words because it is he and linda kaplan both of the american history workshop who pioneered the story of northern slavery particularly in new york with the two great shows at the new
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york historical society. he's going to set the context and then i will come back on stage and tell you about the book. [applause] i am thrilled to be here with you today. this is a great day of convergence of a book that has been growing for 20 years and has brought so many people and so much knowledge and wisdom to get their. it's also of course a celebration. this is a site specific book and this is a great sight of convergence because all of you are sitting and standing on one of the most important historical places in north america. here just right on our crown, africans and europeans and american indian people came together and really begin to work together to create an american civilization in an
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american society. this is one of the very first times this happens and it's happening here under this ground the archaeological investigation has shown evidence of the way these three cultures can together. so it is a very exciting thing to be welcoming mac's book back to the site and of all of the historians and scholars that i have worked with over many years have such a profound sense of sight and place. as you heard she's gathered material from archives on the four continents and has brought together an extraordinary kind of learning but the thing that makes her unique is her ability to see to capture through her eyes the kind of sense of all the landscapes' work so it's a great pleasure for me to be here today and to share with you the
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convergence of this book and the site. thank you. [applause] thank you. that is great praise. he used the operative word to see. towards the end of my talk today i want you to see five of the people who walked here. after i finish talking and when you've got your book i bought you to walk around and have those shades go with you because they are here. it's the only place i can do this talk. can you hear me? on shelter island in new york what is visible to the 18th century house in the landscape whose owners played all
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honorable roles in the revolutionary war beckoned in the civil war. can you still hear me? am i doing all right? they built this will be the second of all the site. it's ephraim bling comfortable dwelling that was extended northward in the late 18th-century from the of original elegant house newport style which is the center block with the hip roof a the the big chesney is -- chesney. those were added as was over the front door. what do we know about what we see? the sylvesters raised their children who inherited property in 2006. the husbanded their crops in the fields that still belong to this place 43 acres.
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the port camels and planted gardens and they planted and cut down trees. they wound the great dhaka english grandfather clock that stands in the hall and it kept time for them through the years. the embroidered bed hangings and churned butter that they sold as far as the road toward -- newport rhode island. imagine eating a better that 86 week trip. they wove cloth and rode down their own the thrifty recipe for shoe polish. all the details of colonial life that we have come to appreciate as american. as the centuries passed they invested wisely in the new american ventures, the canal in the railroads and the minds off the coast of south america. they toasted each other from the
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silver tankard now and the metropolitan museum of art purchased with the money made from their successful economic it ventures. what is in visible was equally proud of our national history. sylvester is a cradle of the system of slavery as richard said that became an natural system throughout new england has throughout the south as far west as texas. in 1680 nathaniel sylvester in english man brought up in amsterdam and his english wife counted 24 people as their property, the largest number in the north at that time, 11 men and women and 13 children. many african names and others had creel names such as chiquero that tells you they had come from other places besides africa. they had been transported the west indies or to brazil
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chiquero could be name of french origin, jaque tells you it may have a spanish connotation. call it what you will. that's chiquero. the slave labor produced the first well for the sylvester's from the west indian sugar trade. on the shelter island the tended hogs and cattle to butcher for salt and meat. the bread and pro courses to power the sugar mills and cut trees to shape to make tasks which were really the shopping bags of the day. you couldn't do anything with sugar unless you had a barrel to put it. you couldn't do anything with rahm unless you had a barrel to put it. you couldn't do anything with molasses unless you had a barrel to put it. the staves that were cut here were shaken down which means that they were separated into all of the many parts and shipped aboard out of this tiny harbor off to a bigger herber
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where there are 47 feet of water and the big ships lead off to be loaded with all of the provisions to go out the west indies and to come back with all of the sugar product c and the sleeves that landed probably at that site at a water landing right there. go down there and take a look. >> is that mine? okay. it doesn't matter. >> so sugar, molasses and rum came back to the manner to new england and was also shipped to europe. sylvester was an experiment in early global capitalism and was a successful one. the first silvester's who bought the entire island as a business proposition and not as a home had credit in the market of amsterdam and london. he borrowed 400 pounds of sterling from nathaniel's brother who lived in london in
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1661 pin the he was waiting for the royal patent that would give the colony of connecticut. what to us comes as a shock as it did to me when i first realized in the quiet of friends library in london it was the sylvester's faith. they were among the first handful in the world that believed in the inner life, the sanctity of the words of individual worship. how could they have held, bought and sold human beings as slaves? the answer is simple. after he received his first vision from the lord, the friends like everyone else who could do so held slaves. in 1758, the philadelphia meeting was the first to outlaw slavery among its own members.
