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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  September 8, 2013 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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part of what has been happening. in the north of ireland there is a million and a half people and three dash thousands have lost their lives that is one out of 500 people per day. that tells you how serious our problem is. . .
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he has worked as an editor, journalist television and radio commentator and he founded the national journalism center. m. stanton evans served as chairman of the union from 1971 to 77. he has a new book out called blacklisted by history, the untold story of senator joe mccarthy and his fight against america's enemies. turning a proper name into a verb is a sign of historical significance but that for two mccarthy as mr. evans is going to tell us is historically inaccurate. mr. evans. [applause] >> thank you very much. it's a great honor to be here with you folks and with phyllis.
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we go back a few years, the goldwater days and even before. it's been a long road and in many ways probably one that has been well worth traveling and i'm glad to be here with you phyllis end use today. as the intro suggests i have been around a while anyway and i know we want time for q&a, right? >> yes, maam do. >> are their microphones or do you speak from where you are? i say that because i'm a little bit hard of hearing. when you get older they were too bad eggs that happened to you. one is your hearing starts to go , and i forget what the other one is. [laughter]
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i will probably think of that in a minute. i want to commend you guys for being here. you have heard, i don't know if you know this, this is an all-star team that has spoken to you at this conference. these are the very best people in congress, this lineup without any shadow of a doubt and what you heard is going to i hope help you in your own thinking and your own careers after you leave here. i commend you for being here and putting in these hours on these serious matters, and i teach at a college. i always tell my students that there is more to life than "keeping up with the kardashians". [laughter] keeping up with them is not
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easy. you have to do a lot of studying to know what they are doing. i saw it kim kardashian had condemned the -- her father was an attorney for o.j. simpson. that is true. [laughter] that is correct. and then i remember do you follow katy perry? she is so popular. katy perry said a couple of years ago, two years ago that it was an outrage that health care health care in america is not free. i asked my students, is katy perry conscious free? a friend of mine checked at that time and a ticket to the katy perry concert cost $83 i said that's an outrage. why should i not be able to go to the katy perry concert for
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nothing but not that i would go to a kerry katie -- katy perry concert. i'm a bit of a contrarian many of ways. for example the only time that a texas one i'm driving. [laughter] actually i don't even know how the text anyway but there's a principle to that to matt. so i'm looking at the mccarthy book. i have a new book out called "stalin's secret agents." that's the new book and they are both kind of about the same thing so there's nothing wrong with lumping them together. they are about it period of american history that is very frequently and in fact almost always misrepresented in the history books that you may have read in college or in high school.
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i tried to look at the mccarthy era. how many of you have ever heard of senator mccarthy and mccarthyism? how many have heard anything good about senator mccarthy? i see no hands. typical and it's not their fault. it's the fault of my generation for not getting the truth out there. the new book is about other aspects of that era the so-called cold war. from your standpoint this might as well be the war of 1812. it was a long time ago but it's important to know this history for a couple of reasons and you know it correctly. one is to know the truth is important for its own sake but also because some of the things that happened back then and the
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way they are treated today are relevant to more recent events. i think we need to know to begin with just a no it but also to apply it to the present. one of the things that a friend of mine told me and i did not see this myself back in 1994 was the 50th anniversary of d-day. the landing at ormandy when the american troops went ashore to france. it was called the day in 1944 and this has been, rated on television in 1994 and. the 50th anniversary and my friend saw this. it was on a tv station in peoria illinois or wherever it was and the young lady reading the teleprompter referred to the disaster as world war 11.
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which suggested to me that maybe we are not teaching history very well. but also we are not teaching latin although you would think that after all these super bowls you would know something about roman numerals but apparently not. what i try to do in these two books is to look at what actually happened as opposed to what is in most of the textbooks that are out there. one reason that this was possible is that the truth about all this stuff for years was covered up and to some degree still is. however with the passage of time we have had access to the files of the fbi, the federal bureau of investigation were tracking the bad guys who are trying to do us harm back in the 40s and 50's. this was all covered up in time and to some extent still is but
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now we have a pretty good picture of what went wrong. to encapsulate it very briefly because time is limited essentially what was going on -- how many of you have seen these supremacy movies with matt damon or the james bond movies or movies of that type? their assigned some bad guy or group of bad guys that are going to take over the world and matt damon stops them. back then unfortunately we didn't have matt damon back in the 40s and 50's which might've been a blessing i don't know. anyway that's another story. and we had plenty of bad guys however who are trying to take over the world just like in the movies except it was real. the main people standing in their way in taking over the world were americans. we were the problem from their
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standpoint. so what they did compress they were called communist and they were agers of the soviet union which had a game plan of conquering country after country after country. we were the big barrier to their success. so the bad guys were trying to infiltrate what we did and they infiltrated our government to do this and to effect our policy to serve the cause of moscow. that is what these books are about. these records that are now available from the fbi and elsewhere showing what really happened, things that were not available 50 years ago. there it turns out were hundreds of agents through the u.s. government. some of them were very famous. one was named alger hiss. there were many more like him and they did a lot of bad stuff
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that helps deliver country after country after country to the control of the communists poland to use law via china. these countries are handed over to the communists in large measure because of what these communists in our own government were able to do to affect our policy so that is what the book import is about. i can tell you much more than that except that one of the things that happened at that time was a kind of blindness on the part of the authorities as to what was going on. a denial that well, it's not really a problem. we don't really need to worry about it. anybody who complains about it like joe mccarthy or phyllis schlafly or stan edwards or whoever, they are witch hunting for crying out about a problem that is nonexistent.