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why did they were no longer squeakers that they were still slaveholders and they remained so until 1820 when london, was his name, the last person that held a perpetual bondage was monument to putative slavery ended in the 1827 only 34 years before the nation was split by the civil war in 1861. as a system it disappeared the huge shadows of prejudice, economic disparity and governmental and justice remained today. take a look at north carolina voting voted on thursday. in my years of research i have come across many who have walked on this ground in my research and i would like to conjure a few of them up this afternoon as i've got the book.
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they were coming here to witness a piece of land in oyster bay. they were wearing an amalgamation of european and native american costume. he was a tall man that carried himself well and he was coming up to meet nathaniel sylvester standing rather nervously right there. that is upstanding and outstanding native americans for him to meet on his own house will -- on his own soil. down there is married dyer, the english woman who was a quaker and a public friend. she came here and 59 when the
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quakers were being persecuted in boston by the puritans. and this place was a haven for the quakers. they held slaves coming yesterday also protected the quaker friends as they were hurried from the same on and on to boston. mary is down there thinking about whether she should go back to boston, from which she had been banished on the pain of death. eventually she climbed into a little boat. maybe the same boat that you see on the back cover of my book. ..
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which you may have seen as you came in walking through the garden, some big buildings, there is polk p.m. african name, young man, 154/6 years old, he is hearing the news that he at the division in 1680 of all the possessions of this, he will be shipped to boston away from his community and away from all his friends. he goes to boston and the only way because it is so hard to parse out, the only way that he tried to free himself, a dry know in an account.
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one pounds sterling, the horse that of the ran away with. and somebody is going to stop him. they captured him and took him to lloyd next, a survey, long island, and he met a woman called rose, and he died sometime after 1757, a long life, 1680, 1757, we are moving forward now. rose and 0 p.m.'s son, the first published african-american poet, and and the ties the stretch out from this place, not just back to africa or europe, pretty remarkable. mary sylvester -- be quiet for a
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minute. you will also hear the sound of mary bros sylvester. and underneath the until -- genteel facades and behind, and it is the figure of madness. and quite unusual before the age when most people would have stayed at home no matter how crazy they were, mary has taken up to westchester county and institutionalized. she came back home, the group was of no use, she died in 1750 and i found this out only income a sermon published about her
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husband, sylvester, a very loving and marvelous husband, you read the letters he wrote to his daughters who were then living on the island any longer and see how much he cared for this for madwoman, your poor mother is not well in you see from institutional records what that meant and we don't know what she suffered from. there she was in her silk dress, and in the house we are lucky to know about all the rooms in this house and what was in them and in one small space, twice the size of this carpet which is the dark room, and and given the
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treatment program for the time, could have been married sylvester's bed, there is no window there. speeding along here, thomas spending over the north peninsula, he was a free man and had a lasting, he had been freed after the death of his own in maryland and he was sold 21 acres of land on the north side of shelter island. ten days before the man who sell off the force and died. sometimes you are lucky. he paid this man who grew up in this house, he paid him $750,
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cute amount of money. we don't know how in his earnings as a hired slave which happens quite frequently in the north by 1800 which is when he would have started announcing all this money. we don't know how he made it. he had $750 at dyer's creek, who knows where second bridge is? raise your hands, raise your hands. just beyond it is a beautiful piece of land on the island, and where he landed, looking out at the hopper, and a reputable real estate dealership.
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$7.5 million. and thomas's daughter sold that land, did not have the learning or education or stature to realize she should hang on to that property and pass it to a member of her family. and you will find the frontispiece in your book. and also the image on this line. by the late nineteenth century the manner belonged to a man who would marry into the family not once but twice, he fathered four daughters, she died, and something that happened in nineteenth century life. he was a harvard professor, nutritional chemist, made several fortunes, one of them the guano mines that i mentioned
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off the coasts, guano is bird lenore omanure off the coast of america, over there and to the beach tree is the great short story writer sarah hewitt and her lover any seals and they are walking hand in hand and sarah is writing a poem. they were fond of celebrities. they even saved what they called queen victoriana's shoe. not too sure whether it was clean victoriana's shoes but any fields murmuring in the shade of the beach 3. and two of the daughters, cornelia who owned this house in 1903 and who made it into the
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house that she always imagined it should have been. henry helped richardson -- who is the architect of the lincoln memorial? henry bacon, thank you. henry bacon came and carefully recorded what the house was as built and those papers along with all the other papers are now at nyu where it they are part of the sylvester manner archives so that you can go there and see what the house was like, when it was built and you can also see what he did to with which included the peer ouiazza the front portico she should have a better education. she transformed at a time when single women, it was like having one leg. so this house more or less
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became her other leg and she became as she called herself the lord of the manner. the person that i prefer is her sister, lillian, who was a wonderful writer and made these incredibly lucid sketches including one of julia dodd havens in over their. million wrote a memoir of her grandfather, samuel smith's gardner of the gardner family who live here. those two sisters, cornelian dodd who died in 1944 and lillian who died in 1927 brought this place into the 20th century. i will read you what lillian had to say about the manner. in 1921.
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both cornelia and her sister lillian occasionally felt burdened by the weight of history, a disquieting suspicion that somethings might not have been exactly as they had imagined. they felt the sorrow of learning about the instability that lies in the heart of all things. such a motion may have boasted in stray remarks and slight gestures, the supernatural magnetic strangeness that every visitor to sylvester manner feels. lillian, who observed, recorded and recalled more objectively than her sister her lucid pencils catches contrasting markedly with cornelia's impressive water market colors of memoir she read aloud at a shelter island historical society meeting. she told of her fears as an 8 or 9-year-old conlan as real as
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childhood can make such fears. when she threw up against the glacial boulders in a field and a spark flashed and then she sniffed a slight smell, of what? she writes. we thought was brimstone. her memoir went on, we thought the flash was the fire of hell and we had discovered an entrance. we never played their game. we never spoke again. heaven or hell, sylvester, i hope you will read about it in the pages of my book. thank you so much. morrison will come back in here. one of my -- one of my hearing? oh yes, q&a. okay. anybody who has questions please come to the young lady in the striped shirt. i hope you have questions and
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speak into the microphone. here comes a question. i would be happy to try to answer them. high. can you all hear her? [inaudible] >> okay. >> my question is this. i have the book, and as i was going through the book i was kind of puzzles as to why you referred to native americans throughout the book as indians all low in your talk you say native americans, just curious. >> i looked at a lot of usages, and i used the new york times
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usage which changed five years ago. they began to call native americans indians. i spoke to many of the people out here who are indigenous and they say they like being called indians so i honor them. >> another question please. somebody -- have to go to the mic. >> hello. i also have your book. i haven't finished it yet but i am working on it. i am curious, this is an immense history and a lot of stories you can across. i am wondering why you chose to focus so much, why you chose to write about the slavery part of
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it? >> you actually put that on the cover of the book. given the immense history of it. >> wonderful question and thank you for asking it. when i first came to this house i met andrew fiske, and walked into the panel parlor, where does that door go? and he said to the slave staircase this was in 1984, long before richard shows. i certainly do know the pad of well-established in new england and throughout this nation was the work of many black hands. i thought that was a story worth telling about this place. when i look at the accounts and inventories where you would see people in that terrible
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shadowland of travel and person where they would be evaluated in one document, negro 35 pounds and another, in another document might be called hannah or opium, my point was to look to the history and beginnings of the many strands and particularly the african strands. yes? >> i know you did a lot of excavations here and they have probably been filled in. where were they? >> what is so extraordinary is in the vast circle which is the first place that steve, the head of the team, in fields schools.
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it wasn't a towel, it was square and out came this unbelievable richness and what it turned out to be was a hidden layer stretching underneath most of that front lawn. amsterdam was where nathaniel sylvester was raised and it seems very highly nucleated kind of life that he lived in amsterdam on a canal, i went to the canal where he lived, you could see these incredible vertical houses a you realize right here was probably pretty vertical. i don't want to make the too brand one of 30 houses in this country, in the porche tower.
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all of the richness that you find in documents went into the midden. steve said nothing was ever thrown away and that is with the archaeology really showed. does that answer your questions somewhat? >> could you address the relationship of this family to barbados, when it is that they did and what was the relationship that brought them here. >> in 1642, that is going back, constantly purchased his first plantation acres on barbados, in 1646 nathaniel silver estimated trips in august when the current was turning to take votes across
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to west africa and paid back with slaves. at that time in the 1640s barbados and the planters their were going through the sugar revolution when sugar began to turn barbados' into the most profitable of all the colonies, all the british colony's. so year after year, year after year, the people on barbados, africans died on barbados and they were replaced. they were never able until after 1838 there were never able to achieve a reproductive rate which meant that the people would reproduce on the island. so sylvester and nathaniel and their two partners, one a very well placed englishmen named thomas middleton who was on the committee reform plantation, very useful place to have your
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partner if you were over here on shelter island bought this place in 1651 for two reasons. when they bought it for political instability, because in 1651 the cavaliers were hard at work fighting each other on barbados even though he had his head chopped off in 1649, they were still at it. so it looked like maybe constant and thomas middleton were out of luck. so let's buy this island, doesn't cost much, it is only a quarter teaspoon of sugar per acre as opposed to land on barbados at the same time which was a cup and a half, you will find the right figure in my book so the first africans to arrive here, their daughter, polk, they
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came as the property of sylvester as part of her portion or dowry so they were termed her property. is this helpful? okay. that was a connection which only lasted -- i will wrap up here. it only lasted until the next generation so from 1646-1651 until 1680 when nathaniel died, there were a few other purchases of sugar, rum, africans after that, wasn't a continuous trade. i drank with her. if there are no more questions, okay.