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we know now that the danger was very exist in an very severe. one of the aspects of this blindness was a mindset which said that just because someone is a member of the communist party, so why? he's just a member of the communist party. obedience to that thought, communists communists were invited into the government and it was like an affirmative action program for communists. the problem with the government is we don't have enough communists and they brought in more communists. this was particularly intense during world war 11 when the soviets was our ally against the nazis. that mindset and that linus exists today and can be transposed today to the problem of radical islam.
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and the problem of the dangers that are security posed by fanatics who mean to destroy us. not the communists but they are equally dangerous in some ways and more so in some ways very they have the ability to blow up the world trade center and things of that nature. and there is a line is towards this and i can give you some examples of the problem. you do know that big fight about immigration going on now and i'm sure you know this. i'll bet jeff sessions toby when he was here. by the way there is a great man, jeff sessions and i'm very proud to know him. the immigration problem is also a national security problem in addition to other things. one of the things that resulted and of course you guys are just kids when this happened when the original 9/11 happened was that all the people who were involved in those bombings were here on
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visas that were issued by our government to let them come into the country. how could they let these people into the country? the answer is because the mindset was the same as toward the communists in world war ii. i'm going to read to you some of the questions from the visa application on line at the state department. this is not a joke. i'm not making it up. most of these people were from saudi arabia. they were asked questions at the time on the visa application process to find out if they should be admitted. they all were. here are some of the questions that were asked. do you seek to enter the united states to engage in export control of violations? subversive or terrorist activities? are you a member or
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representative of a terrorist organization? you are probably in the tea party. that is where you are. [laughter] you wouldn't be here if you are one of the other kind. here is one. have you ever participated in persecutions directed by the nazi government in germany? how old are these people? [laughter] i was a kid in world war 11. these people have to be 90 or 100 years old. or have you ever potentially committed genocide? than they are our boxes yes or no. so anyway yeah i would like to do some export control violations and terrorism, yes.
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yeah i'm a member of al qaeda, k. yes. i was just a kid that yeah i did it was genocide but i didn't have any value back then. yes, k. yes, yes. i checked guest and then it says this if i am lying i am dying. a yes answer does not automatically signify a visa. if you answer yes you may be required to personally appear before consulate officers. you are a nazi and committed genocide and are a member of al qaeda. the low? by a clue. this is the same mindset of world war 11. well they are just communists. what's the problem here x. just come on in guys and so that is what we are dealing with.
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i will give you one other example. mayor bloomberg of new york. is anybody from new york wax is mayor bloomberg a real person? he is like a character out of a tom wolfe novel or something. anyway back in 2010 and i'm going to wrap it up here, there was a times square bomber from pakistan who drove a car bomb in the middle of times square. that was the boston marathon. >> it did go off. >> i'll be darned. anyway, k. you learn something every day. he goes in there and what he had didn't work it is true. he was spotted by an alert hotdog vendor which proves the security system is really working because that is our first line of offense a hotdog vendor.
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too bad there aren't 20 thousand hotdog vendors along the mexican border. maybe they would be able to stop this problem. [laughter] he goes to the airport and tries to fly to dubai and pakistan. two days later i was in new york the day after that and he was being interviewed by katie couric then at cbs. here are two giant analects really coming together. and so katie couric says mayor bloomberg what do you think motivated this person? why would he drive his car bomb into times square? what is going on here? he says probably somebody upset about their health care bill. are they having a health care problem in pakistan and? there is your mindset.
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i will wrap it up now. a little off topic here i apologize phyllis. i know sometimes i get a little risqué but folks know me too well. this is a story about a family where there are two sets of children. there were the teenage children and the younger children and as happens, kia you have younger siblings. the younger kids were picking up things from the teenagers and repeating them in trying to be cool. some of the stuff they took was off-color. one morning the two little kids came downstairs for breakfast and the father is serving them breakfast. he says to the little boy what would you like to have for breakfast? i little boy says, oh what the hell i might as well have some cornflakes.
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he reaches out and slaps the kid and says i don't want to hear that again in this house. if i hear that again you will get worse than this so never say that again. he turned to the little girl and says now what would you like for breakfast? i she said you can bet your asked to won't be cornflakes. [laughter] the moral of that story is of something bad happens. [inaudible] my time is up. i thank you for yours. [applause] >> lets take any questions. >> dealing with the immigration idea and he seemed to indicate that reforming the immigration process would help of with some of the issues with muslims causing terrorism inside the united states especially since we have terrorists walking in
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and saying yes we are terrorists. what would you respond to the idea that federal government recede control to the united united states? >> i don't knock that idea can pass constitutional muster because what we have had as is the federal government contending that it has preempted the field and suing arizona were trying to do this. the states i'm sure would do a much better job than the federal government is doing. i don't know if you guys ever read investors business daily. i had a long piece in there yesterday about this immigration bill which is a disaster and must be defeated. i can tell you the states would do a better job in the federal government. anything else? no other questions? speeding no other questions?
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oh yes, in the paint. pink. >> this might be slightly unrelated. i'm from hillsdale college. i have a question about abraham lincoln. is it okay if i ask a question about that? >> are you up on abraham lincoln? >> no, i'm not. just a general discussion of abraham lincoln? >> no, just when i was younger i heard that he was a big hero because he freed the slaves and when i got into higher education in college and high school they would say he was actually a racist and he only did it for political motivation. i wonder about that and have you seen that interpretation change? >> you have people at hillsdale who know a lot more about that than i do. larry barnes knows a lot more about lincoln than i do. but i think there are some
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remarks of lincoln on record that reflects such attitudes. the general critique of lincoln and again remember i am from texas. i am a confederate. and so we had other issues with president lincoln besides his language. he was a little too proactive from my standpoint but that's another story altogether. world war i or whenever it was. anybody else? down here are, down here. >> hi i am spencer and i go to the college of william and mary. how is it different when someone has been, history has has declared summoned to the bad like joe mccarthy and it sort of inspirational to cite the
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underdog and say maybe he wasn't so bad after all but what about people who are overrated in history who we need to bring down to where they belonged like john f. kennedy or martin luther king for some of these people who are lionized by the left as prophets and saints and nelson mandela. how do we come across as not being mean when we criticize these heroes of the last? >> it's a very difficult question but you are right. there are certain taboos you just cannot criticize. take franklin roosevelt. my second book is mostly about president roosevelt and the conferences at the end of the war and what he did basically giving away half the world to joseph stalin and i go into some detail. this is where you don't say this. it's just not said and certainly jack kennedy and phyllis and i,
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we were there were now that was going on and in fact some of the stuff that is happening today in terms of what obama is doing was done by the kennedys 50 years ago. using the irs to crack down on conservatives. that was done back then. try reading to silence conservatives on the radio. that was done back then. trying to stifle conservative opinion in any way whatsoever was done back then under kennedy and lyndon johnson. this was all it ignored in the history books and it needs to be emphasized. all i can say is and i know a lot about fighting this fight. i am writing a book about defending joe mccarthy and how many dinners do you get invited
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to by "the new york times" and how much do your books get reviewed by "the new york times" or the "washington post"? that is the road and that's just the way it is. that should not stop us and particularly your generation. you guys are the hope. i don't have that many years left. you have got lots of years left to do this stuff but you need to do it. someone needs to do it. i know about the kardashians. i know we have to pay attention to what they are doing and i know you probably don't emphasize that enough but in addition to two stories wars, one of my favorites but in addition to those things come to those are good. we need to do this other stuff and you can do it. you have got the years.
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you have got the decades and i'm hoping you will answer your own question in the next couple of decades. thank you all very much. you are a great group. [applause]
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>> as i began to walk those beaches as i read in this book the veterans many of whom i met for the first time they were schoolteachers and akel can -- anglican preachers and from a cross-section of american life. as it began to walk those beaches with those men and meet their wives, i emotionally was brought to my knees by what i was hearing. not just about the raw courage played out on those beaches that day but by the bond the unspoken bond that existed between them. many of them have not met each other before. one case we had two of them ended up on the same landing craft and coincidently we had found them and put them back together again. they were modest beyond belief in describing their modesty and they were proud of what they had done. they were willing to come and
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tell their story but only if i asked the questions and almost always they would respond oh i didn't do anything more here than anyone else would. they all had stories of buddies that didn't make it or were terribly maimed and they came back to america many of them from small towns that lost their fathers at an early age and great deprivation. they came back and they took the g.i. bill and they found -- went to college in record numbers. in the beginning of the marshall plan they rebuilt their enemies in japan and germany. they were involved in a long difficult cold war. they withstood the ravages of the cultural revolution in the 60s. there were too quick at the beginning to say vietnam was a good idea but once they got at which they did quite swiftly many of them said it was a terrible idea. and they were reluctant to --
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women leaving the house. they grew up in an all-male environment during the world but once i got that they also encouraged their wives and especially their daughter should take their place in the world. they never whined and they never whimpered.


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