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sorry. >> during your research do you find out all the instances of crossbreeding with slaves? >> i did not. i looked for it everywhere. i can say i am sure it occurred but given the likelihood of would say it may well have done. i did not find any. that is all i can say. anything else? all right. [applause] i would like to say special thanks to martha who fielded this whole adventure, you have done had marvelous job. give her a hand too. [applause] >> thank you for that.
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that was phenomenal and nice to see, beaten into submission and sufficiently moved, that was wonderful, thank you for being here today. there is the loss in that this property is no longer being handed down in the same way as vinson 1652. the advantage too is there is an organization here now that is dedicated to preserving down from 8,000 acres to the remaining 243 and making sure we don't lose another one. and there is an organic farm planted here, history programming, plans to preserve the house, plans to restore cornelia's garden. the history and the narrative sort of comes to a close, there is a loss in that, there's something exciting about the future that we expect to continue here for a very long
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time. i invite you all to come up, we are open until at is too cold to do that. there are so many things, but one in particular is there is the spiralling history here, goes off in all these incredible directions and we are looking forward to sharing stories with all of you in the future, generations to come. please sign up for the book signing which will be right over here, matt will graciously be sitting here at this table and look forward to signing books and theseus again. thank you. >> that was lovely. >> i will take my signing. >> for more information visit
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the author's web site mac here are the best-selling hardcover nonfiction books according to publishers weekly. this list reflects sales as of august 29th. at the top of the list in its debut week is the latest book from marc levin, the liberty amendment. he proposes amendments to the u.s. constitution. zealous is second, the book is a biography of jesus of nazareth. the dynasty, reality tv star phil roberts and is there with his autobiography happy happy happy followed by cheryl sandberg's been in. she is the chief operating officer of facebook, offers career advice to women. at number 5, willie and corley robertson look at the reality show the duck dynasty in the duck commander family. chief national correspondent for the new york times magazine mark leibowitz examined the inner
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workings of washington d.c. in his book this town. the booktv book club will be reading this book for the month of september. the discussion begins sept. third and an online question and answer session will take place later in the month. follow us on twitter at booktv for more details. number 7, scott anderson provides an in-depth look at the arab revolt in his book lorenz in arabia, war of deceit, imperial folly and the making of the modern middle east. elizabeth koch is eighth with her profile of american citizens, bargains in the real world. followed by let's explore diabetes, a collection of essays from david. at number 10, jerusalem:a cookbook, a collection of 120 recipes exploring the flavors of that key city in israel. for more information on these bestsellers go to
9:28 am >> it doesn't bend on its own. to secure the game this country has made require constant vigilance, not complacency. whether it is by challenging those who erecting new barriers to the vote, when insuring the scales of justice work equally for all in the criminal-justice system and not simply a pipeline from underfunded schools to overcrowded jails, it requires vigilance. >> from wednesday, the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. live sunday on c-span2 and your calls and comments for ben shapiro. at noon on booktv's in debt. on c-span2's american history tv, the group of war constellation, the last all sale worship the bill by the u.s. navy, sunday at 7:00 eastern and pacific. here is a look at the upcoming
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book fairs and festivals happening around the country, on september 7th the kansas book festival, and author panels inside the capitol building and dozens of books centers set up outside. 40 authors are presented including larry berman and larry welch. the same weekend the ninth annual bookmark festival of books will be in the downtown arts district of winston-salem, n.c. author presentations will be held in dorr galleries around the town and examiners line the streets as well. you'll surprise winner james mcpherson and former chair of the fdic sheila bair are scheduled to discuss their latest book. end in white plains, new york on sept. 14, children and young adult authors have headlined the festival, reading areas and performances. the borglum book festival, the largest free literary event in new york city will take place
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saturday, september 27th. the festival will feature 12 areas for presentations and panel discussions, topics include more reporting, feminism and self publishing. please let us know about the affairs and festivals in your area and add them to our list, e-mail us at >> from the 2013 roosevelt reading festival, chistopher o'sullivan discusses his book "fdr and the end of empire: the origins of american power in the middle east". the annual festival is hosted by the franklin roosevelt presidential library museum in new york. this is about 45 minutes. >> good afternoon, welcome to the penultimate session of the roosevelt reading festival. i am bob clarke, supervisory artist at the roosevelt library


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